youth&environment magazine december 2009

youth discovering biodiversity

in this issue ...... forest biodiversity ... International Year of Biodiversity ... why to protect biodiversity?

This magazine was published with financial support from European Commission and European Youth Foundation. Content - Editorial ...... 3 Editorial - Youth and Biodiversity ...... 4 Dear readers, ration that does not care about the conservation of - Making Wealth or Choosing Life ...... 5 biodiversity. - NATURA 2000 ...... 8 We are proud to present you with the new issue of In addition to this, a significant contribution - NATURA 2000 in ...... 9 our Magazine containing articles on such different to biodiversity will occur across Europe with the - International Year of Biodiversity ...... 12 topics in the context of biodiversity. initiation of young people in the issues concerning - 2010 Biodiversity Target ...... 13 Our lives depend on biodiversity in many ways, biodiversity. The young people will certainly carry - CEEWEB for Biodiversity ...... 15 although all these connections are not often appre- forward the torch lit by the young environmenta- - Biodiversity Situation in Bulgaria ...... 17 ciated. A case in point is agriculture, because it is due lists fighting for the cause and ensure for themselves - Mushroom Biodiversity in Europe ...... 19 to a wide variety of species that humans can obtain a secure future. To enhance biodiversity education - Asinine Race of Miranda ...... 20 timber for building, food for nutrition, medicines for and conservation, we need to reconnect people to - Finnish Forest Biodiversity ...... 22 health and the great outdoors for recreational oppor- nature, promote more in-depth knowledge of biodi- - Forest, Biodiversity and Climate Change ...... 24 tunities. Much of today’s world is also dependent on versity, and encourage people to take environmen- - Discovering Diversity ...... 26 wild resources, of which the best known examples tally-friendly actions. - Biodiversity - On the Edge ...... 28 are probably marine fisheries. Other economic gains That is why we created this magazine that is filled - YOUPEC 2010 ...... 29 derive from our interaction with the natural world. A with articles of young people deeply concerned with - CEEWEB book ...... 30 good example of this is the fastest expanding indus- biodiversity. You can read about the results of their - YEE Member Organisations List ...... 31 try and economic value of tourism. Once a species researches on the topics connected with biodiver- becomes extinct, it’s too late to apply conservation sity protection, about biodiversity situation in their methods. So far, about 1.75 million species have been countries and special actions that they organise or identified and classified, many of these are made up attend in order to protect nature. These are the exam- of small creatures such as insects. There are still a ples of activities in which ‘youth is discovering bio- lot of unknown species in the world, and some of diversity’. We believe that they will inspire you to these could hold economic or medicinal value. Scien- discover it even deeper. tists believe that there are actually about 13 mil- We hope that you will enjoy the articles of the lion species, though estimates range from 3 to 100 present issue and we invite you to submit us your million. contribution for our next Magazine. We will soon Current education and leisure patterns lead to on- announce the next topic. Until then, try to find out imprint going alienation of young people from nature. Now- how many species of birds are living in your coun- adays people in European countries live mostly in try... or the song from which one you like the most? Youth and Environment is publication YEE office man-made habitats, so there is a gap between them of Youth and Environment Europe Youth and Environment Europe Youth and Environment Europe is Kobatova 1/32 and nature. Nature plays a minor role in the lifestyle Gjoko Zoroski a network of European youth Praha 10, 102 00 of young people today as their free time is taken up YEE Publications Officer organisations working with nature Czech Republic by computers, games, television and other multime- (DEM-Youth, Macedonia) conservation and environment dia activities. We run the risk of bringing up a gene- [email protected] Editorial board Tel./Fax: +420 271 750 643 Małgorzata Zubowicz Gjoko Zoroski Aisha Hannibal Special thanks to: Layout European Commision and European Małgorzata Zubowicz Youth Foundation for the financial support that made the publication Contribution and support from: of this magazine possible Gjoko Zoroski, Lili Deyanova, Jaime Fernández, Veronika Kiss, Alejandro Martínez Sánchez, Bruna Moreira, Michal Ruman, Mari E. Niemi, Christian Debono, Annelies Roose Pictures from: YEE Archive,, Jaime Fernández, Emilia Pippola, Päivi Mattila, Tiina Jalkanen, Alejandro Martínez Sánchez, Gjoko Zoroski, Konopa Archive, AEPGA Archive 3 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity Youth and Biodiversity Making Wealth or Choosing Life Living in an age of technological developments, it makes it very hard to Why is the biodiversity important? What is the role of biodiversity? attract the young generation to issues related to environment, and in particular Biodiversity and modern society? How does the socioeconomic system in which to biodiversity. we live influence biodiversity?

However, at the same time, tively we are taken care and treat- other living creatures. About the social ecology from our diet to our own survival, from this variety. having so much information at ed today, one could determine to depend on the protection of the Nevertheless, in the socioeco- hand, it is very hard to ignore some extent our future. Youth and We are not alone here Biodiversity is composed of all planet’s biodiversity. Can there nomic system in which we live, what is currently happening with biodiversity are the future of our the vegetable and animal species be any greater motive for human the objective is always to generate our environment and stay inac- planet, a planet that will survive We, as children or students, that populate the planet and whose beings than its very own life? We the maximum profit for an indi- tive. It is quite important that we only if we have educated young have to be aware we are not alone interaction with the environment are being tested on instinct to sur- vidual. We can observe and ex- acknowledge the vital importance people among ourselves, aware in this world and we do not live creates the formation of ecosys- vive… plore how the laws of the current of biodiversity in sustaining our of the problems of today, caring only to satisfy our own needs and tems. Every ecosystem functions It is curious to observe that the market enter into direct competi- lives and making this world an about the other people and species desires, or to achieve our goals at through a dynamic equilibrium, principles on which our socioeco- tion with the conservation of life environmentally sound place for living around us. The significance any price. We have to live respon- which is maintained by the ope- nomic system is based are contra- because of the value of profit. people and nature to live in har- of youth participation in the pro- sibly, knowing there is so much rations of the network, as self- dictory to the very principles on mony. There are various threats to cess of biodiversity protection and more that is outside of our homes organised, inevitable and with which a system of ecological di- Rhythms biodiversity from diverse natures preservation must be noted as well. and we have to respect its way change as a variable constant. In versity is based. and its disastrous consequences Thus, it is very important that in- of growing, living, breeding and the Summit of Rio in 1992, the Life is a process that evolves existing. Namely because we are need to protect biodiversity to I would like to analyse this slowly and is in a constant state of aware of the biodiversity’s vulner- guarantee its future existence was situation thoroughly: change. All the elements that are ability and we are in a position to recognised on an international integrated in an ecosystem have influence its future, we have to level. The main aim to have an adequate rhythm. This protect it and strive at its long- Why is biodiversity so impor- is a time which is a great opportu- term conservation. As responsi- tant? It is because our life de- A natural system functions nity for the nature. ble citizens of our societies and pends on it, because we form a based on its ability to function In our lives we are all im- of the world, we need not only to part of it, we are one element in under pressure and its survival mersed in the velocity of time, make sure our voice concerning the ecosystem of ‘life’. We live in instinct with its main objective to and it is this high speed pace that biodiversity issues is heard and an anthropocentric culture, there- generate maximum protection for business requires. Our modern our requests are best addressed fore it makes it difficult to obtain life itself. Therefore, the indivi- world lacks time and as the re- and reflected in any biodiversity another point of view than an ego- dual is subordinate to the ecosys- sult we don’t have time for any- legislation, but also that those re- istic one. Therefore, it is sufficient tem to which it belongs and is a thing. We do not allow things to quests would be highly respected to realise that our own lives will great beneficiary of the diversity take their natural rhythm, there are now being felt. It is quite im- stead of spending hours in front and fully implemented by all go- be in danger if the biodiversity provided for it to function and for is always a deadline that needs to portant to note the problems as- of the computer, we youth go out vernments that have to abide to gets worse. That all our activities, the relationships that are derived be met so we prioritise time over sociated with biological diversity in the nature and enjoy its beauty. them. Since the young people are concern everyone everywhere and If schools and universities employ the ones serving as balance and Basic information we need to act urgently as deci- some non-formal methods of edu- check mechanisms for their home sions made will greatly influence cation and try to engage young governments, we should continue What is biodiversity? our future. boys and girls in more outdoor ac- to keep them (our governments) tivities, we will grow more physi- accountable for their actions as Biodiversity is the variation of life forms can have many interpretations and it is most within a given ecosystem, biome, or for the commonly used to replace the more clearly To educate about biodiversity cally active and healthier and will well as non-actions and be more ? entire Earth. Biodiversity is often used as a defined and long established terms, species learn on our own to appreciate na- involved in the decision-making mea-sure of the health of biological systems. diversity and species richness. Biologists most Youth and biodiversity are ture and the species surrounding process undergoing on both na- The biodiversity found on Earth today consists often define biodiversity as the “totality of very similar and interconnected in us. It is crucial that families and tional, European or international of many millions of distinct biological species, genes, species, and ecosystems of a region”. many ways. We (youth and biodi- schools start very early in life to level. which is the product of nearly 3.5 billion years versity) are both very vulnerable educate us while still children and of evolution. to external pressure and depend- cultivate some kind of affection Lili Deyanova “Biological diversity” or “biodiversity” ing on how carefully and atten- towards the environment and the (Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria)

