- • ■ S' ;|Pri 7 TV ; 'F , X ••• ■'r'^ . I ,».> i' rt>- '. ‘.'.'..VI ^ V - • 4 , , . ii. ■-'^-■ ■ - F '. • f■ ' r • r-■^ ’, y'-t:- ■«• ‘‘ ' S''’-*• .■-;•."'■'<^■Kv'i: I ‘ •* •" '‘-H -y-'-.'s «• - - - -;’ •-, • V oi;.Li;i^o.sss. r "">^ ilOinA'KAMA (»im«’M (^A1^^T'16, iUt. “■W'V '.’I, : A ^ iiiAT IDUFT i ' 1 • .A 9 I H t e l k i CaD Ob Fammrs t o TlnWi' h Wiek tad TtU To letTe Before CAPTAIM CROWDS Niih — Heir 3,000 On t o Rioti— D iB (e r of Rivdlntion H u Boon BOAID O f TRADE Bi-MailfliaB ^Wty To Erer^idei. Orer 6,000 Hire Left aid ChinpiMii Atfftod, London tote. ORDERED OOSED W «ft F «la BMdi, SU.. July 3S.— Only About ZOOO Are - tonop&nr-TolN^ (AiF)—AU nuplaoi m id in f in th« Baffin, July 26 — (APj — The upptr IBvttgladM have agreed to Stip hW aehm gtoiL ■ Bswqmpsr Mlttagaaitung M d today (^binet Memberi Act Under Md^euate by toi^gtat beeauie white it baUiTMp tts state of martial law aeithhora protested their presence, Washington, July 26.—(AP) wMitti is!«s:dampsd doum on Berlin Orders Frem President; F. M> Geoige, a prominent resident Prompt action was taken by police president von ciC Oinal Ptdnt, told the Palm Beach "w att would be Board To Oppose Orders. M m I E liN r is TIsms today. today to forestall a pOsslblB demon- ' A crowd of ISO white men called stration in front of the White,House on the FUipIno farmers Friday by members of the bonus afn^. ^ ^ said It sxpeoted a Wlmt Eqsrb ril’ ^ nlfhtiaad ordered them to quit the return to normal oqgiUUtioBs as soon Chloago, July 26.—(AP) — The An extra police guard was place< as tts ftipnms Oqurt. gt Lefpsld Chicago Board of Trade today began fW ^ truoUag belt by toni^t An around the executive mansion and imstdant involving a FtUpino and a attlfh into, sssslea at 9 « . m. a datermtoed battle to toe last legal p i r t i . • . ' police, said the men, leaving their tS4toalto wmi Praaqla’s rsqUsst for white g ^ l and reports that *S,000 camp in groups would not be,allow<- When an automobile wrecks a train—thatfi Bswil llie ears •it here, part of an eiqiresi train run*' ditoh against Federal elosurt but were ciotWeg from California to Join nlng out of Williamsport, Pa., were toppled, frohd ithe ta|la When' ^afaust tbs govern- ed to assemble or parade anywhere loqomotlve struck an auto afrsndfmmi on ,ig It from interfering was undeddsd as to toe course to thote cowtrymen were said to have in the dty. a grade crossing. A warning stgnM wowed the train to siaoken speed so that <mly three persona were foUdw If It should dose.. Ottawa, July 2 8 .-(A P )-A d v ^ motlvicted, the edict slightly injured in the resulting wreck. to PrusMSB affairs,'announc­ If necessary police said, an area ed Its vsrdlot Whstosr to lock its dMrs for 60 cates cf rtmenstiaatitt tut silvsr at But 11 Left tts Imperial eOatersnee t<May iliakSd. Chief Of Police F. R. Harrison of of two blocks around the White Danver A v s M dajrs or to surrender by admitting Pahokee reported iJi but eleven in House would be cleared of aXt traffic, A dispatch from Stuttgartnrt I ^ Farmers National Grain Cpr- a U-metalllam plan, tor tite BHtlsb the eohmy of 00 left the ooinmunity as was done a week ago when a Left a Dsutsohes VoUcsbUitt of \. commonwealth of nations with thS Wing group of the bonus army at tembsrg, newspaper organ of idea of a super-Einpire tank. Saturday night, bound for Cuba. Of TRADEBIIWING the oourte o f law has bsen exhausted, those remainhig, six were given per' tempted to picket the executive HOLD SECOND AUTOPSI state preddsnt, as danger of maninon. Preddent Peter B. Carey said. Here w to tfee United States, Mi* BtU^on hy the white men to stay revdutloo “from above” has'been ver has its champloDa’as a aisMttm - Meanwhile, the veterans were averted. He blamed the dosing order, is­ untU forthcoming crops were har­ sued Saturday by three Cabinet of ex(dRange and it is (xmridsred faced with an order to evacuato MNEWENGUND At last Saturdajp's oonferenoe OMrtato the silver ({ueation WIU Me vested. Federal property by midnight to­ ON BODY OF SUSPTT members, on “Preddent Hoover’s Today, however, the six recon­ with, toe heads of the South Gterman presented to the conference to con­ night They were attem pt^ to de Job holders who naturally would not sidered and decided to depart with governments, it said Chancellor dedde agstost too subddiary of toe nection with a plan to stabUlw the the remaining colonists by sundown oide whether to obey the edict or Prana -von l^pen “succeeded to u i^ o f exchange wltbto the