Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue rAprile 2008port Peace without justice? The Helsinki peace process in Aceh Edward Aspinall Report The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue is an independent and impartial foundation, based Contents in Geneva, that promotes and facilitates dialogue to resolve Acknowledgement armed conflicts and reduce civilian suffering. Introduction and overview 5 114, rue de lausanne ch-1202 geneva 1. The centrality of human rights and justice issues in Aceh 7 switzerland
[email protected] 2. Aceh in its Indonesian setting 9 t: + 41 22 908 11 30 f: +41 22 908 11 40 www.hdcentre.org 3. Limited international involvement 12 © Copyright Henry Dunant Centre for 4. Justice issues in the negotiations 16 Humanitarian Dialogue, 2007 Reproduction of all or part of this 5. Implementation of the amnesty 19 publication may be authorised only with written consent and 6. Compensation without justice 22 acknowledgement of the source. Broad definition and difficulties in delivery 23 Edward Aspinall (edward,aspinall@ Compensation or assistance? 24 anu.edu.au) is a Fellow in the Department of Political and 7. Debates about the missing justice mechanisms 27 Social Change, Research School Human Rights Court 27 of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. He Truth and Reconciliation Commission 29 specialises in Indonesian politics and is the author of Opposing 8. The Aceh Monitoring Mission: could more have 31 Suharto: Compromise, Resistance been done? and Regime Change in Indonesia (Stanford University Press, 2005). His new book on the history Conclusion 36 of the Aceh conflict and peace process, provisionally entitled Islam References 39 and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia, will also be published by Stanford University Acronyms and abbreviations 43 Press.