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 4 5 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity animals and plants. Competition Types of processes is a reality for each individual as resources are limited. But the In nature, all is based on the collective interest is never put in proximity of its resources, all the doubt and it continues to keep the needs are contained in a space dynamic equilibrium. that we would be able to define Competition is the motor of the as nearby. If species do not find global economy. It permeates all everything they need in the land fields of our life and has human directly around them, they are behaviour working against nature. obliged to change their habitat or That is why people look at na- are condemned to die. Jaime Fernández Jaime ture as an enemy, something that The processes that are funda- endangers the obtaining of our mental to globalisation are that objective: to have more. resources can be retrieved from Jaime Fernández any distance. Everything that we allowing things to naturally evolve based on the principle of unlimi- To be is to gain or to gain eat, we wear, and we use in our at their own pace. ted growth. The growth cannot is to be daily life is often brought from the economic results: numbers. ship between the species supports stop because it will halt the profit the other side of the world. This How can we begin to explain to ever greater numbers of species The resources value. Here in this example we In a natural ecosystem the is sustained by ignoring the logi- the current economy the need to and the ecosystem becomes more can observe one of the greatest needs are clear: the continued cal method of living in balance by keep in mind other aspects? Per- complex and abundant. As a re- In nature, a self-limitation contradictions of a socioecono- survival of the species and its choosing profit value over this. haps we are only able to continue sult, the ecosystem and its con- exists because of limited resour- mic system and the environment. ecosystem. Requirements for this our anthropocentric look. But we tinued sustenance and survival ces. In nature, there is never more The earth’s resources are treated need: food and shelter. Obtaining Productivity – Diversity should try to see the biodiversity depends on a diversity of small consumed than there exists which like they are infinite, as if when more food than one needs, does in which we live as fundamental things rather than a few that are means that the consumption is they disappear then they will be not make sense, does not give the After this brief analysis, we to our survival. very large. Therefore, the disrup- based on need and resources avail- replaced. But our resources are fi- happiness. can see that there are some clear According to the evolution tions that may occur will be con- able. The resources are always nite and there are consequences to In our society, we exist in order differences that separate our so- of an ecosystem, during its first fronted in more decisive way as used in the rational way. All is be considered. to have and not just this but to have cioeconomic system and a natu- phase the energy is concentrated the ecosystem can adapt to these based on the interdependence and more and to have better things. ral system with biodiversity. In on productivity: to produce vege- changes due to its diversity. interrelation of all species, with The relations This desire ‘to have’ and con- my opinion ‘wealth’ is the word table biomass so that animals even the dysfunction or surplus of sume has become a need in itself. to focus on through discussion. needed to sustain other species Our system has remained in resources having a self regulating In a natural environment, we It is curious to consider that we Based on the capitalistic economy can begin to arrive. At the com- the first phase, it is a producing objective. can observe thousands of relation- are thought to be the only animal we consider the term ‘enjoy’ to pletion stage of this phase the pro- system which doesn’t give the suf- The capitalistic system is ships based on cooperation among with mental and rational capacity. be measured in terms of wealth, ductivity is abandoned because of ficient importance to supporting based on investment and profit the simple reason that the ecosys- and nurturing diversity. Humani- Basic information value, considered only through tem is now enriched. The relation- ty is mature enough to decide to pass to another phase but whether it chooses to or not remains to be Three levels at which biological variety has changes, slight gene variations are necessary seen. been identified: to produce changes in the organisms’ anatomy · genetic diversity that enables it to adapt and survive. Jaime Fernández ? · species diversity (Spain) · ecosystem diversity Species diversity is an index that incorpo- rates the number of species in an area and also Genetic diversity is a level of biodiversity their relative abundance. that refers to the total number of genetic chara- Recommended reading: cteristics in the genetic makeup of a species. It Ecosystem diversity refers to the diversity Murray Bookchin, is distinguished from genetic variability, which of a place at the level of ecosystems. It is con- Jorge Riechmann, describes the tendency of genetic characteris- trasted with biodiversity, which refers to varia- Serge Latouche, tics to vary. Genetic diversity plays a very im- tion in species rather than ecosystems. Jorge Scala, portant role in survival and adaptability of a Gregory Bateson. species because when a species’s environment Jaime Fernández

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 6 7 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity NATURA 2000 sary protection mechanisms in Finland in the north to the Canary place. EU governments are also in Islands in the south and currently env/financing_natura/library?l=/ Natura 2000 is an ecological network of protected areas in the territory of charge of ensuring that all NAT- cover approximately 20% of the contract_management/hand- the European Union. In May 1992, governments of the European Union URA 2000 sites are appropriately Union’s territory. book_update&vm=detailed&sb= managed by the relevant conser- Title adopted legislation designed to protect the most seriously threatened habitats vation authorities in each country. Additional Information and species across Europe. Natura 2000 is an important tool for protecting These bodies frequently work in General information, EEB, WWF, biodiversity. collaboration with other authori- NATURA 2000 Upcoming events BirdLife International: ties, non-governmental organisa- General Background to provide them with increased types which are covered, but also tions, local, regional to national NATURA 2000 Event Calendar diversity/Financing-Natura-2000- Information protection and management. semi-natural ones, that depend charities and private landowners. position-Dec03-final.pdf on the management of humans as Member States are expected to nature/NATURA2000/calendar/ In 1992 the Member States of To protect land and water certain types of grasslands. Some- pay for managing the sites in their events.htm General information regarding the European Union adopted legis- times certain human activities country. In order to help countries the financial instruments and spe- lation created in order to preserve Both sites protect endangered have to be restricted or stopped pay for conservation work, the NATURA 2000 Financial cifically some more info about the and protect the most threatened or unprotected habitats, helping to when they pose a significant threat European Union provides vari- resources situation in Romania: habitats and species throughout safeguard the animals and plants to the species or habitat types for ous ways to finance different ac- Europe. The legislation in ques- that need them. Throughout the which the site is being designated. tivities related to NATURA 2000 Guidance Handbook presenting ing/5100/09_5102_EN.ppt tion is the Habitats Directive, EU a great variety of habitats are However, keeping species and management. Nowadays, the EU funding options for Natura (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of protected and a variety of endan- habitats in good condition is not NATURA 2000 network sites are 2000 sites in the period 2007- Lili Deyanova 21 May 1992 on the Conservation gered animals across the EU be- necessarily incompatible with hu- spread throughout the EU, from 2013 (Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria) of Natural Habitats and of Wild nefit from this, such as golden man activities. On the contrary, Fauna and Flora) which comple- eagles and flamingos. It is im- many areas are dependent upon ments the Birds Directive adopt- portant to note NATURA 2000 certain human activities for their NATURA 2000 in Bulgaria ed in 1979. The main purpose of sites can be designated on both management and survival, such as The issue of NATURA 2000 is one of the most controversial and disputed those Directives is the establish- land and water. Marine Special agriculture. However, those acti- ment of a network of sites known Areas of Conservation might in- vities must be carefully regulated ones in Bulgaria’s public life and opinion is deeply divided on the inclusion or also as NATURA 2000. The Birds clude reefs or lagoons, inter-tidal in order not to cause any harm to exclusion of many areas. Directive requires the creation of areas, territories covered by sea or the species and habitats for whose Special Protection Areas (SPAs) land near the sea used by marine protection NATURA 2000 sites History and Introduction of rians did not understand the sig- for birds to help protect and ma- wildlife. Marine NATURA 2000 are established. the Issue in Bulgaria nificance of the issue’s possible nage areas important for rare, vul- areas are protected by innovative consequences. nerable or extinct species of birds. conservation measures to ensure 20% of the EU’s territory The first government debate The Habitats Directive similarly they are not over-fished or affect- on the proposed sites at the end of Identifying zones in Bulgaria requires Special Areas of Conser- ed by pollutants from sewage or All EU Member States con- 2006 provoked great public out- started in 2002 with a project vation (SACs) to be designated for shipping traffic. tribute (to NATURA 2000) in the rage, questions and discussions. funded by the Danish Environ- other species and habitats in order It is not only natural habitat form of Europe-wide partnership. NATURA 2000 filled the news- ment Agency and conducted by Each Member State must compile papers and news programmes for the Green Balkans Federation to- a list of the best wildlife areas con- several months and demonstrators gether with the Ministry of Envi- taining the habitats and species walked the streets in favour of and ronment and Danish consultants. listed in the Habitats and Birds against the EU’s nature protection At least half of the financing for Directive and submit them to the network. Under intensified pres- NATURA 2000 in Bulgaria came European Commission. Regard- sure from developers, the govern- from external sources. At the end ing the selection of sites under the ment finally voted to cut out half of 2004 other projects took place, tive were submitted, covering a Habitats Directive, an evaluation of the scientific list, including va- some financed by the Netherlands. total of 36% of the territory of and selection process is taking luable forest areas and virtually In 2005, Bulgaria began providing the country and 23% of the ter- place at a European level. How- the entire Black Sea coast. Al- finance but at levels lower than ritory of the country in terms ever, under the Birds Directive though ecological organisations external funders. of the Birds Directive. After the no such process is foreseen. For and landowners were trying to at- Up to the 20th of October 20th of October, a working group all sites it is the Member States’ tract publicity to their side of the 2006, proposals for over 300 of NGOs was formed to draw up responsibility to put the neces- matter, it appeared most Bulga- zones within the Habitats Direc- a final proposal to be presented

