Julian McKinlay King University of Wollongong Globalisation, governance and State-sponsored terror: The case of

Rethinking Peace, Conflict and Governance Conference, University of New England, 12-14 February 2020 I pay tribute to the late Professor Peter King (CPACS) and late Dr John Otto Ondawame, former OPM freedom fighter, academic (CPACS), and OPM International Spokesperson who spent much of their lives fighting for West Papuan freedom Indonesia: 7,000 km island chain occupying former Dutch East Indies Territories, and the (former) territories of New Guinea incorporating over 3,000 language groups PART ONE

THE BIRTH OF STATE FASCISM WITH THE ARRIVAL OF JAPAN 1941: The Japanese line of advance in Dutch East Indies, Portuguese Timor, and Netherlands New Guinea 1941: The Japanese arrival in Dutch East Indies was welcomed by (Tropenmuseum) Sukarno worked as principal ‘Collaborator’ for the Japanese during WWII extorting resources / labour from the island archipelago 1953: Sukarno visiting Emperor Hirohito

1944: The Japanese Imperial Army trained a Javanese paramilitary force in with the ideology of Fascism in preparation for the Allied invasion A total of 1.5 million auxiliary paramilitary (C.L.M. Penders, 2002) Japanese Imperial Army members defect, create, & lead the ‘Black Fan’ terrorist group (Times Herald, 15 September 1945) Japanese recounts role fighting to free Indonesi a

SIDOMULYO VILLAGE, Indonesia — Rahmat Shigeru Ono enjoyed his dinner of fried noodles, mixed sauteed vegetables and a spicy boiled egg.

For most of his life he has eaten Indonesian dishes and he’s used to it, except that it must be accompanied by an “umeboshi” (pickled plum).

“Papi always wants to eat this,” his youngest daughter said while putting some umeboshi on his plate, referring to Ono by the name his family and neighbors call him.

“I miss Japanese food sometimes,” he said at his modest house in the village of Sidomulyo, near the 9 September 2009 hilly resort town of Batu in Province. Umeboshi, at least, can cure his longing for Japanese foJapod. anese recounts role fighting to free Indonesi a Ono, whose Indonesian name is Rahmat, is one of the estimated 1,000 Japanese soldiers who deserted and stayed behind in the Dutch East Indies, mostly on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali,Jap afteran esethe Japanese reco sunurrenderedts role to thefighting Allied forces to on free Aug. 15, Indone 1945. si a They fought alongside rebels fighting for an independent state of Indonesia against the returning SIDOMULYO VILLAGE, Indonesia — Rahmat Shigeru Ono enjoyed his dinner of fried noodles, Dutch. After the war, some of the Japanese never returned home. mixed sauteed vegetables and a spicy boiled egg. “Some stayed by choice, either because they already had local girlfriends or wives, and just tried to sForurvive most and of other his life reas heons,” has said eaten Eiichi Indonesian Hayashi, who dishes wrot ande “Zanryuu he’s used Nihon-hei to it, except no Shinjitsu” that it m(“Tushet be SIDOMULYO VILLAGE, Indonesia — Rahmat Shigeru Ono enjoyed his dinner of fried noodles, Traccompaniedue Story of a Japanese by an “umeboshi” Soldier Who (pickled Stayed Behind”), plum). a book telling Ono’s story. mixed sauteed vegetables and a spicy boiled egg. M“Papiany of always them also wan fetsar toed eat being this,” co urhist-m yoaruntialedges tor daughter tried as war said criminals while p ifut theyting let some their umeboshi on his whereaboutsFor most of behis know life hen. has eaten Indonesian dishes and he’s used to it, except that it must be plate, referrin1,000g to Ono – 3,000 by theJapanese name hisImperial family Army and neidefectorsghbors lead call Indonesia’shim. accompanied by an “umeboshi” (pickled plum). “They heard rumors that soon after boSpecialarding Guerrillathe ship r etForcesurning to Japan, they would be thrown into the“I miss sea,” Japanesesaid Hayashi, food who sometimes,” visited Ono hemore said than at his80 times modest for his ho bouseok in. the village of Sidomulyo, near the “Papihilly r esalwaysort town wan ofts Batu to eat in this,” East hisJava yo Province.ungest daughter Umeboshi, said at while least, p canutting cur somee his longing umeboshi for Japaneseon his plfoate,od. referring to Ono by the name his family and neighbors call him.

“IO nomiss, whose Japanese Indonesian food sometimes,” name is Rahmat, he said is at one his of modest the estimated house in 1,000 the villageJapanese of Sidomsoldiersul yo,who near the hillydeser rtedesor andt town stayed of Batu behind in East in the Java D utProvince.ch East Indies, Umeboshi, mostl aty onleas thet, can islands cure of his Sum longingatra, Java for Japanese and foBali,od. after the Japanese surrendered to the Allied forces on Aug. 15, 1945.

OThenoy, whosefought Indonesianalongside rebels name fi ghis Rahmat,ting for an is independentone of the estimated state of Indonesia 1,000 Japanese against soldiers the ret whourning desDuterch.ted After and the sta wyedar, behindsome of in the the Japanese Dutch East never Indies, returned mos home.tly on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali, after the Japanese surrendered to the Allied forces on Aug. 15, 1945. “Some stayed by choice, either because they already had local girlfriends or wives, and just tried to Tsurhevivey fought and other alongs reideasons,” rebels said figh Eiichiting forHayashi, an independent who wrote s “Zanryuutate of Indonesia Nihon-hei against no Shinjitsu” the returning (“The DTrutuech. St orAftery of the a Japanese war, some Soldier of the Who Japanese Stayed never Behind”), returned a book home. telling Ono’s story.

“SomeMany of s tathemyed byalso choice, feared either being beca courust-me artheytialed alre orad tryie hadd as local war girlfriendscriminals if or they wiv letes ,their and just tried to swhereaboutsurvive and other be know reasn.ons,” said Eiichi Hayashi, who wrote “Zanryuu Nihon-hei no Shinjitsu” (“The True Story of a Japanese Soldier Who Stayed Behind”), a book telling Ono’s story. “They heard rumors that soon after boarding the ship returning to Japan, they would be thrown into Mthean sea,”y of themsaid Hayashi, also fear whoed being visited co Onourt-m moreartialed than or 80 tr timesied as for war his criminals book. if they let their whereabouts be known.

“They heard rumors that soon after boarding the ship returning to Japan, they would be thrown into the sea,” said Hayashi, who visited Ono more than 80 times for his book. 1945: Following Japanese rule, Sukarno shifts ideology from ‘democratic – centralism’ to Fascism to create the Indonesian ‘Fuhrerstaat’ (Bernhard Dahm, 1966) 26 November 1946: The signing of the Linggadjatti Agreement between Dutch and Javanese leadership Republic of Indonesia consisted of Java, Sumatra, and Madura. All other Territories were entitled to self-determination 17 January 1948: The signing of the UN Security Council brokered Renville Agreement aboard USS Renville in Djakarta Bay The Renville Agreement demarcation lines (RI in red). All other Territories were entitled to self-determination and excluded Netherlands New Guinea 2 November 1949: Signing the UNSC brokered Hague Agreement. It included the other States / Territories of the Dutch East Indies and not Netherlands New Guinea Hague Agreement granted sovereignty to the “Republic of the of Indonesia” and under ‘Transitional Measures’ allows all 15 autonomous states self-determination UN resolution 491: The ‘Republic of Indonesia’ is admitted into the in violation of the Hague Agreement which stipulates ‘The Republic of the United States of Indonesia’. The 15 NSG Territories were denied self-determination. UN resolution 448: The “full independence” of the Republic of Indonesia excluding West (Netherlands) New Guinea 1961: ‘Netherlands New Guinea’ was listed as a Non-Self-Governing Territory (UN Doc ST/TRI/SER.A/19)


Editor-in-Chief Leanne Mahly

Executive Editors Vanessa Antal

Mark Batakin Jacklin Molla

Lisa Neubert

Editors Gian Chung

Ana-Catarina De Sousa

Elizabeth Danaher Rebecca Durbin

Jessica Farrell Charlotte Fitzgerald

Danyon Jacobs

Dillon Mahly

Consulting Executive Editor GRIFFITH JOURNAL OF Dr Allan Ardill LAW & HUMAN DIGNITY

Volume 6 Issue 2 2018 Published in February 2019, Gold Coast, Australia by the Griffith Journal of Law& Human Dignity ISSN: 2203-3114 WEST PAPUA EXPOSED: AN ABANDONED NON-SELF-GOVERNING OR



This paper examines the shift in legal status that should have occurred, Current legal status of West Papua: An abandoned Non-Self-Governing under the United Nations (‘UN’) Charter, with the transfer of West Papua or Trust Territory from the Netherlands to the United Nations in 1962 via the ‘Indonesia and Netherlands Agreement (with annex) concerning West New Guinea (West Irian)’. It advances that this agreement must be a Trusteeship Agreement shifting West Papua’s legal status from a Non-Self-Governing Territory of the Netherlands to a Trust Territory of the United Nations. As such, the United Nations via the Trusteeship Council was, and remains, responsible to ensure the West Papuan people attain self-government or independence as required under Article 76(b) of the Charter. The argument is based upon Chapters XI, XII, and XIII of the UN Charter governing decolonisation and is further supported by admissions contained in now-declassified secret American, Australian, and United Nations documents from the period. A legal path to assist the people of West Papua to attain their rightful independence is also advanced utilising the Rules of Procedure of the Trusteeship Council where any UN Member can add an agenda item, and inhabitants from the Territory or other parties can present petitions, to draw the Council’s attention to a breach of the International Trusteeship System. This will allow the Trusteeship Council to seek an advisory opinion

* This paper is based on the presentation, ‘West Papua: The Geopolitical Context and Legal Recourse’, delivered by Julian McKinlay King at ‘Beyond the Pacific: West Papua on the World Stage’, West Papua Project, University of Sydney (online), 1 September 2017 . ** Julian McKinlay King is a member of the West Papua Project Steering Committee at the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney; advisor to the United Liberation Movement for West Papua and Groups Revolutionnaires Koutumiers Kanaks; and former assistant to the late Dr Otto Ondawame. He holds a master’s degree in Social Anthropology and completed doctoral research on the United Nations Transitional Administration in where an alleged attempt was made on his life by the United Nations Security Forces before being framed as a terrorist by the Horta-Alkateri-Lobato government and subsequently exonerated. Julian is recommencing doctoral research at the University of Sydney. *** Andrew Johnson is also an advisor to the United Liberation Movement for West Papua, has conducted research on behalf of the late Dr John Otto Ondawame, and is Founder of the online websites West Papua Information Kit and Colony of West Papua.

The UN Secretariat committed at least 19 covert breaches of international law From 1958 to 1962 Indonesian military made numerous ‘invasions’ into West Papua 1963: At the onset of Indonesian administration, anyone found opposing Indonesia was arrested, murdered, or disappeared Reuters report, 2 June 1969 Department of State, Frank Gailbraith, ‘The Nature of the Opposition’ 9 July 1969 Secret US Department of State report by Frank Gailbraith, ‘The Nature of the Opposition’ (9 July 1969) Some examples of terror …

Indonesia’s 753 Battalion sweeping in the Freeport area in 1974 following OPM activity killed a local Amungme villager Kibak Nagalolan.

“Nagalolan was hung up and his head cut off; his blood was collected in a bucket and the massed crowd ordered to drink it.

Ondawame 2010:106-7 Hundreds massacred in Biak in 1998 by Indonesian military after raising the Morning Star flag


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They' re taking our children

W est Papua' s youth are being removed to Islam ic religious schools in Java for " re- education" , writes M ichael Bachelard.

Michael Bachelard


Jo hanes Lokobal sit s on t he grass t hat cushions t he wooden floor of h is lit t le, one-room h ouse. He warm s h is h ands at a f ire set in t h e cen tre. From t im e t o t im e a pig, out of sigh t in an an nex, squeal s an d slam s it self t hunderously against t he adjoining wall.

World SUBSCRIBE HI THERE! The village of Megapura in t h e cen t ral h igh lan ds of Indonesia' s f ar- Advertisement The SydneyNE MoWSrn SIiTnEg O HF TeHraE lYdEAR east ern provin ce of West Papua is so remWo otrld e t h at supplies arrive by SUBSCRIBE HI THERE! News Sport Business World Politics Comment Property Entertainment Lifestyle Travel Cars air or by f oTohte SydonnleyyNE .Mo WJoSrn ShIiTnEga O HnF TeHeraEs lYdE ALRokobal h as lived h ere all h is lif e. He does MOST POPULAR World SUBSCRIBE HI THERE! not know his eNewsxact Sp aogrte: Bu" siJunessst oWoldr,ld" hPoeli ticcsroaCokmmes. nHet Pro' sp aertlysoEn pteortoainrme. "ntI hLiefelstpyle Travel Cars The SydneyNE MoWSrn SIiTnEg O HF TeHraE lYdEAR in t h e f ields.News I earSponrt abouBusiness tWo 20rld Po,0litics00C ormmeunpiaht Propert y[ $2]Enterta ipernment Ldifeaystyle . TIra vecll eanCars t h e 1 David Jones under fire for school garden." But in a hard lif e, one hardship part icularly of f ends con trover sial apology him . In 2005, his only son, Yope, was taken to faraway Ja kart a.

Lokobal didHHomeo men/ Wot/o rl dW owanrld t Yope t o go.Ho Thme e/ Wboyorld was perh aps 14, but big an d 2 Wh o is likely t o be cheat ed on? MARCH 2 2014 SAVE PRINT LICENSE ARTICLE Hon est ly, all of us st rong, a goMARCHod 2w 2014orker. Th e m en responsible t ook h im anyway. A f ew SAVE PRINT !29LICENSE ARTICLE Papuan children takeWonMARCH rltdo Ja 2k 2014arta to be convertSUeBSCdR IBEto HI THERE! SAVE PRINT LICENSE ARTICLE years later,T hYe SydonpeyeNE MoW Sdirn SIiTnEge O HF d.TeHraE lYd EANoR body can tell Lokobal how, nor exact ly Islam PaNewspuSpaort nBu sicnesshildrePoliticsnC otmmeantkProepnerty tEnotert aiJnmeant kLifeastylrte Tarave l tCoars be converted to Swift's win sen ds powerful rem in der wh en, and h e h as no ideaWo wrld h ere h is son is buried. All h e knows, 3 TIslamaken from West Papua to , Ptwo abroptheurs an children taken to Jakat ort all awom to en be converted to fiercely, isd te hatscribe tb hieings ''s wchasool enotd'' in tsuphe Mupsliosedm faith .t o happen. Tak Meicnhae lf Barochemlard We st Papua tIslamo Jakarta, two brothers 4 The royals h ave a ban ned food list dHomees/ c Worirld be being ''schooled'' in the Muslim faith. SHARE TWEET MORE (and so sh ould we) SHARE MARCH 2 2014 Taken from West PaSApVEuPaRINT toLICE NSJE aARTkICLEarta, two brothers When the p Mariecnhtsa oef lDe Bamciahneulsa arndd Seth Go bay d ied in their small West Papua vPillaage pof Nuabairen pe rchahps ifivled yerears ango, ntoat alkl theeirnd six te chilosd rcJenari cokublda aertffo rdba to etoin bge ''scocnhveortoeledd t''o in the Muslim faith. stay at school. Tiff any Scan lon' s words of caut ion f or Islam 5 So whe nSH theAR boEys' u ncle, Ju TprWi GEETobay, ap proached witMOREh an of fer of free Alex Nat ion Michael Bachelard Advertisement schooling for the youngest, Demianus, the remaining children lea pt at the Taken from West Papua to Jakarta, two brothers chance. The offer had a catch, however. Demianus, who says he was just five Wdehescnri tbhee b peainregn ''sts cohf oDeolemdia'' ninu st haen dM Seustlhim G ofabiathy .died in their small West Papua years old at the time but was probably a little older, would be taken away to MOST POPULAR village of Nabire perhaps five years ago, not all their six children could afford to Jakarta. MToic hhimael Bait sceheemlaerd an ad ven ture, but neither he nor his family had any idseta tyha att w shechon heo alr.rived at the port in Jakarta, the young C hristian boy wou ld 'Alt-right ' president: Cha rlottesville SHARE TW1EETconfirms the worst about DonMOREald Trump be converted to Islam and taken to a strictly religious boarding school. There

he wouSHldAR leEarn little TeWlsEETe but how to chaMOREnt Koran verses and preach his new So when the boys' uncle, Jupri Gobay, approached with an offer of frOebaema reply to US violence becomes religion. 2 Twitter’s most popular Advertisement sWchehon othelin pagr efnotrs otfhe De myoiaununsg aensd tSe, Deth Gmobiaay ndieuWds ,in the hethe irnr es mmtahelal inW einpst agPa rcpehiluandtrse no fle Deapt mat iathenus and Seth Gobay died in their small West Papua village of Nabire perhaps five years ago, not all their six children could afford to chance. The offer had a catch, however. Demianus, who says he wasB juali snint ef ivReenae Lawrence recommended stay at school. village of Nabire perha3 pfors sentencefive cutyears ago, not all their six children could afford to years old at the time but was probably a little older, would be taken away to MOST POPULAR So when the boys' uncle, Jupri Gobay, approached wsittha ayn oaffter sofc frhoee ol. Overseas orphanages under scrutiny as 4 Advertisement Jscahokoalrintga f.o Tr tohe him youn gites st,e Deemmiaendu sa, nthe a rdevmeanintinugr cehil, bdruent nleaepitt heat ther he nor his familAyus tharaliadn sa tnoldy to withdraw support idchaenac et.ha Thet owffheer hand he a c aatcrh,riv hoewde vaert. tDehem iapnourst, winho J sayksa hert waa, st juhest fyivoeung Christian boy would 'Alt-right' president: Charlottesville Australian Andrew Fenwick and son d1ie in years old at the time but was probably a little older,So wou lwd bhee taknen tawheay t oboys' unc5MOSles,w imJTmu inPOPULApg rpoio lG in TohabilRandy, approacocnhefirmds wtheit who rastn a boofuft eDor noafld f Trreuemp bJaek acrotan. Tvoe himrte dit steoe mIsedla amn a davnendt utraek, beunt nteoit hea rs hetr icnotrl yhis r fealmigilioy hauds abnoy arding school. There Advertisement The removalheidea w thaout wofldhe lne heachildrenr anrr ivlitedtl aet tehels peo brtu inandt Jhoakawrta t, otindoctrinationhe cs haycouhonngt CKohrolisinrtaiangn vbfoeoyr wsreo utslhe dand y po rintoueanchg ehis'As lttfundamentalist-r ,nig ehtDew' premsideiant: nChaurlostt,e stvilhele rem aIinslaming chil bydr ethen le aJavanesept at the The forcible removal of West Papuan1 co nfchildrenirms the worst about Do bynald T ruIndonesiamp Obama reply t o US violence becomes be converted to Islam and taken to a strictly religious boarding school. There 2 religion. chance. The offer had a catch, however. DemiaTwnittuers’s, mwohost p ospaulyasr he was just five he would learn little else but how to chant Korulingran versesis and panelitereach achis n eistw o anf genocide act of genocide 2 Obama reply to US violence becomes religion. years old at the time butT wittaers’s mposrt poopbulaarbly a little older, would be taken away to Bali nine Renae Lawrence recommended MOST POPULAR Bali nine Renae Lawrence recommen3ded for sentence cut Jakarta. To him it seem3 eford sentence an a cutdventure, but neither he nor his family had any

