mT’ (r.. •y’ N, X BATUKUAI, JUNS I, 194|T llMk Weatticr. Avei;fige Daily Foemtet ef V. S. Weathhr .<>1 TWieLva M anchest^y^vehing H ^ald F o r lito f'.loudy, eontlnneil rool tonight; ment. Jack probably figure* Tuesday steul.v diminishing rloud-. would be better for the theater 1 Ready to Sell ASHES iHid RUBBISH Iness and somewhat tvamier in bi- Wins lironi^ Slur a bed Were **1 up lor kinn ki hi* Soniewfiere iu Pacific Member ef Hte- Aodlt teii'nr. About Town Heard Along Main Street office. R E M O V E D ^ Bureau of Ctroulattpa* 3 ^ Bonds "iX. ... •. X . MtmehesUT—^'A €Uy of Village Charrtp And on Some of ManchesUir^Side Slreets, Too The winter eblclw of the Man­ TELEPHONE C torn C. ningstoMe h«a. com- chester area areXow In that stage (TWELVB PAG ES )% PRICE THREE CENTS ^t«d hit boot tralnltiK at we of grdwth and weight which once GAVELLO « B. '(OlaMiaea Adverttebii m Fags MV MANCBi^3TER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 4, 194.>5 ^ v al jiUUoh in Sampson. N. The other afternoem, foui'^hj>sifj', | ly m em bership,and for whom the characteriZed the delicacy known Mighty SeVenih Cam­ VOL. t^XIT., NO. SOT X . and is apendln^g a "J"* hcalLIiy looking h o n o ia p l^ dis- I Y it open only during the fall and a* the broiler. But the broiler, as paign to Gel Under hla wife- and .-childfen at 37 Ed- charged veterans of -W orld War. w inter sea,son ? such. H no' more; This year any­ wards street, Mr. Rjhgstone was II,were talking^-lC group at the The paying ' members' had no th !^ with feathers.^an.d a strut Is Way Here Then. , formerly an- inspector. ,,at , the Center whcn„t5^ women shoppers game rooms, no pool or ping-pong more likely^^to be^ known as Free^ Prisoners Watch ftelsen Bum Pratt and Whitney Aircraft p.iaiu: by,^^fmd remarked rather , tables; no card -.tables, radio -or ''■briedlng ^ cockerel,” a fantasy Oil Burners The Retail Division is all set^and Ihin^se Appro in East Hartford. ,r ' loudlyT^Seems mighty funny that book and magaaine room. T»ter two which, theoretically, makes It legal X; i>etfM fellows are lucky , enough to rooms that'-were formerly oc- for the seller to approach tfie black ready to go on June 4 to sell Bohds and z Ernest C. Linders, Jr.,JtJ^fT8tay out of the service and my boy hy the male members', for matkef qf J3.00 a bird. ^nd thore Bonds. Col. Russell B. /furnaces returried from overseas ^i,ty with is In the Army.", If certain people this purpose were closed in their ' The »(eITa,ra of the.se breeding thaway reported vthat- ever^ the Triutsportation Corps >n the onl>^.....^ knew, they wouldn't east_ fates and opened to"Jumble Inn" cockerela w ^t ao far, the other -Ijat detail had been, tak^n care of / A Pew Stip AvallaMK iW Alaskan Kfense .Ctfmmand. and •rl«rribg_rem^^^^ and their members. day. as to invkde Manchester ’and ahoNUiat the entire personnel of is at the redlitti^ution station at! have served their country faith- set lip business with a triidk in Manengster's stores and plnceo of \ RACKLIFKE OIL 6o. Off Ghinen Sector; Activities in the g>-m were hot Lake Plgc*d'S>N . V. Sgt. 4 - lfully n -and i *>»'"'have been diseharecd.disClmrKcd up to standard. Outside of biskel- front of one of Mahehester's , own buslnesaVere confident that Bhnd 8M Maple Avepoe — Hartford ders .entered the ^ y ic e in Sep­ There are few young men In balf there Wa-Sr’l much activity butcher shops. The idea, apparent­ sales wouidsbe brisk. t e ^ H artford 1-6181 town who have not scr\;ed In .one ly, Was to catch disappointed trade The RetalKDriW.a'lll be in ef­ tember, 1942, prevlotlli n| o. which for the youths who paid member­ on the rebound. ; IM w u :« sergeant in Com ply H, or another branch of the armed fect from Jtinh.;4 tnrqugh the 15 forces. In addition there are many ship for a year. There' was no or­ Whatever the farmers’ cabe for State Ouards. H* is the soiK, of ganised program and many com- during which time ''shoppers In who have .been foUnd physically a higher, OPA price may be, the fe- Manche'atcr will be^askedw invest Atiead 2 Miles Mr. and Mra> I^ e a t C. Llndersjof plalnta -were received from the black market rates are not help­ /l^^ithin 2» Mile ' 368 Parker street. -Two other unfit, certainly no fault of the btjy, their money in -War BOTds. OiiUy- orcei Aniiy, who has probably tried to enll.at youngaters aa to the system that ing It. For the black . market ing ■ districts will also B* reached Former Americ brothers . have long