- • ■ S' ;|Pri 7 TV ; 'F , X ••• ■'r'^ . I ,».> i' rt>- '. ‘.'.'..VI ^ V - • 4 , , . ii. ■-'^-■ ■ - F '. • f■ ' r • r-■ ^ ’, y'-t:- ■«• ‘‘ ' S''’- *• .■-;•."'■'<^■Kv'i: I ‘ •* •" '‘-H -y-'-.'s «• - - - -;’ •-, •

V oi;.Li;i^o.sss. r "">^ ilOinA'KAMA (»im«’M (^A1^^T'16, iUt. “■W'V '.’I, : A ^ iiiAT IDUFT i ' 1 • .A 9 I H t e l k i CaD Ob Fammrs t o TlnWi' h Wiek tad TtU To letTe Before CAPTAIM CROWDS Niih — Heir 3,000 On t o Rioti— D iB (e r of Rivdlntion H u Boon BOAID O f TRADE Bi-MailfliaB ^Wty To Erer^idei. Orer 6,000 Hire Left aid ChinpiMii Atfftod, London tote. ORDERED OOSED W «ft F «la BMdi, SU.. July 3S.— Only About ZOOO Are - tonop&nr-TolN^ (AiF)—AU nuplaoi m id in f in th« Baffin, July 26 — (APj — The upptr IBvttgladM have agreed to Stip hW aehm gtoiL ■ Bswqmpsr Mlttagaaitung M d today (^binet Memberi Act Under Md^euate by toi^gtat beeauie white it baUiTMp tts state of martial law aeithhora protested their presence, Washington, July 26.—(AP) wMitti is!«s:dampsd doum on Berlin Orders Frem President; F. M> Geoige, a prominent resident Prompt action was taken by police president von ciC Oinal Ptdnt, told the Palm Beach "w att would be Board To Oppose Orders. M m I E liN r is TIsms today. today to forestall a pOsslblB demon- ' A crowd of ISO white men called stration in front of the White,House on the FUipIno farmers Friday by members of the bonus afn^. ^ ^ said It sxpeoted a Wlmt Eqsrb ril’ ^ nlfhtiaad ordered them to quit the return to normal oqgiUUtioBs as soon Chloago, July 26.—(AP) — The extra police guard was place< as tts ftipnms Oqurt. gt Lefpsld Chicago Board of Trade today began fW ^ truoUag belt by toni^t An around the executive mansion and imstdant involving a FtUpino and a attlfh into, sssslea at 9 « . m. a datermtoed battle to toe last legal p i r t i . • . ' police, said the men, leaving their tS4toalto wmi Praaqla’s rsqUsst for white g ^ l and reports that *S,000 camp in groups would not be,allow<- When an automobile wrecks a train—thatfi Bswil llie ears •it here, part of an eiqiresi train run*' ditoh against Federal elosurt but were ciotWeg from California to Join nlng out of Williamsport, Pa., were toppled, frohd ithe ta|la When' ^afaust tbs govern- ed to assemble or parade anywhere loqomotlve struck an auto afrsndfmmi on ,ig It from interfering was undeddsd as to toe course to thote cowtrymen were said to have in the dty. a grade crossing. A warning stgnM wowed the train to siaoken speed so that ' Mitoor of tbs' g a ta t ‘‘GeogrephlcaUy’’ ths-South A to. Avl^lo^'the corporation for 8200 a aharai and can d e la tio n pointed but in' 4 ‘ •\crx- men would be a l^ ^ to m y r _ fng day «ad topE ■ through their: regional oSicee 4

5iroHBSBECBiteEr<-- o b u u a r y wamnimin inouniEnE * ... AMnsMfPcudsI oNp.djoiKY Horses get attntlea to AtHBfMNnW rlpiSSIOHCAgSE DEATHS I ' r«wn ~'' W iScwaH L, Avary Whtt Hii Mfrcliaadtring Plaiull WUUam I t t T f wn 8?«a!:‘^52'gSr«is vtlflipor Iff SorioM State At| ^aftcled Uf< Bqntni P w l WlUlna 8t«v«pion, 70, a formw Ara—CataloffBW BlaUid. atratod tola morning on 40 Ik; Swhew •Nswiiafflett ;Pler.- - l- ; homo ta Patanon* N. J »la it Friday. Durlag tlid past aavaral moctha, U n M ^ Gnit«r, Pa»^ 9a had baaa la 111 h ^ t l'fa r aavaral ^ eyaa of the bmlaeaa worid have CvfcreA " I f Plrcwleit o n io lM a ^ Bioatha. h|m attraetad to Moatgameiy front of toa Calma taflUding near nri Odi^ naed h ^se< ofteto detolop- evt He la aurviyed by hla wlfe.'^'oaa Ward aad Qo., with the aapoiat- saddle Turnpike. “ I •toi <8. ~ auBuaer Iwr teDs Khnoit. v d ^ h ta r, Harigarat, thraa Hatera, meat of Bawaii L. Avaiy aa toe new ier, R. I., Mra. Mlaala Farrla of Spilagfleld, o t of the coaapi^, many L.T.WOOS who oallod iiaSk* 1 ^ : tbe^eara of two Fdlma Maaa., Mra. C u ^ a BUfar of Hart* began to hattsea. The prgaav amlto J u m Watson, wSSra 'The eeoBOBile depreaaloa today rd aad Mra. Marfaret Bartlfy of waa Btoteitaily ohaagfd Wai wont over'to aot toe horse and nweek |y Dr; D. waa brought oa by a, otvUlaaUon la towa. S ? !L r with uaera of eataloguea, but In toe Winchester, Virginia, Unlontown 1 to aaalataat UWtad Statoi district i l - glng, epeciilatlon and actual gamb- and Plttsbuwh, Pennsylvnnla. Point Mr. and Mrs. John KAeber of I for deatitutien relief, wlU net howw] Uiig In the ten years that have Selectman Frank V. WlUlams aad minds of dyed-in-the-wool mail or­ Buckland. The baby waa bom at over, be made until tha corporation •PPoranWy toraoy, who waa prasaBtlito tba ori-' Joseph Trotter, all members of toe der men It involved too many prob­ Pleasant Pomeroy, Waterford, coBtylates its poUelea and *”*•"*• »®«*P ^ fence, sold tost too toipty w ^ ^ blimeed since then. Rome, Crown Point Albany, and Mrs. H ^ e ’a Matomltyhome on it that s l i ^ wars uaaarvad olrer ha conduotod In aacraty. PoBHoe Taapayers’ LiSiigue, have held sev­ lems to he aoeompUahed. It is be­ Wadaworto street aunwe. eral dbnferencee with Cheney lieved that toe suggestive selling Waat point New York. Fidl apaad In tba reUef drive toa pm pact U. s. Stoal would DIatriet Attomay Mtorard Dcgi|ld- Rev. Woodruff also touched on the Tba plana la to land at Newark order toa ragular preferred dividend mb of Jefferson county, did n o t s f- neent Republican aad Democratic Brothers Ip relation to toe matter. developed by tola new method of Airport at 0:15 p. m. Mile Eva Fraeburg of pins street awaito oonmiotion Of too corpora- 1 At toe monthly meeting o f toe cataloguing will be of material tioa’s diroetarato, two men for tomorrow, and that lie quarterly pear among too uoariy two oeoro daoveatlona, saying that neither bad Five packages of mail were left la spending her vacation at Mia* outorga may aot show a severs (ta.\taOli$nta M Alexandria Bay. Ooeim given much tboi^t to the vital Taxpayer's League held in benefit, in addlttpn to toe greater in Washington as toe flying couple quanUeut wUeb Preaidtiit Hoover must find I I eebool ball last Wednesday night ease and oonveidanca of ordaring I this week. fleit aa has bean predlctod. Bavage, aecratary of to# AlsMadAt fiMstlflne of the economic situation waa met by Rapreaantatlve Sol Among laauat up about 2 pointa Bay Cbambar of Omnmarto and a but bad substituted the minor quae- matter was dlecueeed at la ag^ and from too new stylo book. The 40,OQO Bloom, dlraOtor of tba United States Mrs. 8. E. BUis, widow of toe late New Note Isaoe although no action was taken at too Itama in too big 600-paga book bava ¥ ' Stow Fftoarrad,|5 |«^jaJlMjua{^ bo did' tion of prohoblttoB In an effort to ob- George Washington BltPenteimial Sherman BBls, at one time pastor of ' * ’ ^ ” ~~ flounty. thia the votes of too pooplo. Ho meotlag, it was too ooneopaus of to# baen grouped in eleven depart* Commleeion. the South Methodist church, has ra* ihaisod ProaldfBt Hoover aad Sena- group that too propoeel ebould bo meats. The new plan la said to bava turned to her boms in Breekton tm* Borab as men with courage mveettgated and a report ho given BO aimpUfiad catalogua buying tost after visiting friends in town. I at toe next regular meeting. toa traditional catalogua index may tlcal amount wiB run fw v yaara at UUoD Fadflc, National Biacuit, tost ba was dtaappAntad■appotoi to W a f f f enough to face toe lesuee aquarelyi ILL IN NIGHT, DRIVES 8 1*4 per cent , eramant'a attltudatuda Iirogprdtog rogprdtog ~tba ' . 'The convontloae, be said, were of eventually be ellmlnatod. Mra. Johns aad her daughter Mrs: l^ug, Standard of California and The book opens with a frank Tbe Reserve Board’s montoly re­ to# govam* McDamele and son David of toa ______anaolidatod Prafermd.______iRbaras______oplSU ftteSLuS ____ ia-nsnit for .statameot of peildea, which In- HIMSELF TO HOSPITAL Gabala, Mato street, are view says that to May and June a point or more Included American I ^ tolft toa MNCH WARRANTS dudop a doclaimtioB that aouiag ef­ wito ratotivaa to VIrgtoia. I taty geld stock was wltodrawn slid I I ’SfeiiSW JK at toe political life of today. He also fort will bo conflnod to facts devoid fflyurtout toatoveotSitioD toatofid apples m International flguree promt- FOR TWO ROCKVILLE MEN of eonfuaing or egaggaratad elainu. Thomas Hasaoit Suffers Acute that by.toa middla of toa latter nont la toe public eye, laeludlng "Tha atatamanta wa make about Indigestion Attack and MUST OHANOB SYSTEM month toa rematotog balances bald I this marebandlaa are not toa manu- to tola country by , forrign central Qandhl Miiffepllnli Rnshea To Hoepltal Fof b a Lesee I Hartford, July 26.—(AP)— Bench faeturor'a adliag claims. They are Saskatoon, ffaak., July 26.—(AP) 26.- banks waa comparativaly amall, warranto issued by Judge Edwin 8. fbets that wa ouraalvaa can guaraa* T rea tn cn t. —Paopla who look to toa Inmarial iToward toa and of Juna, It addal wi# a point, totn back to a Oera Rra(U«f, who, allege » i y \ ^ Mr. Woodruff eonduded his ad* toara waa an toertaaa to geld atoeka.

- x .~ - 0*r. •Cl*', fi N.'-'-^=.‘" '> - *i^V^ , .- KAifcBim sti BVBmsG m uM w- i m m s 'v:*'••■''>' ?*-. '■< .(•.)»■'•/ . , : tii ; .' 5^ ^ '^' c J . -4. ♦ *. '-