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 8 9 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity to the EU. The work lasted three environmentalists’ sense of in- case Bulgaria’s legislation did not on the environment and on bird weeks, some unessential zones justice, suggesting they had been correctly reflect European legisla- habitats and species. In spite of were excluded and areas covered consulted only so that the govern- tion such as the definition of sites, all the legal actions already taken in some zones were reduced. On ment could appear eco-friendly habitats and species and there against Bulgaria, the country con- the 21st of November, the consult- to Brussels. They also spoke was lack of procedures, which tinues to breach NATURA 2000 ative body within the Environ- out against powerful economic can be used to adequately assess legislature. A luxury vacation spa ment and Water Affairs Ministry interests in the tourism and con- potential impact and compensa- complex near the mountain re- approved the proposal submitted struction industries pressuring the tion measures in case of develop- sort village of Ribaritza is begin- by the NGOs. At the meeting, the government to remove territories ment projects on the sites of the ning to appear, parts of the forest NGOs proposed the total protected from the list. NATURA 2000 network. The around the village of Gorno Luko- area be reduced from 36 per cent In the course of time, the Envi- other first written warning to Bul- vo (Ivailovgradsko) are gone, new to almost 29 per cent. The NGOs ronment Minister signed 28 new garia was for failure to transpose to the Commission reveals sever- about failures to assess the impact golf course near Bozhurets on the proposed 225 zones. The Bulga- decrees (according to the Euro- correctly the directive on the con- al projects for the construction of on protected areas of the spatial Black Sea coast was constructed rian government consulted with pean Union’s EU Habitats direc- servation of wild birds, particular- large wind turbine development development plan for the despite those places’ inclusion in environmental groups and local tive) paving the way for the inclu- ly the requirement on information may have been authorized with- Municipality, where habitats and NATURA 2000. What will hap- government, which attributed to sion of 28 new zones in Bulgaria’s and research for key conservation out taking their environmental species in the coastal area are pen with all the species living on the delay of composing the list European environmental network issues. impact into account. The Com- particularly at risk. A third warn- the territories of those protected Finally, approved by the cabi- NATURA 2000 and another 50 In June 2008, the European mission was also concerned that ing concerns a more fundamental and violated areas? How many net on the 15th of February the zones were waiting for the pro- Commission started another in- other sports, tourism and road in- question about Bulgarian nature times does the European Com- following year, the list pleased no cess of preparing final orders to fringement procedure against Bul- frastructure construction projects legislation, which is not yet fully mission have to initiate infringe- one. Environmental activists were be completed. garia due to the insufficient wild may have cumulative impacts on in line with the requirements of ment procedures so that Bulgaria demanding more territory to be birds’ protection. The European the environment which have not the Habitats Directive. The prac- starts to protect and appreciate its included, whereas investors and Legal Proceedings Regarding Commission sent a first written been properly assessed. tical implications of this failure to nature? How many species will property owners were fighting NATURA 2000 warning to Bulgaria for taking in- In the beginning of October implement the directive have be- be extinct until environmental- to keep their lands out. The list Against Bulgaria sufficient measures to protect na- this year, the European Commis- come apparent from the destruc- ists manage to prevail over people comprised about 20% of Bulgar- ture. The case concerned Bulga- sion again sent written warnings tion of important habitats as a re- having powerful economic inter- ian territory, where 32 sites were As early as 2007 the Euro- ria’s failure to designate adequate to Bulgaria about four separate sult of works undertaken along the ests in Bulgaria? removed from Bulgaria’s pro- pean Commission prepared to Special Protection Areas (SPAs) instances of failure to provide ad- Vaya River in the protected area tected list unexpectedly. Those send Bulgaria first written warn- for migratory and vulnerable wild equate protection for its natural of Emine-, which is the sub- Lili Deyanova sites present an additional 4% of ing in two separate cases over its bird species, which violates the heritage. The areas involved are ject of the fourth letter sent by the (Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria) Bulgarian territory and are close failure to properly incorporate EU directive on the conservation the Pirin Mountains, Tsarevo mu- Commission. to the Black Sea and mountain EU environmental laws into its of wild birds. Although Bulgaria nicipality and the Vaya River in Just some time ago (October Sources: ski resorts. They are the most at- national legislation. The first case has designated 114 important bird the protected area of Emine-Irakli 2009), the EC opened a new pu- - INSIGHT: NATURA 2000 debate tractive areas for Bulgaria’s rap- concerned the directive on the areas as protected zones, 6 Special near the Black Sea. The fourth nitive procedure against Bulgaria, heats up in Bulgaria: idly developing tourism industry conservation of natural habitats zones were significantly smaller warning was related to the failure because of the systematic viola- sight-natura-2000-debate-heats-up-in- and are also among the most un- and wild fauna and flora and the in size than the respondents of to bring Bulgarian nature legisla- tion of the directive for protection bulgaria touched and biologically sensi- second, the directive on the con- their important bird areas. tion fully in line with European re- of birds. According to EC experts, - An EU directive pits environmen- tive ones. The list exacerbated the servation of wild birds. In the first Later on that same year, in No- quirements. The Commission had who have received a number of talists against developers in Bul- vember 2008, this time the Com- received a number of complaints complaints for violations, tour- garia International Herald Tribune: mission sent Bulgaria a first writ- regarding on-going tourist and ist and urban infrastructure ness/worldbusiness/23iht-wbnatu- ten warning for failing to properly skiing developments in the Ban- and wind mill parks are built in ra.4698905.html apply the Wild Birds Directive. In sko Ski Centre in protected areas NATURA 2000 protected areas - More areas to be included in Bulgaria’s the beginning of 2008, the Com- of the Pirin Mountains noted for under no consideration for pro- Natura 2000 network: mission received a complaint that their spectacular flora and fauna. tected species there. The Com- more-areas-to-be-included-in-bulgari- ongoing construction projects in Some of those developments were mission believes Bulgaria is as-natura-2000-network the important bird area (IBA) of authorized by the national author- systematically violating its obli- - Concrete Crawls into Another Natura are leading to the dete- ities before any proper assessment gations to safeguard areas eligible 2000 Area in Bulgaria: rioration of a number of bird spe- of their impact and cumulative ef- for protection under the Birds Di- Lovech/Teteven/Ribaritsa/News. cies habitats and disturbance of fects on protected species and hab- rective and to properly assess the aspx?3055=Concrete_Crawls_into_An- bird species protected by the EC itats had been carried out. Similar cumulative effects of the numer- other_Natura_2000_Area_in_Bulgaria law. Information made available complaints have been received ous authorized plans and projects

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 10 11 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity The International Year of Biodiversity (IYB) 2010 Biodiversity Target The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity. The 2010 Biodiversity Target is an overall conservation target aiming to save It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity for our lives. biodiversity by the end of the year 2010. The world is invited to take action in 2010 to safeguard the variety of life on earth: biodiversity. Targets are increasingly being regional levels. This has resulted ings. Since 2007, the 2010 Biodi- used in various areas of public in ambitious commitments for ac- versity Target is fully integrated diversity of life on Earth to be lost sations and governments to take policy. Clear, long-term outcome- tion by heads of states, initiated in into the Millennium Development at a greatly accelerated rate. These immediate steps to halt biodiver- oriented targets that are adopted 2001 in the European Union. Goals. The Conference of the Par- losses are irreversible, impoverish sity loss by the international community In April 2002, the Parties to ties (COP) agreed on a provisional us all and damage the life support - Start dialog between stakehold- can help shape expectations and the Convention committed them- list of global headline indicators, systems we rely on everyday. But ers for the steps to be taken in the create the conditions in which selves to achieve by 2010 a signif- to assess progress at the global we can prevent them. post-2010 period. all actors, whether Governments, icant reduction of the current rate level towards the 2010 target (de- - 2010 is the International Year of the private sector, or civil society, of biodiversity loss at the global, cision VII/30), and to effectively The International Year of Bio- Biodiversity. Let’s reflect on our There will be many actions in the have the confidence to develop regional and national level as a communicate trends in biodiver- diversity (IYB) is a year-long cel- achievements to safeguard biodi- frame of the IYB. Check the list solutions to common problems. contribution to poverty allevia- sity related to the three objectives ebration of biological diversity versity and focus on the urgency of events at: More than one decade after the tion and to the benefit of all life of the Convention. In decision VIII/15, the COP distinguished and its value for life on Earth. It of our challenge for the future. implementation of the Convention on Earth. The Conference of the between: indicators considered will take place in many countires Now is the time to act. tions/ on Biological Diversity (CBD), Parties has considered the 2010 ready for immediate testing and around the world in 2010. Coin- the recognition of biodiversity Target during deliberations on the use (green), indicators confirmed ciding with the date of the 2010 Main goals Anyone who wishes can loss has gained high political pro- Convention’s Strategic Plan dur- as requiring more work (red). Biodiversity Target, the Year was participate file both at global, national and ing its 6th, 7th 8th and 9th meet- declared by the 61st session of the The celebrations of the In- United Nations General Assem- ternational Year of Biodiversity As part of the International Year Focal Area Indicators bly in 2006. are a unique opportunity to raise of Biodiversity, people around the - Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems, and The International Year of Bio- public awareness about the vital world are invited to submit ideas habitats diversity aims to raise awareness role of biodiversity sustaining life of biodiversity-friendly practices, - Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species of the importance of biodiversity on Earth, supporting ecosystem which: Status and trends of the components of - Coverage of protected areas all over the world. It wants to services and of its importance to - have a positive impact on biodi- biological diversity - Change in status of threatened species - Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, show that stop the loss of biodi- human wellbeing and poverty re- versity. cultivated plants, and fish species of major socioeconomic versity we need the effort from duction. - promote the sustainable use of importance everybone. That is why the IYB The main goals of the Interna- biodiversity. - Area of forest, agricultural and aquaculture ecosystems will be celebrated and announced tional Year of Biodiversity are to: - promote innovative solutions to Sustainable use under sustainable management with many actions in many coun- - Enhance public awareness of biodiversity-related problems. - Proportion of products derived from sustainable sources - Ecological footprint and related concepts tries. The global community will the importance of conserving bio- - motivate individual action to Threats to biodiversity work together to ensure a sustain- diversity and of the underlying protect biodiversity. - Nitrogen deposition - Trends in invasive alien species able future for us all. threats to biodiversity - can be adapted and imitated by - Marine Trophic Index - Raise awareness of the accom- others. - Water quality of freshwater ecosystems Main messages plishments to save biodiversity - raise people’s awareness of bio- - Trophic integrity of other ecosystems that have already been realized by diversity. Ecosystem integrity and ecosystem goods and services - Connectivity / fragmentation of ecosystems - Humans are part of nature’s rich communities and governments - show the relationship between - Incidence of human-induced ecosystem failure - Health and well-being of communities who depend directly diversity and have the power to - Promote innovative solutions to biodiversity and other themes. on local ecosystem goods and services protect or destroy it. reduce the threats to biodiversity - Biodiversity for food and medicine - Biodiversity, the variety of life - Encourage individuals, organi- More information at: - Status and trends of linguistic diversity and numbers of Status of traditional knowledge, innovations and on Earth, is essential to sustaining speakers of indigenous languages Practices the living networks and systems Slogan of The International - Other indicator of the status of indigenous and traditional that provide us all with health, Year of Biodiversity Source: knowledge wealth, food, fuel and the vital Biodiversity is life Status of access and benefit-sharing - Indicator of access and benefit-sharing services our lives depend on. tional_Year_of_Biodiversity - Official development assistance provided in support of the Status of resource transfers - Human activity is causing the Biodiversity is our life Convention - Indicator of technology transfer

