8961 :INn!'

avollS:v SNOtSlm lIV'tnSNOO aNY OttmO'lclIO Nwno


Albania ..... " " " " " . 1 Algeria 1

Austria .. " " . " " " " " , " . 2.

Belgium ...... " " , " '" r • " • 2

Bulgaria 3

Cambodia • •• " '" " \0 " , . 3

Canada 4

Ceylon ...... " " " 5

China 5

Congo (B razzaville) ...... 5

Cyprus ...... If " .. 6

Czechoslovakia ...... " . 6

Dahomey · " .. 7

Denmark '" , '" '" .. 7

Finland ...... , " " .. " " " " " . 7

France ...... ,. " ,. " ,. " " . 7-8-9

East Germany •••••••••••••••••••• " ••••••••• " ,. • , or .. 10

Ghana •••••••••••••••••••••• 4t •••••••••••••••••••• lII.lIIl11f11f11 ••• 11

Greece · " ,. ,. " " .. 11

Guinea • " III 1II ••••• 11

Hungary • " , ,. " " ., ••••••• " •• " /II • III • 11

Iceland • • " • " •• 1II " ••• " .. " " ..... " •••• " • fI •• " •••• " ••• " •• " " " • " .... " .. 12

India · " " ,. " " " .. " . " " . 12.

Indonesia · " , " , . 12

Israel · " . 12

Italy · , " .. " . ,. " " " .. 13

Vatican ·.. " " " " " .. , " " .. 13 T• vamalca ...... , •• #.# "~." ••••• " ••••••••••••• " •••••••• " . 14

Japan I -1

N~,.th Korea ...... " .. ., ...... ,,~ 14 Lebanon ...... '" , .. ,, , , , , , , ., , , , , , 15

Luxembourg . , , " , , , , , , , , , , " , . ,. " , , , , , , , , , , , " " , , , , , 15

Mali , , " .. " " " ...... " " " " .... '" " " " .. '" ..... '" ...... , " '" ., ...... " 15

Mexico .. " " " .... '" " ..... " .. '" ...... , " .. , " .. " " '" " " .. " .. " ... 15-16-17-18

Mongolia . ., , , . 18 Morocco 19

Netherland s . " " " ." , "" " " " .. " " " . " .. 19

Norway """ '" " " '" " " "• '" " f' ••• 20

Pakistan ...... " .... " , " ... " ...... "" . " " " '" " .... '" ., " " ... " " 20 20 .. " " , " " .... " " " " .. " " .. '" '" " ... " .. " " .... " .. " .. , ... '" .. " ... " '"

Portugal " " " " " .... " " .. " '" .. " " .. " .. " " .. '" " ...... '" .... '" " , ...... '" '" " .. " 20

Rumania .. '" ...... " ...... '" " " '" ...... " " " ...... " .. " .. '" " '" ...... '" .. Zl

Spain " '" ...... " " ...... " .. '" '" " .. " .. " " '" ...... '" .. '" ...... " " 21- 22- 23

Sweden .. " " .. " .. " " " " .. '" " " .. " '" " .. " .. 24

Switze r land ... " .... " .. '" ...... "" , " " '" '" " .. '" " .... '" .... " '" '" .... '" '" . 24- 25 Syria ...... 25

Tanzania ...... " . 25

United A rab Republic . " " " . 26

United Kingdom It . 26- 27

USSR . " " " . 28- 29

North Vietnam ...... ~ ., . 30

Yugoslavia ...... " " .. " " " . 30 United Nations 31

Alphabetic Index ...... , " . 32 Latest Informabon ALBANIA

Embassy - Tirana-Durres Highway, Tirana

Charge dlAffaires: Vacant

Counselor & Code Clerk: Gilberto CONILL Iglesias May 6cl


Embassy - 14 Rue Claude Bernard, Le Golfe, Algiers

Ambassador: Rafael FERNANDEZ Moya May 68

Counselor: Jose Antonio ARBEZU .Fraga May 68

Second Secretary: Jorge LORES Reyes May 68

Attache: Norberto AGRAMONTE May 68

Attache & Code Clerk: Sergio CORDOBES Martinez May 6ti

Prensa Latina Representative: Julio HERNANDEZ May 68

Prensa Latina Representative: Hugo R UIS Blein Mar 68

Prensa Latina Representative: Francisco Arturo URIZARRI Tamayo May 68

- 1 .~ L;Hest lnforma ti,'\t!. AUSTRIA

Embassy - IV, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 57, Vienna

Ambassador: Vacant

Charge d'Affaires a.i. & Permanent Representative to IAEA: Luis Orlando RODRIGUEZ Rodrtguez M.,y bH

Secretary: Fernando PRA TS M

Secretary: Armando GALANA June btl

Secretary / Typist: Elizabeth LANG (Austrian) Feb 68

Embas sy Employee: Ulrike PETROWITSCH (Austrian) J ;,n bH

Embassy Employee: Alfonso Esteve MENDIOLA (Spanish) Jan 6 I)

Embassy Employee: Maria Nicolova KACARoVA (Bulgarian) Jan 68


Embassy - Rue Robert Jones 77, Brussels 18

Ambas sador: Vacant

Charge d'Affaires, First Secretary: Carlos BETANCOURT de la Torre May OM

Secretary (Part Time): Yvonne Julia Van BADWELL (Local) May 6k

Chauffeur: Manuel GONZALEZ Rodrfguez (~~~:;;:;:~~';:11'""~~ \.~

C"nn~uJ.atf::: ~fl,~(l.t'ftlf l\nt\Vf~~1-) C ie.sed Latest Information

Embassy - No. 21, Marin Drinov Street,

Commercial Office - Aprilov No.3, Sofia

Ambassador: Felipe TORRES Trujillo April 6H

First Secretary: Carlos ALZ UGARA Y Treto May 68

Second Secretary: Tomas CASANOVA Napoles Feb 6H

Attache (Scholarship Office): Olegario VIERA Izquierdo May 611

Attache: Roberto MIJENES Navarco May 68

Commercial Counselor: Gregorio Daniel PERDOMO Garda April 6H

Commercial Attache: Eugenio DIAZ Rubio Aug 67

Position Unknown: Jorge FERNANDEZ Meneses Aug 67

Position Unknown: Armando PERDOMO Manso Mar 68

Position Unknown: Velchova ZA VERA Aug 67

Prensa Latina Representative: Fernando FERNANDEZ Revuelta April 61)

Permanent Representative of eTC to IUS Humberto GRILLO Sepulveda Sept. 67


Embas sy - l24 Moha Vithei P reah Bat Norodon, Phnom Penh

Ambas sador: Raul VALDES VivO' Feb 6i)

First Secretary: Angel BARZAGA Navas June 67

Attache: Francisco MIRET Mar 6H

Assistant: Gabriel TIEL Capote Jur.e 67

A-;::,ist;tnt: t\ d)f'n 50TO Sow Uv1adrid tviDY (,;J, - 1'/1,1;> b.­ ~:)\»

~OTE: Cuban diplomats assigned to Cambodia are also as signed to :U'L:=; \ Latest Information CANADA

Embas sy - 330 Chapel Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Ambassador: Vacant

Secretary / Accountant & Charge, a. i. : Antonio BRETON Gonz~lez M:1Y 68

Attache: Pedro RODRIGUEZ Alfonso May 61-:

Commercial Counselor: Ricat'do Belen CABRISAS Ruj.z Md.Y bH

Consulate - 125 5 University Street Montreal

Consul: Walfredo GARCIGA Oramas May 6H

Vice Consul: Manuel YOUNG Lezcano May 68

Commercial Office: 3737 Metropolitan Blvd. E. Suite 1200, Ville St. Michel, Montreal

Trade Commis sioner: Pedro SEIJO Alvarez May 68

Attache & Code Clerk: Ruben M. CAPOTE D(az May 68

Commercial Representative: Angel HERNANDEZ Gonzalez May 68

Commercial Representative: Camilo DAJER Suarez May 68

Commercial Representative: Orlando R. RODRIGUEZ Ramos May 68

Commercial Representative: Jose CANEIRO Zarabozo MrtY 6H

Cuban Freight Agency Rep: Jose R. EMBADE Martlnez (scheduled)

MAMBISAS R2presentative: A rturo CHAUMONT Portocarrero May 6:~

Auditor: Inez M. HERNANDEZ Moya (Mrs. Angel HERNANDEZ) Mcty 6S

Assistant Accountant: Guillermo OR TEGA Broton May 68

Secretary: Ana Luisa SANTIESTEBAN Pujol (Mrs. SEIJO) May 68

Teletype Operator: Evelio LASTRA Ramos May 68

Consulate .. 7'7 Y'·Irk Street, Apt. 40<

J ··n l.U

C un!o ul: liumberto CASTANEDA H"tt"dJ

1 - Latest Informahon CEYLON

Embas sy - 41, Buller's Lane, Colombo 7

Temporarily closed - Mar 68


Embas sy - Chien Hua Lu (Stret), Peking

Commercial Office - Wai Chiao Talou, E- 54, Chien Kou Men Wai, Peking

Ambassador: Vacant

Charge d'Affaires: Mauro GARCIA Triana April 68 Secretary: Viriato MORA D{az Apri16H Commercial Counselor: Jose Luis MESTRES Roca May 68 Commercial Representative: Ramon MENENDEZ Ruiz Sept 66