i#;:. r-ffr ~j>- ':■ neiNHUZIL ji'?-- Ctommunleations 'for pybUcatimi in the Opaa^ Foriim^ wm P j (OwUBoad -jAnbi' F B i«'' they oen^^’moty than \ Words Herald m s e ^ toe ityht aii3K)tt Bt Neuilto, outside aty werklag-'OB a week matter. >;that; may ibe libriotia or which'is in bad taana^Ftea ^ N i Paris. He krat -a fleet of hia dlngi- eiiiedide.; . .eoq>ression: of poetical vietra is desired Imt eontriMsttoha ot.,tltiSi' Uee there aim made ftoqpent flights vyjrwo .thousand-have gone back to character which are defltinatoiy or abustve will he rejected;"' ^ 1 ' . ■ ;. "'Vl'.- = .^ k)9 W :thB;hcNiiiatop8 of Paris.V .v. W<^k in; Arntytcan Woriwi'Company M(Mr» If>v%r H M Prosaptness is an Important pirt ' . Tried AlrpIsBes - itt Itywrenee,'Maii8., and^ sa­ V tm York’s ISsgror Walker of New Model Laun<^ seTvi^ It was two years after the Wright iler two toonaand have been taken .Buyer reads a letter, never reads Phone: Ike Laim ^. to^v . (Dial brothers ihade their first powered by toe reoptying o f the Nashua WAKE UP, O. F; <§co-operate. with Us qppimanta Wi B book tkr^Mgh ;t o Ike efid, s o ft) and jrour clothes Wlp be «died flight at Kitty Haw^. N. C.. that l^tuitog Company’s Lbwdl, he : doesn’t even ■ cb-brilraJa' .aivir prepares a Qt^ebh Imt for, washed and deliver^ in short Editor of The Herald: . '1,, ' . memlMHrs - of Ms own-pa^^T: Saiitbs-Dumoht turned- to rheavier- ;..aiid Nashua, H., plants. . The Republican party reminds m4 i^ ts to take Mb cue trim ~ Oie order. The New Model’s efHcleht than-air craft In Septenmcr; 19Q8, Nashua company manufactures It'does seem rather sttgiqty . ^audience, and he never,r, at least methods keep ^ lir clothes and Unen he took Ms box kite type plane off btynkety... i of the fisherman who fell asleep,- and the Presidriit should Iwve kirityd .hiqNnf ever fOrfets>a name, says In.good condlaon. ' the ground at BagatoUe, France and uj^SevKD himdred workers tye^cele- when he’d awakened fpund tiiat:M6 such 'Sn. objectionable ftys otyr toe ?^ h n EtorldBS In UfOi flew 250 feet at a rate of 18 r the fe-opening of the Royal net had brokm loose; and toat all. Wagner-Garner relief bOl, w fiu^t Button Game miles an hour, fo\ir feet o ff the f%xtoe lflli8.of toe^ B. B. and R. Ms fish had .escaped. The -Demo­ was one of ^ things wMch he crats have stolen the march op their self had previenuay advocated./ i H m Weiden Beaiily Sakrn Coats, dresses emd suits., that have groimd.- Two months later he rose f^ g t tt Cozp6i«ti(Hi a t'fiiv ty . Point, buttons from neckhna to. Jiem are 20 feet and flew 700 feet at 42 oppohents in getting away to a, tu t. their platform, toe enactment of fiTe (ttoridan Hotel) ~pm at 8:30 and the Pontiac Mills of the start in this campaign, and- the Ror Bk m. Call e a ^ in order to get the about to. revive the bid gam e,.'^ck miles an houi|. tyme;.4rm are.proykfing xi^rk'for Home L ^ Bill.and relief m e u u ^ man, poor man, beggar man, .thief, The moBopmne was his principal publicans, instead of doing anything and toe'Glass .cu rren t expaa-^’’ apj^ntnint want. Hie 9aion ■"‘‘‘■ put': two'hundred. themselves, stand around and con­ Is joiptia every week-day and Thufs- etc.” Remember? contributloB to aeronautioa, however. bil},> the Democraty Utva takrii He.d^signed it after a period of ex­ demn everytolng toe Demorirats' do. lead in putMc favor. day; ekd Saturday evenlngB until 9 periments' with seaplanes wMeh was CONVICT AS WITNESS like toe'fisherman cursing his hmpty O’Mook. . _ ■ Robinow's offers, .satin-finish, .cot­ .net. PAUL J. PACKARD^ ton slips, buUt-iip tops,. hem­ not very successful. 63 Welis Street,. - ' " ' stitched, wide hems, sizes to 52, He had many accidents, none seri. ^.^Hartford, July 25.— (A P )—^Adam . In your editorial of July 23rd yoji So. Manchester, C&nn., Meat tor Fnilt Trees dollar value at 54c, 2 for ifl.O O .. ous, until he was badly hurt in Qtoetfi, 25, now serving a^sotiteDce condemn Mr. Garner as toe weak July 25,1932. , , ^ .once dusty desert In the Rio 1909, just befofe he quit flying. l^;frpm two to four years -in toe link in the Democratic , chain. ' H CbMito yaUey in Texas has been French Trick Remained in Tree - Cbnntytlcut State maoh at Wath- Mr. Garner is weak, then what is tnaaformed by Irrigation Into or- Try leaving potato salad !to Once his plane'crashed' into the efbflrijil for burglary with violence Mr..Cprti8, toe Republican vice-pres­ ROBBERY TRIAL PUT OVERf' Miard land, vegetable farms and cot­ French dressing QvetnigktC tkm add­ top of a tree on the estate of Prin­ mfNtyr Haven was lmought into the idential candidate? Fd be willing ton Adds. Frost Is one of the big ing the mayonnaise the next morn­ cess Isabelle, daughter of Dom Ififitcil States District Court here to wager that at least eighty out of Oraitye, Conn., July 25.— . enepates o f the fruit groves^ and oil ing. The salad takes on -a fine Petko n of Brazil. Santos-Du- tb ^ y to teritty in the case o f the every hundred people don’t- even Cases of Frank Selinurdi and sterms are used to fight the cold at flavor. mont was so interested in the me­ l^ t e d States against Vlllliam C. know that he is vice-president of toe Raldo, both , o f , 'l^terbmy;' frost time. -Oil pots are set two chanics of the incident that he d^seiMeld - and ' Benjamin T. Vogel, United States. You say that Messrs. charges of >ojb]tyry were' con^r teees apart. They raise the temper- Fine»Lima beans will be a special stayed up in the tree, examining iMiUcer fur,dealers in New Haven Garner and Roosevelt suddeMy be­ for a week in; Topm Court t enough to save the crops. at Pinehurst Grocery tomorrow. We the wreckage. ’The spectators u^o ty'e riwrged with conspiracy to came 'wets when told what the Dem­ Bond was fixed ty 36,000 each suggest succotash for supper. hooted a good deal at this seeming defraud creditors through toe Bank- ocratic ■ platform would be. May I was furnished for Salinardi. ■ Keep a record of vacation days In eccentricity, , but the princess ad­ raptcy laws. ^ remind you that neither Mr. Hoover The men were a r r e s ^ a mtapAots. Quinn’s Pharmacy gives Before trying to do any re-finish­ mired his courage, had a ladder •/The Jury was empaneled and the nor‘Mr. Curtts has done even ^ t ago Sunday after'an inn bh toe N /^ fine service on developing and print­ ing or painting at home, consult placed against the tree and smt trial oif the fur deriera began thin much—if toe. Republican platform Haven-Derby tutnpilty Wah hetfi^-tty ing.' Olson’s Paint Shop, Main* street some lunch up to Mm. tyternoon before Judge Carrol C'. might be called WCt. The Republi­ and three slot marifihes stolen. Their advice and their quality mer­ Afterwards she gave Mm a gold Hincks. can. nominees probably think toat State police'^ took-two othty ity^- Cheese It, *ne €3opl chandise are eqiially dependable. medal wMch be carried as a luck, ProMMtion is sttn a ‘‘noble experi­ machines from the alleged tyvMe, Vf^en Miss Pat Kendall wants to piece for years. ment”—in toe wasting o f bilUons of George Miller, in a raid daturdsse a *■' . report avtrafllc violation, she rides Off-Sprlng (’Way Oft: He then needed courage more to Erie von Stroheim and Greta Gaibo^ln a'Bcene'.from' "As IFon^Destre- ;>Ice crystals sometimes . 18 inches the public’s money. You remind us night. Miller furnished 3990 b o ^ around the sky. She is the aerial One of the best story-tellers we stand the taunts of people,- who Me,’" Ms latest film. ' across, are found in caves in the that Mr. Garner has lost every clash for appearance in Town_Court iro-. pehcewoman at Alameda, Calif. Her know tells tMs one: Tony, his hand thought Mm crazy than he needed Uiral Mountains. They are said to with toe WMte House. Well, Mr. gust, 1 on a charge of keeifing /rfm job is to report people who don’t organ and Ms smart monkey were It for flying. He yisityd the United By DAN THOMAS ^"Many of to^ thingsl did werewlde- be^ the largest In the world. Hoover could hardly be expected gambling de-vice. drive as they should on the sky States in the days when flying still NiSA Service Writer. ly^. criti<^d; Appisrently: •' going the roimds of London picking was considered a business for paths. up a living as they went Tony ever stopped-to'tmnk wheti^rT had to crack-brahied and was dubbed "the Hollywood; July 25.—His heart is a purpose-in'wl^t'I was d ^ g . Most played a few pieces on one street modem Darius Green” and Was : Your ordinary rugs will feel like coiner and ikeh sent the monkey in -directing.. But while he is wait­ of the-time'I'did,. . oriental ones if you use Rug Cush- laughed out of the country. ing for some producer to hand Mm around the small crowd to collect He offered Ms en ^ eerin g serv­ T V.J leiui under them. And they’ll wear coins. ‘ Tony also took Ms hat and this* job of telling a story with pic­ "]h toe present technique .used in a^ least twice as long with tMs pro- ices "To France during the 'war but tures JBiich yon Stroheim isn’t going directihg- 'fihBS, plenty - of att^ tton stepped from one tp another, smiling turned away later, deeding he .. Watldnc Brothers has and bowing. He held out his cap to to idle his. time away. is paid to rthe Mg toing8,^bpt the de­ Rug CusMons in standard rug sizes could not bkur to see the Thaebihes So, w he ;has turned .-aqtor agfin,.;.a tails . are riififed off l^e -^nothing at a certain' man, but the man shook he' had en'visaged as instruments of M o N T 6< 1.K-' im to 9x12 f t at 35.35 and 33-85, re- Ms head. “No more,” he said, ‘Tm step pfomptod pipiriially; by neces­ ail. LMv^ys have ihsistod that de­ ■fir cmtly reduced from 37.00^ d . 37.50. better understanding between na­ sity.- During his heyday as a direc­ tails ^in a film are im por^t. Hiqr just after giving a shilling to your tions turned into the means of son.” tor, Von Stroheim xnade plenty of really give a ’ picture its individual­ 824-828 Main S treq i 'M Country Salad death and destruction. money—^for others. Little found its ity.” , -x^in a large bowl combine lettuce, In 1928 in BrazU during -a huge way into his own bank account. . Sometimes I wonder if Von Stro­ Habit celebratibn for Mm, a large plane, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, and Editing the> light foods every day So now he finds it. quite advisaMe heim isn’t, niakh^ , a mistake in thin‘ rings of green pepper and named after Mm; crashed-into toe to work before the camriras instead becomes a matter of habit after hibbor at Rio De Janeiro as it cir­ spending to mUch time yearntog for onion. celery cut in thin strips of behind them, in order to maintain a director's, chair again. Ifo is a end o' while; but if you don’t form the cled the steamer on wMto he was ar- may also be put in. Just before habit, your body m is ^ a lot of the-j riving, kUlihg all 14 occupanto, his very modest but comfortable fine actor' as is^proven by hte i>er- s e r ^ g season with salt, pepper and - ta- f foods it should have. Adults should cluding several women. Hollywood bungalow. In', addition, formances in his last'two fihns; "The 9^ cleardn<^ i vinegar. never let a day go by without having The shock bore heavily«on .San­ his work enaMcs Mm to. kqop pace Lost Squadron’’ ah'd "AiS Yon Desire fruit, fresh vegetables and milk. You tos Dumont He went baric to Paris with the tochnical progress teing Me,” .. . . . Whoops, My Dear, can’t go wrong on these. a month later,- but Ms health began made by motion pictures. 'X’rue, ■ his lot is that of a: ‘'heavy" ^.Fashions are going more and to fail and when he retumed here in but even 'go(^ villains 1 aren’t to be more Victorian. Creeping up on us You can cut your food budget with June last year he was a sick man. From: an aitistie standpoint, Von found in abimdance. aipund Holly­ l^adually. as they do, we don’t get low-priced vegetables if you take He retired immediately to Sap Stroheim still stands head: and riioul- wood.. Directors like'to have Mm .7, so much of a shock as it would be advantage of Pinehurst’s 5c Tuesday Paulo, where he has lived since. ders . above- most, of our present day work for toem tri>-^now that th ty suddenly to see women w a lk l^ specials, advertised in detail on the successful- directors. True, Ms pro­ have learned that whim he is; acting d b ^ Main street in '^^ctorian cds- back page today. ductions-used to cost a .great deed of he doem’t .t^ 'to be-Von Stroheim, kwe. Hut take a look at advance money and were a-long time in toe the<^(BCtor.' * VaUliStylsa Spm« o f them iook just Olympic Ckilers making. . But once finished they -‘T'am &'8(^er--rl do as .1 am BROKEN ' the cartoons of the i“ Whoops When the girls, who are .conteisit' HOLD SECOND AUTOPSY iKalty were .finished. trid,” 'is all-'lm. haa-.to say -about era” in The New Yorker. They’re NotMity' Wfis left want^ as sO that'-'- ends Sol ing in aquatic sports at the Olympic ^ZES m a l^ g muffs, fur capes and short Games aren’t in the swim itself, they ONROpYOFSUSP^ oft^is'too<0Bse with modern films. fur Ja^ts with'real leg o’ mutton will still attract attention with their “The Wriiding Match,” "Greed," ';But>(^pvhe.: can’t; sidetmek that sleeves, and hats that poke up Mgh "Foolish Wives” and "The Merry nqtti^;%ibh^pj^eia to direct.: Sev­ -SAVE % official Olympic pyjamas. The in the back. pyjamas are wMte, trimmed in red (ContiBoed From' Fags Oae Widow" stm are remembered as tes­ eral tim m .^lA^h^b^ on toe ODOlQfTS and blue. timonials to,Ms i^U. . . '' verge. o(m tim t;,cfd]^ At Pinehurst Qrocery, they cut pressure of a thumb. Later Assist­ “Hollywood condemned me as an for Mm. tp^{^^ : or^n'/]»toer>thaa •. only .the finest g ^ e s of genuine ant District Attorney Martin W. eccentric and can’t gat over the take toei^; . ^ t eato tone .some­ and M O R E ~ ~ ~ Former SOlfiE 8|kihg Lamb. You’ll find lamb Uttleton, Jr., testified that on toe idea," the director-actor declared thing lm«kone amity, ■ poa> vaala. ties. office. >XMebt«|lB( of' textiU. inter Value 0L79 each Itm ..... v. S lO C ' Bdstrom and George Mulry, On mfti 'you fO'Uia our 90 PAIRS LADIES* SILK suggestion of Edwards defense coun- ests is ftnerally at'a low point and GLOVES. Value29e...... i l f C vors repeal of the Eighteenth sef agreed to withhold aU motions Will witoin toe safety abnerthis moaay wHohtyor MA FERGUSON WINS Amendment. until August i f tbs date for whleb Agency, e ^ r t s . yeii n ^ If for any 82 SHEER P A ^ DRESSES 1 n ^ Sterling P. Strong of Dallas, a trial has nssB Nt before Suprtma ProdubuoB of PtnntylvaBla an- Value 29c a a P C f prohibitionist, led toe race for the Court Justlec John B. JetaiwtoBt. thraelteilB the week ended July 16 purpeia. Bathing Hea^, , AT TEXAS PRIMARY third seat. Xt appeared that his run­ is sstlnM ed'at 697,009 net-tons, a li GISLS’ UNBNB DRB88B8 4 off opponent would be Douglas W. Edwards , conferred with Jranstonc ^ I,Just 'ph on o or, immediately after toe arralgnnmsts. gaifi o f WiODO'tons over toetmopt Value89c AAr LADIIB’ WOOL. BATHING A O McGregor of Houston. Ball fixed by Justice gtrinbrink recent fu^ Urn# ,week ended July 8. eofito tn, ancj/aik fer fh# Managor. (Oenttawd from Page Onai Speaker John Nance Gamer, was allowed to stand cxcipt ln the P roduct < in the oerreeponalng 14 AGE 2 TO 4 PLAY PAJAMAS e n ^ 8VIT8.. Vilu. (L98 . . . . 9 1 . 9 0 Democratic vice-presidential nomi­ week « was 761,000 tons Ha will' ba glad to axplaln' how oast of Patrolman Brittshbockor. Value 20c. A aP i, nee, was renominated without oppo­ Bail OB toe aocissory ebarga waa coal piprodupfioB In toe eanm week'le qulekly and’.tiiliy'y^' LADIB8’ WOOL BATHING. * 1 H A -; to a second term in 1916, had noth* sition in toe Fifteenth Texas IXs- n a ty ^ at 4jl70,000 net. tone 11 BOYS* UNION g u m , s u n ft v iii]. $ tA 8...... S I , . D 9 triet, set at $9,600 n a k lB g M 'tota l bond an|oy IKa eof^ larteai o f a Menoy ¥ • , 7 lag ty say "at tola time." 14,000. Tho charges mads by agtynsf i;i99,diio in tbs holiday Value 88c ...... Mb’s campaign largely was con­ All other Congressmen seeking week .p r e o e te f and 6,714,000 tone Ciijfllfi Aeeoufif. LADIE8’ WOOLBATNING. * 1 a A new terms appeared sure of victory StolBbriBk, who also signed ths 1n- 28 BOYS* WASH S ^ T S , ducted In toe columns of toe "Fer< fomatiOBs for tbs Indiotmsnts, will in toe flketl^wiek. 8UIT8. ‘V llli.8i.T8 ...... S 4 . p3rl^ f uson Forum," a weekly newspaper. with the _Mssible exception of stand until tbty. ,ara formally dia- illONAL Value 8 ^ fiEffieefetetiieeiee It wee featured by attacks on re­ Tbomaf L. manton of Abilene in toe Seventeenth District. Last re­ ndaaad by a eourt. National Tea Oo„ sales fbr the N S N e s « e * 12 SUMMBb h a n d b a g s , 1 LAD1B8’ WOOL BATHING f A , puted eatravagailoe 'of the (Sterling four waake 8VIT8. Vtln* 81.7«...... -S 1 [ . 