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 12 13 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity this tool which measures natural capital. Integration of land-use for CEEWEB FOR BIODIVERSITY multiple needs will be absolutely CEEweb is an international network of 78 non-governmental organisa- vital. Education of the public, raising the profile of biodiversity tions in the Central and Eastern European regions. The mission of the to public consciousness in the network is the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of same way as climate change over sustainable development. recent years, will also be integral to success. Perhaps to facilitate this there should be a change in intensive products and services Picnic is a multi-stakeholder ini- terminology. Is “biodiversity” too and population growth, tiative aiming to raise awareness sterile, too devoid of any “spiritual - Urban structures, infrastruc- on biodiversity and to strengthen significance” – is it too ”scientif- tures, etc. commitment to its conservation ic”’. Do we need to shift to present through regular events every year the target as “halting declines in Responses that address the on ‘International Biodiversity life on earth”? CEEweb is active on EU, re- drivers: Day’. It was originally launched gional and national levels. - taxation policy, at the Biodiversity Stakeholders’ To halt biodiversity loss target? Countdown 2010 Since 2008 CEEweb has been - changing the sectoral institu- Roundtable in October 2007. At A new target should “halt any discussing the complex relation- tional system, the Picnics Pan-European stake- However, given the current further loss of species and habitats You can join Countdown 2010 ships among biodiversity loss - land use policies, holders of biodiversity spend a rapid decline in biodiversity, both and, by 2025, restore degraded by taking action to save biodi- and the cultural, institutional and - educating consumers, etc. pleasant day together in the coun- in Europe and worldwide, and the areas with an emphasis on links versity by 2010 and signing the structural drivers behind it in its tryside, eat organic fruits and dis- ever-increasing extent and inten- between biodiversity, ecosystem Countdown 2010 declaration Policy Working Group (PWG). The network has four thematic cuss the issues of biodiversity. sity of many human activities, the services, climate change and hu- The PWG uses the so-called Working Groups that are mission- objective of halting the decline in man well-being”. DPSIR-model developed by the oriented task forces of the organi- The Pan-European Biodiversity biodiversity by 2010 will require To make any target a success, Gjoko Zoroski European Environment Agency sation. The WGs operate on the Picnic aims to: unprecedented efforts in adapting broad societal change would be (DEM-Youth, Macedonia) for identifying the drivers and following fields: CITES, Natura - Raise political and public aware- our activities to the needs of natu- necessary, not least the shift to a for the developing measures (re- 2000, Rural development and ness about biodiversity, ral systems. “Green New Deal”; a change to Sources: sponses) how to tackle them. Sustainable Tourism. - Deepen the understanding of the But what will happen after the economic and policy frame- contribution of biodiversity to hu- 2010? Will the Biodiversity Tar- work underlying society, a re- Cultural drivers: The most recent activities of man wellbeing, get be renewed? Does the inter- think of GDP and the develop- - loss of identity and traditional CEEweb - Attract various stakeholders to national community need another ment of an economic successor to lifestyle, loss of relationship to nature conservation, nature, consumerism, the values Pan-European Biodiversity - Raise the profile of biodiversity of society, sectoral approach, ana- Picnic in global politics through publi- Basic information lytical knowledge, etc. cising this Pan-European multi- The Pan-European Biodiversity stakeholder initiative at interna- What can I do? Institutional drivers: - economic regulatory framework Learn about biodiversity and environ- celebrations in your area, you can organise resulting in that natural resources mental issues in your area and in your biodiversity-related activities, conferences are cheap in comparison to hu- ? man labour, country. You need to know a bit about and events yourself. Your biggest con- what biodiversity is before you can act. tribution though is in your daily actions. - monetary system with money You can participate in the International Thoughtful consumption that takes into increasing itself through interest, Year of Biodiversity at the local level by account the impact of your actions on the - cheap fuel for transport, joining environmental NGOs and volun- ecosystems of our planet is the way you - state budgets, teering in environmental actions. Sav- can conserve and sustainably use the bio- - education system, etc.

ing biodiversity starts in the community. diversity of our planet. Find out about the celebrations in your Structural drivers: country and participate. If there are no - production and consumption patterns with energy and material

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 14 15 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity tional events and in the media. Biodiversity situation in Bulgaria The Picnic intends to bring together: the Head of state and Bulgaria is one of Europe’s most biodiversity abundant countries and despite heads of state institutions (like the challenges in the transition to market economy, concern for biodiversity government, parliament and min- conservation remained strong within the country. istries), political leaders, trade un- ion members, farming organisa- Introduction garia ranks among some of the loss and degradation of aquatic tions and other advocacy groups, most biologically diverse coun- and terrestrial habitats is perhaps business leaders social and youth Biodiversity is necessary for tries in Europe. Its biota includes the most significant one, affect- organisations, artists, scientists, the sustained existence of man- considerable numbers of endemic ing all ecosystems from the high conservation groups and other kind and is of crucial importance species and subspecies, where mountain forests and lakes to the stakeholders for a pleasant picnic for the well-being of future gen- endemic plant species constitute open waters and Bentic commu- in nature every year on 22 May, erations. In light of the threats to about 5 % of the total flora and nities of the Black Sea. Pollution ‘International Biodiversity Day’. ecosystems and species, the gov- endemic insect species make 8.8 of air, soil, groundwater, fresh- ernments of the world came to percent of all non-insect species water and coastal waters intensi- Biodiversity Assessment of Pan- an agreement in Rio de Janeiro and 4.3 percent of insect species. fied over the last decades present European Countries The most urgent common interest major event in the Pan-European in 1992 to work together to pre- Known endemic vertebrates in- a great danger to both biological of all Pan-European countries is Biological and Landscape Diver- serve and conserve biodiversity clude 12 freshwater fishes, 1 am- diversity and human health. Most The well-being of any soci- to reveal these drivers and find sity Strategy (PEBLDS) process and promote the sustainable use phibian subspecies, 4 reptile sub- forms of source pollution - house- ety depends on healthy ecosys- holistic policy tools in interna- and it was held between the 22nd of natural resources. Bulgaria is species, and at least 4 sub-species hold, agricultural, petroleum, in- tems that provide proper services. tional cooperation to change their and 24th of September 2009 in one of Europe’s most biodiversity of mammals. dustrial, and nuclear - are present Therefore conservation of biodi- course. Involvement of NGOs on Belgium. abundant countries and despite in Bulgaria and threaten biologi- versity rightfully should be the a national level to implementation Making a strong link between the challenges in the transition to However, as a result of anthro- cal diversity. same level priority on the political of both national plans and inter- CBD COP decisions and the con- market economy, concern for bio- pogenic pressure, a number of Direct exploitation and espe- agenda as socioeconomic issues. national agreements can be one ference agenda, the Conference diversity conservation remained Bulgarian species have become cially over-exploitation of eco- The assessment of 46 countries factor of success to biodiversity focused on the following three strong within the country. This is vulnerable or endangered during nomically valuable species affect shows that in the Pan-European conservation. Only this can stop topics: confirmed both by the existence the last decades. In total Bulgaria many ecosystems and habitats. region this is still not the case. biodiversity loss and assure future -Valuing ecosystem services of national legislation and by Bul- has 473 protected animal species This includes threats such as ille- According to the survey, in well-being of all citizens in Pan- - Biodiversity and climate change garia’s accession to international and 389 protected plant species. It gal gathering and export of edible Western Europe the most signifi- Europe. - Post-2010 vision for the Pan-Eu- initiatives in this field. In 1998 the has a number of unique and rep- fungi, medicinal plants, snails cant treat to biodiversity is ever- ropean region Bulgarian Government approved resentative communities and eco- and several reptiles and amphib- increasing consumption of natural Biodiversity in Europe CEEweb was preparing inputs the National Biological Diversity systems highly valuable in terms ians; over-harvesting of commer- resources and land. All Pan-Euro- Conference of different scales for the event. Conservation Strategy. The devel- of biological diversity, including cial fish species in the Black Sea pean countries are facing or will Primarily, CEEweb prepared for opment of the National Biodiver- alpine and sub-alpine coniferous coastal and open waters; or poach- soon face the same socio-econom- The 5th Biodiversity in Europe the Conference background docu- sity Conservation Plan (NBCP) forests, meadows, wetlands, lakes, ing and hunting for sport of large ic drivers behind biodiversity loss. Conference was the most recent ments for each of the theme: was a follow up to the National forests, woodlands, mammals and birds. Additionally, - Valuing ecosystem services and Strategy and it specifies certain caves and mountain gorges, sand introduction of non-native species related case studies priority activities and determines dunes, coastal limestone commu- have significantly affected the - Biodiversity and climate change the following key areas: nities and other unique habitats dynamics of major ecosystems. - Post-2010 vision for the Pan-Eu- - Internal water and wetland eco- along the Black Sea coast. In ad- For instance, the intentional intro- ropean region systems dition, it is important to note Bul- duction of non-native fish, game, The next high-level conference - Forest ecosystems garia’s forests cover approximate- and timber trees has also had det- of the Pan-European Biological - Mountain (pasture) ecosystems ly 3.9 million hectares (about 35 rimental impacts on indigenous and Landscape Diversity Strategy - Agro-ecosystems per- cent of the nation’s total land) ecosystems, species and sub-spe- (PEBLDS) is going to be held this - Lowland (grass) ecosystems of this area, where around 60 % cies. Bulgaria’s unique genetic autumn, 2009. are of natural origin. resources of local crop varieties, Although relatively small in wild relatives of cultivated plants More information about size, Bulgaria is rich in biologi- Threats to Biodiversity and local and primitive domestic CEEweb for Biodiversity cal diversity due to the varied cli- animal breeds have diminished as network can be found at: matic, geologic, topographic, and Bulgaria’s biodiversity encoun- a result of changes in land use and hydrologic conditions. Thus, Bul- ters a broad scope of threats. The in the agricultural economy.