Position Unknown: Eduardo BARBADO Nov 67

CONGO (Brazzaville)

Embas sy - Brazzaville

Ambassador: Manuel M. AGRAMON TE Sanchez Feb 68

Third Secretary & Code Clerk: Juan SANCHEZ Meluza Dec 66 . Secretary:' Jose Antonio GARCIA Lara Sept 6~

/ Attache: Luis FUNDORA Amoros June b6

Attache: Jorge ENRIQUE Ross Nov 67

Attache: Narciso AR TEAGA Nov 67

Attache: Antonio GONZALEZ Hernandez Jan 66 Attache: Guillermo FERNANDEZ Reyes Jan. 66

Attache: Ernesto COS Kindelan Jan 66

L\ tt:l ( he: l' crn:tnd'J CI\ LIND,,) C';, 1.(-11.<1!1(':: I; i ~

1\1 i 1i ta rvA t t;~j c he: Jose' :\1./\RTI Ballester \._} ~ , f· h Latest Informahon CYPRUS

Legation - 50, Chrysanthemon Str, , Psychico, Athens

Charge d'Affaires: Vacant


Embassy - Stare zameche schody 5, Hradcany, 1

Commercial Office: Praha 2 - Vinehrady, Jugoslavia 29

Ambassador: Ernesto MELENDEZ Biachs April 68

Counselor: Rodolfo SARRACINO Magrinat April 68

Cultural Counselor: Joaquin MIRABAL Dlaz April 61:5

Fi rst Sec retary: Guillermo LOPEZ Riutort Jan 68 First Secretary: A ntonio PEREZ Caneiro May 68

Second Sectetary: Luis Manuel MAR TINEZ -CASADO Torralbas Jan 68

Third Secretary: Hector DURAN Villavicencio Jan 68

Third Secretary: Isidoro BARRIERAS Aguilar MdY 68

Secreta.ry: Eloy TRIMINO'" Jan 68

Secretary: Nilo PORTELA April 6H

Attache: Dagoberto RODRIGUEZ Nov 67

Attache: Florentino ALFONSO Jimenez Jan 6.h

Attache: Maximo LOZANO Soto Jan 68

Position Unknown: Lorenzo Antonio CASTRO Vidal Feb 68

CUBANA Representative: Orfelina MENENDEZ Apn163

Pr'ensa Latina Representative: Orlando CASTELLANOS Molina Sept 67

Prensa Latina Representative: FNU GARCIA April 68

Prensa Latina Representative: FNU POLO April 68 '-­ Sc-holal"ship Office: F ~'::..:\ (" , ~:i (' c· FLO r: C·;

s( r,olarHh"tp ()JftC~I' Luis Dr.....' Z Izq '.1.1(" rel\! t, Latest DAHOMEY Information

Embassy .,. Porto Novo

Ambassador: Vacant


Embas sy - Verterled 37, Osterbro,

Ambassador: Oscar ALCALDE Valls (Resident Stockholm) May 68

First Secretary: Tomas ALVAREZ Martlnez May 68


Legation - Tehtaankatu 4 B 15, Helsinki Vacant


Embassy - 3 Rue Scribe, Paris 9

Ambassador: Baudilio CASTELLANOS GarcIa May 6H

Counselor: Francisco RAMOS May 68

First Secretary: A rmando LOPEZ Orta (Scheduled return PCS) May 68

First Secretary: Marra Victoria CAIGNET Urena May 68

Second Secretary: Jose Manuel RODRIGUEZ Sierra May 68.

Second Secretary: Jorge SOLIS May 68

Third Secretary Miguel AMANTEGUI Perez May 68

Attache and Code Clerk: Pablo DRAKE Capilo May 68

Position Unknown: Antonio MENENDEZ Silverio May 68

Cultural Counselor: Alejo CARPENTIER Valmont May 68

Ernba s sy Secretary: C:-,ridad \1ACOI~A \1 - {, (~

n~RA;.JCF:) (to be c;;nt)nu("-) d. th(~ 'w:·' ,,:; t·, Latest Information

FRANCE (continued)

Embassy Telephone Operator: Esther Georgia MARTINEZ Oquendo May 68

Embassy Employee: Pedro MERINO Lopez May 68

Embassy Employee: Hilda FRANQUI (Mrs. ARTEAGA) May 68

Commercial Office - 15 Rue Jean Bologne, Paris 16

Commercial Counselor: Alberto BETANCOURT Roa May 68

Commercial Representative: Ricardo VIDAL Fernandez May 68

Commercial Representative: Julio AR TEAGA Almeida May 68

Commercial Representative: Florencio TOLEDO Milan May 68

Commercial Representative: Jose FERNANDEZ May 68

Commercial Representative: Roberto MENENDEZ May 68

Commercial Representative: Carlos RAMOS May 68

Commercial Office Teletypist: Manuel Eulalio OS TOS Lopez (Spanish National) May 68

Commercial Office Accountant: Candida MEDEROS (Mrs. Roberto ALVAREZ) May 68

Commercial Office Employee: Maria Teresa (Maite) ALBERRO (Local) May 68

Commercial Office Telephone Operator: Petra Concepcion BARRAGAN Garda (local Spaniard) May 68

Commercial Office Chauffeur & Admon Aid: Concepcion MON TANE aka Concha CEBALLOS (local) May 68

Commercial Office Economist: Helene STEINBER T (local) May 68

Commercial Office Empl0yf'(,· L01Jr~es MINSAL Cotarf'ln .', 1" '. ,," f~

(F'RA>;l E: (In be cOLtir".llc,j ;;; 1.h,· ·~c·' j'q.'I' Latest Information

FRANCE (Continued)

Commercial Office Employee: Mercedes MAR TINEZ Moreno May 6H

Commercial Office Employee: Pilar BASALLO de Errasti (local) May 68

Commercial Office Secretary: Elsa MASIQUES de Remade (local) May 6H

Commercial Office Economist: Louis HINCKER May 68

Commercial Office Chauffeur: NUdo ALVAREZ (Cuban National) May 68'

Prensa Latina Office ­ 15 Rue Jean Bologne, Paris 16

Head of Prensa Latina: Pedro MACHADO Fernandez May 68

Prensa Latina Employee: Elena SANCHEZ May 68

Consulate - 3 Rue Scribe, Paris 9

Consul: Alberto DIAZ Vigo May 68

Secretary: Margarita OR TEGA Marcin de Camacho May 68

Consulate - Bordeaux

Consul: Elio GROSO May 68

Consul: Marie Louise VEGA May 68

UNESCO - Paris

Head of Cuban Mission: Second Secretary: Roberto ALVAREZ Barrera May 68

P(.sitiqn lin4:nn\".'l"'.' F 1'a. n;' i:~ c ,', ~\'LA,. P 1'1": E'7 \k ~- ,.: , \ ' Latest Information EAST GERMANY

Embassy - III Berlin-Niederschoenhausen, Kietzgenstrasse 4, East Berlin

Ambassador: Hector RODRIGUEZ Llompart May 68

First Secretary: Caludio RAMOS Va:.rrego May 68

Third Secretary: Juan PERAZA Mort; Dec 67

Third Secretary: Ricardo Donato AZCUY Rodrlguez Dec 67

Attache & Code Clerk: Roman CARTAYA Melos Dec 67

Attache: Homero ALFONSO May 68

Position Unknown: Orlando BELTRAN July 67

Position Unknown: Jost; Ram6n FERNANDEZ July 67

Embassy Employee: Rolando (or Raymundo) LOPEZ Cardet July 67

Embassy Employee: Silvia NEREIDA Perez Oct 66

Embassy Employee: Lisa BARTH (local) Oct 66

Embassy Employee: Karin WALTER (local) Oct 66

Commercial Office ­ 111 Berlin-Kiederschoenhausen Pfeilstrasse 15, East Berlin

Commercial Counselor: Jesus DURAN Rodr{guez Mar 61",

Commercial Attache: Rolando SUNE SU~l"ez Feb 6H

Commercial Representative: Iv~n de ARMAS June 66

Commercial Representative: Diosdado Rodr{guez Dec 67

Commercial Representative: Ricardo AIGUESVIVES Soteros Oct 66

Commercial Representative: Mariano Hern~ndez Pacheco Dec 67

Commercial Representative: Angel PIFERRER Quiroz July 67

Commercial Representative: FNU CABRERA July 67

Translator: Oscar MARTINEZ Mar 68

Translator: Antonio BURGALETA (Spaniard) July 67

Scho1al'ship om cl'J· r~, ~:;n e }:J 1Jt .. Il)()