1 a r j admlalstratlen. turns gave him 19,991 votes to II,- lour waaxs , saoaa JUtyJiUy I166 totaitdtotalad tyir'.irbn fHiarto NOA Value4 0 0 . . .•.••it ,ASr 708 for his oppondnt, Joe K. Jones. |4A M ,m agaiflit 16,766,016 In the A proposal that Congress be SMlN ITBIBT I.ABMB* WOOL BATHING tltioned to submit repeal or reten- sama ^rioiTofviiiii a daqreaaa of tf'N:l I.' ,'4 • • 61ob of national prolubitlOB to the STRIKE COKmiUES 16.1 par^t 81JIT8; V1811.8IB0...... ■tatee carried two to one, but less fc iM W cM im B, eew fc Tintnui IL0AT8, tban half the Democrats had ex- CLOWN KILLS CHUN Dlractori' V* of Phllllpim u Patrolaum 2 9 / T a b l e ' i , . . . - . ______Pjreised themselves on the issue. High Point, N. C., July I l l - '•d a radobtloB MpBlB Ml - WI9MS VidiiA'''88.88 ' MMBflard Silent (APT^A oompleto shutdbwfi o f M book valuo of 18 PLAY PAJAMAS AND O Q w PrehlU M aSrs claimed that besiefy nUlla here wheto , 1,000 H A n . yilue4l9o...... dSsFC CHItDRibra WOOL BATHING CMvsland, July A workers are on strike oentiBiied te- the majority ahetalaiag from the toaa-year-old boy who ptaysd the 8UIT8. V ila .6ie ...... 4 a C . veto were of the prohibition faith. 48 OIRLSr Cl9lin(NATION8, O A J ______,______I______. / I XAttUd S ta M feoa tor Morris Shep­ down so earnestly that ha killed hto Value,8^9. ij.i...I, ^mSt pard, ee-iuW '.df the Bightoento playmalto gave Juvenil# Court au- Amtodmeat, withheld eomment on tooritissloritiss a prol MpMem today. i f GIRLS* COTTON SUPS, A A ^ the sig tod ld i^ o f thd referendum. Last wsex ai group of boys held A ft^revision oendudyato/^abe VUue ‘80c, I... ..f^. ;Tem, r. Hunter, independent oil neighborhood oifous. The'boy who CONFIDENCE iter. of Wtohita Falls, was was olown, his face smehrsd with **C ^ n d ^ ^ *tb e'.^ mill, 11 BQYS* BLOUSES, third in the governor's race, greasepaint, was making his where operatives were said to be Tht^Herfaiing praffr- VMiie ‘49fi *' l ^ i ( . w o » t y « Kiotyty'' ; .toft rituras gavf him in,944 mates lauib» It' Oest a penny "in perfeot aeeord with employls I t e r ^ AWlJp,. and Mrs. Fer- watch. ' (■ ■' ■■ ' iHiotr fo r ', Qtfljih MaDio- Louis Sedley,/!, atoed off to ons riilf littiita th9 fUwliiii iuciitytytylun, itfXn'the raoe-for side, watching. He . 'Seed aside bd^ tien -was deferred ''the werk- VaIUA 69 s « *'«M I'e,# eielieeeeeeee cause he had no penny. ^ ;Bltheiit posdbttty of ;-il.tytyW Affl>Cri!|,: ' ' '' ' o o * l/'to 9*e00 ‘"e 9 9 9 • e • e 9 e 9 e<< The dlowk spied "tkr honto 'inensldei nreeidenf M y “ I ‘ ' 4 BOT8*'AU ityH i'lw tyt:: • and gSt h "K S Shoutedi the mill, sbI ? ^ i S T t o S l M L«U. away, but want to rsfturn to greik and Tmt ;th^i n ii iiii/'O f ,' 1/ and covertly watohing. to w .wU "as soon ns oetyMtldas per- -The clown picked up a smoe ju k ■I '♦V', '1 Uqltod^ threw, xt hit Leads to.ttte bfekto the j’ . ' /, 1. f • f, f Vi 1' . • * i tbs iiead. Louis said MtUag for a fiw days and played as usual, but 'mr !'ih tor itord^ he diediM i ...... SB- 'r ill 'f-itiiMilimiiiEy' im*' i‘ln a i / i Vi ,♦ V ’ v t i ''P m . Mi m ? ,Wfv ifc’H "■ ' ' V ^V .'.S '' . w- V ' r ■".i ■ ■ " •’^' , ■’^. 7"/ '■' ' ' ' pAj^roim VAmaiai^ ’U^iKopte^^ ■■••a '; i.-Ji at laait antitled to cradlt for op«i> whin then fu a hbvnijjaomr uid taf aoiM. tyM for 'lu i^^ con> l^nad m lad^ datanqiaatlea duotod thnaaotvas, after all, like thaeonuaovi^Kq^v EoMfitD men and aoldiera. the pfobleina anafttmthy > ^ MlItJUIIiaD M TBA agniALP yjijm N o j*«|vjui«, Ottawa Confaraon are, after an. FIXTINO ^OBNB'* IN much the tfaau ah theaa f ^ by .' ( I . Thoaa habitual RepublieaiiB who! dwwai Meaeger hacauaa of hard timea mUy ha mildly jnvar, all intdata and piinjbaiiii I Jbuaaea oe«eeet u im toying w i& the idea of euperlmant^ the varloiia umta off tiM iM tldh j yj'.' VabUeUM ttverr iHeatag Bseeipt ing w ith a “change** to the extent of I Oemmonwealth r^taantad at't>Ct»r m j'.'J.t.Tj'-.i .p-. lUada^ftMUiO H y t^ C B a m ^ ^ a ^ t^ tte voting the Democratic ticket next wa are aa eoBqtiftaly hapanta BB«iaa dneaU Ulaae Hail Matter, • '• —.*x-- BOMpiun^ saTw fail would do well to coneider the no^e entttiaa ^.though th m Ward le xear. eg mail. «^ia«a caaa of ICr. Tunney. poUticid cr aeetlamBtal hb> -JV.. I hr Hafl.pw‘««w ..M ...i. Ifr, Tunney appeara to be, from I tw a^ them. IttaB ot aahjrlAN^ilakj ; one year-* ••••••% ••••saiM. the point c( view of Ck>nneettoat|0f tw o g rp u p a o f people o f BMBia d i* S'-' MCMTiDM o r THLTaaaocutDD Democratie politlciBnB, an obvioua varaa or ^xmllkting IntBmata thap ' BBina ' AeeaaiaUa l-reBa le eielaalvelj BBMt. Aa an undefeated ex>cham> thbee of New ^fcealaad and, thoaa ef i a h t lM to the uaa fa r repaUioattaa |doB heavyweight prlae lighter hie Btrmlngham or Bh«SMd. It wiU j # t all aewa dippatelMe eredlied to n or act etberwfie ereiued la th ia name la fam iliar to miniona of he Burpriaing if the oonferanoa does naasiiS" PWt- qm rt XOUowenr. Ae a rich man he not aoon develop am mpaannee of /■ a il riabta eC eepuMteatloB et wodld probidily be able' to contri-1 hopeleseneaa. apMliU dtepatehee herela are alee re* eeraed.______bute handsomely tU the party war j Neverthaleaa it ia not too mtich to ^blfePeya . Sapfeaentailtei the cheat Aa a candidate for puhUe expect that eventually ap|ne e f the Juliue Matbewe 8peo}ai Acener«^ew office he la patently receptive andlconfliotlng Intereata w ill he recon* S.. Terk, Cbleeao. Detroit and Beetoa. not over particular aa to what offiee. I died, some of the rmigh spots ro ll eerviee eUeat of N B A 8er* TteO. laa. What to do with Mr. Tunney, where I smoothed out and aomethiiig. mu* moaf effectively to place him on the tual advantige to the aasioioiAtion of Member Audit Boreau el Otreaia* ttepila Democra^c ticket ia one of the natlona be arrived a t The Serald Mptiaa Oottpeey, Ibon active concerns of the hour to the ’ Perhaps it may he aomething. im* aesoawe ao ■aaaeiJ' reepenelbiutr party leaders. But the determliia* portant enough to siiggeat to the ter trjMgrppbleal eimro epeeerlac (a dee^aemeata la the ifeaeheeter tion to use him somewhere and reat of the natlou that if ^one great SWeaiaa BeraMU ______Bomahow, ao aa to reap the benefit group of peoples can thus cooperate ' MONDAY. JULY 25. of his fistic prestige and of his cash for a total of mutual benefit all the HEN YOU shop at WatWns durinff the Semi-Annual Sale is Increasin^y apparent. ■ nations could do the same thing. Now it is worth while for eerloua Borah*s suggestion of a wod'J you can rest aaiiurdd th a t gvery piece-you *elect is genii- Through an'error nuBOcrouB morm minded voters to stop, look and to untangle thf. whole ihe Watkms Quality. Nothing is “ordered ih” to c ^ ta ■ tag nawspaperb tm)ii> reportedr os listen before deciding to help place of post-war problems may p ^ supposedly sensational Valued. No cheap “Sale" mer­ . tm uM y on the authority of the mag government in the hands of a party W appear more reasonable by •alae **f>ituBa.’* that the* private which picks its candidates for such time the Ottawa meeting adjouma c h a n d is e h e r e .. . .only tj^ica l M^atkiris Q uality furniture waalth of iPrestdmit^ Hoover had reasons aa figure in the ease of M r. ------offered at prices which create sufficient sales to perm it Shrunk |VOO,000 fro m ; 14,000,000. Tunney. In the first place there is from whiidi the natairal Reduction each price to be sO low. ^his is a Clearance Sale, so we no evidence that this former prize INNE^ORlC was that Ifr. Hooter had been much ^ h te r possesses the slightest quail- must ask that all Ntoles b® f lh d l. . . . .ho exchanges or luddar tMB iBoat bther inveatora Itfa Different Now ' floatton for public office. Hia his­ approvals.. Pieces UBd that> • atmuraa in poaaessiim of New York, July 25.r*^Broadway’s tory is not such as to appeal strong­ aad story now wdds such chapters a-fN tiiBiir of $S,800,000 or there- ly to thlnkihg people while on the as the transformation of toe roman*- fib b u ts . . . j ; ' ' tic old Gaiety Theater into a hurley-, other hand,' he happena to haye house aad the obliteration of the I < h in M ^ wtog Soto with down-filled re- \ a I a matter of fact,'the *Tor> been, aa a premier pugUiat, the iterion behind a huge billboard. mpyabto.'back jiishlons. Square $ n # A *iuBii** artiela aaearta that the ahrink- Qilphtadide legs; tuat coveili^. K w f S.> least admired and most slightly idol In the days when l^ w aad * Br for Bedrooms ' for W aa $120.00 ^ igO in the Preiddeht’a personal laed champion among the rabble. langsr ^ was ah ace producing firm , / . SMaas has beta tile | 8,800,000 and the Gaiety Was capital of “smarb' ^pitae French Provincial, auito in . chestnut Mr. Tunney would probably turn out I For yeusyears it was the policy never Bed, drealori cheat tad dtoMng table $ , 8 blid walnut or mahegany Coffee* Tables of 4 at la if net bow worm more than to be as weak a candidate for any to allow the showhouse’..to be with htaglpg mirrors. DUncaA Phyfe design "fTOOtOOI. W hta'lfr. Hoovw was politioal Job above that of constablie closed during' the summer season. "^Vaa $174.00 . . 4.... ‘87 Was $186AQ'...... w ith bcasa tipped feet. »4 ’“ rv*- Mdrty years oM h% had cleaned up The Ctitenon is the first house to Were $7.5h ...... •teeeeee m aa could be hunted up In a month of adnoit that therels more money id Spool beds, finely fashioned for us at Grand 9;piece Federal-American group with Sheraton ta lf a aaihkfi.tad he, continued to Sundays. Intelligent people would renting out frtataL spaoe thta in Rapids. Mmhn^f^y finitaod n ^ e t, china tad chairs, tad’ itaka umhep tor many yam He selling state at thebOB office. Bolts h i ^ . PiiU or twin $ « g\ .50 acta Colonial wtog . chairs with spring seat cush- resent hie candidacy and the rough­ aises^ I “ Pbyfe table. Butt asuat' lave 6Sta worth cdhaiderably once busy foyer has been sealed sad Inut • $- Ions. Covtaed in richly figired 50 necks do not like him because he a huge m blue displaya gaigan Wire $31.50 .... ^ ' . veneered. \ Unta crasbee with ruffled aiota atone time than when he be­ high-hats them tuan replicas of movie stars. skirts. Were $49.00 ...... Chippendale bi;acket-foot chests Was $252.00 came Bresideyit for the ’'Fortune” The Bignificanqe of all this la that On the other band, the citrus of drawers, (dresser height) Queen Anne lowboy biUKet o f aitiiele aayu that he spent large the Democratic party’s leaders are made of genuine $% pa ktarthn Washington arm chairs in a choice of ;ipim 8 ofviiB own ttaila ha was dls- drink etandr adopt the. art theater genuine mahogm^, eopied from p lto topestries. . cottcerasd only with the smallest d e co ra tive ideaSs. The new est s o ft ms^le. I a lowboy to the^ fW illbg TJlItad Itatas money, in Wtap $17.50 ....A. Bond rnnhogany arms. i M and most paltry aspects of ptatica-- drink comer on the main, highway were $85.00 ...... iDuropaan reUef mark during the the mere-getting “in." These are waa executed by John Vassoe, mod- . Queen Anne kpeehole lowboy to ** mm ^Vw*W a • • • • • )) 5 “ ,ir a r . • _ emistio artist. With na playa to serioua times. The country needs work on, seemc designers turn to be used aa^ a 'dressing toblc. Molly Pitcher extension drop- 'Sheratfin drdp-leaf occasioiial< table » aauhu that lb ' more, .n f^ t the services of its tasest and^ drug stores, cigar stands and.csfe- Curly maple . $o b t A0 leaf dining table, of gtauihe ma­ with dtower and reeded ktys. ytata^^ Hr.,Hoover had converted veneered. hogany with $ Genuine mahogany. WSa $27.00. The atots'.of Connec^sut canno, ______,, Wb* $56;oo ..*i... ■ . s ■ • i X •' auuBp^ his mine h o ld i^ Uin^dash' ford to have hs afiaira nm hy i^ Hoa' nuhtt ^ ^ 4 9 awl lad put hia money into invest- Oval top dresMng table bench Chtppendali occasional chairs having solid experienced and. inbapable acci­ Frank Rostock, ~ a tte ln j^ '^Post with wood top and tUtaed, aw it trusts, with tlm result that be executive, reports Chat he walked up ‘Sheraton comer cabinet of gen- mabegany, , arms aad tlpeatty dentals. A party which seeks to spltaed legs. Maple $ |iA .75 coveted seats tad backs. iBB aitfbred ulong^wlth the rest of ^ 4 . I the *?gay white way” hist Thursday finished birch. utoe mkhoga^, crotch $ >s gv get into cwitrol by, picking what it mght and it reminded him Of ChU-' vtaeers and inlays. 4 H Were $15.00 ...... *11" .Ha ffilow dtixenu from 'the ehoek- mistakenly thinks'are fittractive- fig- Soothe, O.* on a busy gunday after- Was $7.00 Wta $69.00 teveesee ing akrlnksge h» the value of aeouri- Md »«. dtting th«. into wtat- fc . .‘lfc S S S S S ^ atralght-ftont Secretary $ tla fi^'^le extent of hia loeees la to with baU-aad-claw feet, and ever candidacies they can be Jammed h The gossip column gtata who uewt flass doots. Was $89.00 bb renHaed ftbm a atatament in the into, utteriy rem^ess of their to snoop throii^ the c.ow ^ late aeebeaiB “Time” of ] today's date, capacities, is notTiikely to impress TS?!® ^ *** and J. whlta trta 44Uveiad last Friday, to » 4»K dd 1 othcr. W hich Is svm dtat punishf, ^n d e rin g dtixena w ith its capacity | m eht for th d x dns. W hSn th & 1 Stoamer chairs of clear white maple, com- tlia M set . that the Fteaident’s pri- for suceeaaful government through keyholes these diiys, plete With arias and slat I j . i o iiiri' ypta bbSstae had, been reduced, dur­ they observe iS a landlord toiisin, leg feeto ing the. depcassloB, ffeom 1100,000 out some edebrity for non-piymta O u or^. atripedi-duck covering lllju t o ..Mess S'* •#••#••••#.... 119 COSTLY ECONOMY I o f r e n t a year to $80,000* a y e a r.. Steady reductions in,Manchester’s flowever, Chicago has only one imported tS te m pealed cane arm chairs in ^ 2 , dlamq)|d”WAi$M Yankse rug cuahions. Thcee * unthinking pereons who show—and that at cut latoat natural cter,'decorated with ' $ ta .9$ $PA.Sfi grand list over a period of four Qttage tad black bands. , •% auide Ig tt of H r. Hooyer*s action^ I years constitutes a problem, th e You. can’t avan.fiva Wwag/ w e trs 9.6a ...... ivsrs gTdiO.. , • spiting‘lie , own PreaMtotlal salary j Selectmen must give more than tnani Oakleysl^Axieysi .Tune;.wiATlma;.wai whanw iea saaouideF-- R i^ m a A .p iA to Chtota drapsrisi with con fro m $70,000 to $80,000 a year ou casual consideration to, in budgeting ^ shows were kept aflem 5i 5T lb e r* Focch gUdfto, our finest make, to choice gf otohge. black or green trasitogjM ai^ 1-2 yards loi (Ireta.>niit,riMs, pcAoh, $i> the asaunqition that he would never the tovm's expensee and income. A l ?^to the new theater - tax, the paM> t e m ^ ducks; . th e $15,000, have reason to. *12 or blue, cotoplste < decrease of approximAtoly four mil- d p ie n t m u st oough up- SO o r iVafe$$$.00 .'..'...... a. with' A# aasand th d r opiiiloii. {Uoa in the grand list in that period |.ctata.. . ' Aad ha rafusM todo it TBp*plaea :stick teed lounge group with loose, “ ISt^ rapfoduotion of old bi Is a daflnlte loss In ravenua to the Stefiiled bsek euwoB*. $diito.T5: ignkdAto THE BONUS ABMY town and Juat ofia m im faotor.to.be s«to tadjhiK _ ' 2 9 beds." ' ^ O ' There is butonf ikth t dub*-tbe m$a $51.00 tas.v— The great adventun of the Bonus, .reckoned______with to the tax__ proUaba;__ ___, HoUywood*-to oparatton on Broad­ Htia, rosf, gtito,te iild or gold ^ ■ ^ t k « W 3» F a n I. .tout mra. IB »MltloB to ntttoc