! MORE" W0:22ORLD/ 3:33 NEWS VIDEOS # $ idea that when he arriv4 eOdv eraseta s toherphan apgeos urntde rin scr uJtinay aks arOtvae,r steheas o rypohaunnagge sC unhrdeisr stciarutnin yb aos y would 'Alt-right' president: Charlottesville Australians told to withdraw support4 UP NEXT Australians told to withdraw support 1 confirms the worst about Donald Trump be converted to Islam and taken to a strictly religious boarding school. There Australian Andrew Fenwick and son die in 5 swimming pool in Thailand he would learn little else but how to chant KoAruasntra vliaenr Asnedsr eawn Fden pwicrek aancdh s ohisn die n inew 5 swimming pool in Thailand Obama reply to US violence becomes religion. 2 Twitter’s most popular

Bali nine Renae Lawrence recommended 3 for sentence cut

! MORE" W0:22ORLD/ 3:33 NEWS VIDEOS # $ UP NEXT Overseas orphanages under scrutiny as 4 Australians told to withdraw support

! MORE" W0:22ORLD/ 3:33 NEWS VIDEOS # $ Australian Andrew Fenwick and son die in UP NEXT 5 swimming pool in Thailand

! MORE" W0:22ORLD/ 3:33 NEWS VIDEOS # $

UP NEXT World Bank sponsored transmigration camp in West Papua as a tactic to thwart independence

Military operations are a major factor, but there are other contributing factors, such as colonial settlersWest called Papua: transmigrasi. The Ty arrheive every genoc week in theidir thoeusands, in Nduga facilitated by the autconthoritiesin to occupyues traditional lands and marginalise Papuan owners. Other contributing factors include poor health and less education. The people have demanded Rex Rumakiek, February 20, 2019 imIssueprovement 1210 // We in stthe Papuase areas but instead the government has put infrastructure, including road construction, as its priority to mainly benefit its military operations and colonial settlements. The word genocide is simple enough to understand, whether in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, PermanentPol Pot’s Cambod militaryia or operat in Westions Papua. have been Indonesia’s legacy in West Papua for years and are the reason why the international media is banned from the territory. Direct requests for fact finding The stories and intent are the same, a policy to annihilate the people considered the enemy of missions by the Pacific Islands Forum and the Melanesian Spearhead Group have been flatly those in authority. Describing the horrifying methods used in these countries to eliminate people denied for this very reason. by state-sponsored activity is mind-boggling. West Papua: The genocide in Nduga TCallshe genoc for Indonesidal activitieia to send of t huhe mancolon riaiglht governments violations of by Indones the Uniait edaga Natinstio thens peopleHuman of R Westights PapuaCouncil iscontand ben maignjoin tor in tuesheternat levelio ofnal sub agencjugatieiosn suc andh aswil Amnestyl take tim Internate to achieiovenal, max theim Redum effect Cross, but World will produce Council of tChehu samerches, result, Franc tishecan obl Internatiterationio ofnal the and Papuan othe rs,people. including governments, have all been ignored. Rex Rumakiek, February 20, 2019 IsMeanwhilesue 1210 // We hust manPapua right abuses continue to be more devastating than ever, with the use of The program is called Operasi Tumpas or Operation Annihilation. Spearheaded by the military, it Tche wordmical genoc weapons.ide is simple enough to understand, whether in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, isPol an Pot operat’s Cambodionia ofor intotal West obl Papua.iteration of not only the people but also the resources that sustain their exCriistencemes as Indonesia a social unit. Inwants the long hidden run these methods will alter or destroy the social The stories and intent are the same, a policy to annihilate the people considered the enemy of infrastructures that maintain the existence of the people. those in authority. Describing the horrifying methods used in these countries to eliminate people byIt isstate well-sponsored establ actisheivitdy istha mint dthe-bogglre inisg. an undeclared war of resistance against Indonesian occupying The current military operations in Nduga District in the Highlands of West Papua (West New forces. GuThein genocea)id isal yet activitie anots ofhe trhe “ tumpascolonial government” because of t heIndonesre haiave aga beeninst t hemany people dur of Westing t Papuahe past 57 years. is benign to the level of subjugation and will take time to achieve maximum effect but will produce tThehe same ind result,iscrimin the oblateiterat useio nof of c the Papuanmical people.weapons dropped from helicopter gunships against fleeing Infrastructure decimated Villagers of the Nduga region in the Highlands of West Papua indicates the intensity of the war. The program is called Operasi Tumpas or Operation Annihilation. Spearheaded by the military, it isT hean operatcolonioian lof army total obl isit useratiniogn ofthe notse only banned the people weapons but also tinhe desperatresources thaiotn susta to terrorin theirise the Papuans and Whenever an area is declared a DORexM Rumakeik (an area, Greenof milit Leftary Weekly operat 2019ion) no one, not even family existence as a social unit. In the long run these methods will alter or destroy the social membersreduce res andistance. churc Thehes tactare allowedics are well to enter rehe tarsed.he area If to the del resiveristance human doesitar ianotn asscreateistance. an in Itc isident the infrastructures that maintain the existence of the people. strarmyictly w offill producelimits to oneinternat as aio pretextnal contact. to launch a major operation. The current military operations in Nduga District in the Highlands of West Papua (West New TGuSuheinch eapeople )pretexts is yet anothave hahe rgrownve “tumpas included, used” because to f irt thisstly,here cycle ha theve been ofdeat m manyilith ofary dur so operatin-cgalled the pastio “ns.c 57ivilia Tyears.hanst is”. w Ithy is wwellhenever-known it ha thappenst the TNI the whole population abandons their villages to the safety of the cold mountains and the jungle. Inf(Indonesrastruiactun Natre decimatedional Armed Forces) has long been involved in businesses in West Papua. This is Tparthey of move their w strategyith full knowledge to monitor tha andt w hedefeatn it is the safe OPM to return (West t hePapuare wil Independencel be nothing left Movement for them to). returnWhenever to. an T areaheir is hodeclaredmes, ac DOhuMrc he(ans, area sc hoof mols,ilitary clinic operats, ioinnclud) no one,ing notcrops even and fam ilany imals will have been membersDressin andg as chu civiliarches arens allowedis part to of enter the tirhe concealed area to deliver strategy humanitar toia nsecure assistance. success. It is destroyed. While in hiding, exposed to the elements, many of their members, especially the young strictly off limits to international contact. andSecondly, the old, the w ilpeoplel die from in t heexposure Nduga and area malnutr are opposedition. to the decision by Indonesian President Joko The people have grown used to this cycle of military operations. That is why whenever it happens tWheid whoodole populat to grantion abandons a perm itthe toir vail lagesTNI to contractor the safety of ttohe bucoldil mountad the Transins and tPapuahe jungle. Highway. The highway will Trunhey tmovehroug withh fullNduga knowledge Distr thaictt w —he na itstrong is safe toho returnld of t hethere wTPNill be (Wnothinestg Papuanleft for the mL ibtoeration Army). return to. Their homes, churches, schools, clinics, including crops and animals will have been destroyed. While in hiding, exposed to the elements, many of their members, especially the young and the old, will die from exposure and malnutrition. !41

Social media …

Indonesian military take ‘trophy’ shots of murdered West Papuans Mass graves are common … Nduga killings, Papua highlands circa February 2018 Indonesian military use illegal white phosphorus bombs in West Papua


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FEAHoTURED TOPICS:w mining and the military created an IN DEPTH: NIGERIA HEADLINES BY EMAIL AFRICA ASIAHIV MIDDLE EAST POPULAR epidemic ARTICLES OPINION in Indonesia’s Papua The HIV epidemic has fed into theories that the Indonesian governmentSusan Schulman is trying to wipe out the indigenous population. GainingSusan Schulman rare access is a freelance into journalist a basedregion in L ondon severely restricted to journalists, IRIN Special Report exposes how a rampant sex trade and inadequate HIV treatments are How mining and“P theapuans militar believey created HIV an wasfuelling intentionally a health crisisintroduced into Papua by HIV epidemic Indonesiansin Indonesia’ sin P apuaorder to kill us,” one Papuan confided to IRIN. “And Martina Wanago was sick. In fact, she was sure she would die . She Gaining rare access into a region severely restricted to journalists, IRIN thathad contractedthe government HIV, which has reached intentionally epidemic proportions here leaves the disease to spread exposes how a rampant sex trade and inadequate HIV treatments are fuelling ina healthIndonesia crisis’s remote and restive province of Papua. And like widelymany of those without infected, she taking didn ’t know serious what was wrong measures with her. to overcome the problem.”

“All I could do was just wait for God to call me ,” Wanago said, TheIt closingis in perhapste hern eyestional as firelight an spread flickunderstandableered on o herf HI faceV in bya traditional Indonesia conclusion in Wes givent Pa thatpua governmentis a deliberate roundhouseac in tK ambeleto bring, a remote abou artisanalt mining its desvillage trdeepuc intion and an act of genocide cloud-shrouded mountains. KAMBELE/INDONESIA, 21 policiesKAMBELE/INDONESIA, have reduced 21 them to a minority in their homeland, and

November 2016 securityBut it wasNovember here forces, in this unlik2016 continueely spot, that she foundto arrest, salvation. Or abuse, and sometimes kill those rather, she found treatment – at the Waa Waa Hospital in the whonearby speak community ofout. Banti. Despite those pressures, Papuan activists

continueThe hospital was to built campaign by Freeport McMoR foran, one independence of the world’s . largest mining companies, based in Phoenix, Arizona. It is one of very few positive developments that the industry has brought to indigenous Papuans. “Under international law and practice, we have a right to self- In fact, Papua’s resource wealth is intimately connected to its determination,tortuous past half-century”, which one has toldincluded IRIN, a foiled attempt on conditionat of anonymity. “It is our independence followed by an armed rebellion in which Indonesian land.security” forces have killed tens of thousands of indigenous people.

A more recent consequence of mining and militarisation is the HIV Wepidemicanago in P apua.has According turned to a 2013 to study activism conducted by too, although it’s of a dif erent kind Indonesia’s health ministry, the epidemic had an infection rate that – isshe 20 times’s thedrawing national average on, and her 88 percent own of those experience infected to encourage people to were unaware that they had contracted the virus. use condoms.


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Military sweeping operations across the Nduga highlands region over past months, 50,000 people displaced, many children and elderly dead from exposure. Exposure and malnutrition killing hundreds following military attacks on villages Indonesia election: Paramilitary gangs choose their candidates ahead of presidential poll By Indonesia correspondent David Lipson Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019, 3:08am

Indonesia election: Paramilitary gangs choose their candidates ahead of presidential poll By Indonesia correspondent David Lipson Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019, 3:08am

Indonesia election: election: Paramilit Paramilitary gangsary gangs choose choose their their candidates ahead ahead of presidentialof presidential poll poll By IndoneIndonesisia aco correrrespondentspondent Davi Dad Lipvidso Lipn son Poststeded F Friri 12 12 Ap Apr 2019,r 2019, 3:08am 3:08am PHOTO: Members of Brigade '08 are backing presidential challenger . (ABC News: David Lipson)

Indonesian "thugs for hire" are playing an increasing role in the RELATED STORY: 'Ghost votes': Indonesia's election nation's presidential election, less than a week out from the world's plagued by vote buying, false identities biggest single-day poll. RELATED STORY: Internet trolls are trying to bring down Indonesia's President Known as "preman" from the Dutch term for "free man," they can be RELATED STORY: What you need to know about the seen at every political rally dressed in military fatigues, army boots and five Asian elections in 2019 berets.

"[They're] basically thugs and they have built a reputation as very tough, Key points: rough. Sometimes their actions border on criminal," said Endy Bayuni, PHOTO: Members of Brigade '08 are backing presidential challenger Prabowo Subianto. (ABC News: David Lipson) Paramilitary groups are providing PHSeOTO:nio Membr ersEd of Brigadeitor '08of are The backing pJakaresidentialrt chaallenge Por Prabowost. Subianto. (ABC News: David Lipson) Indonesiansecu "rithtugsy and fo rsu hire"ppo arert to playing presidential an increasing role in the RELATED STORY: 'Ghost votes': Indonesia's election Indonesian "thugs for hire" are playing an increasing role in the RELATED STORY: 'Ghost votes': Indonesia's election nation'sca presidenndidatetisal ahead election, of lessthe elethanct aion week out from the world's plagued by vote buying, false identities nation's presidential election, less than a week out from the world's plagued by vote buying, false identities PHOTO: Members of Brigade '08 are backing presidential challenger Prabowo Subianto. (ABC News: David Lipson) biggest single-day poll. RELATED STORY: Internet trolls are trying to bring biggestMa singleny -dofay the poll. 'preman' groups began RELATED STORY: Internet trolls are trying to bring "They will almost do anything, fdownor Indone ansia'ys Pre causesident , for the down Indonesia's President IndonesianKnown as "pre "mathnugs" fro mfo ther hire" Dutch are term playing for "free an ma increasingn," they can be role in the RELATED STORY: 'Ghost votes': Indonesia's election as gangs and some still have links to RELATED STORY: What you need to know about the naseention's at eve presidenry politicalti raalll yelec dressetion,d in less mirilitary ghtthan fatigue a weekks,ind army ou boott offroms and monethe world'sy."plagued by vote buying, false identities Known as "preman" from the Dutch term for "free man," they can be five Asian elections in 2019 organised crime RELATED STORY: What you need to know about the berets. biggest single-day poll. RELATED STORY: Internet trolls are trying to bseringen at Soevemery politi grocaupl ras llhay dvere ssebeend in paidmilita ryby fatigues, army boots and five Asian elections in 2019 Paramilitary “mafia” groupdown Indonesi a'‘Pancasilas President beYouth’rets. has 3 million members across Kn"[Theowny're a] sba "psicarellmay thugn" fsro andm the the yDut havech built term a refoputationr "free ma as n,ve"ry the tough,y can beKey points: political parties to intimidate rough. Sometimes their actions border on criminal," said Endy Bayuni, RELATED STORY: What you need to know about the seTheen atre e veisry a politi lotca ofl ra llmoy drenesseyd toin mi belitary ma fatiguede s,at army ele bootctions and tiPamerami,litary acco grouprds aingre pro toviding Senior Editor of . five Asian elections in 2019 grassroots campaigners into silence berets. Indonesiasecu ritandy and suppo commencedrt to presidential "[The undery're] basica llSuhartoy thugs and the iny ha 1965ve built a reputation as very tough, Key points: Andreas Harsono from Human Rights Watch, Indonecandidatessi aheada. of the election Many of the 'preman' groups began rough. Sometimes their actions border on criminal," said Endy Bayuni, "["TheThey'yre wil] bal almostsically thug dos anandything they ha, fveor built any a cause reputation, for a thes very tough, Paramilitary groups are providing as gangKeys and points: some still have links to Senior Editor of The Jakarta Post. ro"Tugh.he Soy meprotimevisde theiri ghtsecur act kionindristy. boof rdmoneTheer ony ycri ."openminal," sadoorsid End ywhen Bayuni, oarg anipolitised cricimean would like to security and support to presidential Paramilitary groups are providing Senior Editor of The Jakarta Post. Some groups have been paid by candidates ahead of the election enter another [candidate's] territory," Mr Harsonopoliti sacal paid.rtsecuies to riintity mianddate support to presidential There is a lot of money to be made at election time, according to grassroots cacampndidateaignerss intoahead silen ofce the election Many of the 'preman' groups began Andreas Harsono from Human Rights Watch, Indonesia. "They will almost do anything, for any cause, for the "They will almost do anything, for any cause, for the Many of the 'preman' groups began as gangs and some still have links to Preman groups also use "intimidation and threats" to caas ptugangres and vo sotemes stbilly hataverg linetingks to rival grassrootrisght camp kindaigners of mone who y." "They provide security. Theriyght open kdoorsind when of mone a politiciyan." would like to organised crime enter another [candidate's] territory," Mr Harsono said. organised crime seek to unseat their political masters, according to Mr SoHarsono.me groups have been paid by Some groups have been paid by political parties to intimidate political parties to intimidate ThePremaren i sg roa uplots ofal somo usene y"i ntitomi bedation made and at th elereats"ction to catimeptu,re a ccovoterds bingy ta torgeting rival grassroots campaigners who There is a lot of money to be made at election time, according to seek to unseat their political masters, according to Mr Harsono. grassroots campaigners into silence grassroots campaigners into silence An"Vdiresiatings Harsono thei frro houm Humases,n Right visis Wattingch ,thei Indoner pasia.rent's houses, visiting their grandfathers.Andre Ifa stho Haserso thingno froms don'tHuma work,n Right thens Wat chthe, Indoney will sia. "Visiting their houses, visiting their parent's houses, visiting their grandfathers. If those things don't work, then they will "Tuusehese viyolen pviroceolenvi,de" he secu saceid.,ri"ty. he The say openid. doors when a politician would like to enter another [candidate's] territory," Mr Harsono said. "They provide security. They open doors when a politician would like to There are dozens of preman groups across the Indonesian archipelago, each conducting regular military-style enter another [candidate's] territory," Mr Harsono said. PrepaTheramadesren and g roa bootupres ca doalmpsoze turaseiningn s"inti sessiofmi dationponres. ma andn th greroats"up tos ca acropture vosste sthe by ta Indonergeting rivasil angrassroot archipelago,s campaigners ea whoch conducting regular military-style seThepaeykra altosode un putses on atand ditheisplar bootyspoliti of stcarecal ngthmampst anders, t bra raaccoveiningryrd foingr the sessito publi Mr c,Harsono. onincludings. slashing at their own necks and tongues Preman groups also use "intimidation and threats" to capture votes by targeting rival grassroots campaigners who with machetes and setting off string necklaces made of firecrackers. "Visiting their houses, visiting their parent's houses, visiting their grandfathers. If those things don't work, then theseye willk to unseat their political masters, according to Mr Harsono. uThese violeny alceso," he put said. on displays of strength and bravery for the public, including slashing at their own necks and tongues "Visiting their houses, visiting their parent's houses, visiting their grandfathers. If those things don't work, then they will Thewithre amare dochzenetes of sp reandman gseroupttings acro offss thest riIndoneng nesianckl archipelago,aces ma eadech co ofndu firecracting regulacker mirs.litary-style use violence," he said. parades and bootcamp training sessions.

They also put on displays of strength and bravery for the public, including slashing at their own necks and tonguesThere are dozens of preman groups across the Indonesian archipelago, each conducting regular military-style with machetes and setting off string necklaces made of firecrackers. parades and bootcamp training sessions.