CUFLETRu.• HO'ir(I,.lc ~;ll? nu (,1 N ()V OA r ~~qUj I'~' ,.!,.\

1(' Latest Information GHANA

Embassy - 3ro. Circular Road Cantonments, Accra

Relations severed 27 September 1966


Embassy - 50, Rue Chryssanthemon, Psychico

Temporarily Clos ed - Mar 68


Embassy - Coleah 5 et 10 Face a E. N. B., Conakry

Ambas sador: Oscar ORAMAS Oliva May 68

First Secretary: Pedro ZAMBRANO May 68

Attache: Ricardo DIEZ Gallart Feb 68

Attache & Code Clerk: Martin ANELLO Meijides May 68

Attache: Carmelo MAR TINEZ Gonzalez May 68

Attache: Jose MELENDEZ May 68

Attache: Raul MACIAS Bravo May 68

Attache: Ramiro SAN TANA Feb 68


Embassy - II, Harangvirag Utca 3 - 5,

Commercial Office - 11, Harangvirag Utca 5, Budapest

Ambassador: Vacant

First Secretary: Miguel FIGUEROLA Ramirez April 68 Second Secretary (Scho1a rship Office): Rnr-:;:; REYF.S Sanchez \, r1 .• '

C(Jmrnercial ()unseior: ignacin LEOi': Ll('r:, ".', i ,'.; Late st In fornFl tl.,')l, ICELAND

Embassy - Reykjavik

Consul General: F. Suarez LOPEZ Calleja i\.1dY (,k


Embas sy .,. 40, Ratendone Road, New Delhi 11

Charge d'Affaires, Counselor: J. Eloy VALDES Espinosa MdC 68

Secretary: Jose' VALDES A prd be-:

Attache & Code Clerk: Nestor ALFONSO M;lr 6H

Press & Cultural Attache: Fernando GARCIA Ricardo Mdr 6H


Embas sy - 57, Djalan Teuku Umar, Djakarta

Charge d'Affaires: Jacinto A. VAZQUEZ de la Garza (In Cuba on home leave Mar 68)

Third Secretary & Charge, a.i.: Wilfredo GONZALEZ Ramlrez .\L1Y btl

Attache & Code Clerk: Juan OJEDA Farramola "viay 6i-;

Embassy Employee: Prianti SURJADARMA (local) No\' (;(,

Embassy Employee: Rachmat DEWAN TO (local) Dec b"


Legation - Villa Antil, Herzliya-Pituah

Mi.nister: Ricardo SUBIRANA y Lobo \.1.1 r h r-'

Fi.rst Sec retary: Emelio CABALLERO Rodrfguez Md r {lh

..\ - c l c' : ,I .. [ . CO j;'(j' \'i,·J. ;.. C'!,:i (. :',! ::

I > Latest Information ITALY

Embassy - Via San Valentino, 21, Rome

Ambassador: Salvador VlLASECA Forne May 68

Counselor: Fernando LOPEZ Muifio May hH

Second Secretary: Andres del RIO Gonzalez May 68

Third Secretary: Valentin Carlos CANDiA Reguera May 68

Attache & Code Clerk: Adalberto ACOSTA Morejon May 68

Switchboard Operator: Rosella CORRADINI (local) May 68

Receptionist & Chauffeur: Vittorio NERI (local) May 68

Aux / Chauffeur: Miguel BORROTO Ramos May 68

Prensa Latina Representative: Gaetano PAGANO di Melito (local) May 68

FAO Representative: Miguel GONZALEZ de Moya May 68

Commercial Office - Viale Piceno, 3, Milan

Commercial Counselor: Rolando ALVAREZ Alvarez May 68

Comm.ercial Representative: Roberto ALVAREZ Fernandez Nov 67

Consulate General - Genoa


Consulate - Via Cervantes, 55 Napoles

Consul: Vacant


Embassy - Via Ruggeri:> Fauro #25, Rome

Ambassador: Luis AMADO-BLANCO Fernandez (In Cuba since Feb 68) May 68

Charge d'Affaires. a. i. : Manuel BESABE del Val May 68

Embassy Employee (Part time): Arturo FINOCCHINI Greco (local) May 68

F.rnbassy Hecepti0nist: (>1i'1 epppAQUILINO (loc;j Jl "<1 :} ,"

Chautfeur: Pi etrn pm EDDA (i~.H'a]) . ,.ly i Latest Informatior JAMAICA

Consulate ­ 12 Camp Road (5), Kingston

Consul: Armando VELAZQUEZ Ferncindez May 68 Secretary: Raquel ALONSO Garcia (Mrs, VELAZQUEZ) May 68


Embassy ­ 23, Kasurni-cho, Azabu, Minato-Ku, Tokyo

Ambassador: Manuel Jorge CUERVO M~ndez May 68 Counselor: Francisco RAMIREZ de A rellano Iglesias May 68

First Sec retary: Edgar DIAZ Valera May 68

Attache &: Code Clerk: Guillermo SALGADO Hernandez May 68 Attache: Alberto MOREJON Almora May 6t)

Attache: Jose Ambrosio CAMPOS Abreu April bH

Commercial Office: 1-3 Kasumi-cho, Azabu, Minato-Ku, Tokyo

Commercial Counselor: Jorge MADAN Rivas May 6H

Commercial Representative (CUFLET): Ruben SUAREZ Alvarez May 6~

Commercial Office Assist: Hiraido YSTOKAZU Miyagi May 68

Consulate - #1 Yamashita, Naka-Ku, Yokohama Consul: Vacant


Embas sy - Region Taidong Kang, Munsudon, Pyongyang

Ambassador: Basilio RODRIGUEZ Rodriguez A pri). (l.K

Secretary: Vivino GARCIA del Pino May 67

Attache: Guillermo AMPUDIA Oct 67

Secretary: Roberto MULET del Valle Nov 6i

(';. ,rr"ifl; (: r,,-~ ~ a1 F~ t"' f) r~" t~' n t;:t t ... \' f'

, ",. ",,1 r L~l' 'l'() 1 /,'7 t~~ t, (""le Cjyp:' I" t.' r, t. _ pT,/ ..r:. \.. . _0 FH '; i j L r·

Pren,:;a Labr",. HPTAresentahVt~ Victor COPA ..... r, Latest Information LEBANON

Embassy - Immueble Sammakieh, Rue Mme. Curie, First Floor, Beirut

Ambassador: Carlos ALFARAS Varela (Resident Damascas) May 68

First Secr~tary & Charge, a.i.: Luis REYES Mass MdY bli

Secretary: A If:ted NAJJAR (local) MdY 68

Clerk /Typist: Nelly GARROS (local) May 68


Legation - Brussels 18, 77 Rue Roberts-Jones

Charge & First Secretary: Carlos BETANCOUR T de la Torre (Resident Brussels) May 68


Embassy - Rue Titi Niore #33, Bamako

Ambassador: Vacant

Secretary: Jose ARIAS Martinez Mar 67

Secretary & Code Clerk: Raul SUAREZ Ndfiez May 68


Embassy - Francisco Marquez 160 (Colonia Condesa), Mexico 11, D.F.

Ambassador: Joaquin HERNANDEZ Armas M.IY 68

First Sec retary: Reynaldo CEPEDA Hernandez May 68

First Secretary: Felix LUNA Mederas May 68

Sf;Ct)nd C)e( !"pt" ry: Alw/:,r,h (.-' -f.~P,r:L") F"li r,'"

~,_. I) t t·;" l"!~ ;' ", r~ .:.'1 (1\1E X I (: 0 ) ( tcr J' he ,,.. ('_.' ,;. ·1. j. ! ., . "" \;, rhe ,. Latest Informabon MEXICO (Continued)

Second Secretary: Jose de Jesus CRUZ Gonzalez May 68

I Attache & Code Clerk: Sergio TOLON Valdes May 68

Cultural Attache: Rafael VAZQUEZ Benitez Mcl.y.68

Secretary to Ambassador: Mercedes MAR TINEZ Moreno (Mrs. CRUZ) May 68

Embassy Secretary: Eneida Pela Concepcion GUERRA (Mrs. VAZQUEZ) May 68

Gateman & Receptionist: Juan Bautista CARRION de la 0 May 68

Doorman: Pedro GUERRERO Gongora May 68

Chauffeur / Pouch Catalino RAMOS Reina May 6H.