taUrpBa wim.daacaadad on Waatoldtoutof. ' I . In ProporHeB to|tettMdatayad ;^ani. for. nearly In this connactlon the proj^sied . two nioBtkf, demanding, eata nay-1 purchase of the Bouta I ^ tnUy unique' to jacomt an out- V ntoBtof V I N C . V naked'a .raeofd aa probably the moat I brother, the South Manobastar tada^ Mg BMri) to Ustory. Sawar diatrlet by the Town of Man- , One of thstof toddantojly, Is N ew I Y o rk ’s be st kn o w n T o m T fiv S b . ^ Ivan w fn enough of them to. cheater, would add to thq difficnlty I is “M a ^ Doyto and f yean ban flirrtd up the graveat sort of to ralatog tax tooeme. Xf the town I eashiar in Dtoty M oore's \ • tiBMkla had they neerted tolpufduiaed the water eempany aya- 7/ l/ U ^vtotanaa. They did aothtog of the j tom it would raaaova that- aaaaas- •% ’ m bbmm w w r is ’htof They eoBUBlttad no dqpeeda-Jm«t from the grand list and imma- a cash raitatar twlea hia They behaved much batter,Idlatdy raduca the tag tocom^ by thkh A almllaily large $17,000. Further than that, if the Thript onwd ef CoBsy. Ldand pleasun Maaehester Water Company pur , You who live where thSra are ■takera laeomparahly better than ohaae could ba affected, the grand trees may shad a tear at this te a * A.5 any raadam maaa of equal numbers Hat and Uac, income would be cut graph. Ima other toght Ward author of ”Oora Potts" aad that might be raqidrad to Uva for still more. I better______books,____ ruahta to the phoae two itoya. under like conditiona as to The town would have to pay I and called a dosenlosen mfrieadn end ^to-torn, emton “xK n OtoOn^ oto J

, « - t o n , toto,.to.r catoto the pnasBoe Of theie thirty or forty ayatem. A town-owned water h r a l s o __ iiertat xMffM r to J ^ Lgood. '? It r must r have (with a eeif-imposed handicap of U tanager, to be exact Stooi apai^ Health and Diet poof d fou to tie Sta d j 'arms. bMB lapeealMe tor Congrcai not to $$6,000 approximately. When it la £dwa and pigaooa aca about th# tu ff affset othera tor$hc way wa aipear, ^^'ajUrk y^laQ pM u^ .i.V' talk, tad act It has baea found (b it Advice ( f thoaa who' maka-4ha btogaat suIb- .’to Ptoiab. otom^ . (BattarmUkAnd W atatog^ needed an object le a ^ Brothers have made very UtUe profit coweer^thls was. indeed, a rpn By Or. Frimk BlpCIay^ Cessea in the- worid aa a ganeiid rule to tk aaffeeta .of hard times. .Until over and above the thfi- iprom A .|W f ,taety . Qqe«tton: Itos, are not the briUlant atudtoto who you amdae A .:«weei to toe Mat,> dartog n o t ^ yu 6 advise thtoOmaaili tog. at flrat, hand Imopt a depres­ A toqn tlMAaora of your suoeeaa women who Itoew eVtaybboy; were tor toata to-four aiimto'Dot,, adventurer made bu . Wty into good ntaers, and M utor, iM who net cqm&toimoii prove htewtol-thk ite They wan all^ employed net OTTAWAPABLEY Greenwich Village baakyArd. pr ppgntoffty to Uto daptada upon apent their .youthfto ycarOltaraing A.. one oru fe’a ftoat4H special'.VtoJ.F'. y !. ^^v***^ ®“ta. j Petaapa the gnateat naafulnasa of prout! guilty t» ntoka the right peo- AvqtocitoAi Apm te: Buttynaito gle thtok well of you. Bach of ua .^1® ^ along with ottohu can' tic add*whlito ivhta ttfifeta "— Thair m a y vtont further than it tta m tlah,Im p«lal Economic cJoh- lljQKle -'.'.j Itfi _ hM BMMIh the same praUMss as the deitrOy certain pii^ '^**^****' *tall-jference* now getting, under way at ;' 4 ...-D ih '1 litit to toe totoattoss. " tomto-oe And deati-j Ottawa, wiU avaatually prove • to 1 iwt trjrte dc toUjg^beti fdf. ■ H it. Tha.Blght of thou- have batam prpvkitog aa axampie ^ heavaaia declare the glory ef of .diattaa^ Uttie h a^ lfitch the ‘t m s . m W M S S n K i i *• *“ ■•**■ AAteyloy- of tha limited extent to which agree- A.;., pftodljM i f l^ tiito ategW ith unbaaraWci These diatreBBing hiUta. which apoH (Anns Sto* ■kaping anyhow, can sobjeets, batwata^aaparato paaplea ho«« win l^ P gnd Aotae ato SsifsjsaassiTsffl ------b e ^ eoriy to Uto and develop dMWte’r tad 01 e i^ OBj^atatofte etteto-ftonvatety,.itto|uat ptebie|iBM h^ _ Bo.gaadtely that the etto tatomtC- w aMAI Hme Udtoifuea tor laBMaaroffanaa. 8^ ahff' 5^ f ^ . ‘ ' : 1 • : ■ ■-■ ■,f- ■•■■ '! - % ■ ^V-f? i M*' 1 ., ■ r - I I . • • , • < I . • .■» •■ r V 'H » » t >•

^ « .w ...... 1. . . , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. 8 0 UTO MANC^BglERrGC^^ -Meen purchased by John and NEEDUTTLETIIIE Wsfd ibf BUver Lane. SHRINERS? CONVENTION Is Yb move to New Hampshire W.R.PALMERDEiU); v - .- r r U Shw. AtrivaU where he has a position on a dairy FOR MAKING LOANS ROCKVILLE New Yoik, farm. Mr. White formerly resided ' Ban Franelsro, July* 26—(AP) — Arrived: -t A here. POLITICAL LEADER Bight^-ysaisold .iCsxtiiii^ iSy s j^ a l tyain, ri^lane, * automo­ y-. • No Bidding * WesUimwiMid, New York, July 36 WuhlUftOB, July IS^IA Pl—Sc- Paterson, N. *J., sat mords^y .to^ from Afitweip. . bile and boat, nobles of the ancient Storrs, July 38^(APV •vnMs6tiiig8 Because of lack of bidding at u police cri) today, charg^-V'with pwts of the Reeonatruotltm Finance FIND ASSESSMENT auction sale on property on Brook­ - S anta BariSsra, New* York, July ArbUcJ Order of the Mystic Shrlfle of farm women and; of poultrymsn Corporation today continued their lyn stfe et reoentiy two houses ^with New Haven, July 26.—(AP)—Wil­ ■booting his father to degtlL'. 26,' Valparaiso. ^ * today opened ths .sitow .'term . ^hd liam ^Rhodes Pedmer, former United •Cehte Grande, New York, July 25. pour^ into Sim Francbco today tot study of the glfutic relief bill with nine i^Murtiaents went to the mort­ “I have just killed my' fStliw, this fifty-eijghth annual, seaidon of home week at Oomieoticut . Agricul­ m ON A NON-OWNER gage holder, receiving the property States; marshal for Connecticut,*who who was beatingVmy slater,” he t^ s- N m I ^ .' ■ ture O^e^. ^ ■ •. \. ' '7 ' a view to expediting the handling of died of a stroke at St. Raphael’s Brsm en, New York, July 26, the Order’s Imperial' Council which applloationB for fuhds. by bidding 86,000, the amount <^ the phoned police last night. “I will opmis tomorrow. . . Women reitetor^ xb th'e;<^fgs m ortage. There was no second bid­ hospiltal yesterday, will be burled in ^ t until the poUce'i^me.’’ Breinan.* dormitories for the -homemskiBn It haa not been determined how his home town of Oxford, .Wednes­ American Trader, New York, July The exercise of the Imperial sopn the corporation will be able to Sprinkling Levy Charged To der. Ine property was at one time The stsriled detectivee rushbd to Council'eesslbin will, open. witii 'a school while the ppulttymex 'beSxn valued a t 116,000. day. ^ e home of the ff^her, Alpbonse 26, London. a .two-day study of pimtlct^^ end ■tart lending money to the states Ellen Lloyd Is Abated "As A service will be held at 8:16 at uentanxii, 49, in Long Island City, Lafayette, Havre, July 26, New ()erempnlal In a specially prej^ed marketing problems.' The Ooinneof- and corporations authorised to bor> Notes stadium at the city’s civic center. Three-Year Charge Is Dis­ Ralph H. -Qlbson, manager at the an undertaker’s chapel here and a queei^ end found hlm dSad of ssv- .Ytok. . , ticut Poultty Association -bold. row but it was emphasised this solemn mass of requiem will be cele- ersl bullet wounds. They azrested Drotthingholm, Gothenburg,'' Jiidy Q m trary . t o custom,;the Initial cere­ Its shflual banquet-tonight.. . would be done w ith utm ost spjMd. proved. RookYllle. office of the RockvlUe- 2i, New York. monial will be open to . the public. WiUlmai|tlo Lighting Company, is brSited a t S t Thomas church in Ox­ the son on a charge , of hbmldde. Imperial Potentate Thomas J. Hous­ Other groups qf farm: workers Secretary Cooksey of the corpora* enJ|oylng two weeks vacation at ford a t 9 o’olook. ^ .The accused youth told authoritiM Sam aria, London, Ju ly 24, New will meet during the weiUc to - tion has telegraphed till goviemors to yniM enraged over hie fattor’e York. ^ ton, Chicago, will preside. Abate Sprinkling Aeeesement HMqpton Beach. ’The death of* Palmer removes •-Uniformed units arrive today aider methods of solvini^ agricultur­ that a little time would be necessary At a recent meeting of the City Edward Hardtog, who is spending from- Democratic Party activities an t^tm ent .of his two slsten. Liut ’Tuscania, Glasgow, July 24, New al questions. Dairymen will con-, to formulate policies and regulations l^ht he went to the Long Island York. from the AUadin Temple Temple, Council Alderman Scheeta of the the 8ummer.,as an assistant, at; outstanding as well as picturesque Columbus, Ohio; Za-Ga-Zlg, j Des vene tomorrow and ;Wedhtoday, X for handling the funds and asked finance conunittee recommended Camp Woodstock, spent the week­ figure. He had also been a deep City h o ^ and began to upbraid hia Presldeat Cleveland,. Yokohama, conference on rural town - .finance them to be patient. tether with the accusation , that he July 33, Seattle. MolnCs, la .; Ben Hur, Austin, Tex.; that the so-called sprinkling assess­ end at his home on Vernon avenue. water sailor man, master of craft Khiva, Amarillo, Tex.; A1 Mendah, will be held Wednesday- and tiie The corporation is receiving appli* ments against the estate of Ellm Robert Vincent and Teddy Hlrth which crossed the Atlantic and a had been abusing the two girls, Aueonia, London, July 24, Mont­ Forestry program will open at the cations from states for loans from Lloyd for me years 1919,1930, 1931 Helen, 16, and Antotoette, 16. real. Nashville, Tenn.; Karnak, Montreal, have' returned from two weeks at yachtenoan who was well known Canada; Medina):, Chicago; Moham­ same time. the 1300,000,000 appropriated for di­ be abated, it haying been learned Camp Woodstock. BllUe Heriog along the Long Island shore. In th4 gUarrel that followed the Empress of Canada, Hong Kong, Beekeepers, the Connecticut Pom* rect relief of destitution. these was no property in her name older man ordered'him .to. leave, tbe July 22, Vancouver. med, Peoria, Bl.; Boumi, Baltimore, and Joseph Llebsh are remaining for For more thin thirty years he had Md.; Zembro, Harrisburg, Pa.; Ac- blogical Society and other .;qrgan- These were not made public In at that time. The action was taken. the month. done political cam paign^, had had >uth said, and first to cities and counties. Union street remains about the tanks were empty. He was a for­ May, went on trial today in the ments at the coUege, taking in mer commodore of the New Haven handed their way into jail and tiien Lunneburg, N. S., July 25.—(AP) places of interest to garden clubs. same. She is seriously ill. used their magic to gain freedom. Court of Assfl^. Yacht Club. —Captain Angus Walters, skipper KILL MOSOUITOES Plans for the trip will be made by ’Thirty years ago he tried farming The bojrs, Israel S a ra t and Fran-* of the schooner Bluenose, interna­ Two months in the Sante prison the following committee: Mrs. ds Finneran, enroute to the Olympid bad left their mark oh him, for he at Oxford. Some years ago he gave tional sailing champion of the WAPPING Thomas Garven, Frank Flaherty YOUTHFUL HERO 12 acres of land near the Housatonic games, gave exhibitions on street seemed a shadow of the powerful and Samuel Koustolefsky. President river to the Knights of Columbus for corners to get the. necessary capi­ north Atlantic announced today he man who fought off half a dozen The Wapplng Oirls baseball team James Galavin of Tolland will pre­ a Boys’ Camp In which he always, tal. In Pittsburgh they violated a was willing and eager to risk the others after he had killed the aged will play the Manchester Oreen girls side at the business meeting to be dty ordinance, to . present thdr title again this year if challenged by president. As he entered the court­ Langhome, Pa., July 26.—(AP)— had an interest and was its bene­ at Spencer’s Field tomorrow at 6:30 held at the college grounds. ’There factor. tricks and were taken before Magis­ the Gertrude L. Thebaud of Glouces­ room he carried under his arm a p. m., daylight saving time. will be a basket limch. Fourteen-year-old George Cande- trate Thomas D. Jones yestefday. ter or. any other American schooner. volume of the'memoirs he had writ­ The friends of Miss Martha Jor­ Support Case Continued let’s big moment found him ready “Say, wait a minute,^ the ma^s- Captain Angus’s only stipulative is ten in bis cell. gensen gave her a kitchen shower ’The non-support case of John —and today he’s a hero. trate sfdd ae Finneran executed a if there is to be a race the challenge ’The small cheunber was filled with last week Thursday evening. Miss Yurgel, 37, of Talcottville, which George was waiting for coffee and STEAMERS COLLIDE deceptive number of shredding a be received early enough to prepare attorneys and reporters and the fifty Jorgensen is engaged to be married has been twice continued in the doughnuts in a roadside restaurant naplon and then producing it whole the Bluenose for it. spectators required by the law for to Earl Abbey of Enfield. Rockville Police Court, was again near here yesterday when in walk­ again. “I used to try that Pd get Bluenose, occupant of the ocean a public trial. After the prelim- continued by Judge John E. Fisk ed a masked robbw. the thing torn but doggoned if I Miss Lucy N. Griffin of East New York, July 25—(AP) — The throne since shortly after she was in i^ review of his life, Henri Ger- Granby will be the guest at the until August 27. Yurgel has had Brandishing a pistol, the Intruder could get it back togetber. How do launched la 1921, requires new spars aud, his counsel, asked for another difficulty in securing work and the cowed the men patrons and attend­ Clyde-Mallory freighter Oneida, jrou do it?” , and replacement of considerable rig­ medical examination. On several oc­ home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Col- judge has been lenient with him. which -was in collision with the lihs over Sunday. ants and made for the cash drawer. When he was shown he freed the ging and gear before she could come casions alienists have pronoimced Y. O. A. A. Annual Outing Nobody offered any resistance—but Dollar liner President van Bxiren lads. to 9ae starting line. Gorguloff sane. BLACK FLAG TedJy Risley of South Windsor is The annual outing of the Young George. Knowing a pistol was k:pt near Boston about midnight Satur­ visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Gierman American Association was in the kitchen for just such cases, day, docked at the foot of West 12th Mrs. William Baker in Glastonbury, held at Ldedertafel Grove on West (Seorge dropped to his hands and street today, showing only slight bu' who lived for many years at street, Sunday. At noon a, chicken knees and scurried Idtchenward. evidence of the accident. East Windsor Hill. dinner was served and during the J u st as the robber was about to 1716 two ships side-swiped each Morris D. Sullivan of Wapplng, afternoon there were sports. Ar­ make his get-away, George levelled other in a fog in Pollock Rip chan­ attended the garden party ai Fan­ thur Wormstead, Ernest Schoen- his .weapon, albeit shakily, anort with maple tree in front of the home within the reach of a poor man’s Reykjavik, Iceland, yesterday. the City Council. He reports that 16 of Malfle Howe of Keeney street. pocketbook. He started from List, Isle of Sylt, calves and three pigs slaughtered The bolt descended the tree plough­ ’Tve found something of a vac­ Germany on Friday, following the were passed. The inspection of ing a furrow'in the ground to the cine which may be a neutralizing northern route by way of Iceland, stores showed 16 stores were very front door, then ascended the radio agency,” he said, “but the cost of Greenland, and Labrador which he aerial wire to the southeast comer production is prohibitive.’ good and three were good. One Mean\^hile the Univeieity of Il­ followed on his previous two flights Week the past month ^ o store­ of the house at he eaves and entered to the United Stetes. the house, burning out the telephone linois is preparing to afford tem­ keepers were ordered to clean up porary relief to 48 hay fever vic­ and another week one was ordered cord. Wall i>aper was shredded and OLD STYLES BETpBN the living room filled with smoke. tims by having them alMp in an air to clean up his ice box. filtered dormitory. Kgn at Talcottville This same bolt of lightning followed .New York, July 25.—(AP) — The the water pipe to the bam of W. / ' yv f A / / ' jewelled “dog collars” and big The Rockville Lions Club is hav­ ing a sign, 8x16 feet, erec^ at C. Howe, stunning 6 cows and the ( brooches worn by fashionable la- Talcottville. The sign directs the horse was made so lively by the .dies of the Mauve decade are back motorist headed toward Boston, electric energy that he pulled off a in style. shoe. Mr. Howe was milking and 4 Women are digging down into Worcester and places enroute. The 4 suggestion of the sign was brought had to move quickly when the cow musty jewel caskets looking for old — up at a recent meeting by Edwin he was milking tumbled down. The heirlooms or buying reproductions of cows all recovered. - ...... antique jewelry to wear with their Ciechowski, manager of the Palace A number of transformers were fall costumes. theater, and several drawings were burned out keeping Alva West busy Choker necklaces and collars with presented by interested parties. F, making repairs for the Electric big pendants are more striking than Wallace Prelle is in charge of the light company. ever with the new high neckline, art work, while the sign erected by Wide, ornate bracelets are especially members of the club. smart, with the three quarter Loses Money TO SIGN PEACE PACT sleeves. Pins, clips, buckles and Police Captain Stephen J. Tobin tong ornate earrings provide the has received an inquiry from a Warsaw, Poland, July 26.—(AP) ■ ^ rfis & 8 « T pm m i wx.to, n tt m ly m an than 200fi00 necessary luxury to costumes noted woman who visited Rockville the —^Poland and Soviet Russia this mua$m road’Ming,bMthaexperiane»imdeapaeity of for their sheer simplicity. past week asking if anyone had week win sign a pact of non-sg- qw o f um o lw t and mou progrttMipo-monufaeturart in tha notified him of finding a handbag gresslon slnm r to that which tw aUrnnooM ,cm p^ vAieh for naarly a quartar^ GYMNAST TRIALS containing a wrist watch and about country already has arranged with etntury has hat by odvaneed ongiiiaaringt sound 116 in money. In a letter to the cap­ various other governments. mdnujaeturing ( Los Angeles, July 36.—(AP) — tain she says it was all the money The Russo-PoUsh negotiations With 44 gymnasts from all sections she oemed. have been delayed somewhat by ef­ of the United States entered, the Plans Sununer Services forts to arrange a similar pact be­ final tryouts for the American The services at 8t. John’s Epls tween Soviet Russia and Rumania. Olympic team wiU be held tonight copal church will be continued These arraimmsats have not been at ths Los Angeles Athletics duo. throughout the summer. The rector, oomplstsd, but tbs PoUA govsm- TYPE Three representatives will be Rev. H. B. Olmstsad, will be on bis msat decided today to affix Its slg- Now—enjoy s chosen in tumbling, rope climbing vacation during August but a lay natws nevsrtheisss. rattfloation and club swinging and one each reader will conduct morning wor­ probably will be held up until a TwobrotliamuMBed Wrigbtflew s power^He off tlieblesk from ths thirty contestants in the Russo - Rumanian agreement Is Itf new eng^hieering prineipls li pneumounted powers five apparatus events. Other ship during his absence. Fred aohlsvsd. NORGE fsndf of Kitty Hswk, and give to tbe.worid ike airplane, power let free-with the hi^eit ratio o i power to w e^ t Olympic team members in the ap Grippe, a member of ths parish, has been licensed by tbs bishop to con­ paratui events were selected July PRBSIDBNT AT HOMB Cool drinks with oUnking toe Goniof and diidnft feeUag new tbrillf, added bullf and ever achieved in a produedon car here or abroad to unit 16 in tryouts at New York. duct (Uvlns worship and has dons so for several summers. The' hour of cubes. >, .dslidous frosen keoli to winged moton—i ^ gave ni hydroplane, body-and«cbaifif coiutruction if tbe firft aebievem ^ of Billy Herrmann of the Penn A. C. Washington, July 86.— (AP)- ssrts... .erisp, testy sslsda... Philadelphia, is the leading candl- the preaching ssrvlcs has been l^sldsnt Hoover returned to tb( complete itruotnral entity in any ear. changed from 10:46 a. m., to 10 a. things to enjoy with a Norge Todsjr, tb^ earlhbound automo^^ talMi on phantom (late for tumbling honors. • Whits House this morning going al­ while you ssvs money on oper­ m„ for ths summer months. Ths most Immsdlatsly to his deskV ^r wingi^and jo n have tbe TiBiAnANiI In pSrfbrmanoe it ont-ftarti, ont-elimbe, out^nne, ont> service on Sunday was conducted by ation and foods. Ths 4J ou. ft FACTORY BUSY relaxation Alaska model, dsUvsrsd Rev. Olmstsad and Holy Commu­ a tj^ Rapldan mountain camp. Not only a iieif model Imt a vjiw. klnd of anfomobile, It * enrvcf and ont^tayi can three timei to weij^t ai^ ten Cinoinnall, July 36.—(AP) —Offi­ nion was token by ths congrega­ m Prssldsnt arose shortly after timee to price. cials of Remington Rand, Ine., said tion. jtajybrsak to b s^ his adtomoblls ipringi Inlbpowdi^ from the ^dependent, daring, today the powers accounting ma« Union Bsrvloe ^ to the C^tal. He noticed a H udf^Jfiei eogiReerillg/tbst hai contributed more MEdElg and Fricos cbine plant of the compai^ at Nor­ Rev. Edward L Nisid, pastor of » the tompsraturs wood has been operating on a full ths Rockvllls Baptist church, as he left the cool of the than 6D**fffitVto antMDotlYB. progieeifc BtueMSgriast Resdasrldlf BwIssn Coops 8470t RwxblsCsopsISiar time sobeduls for the past six preached on “What Was ItT” at a and drove back under a warm sun. Oeesb NTIrl-peiwiuer Mfdei 1119 months and now has Inoreased its union servlos of ths Baptist Metho­ Beeanea it ildpf the foadwftyi ^ old terr with a fores end started working nights. dist and union Oongregational MSFIOURBS HBRlrAbB freeb, imoojd^ * iMifim aotim id d n . to * flfribt, Amalia 4psdolgsrtesf fpert Reririsv 8828) B nriM OMfs aif'iffo ato CsCm Inersased orders, they said, would churohee Sunday momag. The 8880| CsarortiHs Crntps 8910| Coseb 8815| 8

