Dawes Scores
- Nirr PRESS RUN nUi WIATHEB J AVERAGE DAILV CIRCULATION I PoMeast kr O.' a* Weathks Barcaa, for the Month of May, 1029 "'f ' ' Vikr’Bkvdk 5,330 Showers and cooler tonight'and Membera of the A adit Bnrean oC gtste librsfy* Thnnday. Clrcolatlons . / v. <; t r r VOL. XLIII., NO. 209. (ClaMifled Advertising on Page lif) SOOTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 ,1929. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS QUEER MALADY GRADUATION M ENACES SEVEN Stowaway Coming Home FESTIVITIES Three Dead and Four Seriously INUMEUGHT lU—-Fifteen Doctors Study ing the Case. AND^ETAIKS STAUTODAY ' Chicago,. June 19.— ^Three- DAWES SCORES ■\ ’ yrar-oid Lorraine Markowskl diednoagy, the third victim of a mysteribus poison that is Famous Newlyweds i Pose High School Commencement threatening to claim the lives to Great Brit of a ff^ ily of seven. Heat Wave Qontinues Program Opens With An Fifteen*, 'physicians, includ for Prctmres and Talk ing several specialists, were ain Stnick Keynote of studying the case as Lorraine With Reporters— L 0 n e All Over TTie nual Class Day; To Award qnccumbed. The other dead I Nation’s Policy Toward were Chester Kwlatkowskl, 7, and'blff sister, Agnes, 8. These Eagle Back to Work. < 1 Diplomas Tomorrow Eve. two were children of Mrs, Irv The gods of beat continued toAreported 108 and 110 qegreea re Naval Disarmament; Brit ing Markbwski by a former hurl their fireballs with relentlew spectively. Manchester High school will marriage. abandon at most of the United .The mid-west after a, scorching Mltchel Field, N. Y.. June 19.— yesterday saw no prospects of a let ish Press Unanhnons in graduate a class of 139 students to Two ' other children and States today.
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