Chauffeur / Messenger: Elio SAN JUAN Piedra May 68

I Chauffeur / Messenger: Carlos RODRIGUEZ Rbdrlguez May 68

Chauffeur / Handyman: Juan ASTORGA Frometa May 68

Servant: Romulo PEREZ Rojas May 68

Consulate, Mexico City

Consul General & Third Secretary: Enrique CICARD Labrada May 68

Vice Consul: Rafael MIRABAL Fernandez MdY 68

Secretary: Susana GUERRA Crespo (Mrs. SAN JUAN) M;lY 68

Receptionist: Catalina FUENTES Sarduy (Mrs. CEPERO) MolY 60

Employee: Rosa GUZMAN Pe'rez (Mrs. LUNA) May bB

Commerdal Office - Francisco Marquez 160 (Colonia Condesa), I • \/~ '.- ~. it",' • J

{:Y1E X 1(' Cn (to be (' ,.:en 1FlU!;' C;. I r"; .• Liite::i t Information MEXICO (Continued)

Commercial Counselor: Sergio MAR TINEZ Barroso May 68

Commercial Attache: Edgardo Obdulio VALDES Suarez May 68

Commercial Rep (EMPRESAS): Hugo del PINO Covas M;tj h8

Secretary: Rolando ESTEVA MacMaster (10 cal) May 68

Secretary: Olga GONZALEZ Martinez (Mrs. MAR TINEZ) May 68

CUBANA Office, Mexico City

General Manager: Gerardo CEPERO Gallardo May 68

Deputy Manager: Jorge ROJAS Mendoza (local) May 68

Employee: Guillermo GARCIA Romero (local) May 68

Employee: Bonifacio MARTINEZ (local) May b8

Employee: Salvador SAMANO (local) May 68

Employee: Domitilo SERNA (local) May 68

Employee: Virginia de JENNY (Nicaraguan) May 68

Employee: Pedro J. ALDAMA MdY 68

Prensa Latina

Editor in Chief: Sergio PINEDA May 68

Correspondent: Jose Carlos FERREIRA Carrasco May f,H

Accountant: Francisco Carlos ACEVEDO Moreno M;cty 68

Assistant Bookkeeper: Maria Elena CHAZARO M,ty 68

Messenger: Efren V EGA Lozada May 68

Messenger: Anastasio Jose LOPEZ

i"il- l~n;:-:1,,;U e"i

(MEXICO) (to be cU,:t:CU"f; ir. \,.;,~ , <:') Latest Information

MEXICO (Continued)

Radio Operator: Alfonso HERNANDEZ Dlaz May 6t1

Radio Technician: Ernesto CORTES Nolasco MdY 68

Radio Operator: Cesar BALLESTEROS Sandoval May 6H

I Radio Operator: Oscar JIMENEZ SolIs May 6H

Typist: Maria J osefina NIZIO Montes May bH

Printer: Eduardo ROBLEDO Calderon May 68

Position Unknown: Guillermo TREJO Oviedo May 68

Consulate - Calle 22 #203, C y D, Colonia I Garcia Gineres, Merida

I Vice Consul: Carlos GONZALEZ Santana May 68

Vice Consul: Jose Antonio NA VARRO Salas May 6H

Consulate - Aurora #101 Norte Apt. 3-2, Tampico

Consul: Luis Ismael CRUZ Arce May 6H

Consulate - Miguel Lerdo, 137, Vera Cruz

I Consul: Lino Fernando SALAZAR Chia May 68


Embassy - Hotel Ulan Bator, Ulan Bator

Charge d tAffaires: Felix CAPOTE Andreu 0, t (1

-I bi rd ~~e, ret;;.ry' \\ ~r{;~ J,·~~.t·td21 I'l£~n;,," ~::.l~,,",· l.,;1 te s t lnforlnatinn MOROCCO

Embassy - 30 Ave. Ibn Zhaldoren, Rabat

Ambas sador: Enrique RODRIGUEZ- LOECHES Fernandez M,ly 6H

Secretary: Orlando PENA Romero 1\1.. 'y 6K

Attache: A rsenio TOLEDO Agnerrebe re Moll' (,h

Commercial Counselor: Felix Manuel VALDES Vivo M<1\ i.K

Embassy Employee: Felipe LEMUS Gato (local) May 6H

Commercial Office ­ No. 23 Rue Chateaubriand, Casablanca

Director/Cuba Control: Luis SUAREZ Barreras May btl

Assistant Director/ Cuba Control: Nelson VA LDEZ Gonzalez May 68 Secretary/Cuba Control: Maria del Carmen GARCIA May 68


Embassy - 244, Benoordenhoutseweg, The Hague

Ambas sador: Carlos MARISTANY Sanchez May 68

Commercial Office - Ruychrocklaan 208, The Hague

Commercial Counselor: Aido RODRIGUEZ Camps May 68

Commercial Attache: Arturo MENDOZA Gil May 6H

CUBATABAC Representative: Juan (Ivan) BOULLON Morgado MCiY 68

ALIMPOR T Representative: Ortelio SANCHEZ Ponce MdY 68

Commercial Office Secretary: Esther Lilia Chinea VEREZ May 68

Commercial Office Employee: Marta Rebecca ALBARRAN Pedroso Met y (>I)

Commercial Office Employee: Ada CABRERA Milian (Mrs. MENDOZA) IVLI y 68

Commercial Office Employee: Maria AMARO Nederos M.IY flO

Cuban S,hipping Representation, Rotterdam

CUFLET Representative: Jose Luis de ARMAS Gonzalez May 68

I MAMBISAS Representative: Germinal GARCIA More May 6~

CUFLET Representative: " "', LOPEZ Alvart>;;

ErnploVf:'(' . Carmen /.l!l,CF:TA ( ,,' I,'

r: fi ; P1 ,)' (~( • Eva l-S ELLO Perez Latest InforrnahUll


Embassy - 2 Guilleraasveien Slemdal, Oslo

Ambassador: Vacant


Embassy - Darul Aman, 30, Block 7/8, Drigh Road, Karachi

Charge d'Affaires: Alberto VELAZCO San Jos~ April bH


Embassy - Jana Paska 21, Warsayv (Commercial Office combined)

Ambassador: Vacant

First Sec retary & Charge a.i. : Carlos J-. PEREZ Cabrera May 6H , Secretary: Jesus E. MENDIZABAL Perez April 6H

I Attache: Carlos P. BENET Perez Jan 68

Commercial Attache: Danilo SOTOLONGO Hern..{ndez Jan 68

Commercial Counselor: Mauro A. CARRACEDO Danza May 6H

Scholarship Office: Hector RIVERO Suarez May /,H


Legation - Rua de Pascoal de Melo, #127, 2nd Floor, Lisbon 1

Charpe d'A!Jz,irc'i" h.'dSf'l FEhNt\KIHJ ».i r;~l.1 Latest Information


Embas sy - Intrarca A rmasului No. 14,

Ambassador: Vacant

Charge d'Affaires, a. i. : Zenen B UERGO May 6H

Second Secretary: Omar MORALES Bazo Jan 6H

Commercial Attache: Carlos LUGO RodrlguezI Jan 68

Position Unknown: Eugenio (or Enrique) LATOUR Mancilla May 6H

Ministry of Mining Representative: Augustin NAVARRET TE Sarlabous May 68

Translator: Alejandro CALCIV (local?) Nov 67


Embassy - Juan de Mena 8, Madrid

Charge d'Affaires: Guillermo Orestes RUIZ P~rez May 6H

First Secretary: Hector Pascual GALLO Portieles May 68

Second Secretary/Press Attache: Aristides DIAZ Rovirosa May 68

A ttache (Sec retary to R UIZ): Vera BORODOWSKY Jackievich May 68

Attache: Jose DIAZ Puga May 68

Attache & Code Clerk: A rmando SARDINAS'" GarciaI May 68

Auxiliary: Ruben SOTO Soto (May be TDY) May 68

• I Chauffeur: Juan FRANCO Jlmenez (local) May 68

Cook: Severina ORTIZ G6mez (local) May 68

{SPAIN; (to be c':;fltcl1\II'd,:, the Latest Inlornlabon SPAIN (Continued)

Consulate - Nufiez de Balboa, 22, Madrid

Consul: Tomas Antonio Horacio FUENTES Mart{nez M.,y 68

Secretary: Concepcion "Concha" FRANCO Jimenez (local) I'vldY bH

Commercial Office - Fuencarral 45, Madrid

Commercial Counselor: Ricardo ESPINO Martinez \l.lY 6H

; Assistant Commercial Counselor: Humberto PILaTO Fuentes MclY 6H

Commercial Representative: Ernesto Juan REGALADO Izquierdo M.1Y 68

Commercial Representative: Jose LEON Garda MdY hK

Telex Operator: Mario CHA VEZ Campa May 68

Representative of the Cuban Book Institute: Jose Manuel CASTRO RodrIguez May 68

Accountant: Ada BLANCO (Wife of Mario CHA VEZ Campa) \1;IY 68

Typist: Haydee SHIMIZU Legurburu (Wife of Jose LEON Garda) May 68

Commercial Representative: Carlos MESA Gonzalez .\1ay 68

Employee: Jose ALONSO Marcos (local) May btl

Secretary: Natividad "Nati" ARRIBAS (local) May t.8"

Messenger: Vicente HUER TAS Frutos (local) M:,y 68

Secretary: Inez CUERVO Lopez (Iocal) \1.1j b 8

Secretary: Adoracion IIDorita" MARCANO Pastor (local) May 61:5 c, " Messenger: Ju~n GARCIA Rubio (local) May {-)?J,

(~-;J':\l"\) ~'l,U t:,e ! ::.• nt~

Servant: Vicenta MAR TIN (local) May 68

CUBAN,4. - Fuencarral 45, Madrid

CUBANA Representative in Madrid: Orlando ERIGOLLA Garcia 1\;1;')1 bg (Scheduled return Cuba PCS)