They also put on displays of strength and bravery for the public, including slashing at their own necks and tongues with machetes and setting off string necklaces made of firecrackers. The Vice President in 2012 was a member of paramilitary (mafia) group Pancasila Youth (The Act of Killing) Vice “We need gangsters to get things done” (The Act of Killing) The Indonesian military receive only 25% of its income from government. 75% or US$2 Billion is derived from black market / extortion (Peter King, 2004) HOME ISSUE 24 ISSUE 23 REVIEWS ARCHIVE TRENDSETTERS HOME ISSUE 24 ISSUE 23 REVIEWS ARCHIVE TRENDSETTERS VIDEOS ABOUT US EDITORIAL COMMITTEE CONTACT VIDEOS ABOUT US EDITORIAL COMMITTEE CONTACT CENTER FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, KYOTO UNIVERSITY ! " # CENTER FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, KYOTO UNIVERSITY ! " #

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News and Comment

News and Comment SUNDAY, J U NE 22, 2014 Allan Nairn News: "Do I have the guts," Prabowo asked, "am I [email protected] (Allan ready to be called a fascist dictator?" SUNDAY, J U NE 22, 2014 AllaNairn Nan)irn News: "Do I have the guts," Prabowo asked, "am I View my complete profile By Allan Nairn [email protected] (Allan ready to be called a fascist dictator?" Nairn) On July 9 the world's fourth most populous country, Indonesia, will hold an View my complete profile eBylec Atilonlan t haNat icrnould result in General Prabowo Subianto becoming president. New Feature: See Below to Read Key News and Comment Postings. GOenne Julrayl 9P rathebow worlo, d'thes fourtbrotheh mr ofos ta populbillionaousire c,ount wasry the, Indone son-in-lsiaa, ww iofll holthed an dielecctatitonor Sthauhat crtoulo, dand re sauls ta i Un SG etraneiranele P arandbow proto eSgeubi waants oi mbeplciomcatiengd ipren tortsideurent,. New Feature:Follow See Be @AllanNairlow to Rn14ead kidnap and mass murder. Email Me Key News and Comment Postings. General Prabowo, the brother of a billionaire, was the son-in-law of the Indic JProbowotuneator aSnduha has been appointed Minister for DefenceJulrto,y, a2001nd a sI aha UdS t wtraoi lneonge a mnde eprottingsege w witha by President Widodo sP irambowplicao.ted in torture, Follow @AllanNairn14 kidnap and mass murder. Email Me We met at his corporate office in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta. Translation In June and July, 2001 I had two long meetings with Prabowo. Click here to read News and I offered Prabowo anonymity. Comment in: Arabic, Brazilian We met at his corporate office in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta. Translation Portuguese, Danish, French, German I was looking into recent murders apparently involving the , Clickor Sp aherenish .to read News and I offered Prabowo anonymity. and was hoping that if he could speak off-the-record General Prabowo might Comment in: Arabic, Brazilian divulge details. PSubortsucguribeese Now, Danish, French, German I was looking into recent murders apparently involving the Indonesian army, or Spanish. Ia ndca mwea sa whopiay ngdis athappoit ifnt heed. c oul Pradbow speaok s ofhef-td lheitt-rele lciordght Gthoseneera kil lPlirangsbow. o might Subscribe in a reader divulge details. Subscribe Now But we ended up speaking for nearly four hours. Subscribe to News and Comment I came away disappointed. Prabowo shed little light those killings. via emSuabilscribe in a reader My impression then was that his comments were extraneous. But we ended up speaking for nearly four hours. Enter your email address: Subscribe to News and Comment Prabowo talked about fascism, democracy, army massacre policy, and his long, via email cMlosy eim reprelatsionssionhi tphe wni wtha tshe tha Pte nthias goncom amndent UsS w intereel leixtgerancnee.ous . Enter your email address: Subscribe Prabowo talked about fascism, democracy, army massacre policy, and his long, But at that time he was out of power and in political isolation. Other generals Delivered by FeedBurner wcleosree trehela tthreionsathi. p with the Pentagon and US intelligence. Subscribe Blog Archive But nowat tha Pt ratimbowe heo iws aons outthe ofve powrge ofer aasndsum ini ngpol sitaictea lpow isoleart.i on. And O tlheookir gengne baraclsk Delivered by FeedBurner were the threat. at my notes I realize that some of what he said has now become relevant. ► 2019 (1) B►lo g2017 Arc h(2)ive IBut ha venow cont Praacbowted oG iesne onra tlhe Pra vebowrgeo of a sakissngum peingrm sitsastieon pow to edir.s cAusnds hilookis comngm baentcks 2016 (3) publat myic lnoty, butes I notrea lhaizevi tngha the somarde ba ofc wk hafromt he hi smaid ha haves nowdeci debedc omto goe re alheevaadnt. ► 2019 (1) anyway. ► 20172015 (2)(6) I have contacted General Prabowo asking permission to discuss his comments ▼ 20162014 (3)(45) Ipubl thinkicl ythe, but ha notrm ofha vibrengaki hengard m bay acnonymk fromi thiy mprom haveis ede toc itdehed G toe negora alhe isad ► ► November 2014 (3) outanywweaiyghe. d by what would be the greater harm of Indonesians going to the ► 2015 (6) ► October 2014 (13) polls having been denied access to facts they might find pertinent. ▼ 2014 (45) I think the harm of breaking my anonymity promise to the General is ► NoAuguvemberst 201 20144 (2) (3) -----outweighed by what would be the greater harm of Indonesians going to the July 2014 (21) polls having been denied access to facts they might find pertinent. ► October 2014 (13) June 2014 (6) Prabowo and I had a revealing discussion about the Santa Cruz Massacre. ►▼ August 2014 (2) ----- Jun 28 (1) ► ► Ju ly 2014 (21) This was an Indonesian armed forces slaughter of at least 271 civilians. ►Ju nJue n2 02174 (1) (6) Prabowo and I had a revealing discussion about the Santa Cruz Massacre. ▼ ► Jun 28 (1) This was an Indonesian armed forces slaughter of at least 271 civilians. ► Jun 27 (1) Allan Nairn: Indonesian GeneralAllan Tied Nairn: to Mass Indonesian Killings Plots to Arrest Critics If He WinsGeneral Presidency Tied to Mass Killings Plots to Arrest Critics If He RELATED Indonesian President , who is Topics better known as “Jokowi,” is up for re- Wins Presidencyelection on Wednesday. His chief rival is Guests Prabowo Subianto, a former special forces Links military commander and the former son-in- Transcript law of Indonesia’s longtime dictator . It is a rematch of the 2014 election that Jokowi won by almost 6 percentage points. Investigative journalist Allan Nairn has just uncoveredRELATED shocking plans made Indonesianby Prabowo for if Presidenthe wins the Joko Widodo, who is presidency. According to minutesbetter of a campaign known strategy as “Jokowi,” is up for re- sessionTopics obtained by Nairn, Prabowo has made plans to stage mass arrests of political opponentselection and his current on Wednesday. allies. Nairn His chief rival is reportsGuests Prabowo also wants to restore Indonesia’s Army to the role it played in the U.S.-backed15 April SuhartoPrabowo dictatorship2019: Subianto, whichGeneral a former Probowo special forces planed to restore Indonesia’s Army to lastedLinks from 1967 to 1998. Indonesiamilitary is the world’s commander largest and the former son-in- Muslim nationU.S. and the– third-largestbacked democracy dictatorship. in the world He was subsequently appointed Minister of Defense. behindTranscript India and the United States.law We ofspeak Indonesia’s with Allan Nairn longtime in dictator Indonesia. Suharto. It is a rematch of the 2014 Transcript This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its 4nal form.election that Jokowi won by almost 6 percentage points. Investigative journalist Allan Nairn has just : This is Democracy Now! I’m Amy Goodman, as weuncovered turn to Indonesia shocking ahead of Wednesday’s plans made national by presidential Prabowo for if he wins the elections. Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim nation, third- largestpresidency. democracy Accordingin the world behind to minutesIndia and the of United a campaign strategy States.session Indonesian obtained President by Joko Nairn, Widodo, Prabowo better known has as made plans to stage “Jokowi,” is up re-election Wednesday. His chief rival, Prabowo mass arrests of political opponents and his current allies. Nairn reports Prabowo also wants to restore Indonesia’s Army to the role it played in the U.S.-backed Suharto dictatorship which lasted from 1967 to 1998. Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim nation and the third-largest democracy in the world behind India and the United States. We speak with Allan Nairn in Indonesia.

Transcript This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its 4nal form.

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! I’m Amy Goodman, as we turn to Indonesia ahead of Wednesday’s national presidential elections. Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim nation, third- largest democracy in the world behind India and the United States. Indonesian President Joko Widodo, better known as “Jokowi,” is up re-election Wednesday. His chief rival, Prabowo General Wiranto and General Prabowo in Widodo’s cabinet Visit the IFEX No Impunity Campaign (/noimpunity/)

Papua remains restricted underVisit the IFEX No Impunity Visit the CampaignIFEX No Impunity (/noimpunity/) Widodo; 72 cases of violenceCampaign against (/noimpunity/) !38 Visit the IFEX No Impunity journalists Campaign (/noimpunity/)

Aliansi JurnalisPPapuaapuaapua Independen/Alliance remains remains remains restricted of Independent restricted under restricted Journalists (http://aji. underor.id) under 19 May 2017 Widodo;Widodo; 72 cases 72 72 ofcases casesviolence of against of violence violence against against Thisjournalists statement was originally published on aji.or.id (https://aji.or.id/read/press- journalistsrelease/655/siaran-pers-aji-dalam-hari-kAliansi Jurnalis Independen/Alliance of Independent Journalists (http://aji.or.id) 19 May 2017 ebebasan-pers-dunia-2017.html) on 3 This statement was originally published on aji.or.id (https://aji.or.id/read/press- MayAliansi Jurnalis2017. Independen/Alliance of Independent Journalists Aliansi release/655/siaran-pers-aji-dalam-hari-kJurnalis Independen/Allianceebebasan-pers-dunia-2017 of Independent Journalists.html) (http://aji.on 3 (http://aji.or.id) 19or May.id) 201719 May 2017 May 2017. This statement was originally published on aji.or.id (https://aji.or.id/read/press- Two casesTwoThis cases ofstatementof violence violence against journalistswas against originally in Papua injournalists the publishedpast week highlight in on P apuaaji.or.id in (https://aji. the past orweek.id/read/press- highlight therelease/655/siaran-pers-aji-dalam-hari-k empty promise of Press Law protections in Indonesia's easternmostebebasan-pers-dunia-2017.html) on 3 provincerelease/655/siaran-pers-aji-dalam-hari-k, as well as the false hopes of President Jok o Widodo, who more thanebebasan-pers-dunia-2017.html) on 3 the emptytwoMay years 2017 agopromise promised. to open of foreignPress press Laccessaw to protections the area. Censorship in Indonesia's easternmost remainsMay the 2017norm in .the province, where many foreign journalists are still provinceforbidden, as from wellentering. as the false hopes of President Joko Widodo, who more than two yearsTwo casesago promisedof violence againstto open journalists foreign in press Papua accessin the past to week the area.highlight Censorship Onthe TMaywo 1,empty 2017 cases, police promise inof Jayapura, violence of Papua, Press assaulted against Law Yance protections journalists Wenda, a local in inIndonesia Papua 'ins easternmost the past week highlight remainsjournalist the who worksnorm for Jubi in daily the and provincetabloidjubi.com, while, where he was covering many foreign journalists are still theprovince thearrest ofempty activists, as of promisewell the W estas P apuathe of National false Press Committeehopes Law (KNPB).of protections President Jok in oIndonesia Widodo, who's easternmost more than

forbiddenPolicetwoprovince arrested years from the ago,KNPB entering.as activists,promisedwell asoften the labeled to openfalse as a separatist foreignhopes group pressof, during President aaccess toJok theo area.Widodo Censorship, who more than Mayremains 1 rally (annually the held norm to reject in the the integration province of Papua, where into Indonesia many which foreign journalists are still happenedtwo onyears May 1, 1963). ago Police promised beat Mr. Wenda to with open a rattan stickforeign on the press access to the area. Censorship OnForeign Maysceneforbiddenremains , 1,then journalis 2017 took his thefrom, bag police andnorm entering.ts forcibly are inin detained Jayapura,the usually him.province Mr. Wenda blocked P suffered,apua, where injuries assaulted manyfrom foreign en teYancering journalists WesWenda,t arePa a puastill local while to his eyes, head andlocal back. journalists suffer human rights abuses journalistforbidden who works from entering.for Jubi daily and tabloidjubi.com, while he was covering ThreeOn days May before 1, that,2017 on, April police 28, three in television Jayapura, journalists Papua, from Metro assaulted TV, Yance Wenda, a local Jaya TV and TVRI experienced intimidation while covering a trial in Wamena the arrestDistrictjournalist Court. of An activists unknownwho works group of of visitorsfor the Jubi surrounded W estdaily them,P andapua questioning tabloidjubi. National them com Committee, while he was (KNPB). covering andOn forcing May them to1, delete 2017 their, footagepolice of the in trial. Jayapura, Police witnessed P theapua, entire assaulted Yance Wenda, a local the arrest of activists of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB). incidentjournalist but didn't intervene who. works for Jubi daily and tabloidjubi.com, while he was covering PoliceViolence arrested and intimidation the against KNPB journalists activists, often labeled as a separatist group , during a Ptheolice arrest arrested of activists the KNPB of activists, the West often Papua labeled National as a separatist Committee group (KNPB)., during a May 1(http://www rally .ifex.(annuallyorg/indonesia/2017/03/22/media-freedom-papua/) held to reject the integrationremain facts of Papua into Indonesia which May 1 rally (annually held to reject the integration of Papua into Indonesia which happenedhappenedPolice on arrested May on May 1, 1963).the 1, 1963). KNPB P Policeolice activists, beatbeat Mroften Mr. W. endaW labeledenda with withasa rattan a separatista rattanstick on stick thegroup on, during the a scene,scene Maythen 1, thentookrally took(annually his his bag bag heldand and to forciblyforcibly reject detained thedetained integration him. him. Mr. Wof Mrenda P.apua W sufferedenda into sufferedIndonesia injuries injuries which to his eyes,tohappened his eyes, head head on and May and back. 1,back. 1963). Police beat Mr. Wenda with a rattan stick on the scene, then took his bag and forcibly detained him. Mr. Wenda suffered injuries Three days before that, on April 28, three television journalists from Metro TV, to his eyes, head and back. Three Jayadays TV before and TVRI that, experienced on April intimidation28, three whiletelevision covering journalists a trial in W amenafrom Metro TV, Jaya TVDistrict and Court. TVRI An experienced unknown group intimidation of visitors surrounded while covering them, questioning a trial in them Wamena Three days before that, on April 28, three television journalists from Metro TV, Districtand Court. forcing An them unknown to delete group their footage of visitors of the trial.surrounded Police witnessed them, thequestioning entire them incidentJaya TV but and didn TVRI't intervene experienced. intimidation while covering a trial in Wamena and forcing them to delete their footage of the trial. Police witnessed the entire District Court. An unknown group of visitors surrounded them, questioning them incidentViolenceand but forcing didn and 'tintimidationthem intervene to delete against. their journalists footage of the trial. Police witnessed the entire (http://wwwincident but.ifex. didnorg/indonesia/2017/03/22/media-freedom-papua/)'t intervene. remain facts Violence and intimidation against journalists (http://wwwViolence.ifex. andorg/indonesia/2017/03/22/media-freedom-papua/) intimidation against journalists remain facts (http://www.ifex.org/indonesia/2017/03/22/media-freedom-papua/) remain facts

INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death — Asian Human Rights Commission 20/3/18, 10)51 am

INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death — Asian Human Rights Commission 20/3/18, 10)51 am


February 6, 2018


INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death — Asian Human Rights Commission 20/3/18, 10)51 am INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death — Asian Human Rights Commission Tweet 20/3/18, 10)51 am Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-009-2018

February 6, 2018 February 6, 2018 ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME ------INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man ISSUES: Torture, fabricated case, fair trial, Rule of Law, indigenous people, remedy toINDON DeathESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to------Death Tweet Dear Friends, Tweet Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-009-2018 February 6, 2018