DAILY RADIO PROGRAM HNIIID NOT G IE T r New Sales M anagi^ [SlWOiENINTER HOSPITALNOTES ^ MONDAYi JULY S5 (0«&tntl tad Stitflni StaMArd Tim«) -fr W ith 6m G ^ p a n y rrognuDs nbjMt to chuc*. P. u . (SaiUcht tinw « m hoar taur.) ' O F D H H K D m K | TENNISTdDRNEyl Saturday. THvlgBo o( S8 HOiBS- (Btf' Th» AMtfofaMd Prtttf Cent. BgeL s b ^ street, Mrs. Teresa ^oU 8y.cf j 'Adanu Exp ...... O m tn l Bowi Hartfisri* € bh|l NIC-WBAF NITWORK Here—eoaat oat Air Iteduotloa ,J ,n ...... 38 liur—eoaat out ■AtIC — laeti wi^,wraa wlod m m im o woL nniii'AM B. Chambers of 42 Mvfle Am Rad Stand ...... e% 8 : l 7:80-Kailtd sAillith, After the AcddenL Am Sm elt...... Htfd Conn Trust .. j., -* ? dO Wjdz w m b kroo w iv wfM W b^ laale; Arabeeauo, Drama—]• w . - ^ 8tT84t, - Mrs. Annie Krupso of 0i 8% First National . . . , . —« 'MO wool ktba ktliB . . . . . 7148—TheCelonel and Biidd— Autumn strsst and Mrs. Bnisst Am Td aadTd •sskeeeessese 78% MOUNTAIN—ko* k d k | lr hctal let Swiaa Yodelara—weat Ain Tob B ...... Land Mtg and T itle ... 10 PACIFIC COAST.— k (ok flk ow komo 8:00—Sarenadara—coast te e Bantly of 44 Porter street were dls- 59% New Brit Trust ...;. — liO Owen K. Warren, of 25 Rfdfe- a S Wat Wks ^SSeSSSrsbeaSggg khq kpo koco koz kjr UM lttoFlva 8:18—Mine Bredi—Basfoi Am* Seabright, N. J., July 26.— (AP) oharged yesterday. ie% West Hartford Trust.. — IM Ctnt. Boat V ader»-Dizlei Orehee^west , Iwood stfeot, and B snjaiW Mc(3ow* —/The forty fifth anniuU invitatlOB Anaconda lesseeeseeeoeeee 4 Rioorr t:0l>—Pop Oonoon—AIM amth it a ^ :80—Howard Lanin’s Orehoa.— *^^ ! Hampson of 49 Insurance ttoeks 2:3(^ 8:80—Mmo. Oaliwboro, >lalanlat sn of Xioebwood stroot, wars arrost- tounuunsat of the Seabright Lawn Waiteworth street was discharged Atchiison 27% de: The Dletatora—DUde Auburn ...< Aetna CBsualty ...... 28 ' 20 Si46— 8i4S—Tho Lady NaztlOi 7H6— 8:48—Male8:48—Mai. Chorus—e______to__ e 8d by Officer Joseph Prex^Ucs late and Cricket Quh goi under Sunday. 56% Aetna life ..i...... 10 'I f 8 :0 ^ 4:00—May. We Prw n^V oM l 8M0— 9M0—Shllkret Qrohoatra—o to e way today, with a Add o f thhrty- Anthony ZeUnsky of Broad Brook Balt and Ohio 8 3:16— 4:18—Pop'a Pirate Clli 8:18— 9:18—Don Qulek, Drama—o to o Satu^y nl^ht, when the sutomo*> Bendix Aetna Plre ...... ,*v. 19 2 l 3:80— 4:80—Tho Swanaa Sarenadare 8:80— 9:80—Lombardo Oren.—e to o0 one women entered in slnijdss. The was diacbsiged today. leeteesasseesega, 6% . AutomobUe ...... ^i 9% JL1 % 4:00— 6:00—Dinner oreh.—iUae oostli 8:0^10:00—Charloo Carilta—o to a bile which Warren was driving, Beth Steel qsissess'eessii 12 4:16— 6:18—Pirate Club—weat repeat 8:1|^10i1f—Martin’sI’a orehoBi—o . to e hacked into a ditch In Homeste^ Add Indtides the English atan, Mrs. cllalce will be held in the Borden Conn. (Xeneral ...... 22 24 Eide CSoldsaok Pitaoan and JCan 36% 4:46— 6:46—Donald Nevt»-AUo eoadt 8:|^l0:a0—Bsriow Symphony—e to o Park. Warren was booked on a ^ s p ^ . annex tomorrow morning, Can Pao 12^ Hartford Plre ...... 27 . - 29 6:00-^ 6:0^Harrlet Lee and Beye 10:00—IlKKk-Bddlo Duohln Or<—e te e lUdley, who are expected to arrtvB ^ e dental .oUiUe at.2 a m. a n d ^ National F ir e ...... 28 20 5:16— 6:16—Interview on Art 10:1^11:80—doe Rsiohmanitohman Or<—o to.e chsrge of drlvlnf under the influence Case (J. L) ...... 26% 6:80— iiao-Lannio Roaa—edatraly 11:00—18:0^Dsnso Hour—wabe only o f Intoxicating liquor and MofSowsn tomorrow. The seeded groim, la tonsil elinle at lO o’clock. Cerjpd XM Pasco 5% Hartford Steam B^er 80 * 5:45— 6:46—The Qelbor|a» Sk«Mi NBC-WJZ NETWORK I for intoadoation. order, indudes Hdea Jacobs, Bwks- g iea aad'Ohio 13(4 Phoenix F ire ...... 88 86 6:00— 7:00—Hletorleal iketehee-eaat -/ Travelers .•...... v*»eee4e «. § 846 6:30— 7dO-Rlehard Crooln—Alac m BASIC CHAIN—Beet: wja (key) wba* In court this, morning Warren ley, Calif., Mrs. h. A. Harper, Oak­ Chrysler 8 % & Can. (weal repMt 9:10—10:80) wbaa wbal wbam idka wger wjr wlwi Publto DtUUfSaneakA I plraded not guilty throi^' his at- land, Cslif., M ^ Oreef, lUnsas Coca Cola •sesssssaoBeesases 7:06- 8:00—Oypalea Goneert Or^ea. Mldweetie|di wtAqrwe kyw kfkz wenr wie kwk City and Sarah Palfrey, Bbston. Conn .Elec S e r v ...... 88 ' 7:30— 8:30—Parade of Sta^ea—e te e kwer koilieil wraswres wmawmag toniey, William J. Shea, and told the nns’MCiocH^ Col.Oas >eBSssee« Conn Power — 89 . 8:00— 0:00—Radio Perum—o to d NORTHWBST A CANADIAN — WtmJ court that he borrowed a car from ’The Misses Oreef and Palfrty Coml Sotv leseSeesst'ss.eset < 8:30— 9:30—Kay Donnat CentralU wlba kstp webo wday kfyr "kew ofef XL E. Hit Mullins, above, has besii were amoBE the early victors, the OottS' Gas ...... Greenwich, WAG, pfd. — ' 9:00—10:00—To Bo Anneunoed . SOUTH •—wrv^wrva m tf anihio wla ^ a z Sehaller Motor Sales, where, he is «ngag(^ as district, r^res^tativs. uf Hartford E lec...... 49 9:16—10:16—Daneo Orohoetra—baale; wns-watm- ____wlod warn _____wme wab wapi employed. A call was Sent in to the former was edetended a bit byXecihia Cont Can issessosessssssee: the Haitfdrd Gda (Company with WEDNESDAYMGBI Hartford Gas e e • • # 33 Lannia Roaa—Repeat for weat wjdz------wsmb kvoow O way wfaa wbap kpro police Btation Saturday night just XUegeL Philadelphia, 7-B, 6-1 as Miss Com Prod leesse, s«estssSsss« . 9:46—10:46—Cab Calloway Oreheatra woai ktbs ktba headquarters at tibie local office in Palmy made short' wotk kfro kol kfpy kvl kem kmj kfbk kws 7UI0— 8:00—Minatrele—Aleo eOttth 8-6, 6*0, Mrs. Dorothy * aU ^(iren in town are invited tot Tel sad Tel Gray Tel Pay StatiOQ 19 ■Cent. Eaat. 7:30— 8:30—Jack Benny—Also Can. I ’••eeeeeesese* 5% Hart and Cooley ..... — 2:00— 3:06—Weatphal Oreh—-e to e 8:00— 9:00—The Country Doctor I Local Olympic A co Has Ton-1 awkeT^stiSford, deSSed to participate by the committee in Johns Manville sessseseeeee: 12% 8:18— 9:16—Whispering daek Smith onele drink before pickingnlekinff u up'h Me.Mc­ I J r | CJaroUne Hirsch, New York charge, consletlng of Walter Ma- Hartmann Tob, com... — 2:30— 3:30—Artlata* Raoltal—o to o Kelvlnator •esseeeesssee*. 3% do, pfd 8:00— 4:00—Wectphal Orehea.—o to e S:30— 8:30—LSve Senos end Danoes Gowan on Center street and driving 6-3, 6-0, Vlrgida HlUeiny, Philadel- Kennecott 3:30— 4:80—Skippy—Saat only; Ba> 8 :4 ^ 9:48—•'Tish,” Dramatis Serlaa to his home in Homestead Park. The **25*2.’ f ’* ^ Lloyd, Cilarence Martin 6 % Inter. Silver ...... lO tween tho Bookenda—west _ 9:00—10:00—Mecravy Bros. — baaict siOtis— Dliiess S l ^ Bat pbia defeated Fshnle Goodyear, Kreug and Toll .. time of the cuscidental backing down 8-82 dp, pfd, ••teteaee 8 : 4 3 — 4:46—Chrlatiaii'a O r e h ^ t^ e Ames ’n’ Andy—repeat for west Cooperstown, N. Y., 6-3, 6-0, Sarah Lehigh Val Coal . ieses»»ees4 1% 4:00— 6:00—Current Evento—e out 9:16—10:18—Ths Summer Symphony the banking on Seymour stx«» was Palfrey, Boston defeated Mrs. Philip I The Program LeU gh Val R w y ...... Landers, Frary A Ok 4:16— 6;16-Vaughn do Loath—o out 10:00—11KKK—Plane Moods, Las Sims I set by Warren at 10:30 p. m. M af Affect Ghances. 8 New Brit. Men. com.. 4:30— 6:30—Qeorga Hall’a Oreheatra 10:16—11:16—Carl Moors’s Orchaatra B. Hawk, New York 0^, 6-1, Elea­ ■The program wlU open si't 6:80 Llgg and Myers B ...... 49% do, pfd —Eaat: Skippy—ipldweat repeat 10:60—11:80—donsa 4 Haro—eoaat Warren,said he went to the home ...... nor Goss, New York defeated Clare o^ ock With a basebaU game be­ Llgg and Myers B 49% Mann. A Bow, CSaas A — I of Mc(3owan and drank after the ac­ Prentice, Sea Bright 6-0, 6-1, Jese- tween toe Colored Junior Ctoam- Loew's ...... cident after taking the markers 19% do, class B ...... — Joseph P. McCluskey, Fordbam’s pblne Crulckshaak, Santa Ana, Y. M. C. A. and Lorillard ...... 14 Nbrto and J u d d ...... —: with the intention of getting aiy)ther the West Bide Buddiee^ ebampione McKeeps Tin e^eeeoeeeessi car to tow the disabled car out of unbeaten. steeplechaser and Man­ Calif., defeated Grace Surber, Jack- 33% Niles Bern Pond ...... 4 chester’s contribution to the Olym­ son Heights, N. Y., 6-8, 6-1. o f toe local Y. A t 8 o’clock,*^ toe Mont Ward . 8 % Peck Stow and Wilcox 1 the sand. Judge Johnson found American Legion band will preset BlscUt Warren not guilty of drunken pics, is suffering with a slight touch n r s t Bound 29% Russell Mfg ...... 8 WBZ-WBZA Mrs. Ary J. Lemme,: Rye, N, Y., a concert and at 9 o’clock, free sand-1 w ------...... 8% Scovlll ...... 11% wnc driving and found MoCSowan guilty Nat D airy...... 17'% of tonsllltiSi It was Isaraed today, Travders Broadoaettng Servlee 8^riN;fldd — Bostea defeated BanmesS Maud Levi, 77ew wiches, cake and lemonade will be Stanley Works ...... 8 of drunkkenness and flned him |10 but attending physielans say ^ ill­ served to sU toe present. At NatPowandLt...... 9 % Hartford, Omul I and costs, remitting |6 of the flns. YOTk 4-6, 6-4, 6-1, Mrs. PenSlCpa Standard Screw ...... 20 60,000 W„ 1060 K. 01, 282.8 tois time a campfire will also be 18 do., pfd., guar., A .... lOO Peter Itakalecz of McAdoo, F)l , ness is not serious. It Is expected Anderson Mclmde, N|BW York de­ inrNH and H ...... i...... 9 Monday, Joty 28, 1982* that McCluskey will rscover before feated Alice Francis, Orange, N. J., held. Smytoe Mfg Co ..... — Easteni Dayught nme. I arrested here July 16 and charged Hank Keene, well known radio North Amer 18% with reckless driving on Tolland the opening of thg. games Saturday, 4-6, 6-4, 6-1. Noranda 15 Taylor and Fenn .... — Monday, July 26. having been ordered to rest in his star and leader of the Connecticut Torrington ...... 24 (Eastern Daylii^t ftovlng Time.) P. M. ' ’Turnpike and who was release on Hill Billies, will appear on toe pro- Packard- ...... 2 the promise of Hainy Zeigler, presi­ bungalow for a few days. ParamPub...... 2% Underwood Mfg Co .. 10 4:00—^Tea Time Times. IUb father, John McCluskey of ram at 9:80 o’clock. The Boy’s Union Mfg C o ...... — P.M. 4:16—Tommy Watkins’ Orchestra. dent of the Hasdtine, Pa., Auto aub orchestra will furnish music F 6 I 1 D •••••••.••#• e •• e • e e e e 9 Club, to send a |50 bond and who Foster^street, said today that be had U S Envelope, com... -r 4:00—^Pop Concert—Moshe Para- 4:30—Stock Exchange quotations. not'yet dAbided to go to California BOLTON for dancing on toe green the ^ a Rdg C and I ...... 2% do, pfd 66 nov, director; Erich Tesche, tenor 4:46—Orchestra. failed to do so, was again arrested West Bide quaint' sing a num­ MiUllpe Pete. 6 % Veeder Root ...... — last night by Officer Joseph Prentice to see Hie 3000 meter ateeplechase (To Network Including WEAP. 4:68—^Baseball Scores. but if he doee go he plans to leave Miss Itobshaw, a niece o f Mrs. ber o f aOlectlonsi PubServN J...... S6% Whitlock CoU Pipe ... — WJAR, WTAG, WRC, WTAwf 5:00—Agricultural Markets. as he attempted to circle Manches- Artour Merrill, has returned to her Radio ...... 4 % I ter by way of Deming street. tomorrow mondng by train. Rhdlo Keith 2% J.B.Wil’ma Co. 310 par 40 WRC, WWJ, WCAB, WSB, WICY, 6:15—Orchestra Several Have Colds home in Manchester after spending wsM, WAPI, wemr, w m a q . 6:80—Singing Lady. On the former trip XCakalecx some time here. Reading 21 McCluskey is only one of several ROCKVILLE STILL CASE Rem R o n d ...... 1% KSTP, WPBR, WWNC). 5:46—Little Orphan Annie. I pleaded vrith Captain Bchendel to be Eastern attiletes to suffer from ’The Ladles Society will meet at 4:30—Vocal Recital. 6:00—Time; weather; Sports Re­ allow^ to continue, and only the baU ThursdiBy afteiYKKa. Mr& B. Rey Toh B ...... 29% (Mi QUOTATIONS slight colds, brought on by the ris- Sears Roebuck ...... 14% . 4:46—^Laurel Trio—^Herbert An- view.. •>>: I vSthX.through a telephone conversatioa and fsiuim of the thermometer L. McQuriCb Miss, Catherins O. Banp- IS AGAIN CONTINIIED derson, director. 6:10—Organ—L0U& Weir. “ Un snd Miss. Annie AlvPrd. will Be Sooony vac ...... 10% ^th ftSpi wi^u3tem<^ to cool eve- South Pao ...... 9 % 5:00—^Morgan Memorial 6:18—The Monitor Views'the News. Pa., Auto Club would the clerk of nings. He was the first to be toe hPstesses. By ASSGOIATBD. PRESS Everett Austin. 6:30—Storicts, Orchestra. the Court allow him to continue. The Stanley Reddins Now Held In Stand Brandt...... 12 Amer Super Pow ...... i% treated by the Olympic physicians, Father Riley of Nori^ch has re­ Assd Gas and E le c ...... 1% 5:15—^Paul Whiteman’s Rhythm 6:45*-Today’s News—^Lowell Thom­ trial Was.set for Monday, July 18, Drs. Graeme M. Hammond and Her turned to his home after visiting at Investigatiim of Case fit ^^e and El ...... 11% Boys, as. but Kakalecx failed to appear as. no CJItles S ervice...... 2% bert Lawson, on their arrival from toe home o f Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Mc- Against Two Cardilicos. Elec Bond and S h are...... 7% 5:30—SwaneO Serenaders. 7:00—^Time; Amos ’n’ Andy. bail had been received from ue New York. Gurk. St OU N J ...... 29 Automobile C2ulf official. T e w ,C o r p ...... isv i Ford Limited ...... 8% 6:00—Bulletins. 7:15—Songs and Mandolute; Swed­ If the cold persists, there is some Notice was read by toe pastor of Hudson B a y ...... 1% 6:05—Serenading Strings. ish dialect stories. Officer Prentice has been on the Itockville, July 26—(Special) — Trans-America ...... 4 anxiety that McQuskey will be un Old Home Sunday at the Andover Another continuance was granted Union Carbide ...... 19 Nlag Hud P o w ...... 9 6:30—^The Merry Madcaps — Nor­ 7:30—Comedy sketch. Watch for the defendant as he knew able to db his best on behalf of Congregational church next Sunday. 7^45—Billy Jones and Ernie Hare. that he had been routed tlurough Louis CardlUco, 48, and his son, Penn Road ...... 1 % man Cloutier, director. Uncle Sam. He Is regarded as Itev. Mr. White wUi preach at 3 Unit C o r p ...... s S Stand Oil I n d ...... 2i% 7:00—^Baseball Scores. 8:00—"Wbaleman’s Luck.” this town from Pennsylvania with Paul Ckirdfllco, 20, bpto o f 106 West America’s ace in the hole for a dls^ o’clock in toe‘ aftornbom street, Itockville, wben they were unit Gas in>p...... 14% United Founders ...... % 7:05—^Hank Keene. 8:16—Harmony trio. - truckloads of huckleberries for the tance triumph. Miss Perry has' returned to her 8:80—^Death Valley Days. Boston market Last night the brought before Judge John B. Fisk U S Ind Alco ...... 19% Util Pow and L t ...... 1 7:20—Broadway Favorites—Nor­ At the time of the final tryouts horns in Concord, N . H., after visit­ U S R u bber...... 8 % United Gas 1 % man Cloutier, director. 9:00—^Minstrels. truck appeared en route f i ^ Bo» for the Olympic team, McCluskey in toe Rockville City Court this ing Mrs. Artour Merrill. morning in toe famous West street U 8 Steel ...... 25% 7:30—^Lanny Ross, tenor. 3:30—-George Olsen’s (Mchestra. ton to Pennsylvania *uiuand \ uiai,6au|instead predicted it would take better Mr. Ward, a cousin of Mr. Reel- 10:0()—Coimtry Doctor—PhllUps H. o f passing through the center of the than 9:16 to beat him in the 3,000 still case, which has been res. A benefit ball game in behalf of Iker. of 1,000 gallons of finished produdts 6:35—Harold B. Smith, pianist. toe family of (S^rge Chowonac, ' Under toe terms of his eighth Shepherd Encampment, No. 3 7 ,1. daUy. 6:45—Chandu the Magician. who were burned out recently, was respite, .Gordon would have med O. O. F.,^ will entertain Mldlan En­ 7:00—Sid Gary. held Saturday afternoon between FUER DESCRIBES Thursday ■ night, campment of Hartford and G. Fred 7:15—^Tbe Round Towners (Duartet (tolumbla and South Windham. I^e- Bames. Encampment of East Hart- THREE BOYS RESCUED 7:30—Noble Sissle’s Orchestra. cedlng toe game Nick Twerdy of JUN(3£ HORRORS! ford at «i. joint installation of offi* 7:45—Tito Guizar. Coventry and Harold Rex of '^Ull- GETS JAIL SENTENCE cers this ievening in Odd , Fellows 8:00—^Prof. Henry McLemore. manfic appeared in a 'Sparring halL The meetij^ win opeskat 7:80; Bridgeport^ July 26 •*- (AP) — 8:15—Singin* Sam. match. (Cotatinned from One.) Orange, July. 26,— (AP)—Charles 0’Cl(X!lC. Three Bridgeport youths; sought sU I 8:30—Pour Qubmen, Male Quartet. At toe local church Sunday mom Miller o f Sheldon was flned 360 and District D^uty Grand Patriarch night by powerboata and Sikorsky 8:45—Colonel Stoopnagle and Budd. Ing toe pastor, Rev. A. W. MelUnger ed some food. He milked a cow and costs sad sentenced to 30 days in Munson ofIbom psonville and offi- _planes, today vrere reported safe in 9:00—^Manhattan Serenaders, Round spoke on toe subject “I have called gave me some milk and some cheese |jan today on conviction CAMPBEU. COUNCIL latives and- fidendo were xahviiicedI Royal Canadians. will be given. ing to reward him handimmely.” that toe three aniateur eailora who 11:00—Charles Cariile, tenor. * As s ^ as his_ physician______gives______toe Hartford, July 26.—(AP)— Fol left toe foot of E ast M sia Street at TO INSTAU TONIGHT: 8:30 11:15—Freddie Martin’s Bosserb NOTED SUBOpM>N DDES word, McElroy intends to start tor i Towi% a raid on Cold Sptoig Tnn in yesterday, were lost ztosn w ord Orchestra. Indiana. Beacon -Falls by State PoUco Sun­ came from , toe New York poUce: of 11:80—Ck)lumbia Symphony Orches­ day eveUng Patsy Lebriola of Nau­ their last m inute’s resCfie ttom 't o e { Wtusrf you are away £rom fcome w lA th e, Tampa, Fla., July 26.— (A P )— Campbell Coxmcil, K. of C., win 16 tra, Howard Barlow conducting. Dr. John S. Helms, famous surgeon HOLD s n u , OWNER gatuck was arrested on charges of iHztzU Its officers for 'toe.coming foundeitog foot sail boat sank: cliildteiiy PonMaiilior KeUe.gg*i C om :• keej)ii)g liquor -with Uteht to sell shortly, thereafter. The rescue Was and one of toe founders of toe year at a ^M ting to be held this 9 lU bss. Yoa can ahritys American Clollege o f Surgeons, died Rockville, July 26.—(AP)—LoUs and with possession of lottery evening. The iBStaUiag officer wfl) a t o'clock m t slsdit KILLS SON AND H1CR«ir¥.f urdalico, 46, allied owner of a tickets, and Ctoarles Triano of Nau­ The youthff saved are A rtour E l-1 any l i ^