Employee: Jose l-luis ANGOSO (local) M1Y (,K

Barcelona Consulate General - Paseo de Garcia 45

I Consul General: Manuel ES TEVEZ Perez May 6~

Secretary: Maria del Carmen BERARD Luaces (Daughter of Angel BERARD Gonzalez) May 68

Secretary: Gloria Maria MOLERO Espinosa (local) Aug 68

Barcelona Commercial Office CUFLET Representative: Angel L. BERARD Gonzalez M;ty 6K

MAMBISAS Representative: Daniel "Pepin" ALVAREZ Rubiera May 615

MA MBISAS Official: Jesus LAVINAS Comas May 68 MAMBISAS Official (Ship repairs): Dionisio LOZANO Vergel May 68· MAMBISAS Official: Nelson CASTRO May 6t1

CUBACONTROL Representative: Renata VALDEZ Santana May ()S


National Fishing Institute Rep: Diego COBAs Ladeaux May 68

Employee: Lourdes LOPEZ Valdez May 68 Employee: Juana T. LUACES (Wife of Angel BERARD Gonzalez) M;lY 6,'5

Employee: URRUTIA - (Probably Vicente URRUTIA Nadal) (local) May 60

Employee: Josefina MA YOS (local) .\:1:\ y 6:-,

Sevilla Consulate - Avenida de la Victoria 32 Vacant

Vigo Consulate - Marque's de Valladeros 29- 31

Cc:nSill: t"l ("(i r') ;\ i~t. 'j. r· ~ '1 ..:";. ~ ','f\ z > ..,",. • j •• '

Shivbuildini! ( '.n~·.nhti.on PJ'p: Rnge1lO UIA 7, P.;H" Latest Information SWEDEN

Embassy - Sandhamnsgatan 40, Stockholm

Alllbas sador: Oscar ALCALDE Valls May 68

First Secretary: Ernesto LOPEZ Paz May 6~

Second Secretary: Demetrio RUANO Ramos May 68

Embas sy Employee: Antonio SARVISE (local) Dec 66

Commercial Counselor: Guillermo MOLINA .Tun 68

Commercial Representative: Maria V. Fernandez (Mrs. MOLINA) Jun 68

Consulate - Marklandsgatan 33, Goteborg SV

C~nsul: Vacant


Embas sy - 1 Kramburgstrass e, Bern

Ambassador: Americo CRUZ Fern;:(ndez May 68

~ Second Secretary: Orestes BARREDA Perez May 6~

Secretary/Steno (Part time): Maria de los Dolores GALVEZ Penna y Ferrero (Swis s) N,)v 67

UN European Office - 72 Rue de Lausanne, Geneva

Ambassador &: Permanent Rep: Mario GARCIA Inchaustegui May 68

First Secretary: Frank ORTIZ RodrIguez May b8

Attache &: Code Clerk: Jose MASCARREL Santana .\1ay 6S

Attache: Rene PEREZ Acosta May b1:\

Attache: A leida GUTIERREZ A·; f' _ 'J'" '""';::, (\11'''. PSB F.7 \ ". i " \' {

{~~\t~:'rl1CRL}\1\~D) (to b(~ ,,-cr :~;'. c'·

. ') t _ Latest SWITZERLAND (Continued) InformatiCJn

Counselor: Santiago E. DIAZ Paz June 68

Commercial Counselor: Agustin SANCHEZ Gonzalez May btl

International Organizations in Geneva

Training, Examination & Social Welfare, Staff Services, UN

Chief: Maurice ARDITTI M.1.Y 6tl

Steno Section, Document Services Branch, Relations & Conference Department, International Labor Organization

Chief: Rosa DALY Baktos May 6~ Department of External Affairs, International Telecommunications Union Documentation Assistant: Mrs. Vicente JANARIZ


Embassy - 82 Avenue Al Jala Iamueble, Hassan Hachen Apt. Z Damascus

Ambassador: Dr. Carlos ALFARAS Varela M

First Secretary: Luis MARISY Figueredo May 6H

Attache: Edelberto ALBA Puentes Oct 67

Attache: Manuel MEDINA Pe'rez Mar 68


Embas sy - Plot 313, Upanga, Dar-es-Salaam

Ambassador: Alipio ZORRILLA Mazorra May A8

First Secretary: Jose F. ROSS Paz May 68

Third Secretary: A ngel NICHOLAS Evans 1\1;;y 68

Press Attache: Reinaldo LEGON Badillo May 68

Attache: Horacio FERNANDEZ Fleitas MdY 68

Attache: Miguel Angel DINZA M

Technician at!" rl'h1 S 8V: Paulo EXCLARACEN TO T? n f-, ~ L"test In10 T" n1a ti(, f, UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC

Embas sy - Villa no. 1. Rue Sennan Dokki

Commercial Office ­ 31 Rue Ismail Mohamed. Zamalek. Cairo

Ambassador: Vacant

Counselor: Raul FORNELL Delgado [< ([) l' h

First Secretary: Felipe ALVAREZ Rosa M'ly 6H

Second Secretary: Dr. Carlos DIAZ Larranaga May 6K

Attache: Justo DIAZ Valero M:IY hH

Attache: Gilberto DIAZ Palomo MdY 68

Attache: Luis TAMAYO Perez \:1. I Y () 8

Attache: Rene GONZALEZ Ag~ilera :\'1,1 \' h K

Attache: Jorge M. DIAZ Estrada :-'L1Y ()K

Commercial Counselor: Juan MORO Sarabia M;lY 6~


Embassy - 60 Portland Place, WI. London .., Ambas sadress: Alba GRINAN Nunez M;IY 6ii

Counselor: Orestes ALVAREZ Viera May i),,",­

First Secretary: Gladys VELOSO Estevez (Mrs. ALVAREZ) \Ll'! I,K

Consul & Second Secretary: Justo Luis BETANCOURT .\1,'1 6H

Second Secretary: Guido SANCHEZ Robert 'vLl y t,(j

Attache: Ruben Rafael FRANCO Gonz.{lez M .. Y G()

Attache & Code Clerk: Roberto FRIAS Guilles MdY 6K

t.~ -;)f~ ~,' ~" H fl ( e'} J ti ('.I n ~, ~,:i t . t·:! :'; tJ-: f /\. ( 1r.:, l'

{IJ'~\.:l'rr~r~; J~(Jr)Olv1) (t f ' Lt!~ 'l.",·'·l, ~t;\/'l t, ·~.l L"ltes1 UNITED KINGDOM (Continued) lnloYrn,1 ;." ,'II

Embassy Translator: Ana PORTELA Jacob lv1 d Y 6 K Embas sy Chauffeur: Jose Antonio DIAZ Mazor May 61-> Embas sy Employee: Eu::,ebio Antonio LA LA !,O :V1.l 'i ',,,

Commercial Office - Plantation House, Minr.::i.ng Lane. E, C, 3, London

Commercial Counselor: Dionisj.:> ARRAN Z Tremolo fVl d I t,_:-'

Secretary to ARRANZ: Blanca CALVET f'v1.1 Y to h

Commercial Counselor to Int'l Conferences, Francisco IGLESIAS Iglesias M'ly bK Commercial Attache: Mercedes BUSTELO Dom{nguez (Mrs. ARRANZ) i\lLIY 6 »

Commercial Representative: Ernesto RODRIGUEZ Cue 'VLly bH

Commercial Representative: Orlando ROMERO Merida M.lY btl

Commercial Representative: Agustfn LASTRA Fuentes M.,y fd:->

Head of Administration: Oscar SOLANO Cordero I\LIY 61')

Administrative Officer: Ofilia ALVAREZ May h:--:

Administrative Officer: Alberto RIOS fvL1. y 60

CUFLET Representative: Francisco SOBERON Valde's .f'ln 6x

• I TELEX Operator: Guzman TORRES PadrGn \/"y (,r-;

TELEX Operator: Lorenzo CASAS Borrego fvLIY 60

TELEX Operator: Jorge Luis PLACE GonzaJe2 MdY (,0

TELEX Operator: Felix SUAREZ Brito ;'vi d Y r) K

CUFLET Teletype Operator: Luis Miguel BEDIA Laguna :VLl Y (, t;

Clerk: Carlos VICEN TI M dy ()~) Clerk: Sergio REVELLO M.IY 1,:-,

Clerk: F~lix MORENO Perez Iv1dv r)~

Employee: Luis NAPOLES :Vi-l,' fJt:

I Employee: Norma MontaneI' Garcia (Mrs. BEDIA) lvLt Y (> ,j

Technician: Epifanio HERNANDEZ Ma rtlnez 1\ prl~ n h

CUBANA Representative: Pablo de Jesus SARDUY Darias :\Lty b~

Consulate General - Tho Tjo Mansion, 23B, Ventris Road, 7th Floor, Happy V"Uey. Hong KOl,g

Cf:,nsul. CI'lH- y,'-. ",J <,::1 r; L

C(;n.sul ir~ ( 1,,11, v€" ;"1ar!nel 1\ 0 1.1) E>... ELI r:. ~" " Latest Informahon USSR

