Vol 19 Cover Final 10/23/07 12:34 PM Page 2 This report addresses the “responsibility to protect” principle – the legal and ethical commitment by the international community, acting through organisations such as the UN and Africa’s regional organisations, to protect citizens from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and/or ethnic cleansing. The degree to which the “responsibility to protect” citizens has been adhered to by national governments within and outside the continent is assessed; and experiences and lessons from recent conflicts in AFRICA’S RESPONSIBILITY AFRICA’S Africa are reviewed and analysed. TO PROTECT TO AFRICA’S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT CENTRE FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN C/O RHODES GIFT POST OFFICE 7707 CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA TEL: +27 21 689 1005 FAX: +27 21 689 1003 E-MAIL:
[email protected] http://ccrweb.ccr.uct.ac.za CENTRE FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA POLICY ADVISORY GROUP SEMINAR REPORT 23 AND 24 APRIL 2007, SOMERSET WEST, SOUTH AFRICA 19 Vol 19-Final 11/8/07 7:22 AM Page 1 AFRICA’S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT POLICY ADVISORY GROUP SEMINAR REPORT SOMERSET WEST, SOUTH AFRICA 23 AND 24 APRIL 2007 ORGANISED BY THE CENTRE FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA RAPPORTEURS HELEN SCANLON, AHUNNA EZIAKONWA AND ELIZABETH MYBURGH Vol 19-Final 11/8/07 7:22 AM Page 2 Vol 19-Final 11/8/07 7:22 AM Page 3 Table of Contents Acknowledgments, CCR and the Rapporteurs 5 Executive Summary 6 1. Introduction 11 1.1 Objectives 11 1.2 Seminar Themes 12 1.3 Background 13 2.