empire.' fight it in the courts. Preddeot’e pet fkrm board." «*<■ evening, George told the Palm Thirteen Policemen lm|di- Closed Mills Reopening and committing the govetument of the Secretary of Agrieulture Hyd^ The question involves many to- Beach Times. Many of the former service men FUME PIONEER Rdch on lmp<nrtant potote to a Seoretaxy of Oommeree La^nont and trlMte angles, however, and Is atiU Ottms On Way leaving the encampments went to policy which Is ndt toe policy of toe Attorney General Mltichell eald their to-the unofficial stage. Tlie oommlt- He disclosed a “survey” made this the veterans administration to apply cited In Cue— AD Pleid Many Employes Gomg NaUonsl Socialists.” other would be efteetlve August 8. ^ on currency had. no offidfU for 60 per cent of their bonus due statement to make .^regarding tits ajomlng failed to confirm reports D IE Sm B R A Za Satisfaction resultttg from a pn ^ess made with eltber the s U ^ that seven automobile loads of Fill- them under legislation passea at the Back To 'Work. week-end to which it had been be­ last session of Congress. Not Gnifty To Clurgoc Offldals of the Board of Trade re* or tte foper-empiro bank. idea. pfims reacdied the area yesterday lieved no persm were killed In vealed records of a dfareetore meet- from California. He said he had Long line Forms political crLMB wae wiped out today _ WlmaiTarift tog last i^Eril. showing that three D rij^tes to thfr oonferanee had heard two carloads of them, each A long line was forming at the M ide Agiinst ILem. Bostem, July 2 6 .-(AP)—Bustoes8 when belated reports reached Ber­ barreto of wine ware toeduded to toe Alberto Sanies • lin telling Qf three deaths. One praoticallj^ven up the motioii oT acoompa^ed by one white man, prof veterans administration when it conditions are looking up to old New pasnheht fey the Farmerik National an toter-Domtoion wheat tariff ceded the others into the district opened. Efforts were made to pay England. person was killed In Juelieh, one to for stock to the Updike Grain Com­ Trier, and ime to Elbing. preference and were centertog their Saturday but left immediately. those in Washington who are due Mlneola, N. Y., July 26.—(A P I - * Known As Father of Avia­ - The New England Coimcll reports pany. It was this transaction,. Uv- attention <m meat. Pahokee police are investigating money on the certificates. closed mills reopening, laid- off em­ to BnmnjnddE the j^Uce arreited Ing toe corporation metofeienhto to Soutt AMca has Jollied Australto reports that those arriving from Heretofore loans were xhade only Thirteen Nassau coimty' policemen 84 OommtttEsts and Reichsbaimer toe board’s etoartog hotme, which were amdgned and pleaded not ployes going back to work.and suffi­ to a plea tor a larger shim o f the California during the weel'. end cm certificates that were two years tion Passes In 59th Year. cient orders coming'Into several to- members Who were hOM ^ a secret caused-thUr controversy. British meat trade, only Ml peroen't qifiistly lost themselves in the vast or more old. Recent ley^slation re­ guilty today to Indictments charging dustrisl plants to warrant capacity meeting. F. J. Thatcher testilled bsfore of wbieh is' now with the reaches of the Siverglades. ducing the interest rate on bonus them variously with manslaughter production in. toe near future. tos hoard’s dixeotors .that he sold his minions. The other 4F percent' loans';also made cer^cates less the" in the first dsime, sdiAuilt in thi Rio De.<JaneirQ, July. 26.—(AP)— At Pittsfield, Mass., toe Berkshire 249 shares of .Tto<Uka stock tn PxaU- ta ^ t t Argentina and the unitril» two xsars old eligible as security Alberto iSantos-^DumoBt, 69. Imown dent C. B. Bbfz and- Gmierat Msa- States.'" ■ second degree’^^w lthi auessory to Woolen Gpm p;^ and. QUx Under­ for la to Sctoth^inMlca as. tte ‘•Fatter of wear C!ompany plaots are w o r i^ ager George S.>' Mitoor of tbs' g a ta t ‘‘GeogrephlcaUy’’ ths-South A to. Avl^lo^'the corporation for 8200 a aharai and can d e la tio n pointed but in' 4 ‘ •\crx- men would be a l^ ^ to m y r _ fng day «ad topE ■ through their: regional oSicee 4<tdck- Difttsiet Atbm ey V via hL 'kiU S i^dQ tte Wpplfit,milia.jBxpect to, HI jiiw ail io s Rhod4eiaD4he proteo- JUNGUn er than in Wasl^asmugton. ^ wil^faimoimced the nattirs o f tha haye a full foNs opefwtog niilSFBE^aoqsIderitfetyAawfe ■sutd aoutbsraet AfMoattttf vmose axploits took place-to Fmncd 82p0.
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