Embassy - Pomerantsev Pieruluk #6,

Ambas sador: Raul GARCIA Pal~ez May 68

Counselor: Roberto PAVON Tamayo l\ P r i 1 () K

Couns elor (Scholarhip Office): Hilario IZNAGA Bernal i\1;1 Y be

Cultural Counselor: Luis SUAREZ Diaz May 68

First Secretary: Manuel LEFRAN Ma r 6cs

First Secretary: Orlando PEREIRA Gonzalez M,lr 68

First Sec retary: Angela ALONSO Gonzcilez ,I ;In tJ(\

Second Secretary: Roberto VALDES Munoz Ft~b 68

Second Secretary: C. SANCHEZ Rojas ,1,111 e,K

Second Secretary: R. RODRIGUEZ Sainz Jan 68

Third Secretary: Nelson NUEVAS Martinez ,I ,In 68

Thi rd Sec retary: A lcibiades MUNOZ Gutierrez Jan 68

Third Sec retary: Alexander FUEN TES ,I an 68

Secretary: Carlos SANCHEZ Bosquet April (, h

Military Attache: Manuel del PESO Ceballos April 6k

Military Attache: Narciso FERNANDEZ Suarez A pnl t,K

Military Attache: A. MOREL Simono Jan b to

Military Attache: J. MEDINA Martin Jan 68

Attache: R. NEGRIN Tasis J ,IlL 6H

Attache: Tomas FERNANDEZ M;ty 6K

Attache: Manuel POZO Nunez April 6H

Attache: J. RENSOLI Gil Jan 6H

Attache: ).:;,"bl-: 1 F;t~_~F.·:L\ F~ ~v1.;ttl! ~

(USSR} (to bf:' (' i'h;,tlt ;;..' Latest Information

USSR (Continued)

Attache: Higinio MARTIN Tarife .r an 6 ~

Attache: L. F. VAZQUEZ Vazquezf Ja.n 68

Attache: Jaime (Jimmy) RIVEIRO Lamazares (AALAPSO Rep) MdY 68

Attache: Sra. Regina MAR TINEZ Moncrieffe (Mrs. Alexander FUENTES) Jan 68

Attache: Loraine A VILA Sardinas Jan 6 H

Attache: Luis MOREJON Valladares Jan 68

Attache: P. RODRIGUEZ Barreiro ,Lt n 68

Attache: Armando PICHEL Comenero ,Idtl 68

Attache: Juan ESENA T Camps Jan 68

Position Unknown: Sandra FAXAS Nov 67

Commercial Office ­ Moscow G- 34, Pomerantsev, No.8, Moscow

Commercial Counselor: Jose de la FUENTE Menendez May 68

Commercial Attache: Adalberto DOMINGO Cabrera Jan 68

Commercial Attache: Rolando PEREZ Hernandez Jan 68

CUBANA Representative: Luis ROYO A pr~ 1 6b

Prensa Latina Representative: A lberto SAN TANA April 6d

Consulate Odessa

Consul: Raul PERDOMO Gonzalez April 68 Latest Informahon


Embassy - 65, Ly Thuong Kiet, Hanoi

Ambassador: Julio GARCIA Olivera (Cmdte) (In Cuba April 68)

First Secretary: Pedro Enrique BUENO Planas Jan 6i:)

Third Secretary & Code Clerk: Eugenio ESCARRA Rodriguez Jan 67

Third Secretary: Osvaldo DIAZ Rodr{guez Feb 6tl

Military Attache: Manuel BRAVO Yanes (Capt) Jan 6H

Assistant Military Attache: Eduardo MOREJON Estevez Jan 67

Assistant Military Attache: Guillermo FRANK Yanes Jan 68

Air Attache: Jose MILAN Santana Jan 67

Attache: Efra(n CORREA .1 une 6K

Position Unknown: First Lt. Rene VALLINA April (,c;

Prensa Latina Representative: Joaqu{n CRESPO Daga May 68

Special Correspondent: Lt. Roger GONZALEZ Guerrero Dec 68


Embassy - Nemanjina 2l/Ill. Belgrad

Ambassador: Jose Luis PEREZ Hern~ndez (In Cuba March 68)

First Secretary: Manuel GUILLOT Perez Mar 68

Second Secretary: A lfonso FRAGA Jan 68

Attache & Code Clerk: Ibrahim Antonio HARO Alvarez Jan 68

Commercial Office ­ Hajduk Veljkov Venac 2/v, Belgrad

Commercial Counselor: Orlando HERNANDEZ \1 ~t Y f,;-'

O , < t- \-. c' C' <')f11rl''',prc !'::i i , , r. .' l' '.'-:.." '-; r." ; .~] r {J u. C .t ~ , ; Latest Informabon


Mission - 6 East 67th Street. New York, New York 10021

Ambassador. Permanent Rep: Ricardo ALARCON Quesada May 6tl

Counselor: Jorge Alberto BOLANOS Suarez May 68

First Secretary: Jesus Jim~nez Escobar May 68

First Secretary: Carlos MORALES Quevedo May 68

First Secretary: Jos~ Raill VIERA Linares May 68

First Secretary: Rogelio RODRIGUEZ Lopez May 68

Second Secretary: Jorge E. REYES Vega May 68

Second Secretary: Cecilia ANDRE Sardain May 68

Third Secretary: Lazaro "Eddy" ESPINOSA Bonet May 68

Third Secretary: Pedro Luis PINERO Eirin May 68

Attache: Miguel Manuel SANTANA Fraiz May 68

Attache: Gustavo Adolfo PLAZA Petersen I'vlay 61)

Attache: Rolando CONDE Figueredo May 68

Attache & Code Clerk: Roberto GUERRA Gonz,Hez May 68

Attache & Code Clerk: Rafael AGUILERA Batista (scheduled)

Director of Prensa Latina: Francisco VALDES-POR TELA Estevez .r nne 68

Assistant: Alfonso VILLACOR TA J nne 68

'j . - A -

Acevedo Moreno, Francisco Carlos Mexico Acosta Morej6n, Adelberto Italy Agramonte Sanchez, Manuel M. Congo (Brazzaville) Agramonte, Norberto Algeria Aguilera Batista, Rafael United Nations Aiguesvives Soteros, Ricardo East Germany Alfaras Varela, Carlos Lebanon Alfaras Varelas, Dr. Carlos Syna Albezu Fraga, Jose Antonio Algeria Alzugaray Treto, Carlos Bulgaria Alfonso Jimenez, Florentino Czechoslovakia Alcalde Valls, Oscar Denmark Alvarez Martrnez, Tomas Denmark Alberro, Marla Teresa France Alvarez, Nildo France Alvarez Barrera, Roberto France Alfonso, Homero East Germany Alfonso, Nestor India Alvarez Alvarez, Rolando Italy Alvarez Fernandez, Roberto Italy Alonso Garcla, Raquel Jamaica Ampudia, Guillermo North Korea Aldama, Pedro J. Mexico Albarran Pedroso, Marta Rebeca Netherland Alonso Marcos, Jose Spain Alvarez Rubiera, Daniel (Pepin) Spain Alcalde Valls, Oscar Sweden Alba Puentes, Edelberto Syria Alvarez Rosas, Felipe United Arab Republic Alvarez Viera, Orestes United Kingdom Alvarez, Ocilia United Kingdom Alonso Gonzalez, Angela USSR Alarc6n Quesada, Ricardo United Nations Amantegui Perez, Miguel France Amaro Mederos, Marta Netherlands Anillo Meijides, Martfn Guinea Angoso, Jose Luis Spain Andr~ Sardain, Cecilia U nitedNati0 n s Aquilino, Giuseppe Vatican Arteaga, Narciso Congo (Brazzaville) A rteaga A 1meida, Julio France Armas, Ivan D. East Germany Arias Martrnez, Jose Mali Armas Gonzalez, Jose Luis D. Netherlands Arribas, Natividad (Natti) Spain A rditti, Maurice Switzerland Arranz Tremolo, Dionisio United Kingdom A:~ t.o rgil F nSDH>t:>. T';.a>'". "~/.·Ct,l e~':lia f\''';'11d 5:'J"rda" __ 1 (, <

/.\ z (. 1.:1~~' Ft oft .,...( gue.7 \0 T{ t. card 0 I-j( J n.a, t() r ; ~ , - B -

Bada Gonz.Hez, Pedro Arturo Spain Ballesteros Sandoval, Cesar Mexico " Balzaga Navas, Angel Cambodia Barbado, Eduardo China Barth, Lisa East Germ;wy Barragan Garcra, Petra Concepci6n France Barreda Perez, Orestes Switzerland Barrieras Aguilar, Isidoro C zechoslov:,k i3. Basallo de Errasti, Pilar F Jaffee Bauwell Yvonne, Julia Van Belgium Betancourt de la Torre, Carlos Belgium Betancourt de la Torre, Carlos Luxembourg Betancourt Roa, Alberto France Betancourt, Justo Luis United Kingdom Bedia Laguna, Luis Miguel United Kingdom Bello Perez, Eva N eiherlands Besabe' del Val, Manuel Vatican Beltrifn, Orlando East Gertnany Belard Luaces, Marra del Carmen Spain Belard Gonz~lez, Angel L. Spain Benet Perez, Carlos P. Poland Blanco Fernandez, Luis Amado Vatican Blanco, Ada Spain Borodowsky Jackievich, Vera Spain Borroto Ramos, Miguel Italy Bolanos Su~rez, Jorge Alberto U nitedNati 0 n s Bou1l6n Morgado, Juan (Iv~n) Netherlands Bravo Yanes, Manuel North Vietnam Breton Gonz~lez, Antonio Canada Buergo, Zenen Rumania Burgaleta, Antonio East Germany Bueno Planas, Pedro Enrique North Vietnam Bustelo Dornrnguez, Mercedes United Kingdom