UW. CORLEY Straii^t lines tad mark today’s model , It's a dress that is particularly BEGIN HEBE TODAY good for the business: woman. New York—A bout80 per cent I BIONA MOBAN wlMO MippMte iMT SEUP-MADB MfeN— It is a orepe silk print to fash­ ofjts membeiehip has been "disooB- <§bls words wright A.ohaage ooeurrad fi t, U m frittWi ionable. navy blue aad white with A|fD THEIR SONS in that aadan^y that nntoing o o ^ H t V 7 » and B»*«sdo*w«ll brotiMr, ttoued tempqrarily,” but the Seven I oradioatoi. • . . i -v., , ,.v* I ?! plalB vtoite ODBtraat Mr. WUte.waa imud of bring'‘ a BUD. hi delwialaed to mony for It also lovely for travel. O'Klockers Klub is still nmalag. He has grown to manhood now wooltt oBd poiltleB. 8ho lo roeep* is For summer vaeatioils or general Running, that is, jdong the railroad I seU-m^e once and hla early training hne saved tiopdot for a Wall Btroot law trm owned a ptoaiity iBlll, a i^ belrirp him, .toe,preOefita of his mother and a|M la tlM eSloo oooo noa of tto day wear yoiiH like it immensely tracks between Jersey a t y and I werid to wMoh olio aq^lroo. of* white ortokle crepe silk, yellow PhiladPlphla, aad across the ferry thatlod hsi^. a mi^-tkiM but they need help aad X frit the older boy wna In r g ^ re- or aad It waa nunorod ho woo la laches butt Gfiae 86 requires 8 commuting members—Pennsylvania suggestlOB. Ris'had'beea a hard eponrible for. f ^ priooB though Mona oovor bellovod y i ^ of 80-tooh xbatprlal with H men who have their business in this battla If only 'someone had helped Not long ago I noticed a little in­ ttda yart of 88-laoh oofitraattog. city. him to get hls.-ittrt he would have cident th^t quite reverted toll. Bho mooto him ob hor way to Our Summei^ ' Faahloa Maga- Edery morning at 7 o’clock, the made his ippniiy aqd his mark at A rather epoiled little twy who, in­ woric oao mornlBg. Stevo lo haad> Blae shows all the aew tad toterut- two coaches leave Philadelphia. forty Instead of stoty aad have had dulged hie eenee of thrlU by break­ ooBM, woU drooood ^ d well maa- ing styles for vaoatioa aad every­ Every evening at 8:18, they a ij some tlBM left to enjoy Ufe. ing wlBdewt and hitting hie. eieter norod. Mona dooo aot with to roaew day wear. livery M ge to color. ulled out of JerMy City, homeward There was Hector, now. went reipeotfuUy up to a neighbor ttw frtondohlp but aooopto hlo iBvIta* You caa' swve the price of the Sound. Hector wiu twelve. He would to< boy five yeare older.* Reipeoteully Bob to dlBBor. She do^Boo that of book over apd over afsia, aad look herit hls.fathpris business, but what waen^t the word. The older My rep- One of the coaches Is reserved would he kaovv pf it? What would BARRY TOWNSEND, a youBf maa your very best. for the gentlemen who wish to while reeented everything of which the Bead 10 f i r your copy of he know of ffratoiag aad veneering, il wealth aad oodal poolaoa, wUlBf Away the distance to a quiet mea­ child etood in awe. Fifteen yeare Um oho aaakoo It a rale aot to ao* our Summif Faahleas. Address oftbols.and' “ ------r What; would ner, reading, working or meditat- he know of fine aad inlay aad alone li a fetiih for ten, not ekowing sopt oBfagoBMBta with olloBta or FaahioB Depfrtmeat tog. for proweea in iporti. HBpleyoro. However ahe oaimot die- Sead stamps or cola (cola pre­ treatmeatt nilu Barry from hor ailBd. ferred). The boys in the rear car can. go Mr. White thought it over. Then Pleneed By Greetoig Stove, waatinf Mona to look her Price of boqk 10 cents. to it at their games and chatter, ae oalled to two m his men aad had He approaohed illently, diffident­ lovdieat aad with no thought of Im­ Price of pattera 18 cents. without restraint. The two-oar ar- the room over the garage made into ly. A Ung epeaks flrit. propriety, ordora A gowB aad wrap rangement has been so satisfactory a work-shop dd luxe, eveq to paneled "Hello there, Sam!" lent to her from Pllgrlm*a exolualve that aot even a temporarily shrua-1 walls of wood. “Hello!” anewered Sam, thrilled ihop where Nona once waa a faahloa Muidhisttr Honld k«B mxmberihlp h u Influenoxd The next move wae to buy ex­ to hie toei to be notioed at all. To mooel. them to drop one. pensive equipment, benohei, vloee be ipdken to in euoh a ohummy Psttoni SifYleo All manner of oomforti and oon- and lathee,; ae well ae a four hun­ tone almoet flMred him. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY dred dollar eet of tooli. For a Herald Pattera pead lOo venlenoei are eupplied—a library, ' ’Say, Sam, oome up lometlme and a radio, deeks—and other thlnga. Then he had twenty varletlea of ru show you n big league ball that m stamps or ooto dlreotly to wooda lent In, marked, out, and CHAPTER V Fashion Bureau, Manohester Eve­ Richard A. Wotowioh, toe presi­ went over the fanoti'' They allow dent, who . fete on and off at Jen- ready for handling. lu to keep them now, you know, ning Heraldi Fifth Avenue and Hector was charmed. He had all Climbing the atalra after her vlalt 88rd street, New fork City. Be klntowB, Ja.i had the inspiration for ill one won a game for Pltie- to the hospital, Mona'a step was the name of the club. the hove la and they played at car- burgh. Want to eee it?” lure to fill In number of pattern I penteriBg for two weriu. lighter and1 hriaker or than it had been you *' sire. He told me that the memberi had Did he! Evidently he wasn’t, Cor a long while. got a present for a retiring oon- At thq„6nd of that time Hector waiting. The boys walked off to­ waa Intereated in a aail boat He Pattern No. e « • • • • e gether. ‘ Dad had seemed better, more duotor, a faithful railroad lervant was tired of oarpenterlng. Hti cheerful than he had been for weeks. whom they all knew and liked. They Tbli older ohap ii a real king Pripe Ih.Oeats father ooaxed, lectured, and tried to The doctors w ere encouraging. were Juet riding back and forth InatUl eome of hie own early en- among boys. Au the little fellowa Somewhere in science there had oeen Name without a name then, and so m o b^ thusiaem into hla eon. It all proved adore him. And I consider him a i discovery. They did not hold out suggested that thei*e ought to be a barren, for It did not take root more potent influence for IdndnoM i definite hope but maybe when he dddress d e fla tio n for the group that was Around the comer the eon of one and au the manly virtues'toan six was stronger—at any rate, they as- to make toe presentation. of Mr. Whltf’i foremen, derided he pairs of parents combined. lured Mona that he waa not losing Slse Be sure to fill in the slse of the Well, toought Mr. Wotowlch, we would like to put up n ihanty in the I believe he senses this. He did ground. Mona lifted the grayish gown from Its wrappings aad held It before not have to go out of hie way to her. pattern. do most of our traveling at aad sail baok y im Steve had dashed in for a mo around 7 o’clock, so what more ap­ No Borrowing! be nice to Sam. But X have no- ment before he left Mona with her propriate then the Seven O’Klock- He needed natte aad boards and tloed that the little chap haa turned father and added a definite ray of the box. The inscription said plain­ service. The world aad the half ers Klub? tools. aatriUte to BUI, and Bui is patient of popcorn were recovered over a and friendly. cheer to the sick room. ly, "Mias Minnie Moran, East 67th world, too, was to gaze on Mona period o f a week. Ae for the K’s, that’s just one of "I could borrow Hector’s things. street.” Mr. Moran had welcomed the fruit and feel well repaid for the optical W henever a peraon complains of those fancy touches that we needn’t He said X could.” It il highly possible that Sam exertion. Daily Health and the tobacco— "My old band, There was no other Moran at this severe, sudden pain In the bowel bother our heads, about. “You will not oon.” wlU tlurow no more stones because Stevey boy!” He made light of the address. Even if it there had been "Then ean I have a dollar?” he knows hie friend would frown on with toe appearance of shock, with P . S.— There w ere 180 members it Re le probably obeying better three Intervening years. If there Pilgrim’s would hardly have been (To Be Continved) Service a discontinuance of the passing of before 30 per cent of them dropp^ "No. air." ' had been gossip concerning them and trying to he maity because her emporium. waste and eometimea with a dis­ o u t "ThaYa toe way it goes. Dam it, “Dad” Moran had ignored it. Hints OB How t o Keep Well by I want that shanty.” that’s toe way Bill Is. The things by World Famed Authority continuance of the passing of gas, Yaobt Maneuvers Steve was to come for Mona at Perhaps Lottie had picked up a "Very well, go and earn It” BUI says count Sam will hang on toe physician must determine by In case you’ve been wondering "How?" every qrllable for weeks and months 7:30. He had gone home to dress bargain for her, though that was the use of the X-ray and by other how they get those yachts in and It occurred to the girl sharply that GLORIFYING "That’s up to you. I should like and e v ^ years to come. imlikelyi The models did not send DANGER OF EA’HNO SEED examinations whether or not ob­ 0 1': of the boat display stores; the 3he would prefer to stay home to nothing better than to see you get Mothers of small boys should their furtive purchases out in ex­ struction exists. huge plate-glass windows open in­ refiect on this glorious news con at It” never dlscoimt this Influence. pensive firm’s boxes! YOURSELF By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN I f there is eustual obstruction of ward, on the strongest of hinges. cerning her father. Ted heard he could make a dollar "Flowers came from that scamp, Editor, Joiirnal' ef toe American the bowel he must take Immediate Or was it news? She told herself Boat store windows, I suppose, washing dishes at a lunch counter. no doubt, who bought the oranges,” Medical Assoclarion, and' of Hygeia, measures to relieve the obstruction that doctors might say anything IF YOV»RE GOING TO WAIST— are about the biggest in town— He made five in two weeks. Ma was saying good humoredly. “I the Health Magazine. or death is Inevitable. necessarily taller than thoae of the when you needed cheering. Half the put them in the ice box. A nice Then he went to work. Every DO YOU KNOWHIAT- time they didn’t really know them­ If your waistline isn’t anything automobile display rooms. What a time he needed capital he took time handful, says I, to take up to the Sudden, complete obstruction of price it would cost you if you broke selves. old m an!” that your grandmother, with her the bowels is always a serious off to earn a few cents. Suddenly Mona stopped in dismay. on-jf condition. In moat Instances it is He built the shanty and started In The palolo, marine worm, ie said If Steve were dressing it meant she Dazed, unhearing, Mona lifted the rose-sprigged gowns that had only Chinese back-scratchers — those due to some anatomical change that to make, such furniture, aa he could. to sever its head from its boity when must wear formal evening clothes, cover of the box. On top of the enough room for the most minute little ivory hands on the ends of Life wAi being, sculptured for has taken place such aa the pushing full of eggs. The body floats to toe' too. And she had nothing to w e a r- silken tissues lay a square lavender long, slender stlcka—are down to those two boys during that year. It note addressed in a hand which after w^st to pass through, would be of one loop of h p ^ inside another. top of toe sei^'bursts, and scatters nothing! Her old black satin had 15 ’cents apiece at the Chinatown was the. turning. One waa learning all these months Mona was to recog­ proud of, stretch away the extra Sometimes it; Ui due'to the action the egffi about. The head then done service for a year. Usually emporiums, in case your back Is to amuse himself, the other to plan nize at Henri’s. of bacteria or infection. Occasion­ grows another body. when she accompanied Lottie on inches. itching. One shop offers four for 50 woric, and cany out bfo ideas on his ally it may be due to toe growth AU real amber, which ia a min- parties the other girl would insist “Dear Miss Moran,” the note be­ The old-fashioned waistline is out You will realize that neither you cents, aad aanoimces that its own responsibility. eralized resin from a certain extinct gan, “please accept these trifling of tumors, and in a few Instances is on loaning Mona a dress so that forever, we are told. It wasn’t nor I have ^authority to enter upon scratchers are all hand-carved. - Time went on. , Hector is still a tree, ia said to be at least 600,000 appointments in the spirit in which due to the taking of food which, by lack of a costume would not be suf­ healthy. It wasn’t even lovely, for it Sign on a downtown barber shop, dilletante. ,Ted:is an architect and years old. ficient excuse for declining the in- they are offered. When I ask a Its b i^ or other qualities, cannot agreements in respect to these do­ threw the body out of proportion. where shaves are a dime and hair­ contractor of high standing. Nearly half toe total number of vitatipn. Lottie, working a s^ model, young lady to play a part even for be moved (mwaifi. mestic questions (S t Lawrence wa­ But a slender waistline is as much cuts 20 cents; "A dean Towel to But—Ted has a boy! radio receiver licenses to (Canada are waa able to pick up many a gown an evening, like all good stage man­ In a recent review of the sub­ terway project), but if the treaty to be desired as H ever was. Every Customer.” ‘T want him to have it easier than held in toe province of Ontario. St a bargain. Her supply was un­ agers, I insist on selecting the ject, Dr. Albert H. Elliott has col­ (with Canada) is consuxumated and I had,” he tells people. “I bad it XMamonde owned by U. 8. citizens limited. wardrobe as well as its setting. Stand erect, arms extended at lect^ a number of cases that are ratified 1 shall be glad to consult too tough. My father would not George Kelly, the playwright, is are valued at more than $4,000,000,- But Mona could hardly borrow "For both must do justice to the the sides. Now swing your arnu as of great interest Clhefry stones, 'W ith you atad other governors. help me. I am buying him toe best an enthusiastic bridge player, but 000. from Lottie tonight after turning leading lady. Steve.” far to the left as you can, nutiring beans, figs, oats, potatoes, apple, — President Hoover, in replying to books on architecture I can find.” bis friends will tell you he’s not About Bine per cent of toe forest down definitely Lottie’s invitation Steve indeed! Henri had written your waistline perscribe the largest com, grapes, poppy seeds, sauer­ Franklin D. Roosevelt’s request A circle! Which father is to be exactly a Culbertson or a Lenz, or Area are due to railroads, it le said. Tor the evening. that note but Steve had put him up arc you can make. Swing to the kraut gooseboTies, raisins, popcorn for a conference on waterways thanked? To help a son is a fine According to ceneue flguree, about even a fifth hors^iman. No, the black dress would have to to i t . right and do the same thing. Try and tean are some of toe food sub­ negotiations with Canada. thing, but bow to go about It, that 22 per cent of all deaths in toe Uiirit- Joseph Santley waa bom in Salt do. Then she recalled that she had Mona lifted the grayish' green this exercise a dozen times or so stances that have been incriminat­ is toe question. The answer it — ed 8tntes are due to commanleanle chiffon gown from its wrappings and L ak e d t y , sent the dress to Alice, ostensibly to every morning and ever> night. It ed m such obstructions. You can’t see Sister Aimee, She’s get him intereeted enough so toat dieeaeee. be darned as only Alice could do it, held it before her. Smooth was the in complete seclusion, suffering there Samuel Shipman; who baa writ- limbers the muscles at the waist, The amount of tone that passes he win go threugh' Are am} water to . An East Afoicaa dlnoeaur of.mil- sctually so that Alice could go to right word. Her practiced eye had in a little u^tairs room, and she len so many plays, 'tmned out bis*jhelp blms».% firms the flesh, and stretches away between toe eating of the food and lione of yearn ago wae a giraffe-fike :he E lk ’s baU. already poured heraelf ‘into the has. nothing to say as to the verdict. first one at toe age of 12. A critic toe too-abundant tissues. toe. appearance of the obstruction animal and stood 80 foet in toe air. Well, either Mona would go as she frock. She could see the line which —^David Hutton, husband of Aimee made toe unkindest cut: wanted to JUNTOWg IDOL 18 THE Another exercise consist in stand­ may vary from one to 240 hours. It bad a neck 10 foet leiKg, was or not at all. Steve would have brought her back into full view to Sepple McPherson Hutton, after mow if that waa toe last one of HOY A BIT O U »R to understand that. the waistline, trailed the unevenly ing erect, knees together, then bend­ Di the average inetance toe first verdict in breach of promise suit. ing until yoiur finger tips touch'the bis to be produced on Broadway. X believe toe greateet influence in Mrs. Moran opened the door and cut straps over her shoulders and sign of ohstruettoB ^ipean in toe lifo of a of ten or twrive let Mona into the little flat redolent toe front neckline close to the collar floor. Do not bend your knees A^er. about 12 boura In one case the I do all the cooking on toe ranch, ie toe youth juet ahead of hiifr— with trying pork chops and warmth. bone. Few women could wear that a while you will be able to place tM entire lower bowel was filled by featuring angel food cake. KHUBDBYFALL his idri aged fifteen or rixteen. Ma was expansive with innocent line—and Mona waa one of toe few. palm of yoiu: band fiat against the riierry stoBea, and in another case — d a ra Bow, screen red-bead. That ie why, if pMSIhle, X briieve gossip. Mrs. Casey bad been over The gown swirled and draped' fioor. When you are perfomung tois toe lower portion of the bowel was Cork, Xrito Free State, July 28,— neigbboriiood to be ea intyortaat durii^ the afternoon. . Mary was about toe slender hips in toe fa­ exercise proficiently, yo>i will be tak­ found to contain 900 cherry etonee. Since when have they been put (A P )—Janies Burke of (toarieviUe factor in bringing up children. going with that fellow who kept mous Patou line. Midway on toe ing a long step in Mlping your too, Thie'Sbould be a warning not to lisbing comic eupplements in Wa ineleted be could Mee toe blariUy A motoer and father have cer­ books in her office, the tall one th ^ left thigh it formed a cup. to bal­ too solid fiesb to melt away. awallow eeede, at' leaM to that ex­ Street? Things must be pretty in­ etone without anyone bolding hie tain influence, but tooee outride toe had seen comlDg out of the motion ance the fold on the opposite shoul Keep your body erect when you tent active in that end of town. .There’s lege aa be bung bend downward home are often too etnmg to be cture show. Genevieve was tak- der. It ended in toe region of her walk. Don’t let the muscles of your The pbyridaa' makes bis diagno­ absolutely nothing to toe •tory-'tbat over toe parapet, ae, eo nuuty pU- combatted by toe best training to g tap dancing and would teach heels, in foamy chiffon, shading to waist sag. Watch toe type of foun­ sis of a a latssUnM obstnictton on I will run for toe Senate, grime hare done. toe world. SKitty. Alice had phoned. She was white. dation garment you wear. If you toe basie of toe eymptoms which —Ifoyor James J. WMker of New He tried it, topped, and fril 100 One time a boy of t « i X knew, well aad would run down some after­ There was a gossamer combina­ are usualljr quite definite. In toe York. feet to Ue death at toe foot of toe noon soon to bring Min’s dress, all tion, cobweb hose, and slippers of wear one. And do not slenderize who happened to havo too fiaeet your hips at toe expense of your first placs hs finds out what foods ancient caetle. pair'Of parente a child eoMd poa- darned, back with her. silver. Tbty bad cost—dear Heav­ It is dlflieult in these waistone. You don’t want a bulge bavs bssa satsn. Di one ease a enough eeae, almoet made a hero of a M'or- en! the enure outfit was worth un­ boy bad bssn satoif wbrie cbsrriss timee for persons to pines invest­ The run from 245tb street sounded told sum s! of fat crowding over the top of toe ments in rriiabls hands to make leg- Addition of Wonder Lake aadl garment. in a compsttlloB with other ebU- more casual than it would turn out dren. itimats Incofflss without bavtog un- other nrene to Mount McKInlev Na- to be, Mona knew. The dress, most Mona caught her breath aad lifted The wearing of puffed sleeves,' senmulous men lilcs tosss atliv g e capelets, aad odd shoulder treat­ Before toe operatton toe maae of likely, would remain to Alice'a pos­ the last fold of tissue. She c a t ^ t eberrv etones' could be felt: through to defraud them, s^.*'^b2fa? % eS ^ ot On sale at session until Mona beipelf could go ments which magnify the shoulders it aad srew paler. There lay a coat toe abdominal wall,-The X-rAy pic­ —Judge Doitoellaa of New York, WOO SaJe m £r ft ^ i S ? Halrie for it. of ermine, against which her hair tend to ;nake toe waistline aad toe in smteneing two men as b c ^ next to TellowstOM Park, which has vImv' ^ ^ Well, it didn’t matter. Poor Alice would gleam Tike a flower shaped in ture easUy reveals the place at in fiNir# right, hips look smaler. If your waistUne wMeb toe obstmetkfii has oecurrsd, stock opemtors. —she had little enough to look for­ bronze. is naturally large, not just tenqio- ward to, She grew weak at the knees. At and in many Instaacss the nature Hie hero wae ceolain of too Uxta rarlly ‘so due to toe addition of a of too obitruetioii. ’’And your dress came back from last she would hs dressed as she bad little too much fiesb, watch toe type A theory of 8, Vsessvintsky, who’s Dr. John R. Bradley, Jr., profes-|«eUool beeeban team. Cotdd suel^ the cleaner’s. Or maybe it was your longed, as every woman longs to be In ssvsrM iastancss opsration connsetsd with tbs Astronomical In- sor of geolofy, Univefrity of floitto-i* PftSM ke wrong? Olnmor gave of frocks you wear and you will pull has bssn avoided Ity tbs ttjsetion suit or whatever you wars after gowned. off a sueeosafui masquorado. stitttti ..of Moscow, tsatoss toat em'OaSforma, uneartohd two qpeci- sendtog: X didn’t open it, I was at of fiuid into too Jowor bowel In But of eouMs sbs couldn’t take nU But if it 14 surplus fleto that givss fflu y M toe comets toat itypsar in mane of fneriliieil mnrlM etiifleb the telephone. Bud won’t be back w s OM instaaes'lsMt qinatftiss of toe night be the preihict this ftom Stsve! Hs BMaat It H your waistline too many inches, slty may of at least 900fi00fi00 yean old is lo for supper. He’s workhm tonigbt- enough. Mona was certain of that. grap# skins and seeds were washed eruptloBe from toe eurfoee of------toe Ordovidas fonmftios is toe toyo Ma’s soothing voice traOed on. But ebe couldn’t take it, even for a stretch until they vaaisb. out Di aaotbor east largn amounts pUmet Jupiter. moustaiss of cmforBla. So Bud bad landed that job! It eingle evening. She would have to brought Dad’s treatment nearer if tell him when he came. Bud would work aad stay home and Haaglnf toe gorgeoue gown and help run the household. wrap where ebe could eee them, The suit from the cleaner’s? l^kma Mona lay down on toe bed. didn’t recall sending anything this The ice mpa’e gmadeon—toe bad week. boy of toe ttxtiee. The Mrs. Calla- The sight awaiting her to toe baas aad Mfo. Caseys would have dreary little bedroom occupied by ifiueh to dwell upon if tonr could herself and Kitty made Mona bUnk. nqwe toe contente of that i>ox aad Lucky that Ma hadn’t opened it! As gI note. Mona emlled faintly at toe Ma would have expressed it, toe con­ toought. tents would have given her a good She couldn’t take eachjtfte. Not faint for herself. even for na eveainff. m e aimply Cleaner’s indeed! The box was couldn’t WeD, mMbe—why not? from Pilgrim’s. Mona .would have Juet for tontgbt! ’Aw t waa all be known that smart lavender cbn- wae offering it for—and it wee tatoer anywhere. A huge lavender Steve, her old friend, Steve. He Tha Yean of Ezperioiee box, cries-erofsed with darker lav­ wanted to be proud of her. taanai ender ribbons. A box spriUng lux­ Rlataig reacantety from toe bed, ... .with tli8 famong^Chfliifiy ury, mystery, perfection. Mona aearebed in her puree for n Thai ' I f s a mistake,” stammered Mona coin. •ilk milli, is Ifr, l>oiigaii'« to bersrif, fumbHag for toe tag. Heade would be yea aad telee no, asfimuiee you of msttire But there was no mistake about abe decided. She Sipped toe coin. 1 Twice out of three tunea. Heede. jndgmont sod skill ia han­ Talle. Ah, yna, headef ■ She’d wear tha gown. dling gsifmonts property .. Almost Wild She threw heraelf on toe bad s •ttpreme qnatt^ in'deiliiiig ageto the tumult of todedaioB end­ ordyefnf. ^ , ed. Such ia our amotioBal mecbaa- With Eczema lem that before 7£80 had arrived, PHO|^7U5. / * * ‘ WbpB the dreadful Itektag of eene- rimultaaeouriy with her mwrt, 4 ma drivM you firantie, you noed M o u had made heraelf firmly be­ •V-' lieve that ahe wae wearing toe gown . ., PetaraoB’a Oliitment I f a ao won- I > c darfql for Pkto eruptions, pimples, for Um Mo m . She wee imiBg there—or at leeet feus aad aalt rheimis, aat:uswilty a triSe wrong. AhyoM. who looked loue'AxavX'-woi V; eaty two or three ^fHofrioue ate u knrsfy as lihmn na abe aped down ■eeded to mifeetheafelBeleiraad toe^stMife to meet Steve before toe 1 h e a l^ . A U f bcK SS cents at any riwuld } drug n^ope— Advt . ■ X- ■ — 7 __f T . . .. . j l23I W t M. • ; 7