ASIANFebruaryThe HUMANAsian 6, 2018 RIGHTHumanS CO RighMMISSItsON Commission - URGENT APPEALS (AHRC PROGRAMME) has received the followingFebru aryinfo 6,rma 2018tion. It comes from the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a prominent national human rights organization. It is regarding ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME ------the case of torture to death of Mr. Isak Dewayekua (23), an indigenousINDON Papuan.ESIA: Three Army armyPersonnel personnel Tortured oIndigenouf Yonif 755/Yalets Papuan Man to Death illegally arrested and detained Isak and tortured him to death in Kimaam, Merauke Regency, Papua Province. The army ISSUES: Torture, fabricated case, fair trial, Rule of Law, indigenous people, remedy personnel forced Isak’s family to accept monetary compensation and sign a letter which demanded that the family drop Uthrgente case. Appeal CaCurrense: AHRCtly,-U ACthe-0 09Inves-2018tigation is still being conducted by the Mi------litary Police of Merauke Regency. Later, the case Febwasruary tr 6,ans 2018ferred to the higher Military Police Institution in Military Regional Office (Pomdam) XVII/ Cendrawasih from Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-009-2018 Dear Friends, ------December 29, 2017. INDONFebruaryESIA: 6, 2018Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the following information. It comes from the Commission CASE NARRATIVE: I------SSUES: Torture, fabricated case, fair trial, Rule of Law, indigenous people, remedy for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a prominent national human rights organization. It is regarding INDONESIA: Army Personnel Tortured Indigenous Papuan Man to Death the case of torture to death of Mr. Isak Dewayekua (23), an indigenous Papuan. Three army personnel of Yonif 755/Yalet ------The case is2016 caused: Indonesian by Sagero, a lo camilitaryl drink. On torture Novembe andr 17, 2017murder Isakillegally allegedlWest arresy Papuans tedrad nandk Sa degeta roinedwith again, Isak impunity and desp toitertu predrevi himousl toy death in Kimaam, Merauke Regency, Papua Province. The army DeaISSUES:r Friend Tos,rture, fabricated case, fair trial, Rule of Law, indigenous people, remedy promising to stop drinking it. According to some witnesses, it was alleged bpersonnely perpetra fotors,rced that Isak’s Pri favamilyte Ab toiatar, accep fret monequentltayry d ricompensanks tion and sign a letter which demanded that the family drop The------Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the following information. It comes from the Commission with Isak. Therefore, three army personnel of Yonif 755/ Yalet initiated a searchthe case. to arre Currenst Isak.tly, the Investigation is still being conducted by the Military Police of Merauke Regency. Later, the case foDear thr eF Disappearedriends, and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a prominent national human rights organization. It is regarding the case of torture to death of Mr. Isak Dewayekua (23), an indigenous Papuan. Three army personnelwas trofans Yonifef rred755/Yalet to the higher Military Police Institution in Military Regional Office (Pomdam) XVII/ Cendrawasih from illegallyTheAcco Asianrd arresing Humante tod andIsak’s Righ deta tsinedsist Commission eIsakr on and No torve tu(AredmbHRC hime)r has 18,to dea received2017th in Kimaam,at th 02.00e following Me praukem, inth Regency,forermae armytion. Pa puaIDecember t personnelcomes Province. from 29, Theof th 2017. eYonifarmy Commission 755/Yalet, came to Isak’s house. personnelfor the Disappeared forced Isak’s and family Vic totims accep of Violencet monetary (K compensaontraS), tiaon prominen and signt ana letitteonalr which human demanded rights organithat theza fatimilyon. Idropt is regarding ththTheee case. casey a Currenoref :to Sertutly,rerg th eanttoe Invesdea th Firstti gaof ti Mron Cla. Isakisss sti llDewayekuaLa being Dilli conduc Wan (23te),ced an by, indigenousPrithe vaMiliteta ry F PorePadlicepuan.rik o fPa Me Threettiaraukesi army naRegency.CA andpersonnelSE NARRATI LaPritevar, thotefe Yoni caseVE:Abfiata 755/Yaletr Harri. Aware that three army wasillegallypersonnel trans arresferred hadte tod and thaerri higherdevetad,ined MiIsakli Isaktary ra Poandn liceto to rInstheturedtituti ga himonrd en.in to Mi dea Helitathry wa inRegional Kimaam,s then O ffich Mecea raukese(Pomdamd bRegency,y )the XVI I/army CendrawasihPapua personnel. Province. from The In armythe evening at 05.00 pm, Isak Decemberpersonnelcame to 29, fohi rced2017.s sist Isak’ser’s houfamilyse to. Hi acceps sistt moneer asketaryd compensa why theti armyon and personnel sign a lette rof which YonifThe demanded 755/ case Yalet i sth a ca twe thuseere fad loomilyby kiSa dropngge foror, hia m?loca Isakl dri nmek. Onrely No shveookmber 17, 2017 Isak allegedly drank Sagero again, despite previously CAthhieSEs case. head NARRATI Curren in VE:retlply.y, th Ate Inves 07.00tiga ptim,on isIsak still andbeing hi conducs friendted informall by the Miliyta diryscusse Police odf theMeprauke rosimituationsi Regency.ng to in st opf roLa ntdterir, nof thki ngehi cases it. sist Accoer’rds inghou tose so. meThe witney agsses,reed it was alleged by perpetrators, that Private Abiatar, frequently drinks was transferred to the higher Military Police Institution in Military Regional Office (Pomdamwith Isak.) XVI TheI/ Cendrawasihrefore, thre efr omarmy personnel of Yonif 755/ Yalet initiated a search to arrest Isak. TheDecemberthat case Isak is 29, cawouldu se2017.d b sly Saeepge roin, ahi losca sistl drier’nk. s On hou Nosevemb ander 17, hi s 2017 friend Isak inallegedl Isak’sy d rahounk Sasege. roAt again,09.00 de pspmite the previ Miousllitaryy came back to Isak’s house and pfoundromising I sak’sto stop dfririnendking it.sl eeping.According Theto some th rewitnee armysses, it mewasn alleged forcibl byy pe worpetkerators, him that up Pri andvate beatAbiatar, about frequentl hiys dheadrinks and body. CASE NARRATIVE: with Isak. Therefore, three army personnel of Yonif 755/ Yalet initiated a search to arrest Isak. According to Isak’s sister on November 18, 2017 at 02.00 pm, three army personnel of Yonif 755/Yalet, came to Isak’s house. They are: Sergeant First Class La Dilli Wance, Private Fredrik Pattiasina and Private Abiatar Harri. Aware that three army AccoThe rdcaseing to is I sak’s cause sistd e bry onSa Nogeveromb, ae lor 18,cal 2017 drink. at On 02.00 No vepm,mb therer e17, army 2017 personnel Isak allegedl of Yonify 755/Yalet,drank Sa gecamero again,to Isak’s de houspitese .previously personnel had arrived, Isak ran to the garden. He was then chased by the army personnel. In the evening at 05.00 pm, Isak Theproymi asireng: Se torg steantop d Firstrinki ng Cla it.ss Acco La Dillirding Wan to ceso,me Pri vawitnete Fsses,redrik itPa wattias siallegedna and b Priy pevaterp etAbraiatators,r Ha thatrri . Pri Awavarete thatAbiatar, thre efre armyquently drinks http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent- appeals/AHRC- UAC- 009- 2018#.Wnlm5o12SBo.facebook Page 1 of 6 personnelwith Isak. hadThe arerrifovered,, thIsakree raarmyn to personnelthe garden. of He Yonif was 755/ then Yalet chase initiatedd by the a army search personnel. to arrest In I sak.the evecaningme atto 05.00his sist pm,er’ Isas khouse. His sister asked why the army personnel of Yonif 755/ Yalet were looking for him? Isak merely shook came to his sister’s house. His sister asked why the army personnel of Yonif 755/ Yalet were looking fohir hism? head Isak inme rerelply.y sh ookAt 07.00 pm, Isak and his friend informally discussed the situation in front of his sister’s house. They agreed hiAccos headrding in retoply. Isak’s At 07.00 siste rp m,on INosakve andmb hiers 18,friend 2017 informall at 02.00y discusse pm, thd rethee armysituation personnel in front ofof hi Yonifs sist thater’755/Yalet,s houIsakse .would caThemey ag toslre eepIsak’sed in houhisse sist. er’s house and his friend in Isak’s house. At 09.00 pm the Military came back to Isak’s house and that Isak would sleep in his sister’s house and his friend in Isak’s house. At 09.00 pm the Military came back to Isak’s house and They are: Sergeant First Class La Dilli Wance, Private Fredrik Pattiasina and Private Abiatafoundr Ha rriIsak’s. Awa freriend that sl theeping.ree army The three army men forcibly woke him up and beat about his head and body. foundpersonnel Isak’s hadfriend a rrisleeping.ved, Isak The ra thnre toe armythe ga merdnen. forcibl Hey wawoske then him upch aandsed beat by aboutthe army his head personnel. and body. In the evening at 05.00 pm, Isak came to his sister’s house. His sister asked why the army personnel of Yonif 755/ Yalet were looking for him? Isak merely shook his head in reply. At 07.00 pm, Isak and his friend informally discussed the situation in front of his sister’s house. They agreed http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent- appeals/AHRC- UAC- 009- 2018#.Wnlm5o12SBo.facebook Page 1 of 6 that Isak would sleep in his sister’s house and his friend in Isak’s house. At 09.00 pm the Militaryhttp :ca//wmeww .bahuckma ntor igIsak’shts.as houia/nseew sand/urgent- appeals/AHRC- UAC- 009- 2018#.Wnlm5o12SBo.facebook Page 1 of 6 found Isak’s friend sleeping. The three army men forcibly woke him up and beat about his head and body.

http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent- appeals/AHRC- UAC- 009- 2018#.Wnlm5o12SBo.facebook Page 1 of 6 General Ryacudu admission of an Indonesian military dictatorship (Peter King, 2004) Stephen Hill headed UNESCO in Indonesia

“… the military has had a long standing policy of penetration right down to street or kampung (village) level in security and community involvement. Where I lived in Jakarta, for example, the street where I resided was monitored and managed by an ex-military non- commissioned officer who reported to his former military masters … This practice was universal.”

(Captives for Freedom) My experience:

• US owned Indo Muro Kencaca had 2 TNI Generals on the Board for “logistical” purposes • Dayak communities massacred in Borneo to make way for mining and logging • Military hunting & exporting tigers in Sumatra • Extortion of mining companies • Mass murder of people who oppose government policies (Bali) • Sumbawa mass murder of demonstrators circa 1997 PART TWO


Indonesian Human Rights Abuses in West Papua: Application of the Law of Genocide to the History of Indonesian Control

A paper prepared for the Indonesia Human Rights Network

By the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic Yale Law School

Elizabeth Brundige IndonesianWinter King Human Rights Abuses in West Papua: Priyneha Vahali StephenApplication Vladeck of the Law of Genocide to the Xiang Yuan History of Indonesian Control

April 2004

A paper prepared for the Indonesia Human Rights Network

By the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic Yale Law School

Elizabeth Brundige Winter King Priyneha Vahali Stephen Vladeck Xiang Yuan

April 2004

Round Table Forum 27

2005 Similar report from CPACS, University of Sydney


Editor-in-Chief Kelli Lemass

Managing Editors Jessica Armao Daniel Marcantelli

IT Administrator & Editor Troy Maloney


Ryan Anderson Mignote Hannaford Adele Anthony Beau Hanson Mark Brady Jonathan Kwok Tasnova Chowdhury Felicia Lal Brianna Edwards Michelle St.Ange Simone Gray Josephine Vernon Michelle Gunawan Danielle Warren

Consulting & Executive Editor Dr Allan Ardill

Volume 1(2) 2013

Published in September 2013, Gold Coast, Australia by the Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity

ISSN: 2203-3114



This paper examines and extends the debate on genocide in West Papua.

Referring to the 1948 United Nations Genocide Convention, examples of genocidal acts are listed: killings, causing serious bodily and mental 2013 paper details Indonesia’s acts as genocide as definite ‘intent’ harm, the deliberate infliction of conditions of life calculated to cause the

destruction of a group, and the forcible removal of children to another group. Whereas previous examinations of the issue have failed to prove intent on the part of the Indonesian Government – a necessary pre- requisite under the Convention – this article finds that such intent exists. The authors show that West Papua has suffered a military occupation since 1962-63 under which the West Papuan people have been treated as the enemy by the Indonesian armed forces. Explicit and implicit government policy has been consistently directed towards countering and eliminating Papuan attempts to create an independent state for their nation or enjoy political freedom on a par with other Indonesians. In this tightly controlled situation genocidal acts have been undertaken as government policy, effectively thwarting the Papuan nationalists in the era when information emerging from the province(s) could be tightly controlled. In this internet age, however, this is no longer possible, as evidence of both genocidal acts and government ‘intent’ is emerging. This augurs poorly for Indonesia and the region as the little known, but deeply entrenched, conflict in West Papua seeps into global consciousness as a ‘slow-motion’ Pacific genocide.

∗ Jim Elmslie is a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Sydney University and founding co-convener of CPAC’S West Papua Project. His doctorate from Sydney University, Irian Jaya Under the Gun: Indonesian economic development versus West Papuan nationalism, was published by the University of Hawaii Press. Camellia Webb-Gannon is a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney. She is the coordinator of the Centre’s West Papua Project, and completed a PhD titled Birds of a Feather: Conflict and Unity within West Papua’s Independence Movement in 2011.

142 From 1963-66 Indonesian military made numerous ‘invasions’ into Malaya In summary

• The invasion by the Japanese Imperial Army led to the birth of Fascism in Indonesia • 1.5 million Javanese paramilitary were trained and armed by the Japanese and indoctrinated into Fascism • Sukarno embraced Fascism due to its “efficiency” • 1,000 – 3,000 military commandoes deserted the Japanese Imperial Army to create and lead the Black Fan Terrorist organisation which subsequently became the Indonesian Armed Forces • Indonesia breached the Linggadjatti, Renville, and Hague agreements preventing self- determination for 15 Territories (among others) • Indonesia entered the UN as the ‘Republic of Indonesia’ not ‘The Republic of the United States of Indonesia’ in breach of the Hague Agreement for which the UN was responsible • Indonesia commenced intrusions into NSGTs Netherlands West Papua and British Malaya and even thought to take The Philippines in earlier times • Indonesia is allegedly committing genocide in West Papua PART THREE


Excerpt from the report ‘Dutch-Indonesian Dispute over West New Guinea’ to the US President, 7 April 1961 – a ‘façade’ to turn West Papua over to Indonesia Australian Secret Dispatch External Affairs, Netherlands New Guinea, 24 January 1962 Australian External Affairs, Netherlands New Guinea, 24 January 1962: Netherlands PM Luns’ request to Australia’s Attorney General Sir Garfield Barwick to intervene in American trusteeship proposal for Netherlands New Guinea Just while we’re here…

Sir Garfield Barwick: Chief Justice of Australia, Minister for External Affairs, Attorney General under PM Menzies, and later a judge with International Court of Justice ‘Top Secret’ CIA Bulletin, 9 July 1962 CIA Bulletin 2 July 1962: United Nations Secretary-General U Thant in secret discussions with General Sukarno reassuring him that the Netherlands is willing to postpone a plebiscite until after Indonesia takes control in breach of Article 100 of the Charter

State Department, 9 June 1969, Telegram 3614 from Jakarta • Act of Free Choice unfolding like a Greek Tragedy, the conclusion preordained

• Loss of West Papua would give impetus to fissiparous tendencies in other parts of Indonesia where anti-Java feelings run strong 1998: Secret archives reveal the US preferred a military dictator to the emergence of democracy in Indonesia Starving children, Laga, East Timor, circa 1978, a direct result of genocide perpetrated by Indonesia. An estimated 300,000 people died during Indonesian occupation President Kennedy supplied weapons to Sukarno for use against the people of the Dutch East Indies President Nixon supplied weapons for the genocide in East Timor and West Papua President Reagan supplied weapons to Suharto 1998: President Clinton supplied weapons to Suharto in full knowledge of genocide in West Papua Allan Nairn: Trumps Indonesian business partners support ISIS

Papuans claim Australian link to death squad 7.30 By Hayden Cooper and Lisa Main Updated Wed 29 Aug 2012, 10:40am Papuans claim Australian link to death squad !33 PaApnuan se clalimite Aus trcaliaon liunk nto dteeathr s-tequad rrorism unit trained and supplied by Australia is RELATED STORY: West Papua resistance losing fight 7.307.30 By Hayden Co oByper and L isaH Maain yden Cooper and Lisa Main Updated Wed 29 Aug 2012, 10:40am for freedom Abn elitee couintenr-tergrorism uanit trcainedc andu suppslied bey Audstralia isoRELfAT EDa STORYc: Westti Papua nresistangce losin g figaht s a death squad in Indonesia's troubled Updatedbeing accused of ac tiWng ase a dea th2 sq9ua dAu in Indogne s2ia's0 tro1ub2led, 1fo0r fre:ed4om0am PaWest Papua regionp. uans cMAP: Papula aim Australian link to death squad The group, known as Detachment 88, receives training, supplies and eWxtensivee operastionatl su ppPaort from thep Austraulian Faedera l Porlicee. gion. MAP: Papua ABu7.30t tnhere ise grolwingte e viByde ncec th eo sqHuada isn inydvotelved einr to-tenrture aCndr extrorao-joudicirpali kisellingmrs a s apa rtu nof edfnforts i bLyt In ditrosanesian iManedin and supplied by Australia is RELATED STORY: West Papua resistance losing fight authorities to crush the separatist movement in West Papua. for freedom beiTnhe AgFP weare contaccteud bys 7.30e and ou tlioned fthe ira invcolvetimennt withg De taachmsent 8a8 - r ead heree. ath squad in Indonesia's troubled UpdatedThReead th e Igndonroes iaWn Gouvernpmdent' ,s2 r esknp9ons eAu to othe 7w.g30 c ov2nera0g e herea1.2s, 1D0e:4t0aachm ment 88, receives training, supplies and WThe ABCe's Hatyd enPa Cooper apnd Luisa Maain wrenet undgercoiveor in nWest. Papua to meet with many who say an Australian Government-funded anti-terrorist team is waging a bloody campaign against activists. MAP: Papua Oen Juxtne 14, peopulanr indesipendevence leader Maoko Tpabunei was ragunned dtowino as hen fled afrom lpo licesu on a quiept strepet in ort from the Australian Federal Police. Athe Panpuan caepital.lite counter-terrorism unit trained and supplied by Australia is TPaTheh meen wh o gkipllerod Mr uTaubunpi, awa,s wknans depuotys chwairma nnc o f thae lNsaatio naDl Ciommiemtteea for chW est APamepua (KNuPB),n wtse re8t8r, arelceiaivens tlraininikng ,t suop pdliees antdh squad RELATED STORY: West Papua resistance losing fight allegedly part of Detachment 88. Tra7.30ined in forensi cs,By intel ligHencea gydatherieng, nsurve Cillanoceo anpd laew ern foarcenmednt b yL officiisaals fro mMa the US,in the UK and for freedom beAustxteraliae, ithen unitsi wgas veest abalish ecod in pthce weaukera of sthet Baieoli bonmbdinag s alon d suhafs pl ayepad ap crucociatil rtrole i n fInrodognesiam' s a tshe a Au dsteraathlian s Fqeduearadl Poinl iceIn.donesia's troubled coBuunter-terrotrism teffohrts. ere is growing evidence the squad is involved in torture and extra-judicial killings as part of efforts by Indonesian UpdatedThey are ruthless, oft eWn killineg sudsp e2cts,9 an dAu their agnti-t e2rro0rism1 ma2n,da t1e is0 no:w4 cre0epaingm into other areas like policing WWest Paepuans sepatrat ists.Papua region. MAP: Papua BuIan Deceumbt ettr 2h010e, oDeretachrime tnti 8is8e ki llegds mirolit ant Pawopuain n acructigvist Ke elly Kwvishalik.de tnhcee tsehe psqauraadt iists i nmovolveved mein tonrttu iren aWnde estxt raPa-jupduiciaa.l killings as part of efforts by Indonesian

AMr Kwnalik weas al lieateder fro mc theo Freeu Papnua Motevemern-tet (OPM), ra viroleont inrdeipesndemnce gro uup winth a iretcord trof ained and supplied by Australia is RELATED STORY: West Papua resistance losing fight aattauckintg hmilitoary arind tciviileians,s an d Dteotach mecrunt 88 pubshlically cl aitmehd reespo nsisebility. paratist movement in West Papua. for freedom Tbse'Gentleehipen way'ag g raaroctciustupss.e, dkn ofo awctinn ga sa sD ae dteaachth mesqunadt i8n8 In, dreonceesiivea'ss tr toraubinleidng, supplies and