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 16 17 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity Local communities regain land - Drafting of protected species ac- through land restitution processes tion plans; Carrying out of prac- Mushroom Biodiversity in Europe which could constitute an impor- tical on-site measures on the ter- There are approximately 1,5 million species of in the world which makes tant potential threat to biological rain according to the action plans diversity as well. Restitution offers (restoration of habitats, fencing of it the second highest number of species in one family after insects. All of us have significant opportunities for con- a rare plant habitat, artificial nests sadness about the prospect of losing species, losing biodiversity and its conse- servation, but if citizens and local or islands to attract for nesting en- quences for ecological functions as well as its potential medical applications. governments are not informed or dangered birds, etc.) encouraged to adopt conservative - Construction of national re- First of all, we should clarify or restorative land use practices, serves for domestic plant, animal some basic concepts about mush- the restitution may have adverse Expansion and Maintenance of and fish breeds threatened with rooms. The English words “Mush- impacts on biodiversity. Given its the Protected Area Network extinction; room” and “Toadstools” refer to traditional position amidst three - Re-categorising of protected are- the reproductive part of a living Sánchez Martínez Alejandro major bioclimatic regions, accel- as according to the new categories Strengthening of the Scientific form called ‘fungus’ although not eration of climate change could of the Law on Protected Areas and Base for Biodiversity Conserva- all fungus reproductions are done additionally have far-reaching ef- drafting of Management Plans for tion by mushrooms. It´s something like fects on Bulgaria’s biological di- protected areas and implementa- - Establishment of a data base of an apple (being the apple a Mush- versity. If global warming results tion of the main recommendations taxonomic groups, geographic room) and an apple tree (being the in a rise in sea levels, the detri- of the Management Plans. areas, anthropogenic threats and apple tree the fungus) - not all the mental effects along the Black Sea - Study of new areas and sites in impacts, as well as methods for trees have fruits. coast would also be substantial. view of including them in the eco- reduction of undesirable impacts; There are approximately 1,5 mucida grows in beech forest, its characterictic it soft surface, used to make Lack of knowledge and ineffec- logical network and maintenance - Improvement of the essential million species of fungus in the hand cosmetics. tive policies is also a considerable of ongoing records of Protected equipment of the scientific biodi- world which makes it the second is done by counting the species endangered species in 3 different factor. Insufficient information Areas taking account of increas- versity units; highest number of species in one which grow in different squares countries: on species richness, distribution, es/decreases of their areas and family after insects. All of us have (areas) of the forest during several Countries Extinct Endangered current populations and popula- changes in their regimes, new cat- Information, Education and sadness about the prospect of los- years. Others, done for example in tion trends for many taxonomic egories, and statistical records. Training ing species, losing biodiversity Spain, just aim to count the species Germany 26 170 groups; insufficient information - Improving promotion of the and its consequences for ecologi- that are found walking through a Norway 7 87 on biological diversity in specific Restoration and Maintenance significance of biodiversity, car- cal functions as well as its poten- habitat over a period of time. In Denmark 56 142 geographic regions; insufficient Activities rying out of periodical informa- tial medical applications. Germany some researchers ana- information on the impact of vari- - Restoration and maintenance ac- tion campaigns through the mass Many researchers have stu- lyzed the amount of mushrooms But what causes this decrease? ous anthropogenic threats and on tivities are related to conservation media in visitor centers; Elabora- died and still study the decrease in in a market. The conclusions of mitigation methods and restora- of endangered species and of their tion and introduction of nature the number of fungus all around all these studies are showing that Scientifics consider the follow- tion procedures are among the genetic resources. protection programmes for use in Europe. There are many kinds the number of fungus is decreas- ing reasons to be the main caus- most significant problems related - Provision of legal protection for the educational system; Providing of studies; the most popular one ing, mainly the species in associa- es: to that threat. endangered plant and animal spe- biodiversity related information tion with plant roots, whereas the - Climate change, which could cies; Implementation of species and additional training services groups of fungus growing in or- change the rainy pathrons and the Main Measures Directed conservation actions in compli- to new (and current) farmers and ganic debris have increased. Flora. Towards the Protection of ance with relevant laws and con- landowners. Some countries have started - Loss of habitats. Biodiversity ventions; Maintenance of critical -Increasing the involvement of to protect through legislation the - Changes in the forest ecosys- populations of endangered species. non-governmental environmental species which are in danger or tems. Institutional Strengthening of organisations in the implementa- threatened. They have created a - Pollution, for example the acid Government Biodiversity Conser- tion of state policy. “red list” of endangered fungus. rain which burns the flora and vation Units For example, in Germany species creates soil erosion. This is the -Establishment of new units where Lili Deyanova like Boletus edulis and Boletus main cause in north and central necessary; Capacity building of (Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria) aereus are included in the list, but Europe. personnel of the existing units; in many other countries these spe- - Human picking, not caused by Material and technical provisions Source: Alejandro Martínez Sánchez cies grow in a big amount and are the extraction of mushrooms, for the new units; Training of the “National Biodiversity Conserva- Leccinun lepidum, it grows in associa- not at all considered endangered. but because of the bad practices tion with plant roots of Holm oak Quercus tion Plan”, Ministry of Environment experts in the units on biodiver- ilex, is included in the red list of Spanish Here you have a table com- of picking which inhibit future sity conservation. and Water of the Republic of Bulgaria endangered fungi. paring the number of extinct and growth.

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 18 19 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity But what can every person do that are specific, in the case of the 2000 directly with breeders, sup- to protect the mushrooms? Miranda´s Donkey. porting and assisting the animals All these factors have contri- that need veterinary care and up- - Respect them all: it doesn’t mat- buted to the current decline of the dating the Genealogical Book of ter if the fungi are edible, poison- number of donkeys of the Asinine the Breed. At the same time our ous, pretty or ugly, all of them Race de Miranda. Association organises various ac- have a function in nature. tivities and events throughout the - Never use tools to pick them, or Biodiversity is of great impor- year. Our activities are related to you will destroy their habitat and tance in order to maintain stable environmental, cultural and tradi- reproductive structures. ecosystems. If there is a sudden tional aspects and concerns, with - Use basket to pick them up. change in that community’s envi- the most important objective to Plastic bags don´t let the spores to ronment, the balance of the com- raise awareness about other uses spread, and neither let the mush- AEPGA Archive munity may change, which may of the donkeys, such as ecotour-

Alejandro Martínez Sánchez rooms to “breathe” Causes of the Threatened result it in its existinction. In the ism rides, walks and therapy pro- Rhodotus Palmatus. It grows in wood debris. Exactly in Dutch elm (Ulmus minur) debris. Rhodotus palmatus is very rare due to the Dutch elm disease which is a devastating disease Extinction last 50 years intensive farming vided by asinine. responsible for the destruction of the majority of mature elm trees (Ulmus) across the world. Alejandro Martínez Sánchez has increased and now only the Biodiversity and the protection So Rhodotus palmatus has decreased because it has less debris to live of. It is included in the (ORO Verde, Spain) The mechanization of the agri- most productive species of crops of our ecosystems are also very red list. It is an example of the situation when the habitat of the fungus change. cultural works, the abandonment and animals are grown and reared. important to us all as individuals. What can be done? climate change. Sources: of the rural world and subsistence This means that several differ- We can all appreciate the beauty - Gómez Urrutia, Javier. “Las setas silvestres farming methods led to the dis- ent varieties of domestic animals, of nature when we are looking at en Europa ¿en peligro de extinción? Cuader- Governments can continue To protect and increase the nos de ciencias naturales, revista Gorosti appearance of important cultural fruits and vegetables are in danger the landscape, going for a walk in creating lists of endangered spe- forest areas and the different - Arnolds, E. 1991. Decline or ectomycor- and traditional values. of becoming extinct. This is what a wood or sitting in a garden. Hu- cies to forbid people picking them habitats. In my opinion this rhizal fungi in Europe. Agri. Eco-syst. En- In the Trás-os-Montes Region is also happening with donkeys! man beings like to live in a varied vironm. 35. and also in order to make people is the main action to be done, - Calonge, F, 1993. Hacia la confeccion de another factor is the emigration Particularly in Trás-os-Mon- natural environment with open aware of the situation. which is not only necessary for una lista roja de macromycetes (hongos) en of families over the last 60 years tes, a region in Northern Portugal, spaces to walk and play in, trees By reducing the CO2 emis- mushrooms but also for all living la Peninsula iberica. Bol. Soc. mic. Madrid to other countries such as France. the donkey was used in agricul- for shade, colorful flowers, clean sions to avoid the impacts of beings. This has had a significant effect ture, to plough the land and also water, birds and animals. The because it has been largely those as transport between villages and donkey is a significant element Asinine Race of Miranda of the population who are in ac- cities. Nowadays, for some peo- in this region of Portugal and we tive age. This fact has largely led ple, donkeys are still their eyes, work towards its long term pre- AEPGA - Association for Study and Protection of the Asinine Cattle tries to to the aging population being suf- legs and arms. The Miranda’s servation among other of natures protect the population of Miranda’s donkey in Portugal. ficiently advanced to make labour Donkey Race has often suffered wonders. intensive farming a real challenge crossbreeding with horses to pro- among which it deals with the ily. Some of them are: as well as the use and protection duce mules, because of their big Bruna Moreira protection of the indigenous popu- - Dark chestnut colour pelage with of donkeys. size, their robust body and their (AEPGA, Portugal) lation of donkey in Atenor, Portu- clearer gradations in the backs friendly and quiet character. The gal. They promote and collaborate and inferior face of the trunk Further issues of concern mules were used in the Douro’s in the spreading of the Miranda’s - Long and thick hair Wine Region to transport grapes, donkey breed, through providing - Large and hairy ears - the advanced age of the female because it was the only animal expositions, cultural and ecotour- - Voluminous Head donkeys means that there is a re- able to work and go through the ism activities, therapeutic use of - Short snout with a white duction in its fertility; big hills of the Douro’s River. the donkey, auctions and other extremity - the reduced numbers of virile Miranda’s donkey is endan- events involving the Miranda’s - Thick Lips males to reproduce because cas- gered because of the industriali- Donkey Race. - Eyes surrounded by one white trated males are more docile for sation of the rural world, people spot working in the fields so the prac- and farming techniques. Due to Diagnostic Characteristics of - Short and thick neck tice continues; the mechanization of farming AEPGA Archive AEPGA the Miranda Donkey - Wide Chest - difficulties in the transportation farmers don’t use them anymore AEPGA Archive - Raised stature, more than what for the reproductive places/ ranks; in their daily life and also because AEPGA - Association for The Miranda donkey possesses 120m, ideally with 135m and finally, the miscegenation there are few females of reproduc- Study and Protection of the Asi- distinctive characteristics that al- - Physically robust with thick legs of different varieties of donkeys, tive age. To preserve this species, nine Cattle, has many activities low us to identify them very eas- - Docile Temperament losing itself the characteristics AEPGA has been working since