HANCBfisnm BVBNmG ^ BBAi^ , 0 ^ 4 Mdi|ib# .| :Gg| s^ iitfs ; -W sm PPff 1 ^


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Los ASjNii^ Ally 9§9-V|6r6 wtUflT oaddWietA Baisdlii be mmi^^aeiUfig mrtii||ea.to^ . pfo gapto-likfoiM ^ pic'vflk^ in B ngl^ Spiii^ form ort than 26 natloai. tod -lie wui kim the ourioua *in to i- Friday, S abray and &nday man and Japoiaeae, but unlooi tboy H w iTiey Stand |A rriim IM iers Far Abwl gu off jfmn Olymple vtSaie, uiMiii 6 oOn ohow. :.,the proper . credaptlabi» Dates Set For M atdns To TESfBBI>Ar8 RESULTS none wtn g it m lot Cmpt J. B. Strasr. of Afl Others hi ihrow oer, vetoroa dity guard. Thera to m>'ptaee. Paris, July 25.—(API—For the S t Louis 7,1 , CUidnnati 8, 0, Lcpi;;ii':

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iMNdpMCtillll^NtS i APAHTMBNTbw-FIl^Tfi-^ 'set. ft TH N EM B friE AT A epDRT OF .PHiNIATB ‘•f \ • y*/: T1INT8 TOR.lUBMT by Stay or week. at w^^ 1for 9^ Rsm-^aTWO, THBBB find-4 dlstrliotstrlotstrict orof Manbfaeateri'atanensstsri' on -tb IfanoheBter Tdl.8M «- the lord 0Up io^ ropm apurtinente; heat. Janitor da! AmgytoHi JL. sfritioe, reMgerirtor fugniahadHliu Judge.Frssont WILLIAM g. HTDB,] Bk .., erem ng Herald Arthur A. K A ^ 5490^'*fir 4181, MOVIN&^TauCSING— 876 Main etregt Bstate. of Bmma A.Lahaiena.;Uts. (^ jA m F J S B ; 8 ^ 10 o^MapphseteF te edld' fjUiMot ^/WksT A s r m m B i BILVm tUM BtTB LJSB, marfit* FOR r e Rt —/g.ROi^nf,R 355r AmrtkuBt, Vvipn sppllqatlon of Mag Lohfhsnn^ •n.inmreveinents, beat A praying for' lbo removal’^of OomS i. r?'/n "V'‘i "d rf-i O u st U s sTwac* worfi to • Ns*.: ad by Parratt .Jk Oleimay. Tannl* 16 LUfey ifetreat. Biquire aftar'fi'p. Lehmann sa skooutor . of, said oetete' laitUls, n«ab«n wd sbbnTUtteu pfili—Chsrtar Oak add aa par apfilpatlon on flU. it fi . ■ From I •Mb eeuBt M 4 word Md a om p o^ OM SM D:--r That tUa 'fsrsgoinjg; ■traats, State aad Frioat atraats applleat^’ha bsard and'dstsmiiW plomosgi:. words M two words. KlBlBwn ooft is IB Haitfbrd. Sdiisdula oi trips ob« SwMtefi.oad 1^00 of tbrso Uass. FOR REN E^ m o d e r n . •ii' ^os rstss por dsr for tsssstost taiaaUa £rom drlpar. caurterad room tsM Bit, A Charter in said JMstrist on the ’iotFuay of man iKtb'pat PullBiaa Sanrloa. I|paelai July. A D., te99, at I o’oloek Xa t;i ***“ WNodw ltaa«b W> strifit, bfitwicB jBMuee and Mkia. in the f^onCOh apd tbaf,notieo>e Oub Cbsrss partlM to aay point Bstlsaatas Apply 701 Main atreet given to>lI parsons Marsstsd insys ..I t m 11 *iB 8860,8864. FQR .RBHT-:6 ROOE FLAT witk cation and the time and blaoa ’ 7hpi'<0wjiia»' o t Lynm 'M«gg.,'>-kifl d OSJT .....••••••••..| 11 01S| IS SIS garage, all improvements, 62 Ing thereon, by ppbllehmg-appbl ng~a.eppy of eboaee All ordors for Irrosnlsr lasortlons thfs order' in' some ime n(newepiipipor having a- gnaA ■ reos^tteft.' at PenngyhtotoA :rW ito will bo obsrcod at tbs obo tlmo rats. OBNEKAL TRUCKZNa, local and Autmnn' street Ckll 6470 ,or 214 a olreulatlott InI said dietrfot dietriot, oh'or, H« kiMl kfitei Ifijkted • by i^ealieni, thatthat;Job, tag also Inbsiitgd.. Toft ipoolU rats* tor long tom otott long' dkitanea moving, Uve^ aei> .llCint. street. before. July 26. 1999, and 1^ eeqtlng a Msrsdltb, one of tbe grtotgit dar advortlslag glTOB npon roqaost. vies. Ifodern trucks, enparleiiosd oopy of tbie. orderidr oaon th#ti .puoUe sign-' FMtedrop tlMf kfiipk^^.bgr/frteBdi fia4 runnerg the gport hog knmmv As Ads ordorod for tbroo or six Aurs FOR.RENT—6 ROOM FL4T with post in said town of Maaoheater, at gg;*«' mraM tor IM aad stopped before tbe third or fifth nieni^ ^guaranteed prompt deUvsry, least five days before tbe day of SfUd eompgtitor and ooaoh, they wgrt day will be oharced oaly for tbe ae- all g o ^ insured while in transit garage. Inquire W. Manning, 16 bearing, to appear if they see cause *•11 oveg, gTMt friendi. Tbot frieadgtopr tual aumber of times tbe ad appear* Oitf aiSliatioB with (Tnitad Vans Walker ntrset at aald time and plioe and be beard tting. bxtete today botwMin 'Robgrtoon, eA ehargloe at tbe rate, earned. b«t relative thereto, and pioke return to Sfiid Joba’’ Folfiiido ‘;t this court, and by mailing in a regis­ oa six time ads stopped after tho niture moving to distant points. tered letter, postage'paid, on or be­ "Npijr. , aerietoat. fifth day. Daily trips to New Vork, b ^ a g e FOR RENT^FIVE ROOM fi§t In­ fore July 26, 1982, .a oov" of this ‘Having, been a member of fbe AMiCi Meredltb might have beim Ko "till forbids"; display Itaes aot deliversd direct to steamship piers. quire 64 Maple street order to QeCrge Lehmann, |0 Fear! flyiur tejim . pf, . Bofin]m«ii aqd Roberteott’e greitiiit pupil, but sold. street, .Thompsonvllle, Ootln. The Berald will aot be respoaslble Before contraetug for service get FOR r E nT—IfAOr STRjbTiF, 7T2, WILUAM g. HTDB Pelomte vltiBh. let a iqng 4igtaiiea there were .dtharg who rgoitogd for more tbaa oae iaoorreet lasertlom our estimgte. Phone 8068, 8860, Judge. flight'rgee^—Ngw Tqirit to liten- tbe helgbte. Earl Eby, a ' ntoFV* of aay advertisemeat ordered for eix room flat, price very raasonaMe. 8864, Perrett ft Olenney Inc. Inquire 9tate Service Station, '772 H-7-26-S2. bul—be;,w9um*t wprrjfiing much.' Ho woe one. 'Sherman Loaders/,.''* more tbaa oae time. would, doubtr flnd'fi gwod posi­ pole vaultgr aad brood Ju m ^ / The laadverteat omlssloa of iaoor* Main etreiit AT A CdURT OF PBOBATB h F l I 11 be at Manchester,', within and for th( tion. • V; ■ I , -. woe another. Among ble mpfif tbe iW F A lg IN G 2S FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat , with District pf Manchester, on the 2lrd 'Now.'tWlotf ' recent addltione to the ranks 6f .'•Bdsred. gangs, good day'of July, A 'D„ IflSS. ' Fepbfiiw be will' igfliiitimA • He tb s. famous were BOmeyv Ik^- jBoaform W A S ^a IfACSINE, VACUUM looa- Present WILLIAM^a HTDB, Bsq., la stylo, oopy aad typoerai tion, price 180. Bmuire gbouKL But last repii^ bhd J Pearl street. ' FOR RENT—HALF ;H0U8E. five Chester, In mid District, -daPeaseA ^ g in g for. ft Job; Im p r baft two ' girls and tbrse .boys. Vbe ^ v e d by it o’olook bcob; fiatardays COURSER i^ND CLASSES 27 thla Court for-allowanoe,*'it la ORDBRBD;r-!Ths>t tbs 90th day of boys haven’t yet . rem>M, togb, lo:IS a. nu ‘street Tel. 6628.' ,.. E . / • '^veteton BfilAl/TY'OULTtTRB—Earn while July, A D„ 19|9, at S'o’olopk (Sr-' t.) ' fl^r^ndio boft sionm n$may, ig Idhkr school athletics. But. 0®® TELEPHONE TOUR FOR RENT—F^tm ROOM fift «U forenoon, at'tno Probats Office; In betog . pointed that - wtor. v.ttu; ie learning. Details free. Hartford said Manchester, .be^ and the eaime is. .W AN T ADS. Academy at Hairdressing, 698 modern^ good condition with garage asaignett'fSr'a- heartag on the allo,w- upw, beimm«'ft *TwnA^.mj Rbbtore bopg that oeiig.. <^ip^be Ads are aeoeptsd over the telepboae if desired. Inquire 87 Clinton street ance of s^d account with said eSti^, Tbe«e wm-b6 a mystepy .'g j^ t.___ will coach them , to natomql mto at tbe CHAROB RATB glvea above Main stM it Harttbr A and this Court, directs the Trustee to OlympicfOme.> • M a ooBvealeoee to advertisers, bpt i^e Pht^c coast thte . gummer.’jriyu FOR RENT - BEAUTIFULLY give publio nptice to. all persona in­ "T !'*■ . . . Ue CASH RATBB will be aooepted as terested -therein to appear and > be Jiw ;.over ft new route,;tp ap,unan- STTLL PATMBNT It paid at tbe bual- located with flowers and shade HELP WANTED—MALE heard thereon.by publishing a eeny/of', diiauuat^ V ''A M'Apxjm. One of tbe .^Muradoaee of our BOSS offfoe oa or before- the seveatb trees, nice place to play croquet this order in eome newspaper baying . .■Andrtblht. fram hlsibomfi bi .Boe- times is that frosep assets make day followlax the first lasertioa of MEN WANTED TO CONDUCT A pt 4 airy roms, all newly paper­ W. circulation in said .District, on'ior', each ad otherwise the., CHAROB before July 25, 1022, and by posting a' *:eoixieg;j|be .report ^t^bp-ig gu- things hot.tor buejnesq.’ , . ' . - RATB will be oolleoteA No respoasl- world renowned Rawleigh Home ed and reflnlshed over. Five min­ - '“'■'‘Y-tbef gjwrft qbipi^otion ot blUty for errors li\. telepboaed ads utes from buelneBS section, partly copy of this order on the publio sign will he Msnmed aad their aoooraer Service bueiness in cities of Man- post in the TowlT Where , the deceased ft%iftomg pNne to;tw. imtelreid in the Carl.gooee, Aactl. 8. T, la Memor^m • • a a a a a •.# aiiO|fi8*61>toncft'alr itegerg wiflofc Jipbn Pelan- tising, new idea, employ others, you waht we’ll take care of it fOr Cheney, late of Manchester, in said; Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 you without charge. R. T. McCann, tbsy qygtoato^t Hmv'tbey- g to r ^ ^ 1^^) oBd/Bueedl Board men (oftotor. rl|^); ee, in i S i e Automobiles for.Bxobaage a a 0xm d profits unlimited. |26.p0 require District, dpeeae^ .tetee, too..beatoly>*loaded' with 'ggg, Auto Aooessories-«Tires .VC...... • Barnhart’s Candies, Toledo, Ohio. 69 Center etreet Dial 7700. Tbe Trastee having eahihited her Itotoe, iSe .iOime Obd '(below), on a peril-franghit 8i|^ frinn New York Notice: Auto Repairlog»PalBtiBg...... T annual account with said 'estate-to finking; .then frontl- • ’tn’totoabnl,’ Ttokey. ■ clal Meet Auto fiobools T*A NEW BUILDING Just completed, this Court for allowanoe, it ie" d (top Mter mui’^of gfgo- Autos Ship by Truck oaaaaaaaa ‘S ORDBRBD:—That the 80th day. of b o w e t ^ to save the Town of llabQbjiiter Win be bold Autos■ For HUPO I...... le..... 9 WANTED—TO BUV 18 four beautiful rooms, 820; aiso.ipur July, A. D., 1882, at 8 o'clock (s, t ) awalsy My RObOrteOn’S porsoBoUty, eo at High SobooA'Ham.on Friday gvo- ilaragee—fiervloe—fitorage .«... . 10 aad five rooms I16-I18, 8 Wabrat forenoon, a t . the Probate Offlpe, in babb®.? i. are Uptoreyoles—Biqyeles. . . . . |1 said Mahehester, be;,and the sSnie is. _ to.flnto|y thfy , .goavN' 4own au^vffio tome to ooataot v^tb CASH FOR b r o k e n neiar Pins.- Inquire Tailor, 8 h ^ torn, kWaated aatos--lCoioreyidea'.wv” ^'19 !^ry,~bHdi|(iWofk> t’ ' tv a m v :’! ■: Flqyd. II agntototom,: BustaMee aad Profeesfeaal fierrtees jinee pf esid aopouht with-said estate, Hfifikftt'iBeto’-wito^^^^ -fliel toe beti Boslaess fiervloes Offered ...... 19 or sliver. Highest pHce> paid. and this Court directs the .Trustee to ScQtcB>J( Boosebold fiervloes Offered...... 19»A Write far datafis. United Gold Re- give publio notice to all persons 'in. ^t,w «|iM d twto*twtoe oe-maetouiim ^ oeas tbfirtl BoUdiag—Coutimotlag 'L,' 'SM ’.iftovm win yifto' e e e‘e a ft# a A pipf iWerke, 1 Beacon street, ROUSi^S FOR RENT tf5 tt rested therein to’ appear aUd. be m o^ la n f, “Cape Cod.’’' ‘ “They missin to tbo tp txiw : 6t tumlnR: out to outS^-toO ^ Florists—ITurserles p:# a a a'a a aafitaa heard thereon by. piiblfshigg a eppy pf nibrtb cbamtooBSi otootepbObw b® irnaeral Directors .aaaoeooaoeaaa'a...... B M t^, Maim. FOR RENT—TWO SINGLE bouses, this order, in sqme newspaper hfring to gator Into a, t o t e with the Ntotb Heatiagt—Flombiog—Roofiag a otroulatlon in eaid Dfs'.riet, oh pr „ V* ®bead/Of him. But I SiBbool Dtgtriot; bf ofirtoto.. pramno ZpiSttTSBOS oeseoeeaeeooo•oosoooaaaaa I BUY ALL KINDS of boueebuld six rooms oaob and on# 9 room^ all before July 26, 1892, and by poetjog tlteP'tocfd'Hw iMig A tton^ b^* doubt that any oan tegtob hi® knaek MiUtoery—Dressaxakiqg ___ •• a.a a a a of tbo Bast Sldo ItejteibffoB ,B ^ 6- 0 goods, fiimltufe etc. Better prides Improvemqats. Apply Edward J. a copy of this order on the pqplio A rilp ifqto^ pelted them. It of always pioktof tbe right way to tog, for Ubraiy purpose®.' tbo tOcm oviag^-Truoklag—Storage a a a HoU. Phone 4612. sign post in the Town where the de­ elfareq,.but tbe tog oame toon. I have'gfsn xnony a man from tbs ee,ttle every tieMieb, iltuatton. H# iatiag—PMorlpg e a s 0 s e e eta a.e'H paid if you call or write Nathan ceased last dwelt, five dhys before and eondltloBS of said Lte® to :,bs efessroaal fiervlei laaaaaaaa atiM Uvernfit, Colchaster, Conm Teile- ^ id day of hearing add return'make Tbity gffjv bllqd ?ov boorf, hurtled loito; of^t^ tfeisUs PubbtA “the is bast, and frequsntry at-rbis wlt- determtoed by said Eofigir. ~j • seaaaeaa a^e aaa^aeeaaaa phone 97. this Court. tbiwigh ftpemng In tbe tifist, undsr trying oondltioBi. a a a SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 con^'gqpt.''; TIm name bos been 2. To SM If tb® Town win Bgllet Cfoods add. ______fiervioe...... WILLIAM ft HTDB banks \ t ft giimpM below o abtboWbe tbo Board of 89I01 Judge, ef'gM «^<' poputoHy/fPplied to such os Aleck iWaated-^Bueluess Servloe i .:..... FOR RENT—4. ROOM bouse on H-7-26-91. Bom to Soetlaad o antor Into a Late with ttg.___ ■daeafieaal KUOME WITHOUT BOARD 59 *lis lr«land,“ !said Po- and*^VlN;i"^to,'Sf^;.H^ lock Robortepn wqs bom ip Abgr- flourses aad Classes,... ti Lfike street, water and eleotridty, Sebool JMtriet tor tbp uio.of,te- sviv^e Sustruotioa 99 SINQLE ROOMS pr suil^ k> John- rent 812. Phone 6970. HutebiniB' and.. Tomuy. Armour. disn, Sootiand'. to' Septembirl is il. lato BortioBs * of too BaOiSliis'! iten Daaslpg .....•'..^...•n.tt'A ■Ok Block with modiru imprfiye- werkm;eir'gfpUkm^mtoiM^ Hmt mbksi blm %lniost 49;ysars reiSlm l^dte^ rtoriwS% l^lu aJ—pramatle ...... 99 # 0s wii^tbiim'agaiii. old. Hs cams to this eouatry a® a peaea, tbo torm and oanSSsM ^^ iWaatedwiBstroetioB ...... 90 mente. Phone Harrison «9917 or ' ^ retoUfiotion FlainMlal ’ Janitpr 7885. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 H A G U E L E J M of ^ MMIef'jhafft''l'>eneotoi^^ boy, and wsnt to sobool to Brook­ i t e L t t e to bo totorm taod ^ iliil Boado—fitooks—Mortgages i.»... II " Aitwp goose- lyn, bpt rotumsd to Soettond to Boslaess ...... 99 MANSFIELD, STATE Road, 8 room ^ but un- compisto bis sducatlon at Gordon’s 9foaey to Z^aa -99 bouse, 8 aoree,' pond aad grove. ROOMS WITHOUT HOARD 59 By Aseodatfg frgfg. 'nien thoire^ 'F * * Paris. of M # n . Jo^ , gtudgnt^ OBOient " tbs towB.wbsre bs was Help aad iitaatleM . . Price 82900. Small ogeli* Ideal' fOr Tbfy dlfeigd and..wmLt flP..itraigbt Help Waated—Female ...... l i tourifte. Telephone 8864. hlstonr, 'mid-^^bi9nd oc^ b and diplo- Help Waated—Male ...... 99 FOR RENT—2 FURNISHED rooxhs NATIONAL liRb tbg'iUps. umt oro t tbg UnitedUiiit States Olymtoo stlos have always totorsst- r a S s s r - . ; Help W uted—Male or Fumale . . 91 with l|gbt hpussketplng privUegsB, Batting—P. Woaer,' Pitokfi/ *162. Visilibttto V i^.Tlig mpun* t r ^ ond'flgld teiam. •d bilb,him, flrstflrft aos ' a oompstltor. I tl ?' I Ageats Waated ...... '.97*A PORTER SttlEET 8BCnON. Com- R u ^ K le ia , Pbite, 166. later;o« a coach. filtuatloBs Waated—Fomal...... 99 also garage. Inqulrr at 52 Rusiell fortable little home, 4 moms on totos V8t,tk9n»- -AtogMiOfiB' Olymple oomnflt- Ht was a UtuatloBs Waated—M ale...... 19 street Runs batted In—iQela; Mile, and ®boy _ toogged tbs 'toiy totougb. tee, 1B at tb® head of sprinter- He won tbe, nat Bmploymeat Agehele...... let floor, 2nd floor uuflniehed, Huret, Pblle, 92. : ■ V ' ? i^ard 40 house wired for eleetrioity, city tIteU BtPi^ our WMitog forces lOO^arf dosb obamploi^p to Mve Mpdc—Pets—Poaltn'^Vehleles Hlto—Klein, Phils, ,144. ‘ ■ tbo 190A and ran ou tb®IS . AmirlooB FRANK P,®k*^Blrde™I^ts ...... 41 APAKTMFN'l'S—FLATS— water, will graded lot 80’xl60.’ DouUes—P. Waner, Pirates, ;4D<' ^n^.olO igly Olytople LIv 3 fitook—Vebiolea...... 49 Priee 81900. Cash 8600. Everett T. pqfiks, *a0|9m«t' over~tbg Blaek Sea mu«t ie-moflv true value team® of-1904, ’96 and Poultry aad Supplies ...... 49 TEN EM EN TS 61 Triplee—Herman,' ' 1W^, iu ftito'fliialto'Mfiobfd Hitanbul. 6,001.8 to tU * ■ the '08. With Nate Cartmell, pros- Waated — Pets—PoultiT—fitoek 44 EoKifiaey, 96 Foster street Tel. Klein. Pbllf, 14. •totute.mitefi f m i Ngw. Yoik—a foot " ^ I atbletioe ent traOk ooOeh at'^PObn State, bs . , , Bor lale—Mlsool^eeus 6 ROOM TBNBMS^T, aO Improve- 6280. ' Home rune—Kleiaf Phils, sp. < Articles for Sale ...... 41 meats, , garage, good lobation, rent jttitfmsg r f ^ hu® sr®t to .oy®:of the poitl Stolen baseO—FriMta. Carg9.14; ' ipMa .. . . one gtot of goi wo® of-tbo W hs^. Buildiar M^erials ...... 41 reasonable, 88 Walker street In­ Pltoblag*;->8wetonio; Pitates.' I l4 . plan®'® D amoads—^atobei—Jewelry . ; 41 quire 80 Wglker. Tel. 7268. LEGAL NtynCES 79 MgfiM' tbat mokeit Blectrioal Appliaaees—Radio . . . 49 AMIRAN j ‘num^w|lp bog oomed , > T A COURT OF PROBATE HBLD Batting—Foxg, Atblaties. -Jwel aad «^wwFeed I..^...... 4 e 0 • • s • • • e • • 0 s 0 •40*A FOR .RENT-Fiyi a n d SIX room ir ,iutoOr RObertioB. gardsn — Farm—Dairy Products •t Menohester,: within and for ths Runf—SItomene. Atbtottof. lOT.; BRUIN’S iaiiir JOE''l a m b ' Household Ooods ...... n tenomeate. with all modem"im- District sf Msnoheeter, on the lird Rubs batted in—Feme. ‘AtbletMs. Machlnsw and Tools .'...... » Pi^omoate. inquire at 147. iiBaft dsy of .July, A D ,, 1911. Muiloal Instruments...... n Present WILLIAM i. HTDB, Bsq., 121. Poston; >''J! '28— The :-L' Office and fitore Equipment . . .. 14 Center etreet or telephone 7864. Hitgr-Fonx, AtUetiofi. 187. BOSton ~ ub man- Spcclsle at the Stone ...... 56 Doublea-^Porter, Indiaas, 81. agiment' v t t w w m i 'PICrUBiB I) < Wearing Apparel—Pure 61 FOR b e n t —4 ftOOE tenomsat, u-w" ‘’ of*B^lfi***- _ Clement laie ofClement Man* _ _ _ tb® pur- 1 9 9 0 \ ^ S ^ Wanted—To Buy ...... 69 with all Improvsmsato, beat aad ®heeter, in said Distriot,, H aioeased. o Triples—Myer,'SenatoM, 16. woss .of'^ Jos'*' . . riixt.wtoger of vabit ttook*' tifto ;; “At fiktrn H w , Roome—Boaed^HoteiBM^eeette garage. 169 Summit street. Phone The Truitee having exhibited He Home runsA-Fomi, Attalttlosi 46. tbe glsbfiadM' (ktawi^igntore, for witbasrefil likaso of b\lmor/* Say, be _ - Reetaaraate final admlnlatratlon aboount with Stolen bagfftr*C9topmiln, YOnki, a' lubitfift^ ooah oem idi^on aad 6987. said, estate to this Court for allow- oaa tifl'ftSOOtob' -Join; “batter than Boarders TVat^ed ...... ^S0«A »• anee. it Is . 26.' ...... a plgytr.to bt fmfiMfl'iatfr. aoybi^' .Ivt^'ibanritbv. And 1m al- FOR RENT— 4 ROOM flat, modem 01tpBIlllD:->-That the tOtb day o f Pitoblng—Gomes. Tanks. lT-4. Umb. who i® 26 yinrs.old and has Hotels—Reetaurante ...... m improvements. Inquire at 28 Spriiee July, A D.,. 1919, at I o'oloek (e, t.) been in ">9400 Isfigue bo^ey for Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... #| forenoon, at the Jrobate Ogloe, in VBOM w i s TO CATTLE four 196000®, wififi.' Wi^ itb® New Real Bstate For Roat street ■aid Manoheeter,. be------and 'tbfja I_____earns ie Apartments, Plats. Tenements i. 91 aesigned for a hearing ( “ " * tor, •• wbto Bueiness Locations for Rent ... 94 hearing on tbo'allow' Nanking.- One of' Ohina'a 4 a a a a a« FOR Riprr—6 ROOM FLAT, flret faring and return make to thla BobQfij to; eOBvinpe a faltow; And floor, iteom heat fill modem Im­ Court. Anotber good tUng aimut the;d®- rei[cl|fii!goia^atar' itog.' lbt tofito . Zi®bured antbiHlaatlo- Wanted—Rm I Betete...... Ti jN®®®lo& 1® to® fitrangi abMBoe’ of Tv..., t^aal Hollooa provements, • 829 East Center WILLIAM a. HTDB ay.totu.toi plas®.'f0r my ruantog Legal Notices ...... f| street Tel. 8068. JlUdge. Bostoards eaylag “Having a! flat A sfilpton.bna .boib.'flitod to swim deMopatoni" H-l-9<-99. ume« WlfihyouWobgrtT' l0;y^ ta;gaa,s9totid;’ BVen;M;BUl ' ^Xbittto iftos fiinpt " ■ ' ' ' ' M GAS BUGGIES— Ignorance len't 'Br;"' BECK

M ' (BRAI) THB STQRBr RNRN ORLCIR NIVEB SBEN I. . , 1 .'■T( ' V; BARBARA , VDU,. BD? l o o k b o HIST'TIL tm bv H«te..TAK» A PSIk T' ARB oib . rrou foot tUat .bo •HB a b o u t t h e b u t BARBARA HAS f hovsftrid®? NBATIBT TRICK SBB AHVTHINB oareful at ojtti' bo WU IVBR SAVr CHARftSSnHKT ,LIKB . M '®^."'0am®i RBATUtoBB .ARB. MBR '.At® lift"*' T( bOrrow him.' LOBVBLPRBPI ■Ho-

J ‘M that bo Pie ra it‘’t i» otbObr: ' 'a0Hi r ’ V'/ %s I- USX TAu ■■ I. biiti*! * ,Y ’ M i '.’IU! 4*

L -" ‘ ■ f R r ’f kji' (f >

tA'i vs*. . , A lO U i ipQpr, w ^ ®oWo»a la now worMay bia Thty uy Uit boya^wy tg^ . ^ ' A pronUN that tlit iub wIU m t i l T m fur oa UtUt iMutA wtfra t«A , Joa^alio, old maai whara hava Fomaati a wlatar Iobk, and oold{ I you baaaT ; Jlno^^-Juit got back from a eaaop- ® 7 z ? l 5 S . ™ ; J F i s *i h ’.a s v l « m * «* Braaay-THava you a good opaalag M*iRa rioM ii rbatad for robblay our houaa laat hart for aa uauaually bright u d aa- i^htT t 1 Daak larttaat—Thla la vary (r- argatlo youxu| chap? rafular. Why do you want to aaa BualatiirHaa-^aa, Z ballava wa _ o u e s t a c MmT hava—aad i^aua oloaa It aaftly aa > Qaattamaa—I don't aatad talUaf youlaava. you.. Z oaly want tohim how Ha iot la tha houM without awakanlaf my wlfa. ' Salaamaa—Aad to what addraaa ahall X Band thia buckat, atrT Maak Cuatomaiv-Oh, TIB Hlllaida .. Avaaua. Aad, ar—you'll aaad It boob, won't you? You aaa, wa’ra havtnf j t p r w — a lira. AMBRIOANS PUSH FORWARD ; PLAIN AND FANCY HASH: Tha dangar In a girl falling for a boy, la On July 25, 1218, l4aaoh aad that aha la apt to break har naok American troops pushed forward ovar him, . , . Lova may not ba ax* more than two mllaa la coattaulag aotly blind, but It'a terribly near- thair drive agalaat tha Oarmaaa oa algbtad. . . . Bxpaiianoa taaohaa ua a 80*mlla frrat. that we have a lot to learn.. . . Some They reported the'capture of huge l^ B do not pay any more attention quantities of ammunition, guna aad to loaded guna than they do to wet suppllaa aad crack German dlvUdona ilnt algns. . . . A still haa to ba ware rapidly dlalatagratlng under Eapt pretty much that way not to tha ooaataat prassura of the flghtlng. attract federal man. . . . In tha old Fraaoh anid American troops ware daya tha glrla wanted to ba looked gradually narrowing tha mouth of up to—BOW all they seem to oara the sallant created oy the Mity ef< aaout la being looked around a t . fanslve directed by Von Hindanourg, Put a hmg aklrt on a flapper and and It was now only 21 miles wide. what have you or how do you do. On the Xtallaa front, an Austrian . . . Another thing wa need to ba counter attack waa beaten off with saved from is so many dlgarant great loss to the attackers. plana to aava u s.. . . A stltoh la time SCORCHY SIdITH A Jinx and Treasures By John Ge T tm : may save alna—but most of ua are Inellaad to let 'ar rip. Tha lata Alexander .Wlaton made the first automobile to be sold com* Becky—Did you taka your degree marclally la tha United Stater. In madlolaa? XMa—No, la Minnyoppblls. I WHAT 1 RECW N VDO CAN PLY A a TW 'RNEDUSTAN’ Soma People Ignore tha Oplnlona SAYS; OUT IKI TU' p l a n e . "TU* B lE S' LOOKED ANY RUBBISH HASQoriD of Those About Them. Until It I Wg'U PACK AN* WAUL OUT. ON OTHER SMALL Brings Their Ruin. Others Are Such SLEDOES- Shtvas to It, They Become Ridicu­ OBJECTS IN THE ^ SURE BUT 1 lous. CLIFF DWeuiMGS? QUITS NOW Mrs. Squawker—Well, haven't I^IHROUSH got your mother on my hands? WITH THIS Mr. Squawker—That’s nothing. HOODOO Z*ve got your father on my note. JOB* Teacher—Give me a sentence with the word ’eclipse’ in It. Johnny—When my brother aeea a fun^ Joke la the paper^ eclipse It out. FROM BAD TO WORSE: Depips* - - * Sion has dropped the price of col­ \ legiate raccoon coats 50 per cent. In A.KMI (act, they’re so cheap now that a self-respecting moth cannot afford to be seen In one of them. Black—1 scuttled many a good WASHINGTON TUBBS U B y C r s i u OUT OUR WAY B y W f l U a n M ship in my day, but X had to quit the gam e. Flag—How come, matey? Black — Pyorrhea, me friend. I couldn’t hold a knife in my teeth any longer. c-MwS* 1^ f^«

HAIE a Looid! Boy!! >WBUU,'WBa-jNIC6.bJBl(V; T H B V F B E L ^ P B A T ,0 C ^

GSR w a! T WK\T UNTIL "Wt I WQT'a WE J biASTEP MNIIM « 0lM tb 90. E A ^ ?y iN . I TMfH /BUST IE FIEMT LIKE BLAZES /M i KNOWS MDJW9E FOE TKB V NW WM birr’ i m w m ,

NO JdlDDlKl*,POp..-0O VNAU LL I dilVE IVIE INSy BEALlrV? i 6AN$ A LOOkC-mEDE TH ' FELLA S ARE NOW- f M OT DOS.*/ '0 M /A' MoeewaaerawAv.. ^ , m—..— . -ftfl

SALEOdANSAM Right You Are, Sam!