But KNBP's current leader, Victor Yeimo, say unlike OPM, KNBP is non-violent and instead pursues a political eseWsoluxttioenp. saetra nPatsiistpves.uaT orhepgeeio raAn.FtioPn wale surep cpoonrtta froctemd t hbey Au7.3st0ra alniadn oFuetldienraedlMA Po thP: Paleiceipru a.involvement with Detachment 88 - read here. "Mako was a good man. If soTmeonhe weas a ngAry, MaFko wPould n'wt answeer re contacted by 7.30 and outlined their involvement with Detachment 88 - read here. Tthem,h" he esaid. trophyR vieaddeo th, teake Innd onn eas moianb iGle opvheornnem bey ntht'es p roelsicepo, indseen titofie sth Dee 7ta.3ch0me convte 8r8a gofefice herers, .who are often embedded "Even if people were angry, ifR he weas baeingd que stithoned bey the pIolnice, donesian Government's response to the 7.30 coverage here. Tthey'hd speeak totg hroimro butp hue'hd jpusty l,au gviknh. doewon, taske Dne otanch a memonbti l8e8 p, hreocenei vebys t htrae inpionlgice, su, idpepnlietifies asn Ddetachment 88 officers, who are often embedded w"His wiayt ofh fight ingo backt whas bey doinrg i nteurviewns anid tpres,ss and dead Papuans lying on the ground, including pictures of teenagers tied up with ropes. Bueconxtferenceets, nit wtasish genvetele. re op eisra gtioronawl suinpgp oertvi fdroemn tcehe Authstera sqlianu aFedd eisra iln Povolicelve. d in torture and extra-judicial killings as part of efforts by Indonesian w"Peoiptle hsay heo hadt wheapeonsr an du so onn biut I s,was o ftean atn his dhouse d andead Papuans lying on the ground, including pictures of teenagers tied up with ropes. I never saw a pistol and nor did my friends." aThuet hABCorit'sie Hsa tydo ecrun Coshop ethr aen sed Lpisaa raMatinst w moent veundmeerconvet irn in W Weest PaPapupau tao .meet with many who say an Australian BuTht eth eABCre is g'sro wHinagyd eviedne nCceo othpe esqr uaand dis Linivosalve Mad ini nto rtwueren at nudn edxterarco-judveiciarl kiinll inWgse asts pPaart pouf eaff otorts me by Iendt owneitsiha nmany who say an Australian Government-funded anti-terrorist team is waging a bloody campaign against activists. AnaGutodhd veow riwittnrniietenssseme etosse scrun satshs-fy u sa Dtnheeydt a seeDchdpeme ataarannchttist i8-tme 8moe wrronveats me ri8astmo8n wtt nienag a sWthm aest mo seis Pacu wnprigaut yagt h.fionerce gse sa cut hbalrito tooyp defoynrcee cad firesmp t hona tici govinpli aeanngse aaditn tfirehste Paa octnpui vicianstvi Nls.iaatniosn aal t the Papuan National OConon Junggrenreess 1ss l4aT, st lpah oOstepctu AOolabFrcte iPrno.d bewepere.nrdee cnceon letaadceter Mad koby T a7b.u3n0i waans dg uonnuetldi dnoewdn thas eheir fle indv froomlv epomliceen otn wa qithuie tD steretaetc inhment 88 - read here. the PapuTanh Reca AepFaitPda lw .there cIonndtaocnteeds biya n7. 3G0 oanvde oruntlminedn tht'sei rr einsvpolovenmseen tto wi thth Dee 7ta.c3h0m cenotv 8e8 r-a regaed here. . TOo nPa JupuanRnee a a1ctd4i vith, steps oI nlipkeduo nlMraers Yiiaennidmo Geo,p vAueenrstndrameleinance'st' ssu rlepspapodrtoe nasrn edMa totra thkoinein g7T .af3o0br ucDonevtia ewchraagmese nheregt u8n8. nise gda lldinogw. n as he fled from police on a quiet street in To Papuan activists like Mr Yeimo, Australia's support and training for Detachment 88 is galling. Tthee me Pan pwuhao nki lcaledp Mrita Tla.buni, was was deputy chairman of the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB), were "You give money for Indonesia to kill people in West Papua - you are the perpetrators of violence in West Papua," he allegedly part of Detachment 88. saT"Yhieod .uABC give's H moaydnene yC ofoopr eIrn adnodn Leisasia Ma toin ki wlel npte uonpdelerco inve Wr ine stW ePast Papupau a- tyoo meu aetre w ithh ema pneyrp wheotra satyo rsan oAuf stviraolieance in West Papua," he TThhee ABCmen' sw Hhoa ydkilelend C Mroo Tpaebr uannid, wLaisas wMaasi nd ewpeuntty uchndaeirmarcoven or fi nth We eNsta tPaionpaul aC toommi metetet ew iftohr maWensty wPahpou saa y(KN anPB), Aust wraelreian TGsaraoveiidne.rndme in nfot-freunnsidecs,d ainnttei-tlleigrroeAusnricest gtetraatmhalia’se irisn wga, gsu itrnrvegaining ai llbalonoced ya canodmpf l aDewai gennta faogchmenrceainmest anctt biviyt st o88s.ffici aisls f rom the US, the UK and G"[Tohvee] Aurnstmeralinatn-f Guonvedrnedme annt tain-tde Amerroriristca nt egaovemrn isme wnat, gthienyg a rea bactlooorsd oyf vicaolmpencea ing Wn eastg Paainpusta .activists. Aualstleragleiad, ltyhe p uanrtit woafs D estetaabchlishmeed in tt h8e8 w.ake of the Bali bombings and has played a crucial role in Indonesia's On June 14, popular independence leadecomplicir Mako Tabuntyi w ains g ugenocidenned down as he fled from police on a quiet street in co"Be"[Tucahnteeu]r-tse Aue trrohsteriyrasm finli ade nftfho eGrtm,s.o vetherny metrainn tth aemnd a nAmed therin cawitnh gthoeve gurnn tmeheyn kit,ll tpheeoypl ea, reth eayct kioll rsus olikef vi aonlimaencels." in West Papua. OtTheran PaJuinpenudaen i n1ca 4fpo,i trepalo.npsiucs,lar iinndteelpligeenndceen cega tlheearidnegr ,Ma sukorve Tilalabnuceni wanads lgauwn neendfo drceowmen anst bhye oflefficid farolsm fro pmoli cethe o Un S,a qthueie Ut stK reanedt in They are ruthless, often killing suspects, and their anti-terrorism mandate is now creeping into other areas like policing tMrT"BeAuhhe eT stacamePabrauunnp lseiwi'uash a, dot neht kiha ecatlelhye dhufinp aMrnistdi at sp Tltw.ahabaerkeum,sni d,e wttsthhaesea a ywbt taletirasshn tdiioneenp d tuoh tfyie nt hchm eth aAuaierman stdwra nta hloikeaef ntnh G oewo fN veitahhtrni eotmehn Baaeln Cgtl,uoi w mminbit ohth mbdtteiepyeloi nkifmaogrl ls Wtps eaeinstno Ja pdPal kaehp,aurt tash (KNerapyilsia kiPB),nyegll codu ws nae celre icrukerns acinaimal rols.le" in Indonesia's Wabeostut Pathep ukiallnin seg wpiathra Itnistdos.nesia on August 7. acolleugendtley r-tparte rroof Driesmtach meeffnot rt8s.8. The men who killed Mr Tabuni, was was deputy chairman of the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB), were IAnTMrnra Ddi n eTtehceadeb mbiFune nfedoire'res ra2 n0dlsi 1eGcs,0ao, tveD hine rnthteamealchlisge nmespnt cesanat ys rkeg8a8 itt h kidies lri lteahndskege ,mi suadlti trveIanendntiol tlPaniaoennsicep uao a atfnon t dhaco ctelan iwvidAu ustectn stKe fionrarceqllyuli imeaKwriensn aG til nibk.otyove ohfuficirnmamealns rifnrogth,m tws t haitebh uU sedS,ips tlahonemad U kiKtl slain nignds Jain karta raising concerns atAuaThlbelhest opegrauroyetl iviadathn,l recetyeh e pkiruo uafl nlPatrtiinht glwpoe uafwss,a sD. iethest o taIafnbtchledishonmene kide silinli antt h g8oe 8 nsuw. aAukesp goeuf ctstths,e 7 Ba .alni bdo mbtheinirg sa anntdi-t heasrro plariyesmd a ma crucinadl arotlee iins Inndoowne sicrea'seping into other areas like policing coWuenstter-t Paerropriusman e seffortps.aratists. TMrFAnora reKwdiin gtaneh ldeiAfk fwFianaeirs sfdo aeMire ralennailst dsiGeercs,ro Bofvero bmirn nC tmehaeerrl l Fisangreteys esan Pahceyse pd ugoitaea isMost h naeovesketri knmenogdnw, t I suni(Of dthPM),rveoen reei plsialoa avirtn sotce olae renco ta tirunnddee,u plbctaeunwt dihn eeqn nsaceufioriys gercero hseu i pmenh awtosit nhsph tua ob makereyco non wrdf ficiriit hog fhaitslss afrobumse tsh aen UdS, kil ltihnegs U inK and aInttdaockinensiga min colitaurynt earpnda rtci, viMaliartnys, N aantda lDegeatawcha,me abnout t8 t8h ep uissublicae.lly claimed responsibility. AuTthheesty p ararorelvi iruan,th cetlhess, eo fu oPanfteitnp w ukialli.sng e sustspabectlishs, aend tihne itr haent iw-tearrokerism of mathned aBate lisi bnoowmb creienpginsg ainntod o hthaers a prelasye liked pao lcruicingcial role in Indonesia's WIne stD Paecepumban seerp a2ra0t1ist0s., Detachment 88 killed militant Papuan activist Kelly Kwalik. co"Weulnl wtee r-tthienkrro theri smbest ewfafyo ortf s.clarifying the situation is for an inquiry. We've never hesitated to raise human rights 'iIFssuGentleno Dreescei ginmbn t hAfe eway'r ft2aw0iors1 0Pa ,Mi Dpuenatainstch pemeror viBonnt ce8b8s C kiaalnledrrd w samie'liyslt acon hnt tPaein udpeuo ateons da onct oiitvi,t" st knh eKe osawllyid iKw.f thaelik. reports are true, but he says he has spoken with his TInhdeoyn easirea nru cothluenss,terp oaftrte,n Ma kilrtliyn gN asutasplegeactws,a, aanbdo utht ethire aissunti-tee. rrorism mandate is now creeping into other areas like policing BuMrt KNAuKwstBP'raalsiak cu' sw rrereaspnst o alne sealed eiasr, d liVtetilctre ofcoror mfYmeoimo rtth t,oe sa t hFyere uinnedlie kePape OnpdPM,eunace KNMo leBPaved eisrsme n ionn nt-vihte (Oo dleivinPM),dt eadn da niandst videaoandlge epnroutrsuu isn eredseg aipo pneo.nlitdicaenl ce group with a record of WsoMrle uKwtstioa nPal.ik wpausa an le seadepr afroramt itsthes. Free Papua Movement (OPM), a violent independence group with a record of Mr"Wat tYaeelckiilmo wne sag t hysmiin hkliis tt aphryeeo pbalen sthda vewcia viliytlt iloea fnf acls,itha arithfnayidt nt hDge etwhtoaerlch dsi retmeuaallytni ocatn 8re i8ss apfoburob uatl intcah ienilrlq ypu licligryha.t. imeWe'dve re nspeveonr sihebsiilittayt.ed to raise human rights attacking military and civilians, and Detachment 88 publically claimed responsibility. "Maissukoe sw ains ath geo otwd oma Pan. pIf usoamen poronevi wnaces asn garyn,d Ma wkoe'l lw coounldtnin't uaen swtoe dr o it," he said. I"Tnh De ewceorldmb is beerh i2nd0 1In0do, nDesieata nchowme, it menta 8ns8 t hkielyl eadll comimplitroamintse Pa wpithu Iandno anectsiiavi tost ki Kell Wlelyst KwPapaualink. people," he them," he said. said. 'BuGentlet Austra way'lia's response is little comfort to the independence leaders in the divided and dangerous region. "Eve'Gentlen if people way'were angry, if he was being questioned by the police, And he knows that he too is now in the firing line. MrtBuMrhety' KNKwYde spBP'imoaelaiskk cusa tworre ysahisnm t h a lbeis ual etdp heaeerd,o' dVep ijctrule stof rorh lYaameuveigmo ht h.l,ie tsat leFy refuaneiltihke Pa t OhapPM,tu tah KN eMo wBPove rlisd men orenn-viatl loy(Ole canPM),t arends i anastb eoviauodt lptehunrsueti rie npsd liaeg phpotel.itnicadel nce group with a record of "TsoBuhluet iotKNhnre. eBP' dayss acufterrer Mankot l eTabduenri ,w Vasict kiollerd Y bey iImondo,n esasiay, tuhenyl iseken tO a PM,text me KNssaBPge tios me no, nth-viey osaleidn tto amend th iant st'afeteard pursues a political a"Httisa wckiayn ogf figmihltintag ryba ckan wda sci bviy ldiaonins,g i natenrvid eDwes taanchd pmeressnt 88 publically claimed responsibility. Masokolu tTiaobnu.ni's dead, you'll be next'." co"Ma"Tnhfkoere wwnaocesrl s,ad giitos wo badse ma hgeinn.dt lIe f I.sondmeonoensie wa anso awng, ryit, meMakoan wso tuhldeny't anllsw coempr romise with Indonesia to kill West Papuan people," he tsaheim,d." he said. "Mako was a good man. If someone was angry, Mako wouldn't answer "PeStatementsople say he ha fromd weap othens a nAd ustralianso on but I w aFederals often at h iPs holiceouse a nandd Indonesian Embassy 'I"EveAnt Gentlenheedvem,n h ri fesa "p ehknwoe pao l sae pw way'iwstsie dotrelh. a aantnd gh nryeo, r ti fod hiode imyws an sfori beweni ndings. q"thuest firiionnegd bliyn eth.e police, below:they'd speak to him but he'd just laugh. Bu"Tht eKN threBP'e sd acuysrre aftnetr leMaadkoer ,T aVbictunoir w Yaesimo kille, dsa byy uInndliokene OsiPM,a, th eKNy seBPnt ias tneoxtn me-viossalengte a tnod me inst, tehaedy sapuirsud toe mes a tphoalti t'iacaftelr "H"Eveis Hwoanwy i ofm f pufigechhot ipmngloe bn aweckye d rewoae sas bnthyg edry oAi,nF giPf inphtreorvi vwiedawes sa anbnnedui anplregly ss qfour eDstetaiocnhemde nbt y8 8t h–e e ipthoelri cethr,ough training or other socoMathnelufkoey'treido nT ncespa.bs,eu inat iwk'sa t sod ge heanidmtl,e .yobuut' lhl ebe'd njuestxt' .l"augh. measures? "Ma"Peopkole sawya hse a h agdo woeda pmaonsn a.n dIf soso omen buot nI wea ws oafste na antg hryis ,h oMauseko an dwouldn't answer I"H neives rw saawy ao pf istfigolh atnind gno br adickd my w farisen bds.y "doing interviews and press tScoheThetatementsnm,fe "AFPre hnece doessas,id i .tnot w froma provides gen t thelae .regular Australian and ongoing annualFederal funding P allocationolice andto Detachment Indonesian 88 or Embassy the Indonesian National Police (INP). "Evebelow:n if people were angry, if he was being questioned by the police, "PeAnyop allocationsle say he weha dod w makeapeo tons the an INPd so are o nsolely but Iintended was of ttoen increase at his h theou secapacity and for counter they'd speak to him but he'd just laugh. I nterrorismeveHorw sa m purposes.wu cah p mistoonl eayn dd oneosr thdide myAFP f ripernodvs.id"e annually for Detachment 88 – either through training or other measures? "HBetweenis way o 2010f figh andting 2012, back in w supportas by dofo Detachmenting intervie 88ws counter and pre terrorismss efforts, the AFP has gifted assets including motor vehicles, office and telecommunication supplies and computer equipment. coThenfe revaluence ofs, theseit wa sassets gent lise .$314,500. Exactly, what training does the AFP provide Detachment 88? "PeTheople AFP say doeshe ha dnot w eprovideapons a an dregular so on b andut I wongoingas often annualat his h fundingouse an dallocation to Detachment 88 or I nTheeve AFPr sa wprovides a pist ocapacityl and n buildingor did my assistance friends. in" support of the Indonesian National Police (INP), includingthe Indonesian Detachment National 88. Police (INP). Any allocations we do make to the INP are solely intended to increase the capacity for counter terrorism purposes. Between 2010 and 2012, in support of Detachment 88 counter terrorism efforts, the AFP has gifted assets including motor vehicles, office and telecommunication supplies and computer equipment. The value of these assets is $314,500. Exactly, what training does the AFP provide Detachment 88? The AFP provides capacity building assistance in support of the Indonesian National Police (INP), including Detachment 88. Indonesian Military Receives 24 F- 16 Fighter Jets From the US | Jakarta Globe 1/3/18, 9(55 am

Search... Indonesian Military Receives 24 F- 16 Fighter Jets From the US | Jakarta Globe 1/3/18, 9!(55 am


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MOST POPULAR Indonesian Military Receives 24 F-16 Fighter Jets From the US The Indonesian Military (TNI) accepted delivery of 24 General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets on Wednesday as part of a grant from the United States. (Photo courtesy of TNI)

By : Telly NaIndonesianthalia | on 7:57 PM Febru aryMilitary 28, 2018 Receives 24 F-16 Fighter Jets Category :From News, Featu redthe, Securi USty Jakarta. TheThe IndoneIndonesisiaann Mi Militalitary (Try,N oI)r a TNI,ccep taecced deptedlivery deliof 2ve4 Grye nofera 24l D ynGeneamicsra lF D-1yn6 Faigmihtcsing FF-1alco6 nFighting fighter je Falts ocon Wn efightednesdra jety ass ponart of a grant Wednesdafroy m(2 t8/02he U)n iatesd paStartt eofs. a(Ph goratont co frourtmesy the of TUnitedNI) States.

The aircraftB ywe : Treel lhandedy Nathal ioa ve| orn at7: 5Isw7 PMah Fyuebdiru Aiaryr Fo28,rce 201 Ba8 se in , East Java, witnessed by TNI chief Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, CDefenategosery :Mi Newsniste, Fr eRayaturmiedza, Serdc uRryacuity du and US Ambassador Joseph Donovan, the TNI said in a statement.

Jakarta. The Indonesian Military, or TNI, accepted delivery of 24 General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets on Wednesday (28/02) as part of a grant from the United States.

The aircraft were handed over at Iswahyudi Air Force Base in Malang, East Java, witnessed by TNI chief Air Marshal Hadi 2018: GrantTjahjanto, Defenseof Mini st24er Rya miFza-rd16 Ryacu dfighteru and US Ambassa djetsor Joseph Dfromonovan, the T NtheI said in a USstateme ngovernmentt.

http://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesian- military- receives- 24- f- 16- fighter- jets- from- the- us/ Page 1 of 4

http://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesian- military- receives- 24- f- 16- fighter- jets- from- the- us/ Page 1 of 4 Indonesian military trains on Australian soil for first time !32 Indonesian military trains on Australian soil for first time Isincend Timoron crisisesian military trains on Australian soil for first time sinceby defence reporter Andrew Greene Timor crisis Updated Fri 23 Sep 2016, 8:34pm bsincey defence re pTimororter Andrew G recrisisene Updated Fri 23 Sep 2016, 8:34pm by defence reporter Andrew Greene Updated Fri 23 Sep 2016, 8:34pm

PHOTO: The AFP abandoned a war crimes investigation against the TNI two years ago. (Corporal Beau Smith)

Members of Indonesia's army have wrapped up a comprehensive RELATED STORY: Indonesian, Australian warships joint training exercise in Australia, signalling an improvement in train together for Exercise Cassowary relations between the two militaries since the East Timor crisis two RELATED STORY: 'Jakarta doesn't like it': West Papua decades ago. flag mural in Darwin remains intact

MAP: Darwin 0800 For the past two weeks, Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) soldiers have worked alongside 1st Brigade soldiers in Darwin as part of Exercise Wirra Jaya, which defence says was the first time an Indonesian sub-unit had trained on Australian soil since 1995.

Relations between the two nations collapsed four years later when the Australian-led INTERFET taskforce deployed to East Timor ahead of the territory's push for independence from Indonesia.

Two years ago the Australian Federal Police (AFP) abandoned a war crimes investigation into the TNI's killing of five Australian journalists at Balibo in East Timor in 1975.

Colonel Steve D'Arcy from the Army's 1st Brigade said the relationship between both armies continued to strengthen.

"We've worked t ogether for a l ong time and every year, every time we do something like this, that relationship continues t o st rengthen and buil d, and it is a very st rong relationship and it onl y gets bet ter," he said .

"Our relationship with Indonesia is vitally important and to underpin that, operations or exercises like this are really important to developing those individual, team and also commander-to-commander relationships," he added.