- C -

Caballero Rodriguez, Emelio Israel Cabrera, FN U East Germany Cabrera Milian, Ada Netherlands Cabrisas Ruiz, Ricardo Belen Canada Caignet U rena, Marra Victoria France Calciv, Alejandro Rumania Calvet, Blanca United Kll1gdorn Campos Abreu, Jose Ambrosio Japan Caneiro Zarabozo, J os~ Canada Candia Reguera, Valentrn Carlos Italy Capote Andreu, Felix Mongolia

{';.,pc:tf) r)(:~".i' ?:l1"-,·P, ~\.1 ~ " ~ .~ ; , .-~ "'"1

(··,_~r·l)(~nf;.f·r \. .j~ l:,·n.t, /-'\le5~~' ! r-t~;"' (~ , . l~'irtaya \~,:'t':~ L'<~ \J'tJn t·j; i '" .; i:' ; ;'

( •..1 t' r ; I-; n rJ f' I ) 11:" n 1';1 u rJ f; t a '\,1 p ;~' ii,' - C - (Continued)

Casas Borrego. Lorenzo United Kingdom Casanova Napoles, Tom~s Bulgaria Castaneda Barb~n, Humberto Canada Castellanos Molina, Orlando C zechoslovakia Castellanos Garci'a, Baudilio France Castro Vidal, Lorenzo Antonio Czechoslovakia Castro Rodrfguez, Jose Manuel Spain Castro, Nelson Spain Cepeda Hern~ndez, Reinaldo Mexico Cepero Gallardo. Gerardo Mexico Cieard Labrada, Enrique Mexico Conill, Iglesias, Gilberto Albania Cordoves Marti'nez, Sergio Algeria Cos Kindel~n, Ernesto Congo Corradini, Rosella Italy Copa, V{cto r North Korea Cortes Nolasco, Ernesto Mexico Cobas Ladeaux, Diego Spain Conde Figueredo, Rolando United Nations Correa, Efrain North Vietnam Crespo Daga, Joaqui'n North Vietnam Cruz Fern~ndez, Americo Switzerland Cruz A ree, Luis Ismael Mexico C ruz Gonz~lez, Jose de Jesus Mexico Curbelo Padron, Abelardo Mexico Cuervo Mendez, Manuel Jorge Japan Cuerpo Lopez, Inez Spain

- CH -

Chaumont Portoearrero, Arturo Canada Ch~vez Campa, Mario Spain Chazaro, Marla Elena Mexico Chinea Verez, Esther Lilia Netherland

- D -

Dajer Su~rez, Camilo Canada Dally Baktos, Rosa Switzerland Dewanto, Rachmat Indonesia D{az Rubio, Eugenio Bulgaria D{az Valera, Edgar Japan Draz Rovirosa, A rlstides Spain Di'az Puga, J ose Spain Di'az Perez, Rogelio Spain D{az Paz, Santiago E. Switzerland D{az Izquierdo, Luis Czechoslovakia D{az Larranaga. Dr. Carlos l:n;i€,,

Di'";r;t "L: ""11,) n ,I, 1 {.,It l~ r tu . ~ It .. " ,[ ',i ',f' uraz E,f,tr:.,·l") ,',.,t;:f' \-1, 1'", !, d ",,~ *" '\rfr'I" - D - (Continued)

Di'az Vigo, Alberto France Di'az Rod rfguez, Oswaldo North Vietnam Diez Gallart, Ricardo Guinea Dinza, Miguel Angel Tanzania Domingo Cabrera, Adelberto URSS Drake Capilo, Pablo France Dur~n Villavicencio, Hector C zechoslov


Embade, Jose R. Canada Enrique Ross, Jorge Congo Erigolla Garcla, Orlando Spain Ensenat Camps, Juan URSS Escarra Rodrlguez, Eugenio North Vietnam Espinosa Bonet, Lazaro (Eddy) United Nations Espino Mart{nez, Ricardo Spain Esteva MacMaster, Rolando Mexico Estevez Perez, Manuel Spain Exclaracento, Paulo Tanzania


Faxas, Sandra USRR Fernc{ndez Moya, Rafael Algeria Fern~ndez Meneses, Jorge Bulgaria Fernc{ndez Revuel~, Fernando Bulgaria Fernc{ndez Reyes, Guillermo Congo Fern~ndez, Jose France Fernc{ndez, Jose Ram6n East Germany Fern~ndez Sardinas, Rafael Portugal Fernc{ndez, Marra V. Sweden Fern~ndez Fleitas, Horacio Tanzania Fern~ndez Su~rez, Narciso URSS Fern~ndez, Tom~s URSS Ferreira Carrasco, Jose Carlos Mexico Figuerola Ramlrez, Miguel Hungary Finocchitli Greco, Arturo Vatican Flores, Francisco Czechoslovakia Fornell Delgado, Raul United Arab Republic Franco Jimenez, Juan Spain Franco Jimenez, Concepci6n Spain Franco Gonz~lez, Ruben Rafael United Kingdom Fraga, Alfonso Yugoslavia Frank Yanes, Guillermo North Vietnam Fr{as Guilles, Roberto United Kingdom Franqui, Hilda France F' ~>1 n d (} 'f ~~1 J\ ~ t", ., :'(: .; "11 ;..; (' ! t~t"r:tf·"; !'..... t.E:r:(;,dt·,l:, .;\)f-{ dt:~ li:~i

r' u (~n t e" ~ ~-:. r' : .~: \. (' ,j ta } i r~;) ~ ': t .~. ;

, it -. ': ~ t ~!.t .. , 'rUf)L~~'':: i\ :::" !l!O }·~,~'r';Jc'ii: - G -

Galana, Armando Austria Galindo Castellanos, Fernando Congo Galvez Penna Ferrero, Marla de los Dolores Switzerland Callo Portieles, Hector Pascual Spain GarcIa Lara, Jose Antonio Congo GarcIa, FNU C zechos10v;, k ia GarCIa Ricardo, Fernando India Garc{a del Pino, Vivino N oyth Ku rlc;, Garcia Romero, Guillermo Mexi(:o Garcia, Maria del Carmen Morocco Garcia More; Germinal N etherlancls Garc{a Triana, Mauro China Garc{a Rubio, Juan Spain Garc{a Inchaustegui, Mario Switzerlands Garc{a Palaez, Raul URSS Garc{a Olivera, Julio North Vietnalll Garciga Dramas, Walfredo Canada Gaya, Ram6n Spain Garros, Nelly Lebanon Gonzalez Rodr{guez, Manuel Belgium Gonzalez Hernandez, Antonio Congo Gonzalez Ramfrez, Wilfredo Indonesia Gonzalez de Moya, Miguel Italy Gonzalez Martrnez, Olga Mexico Gonzalez Santana, Carlos Mexico Gonzalez Aguilera, Rene United Arab H.epubhc Gonzalez Guerrero, Roger North Vietnam Grillo Sepulveda, Humberto Bulgaria Grillan NUiiez, Alba United Kingdom Groso, Eho France Guerra, Eneida Pela Concepci6n Mexico Guerra Crespo, Susana Mexico Guerra Gonzalez, Roberto United N a hons Guerrero Gongora, Pedro Mexico Guillot Perez, Manuel Yugoslavia Gutierrez A ceguera, Aleida Switzerland Guzman Perez, Rosa Mexico


Haro Alvarez, Ibrahim Antonio Yugoslavia Hernandez, Julia Algeria Hern~ndez Gonzalez, Angel Canada Hernandez Moya, Ines M. Canada Hernandez Pacheco, Mariano East Germany Hernandez Armas, J oaqufn Mexico Hernandez Diaz, Alfonso Mexico Hernandez, Marra Isabel Mongolia F!t'~·~l!,:~,.~lf:. .: \,1 -",:,~ ... ~ : ~'{.~

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Igleisas Iglesias, Francisco United Kingdom Iznaga Bernal, Hilario URSS


Jackson, Elizabeth E. United Kingd;lm Janariz, Mrs. Vicente Switz,erl::tnd Jenny, Virginia de Mexico Jim~nez Solts, Oscar Mexico Jim~nez Escobar, Jesus U nitedNatiun s


