Post Surgery Diet To be followed 1-2 days or until digestion improves

The purpose of this diet is to let your gut rest after surgery. Many of you have just had extensive surgery in your gastrointestinal tract, and eating certain foods such as high fat and high fiber foods, may be too much for your gut to handle immediately after surgery. As your gut heals, you will be able to incorporate more high fiber foods and healthy fats into your diet. Start with small amounts of fiber and fat after you are having regular bowel movements and no longer have pain with eating. Take it slow. As you heal, you can get back to a healthy, higher fiber diet.

Key Factors: • Eat small meals every 3-4 hours (4-5 daily). Avoid overfilling your stomach. • Eat foods that are easy to swallow and digest. • Avoid drinking through a straw and don’t chew gum or tobacco. • Take small bites and chew foods to a liquid (30-60 chews per bite). • Avoid gas-forming foods (ex: beans, broccoli, cauliflower, etc). • Avoid adding sugars and high sugar foods. • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine. • Include a good source of protein in every meal (animal: chicken, fish, turkey, yogurt; plant: , nut butter)

What to include: • Well cooked vegetables, boiled or steamed, and fruit with the skin and seeds removed (in water not syrup) o Best: § Peeled and deseeded cucumber, zucchini, summer squash § § Greens: kale, spinach, arugula § Radish § Green beans • Vegetable juices • Weak tea (green, oolong, white, or herbal) • , especially (no creamed soups) • Lean, tender meats such as poultry, whitefish, and shellfish that are steamed or baked with no added fats • White (1/2 cup portion per meal max) • Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil in small amounts (1 tsp.) (coconut oil will be the easiest to digest) • Spices: turmeric, ginger, cinnamon • Drink half of your body weight in ounces in non-caffeinated fluids daily • Greens powder (Phytoganics) • Protein powder o Pea protein (non-GMO, organic – Now Foods Pea Protein powder is easy to digest and affordable) – plain flavored • Probiotic foods: yogurt (if you tolerate dairy), sauerkraut juice, (if you tolerate soy), kombucha

What to avoid: • High fat foods (fried foods, fatty meats, avocado, olives, oils, butter, margarine, nuts, seeds, nut butters – small amounts may be tolerated – see “what to include”) • Red meat • Dairy (organic yogurt may be ok if you tolerate dairy – sheep or goat may be better tolerated) • Raw vegetables • Fresh fruit, fresh berries • Dried fruits • Vegetables that make you gassy such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, green peppers, and corn • Very fibrous vegetables such as celery, celery root, and avocado • Whole grain brans and cereals • Whole grain breads and crackers, consider avoiding gluten containing grains (rye, wheat, kamut, and barely. Better options include: white rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, teff, and amaranth. • Pickles, sauerkraut, and similar foods (the sauerkraut juice may be tolerated and is a good source of probiotics (healthy gut bacteria)) • Spices such as hot pepper and garlic • Added sugars and high sugar foods (these greatly increase inflammation!) • Seeds and nuts • Highly seasoned, cured, or smoked meats and fish • Fried foods • Juices • Consider avoid: dairy, eggs, gluten, soy

Example Menu

Breakfast 1 scoop Now Foods Pea Protein Powder mixed with Stewed apples with cinnamon (peeled) Snack 1 scoop Now Foods Pea Protein powder with unsweetened (optional) almond milk, cinnamon, vanilla extract, boiled and peeled peach OR Plain coconut yogurt Lunch 3 slices organic turkey breast or chicken breast Steamed kale (remove the fibrous stem) Steamed until mushy carrots with nutmeg and cinnamon Snack 1 scoop Now Foods Pea Protein powder with unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, vanilla extract, boiled and peeled peach ½ cup plain coconut yogurt Dinner Baked salmon with coconut amino acids Steamed spinach, steamed, peeled zucchini White rice (1/2 cup) 2 tsp coconut oil ¼ tsp turmeric mixed with rice and coconut oil