PHOTO:: TThhee AF AFPP a abbaanndodnoende da aw awra crir crimemes insve instveigstaitgioant ioagna aingstai nthste tThNeI TtwNoI yetwaors ye aagrso. a(Cgorp. (Coraolrp Beoraaul SmiBeatuh )Smith)

Membbeerrss ooff I AusnInddoonneestrsiaia'alia’ss' sa ramrmy yh ahtrvaevaining we rwaprappepde u dpo u afp c thao mcoepmr eIndonesianphreenhseivnesive RELATREDEL mili ASTTEDOR YST:ta InOdRoryYn:e Isin adisno,n Aue sianstaran,l iAua nac stwraarshlitain p oswafrsh ips joint trtraaiinniinngg e exxeercrcisisee in in A Ausutrsatrlaial,i as,i gsniganllainllgin agn aimn pimropvreomvenmt einnt in train ttorageinth teorg feotrh Exeer forcir seExe Crciassosew Caaryssowary relatioonnss bbeetwtweeeenn th thee tw two om miliitalitariersie ssi nscinec complicithe eth Eae sEat Tsitm Toimrty corri s incisri stw igenocideso twoRELATREDEL ASTTEDOR YST: 'JaORkaYrt: a'Ja dkaoertsna' td liokeesn it':' tW likeest i tPa': Wpueast Papua decades ago.ago. flag muflaragl muin Draalrw ini nD rearwmainin res imantaictns intact

MAP: MADarwP:i nD 0a8rw00in 0800 For tthee ppaastst twtwoo w weeeeks,ks, T eTnetnatraara N aNsiaosinoanl aInl dInodneosineasi (TaN (TI) NsoI)l dsoielrsdi ehrsave have workedd aalloonnggsisiddee 1 1stst Bri Brigagdaed eso soldiledrsie rsin iDna Drwairwn ains apsa rtp aortf Exe of Exercisercise Wirra JaJayaya,, wwhhichich d deefefencence sa saysys w awsa tsh eth firste first time time an aInnd Ionndeosinaensi suanb -usunbit-u hnaidt htraadin etrad ionne dAu ostn raAuliastnra soliial nsi nsoceil 1si9n9ce5. 1995. Relations between the two nations collapsed four years later when the Australian-led INTERFET taskforce deployed Relations between the two nations collapsed four years later when the Australian-led INTERFET taskforce deployed to East Timor ahead of the territory's push for independence from Indonesia. to East Timor ahead of the territory's push for independence from Indonesia. Two years ago the Australian Federal Police (AFP) abandoned a war crimes investigation into the TNI's killing of five Two years ago the Australian Federal Police (AFP) abandoned a war crimes investigation into the TNI's killing of five Australian journalists at Balibo in East Timor in 1975. Australian journalists at Balibo in East Timor in 1975. Colonel Steve D'Arcy from the Army's 1st Brigade said the relationship between both armies continued to strengthen. Colonel Steve D'Arcy from the Army's 1st Brigade said the relationship between both armies continued to strengthen. "We've worked toget her for a long time and every year, every t ime we do something lik"Wee'v t hise w, tork hated rel tationshipoget her f continuesor a long timet o st randengthen ever yand year buil, evder, andy time it is wa ev erdoy stsomethingrong like this, that relationshiprelationship continues and it onlt o sty getrengthen s better and," he builsaidd. , and it is a very st rong relationship and it onl y gets bet ter," he said. "Our relationship with Indonesia is vitally important and to underpin that, operations or exercises like this are really "Oimpuor rtreanlatt tion dsheveipl owpiitnhg I nthdoosene isindai viisd viuatal, lltye aimpm aonrtda anltso a ncod mmato unnddeerpr-tion-co thammat, opnedraert ireonlast iorn shexeiprcis,"se hes alidkede tdh.is are really important to developing those individual, team and also commander-to-commander relationships," he added. Britain sells weapons to Indonesia after 13 year hiatus

British arms companies are to begin selling weapons and defence systems to Indonesia for tBheritain f sirellss tw etaimponse t oin Ind 1on3es iay eafaterr s13, yueanr hiadeturs plans to be discussed by David Cameron today.

British arms companies are to begin selling weapons and defence systems to Indonesia for the first time in 13 years, under plans to be discussed by David Cameron today.

BBritritaainin s seellllss wweaappoonnss t oto I nIdnodnoenseias iaaft aerft 1e3r y1e3a ry ehiaart uhias tus !34 BPrirBitmer isitMinishisteh r aD arvirmd mCasmes roccno oinspmectps aa gnunaierdie osf sh oa naoruer a ett tho et Preob siebdgeenintiagl Pa inslaece ls linine Jalkaglinrt aw Phogeto a:w Stpefeoanan Ropsus soaeaun/PdAs daenfden dceef seynscteem ssy stote Imndso tnoe sIiand fornesia for Bther fitirsta timine in s 1e3 ylelasrs , wundeera plpanos ton bse d istcous sIedn bdy Daovnid eCasmiaeron atofdatye. r 13 year hiatus theBy Row firenas Mta stonim, Polietic ainl Corre 1s3ponde yntears, under plans to be discussed by David Cameron today. 10:50AM BST 11 Apr 2012

BTher Priitme Misinishter a rriavedr inm Jakartsa t odacy oto “mfly thep flag”a forn Briietish goodss a wirth aen e nttouraoge ofbegin selling weapons and defence systems to Indonesia for representatives from businesses including several defence companies such as BAE Systems.

tSpeheaking onf tirhe runwstay ats heim was greeete din by a m i1lita3ry pa raydee, Mar Carmesron, s aiud hen wasd viseitingr plans to be discussed by David Cameron today. Indonesia because it "will be a top 10 economy and these are huge opportunities for British business".

"I think we need to recognise that so much of the power in the world is going to be to the south and to the east and we need to rebuild those relationships," he said.

Britain was once Indonesia’s biggest military supplier, during and after the Suharto dictatorship ended in 1998. However, Britain stopped selling it fighter jets 13 years ago, as the country was accused of Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA Pribombimeng i tsMi ownn cistitizeensr usDingavi Bridti sCh-maamede plroanens i ni nEaspst Teimctor sin 1999,a g uanda rdaga ion ifn hAcoenh ion u2003.r at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta

But the Prime Minister said that it was right to make British military equipment available to Indonesia By Rowena Mason, Political Correspondent

10:50AM BST 11 Apr 2012

The Prime Minister arrived in Jakarta today to “fly the flag” for British goods with an entourage of representatives from businesses including several defence companies such as BAE Systems. Prime Minister David Cameron inspects a guard of honour at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA Speaking on the runway as he was greeted by a military parade, Mr Cameron said he was visiting By Rowena Mason, Political Correspondent Prime Minister David Cameron inspects a guard of honour at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA Indone10:50AM BSsiaT 1be1 Acpra 2012use it "will be a top 10 economy and these are huge opportunities for British business".

By Rowena Mason, Political Correspondent "TIhe thi Pnkrim ew Mei ninesteGovernmenedr atrrio veredc ogniin Jakasert at hatstodat whosyo t om “fluc ysupply hthe of fl atheg” forpow weapons Brietris hin goods the ww orltoith ad nIndonesia iesnt goiourangge tofo be are to the south and to 10:trehe50Apre eMsae BSsntt aTat ind1ve1 As w prfrom e2012 ne busedi netos sreesbui inclludid tnghos secomplicieve reral adetifeonsncehi ctpsom in,"pa henigenocidee ss saucid.h as BAE Systems.

TBriheSpe Ptaarikiimnng ew onMa sitni heoncs runwtere aIndonerriay veas dhe isn wi aJaa’sska gre birteggeat etdoda byst y ma tmoil ii“ltiflataryyry t hepasupplra fldeag”,i eM rfor,r Caduri Brimengtronish a sgoodsndaid aheft werai tsth hevi asn iSt ienguhantourartoge di coftatorship ended Indonesia because it "will be a top 10 economy and these are huge opportunities for British business". reipren 1998.sentat iHveows fromeve rbus, Briinetasisne ss tincoppeludidng se slelivengra ilt de fifeghtnceer cjometspa 13ni yees asucrs ha go,as BA asE t heSys ctountems.ry was accused of "I think we need to recognise that so much of the power in the world is going to be to the south and to Sbompeakibingng on i ttshe ow runwn caityi zaesns he uswaings gre Brietetids h-mby a amdeili tplaryane pasra inde E, Masrt CaTimmoreron in s 1999,aid he wandas viagasitinng in in 2003. the east and we need to rebuild those relationships," he said. Indonesia because it "will be a top 10 economy and these are huge opportunities for British business". ButBrita tihen w Pasri oncmee IndoneMinisstiear’s sbiaggeid tshat mti liitt awrya ssuppl rightier, tdurio mnga keand Bri aftetri stheh mSuhailitrtaory di ectquiatorspmhipe entnde advailable to Indonesia "I itnhi 1998.nk w He owneeved tro, Bri rectaogniin stsoppee thad ts esloli ngmuc it hfi ghtof ether je powts 13 eyer ianrs t ahego, w aorls thed i csount goingry w toa sbe ac ctous tehed of south and to thebom eabist ngand its w owe nne ceitdiz teons re usbuiingl dBri thostish-me realdeat iplonsanehisps in," E ahest Tsaimid.or in 1999, and again in Aceh in 2003.

BriPriButtamei tnhe w PaMiris moncne iMste iIndoneniesrt eDr saasiviida ’tdhas biCt iggeta wmeasst rimroghtilin ttao ryi nm spaskeupple Brictietsirs,h duria m gilingutaary ard ndequi oapmftf ehre ntothe nava oSuuhailarbl arte tot o tdi hIndoneceta Pretorssiahisipd eendentdial Palace in Jakarta Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA in 1998. However, Britain stopped selling it fighter jets 13 years ago, as the country was accused of bombing its own citizens using British-made planes in East Timor in 1999, and again in Aceh in 2003. By Rowena Mason, Political Correspondent But the Prime Minister said that it was right to make British military equipment available to Indonesia 10:50AM BST 11 Apr 2012

The Prime Minister arrived in Jakarta today to “fly the flag” for British goods with an entourage of representatives from businesses including several defence companies such as BAE Systems.

Speaking on the runway as he was greeted by a military parade, Mr Cameron said he was visiting Indonesia because it "will be a top 10 economy and these are huge opportunities for British business".

"I think we need to recognise that so much of the power in the world is going to be to the south and to the east and we need to rebuild those relationships," he said.

Britain was once Indonesia’s biggest military supplier, during and after the Suharto dictatorship ended in 1998. However, Britain stopped selling it fighter jets 13 years ago, as the country was accused of bombing its own citizens using British-made planes in East Timor in 1999, and again in Aceh in 2003.

But the Prime Minister said that it was right to make British military equipment available to Indonesia Germany is complicit in Indonesia’s ongoing genocide in West Papua Commanders who fail to take such measures are criminally responsible for those crimes. But Wiranto has never been brought to account.

Indonesian president Joko Widodo last month appointed him to the powerful position of Co-ordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. This week, Justice Minister Michael Keenan and Attorney-General George Brandis caught up with him at a conference in Bali, as if none of the atrocities had occurred and there is no such thing as the UN indictment.


Attorney General George Brandis Former Australian Attorney General wiGeorgeth General Brandis Wiran withto General, 2016 Wiranto, now Minister for the Interior Follow George Brandis and Wiranto: Complicit in genocide in West Papuain Joko Widodo’s government

Attorney-General George Brandis meets Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal & Security Affairs @wiranto1947 12:21 PM - Aug 10, 2016 2 9 12

Mr Keenan said he was not going to run a commentary on his ministerial colleagues in other countries.

"I don't think that's particularly helpful," he said.

The fledgling government that was formed in East Timor after the Indonesians left the territory never forwarded Wiranto's indictment to Interpol, meaning he was never put at risk of arrest while travelling abroad.

East Timor's leaders, Xanana Gusmao and Jose Ramos-Horta, apparently took the realistic view that they couldn't risk antagonising their giant neighbour, where anger has simmered for years over losing the UN-sponsored independence vote.

Indonesia sent six warships uninvited to the waters off when East Timor celebrated its independence on May 20, 2002, highlighting the potential fragility of the hard-won freedom of what was then the world's newest nation.

Successive governments in Canberra have largely remained silent on the atrocities committed just over an hour's flight from Australia's shores, despite a large volume of evidence against the Indonesian military and its proxy militia forces.

But if Australia wants to have a reasonably health relationship with Indonesia, unpleasant matters need to be dealt with. 2018: JULIE BISHOP “NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ASSERTIONS OF GENOCIDE IN WEST PAPUA”, TODAY SHOW, CHANNEL 9 (including their own) most of these reports highlighted real abuses. The ongoing dedication of those supporting human rights in East Timor were then an irritation to be managed, and for a great deal of the period in question, the public profile of East Timor was not high in mainstream coverage. Sir Allan E. Donald, Assistant Under Secretary FCO Asia/Far East, South East Asia (1980-84) and later Ambassador to Indonesia (1984-1988), annotated a 1981 FCO document highlighting the lack of media interest in East Timor. This was no doubt pleasing to the FCO.

(including their own) most of these reports highlighted real abuses. The ongoing dedication of those supporting human rights in East Timor were then an irritation to be managed, and for a great deal of the period in question, the public profile of East Timor was not high in mainstream coverage. Sir Allan E. Donald, Assistant Under Secretary FCO Asia/Far East, South East Asia (1980-84) and later Ambassador to Indonesia (1984-1988), annotated a 1981 FCO document highlighting the lack of media interest in East Timor. This was no doubt pleasing to the FCO.

More evidence of British Annotation on Letter from KFX Burns South East Asian Department, 23 June 1981 in in UK Policy toward Tweets by @independentaus comEastp Timolr FicCO15/it2992, yNatio nainl Archive s,E Unitead Kinsgdotm Timor In terms of sheer scale, the atrocities committed by the Indonesians between IndependentAustralia Un1cove9r the7 tru5th. Su bascrinbe tod IA. 1980 alone, the ability to overlook such crimes against humanity invareqsuireiod grenat co mmietmment feromr thge Auestraslians, British and to @independentaus maintain their relationship with the perpetrators. At least 80,000 Timorese The unknown homeless man and the Mayor of Adam(p oHenryssibly much h i1g1h eAur) gduiestd 2a0s1 a7 ,d 1ire:3ct0p amnd in dire ct14 result of the Indonesian Martin Place. @Mordd_IndyMedia @LanzPriestley invasion and occupation during these years alone. In that time, the Australians, fb.me/1bItVwMHQ ArchivaBril tidsho acndu Amemerincatsns shahdo nwot othnlye acquiesced to the Indonesian invasion, !36 provided diplomatic and material support for the occupation, they also sought to Britishf uGrthoevr teherinr omwne intet re–st lsi kbye expanding the relationship with Suharto.