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 20 21 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity ensure that the biodiversity is pre- Finnish Forest Biodiversity served. In some regions the base Young forest activists play significant role in protecting fragmented forest for the network is not yet even created and needs work to estab- landscape in Finland. lish this fir the protected area.

average 5 m3/ha of dead wood in Forest protection the managed forests where as in similar natural forests there can In order to improve the situa- be found tens or even more than tion, the Finnish government has hundred m3/ha. Also other key started up the Forest Biodiversity

characteristics have changed. For Programme for Southern Finland Jalkanen Tiina example large, old deciduous spe- (METSO). There is some money cies have decreased. reserved for paying the forest The situation is most critical in owners for the protection but alto- the Southern part of the country gether the resources are too scarce. where most of the people are liv- There is no adequate plan and the Each year FAG gives educa- have been used to compare the ing. Around 2% of the forests in authorities aren’t capable of us- tion to new as well as existing ecological value of different areas

Emilia Pippola this part of the country are pro- ing time to search for the ecologi- volunteers. The topics are for ex- and to prove the importance of In the beginning of the 20th cen- tem, such as carbon binding. Also tected. Many of the protected ar- cally best areas to be protected. ample: indentifying indicators or these forests for their biodiversity. tury, the forest biodiversity in Fin- during the past few years logging eas are small in size and they are Therefore, volunteers from some EU nature directive species such Similar work has been done also land was still at quite a sustainable residue (branches and stumps) has not all naturally maintained and environmental non-governmental as the flying squirrel. Other is- in the Southern part of the coun- level. The forests were selectively been collected from many cut- organisations are doing this work: sues taught to the volunteers are: try and will continue to develop in cut for different purposes but this ting areas to be used to produce Intensive use for timber and searching and mapping valuable how to orientate in the forest, how the near future. didn’t have a very strong impact bioenergy. pulp since mid 20th century forest areas. to use GPS or how to write a re- on the forest ecosystem. Inten- has transformed most of port. FAG organises courses and Some members of FAG have sive use for timber and pulp since Forest characteristic Finland into a fragmented Finnish Nature League educates young people in a way shared the knowledge and experi- mid 20th century has transformed landscape of different aged that new volunteers accompany ences with Swedish, Norwegian, most of Finland into a fragmented 37 percent of the endangered stands often growing just one Finnish Nature League (Luon- experienced activists in the field and Russian forest activists. In landscape of different aged stands species in Finland live in forests. tree species. to liitto) is a youth organisation work and learn by doing – it has co-operation with local NGOs often growing just one tree spe- The most tremendous change in which focuses on environmen- turned to be an efficient way the Finnish forest activists have cies. The volume of the forests is the forest structure is a decrease in supported. Because the quality of tal education and environmental of learning. The field work is mapped thousands of hectares to- increasing as the majority of the the amount of dead wood. In Fin- the forests is weakened, restora- politics. The organisation’s Forest very often done in pairs or small gether with the local volunteers. forests are young and therefore in land 20-25 percent of all the forest tion is needed in many places. As Action Group (FAG) was estab- groups. When there is this kind From this collaboration, a new a good state of growth. But what dwelling species are dependent well as this the completion of the lished in the beginning of 1990’s of possibility to share the experi- web page has been created called is important, and often forgotten on this resource. There is only on protection network is needed to at the same time when a protec- when the Finnish forests are pre- tion program for old-growth for- Volunteers from environ- highlighting the unprotected for- sented internationally, is the eco- ests was started by the state in mental non-governmental ests of Finland, Sweden and Nor- logical quality of these forests. It Finland. The organisation has just organisations are searching way. This page is written in Eng- has changed dramatically over the one part time worker which means and mapping valuable lish and will be regularly updated past decades. that most of the work is done forest areas. for new information on the forests voluntarily. Many of the and in terms of their protection. Forests as economical resources volunteers are biology students ences in the field, the motivation In many cases the protection of or people who have gained stays high. forest biodiversity is promoted The forests used as economical knowledge on forests from other Most of the protected areas in nationally but in some situations resources are treated with clear work or experience. These peo- Finland are located in the North. international publicity urges the cut, thinning and soil prepara- ple are motivated to use their Volunteers of FAG have played an decision making in Finland for-

tion as a common practice. This Mattila Päivi recreation and spare time for essential role in the protection of ward. causes major damage to the spe- finding and mapping nature val- these forests. Some 10,000 find- cies communities, as well as to ues to be used in protection proc- ings have been identified by the Mari E. Niemi the functions of the forest ecosys- esses. volunteers. These observations (Finnish Nature League)

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 22 23 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity Forests, Biodiversity and Climate Change the importance of maintaining a species are in threat of becoming wide variety of species makes this extinct like any other species if A big green bravo for all Macedonians for their multi-million tree planting endeavour a necessary problem to biodiversity continues to decline. accomplishment! address. Action and pressure from It is clear how the forests, bio- individuals towards government diversity and climate change are I would like to start this article A big green bravo for all Mac- end of the tree’s life cycle that car- level can help maintain biodiver- linked but what can we do? Let with the following report: edonians for their multi-million bon is released back to the atmos- sity through the sheer will of the each of us provide an initiative for Five million trees were planted tree planting accomplishment! phere as carbon dioxide. When people. Herein, many incentives taking some action in the commu- on 14 March 2009 on different It’s not just about the fact that forests are unmanaged there is and actions should be raised by us nity where he/she lives. If you are locations in Macedonia as a con- the author of this text originates no net change in the atmospheric - as young environmentalists and a member of some organisation tinuation of the campaign “Tree from the mentioned country and concentration of carbon dioxide environmental networks. or network try to initiate some- Day - Plant Your Future” which since the removal of carbon diox- We know a lot about the causes thing “green”. Fight for minimis- started in 2008. During that During first event in 2008, ide from the atmosphere through Gjoko Zoroski of climate change. Climate change ing deforestation. Plant a tree! As first event a year and a half ago, more than 150 000 photosynthesis is balanced by the between biodiversity and climate is predicted to be the greatest a NGO-volunteer, teach younger more than 150 000 Macedonians Macedonians planted 2 million release of carbon dioxide from change and identifies the need for long-term threat to biodiversity people the rich biodiversity in planted 2 million trees in one day trees in one day (symbolically, rotting trees. Deforestation, how- integrated policy development. in many regions and is listed as a your country! They will appreci- (symbolically, one tree for each one tree for each citizen). ever, alters this balance. Carbon key threatening process. The im- ate it in the future more…for sure. citizen). On 12 March 2008, the dioxide is released to the atmos- Forest and Climate Change pacts of climate change, such as We - the youth of today are plant- Macedonian citizens planted 2 participated in both actions. I am phere by forest burning. The sub- increased air and ocean tempera- ing our future. million trees and on 19 November convinced that this is a great step sequent replacement vegetation, Taking biological diversity into tures, and increased frequency 2008 6 million in one day. The forward towards the fight against frequently in the form of agricul- account we should think about of extreme climatic events can Gjoko Zoroski campaign was initiated by the biodiversity loss and climate tural crops, has comparatively lit- raising and increasing awareness directly and indirectly impact (DEM-Youth, Macedonia) opera singer Boris Trajanov and change which initiated one small tle biomass in comparison to for- about these issues, reducing de- on biodiversity. Higher summer supported by the Government, the country to do something. ests, and the potential to absorb forestation, and increasing the temperatures and mild winters Association of Local Self-govern- carbon dioxide is reduced. expanse of land protected. Forests can influence the distribution of ment Units and the NGO sector. Forest - ecological life- Let’s look at the unending cy- are the most diverse ecosystems pests and diseases. Some birds, support system cle which exists over a million on land, because they hold the vast insects, mammals and plants are “Imagine Macedonia in Green” years: a forest is more than trees, majority of the world’s terrestrial already showing changes in their Healthy forest ecosystems are but without trees there can be no species. Biodiversity is also related geographic distribution and have This year the fourth campaign ecological life-support systems. forest. Trees create the structure to global warming. Slow growth moved northwards or to higher “Tree Day-Plant Your Future” Forests provide a full suite of that welds the entire community forests can take in a significant altitudes in response to the ob-

was held on November 11, under goods and services that are vital of plants and wildlife together by amount of carbon dioxide but de- served changes in the European Zoroski Gjoko the motto “Imagine Macedonia in to human health and livelihood. creating shade, enhancing the soil forestation immediately cuts the climate. One thing is certain: the Green”. 7,5 million seedlings were Many of these goods and serv- and soil hydrology. The roots hold contribution to this important en- more we learn about biodiversity planted at 3,674 hectares through- ices are traditionally viewed as fragile soils together, preventing vironmental function. Preserving the more we realise how much the out Macedonia. free benefits to society, or “pub- erosion. Fallen leaves and branch- biodiversity is not without cost but world depends on it. Humans as a lic goods” - wildlife habitat and es build up nutrients in the soil and diversity, watershed services, provide the substance on which Basic information carbon storage, and scenic land- soil microbes thrive. The trunks scapes, to name just a few. As the and branches become a substrate What are human benefits from biodiversity? climate changes, partly due to de- on which other living things grow, forestation, the benefits we derive such as epiphytic plants. Here we Biodiversity also supports a number of na- geological record, or perhaps as high as 10 000 from forests may be threatened. see the link between the forests, tural ecosystem processes and services. Some times as fast. To feed such a large population, ecosystem services that benefit society are air more land is being transformed from wilder- To be more concrete: trees absorb biodiversity and ultimately cli- ? quality, climate (both global CO2 sequestra- ness with wildlife into agricultural, mining, carbon dioxide from the atmos- mate change. EU member states tion and local), water purification pollination, lumbering, and urban areas for humans. phere for photosynthesis. Some of have agreed to “halt the loss of and prevention of erosion. Non-material benefits that are obtained this carbon is used by the tree for biodiversity by 2010” and post- Since the stone age, species loss has been from ecosystems include spiritual and aesthe- growth and will remain locked up 2010 targets are currently being accelerated above the geological rate by hu- tic values, knowledge systems and the value within the cell structure until the discussed. The EU White Pa- man activity. The rate of species extinction is of education. tree is burnt or felled. In this way, per Adapting to Climate Change difficult to estimate, but it has been estimated