• • -AA-

IaaMj yWfi' C^AEWtQ HWfli VJBLl '. I*>A SQCKlM'*Va I HELLO

i M ,|^yh!lhH ^fa . •.(> ><;/-^. '’^.T H v .; ^ -V' .r'V ,..,.i,> ,v ;\; ••MiM ^ ■r "Hfblbtti' nf' thi tllainini* Orola ABOUT TOWN Vi s plciBte.itomMrew ' 1^ . W. 1 . fitfd bM NtMntd frtm OB IpMtb Ibte ite5f!wh|tob la apw (I d|wt tint with hii pamts la o p ew ^ by tba teaMUaa of 0. A, — — OataHo. nqte aad R. I. Oun^- Mn. Oaidi w’tha rattitef prwhdaBt of tba elrela. A t C ia ri F. man, fom ar^ of 'TMIet' ' nMk rLsteil •IrMt, hutaow oTCtoviaiM; M ra asd Obartaf-Oakratraata* .at 6*8r ttffid is ,s fi •atertelalas bar aietliar,> lira. 6:80. Outdoor gamdl asd a ' deg l i J y S S a y o< gatblalwm. N. R. r ^ t wiU.ba tba ‘attfaotloB. Tbe/,eonipaiMoBa that,JL^d; Ayers i'. .ia y w q l.'W MtePtfid itaifty asd lira. JaaMa iH. lltoValfb.jBf. Oa* had-w1Ui‘’liiim 'tin te d two Gira te t SMt •Steiaf Ooed vm . V I k'i' ford ilraat wlU bahoataaa Ray. W. D. Woodward arrivad at on the oharBi bf' driving an- autbad- I Otyital Lakh ywitfMte' 8peboi;4d t s ir „ ittes waa witboiit bla boma on KoUiatar atteat laat ava; OM of •vaate to tba a M a ite of I t lfbr< nipf, after a waak blii,' ’ wb^b iu^dtr ' the'bl by tea CMbMtioat Slteat A te m nrat'a Olrela, Da^taattara of - Xiabal**- - - Asaobtetiiop. ‘tafUi-' tea ( i flOM Uflit bu A abort bualaaaa wlU ba Camp Maatteg.-fomi liquor la#t niikt dauuu^ad ttnujnial 7 ' Wara praaabt Item li------sgiyiea from’m pebos. -Aj^acp wia V < I /• 'IRdSVSpvSilapt 'Awim ttttdp ' ■ oabad to ordar at T:M. Altar tba bludlBg BnaffB’Wttllaiha of tba Bati X iw i^f oanty>phd|«as frpm bpya naatlBff card gaaiaa'will 1m play ad drlytegv'gi.'eir .whlbh;7e i^ ) .^ s a -,:Tka'Syff lavlag da; Insas o/jSff' leeal and rMMahBMata aarvad. vatlon Army; Ray. R.. R.. Anthony ilp girlli today anU 68 ghte grs al^ Mphs ,Whfte'firap,lMld Sffterday .... " fd Tay« of tba Naaarana Chtirob apd 'a nutai- jmiug' wnamaa; p « M tett|^ .'^ ha yeady at ofmp tnjoylng topmaslvsa - bar of hlatpariabtenara. tjM token the car iu^ brought at'^terM ellpA uadsr te# Twaaty-aavwi attaadad tba outlaf ^ u nuch i(ii o . m , . . •’ -. tnO of tba ■optb,l l atbodiat,obqtoyaatair» back to tba j^ e a atetlen'and ax- •toted teat df y, whieb' laohidad 'furBUhlDf tba The danoa'^raj^j^ Sons of aminiK! Oftldan l 4’aa'iioe .and Gain- of tba NattosaiV mwe at tba llaatan Point ohi^, Xtaly’a aeoljal on' RafflMy otraat qtratira, Attarioaa Rid Croffa* iatiu ^ y' idabt draw a Una. crowd gat rfiumsd* to Lava Lana,' whsra •WMJIW MIMB . OWSr wondffrtiU at Qrotoot a abora dinnar at tba . abd tba Iona ind Datratera of the car‘ wba; stepped, intepdiug;te ly ’ aftoriteen - the bp^a ivsfl ■fd vffry ifwscmtvlr bote' * » * Lyma Am* a^d b d th ^ and boating mng it'back-to tlM pollob atura ‘rhfd Put and ' thsrs wars ihany „ awimmafa and at White landa baaoh. Ouaata dtir* Xtaiy, who promoted tba -daaca* ara David R.'Oela of j ^ t e r - itrate* a ^ b te iji^ riffttetetet ffpd f ^ •iSffli tOWB. iBenaidafihg aaetbac >to ba giyan bi fo^retaetion. Irissa whsD they found how mtibb who la praaldffnt of ^ Stot t^ t a vary large group lag tba day wwa Mr. and Mra> A. They fotttd that tbs thrsa young - / had gainsd. . Louis Jonss ahd CpPMCtioUt the lama ball la ' aaar future. aaaoda.^* waa-^obateaaa_ pii' , of tbf ifsitei and Juateni competed df U Crowalli Jadb Haattega, and Wra. w p ^ , oulnMUf te coma t'rom tbprt V i^ k : driiN tisd .in US p p p ^ ti^ of tiff JibUs, Eteaaor Oaorga B. Raltb who la at bar aua> WateamSbld and Hartford wore s ^ . gain of^wmsht, each bavtog galnod tete.WMthffr. It Waa aitlaui,tAl ^ . Mra. O. Raad, mar bOBM at White ianda baaeh. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Corelliua of atete. 'Ite outiog waa auch a atie- |riafitoa,/M ra. RobiBaea, 70 Walnut atraat. togathar with in'tha far. They wouid iaot gat'oiit iins .pounds. Ray Hadn, Brsd oeaff that .pteaa art *,«Yv wvrf oral _ atf they' wars .drlvao back to th#: MsaCnam, Ray GinoSi, WW McCar­ Tba Bsaoutlva eommlttae and their daughter* Catbarina, apant thp dffipc^atiop with mora tia& Piles V waak«aBd^ vlaitlag with ralatlViM in poUoa atatten. Arriving a t thafpoUce: thy and Qsoifs Odienian all tras( " " je ■of f' ' te , .^____ ,oteyihg terpugb^te ^ . Birman, Ada eoamtlttea ehainnaa of tba l^itbar statlbtt tb ^ ..inidstsd Ittit ihsir! isivan nbunda/ other tgaittsd from UPte it ww pvef. , LMgua of tba Bmaaual Lutbaraa Pataraon, N. J.- ’ of new rights had Msn.'impoOsd imon and ,r a r tejya'afiipwsd k Ovt/Bryapt gave a ‘Itetun 4 f obdrah will maat at tba Ktawaala ftw OK woid~^ Kiddias Camp at Babron tonight* Abraham darks, who conducts _ that it was ,up to ths police to sseurs weight ahd a .total gain of Why ayary awlmmar abould b a ^ i '3 S S & 'i £ 52St a driver to take them home. 0ob ot fpO pounds virna hoted^ during the pure adapt at being able to i 'HaUjglk, . ! laavlm tba diureb at 6:80 o’clock. dry goods businaas on North Main AUTaRAHSDitBTRUIX Junioff ,Boya;-.i ,Bvald Stachholsr street and who has bean living in the wonian>^ tee qmkasman Ipr the tero weeks among the forty*tbree J|B c u n of, drowning, ataUng Sum m er' Hhiigbet Lodge* I. O. O. T. bald ita Ite^ord* is to move to Mancheatar crowd, told the offieers at headqUar- boys. at tee proMPt time tesra arc < amiiiJ outing at Bolton Laka. tomorrow. tet -i that abe had bomi in, a similar Tbs Nysmlnk Tribe won the tribr DUE TO SUDDEN STOP400,000 Mopging to tbs life aai tarday with a good attendance situation in Iteridsn -and that shs al contest Ipadlhg rritb 96 polnte coffpi* alao axplaiaed was net' isfL to stand around, but ihgnlhit the liraawlu who were t t io ^• g T ^*w • and-- — amciapTly- J tbu Remnants; membera. Tba annual picnie of S t James' their nearest competitors with 66 aary requr----- " — church parish aiad Sunday school was drivun .back to Hartford by a Truck Psmsgsd Adcidast At . reqniramaats of those 179 .... ■ — -^thl^k next MsridfuHpolieeaMa. She wanted the points. 'to .tske this course having now Jaaoaa C. Pontillo of Oak will ba bald at .BUsabath Raymon Oinefll wm the’honor of M sin ariil Piu!lc S trafts E sfly’ street tore the ligamanta in a toe Monday. sauM s e r ^ here. edg« of tee different of his Tight foot at Globa Hollow -.There waa nP poUceman at the bemg Bast Camper tbia-year. with This Bforning.'. * atookes, apd the local aeniOMrai flativday afternoon^ when a humaa MShehester pPHee atatlon at U be^ Sherwood Jones, Raymond Haugb Juniora wimt through the required Miaa BUean Donohue* daughter of and Paul Krtstoff awarded prizes fpr SFimmipg'strokes, m breaks, te pyramid coUapaed and he ;fell to the to perforin such a duty for the three An automobile truck, owned and 1 - 3 to 1 - 2 ground. Francis Donohua of' Paarf street gtels so they set out to hike hack. Good Campers. flrat demoBfftratad out of the wetu who was graduated in June from Ihsy tried the thumb method of Bari:r lM[oors ^ .and Victor Haugb won driven by Riebard J; Zimmer, of 214 SO that the people eetdd see hpw Boston Dnlversity* has secured a pieldag up a rite and were only out prizesnm AVfor8 floweruvwRr contestswttbvra andoutiK Cteyv;Aay.« Foreat atrset B u t Hartford, and a they ware earrled...... out in.thepori, Mra. Betty Lawaon and John position as a teacher in the. Sims' ’ Gustafadn of New York* viaited Mra. on Center street ' a few minutes lOT Chadwicka ------won in■ ■berry {rieWng. ^ touring car driven, by Mra. Emma then again the swimmers wept OFF Bilan Modaan of 55 Laurel atreat bury High' school and will start her when they were able to get a ride Ray GinbfU walked away with through the requirements- in the over the week*and. work at the operag of the school back to Hartford. They lost no time, both the Treasure Hunt and Hare Bron of 687 Bputh Main atraat tbia wster. A vary thorough axplapk- in September. in,getting. Jnto the ear, with the and Hound chase. • > town eanm together at Main and tien was glvav of the prone preaaun Sat your alaim clock 4arly to­ Mr. and Mra. John ‘Turkington of hopes of making conneetloaB for ’Ohs of the featurss of last week’s Fork atyset at ei|dit o’clock tUa Bwthed of artifldal resuscitation ah morrow a. m. and make it a St. Petarsburgh* Florida, are visit­ There is to be a meeting and drill Wetoersflald at Hartford. ) camp was the overhlgbt bike of the moriiing when tba truck driver sud­ pomt to. be at Hale’s promptly ing in Manchmiter and are at pres­ of Hose Company No. 1 of the Man­ older' boys to E. J. HoU's summer denly turned into the curb, cutting at BiM o’clock for these rem­ cottage at Bolton lake Friday nant bargaina. We have one ent their headquarters at chester lire department tonight The off the woman driver. . ■ Evaty repair Job or new jH the home of Mr. and Mrs. John members will meet at the hose house night Helge pOarson assisted by The Bran touring car waa not large table. Just flUad with Louis Jones took IQ older b<^ for work mate by ua la the ^ short lengths of all stunmer Blackwood of 119 Center street. at 7 o’clock for the drill and the damaged but the truck lost a right SEE THE NEW ■ product .of skill and ex- m meeting will follow starting at 8 UGHIMNCmS the hike which is*all of twelve miles front tire, part of its running board waabr goods—not t o mation Mr. and MTs. Charles E. Jacob­ o’clock. The prindpil business be­ from camp. On arrlring at the lake and the steering apparatus waa parianea, and must striad * drapery fabrla, curtain mate­ son cf Pitkin street entertained the fore* the meeting tonight will b<. teb the bbys pitched a large tent and ippled. 'When the truck came to MAJESTIC ■ tea t a t of our eustomrir'a am rials end plain oottone. Such emplosroes of the Standard Washer report of the outing committee BOUSE SATURDAY,prepared.,supper after which they teh a sudden atop Mrs. Bron, who Electric iheu. liter he gave up and went bii^ tp his The uanal high grate werkmapahlp and materials are need Oollla M. Ricbarda of Mather PonlratB. The bolt entered beside blapkets Isaring the flhhermen to charge included Wadwprth McKin­ Street was found not. guilty Of a thi cMmniy and went into tbe lotVer flite to their heart’s content. during tMs special at ney, James Lewis, Miss Beebe, Miss chftte Of tuemegs dri^W be East Helen Gardner and Miss Virginia p|rt of the JmnBi,'tearlhg ofl*blafiter The boys will all have similar ex­ - - ' Hafnord .police court but was flned but starting np flm. It is thought periences to tell when they get home ^ : ■ Vucaaa^ a^adaMa^ Loomis. gio and costs for violations of the JIM’S SHOE SHINE PARLOR tost a part of the bolt titet struck apd all voted the Ihiest time that ...... 88 7 MalnSt. . . rules of the road. Ho Wee represent­ the Pongratz house struck the . Are te®y have ever bad. . ' .Miss Doris Carrier of Webster, ed by Attorney Harold W. Garrity. alarm system, causing the sounding 11 Ariflour Melrose Sm^ Aflior I Ma^., is visiting her grandmother, of one blast of the whistle.'. —, r- Mrs. Phebe Carrier of Cambridge Miss Emma'Jones of Oak street Shoulder street. During the afternoon tpe -heavy is subsUtuttng for Mlgs' Bertha rain clogged the drains under the BlUDZAUSiUS-TAlKDNOS 1 head CabbRge Novak, stenographer at the office of underpass on Cen(er street, forming The annual picnic for the Sunday darmice H. Anderson and George a small pond beneath the btiUring tee qfternoon the storms Trinity chutch, Hartfdhl., and was tAasei it elZewheie. ;Sugar .. 3 pkgs. 17c Coffee .. i . lb. I7c; tertoy. sjtalled her car in the san4 wete almost eontlnubus ' tpe llght- followed by n ^reception and dipoer Just off the Fort road and all efforts Mr. and Mrs. Audtew Ferguson njr bring vivfd and frequept Sev­ fpr a large puipber of guests at inc- You lave by porohasing direet from . MaPoheater’s Faint on bar part to extricate it were of Broekdeld ‘street '"have returned teiy hall, Golway street Mkpufactnrer: futile. Finally several men, tran­ aftmr a few d ^ visit- with friends ern hearier showers piufsd to the N isbullaneous Sp«(eiffi|to sients and flshermen, secured shovels ip Notth Wlncmam. Mr. F ergu ^ north and south of tqwn ln the egrly Oolppibia Tcipa^ ...... bap \5u' and ‘ planks 'Just as if it was show eveiUhg. 'K. tree ^in Cehter ^ r in ^ whq has been SI for several I months Park .at tee head of Newman street >Qeld ppit (larte can) • ••••••eeeeeaeeeee* e^-a e e e'e e e e i'.a • pkg^ 21d that was up to the hubs Instead of fOUqwtu a severe attack of pleurisy vms blown; over. - T 90i|A a NeOiP*« Jr. Rrilogf^a Covp^IlafcM...... 2 pkga. l$o sand and soon had the automobile is rapidly regateing his former good MORIARTY Off Hartford Boad and ^eepMt St. .. • Krqmny’B-Vegetized.Blacsronl...... 6 pk ii. tSo on the improved highway again. healtlf. FUNERAL SiSfeVieil, Berideriee $2 Write S t nteoiB Goiueetlriia Gelfferpla -Pea ^eaaa <2 Ibih,-^q, ‘Unexcelled.. Miplwum 8h(PMU>®- Mpparoh'Apupenla^...... ^ q t . . I 6b— 24' Hter r.Ambuuteee Sri^ce. Deeoratiiig and painting done by os la guarimtecid to be a||ri- Atiaatib Graakers • 2 Iba. 25o ^80 M*ite Avepue, Hajrtford iafaoiery. ' : ' ■ IfOrtipMir t e i ^ F.- Morlarty■' Tet 2-7654 A U Fbr g p O For a o ^ g e and tie bring down your yfood'MB—Use . L-v A U For 4 9 e these Isunb Specials Tuesday. . Buck r i n k F ig 2 lb. jar Pcahqt Ontter Foot Mesty Sl^on^er- (Ttd.Mts,) ajntd • O r i F , n2 lb. jar Abbim^ 1 jar Sfidner^a^ Palate' f; Lamb Qiops [aind w h at too Preaerves - .Salad*;'' , ■: - 'Laoe. Stalk/ ' ' ^ ' 34■ ‘ t c lb. lb. Bander, fancy. PotetO^;::..; peck 2 2 e .'CdeiV--..;/.. efte'te

; .7 i*:y • i t e w . Tetider Forefeas of Lamb .... C a m b i 2 b i p i c b e s 5 c Lettuce erih ffe WelgMug about Y 1-2 lbs. each. They usalBe a Sne'iotew or -llbw-.- ->; Bunklaj^ ^ Nallve Tmuateas, Rard laskteg 'Letanaei'’-MMSHaite'' '' .el benches 5 c O t e n g m ■ I k ! BedBa^bentea.SptaaSpepSSr’ / ^ ^ CaBffffrplri.'''' > .r ^ esFMt naore UMA BBAN8 If yeu wa^ te’ aaalu A®'- eacli : smcootesm Forrest Bucklaad wUl bring la mem S S w 'Fraesteae- *1 ' -' Com; dozen .... 2 2 c .Grape'ffte|t':'/^v'-' GOLDEN BANTAM OOBN to sell at JSodbsen. ' .:..,..Gqltep'lte|il^ Nitfye’iOffrik..: I f A ^ j L $ l ^ 9 r ' Ate PIMEIfflftStf ^ Itepibred at a , ;lAV 'doz,i: -. Reas'.;. . 2 l 9 e JiMtleokattheMScqncUi. Reasonable Cltaige i'L ' Bieto or Carroti SniiM te We can ssyo you tx^auak ;-Uoiiejr Pew-. 2 bqiich«s .... . ' i- Gdsiior . uid aimoyaiiee as #e Aavs inf F u i i i s i : ' ' ;-li Good sized tender •tranienta wiilch etn M l. ' ^ 1 ?, Squash, 2 for ... elo^csTtipnl^'G nli^ ; T®'' ■■■■■ 5c 8o H en h ey’s YOUR CAR m T ■ ■ ; ■ SeedlM^ Osbjbsce C o e b s...... FOR FREE TECT. ■ ifh S hesfl 5 c ilieiteidiitedF: iiiu ^ tToPgue! .', 1. ..ff"? (.i: V'M.'f.j', ; i • 1 Hathrt Cneomben

If .* 5 c i-^lio. % Sngsirfllb. . 5 c . .■ ■ lA B it‘2 lbs. with oflier lOeiColoriid .} 'V' . 'Us.* I I' •rtw rs. ' T6sSiMter>.; ■m 9^ ^>-.i '/'A •<7^ I >•

^ y. ‘ i J > i-