AnMnotoatiorn eon Leettevr fidrom KFeXn Bucrnes So outhf Ea Bst Asiraitn Diseparthment, 23 June 1981 in in UK Policy toward Tweets by @independentaus AustraMFlioaro tharene Brid et ivthshid eane dUn Ame.cS.eri –ocafn s,B trhitis iisnvohlved the sale of weapons which would be Eacsto Tmimor pFCOl1ic5/29it92,y Na tinional ArchEiaves,s Utn iteTd Kiimngdomor Tweets by @independentaus About Us Contact Details activelIndeycupendseeno t Auastramdlia is a pdrogsreissipreve ilsctictelyPO itBoix nd260, I ysleEa of CIa prin,in Qstld, 42d17 T oEimonares astn idTa Wimest oParpua. For the Australians, this wouldIndependentAustralia journal focusing on politics, democracy, the Fax +61 7 5526 8217 environment, Australian history and IndependentAustralia In terms of shContaect User scale, the atrocities committed by the Indonesians between @independentaus Australian identity. It contains news and de jure opiniiinon fromvo Australiavl anved aroaund thep wsorlrod. [ iovidning eme rergcoegnsition of the Indonesian occupatio @independentausn in return for cover reupadin1 more9 ] 7v 5crimes aansdio 19n80 e aagainstlmonee, rthge eabsility to overlook such crimes against humanity The unknown homeTlehsse umanknn aonwdn t hheo Mameyolerss of man and the Mayor of beginning Adam Henry negoti a11t Auiognusst 2o01ve7, 1r: 3ma0pm rit ime 14 boundaries in 1979. By closing the Timor Adam Henry 11 August 2017, 1:30pm 14 Martin Place. @MoMarddrt_Iind PlyMeacedia. @LMoanzPrirdd_estInledyyMe dia @LanzPriestley humanreityqu ireind CgopEayrireght © 2a017 tIsn decopentden tmmi AuTstralia.i Allm rigthtmes reseorvednrt .f roDrm the Australians, British and Americans to Gap, the Australians would eventually gain access to Timorefseb.me /o1biItlVw aMHnQdf bg.mea/s.1bItVwMHQ 21h Amarchinivtali ndo tchuemire rentsla sthioonwsh thiep with the perpetrators. At least 80,000 Timorese Adam HenryArchArchivavall dd oorccueupmmeeonnrtsttss s shh.ooww th theat the British were concerned to explain to the B(pBrriotiitississhh Gb Gloyvo emuvrnemrchnemn hte i–ng lthi k–ee r)li kdeied as a direct and indirect result of the Indonesian AInudsotrnaleiasi aandn sth teh Ua.tS., w– hile they supported – and, indeed, agreed with the iAnuvastrsiaolnia aanndd othccue Up.aS.ti o–n during these years alone. In that time, the Australians, aAuacctitistvveraelyl ylai asasnsisste ismodte Indved Ionsnd efosroniames i1a978 to offer de facto and then de jure recognition in IndependentAustralia Retweeted In recencoverBrit retish seup a crimesandrch Ame againstinri cathnes hNada ntioot noanlly acquiesced to the Indonesian invasion, h1coveru9m7a9n i–upty tih ncrimese Eay scot Tui magainstldo rn. Drever publicly do likewise. Publicly, the British would maintain provided diplomatic and material support for the occupation, they also sought to 21h ArchivesAdamh u(Uma K)Henrynity re i nreg Eapaorsrdtst .Tiinmgo rt. hDre British Indonesian invasion of East Timor, 1976 Alan Austin the fiction of supporting the principle of self-determination, privately they would 21h fAdamurther Henry their o rwepno irntste.rests by expanding the relationship with Suharto. Foreign Idna oren cendon tt Crehisenoagmmorch to in re theg nNaawrdtioeinnaagl ltthhe OIndffoicenesian occupation of Ea(Imast gTeimo viIndrae.p eTndhenetwAu stBrimaraliat Rtishieltwdeaete,dcom) @alanaustin001 ArchwFInoa rerni vecetthesne d(Ut reBriK)thse reetia gshIrchanrd dia niongnn dthe eeAmesi BriNaatinshtiosrin cataol n us,n dtInhedoirstsne siinanvon indvalve sitohnd ao f ttEa htsthe eT saimoy rlw,e 19 ish7o6f ewde atop oanvos iwdh Aailachnn Ay u wsUtionK u Inldde pbeendentAustralia Retweeted (FCO) aFnoredig nEa andst Co mmoTimonwealrth, Otfhficeree thing(Imas ge via newmatilda,com) @alanaustin001 Data shows vote boycott won’t work. YES will win uArchsedive dsi re(UctK)l yre igna rdEainstg t hTeimo Britrish and WestIn Padonepsiuana i.n vaFosiorn t ohf eEa Aust Tistmorar, 1li9a7n6 s, this would Alan Austin (FoveCOrse) anda Eas stte Trriimotor, ritherese tohirn gcos lonies coming under scrutiny regardDiantag sh osews volft-e boycott won’t work. YES will win emergedF orereigpn eanad tCeodmmoly.nwealth Office (Image via newmatilda,com) @alanaustin001 big. Weddings before Christmas. Please read & einmevorgleved re pperoatvieddlyi.ng de jure recognition of the Indonesian occupatiboign. W iendd irengs tbuefrnore Cfhoristrmas. Please read & d(FeCtOermi) andn aEatiston T.i moThr,e th lreivee tsh inogf sthe East Timorese being obviousltweety irre indelpeenvadentnaDuatstt raat olshia. nosuewt/sp ovochlititcs/e bpolycoit… tt won’t work. YES will win The first was that the British had clear information (both from their own sources) tweet independentaustralia.net/politics/polit… beginningemerged rep neaetgedoltyi.ations over maritime boundaries in 1979. By clo@Isindnepgen dtehntAue sTbigimo. Wedrdings before Christmas. Please read & athndin bkiy linaigso.n with friendly Embassies (such as the Australian) on almost all The firstG wapa, sth teh Auatst trahleia nBris wtoishuld ehveandt uclalelya gra iinn afcceormass toti oTinmo (breoseth o ilf roandm g attweeths.e inrd epoenwdenntau stsoraliau.nercet/politics/s)polit… eTvehen tsfi rstan dw daesve thloaptme thnet sBri insitishde Eahastd Tclimoear binefforerma antdio anf t(ber oththe Ifnrodomn ethsieainr own sources) @IndependentAus @IndependentAus and by liIArchananvan dinsiso boiynva ploniafa l Eai sogdwestoni cu Ttowihmofitme h trhf friofriene e 1975.tnmasdn lshyd nEmbloyyw d aEmbotssihcuaetme st h(suaen ssichBrits aetseixash tshe mi w (suAuenresteradch co liaant a)tce hosnern atUlehmoKde sttN o Aua aelltxpiostnlaarainl Arch ltoia tnhieve) osn is almost all events aSetIehnvecoeddnorent dnsd, eeathesinveed veaBri dnets ishlvet oht hl(leopiakep slmetme ,t ihwgenihhrtn sAuti elitenstssi tra dh icoleiena nyEasin cosucestdu npTernteipmorp oEaoartrrtr es)b coed stwf oe–nrere tTari veantinimorydod , nwa ie fntolelrd iver n ebtfoherrmeed tI,fhn doadeogre nfreaetsi eeaad nno wfd itth hae t fhEateerst t Thimoe Irendseonesian a—Auinbvao ustotsi nraoulnmeyl i oatrofhn Eauess sthmopu romaTivemobnl riesrg m ofhfrot s 1975. oambf u hse1o9sw 7co 8tmmi oto cot toedfnf betyirn thdueee In fdtahoctnee osire aandnl amitili otthenanrysh ipde w juithre t hreeco pgenrpiteiotnra itnors. during and after the invasion. Aug 12, 2017 invasion1Se o9co7f 9nEa d–, tthhstee Briy T cotiishmou (lldike rn etofhveei rr 1975.Au pustbralilcliany codou nlitkeerpwartises) w. Puere bveliclryy w, ethll ein fBriormetishd would maintain There is little doubt that East Timor is more significant demogEmbraepdhically and View on Twitter Tahbirdoulyt, nthueme BriBrirotishus ta(l ihkeuin, mathe nirth Aurigstehrat sUl ianbS, ucose uandnst ecorpmmiart s)Aus twteedre b trcoy mmitaliahe tItned assis otonesian mitelidtary Indonesia cover up ustthndaeet rmiifstictniicainogn tlhl yoe fqt uhsueastpniop nma oortf Eainnystg Totihmotheere prseri t nehucirrimapblnel eri go mohft sse ind lfefa-dvorneu rte eoxafrmi expmpannadltieniogsn o, fpterinva ltaeblye ltlheedy would during and after the invasion. Second,d"gd iptolheo nmaneoot ticichBri aidnnedgt s"e itcosho o nreor mi g(l"eca iretkerdhlanitniio cgnt sh cl twheeitehia rJaIn nAukasidortnagenocideng.st e".Hsie rareIat nwilsei oa htccueanvell i ncoap ngina e ttuxaih oEanmpant t loehs fo urpEaftma Timorastrtn T s)riimog hw trs. e Tarehdevo Brivecatitryshe s well informed Aug 12, 2017 nations particularly fond of lecturing others about human rights knowingly and Embed View on Twitter about nudwTmehiascuirdntlyerosse, dth teuh dBrise i nIthinsh tduh o(lemanike eF siCthnaeOn irri sAud gotostcuh rautmensliad nea ncorstbtsuuan ptnseerodrp viatshrtd as)coet wdthe mmiierenyf coo wrmammiishtteettiedod n t otb ot hyaavo t hwidea as nI ny odUt oKonnley sihiaghnly military fulangdraenrmitly neninagb litnhge cri qumeests iaogna ionstf Ea hustma Tniimoty (iref nseot gheunmaocidne ri) tgoh otsccu inr .f aThvoeur of expanding Uonveitedrse Staatess, t aelorringt owriithe Aus storar lcoia, lBriontaiien,s Ja copamin, Eungro puen, Cdaenra dscrua andt ionthye rs,regarding self- during aadniccupdlo maaraftticee a ran dtt thehcoeen toiinmemivac reesilveatioonnntss .w withe reJaka ortccua. Hrrieren gw,e b huatve th aan te gxaompvelern omef nts – all well wdeerete cormimmintatetdi oton e.xp Tahnedin lgive ties w oitfh thee Su Eahartsto reTgimoime re— sethe pbeerpinetgra torsb viofously irrelevant to such Aug 12, 2017 ginnreafatoito rmecrinsme pasdrt. Iioncudfe ltaehrld,ey t h freoen Uad.S. loit fai elnedsct UuoKrif n (iEagncl outstdhien rsgT Aui moabstoraurl ti a–h) umaremaimannta riinigenhdet misd knl itstaoryewaindgflya astn din their tdtfilehaes,ignt raviekitrminanlt lwgy en.eanapaotibno lsaingl et scrio a meingd ncoso anretginau itonhustsle yhir up marowviondrk.eitdy d(iifp lnoomat gtiec ncoovecidr efo)r ttoh eoccur. The Embed View on Twitter Thirdly, tIUnhdnoeitnee dsiBri aStn amiteilis,shta rya l wo(lnhiglie kew it itcoh mmitAuhstetteraidr lit ahAue, seBri critstameinra, s.Ja Wlpiaiathnno,u Eu t cosurochpu suen, pCptaoertnrp a–daa artnds) oth wers,ere committed to In no page of the many documents examined at the UK National Archives is undermifwnreeeirenly gcoive mmitnh anetdte bqdla tuoan eet xpinst iatsin ondeinagr totiteafsl eEawthiticah sttl hdeisre SuTgiahmordart for respgiriisemet of i —nhte rntuhaemat iopnearplnet raritgorsh otfs in favour of expanding ltgahwree –are tt hcri ee Imevendosnn.e Itsinhadene emisldli,igt athryet coe Ustu.S.ld co naenvendce rU hKarnve (i noseclrri ucooduislnnygt ricoAutniosttenmpra olilavet)e madr atnhinye twa iafnaretde miofli ttahrye East Timorese of aggression against East Timor, let alone a 25-year occupation claiming the diplomattiecs, avitnald w eeapcoon sanolesmi ancd corentilnautoiuoslny psro wvidietdh d iJaplomakaticrt coave. rH fore three we have an example of l—ives o onf ulyp ttoh 2e0 0p,0ro00b melenm, w oomef hno awnd t cho icoldrenn.tinue the relationship with the perpetrators. TInhdoenreesi iasn l imittlleit adryo wubhitle t hit acot mmiEasttte Td itmoheser icris momes.re W siithgonuitf isucachn tsu dpepmoort g–raphically and nations pIftre iase imprtly giocuirtveanntl ataon rledmp ybl hafatosiansent itdnh ai t osth nfee ilnaefro trmactotautli oerint hanibcaogul t deoivesretnhtgsea inrdrs Ea fo stra spTbimoiriotr uowfa tisn hternuamationanl rights knowingly and mostastt iostfteinca hilglyhl yt haccuanra mate. Tnhyis ois tnhoet orn tlye drriemoblenst morated ebyrn th ee dxaocumpmenletastio onften labelled flagrantlyla we –n thae bInldionngesi crian mimelitarys co augld aneinvestr h ahveu semariouslnyi tcoyn t(iempf nlaotetd agney nwaor cide) to occur. The w"githe hnaoveci ind tehs"e p reoser "ent athbonuitc w clhaet oaccunsirrendg b".e twIte iesn t1e97ll5in agnd t dhuaritn gh 1u9ma99 –n rights advocates wohf eang Ignredossinesionan a aguathinostrit ieEas ostrch Teimostrart,e lde to anelo lnaest acri 2me5-ye agaarin ostccu humapantiiotyn claiming the United Stfdloivelilascuowst ienogssef s, uthpe dtiaon d i2lneo0p 0etnhn,0deg0e 0n Fce wmeC reiOtnfhe, drew onAuodcumeummen st– abnranudtt isnchl itpahilerod, reAu viBrinstd.raelditaa ni,n iBrinfot,irmash Ja antdpioan nth,a tEu waros npoet o, nCly ahnigahldy a and others, American archives. were commiaIt ccuis impratotterta dant ttoho e mp etimexphasi aesenve tdhnaittns th gwe eintreifoerma osccu wtionirrit ahnb ogtu,h t beeuvet Sunthtsa inth gEaaortstve oTrnimo remer wgnatisme – a l—l we tllhe perpetrators of imonfostrme oftedn hoigf hthlye a ccurearaliteie. sT hoisf iEas nostt oTnilmoy dermo – nrestmarateidn ebyd thstee daodcufamestn itnat itohneir great cridwmeeithte hrmisave. nI inna tdtihoen pe treodse i,gn ntt hoabreeou tUth we.hiS.ra tw o occuark.nrredd UbeKtwe (ienn 1cl97u5 adnidn dguri nAug 19st99ra – lia) maintained military ties, vitawl hwene Inadponoesina nsa autlheoristi eas norchd ecostrantetdi nonue olastu slcrimey p agroainvist dhuemadn idtyiplomatic cover for the following the independence referendum – but in the Australian, British and IndonesiAmeanri camin lairchtairyves. w hile it committed these crimes. Without such support – freely given and blatant in its near total ethical disregard for spirit of international law – the Indonesian military could never have seriously contemplated any war of aggression against East Timor, let alone a 25-year occupation claiming the lives of up to 200,000 men, women and children. It is important to emphasise that the information about events in East Timor was most often highly accurate. This is not only demonstrated by the documentation with have in the present about what occurred between 1975 and during 1999 – when Indonesian authorities orchestrated one last crime against humanity following the independence referendum – but in the Australian, British and American archives. 6 December 1975: Secret NOD267 transcript of President Ford & Kissinger meeting with General Suharto immediately prior to the invasion of East Timor (Gerald Ford Library) 1948 Genocide Convention 1948 Genocide Convention Indonesian president with UN Secretary-General, both complicit in genocide UN:

• Failed to uphold the Renville & Hague Agreements protecting the rights of the Territories within the Dutch East Indies • Covertly facilitated the illegal transfer of West Papua to Indonesia via at least 19 breaches of international law • Never put West Papua on the Trusteeship Council • Never passed a resolution recognising the incorporation of West Papua into Indonesia PART THREE

THE BENEFACTORS: THE CASE OF FREEPORT 1961: Rockefeller of Freeport with Kennedy. The Global Elites control US foreign policy

Kissinger also complicit in genocide in West Papua Kissinger’s seamless transition between government and corporate interests:

• US Secretary of State • Freeport Board of Directors (US$500,000 / year) • Accompanied President Ford on the evening prior to Indonesia’s invasion of the Non-Self-Governing Territory of East Timor • Advisor to the Indonesian government

Freeport: The largest gold mine in the world has destroyed the sacred grounds of the Amungme people In summary

• US change in ‘foreign policy’ following Freeport’s visit to the Grasberg deposit in mid 1959 • Mining license granted by Suharto before act of self-determination • Freeport enjoys both Indonesian and US military protection • US & others military equipment ‘grants’ (M16s, F-16s) • Corporate interests govern US foreign policy • Kissinger emulates the seamless transition of personnel between US Government & Corporations • Loss of indigenous lands & sacred sites • Increasing oppression & poverty • Ongoing genocide of West Papuans PART FOUR


• Melanesian communities – communal ownership of lands, local laws / customs, autonomy, no police • Zapatista agrarian communities, no police • Kurdish Social Ecology communities, no police • West Papua’s decentralised village, regional, and national councils • East Timor’s Governance Committee advancing decentralised autonomy prior to UN derailment • Mondragon Basque collectives, no police ROROARA R MagazineM agazi ne is an independent journal of the radical imagination providing grassroots perspectives from the frontlines of the global struggle for real democracy.

April 12, 2019


AUTHOR Tikva By building a “democracy from below,” the Zapatistas Honig- recognize the leadership of, and carry on a long tradition Parnass of resistance by Indigenous communities in Chiapas.

ROROARA R MagazineM agazi ne is an independent journal of the radical imagination providing grassroots perspectives from the frontlinesOn ofJanuary the global str1, uggle1994, for several real democracy. thousand Indigenous Mayan people, organized as the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), rose up in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, and took the world by surprise. They were members of the 21 or so ethnic groups who occupied the areasROARA R MagazineinM agazi and ne around is an independent the jour nal of the radical imagination providing Lacandon forest near the border with . Their weapons were limitedgrassroots to rifles perspectives — and from some the frontlines of the global str uggle for real democracy. of the rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seized government offices and occupied thousands of acres of private land while briefly taking control of the city of San Cristobal de las Casas and six Chiapas towns.

After 12 days of confrontation with the Mexican army, the rebellion was contained. President Salinas April 12, 2019realized that heRO couldARA R MagazineM agazi not ne simply is an independent go in journaland smash of the radical the imagination Zapatistas. providing The massive Mexican and global militant mobilizationgrassroots perspectives forced fromthe thegovernment frontlines of the global to declare struggle for a real unilateral democracy. ceasefire and choose another April 12, 2019 tactic, that of a fake political dialogue while continuing the war in other forms: frequent attacks, massacres and dispossessions.

For their part, the EZLN agreed. Once they achieved the aim of the uprising — making the Indigenous voices heard — they laid down their arms and entered the so-called “peace talks” suggested by the government, while continuing to build the non-hierarchical, “horizontal” political ROARA R MagazineM agazi ne is an independent jour nal of the radical imagination providing and social system of Chiapas. grassroots perspectives from the frontlines of the global struggle for real democracy. AUTONOMY & AUTHORITY April 12, 2019 AUTONOMY & AUTHORITY AUTHOR Subcomandante Marcos elaborated on the aim of the uprising as “breaking the deliberate silencing AUTHOR Byregarding building the Globala “dem Southocracy which from had below,” been unheard, the Zap ignored.”atistas Indeed, “Never again a Mexico Tikva Tikva By building a “democracy from below,” the Zapatistas Honig- recognizewithout us” theis one lea ofdership the slogans of, markingand carry the on ideological a long tradition essence of the EZLN. The Indigenous recognize the leadership of, and carry on a long tradition people in Chiapas were unknown, unimportant and forgotten, left by the waysideHonig- for hunger and Parnass of resistance by Indigenous communities in Chiapas. Parnass of resistance by Indigenous communities in Chiapas. disease to finish them off. This is why the Zapatista uprising of 1994 is often referred to as “a war against oblivion.”