Gjoko Zoroski a tree acts as a carbon sink. At the 2009 highlights the relationship that species are now being lost at a rate appro- ximately 100 times as fast as is typical in the

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 24 25 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity (agricultural cooperative for sus- that were not certified, were con- Discovering Diversity: tainable economy), that is cur- verting their fields into certified From one idea to permaculture on many levels rently composed of 13 members organic land. We have gradually and a few other friends and fam- been developing new strategies How hemp project starts to deal with biodiversity... ily members, mostly from the re- for growing hemp in an organic gion. way together with other crops. Our story started seven years didn’t know about that but I had ing so to decrease CO2 emissions We have continued to deve- Our aim is to use the qualities of ago when we came together at a feeling that to build something and relieve the increasing pressure lop our project according to the hemp as a soil enricher to benefit the ‘Field day of flax and hemp’ stable and fair it was necessary on local forests. We calculated the needs, expectations and ideas of the land and other crops that are Archive Konopa at Research Institute Agritec in to establish a cooperative where costs for over 250 ha of land used the members. After more serious grown alongside as much as pos- Šumperk, at foothills of Jeseníky farmers have their share in both for hemp growing and we came to calculations produced by results sible. In nearby Austria we got in- (Czech Republic). I met there a the hemp processing and distribu- a final figure that we would need from student research on hemp, spired by a non-ploughing method woman in middle age and her tion. I saw a need to re-establish to raise. But we were missing ma- we found that to sell hurds as a of Roman Liebhart and we started teenage daughter. We were look- social cohesion and to overcome chines, money, land and people. fuel is economically defunct and to grow hemp together with clover try to develop a long-term part- ing at field essays with hemp negative connotations that co- In autumn 2005, I went to the that it is much more profit making (trefoil) with very good results in nership with the land and nature (Cannabis Sativa, L., in the article operatives got in the socialist era. UK for a training course on sus- to focus on animal (horse) bedding both the crops vitality, quality and around us. related to industrial variety with tainability and the agenda 21. I and building materials, using just taste of the hemp seeds and hemp minimal psychoactive THC con- Looking for resources learned few techniques around a part of the production for ener- seed oil harvested in autumn 2008. When the project grows like tent of 0,2%). I read before that community involvement during gy. However, because of the lack Next to hemp, we grow false flax hemp hemp is a pest and weed resistant There, during the workshop my visit so that once I came back, of machines, our attention turned and its seeds we press into oil that plant ideal as a rotational crop and day in the field, we discovered we decided to start the process at to manufacturing hemp seeds as a we use for running some of our Since then our project has de- is highly valuable as a soil con- that we have a lot to share and our identified location. This was food, cosmetic and technical oils cars and combine harvester. We veloped and flourished. Along- ditioner. In Šumperk, the plants we started our cooperation. In the the village of Černíč, situated in basic material. also plan to grow traditional oat side the growing part, we work on were growing well but the soil beginning, our goal was ‘to solve the middle of forests, with a for- and barley (for making organic the Schlichtens decorticator and itself was in terrible state. These the energy crisis’. We wanted to tified water mill located just next Thanks to our contacts with hemp beer) and to make compo- small-scale seed production de- essays with pesticides, herbicides create a new energy source for to a pond protected for its rich real farmers and our own experi- sitions with lupine (lupinus) and velopment. We also have a ‘tour- and radiation are really strange, Vysočina (Highlands, region in biodiversity. The fortress used ence, we realised that there was buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculen- istic’ part of the project where we I told myself. I understood the the middle of the Czech Repub- to be used for manufacturing of no way we could grow hemp on tum) known for their benefits to are keen to restore the fortress hemp as environmentally friendly lic, between Bohemia and Mora- food and crafts, as well as for fields alone. We would need much peoples’ health. We plant fruit and other water mill and to build plant suitable for many climates, via). We were planning to install a accommodation and a safehouse more land if we wanted to main- trees next to fields and try to es- an educational centre to promote very promising for peoples’ inde- small-scale processing technology for travellers in the Middle Ages tain a high ecological production. tablish multi-cultures of cereals, traditional and modern uses of pendency on oil, for their health for crushing hemp stalks (known when forests were home to thiefs. As we started to focus more on legumes, vegetables, potatoes and renewable energies, fibre and oil and well being. as a Schlichtens decorticator), sell We received an offer to locate our the food and cosmetic market, other crops suitable for our cli- plants, water and land protection My dream was that one day hemp fibre for paper or automo- processing equipment there, to more reasons for organic farm- mate. With the highest attention and provide materials for work- we would manufacture hemp in tive industry and the remaining the fortresses hay barn, so natu- ing were revealed. Our members, and respect given to wildlife, we shops, accommodation and a buf- an organised and cooperative crushed woody core (shives or rally we decided to call a meet- fet. We are planning to have all our way. I didn’t know at that stage hurds) press into pellets and offer ing in the local pub and ask local production of hemp and education the history of the Czech coopera- on the market as a cheap alterna- people and others interested what facilities run off renewable ener- tive movement in early 20th Cen- tive to coal, gas and wood. In do- do they think about our ideas.. In gies. We want to develop these tury before and after First World 2006, we invited YEE participants projects with Czech and Austrian War. Today I am familiar with the as part of a project to design a de- partners with co-finance from name of Vladislav Feierabend, velopment space from their point the Czech-Austrian cooperation ‘supporter of Czechoslovak farm- of view as environmentalists too. funds. It is not all as we predicted ers’ and the moving force for the Their ideas are still alive. but throughout all the stages it has renaissance of our countryside. been an enriching experience. It During the First Republic (1918 As plans diversify… has allowed us to discover the di- – 1938), Czechoslovakia became versity of our nature and culture, a study field and inspiration for This is how we started to as well as of ourselves. many cooperative and mutual form our cooperative, called “democratic” economy move- ZEMĚDRUH, zemědělské druž- Michal Ruman

ments all around the world. I stvo pro udržitelné hospodaření Konopa Archive (Konopa, Czech Republic) Konopa Archive

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 26 27 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity Biodiversity - On the Edge Youpec 2010: European Youth Perspective International Youth Conference for the Protection of Conference on Biodiversity Biological Diversity NAJU & YEE Many conferences are orga- tional Countdown 2010 project ences last only a few days, the 13th – 19th May 2008 nised all year round and often on biodiversity conservation. The impact that the conference has on Bonn, Germany we are at odds with which one United Nations convention which the participants is far reaching. to attend. Some are relevant for came in effect of Biological Bio- gram also included: development education into school our studies, some present new re- diversity targeted 2010 as the year Eirini Stavroulaki, a par- - Discussions around the Con- curricula, search and others try to achieve by which to end significant re- ticipant from Crete sais about vention of Biological Diversity - A protocol on protected areas, new international legislation. duction in the rate of biodiversity Youpec 2007: ‘made me think (CBD); - No patents on living organisms, However, forget what your typical loss at all levels. But has this been more about awareness and how - Full range of different work- - Prohibition of genetically modi- perception of a conference is, as achieved or was it a complete fail- the other young people are act- YEE Archive shops (e.g. climate change and fied organisms, Youpec is definitely not the ordi- ure? This will surely be one of ing on climate change and other In face of the 9th Conference biodiversity; WTO and fair trade; - Full and effective participation nary conference. the hot discussions that will come environmental issues.‘ of Parties (COP9) for the Conven- threats to the oceans, forest diver- of indigenous and local commu- In 2010, JNM will organise up during the workshops and lec- tion of Biological Diversity, the sity, project management, etc.); nities the 3rd edition of YouPEC in Bel- tures in the upcoming Youpec The previous Youpec confe- German Youth Association for - Intercultural evening and live - Measurable targets for biodiver- gium. Jeugdbond voor Natuur conference. rences in 2007 and 2008 are also the Protection of Nature (NAJU) music; sity protection en Milieu (Youth for Nature and Environmentalists have often remembered for their colorful ac- and Youth and Environment Eu- - Excursions in Bonn and sur- - As well as other demands. tended to be divided between tions in the streets of Berlin and rope (YEE) organised an interna- roundings; Christian Noll, one of the those coming from Nature groups Hague. Youpec 2010 will con- tional youth conference tackling - Handing over of resolution to The youth conference itself was organisers of the first interested in studying the dif- tinue this focused actions which crucial biodiversity issues named COP9; only the first part of the project conference, thinks that ferent species, to those coming will surely not fail to attract the ”Biodiversity - On the Edge”. It - Making a short film of the con- “Biodiversity – On the Edge”. It Youpec: ‘…really made people from organisations concerned attention of the public, media and preceded the Conference of Par- ference; was succeeded by local actions of experience what it feels like to more with environmental issues, politicians alike. We are really ex- ties (COP9) of the Convention on - Open space and planning of ac- the participating countries aiming be a part of a European like overdevelopment and climate cited about this project and we are Biological Diversity (CBD) that tions. at protecting biological and cultur- movement which is able to change. One of the interesting expecting some really interesting took place from 19th to 30th of al diversity. As a result of this, a make a difference together’. developments in the upcoming debates. We do hope you can be a May in Bonn. One of the main aims of the touring exhibition followed, dedi- Youpec is that the conference part of this debate! So if you are Young environmentalists from conference was to deal with this cated to the young people’s activi- Environment) is a youth organisa- will bring both branches of envi- interested, look out for the launch Europe, Africa, South America complex matter in a critical man- ties about biodiversity. In addition tion from Flanders, Belgium, that ronmentalists under one roof to of applications next November and Central Asia interested in ner and as a result of the meet- a video dedicated to the project is open to all youngsters between discuss biodiversity from a wide 15th. dealing with the protection of ing to compose a resolution to and specifically to the conference 7 to 25 years old that are inter- range of topics. There are vari- As famous broadcaster and biodiversity gathered in Bonn to be handed to the representatives was created which can be found at ested in nature and the environ- ous urgent issues like: the current naturalist, David Attenborough participate in this international of COP9. The demands of the ment. 150 people from all over debate on banning fishing of the once said, ‘…one is tempted to event. Biodiversity activists from concluded resolution of the In- cfm?fuseaction=vids.individu Europe, aged between 18 and 30, highly endangered Bluefin Tuna, think the whole of the life of any all over the world spent a week ex- ternational Youth Conference al&videoid=52683245) and dis- will gather for five days to learn the threat of growing crops for thinking man, is trying to come changing knowledge, viewpoints, “Biodiversity - on the Edge” rep- tributed to all the participants. about, discuss and share know- biofuels, exotic species migration to terms with the relationship projects information on topics re- resentatives included: ledge and experience on Biodi- and much more. The need to work between yourself and the natu- lated to the conference. The pro- - The integration of sustainable Prepared by: versity Conservation. Biodiver- closer together on the issue of Bi- ral world. Why are you here, and Lili Deyanova sity is everywhere around us: in odiversity is no longer an option how do you fit in, and what’s it all (Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria) the genetic variation, the variety - it is a must. about’. of species and all the different in- The young people will be very We are sure this will become teractions between these species busy during the Youpec confer- increasingly clear for you after This year NAJU and YEE that constitute ecosystems. Man- ence as they will not only be just Youpec 2010! also organise the special event - the Training Course kind depends on these species, as discussing issues but they will ‘Stop fear! Start action!’ to humans are indeed of the same also have to develop a declaration Christian Debono make young people aware of species too. over 6 days on biodiversity con- (JNM, Belgium) environmental problems and 2010 is the year of the Belgian servation, with policy recommen- to join COP 15. presidency of the European Union dations for the European Union. To join the conference write to: (July-December) and the interna- Although the Youpec confer- [email protected] YEE Archive

Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity 28 29 Y&E Magazine December 2009 Youth Discovering Biodiversity Why does Biodiversity Loss Matter? EDEN Centre ”Luigj Gurakuqi”, Pall. 87B, Ap.15, Tirana Albania Answers for ministers & children Federation of Youth Clubs Armenia FYCA Shirak Street 6-30, 378414 Yeghvard Armenia Stepanavan Youth center Charents st. 137, 377320 Stepanavan Armenia CEEweb for Biodiversity, 2008 Active Young citizenship initiative Baghramyan, 4 line, house 30, 0033 Yerevan Armenia Text | Klara Hajdu and Judit Herman Association for Sustainable Human Development 33 Khanjyan st., apt.18, 0010 Yerevan Armenia Editing | Judit Herman and Veronika Kiss ÖNJ - Österreichische Naturschutzjugend Pater-Stefan-Str. 7, 5061 Elsbethen Austria Illustrations | Attila Kis JNM - Jeugdbond voor Natuur- en Milieustudie Kortrijksepoortstraat 192, 9000 Gent Belgium Natuur 2000 Bervoetsstraat 33, B-2000 Antwerpen Belgium Jeunes et Nature BP 91 B-1300 Wawre Belgium During the journey of four tra- in their own lives. Ecosouthwest P.O. Box 29 2700 Blagoevgrad Bulgaria vellers in the train you can learn a Luckily, on this journey they YEO Rhodope Tourist Information Centre, 4710 Shiroka Luka Bulgaria lot about biodiversity, biodiversity meet a man who can explain com- Eco Club Yetti University of Mining and Geology, 1100 Sofia Bulgaria loss, intensive agriculture, poverty plicated relationships between Hnuti Brontosaurus Hvězdová 10, 602 00 Brno Czech Republic and hunger, biomass and biofuels, biodiversity and climate change, Konopa Chvaleč 236, 542 11 Chvaleč Czech Republic sustainability, tourism, climate tourism and poverty, biofuels and Natur og Ungdom Klostermrllevej 48A, DK-8660 Skanderborg Denmark The publication “Why biodi- change, greewashing, and the in- rice prices, and the like. As their versity loss matters? Answers to terlinkaeges between these only journey draws closer to its end, Luonto Litto Annankatu 26 A, 5.KRS. 00100 Helsinki Finland children and ministers” published seemingly sectoral problems. Susie and Peter come to under- GYEM - Georgia Youth EcoMovement 4.Khetagurov Str. App 7, 0102 Tbilisi Georgia in 2008 has been the most suc- This story is written for politi- stand that the fate of people and Alliance For Society Advancement (ASA) 3mk, 5 kv, bl-24a, Apt-2., 380097 Tbilisi Georgia cessful CEEweb publication by cians and children alike. It is about biodiversity are inseparably re- Studio Re Aleksidze street, Institute of Geophysics, 0193 Tbilisi Georgia now. This color booklet is written Susie and Peter who are “typical lated. Join Susie and Peter on this Bundjugend Am Kollnischen Park 1a, 10179 Berlin Germany as a tale in dialogues with illustra- youngsters”: although they like trip and find out yourself about DJN - Deutscher Jugendbund fur Naturbeobachtung Geiststraße 2, 37073 Göttingen Germany tions explaining why biodiversity nature, they know so little about the most pressing environmental Naturschutzjugend NAJU NAJU-Headquarter, Charitéstr. 3, D-10117 Berlin Germany is essential for human wellbeing the surrounding natural world - issues of our times whether you Naturschutzjugend im LBV Postfach 1380, 91157 Hilpoltstein Germany and what factors are behind its nor do they understand how im- are a politician or a child! JNM - Jeugdbond voor Natuur- en Milieustudie Spuistraat 47/A1 1012 SR Amsterdam Holand continuous loss. portant nature and biodiversity is IVN Plantage Middenlaan 2c 20123 1000 HC Amsterdam Holand FTK: Club of Young Naturalists Ludovika ter 6, H-1083 Budapest Hungary The journey begins… ECO-Unesco 26 Clare St., Dublin 2 Ireland Peter: This planet is too big for people to have it on their own. And it would be quite boring to live by ourselves, right? Green Future House of creativity Vilties 16, LT- 31121, Visaginas Lithuania Susie: I like flowers of all kinds. Especially red tulips! And violets! And roses… DEM ul. Vasil Gjorgov 39, b 6, 1000 Skopje Macedonia Old man: May I join in, little lady? This is called ‘biodiversity’of life on earth. Bio means life, diversity means many different Nature Trust Malta NTM P.O. Box 9, VLT 1000 Malta types of things. Organizacja Mlodziezowa Ligi Ochrony Przyrody ul. Tamka 37/2, 00-355 Warsaw Poland Peter: I know this term. It is about having many species on earth like foxes, deer, hedgehogs and the like… OA PTTK Radziwillowska 21/4, 31026, Krakow Poland Old man: Yes – and it means much more than that! Biodiversity means having many types within species. Take this example: OPE - Organisation for the promotion of Ecoclubes Rua da fonte dos casados 920 Pedroso Vila Nova de Gaia Portugal Brassica oleracea is a plant that has many cultivated versions. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, collard GAIA Travessa da Nazaré, 21, 2º 1100-368 Lisboa Portugal greens, Chinese broccoli and kohlrabi are all its varieties. But biodiversity is even more than that! It also means having many Ecological Mountain Foundation 7th M.Eminescu street RO, 5600 Pietra Neamt Romania types between species like different plants, animals, fungi or bacteria. And the last thing it means is many types of ecosystems. Eco Terra Str. Cetatatea de Balta 116, Bl.8, Ap. 17, 060954 Bucharest Romania Peter: What’s an ecosystem? LUGA Environmental Organisation Volodarskogo, 5/1-83, Leningradskaya Oblast Luga 118230 Russia Old man: It is a complex of living creatures. A forest or a pond is an ecosystem. It is a system of living things that grow and EYC Environmental Youth Club Leninskie gori 119991 Moscow Russia work together. In an ecosystem each species has a role to play, so they need diversity for their stable functioning. Civil initiative Uritskogo str., 25 188350 Gatchina (Leningradskaya oblast) Russia Young Researchers of Serbia Bulevar Umetnosti 27, 11070 Novi Beograd Serbia Intensive Agriculture Zveze Za Technico Kulturo Slovenije Lepi pot 6 SI-1000, Ljubljana Slovenia Old man: In our days agricultural plants grow higher and bear more yield. This is called “intensive agriculture” and it mostly Asociación Ambiental y Cultural Oro Verde C/Grande, nº 2, 24273, Las Omañas, Leon Spain means the use of chemicals (some of which are poisonous), heavy machinery and also more and more genetically modified Fältbiologerna Brunnsgatan 62, SE 802 52 Gävle Sweden crops. (…) When we focus so much on food production, we harm other functions of that area and its ecosystems. In the past For the Earth! 14 Naberjnaya Street, 734003 Dushanbe Tajikistan fifty years corn yield has more than tripled. Just imagine! In such areas soil does not form as it should, the natural nutrient cy- Arkadas Ilhan Akgün C. 12/C, TR 33960 Silifke Turkey cles become unbalanced, the area can no longer be used by most animals and plants for a living and hiding place. So intensive GSM Bayindir Sokak 45/9, 06650 Kizilay / Ankara Turkey agriculture always leads to a loss of biodiversity. METU Nature club Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara Turkey YEE member organisations list for 2009 for list organisations YEE member Look East Wild Earth 2 Pound Place, SY23 1LX Aberystwyth U.K. Read the whole book at: MELP kim. 175, bud. 6, vul. Moskovska 49000 Dnipropetrovsk Ukraine Ministers_eng.pdf More information about YEE and Member Organisations at: Youth and Environment Europe, Kubatova 1/32, Praha 10, 102 00, Czech Republic Tel./Fax. +420 271 750 643,, email: [email protected]