been In the was employed. Nothing was done scale la ho modest adjustment, but Styenth ' Infantry Divi- anrlcc. Master Sergeant Ray- many a time, ►'only to be turned. through this Retell plan, fqr many doWn at the induction center. to cive the youngsters Interesting at least doiible what a very hand­ surrounding districts make\Man- Base; Close Within Yanks Pursue | inond E. Under*, who has served and, attractive programs as were_ ^ ailing Plaii Super-Forts fiion . Scores ^ Greatest Another story about di.acharged fpl. Fraiyda E. Wt*ohna some honest price would be. Still, Lt. (Jg) Ralph A. Petenton chester a shopping center aniTTieo- \ la England, North Africa and vkerana of the present war con- carried’on several years ago In the that may not be what/(he people Five Miles of Shao- Italy, and Staff Sergeant Carl F. pie shopping here In town will One Day Aclvance in cigna a local ruldent who was m V. organisation. • . Corp. Francis E. Wocltna has, thi^nk. The number/ of- poultr.v Coast Guard Lieutenant fjgl approached to ■ invest In Wii Ousted Japs To JHit Japs ^ Undera la with the Coast Artil­ company with a veteran.one eve­ We wonder, w hat the inci ca.scd . fanciers seems on the increase'and Ralph A. Beteraon of 120 South Bonds for the Seventh War Loan yang in Hunan Prov Qels-^upport ' Okinawa/ Campaign; lery a t San Diego. received the BronZe" Star Medal ning. Th4 resident sudderily look­ activities will bo neXt year for the rcccntlv by Brigadier General customers who d ^ ’t know the dif­ Main street Is at present -<)h‘ a; Drive. ince During Offensive^ | Front /U ne Officers ed at the left lapel hole of the vet’s members ss'anticipated in the re*, .tesse Auton,.(Icftl of Codington. ference betivcSn a Leghorn and Coast Giiard-mahued frigate, "We’pf the Retail,Dlviaion" said Near H arder >f<— Oleda Schrottky; author of coat where he wore: a discharged port. Let's have the Y officlal.s Ky. Corporal Wochna \wpn the barred roclt-'seem to be going in .somewhere in.the Pacl^ Lieut. Colonel Hathaway,-: "feel Sure that Grew ‘Gives *Shi,te' De­ Predict Next 48 Hours numerous. plays and pageants for button and noticed a button, with look further into the situation and medal for “oiit.slsndiog perform­ . for breeding In a big wav. "Peterson, son of Mr. and'^IrS. Carl through the determined effort of Chungking, June 4^/P)— wings attached. He. rctiiarkcd, partment Views as Olri Scouts, will be the guest make amentia so that the Man­ ance in the line of duty as a'cam- , ^ A. Peterson, has .- seCn \ action our huge Bond Sales force, wc will The Chinese drove night | '7,000^Ume Fleeln ami As Telling- Story of apeaker at the annual meeting of guess you have worked In the air­ chester Y. M. C. A. I an take its era technician with . the 56th Nf4i-spapet:8 are constantly get-. against the Japs jn New GiUpM. help Manchester to meet Ita quota within 28 miles 0 1 strategic | Heavyv Fighting on Min­ craft long enough for a service Gommittee H irin gs Effective D e f eii s e . S ^ e r Hartford Girl Scoiit Lead- place among the better organis­ Fighter-Group, top-scoriiig fighter" Uhg letters ‘-.teom "crack-pots, the Netherlands East Indies and of. 6705,000 In E Bond Series.” Ltuchow, former U. S. air danao; ISO Skeletons Jjarger Soon May At- ara at Aaylum Htll Congregation­ pin." The vet didn’t say much but ed units in town. • outfit in the Eighth Air Force. And. it is freely admitted that at Leyte and-Llngayen Gulf In the DIA he had to hold back pfelty„ hard base and Ipd^ngsi province Opened oii Subject. al church, Thursday, June 7 at 'England. He designed and install- California seCms to be. the home Philippines. ' ."."'■I' " ’ k ' . ' Fpuinl in Old Penal ■tdeli a* Frequency Guam, .lune 4.—(/P) — In 7:46. Local council, members, from, telling his friend what he I^cal stores .arc working the- il junetkm, the high com- ed ^.special'Xrectinnais.sance ydm-* | state Of "crack-pots." LAWN / Full, insured WaahingtomXJ'une 4-.— -rThe the greatest orte day advance troop committee members and all thought. The lad was just back 'numbers game ' in handling cus- era intJ:!.*^ P-47'Thunderbolt^ane* I 7’his week’s mail-brought a let- CRthp North o f City. O f Ruith .Increases. from mahy months in the South your furs and other mabd^wmounced tonight, In bltereated are cordially Invited to. tome'rs by rotatipn^a'nd in- many flown,b'^ , ter to this newspaper - and .
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