Democratic Confederalism (Excerpts)
Colophon in collaboration with New World Summit New World Academy Reader #5: Stateless Stateless Democracy Editors: New World Academy Renée In der Maur and Jonas Staal in Research, Development, Democracy dialogue with Dilar Dirik and Realization Team: Şeyma Bayram (BAK), Younes Associate Editor: Bouadi (NWS), Vincent W. J. van Şeyma Bayram Gerven Oei (NWS), Maria Hlavajova (BAK), Robert Kluijver (NWS), Paul Design: Kuipers (NWS), Renée In der Maur Remco van Bladel, Amsterdam (NWS), Rens van Meegen (NWS), in collaboration with Niek van der Meer (BAK), Arjan van Corine van der Wal Meeuwen (BAK), Kasper Oostergetel (NWS), Sjoerd Oudman (NWS), Ga- Lithography and Printing: briëlle Provaas (NWS), Rob Schröder Drukkerij Raddraaier, Amsterdam (NWS), and Jonas Staal (NWS) ISBN: 978-90-77288-22-1 Cover and Chapter Images: The cover image depicts members of The texts in this reader are published neighborhood councils and coopera- according to individual agreements tives presenting themselves as can- with the authors and/or publishers; didates for the position of Co-Chair New World Academy Reader #5: no part of this publication may be of the People’s Council for the city of reproduced in any manner without Qamişlo, situated in the Cizîre can- permission of the publisher. ton, Rojava. This and all other images in the reader are part of a 2014 photo © 2015 the artists, authors, BAK, and series by Jonas Staal, titled Anatomy New World Academy of a Revolution — Rojava. Published by: NWA #5 has been made financially BAK, basis voor actuele kunst possible by the DOEN Foundation, Postbus 19288 Amsterdam and is additionally sup- NL–3501 DG Utrecht ported through BAK’s partnership T +31 (0)30 2316125 with the Centraal Museum, Utrecht, on the project Future Vocabularies- Future Collections.
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