April 12, 2019 “This oblivion was never and still isn’tA UTanONOMY accidental & AUTHORITY one,” says Marcos; “it is a deliberate product of On January 1, 1994, several thousand Indigenous Mayan people, organized as the Zapatista Army of On January 1, 1994, severalracism thousand and Indigenous colonialism,AUTHOR Mayan both people, external organized and internal, as the Zapatista which Army devalues of the life and the suffering of the National Liberation (EZLN), rose up in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, and took the world by National Liberation (EZLN), rose up in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state,By buildingand took the a “d worldemocracy by from below,” the Zapatistas people of the GlobalTikva South to the extent that they often do not exist for the rest of thesurprise. world.” They The were members of the 21 or so ethnic groups who occupied the areas in and around the surprise. They were members of the 21 or so ethnicHonig- groups who occupiedrecognize the areas the in l andeadership around theof, and carry onLacandon a long tradition forest near the border with Guatemala. Their weapons were limited to rifles — and some Lacandon forest near the borderaim was with not Guatemala. to seize state Their power: weapons “You were cannot limited impose to rifles a —political and some system by force. The political system Parnass of resistance by Indigenous communities ofin the Chiapas. rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seized government offices and occupied thousands of the rebels carried only woodencannot replicas.be the product They seized of war. government The war offices should and only occupied be to open thousands up space in the politicalof acres arena of private so that land while briefly taking control of the city of San Cristobal de las Casas and six of acres of private land whilethe briefly people taking can reallycontrol have of the a choice.”city of San Cristobal de las Casas and six Chiapas towns. Chiapas towns. In order to put the short-term uprising in the context of the continued struggle forAfter autonomous 12 days of confrontation with the Mexican army, the rebellion was contained. President Salinas AUTONOMY & AUTHORITY Zapastisas establishing decentralised autonomous agrarian After 12 days of confrontation with the Mexican army, the rebellion was contained. President Salinas realized that he could not simply go in and smash the Zapatistas. The massive Mexican and global democracy from Onbelow, January this 1, essay1994, several will first thousand discuss Indigenous the history Mayan of people, the militant organized resistance as themilitant Zapatista of mobilizationthe Army of forced the government to declare a unilateral ceasefire and choose another AUTHOR realized that he could not simply go in and smash the Zapatistas. The massivecommunes Mexican and global By building a “democracy from below,” thIndigenouse Zapatistas communitiesNational Liberation before their (EZLN), meeting rose up with in Chiapas, the EZLN. Mexico’s Then poorest proceed state, and to took itstactic, creation the world that of asby a the fake political dialogue while continuing the war in other forms: frequent attacks, Tikva militant mobilization forcedmilitary the government arm of the surprise.to Chiapasdeclare They a communities,unilateral were members ceasefire ofwho the and 21always or choose so ethnic maintained another groups who the occupied dominant the areasrolemassacres inin and sharing around and dispossessions. with the recognize the leadershiptactic, that of, anof da fakecarry political on a l dialogueong tradition while continuingLacandon forest the warnear inthe other border forms: with Guatemala.frequent attacks, Their weapons were limited to rifles — and some Honig- the EZLN the project of building an autonomous Chiapas. As mentioned above, the 1994 uprising Parnass of resistance by Indigmassacresenous communitiesand dispossessions. in Chiapas. of the rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seized government offices and occupiedFor their thousandspart, the EZLN agreed. Once they achieved the aim of the uprising — making the took place in the ofmidst acres ofof privatethe ongoing land while development briefly taking ofcontrol this ofproject, the city whichof San Cristobal has continued deIndigenous las Casas all and thevoices six way heard — they laid down their arms and entered the so-called “peace talks” For their part, the EZLN agreed.up to theOnce present they achieved Chiapasmoment. towns. the aim of the uprising — making the suggested by the government, while continuing to build the non-hierarchical, “horizontal” political Indigenous voices heard — they laid down their arms and entered the so-called “peace talks” and social system of Chiapas. After 12 days of confrontation with the Mexican army, the rebellion was contained. President Salinas suggested by the government,THE while FOUNDATION continuingrealized to build that thehe OF could non-hierarchical, THE not simply EZLN go in “horizontal” and smash the political Zapatistas. The massive MexicanSubcomandante and global Marcos elaborated on the aim of the uprising as “breaking the deliberate silencing On January 1, 1994, several thousand Indigenous Maandyan socialpeople system, organi zofed Chiapas. as the Zapatista Army of militant mobilization forced the government to declare a unilateral ceasefire andregarding choose another the Global South which had been unheard, ignored.” Indeed, “Never again a Mexico National Liberation (EZLN), rose up in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, and took the world by The EZLN was officiallytactic, that founded of a fake political on November dialogue while 17, 1983, continuing the day the awar small in other group forms: of frequentmenwithout and attacks, us” women is one of — the slogans marking the ideological essence of the EZLN. The Indigenous surprise. They were members of the 21 or so ethnic Subcomandantegroups who occup iMarcosed the ar elaboratedeas in and ar oonun thed th eaimmassacres of the uprising and dispossessions. as “breaking the deliberate silencing people in Chiapas were unknown, unimportant and forgotten, left by the wayside for hunger and Lacandon forest near the border with Guatemala. Tregardingheir weapo nthes w Globalere limi tSouthed to threer iwhichfles — Indigenous a hadnd so beenme unheard, and three ignored.” mestizos Indeed, — landed “Never in again the mountains a Mexico of the Lacandon Jungledisease of to Chiapasfinish them. off. This is why the Zapatista uprising of 1994 is often referred to as “a war of the rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seiwithoutzed gover us”nme isn tone offic ofes theand slogansocTheycupied markingrepresented thousand thes Forideological a group,their part, some essence the EZLN of whomof theagreed. EZLN. had Once in The theythe Indigenous pastachieved been the members aim of the uprisingof Fuerzas — makingagainst de Liberacion theoblivion.” of acres of private land while briefly taking control opeoplef the ci tiny oChiapasf San Cri sweretobal unknown,de Nacionallas Casas unimportantan (FLN),d six Indigenous a guerrilla and forgotten, voices organization heard left by— theythe founded waysidelaid down in for their 1969. hunger arms Its and andstatutes entered of the 1980 so-called describe “peace the talks” Chiapas towns. “This oblivion was never and still isn’t an accidental one,” says Marcos; “it is a deliberate product of disease to finish them off. Thisorganization is why the as Zapatista “asuggested political-military uprising by the government,of 1994 Marxist-Leninist is often while referred continuing toorganization as to “abuild war the non-hierarchical, whose aim was “horizontal” taking political political and social system of Chiapas. racism and colonialism, both external and internal, which devalues the life and the suffering of the After 12 days of confrontation with the Mexican armagainsty, the r eoblivion.”bellion was containedpower. Presid ebynt theSalin workersas in order to install a popular republic with a socialist system.” The EZLN was realized that he could not simply go in and smash the Zapatistas. The massive Mexbornican a outnd g lofob athel FLNSubcomandante and was originally Marcos elaborated planned on tothe form aim of the the armeduprising wingas “breaking of this the clandestine deliberate silencing “This oblivion was never and still isn’t an accidental one,” says Marcos; “it is a deliberate product of militant mobilization forced the government to declare a unilateral ceasefire and corganizationhoose another whichregarding by the the end Global of the South 1970s which was had one been of unheard, the last ignored.” remaining Indeed, leftist “Never guerrilla again a Mexico factions. tactic, that of a fake political dialogue while continuracisming the wandar icolonialism,n other forms :both frequ externalent attack ands, internal,without which us” is onedevalues of the slogansthe life marking and the the suffering ideological of the essence of the EZLN. The Indigenous massacres and dispossessions. Marcos made surepeople to distinguish in Chiapas were the unknown,EZLN from unimportant the other and Marxist-Leninist forgotten, left by the guerrilla wayside for movements hunger and disease to finish them off. This is why the Zapatista uprising of 1994 is often referred to as “a war For their part, the EZLN agreed. Once they achieved the aim of the uprising — mwhoaking strivedthe to occupyagainst stateoblivion.” power. W hen asked, “Are there lessons you learned from the Cuban Indigenous voices heard — they laid down their arms and entered the so-called “prevolution?”,eace talks” Marcos responded: “Well I don’t know if you can call them lessons, because we did not suggested by the government, while continuing to build the non-hierarchical, “hotakerizon tCubaal” pol iastic aourl “Thisframe oblivion of reference. was never But and westill learnedisn’t an accidental that you one,” can’t says impose Marcos; forms“it is a deliberateof politics product on the of and social system of Chiapas. racism and colonialism, both external and internal, which devalues the life and the suffering of the people because sooner or later you will end up doing the same things you criticize. You criticize a Subcomandante Marcos elaborated on the aim of the uprising as “breaking the detotalitarianliberate silenc isystemng and then offer another totalitarian regime. You can’t impose a political system by regarding the Global South which had been unheard, ignored.” Indeed, “Never agforce.”ain a Mexico without us” is one of the slogans marking the ideological essence of the EZLN. The Indigenous people in Chiapas were unknown, unimportant and forgotten, left by the wayside for hunger and disease to finish them off. This is why the Zapatista uprising of 1994 is often referrPointinged to as “a wtoa rthe essential difference between “the guerrilla movements of the fifties, sixties, and against oblivion.” seventies and those of today,” he emphasizes: “Before, they said: ‘Let’s get rid of this system of government and put in this other kind of system.” We say, ‘No, the political system can’t be the “This oblivion was never and still isn’t an accidental one,” says Marcos; “it is a deliproductberate pro ofdu cat war.’of The war should be only to open up space in the political arena so that the people racism and colonialism, both external and internal, which devalues the life and the suffering of the can really have a choice.”


Marcos argues rightly that whatever the previous political theories and inclinations of the FLN may have been, the real question is: What was the process that led to the fusion of the newly established EZLN with the Indigenous community? The real issue, then, is their transformation from a guerrilla group to “a community in arms.”

The EZLN soon understood that none of the existing theories and strategies claimed by the different trends of the traditional Marxist guerrilla organizations would apply to the conditions they met in Chiapas. Indeed, the contact of the EZLN with the Indigenous communities led to a kind of conversion of the original group, a process that Marcos describes as follows:

We really suffered a process of re-education, of restyling. As if they had disar med us. As if they had dismantled all we were made up of — Marxism, Leninism, socialism, urban culture, poetr y, “ literature — all that formed par t of us, and things we did not even know we had. They disar med us and then ar med us again, but in a different way. And that was the only way to survive… the work that the guerr illa nucleus of the FLN developed in Chiapas could only mature and become the EZLN through the cosmovision and tradition of resistance of different Indigenous groups. communities to multinational corporations.

All this was part of a radical restructuring of the Mexican economy in order to attract foreign investment and secure the NAFTA trade deal.

The Zapatista communities themselves ordered their army to take action, as a last ditch effort to stave off what seemed like more or less imminent annihilation. As confirmed by Marcos, it was the Indigenous communities who pushed for the insurrection:

ROROARA R MagazineM agazi ne is an independent journalThey of the theradical [Indigenous imagination providingcommunities] told me to star t the war because I was the one in charge of grassroots perspectives from the frontlines of themilitar global str y planning. uggle for real Idemocracy. said that we couldn’t, that we weren’t ready. I said that we needed time, “ because all of our training was for defense, while they now wanted to attack the cities. So I asked them for more time to organize. On January of 1993, they said they would giveRO ARAme R MagazineM one agazi year ne is anto independent jour nal of the radical imagination providing make the ar rangements. ‘If you don’t do it in a year, we’ll do it without you,’grassroots they said. perspectives They from told the frontlines of the global str uggle for real democracy. me that the latest date was December 31,1993. It had to be some-time between Januar y and December. So in 1993 we had to readjust our entirely military system to organize for the offensive.

The decision to take up arms remained almost entirely secret until January 1, 1994. But the three April 12, 2019 ROARA R MagazineM agazi ne is an independent journal of the radical imagination providing years leading up to 1991 had already been used by the community for increased organized resistance. grassroots perspectives from the frontlines of the global struggle for real democracy. In 1991, Mexican Indigenous communities joined the Latin American movement that had Aprillaunched 12, 2019 militant demonstrations to commemorate the 500 years of resistance since the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas.

On March 12 of that year, after a two-week-long march from their jungle hideout, the Zapatista rally drew around 100,000 supporters who filled the city square, where Subcomandante Marcos proclaimed, ”We are here to demand democracy, liberty and justice. The militant demonstrations and ROARA R MagazineM agazi ne is an independent jour nal of the radical imagination providing their harsh repressions continued up through 1992. grassroots perspectives from the frontlines of the global struggle for real democracy. AUTONOMY & AUTHORITY April 12, 2019 AUTONOMY & AUTHORITY AUTHOR In March of that year, the violent repression of a meeting of Indigenous organizations provoked a By building a “democracy from below,” the Zapatistas AUTHOR Tikva six-week-long march by 400 people from Chiapas to Mexico City. In July, a group Tikvaof women from By building a “democracy from below,” the Zapatistas Honig- recognizeEcatepec, on the the lWesterneadership border of, ofand Chiapas, carry staged on a longa sit-in tradition protest in central MexicoHonig- City. On recognize the leadership of, and carry on a long tradition Parnass ofOctober resistance 12, about by 10,000 Indig Indigenousenous communities people marched in Chiapas. through San Cristobal. OtherParnass protests in of resistance by Indigenous communities in Chiapas. Chiapas were broken up by armed gangs. Communal rights were ignored and the movement’s leaders snatched and imprisoned.

April 12, 2019 The proposal to start the uprising on JanuaryAUTONOMY 1994 & AUTHORITY “was passed to all the communities,” says Marcos. On January 1, 1994, several thousand Indigenous Mayan people, organized as the Zapatista Army of On January 1, 1994, several“Everyone thousand Indigenous was askedAUTHOR Mayan what theypeople, thought. organized Then as the there Zapatista was a Armydirect of vote. It was the same when the By building a “democracy from below,” theNational Zapatistas Liberation (EZLN), rose up in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, and took the world by National Liberation (EZLN),government rose up in Chiapas,proposedTikva Mexico’s the ceasefire poorest and state, started and took the thepeace world talks. by You have to go to everysurprise. one They of thesewere members of the 21 or so ethnic groups who occupied the areas in and around the surprise. They were memberscommunities of the 21 or becauseso ethnicHonig- those groups who who decided occupiedrecognize the the war areas thehave in l andea todership decidearound if theof, it andwill stop.carry All on militaryLacandon a long tradition orders,”forest near he the border with Guatemala. Their weapons were limited to rifles — and some Lacandon forest near the border with Guatemala. Their weapons were limited to rifles — and some added, “emerge fromParnass this.” of resistance by Indigenous communities ofin the Chiapas. rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seized government offices and occupied thousands of the rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seized government offices and occupied thousands of acres of private land while briefly taking control of the city of San Cristobal de las Casas and six of acres of private land whileThe briefly Zapatista taking uprising control of in the Chiapas city of tookSan Cristobal place amidst de las a Casas militant and resistancesix throughoutChiapas the resttowns. of Chiapas towns. Mexico. The Saturday following the uprising saw a crowd of 50,000 demonstratorsAfter in Mexico 12 days of City’s confrontation with the Mexican army, the rebellion was contained. President Salinas AUTONOMY & AUTHORITY Subcommandante Marcos: All proposals and decisions After 12 days of confrontationmain with square. the Mexican On the army, anniversary the rebellion of the was assassination contained. President of revolutionary Salinas hero Emilianorealized Zapata that even he could not simply go in and smash the Zapatistas. The massive Mexican and global On January 1, 1994, several thousand Indigenous Mayan people, organized as themilitant Zapatista mobilization Army of forced the government to declare a unilateral ceasefire and choose another AUTHOR realized that he could not simplylarger gocrowds in and marched smash the through Zapatistas.emanate the The city, massive fromattracting Mexican the peasant communities and andglobal Indigenous organizations from all By building a “democracy from below,” the Zapatistas National Liberation (EZLN), rose up in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, and tooktactic, the world that of by a fake political dialogue while continuing the war in other forms: frequent attacks, Tikva militant mobilization forcedover the thegovernment country. surprise.to declare They a unilateral were members ceasefire of the and 21 or choose so ethnic another groups who occupied the areasmassacres in and around and dispossessions. the Honig- recognize the leadershiptactic, that of, anof da fakecarry political on a l dialogueong tradition while continuingLacandon forest the warnear inthe other border forms: with Guatemala.frequent attacks, Their weapons were limited to rifles — and some Parnass of resistance by Indigmassacresenous communitiesand dispossessions. in Chiapas. of the rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seized government offices and occupiedFor their thousandspart, the EZLN agreed. Once they achieved the aim of the uprising — making the CHIAPAS, MEXICOof acres of private AND land whileLATIN briefly AMERICA: taking control of the ANTI-CAPITALIST city of San Cristobal deIndigenous las Casas and voices six heard — they laid down their arms and entered the so-called “peace talks” For their part, the EZLN agreed. Once they achievedChiapas towns. the aim of the uprising — making the suggested by the government, while continuing to build the non-hierarchical, “horizontal” political Indigenous voices heard —RADICALISM they laid down their arms and entered the so-called “peace talks” and social system of Chiapas. After 12 days of confrontation with the Mexican army, the rebellion was contained. President Salinas suggested by the government, while continuingrealized to build that thehe could non-hierarchical, not simply go in “horizontal” and smash the political Zapatistas. The massive MexicanSubcomandante and global Marcos elaborated on the aim of the uprising as “breaking the deliberate silencing On January 1, 1994, several thousand Indigenous Maandyan socialpeople system, organi zofed Chiapas. as the ZCoincidentally,apatista Army of themilitant Zapatista mobilization uprising forced broke the government out on the to daydeclare that a unilateral the NAFTA ceasefire agreement andregarding choose was another the Global South which had been unheard, ignored.” Indeed, “Never again a Mexico National Liberation (EZLN), rose up in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, and took confirmed.the world by It representedtactic, that ofsymbolically a fake political the dialogue deep while rooted continuing anti-capitalism the war in otherand anti-imperialismforms: frequentwithout attacks, us” isthat one of the slogans marking the ideological essence of the EZLN. The Indigenous surprise. They were members of the 21 or so ethnic Subcomandantegroups who occup iMarcosed the ar elaboratedeaChiapass in and ar oonsharedun thed th eaim “withmassacres of the other uprising and Indigenous dispossessions. as “breaking people the in deliberate Mexico silencingand throughout Latin America,”people in Chiapasas Cleaver were unknown, unimportant and forgotten, left by the wayside for hunger and Lacandon forest near the border with Guatemala. Tregardingheir weapo nthes w Globalere limi tSouthed to r iwhichfles — a hadnd so beenme unheard, ignored.” Indeed, “Never again a Mexico points out. It was an outcry against capitalism as such, and not only against the specificdisease forms to finish them off. This is why the Zapatista uprising of 1994 is often referred to as “a war of the rebels carried only wooden replicas. They seiwithoutzed gover us”nme isn tone offic ofes theand slogansoccupied marking thousand thes Forideological their part, essence the EZLN of theagreed. EZLN. Once The they Indigenous achieved the aim of the uprising — makingagainst theoblivion.” of acres of private land while briefly taking control opeoplef the ci tiny oChiapasf San Cri sweretobal unknown,de lprominentas Casas unimportantand sinix theIndigenous era and of forgotten,economic voices heard left neo-liberalism, by— theythe waysidelaid down or for their against hunger arms its andand effect entered upon the so-called Indigenous “peace people talks” only. Chiapas towns. disease to finish them off. This is why the Zapatistasuggested uprising by the government,of 1994 is often while referred continuing to as to “abuild war the non-hierarchical, “horizontal”“This oblivion political was never and still isn’t an accidental one,” says Marcos; “it is a deliberate product of At the same time,and they social understood system of Chiapas. well enough its disastrous potential for themselvesracism who and were colonialism, the both external and internal, which devalues the life and the suffering of the After 12 days of confrontation with the Mexican armagainsty, the r eoblivion.”bellion was contained. President Salinas realized that he could not simply go in and smash the Zapatistas. The massive Mexican and global Subcomandante Marcos elaborated on the aim of the uprising as “breaking the deliberate silencing militant mobilization forced the government to decl“Thisare a u oblivionnilateral c wasease fneverire and and cho ostillse a nisn’tothe anr accidentalregarding one,” the Global says Marcos; South which “it is hada deliberate been unheard, product ignored.” of Indeed, “Never again a Mexico tactic, that of a fake political dialogue while continuracisming the wandar icolonialism,n other forms :both frequ externalent attack ands, internal,without which us” is onedevalues of the slogansthe life marking and the the suffering ideological of the essence of the EZLN. The Indigenous massacres and dispossessions. people in Chiapas were unknown, unimportant and forgotten, left by the wayside for hunger and disease to finish them off. This is why the Zapatista uprising of 1994 is often referred to as “a war For their part, the EZLN agreed. Once they achieved the aim of the uprising — making the against oblivion.” Indigenous voices heard — they laid down their arms and entered the so-called “peace talks” suggested by the government, while continuing to build the non-hierarchical, “horizontal” political “This oblivion was never and still isn’t an accidental one,” says Marcos; “it is a deliberate product of and social system of Chiapas. racism and colonialism, both external and internal, which devalues the life and the suffering of the

Subcomandante Marcos elaborated on the aim of the uprising as “breaking the deliberate silencing regarding the Global South which had been unheard, ignored.” Indeed, “Never again a Mexico without us” is one of the slogans marking the ideological essence of the EZLN. The Indigenous people in Chiapas were unknown, unimportant and forgotten, left by the wayside for hunger and disease to finish them off. This is why the Zapatista uprising of 1994 is often referred to as “a war against oblivion.”

“This oblivion was never and still isn’t an accidental one,” says Marcos; “it is a deliberate product of racism and colonialism, both external and internal, which devalues the life and the suffering of the Kurds establishing decentralised autonomous agrarian communes initiated by the teachings of Canadian Social Ecologist Murray Bookchin

When the Netherlands promoted independence the West Papuan people developed a unique system of decentralised governance emanating from village councils to regional councils, and a national council East Timor 2000 UNTAET

• Committee established to liaise with tribal groups and discuss systems of inclusive representation • Decentralised system recognising local customs, laws, language groups established • No centralised ‘Party System’ • UN Minister for Governance and Elections Peter Galbraith disbanded the Committee & imposed a European centralised system 1970: UN General Assembly resolution 2621 (XXV) reaffirms the rights of colonial peoples to attain complete freedom and independence by all necessary means at their disposal Fascism??

Academics argue endlessly over the definition of Fascism. The case of the US government’s actions over Indonesia, West Papua, and East Timor highlight the mergance of state and corporate power: Fascism CLOSING REMARKS 1. These breaches of international law have resulted in the death of 500,000 people in West Papua and 300,000 in East Timor.

2. Its time to dissolve the “glue” (military) that oppresses the people of the Indonesian archipelago and allow all Territories the right to self-determination in line with international law.

3. Like Fascist Germany, Italy, and Japan, Indonesian war criminals and those Western leaders complicit need to be held to account.

4. The UN must be held to account for its covert role and we must end UN employees impunity from prosecution.

5. Given the plight of our environment with exponential extinction rates, mass inequality, and increasing human rights violations as a consequence of neoliberal globalisation, the emergent paradigm of ‘indigenous anarchism’ offers a far more compassionate, inclusive, and sustainable alternative.