Kacarova, Marfa Nicolova Austria


Lang, Elizabeth Austria Lastra Fuen tes, Agustin United Kingdorn Lastra Ramos, EueHo Canada Latour Mancilla, Eugenio (0 Enrique) Humania Lavifias Comas, Jesus Spain Lazaro, Eus ebio Antonio United Kingdom Lefran, Manuel URSS Legon Badillo, Reinaldo Tanzania Lemus Gato, Felipe Morocco Le6n Garcta, J os~ Spain Le6n Llera, Ignacio Hungary Lopez Vald~s, Lourdes Spain Lopez Riutort, Guillermo C zechoslov:lkia Lopez Paz, Ernesto Sweden Lopez Horta, Armando France Lopez Calcet. Rolando (0 Raimundo) East Germany Lopez Mulne. Fernando Italy Lopez HeTn~ndez. Anastasio Jos~ Mexico Lopez Alv::t:rez., Silvio Netherlands Lares Reyes, Jorge Algeria Lozano Vergel, Dionisio Spain Lozano Soto, Maximo C zechoslovcikiCi Luaces, Juana T. Spain Lugo Rodr:L"guez, Carlos Rumania Luna Mederos, Felix Mexico

- M­

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\1 'J. (.)L - M - (Continued)

Marchi Cohn, Clara Is rael Marcano Pastor, Adoraci5n "Dorita" Spain Marity Figueredo, Luis Syria Maristany Sanchez, Carlos Netherlands Martin, Vicenta Spain Martin Tarife, Higinio URSS Mart{nez Moncrieffe, Regina URSS MartfBallester, Jos(; Congo MartInez-Casado Torralbas, Luia Manuel C zechoslovaki;, Martfnez pquendo, Esther Georgia France Martinez Moreno, Mercedes France Martinez Morell, Francisco France Martrnez, Oscar East Gerrrlany Martrnez Gonzalez, Carmelo Guinea MartInez Moreno, Mercedes Mexico Martrnez Barroso, Sergio Mexico Martfnez, Bonifacio M(;xico Mascarrel Santana, J os e Switz erland Masiques de Remade, Elsa France Mayos, Josefina Spain Medina Perez, Manuel Syria Medina Martrn, J. URSS Mederos, Candida France Melendez Biachs, Ernesto Czechoslovakia Melendez, Jose Guinea Mendiola, A 1£onso Esteve Austria Menendez Ruiz, Ram6n China Menendez, Orfelina Czechoslovakia Menendez Silverio, Antonio France Menendez, Roberto France Mendizabal Perez, Jesus E. Poland Mendoza Gil, Arturo Netherlands Merino L6pez, 'Pedro France Mesa Gonzalez, Carlos Spain Mestre Roca, Jose Luis China Mijenes Navarro, Roberto Bulgaria Milan Santana, Jose North Vietnam Minsal Cutarelo, Lourdes France Mirabal Di'az, Joaqu{n C zechoslovakia Mirabal Fernandez, Rafael Mexico Miret, Francisco Cambodia Molero Espinosa, Glorfa Marla Spain Molina, Guillermo Sweden Montaner Garcra, Norma United Kingdum Montane, Concepci5n (aka Concha Ceballos) France Moreno Perez, Felix United Kingdom Moro Sarabia, Juan United Arab Republic Mo rell Simodo, A. URSS

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Morej6n Almora, Alberto Japan Morales Bazo, Omar Rumania Munoz Guti~rrez, Alcibiades URSS Mulet del Valle, Roberto North Korea

- N -

Najjar, Alfred Lebanon Napoles, Luis United Kingdom Navarro Salas, Jose Antonio Mexico Navarrette Sarlabous, Augustin Rumania Negrin Tasis, R. URSS Nereida Perez, Silvia East Germany Neri, Vittorio Italy Nicholas Evans, Angel Tanzania Nizio Montes, Marla Josefina Mexico Novoa Izquierda, Manuel East Germany Nuevas Martlnez, Nelson URSS

- 0 -

Ojeda Farramola, Juan Indonesia Oramas Oliva, Oscar Guinea Ortega B roton, Guillermo Canada Ortega, Martln de Camacho, Margarita France Ortiz G6mez, Severina Spain Ortiz Rodrfguez, Frank Switzerland Ostos L6pez, Manuel Eulalio France

- P -

Pagano di Melito, Caetano Italy Pav6n Tamayo, Roberto URSS Perdomo GarcIa, Gregorio Daniel Bulgaria Perdomo Mans 0, Armando Bulgaria Perdomo Gonz;~lez, Ra6.1 URSS Pereira Gonzalez, Orlando URSS Pena Romero, Orlando Morocco Pera.za More, Juan East Germany Perez Acc'5ta, R ~ne Switz erland Perez Rojas, Romulo Mexico Perez Hern~ndez, Rolando URSS Perez Hernandez, Jose Luis Yugoslavia Perez Cabrera, Carlos J. Poland Perez Caneiro, Antonio Czechoslovakia Pesos Ceballos, Manuel D. URSS Petrowitch, Vlrike Austria Pichel Comenero, Armando URSS

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}~l, (~ ~~ 't~ ~ .'1 l' "11,t r) J"" - P - (Continued)

Pineda, Sergio Mexico Pinero Eirin, Pedro Luis United Nati()[ls Place Gonzalez, Jorge Luis United Kil1gr\!Jm Plaza Peterson, Gustavo Adolfo 1.T nited N:1 tion s Polo, FNU Czechosl(Jvakia Portela Jacob, Ana Uni ted Kin gdum Portela, Nilu C ,~echo';l("':,I,~a Pozo Nunez, Manuel PI< .:-:~::; Prats, Fernando A lit; tria Prede Mauri, Pablo LJ ESS

Puerto L6pez, Leonel North K(J('(" Pulido, Rene E;:tst Gerrnal1y


Ram{rez de Arellano, Francisco Japan Ramos, Francisco France Ramos, Carlos France Ramos Varrero, Claudio East Ge rnlany Ramos Reina, Catalino Mexico Rebello, Sergio United Killgd,nlJ Regalado Izquierdo, Ernesto Juan Spain Rcmsoli Gil, J. lJRSS Reyes Sanchez, Boris Hungary Reyes Mass, Luis Lebanon Reyes Vega, Jorge E. United N

Trejo Oviedo, Guillermo Mexico Trimino, Eloy C zechos lov


Urisarri Tamayo, Francisco Arturo Algeria Urrutia Nadal, Vicente (probably) Spain


Vald~s Viv6, Raul Cambodia Vald~s Suarez, Edgardo Obdulio Mexico Vald~s Viv6, Felix Manuel Morocco Vald~s Gonzalez, Nelson Morocco Valdes Santana, Renato Spain Valdes Espinosa, J. Eloy India Valdes, Jose India Valdes Munoz, Roberto URSS Valdes -Portela, Estevez, Francisco United Nati"tls

Vallina, Rene N 0 I th Vietn:t rn Vazquez Benltez, Rafael Mexico Vazquez de la Garza, Jacinto A. Indonesia Vazquez Vazquez, L. F. URSS Vega Lozada, Efren Mexico Vega, Marie Louise France Velazquez Fernandez, Armando Jamaica Velasco San Jose, Alberto Pakistan Veloso Est~vez, Gladys United Kingdom Viera Izquierdo, Olegario Bulgaria Vicenti, Carlos United Kingdurn Vidal Fernandez, Ricardo France Vilaseca Fornes, Salvador Italy Villacorta, Alfonso United N:itlOllS Villaz6n Fernandez, Enrique Yugoslavid


Walter, Karin East G.errnany

- y -

Young Lescano, Manuel Canada


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7 ~ 't '" _ z ~.: - R - (Continued)

Ruano Ramos, Demetrio SW~den Ruiz Perez, Guillermo Orestes Spair: Ruiz Blein, Hugo Algeria

- S -

Salgado Hernandez, Guillermo Japan Salvise, Antonio Sweden Salazar Chia, Lino Fernando Mexico Sarnano, Salvador Mexico S::t.!1 Juan Piedra, Elio Mexico Sanchez Meluza, Juan Congo Sanchez Ponce, Ortelio N etherland s Sanchez, Elena France Sanchez Gonzalez, Agustfn Switzerland Sanchez Robert, Guido Uni ted Kingdunl Sanchez Rojas, C. URSS Sanchez Bosquet, Carlos URSS Santana, Alberto URSS Santana Fraiz, Miguel Manuel United Natiun!"> Santana, Ramiro Guinea Santiesteban Pujol. Ana Luisa Canada Sardinas Garcfa, Armando Spain Sarracino Magrinat, Rodolfo C zechos lOV~ik 1<1 Seijo Alvarez, Pedro Canada Selma, Domitilio Mexico Shinizo Legurburo, Haydee Spain Soberon Valdes, Francisco United Kingdom Solano Cordero, Oscar United Kingdom Solfs, Jorge France Soto Soto, Ruben Spain Soto Soto, Ruben Cambodia Sotolongo Hernandez, Danilo Poland Suarez Alvarez, Ruben Japan Suarez Nunez, Ra6l Mali Suarez Barreras, Luis Morocco Suarez-Lopez Callejas, F. Eastland Suarez B ri!(), Felix United Ktn!-"donl Suarez Dfaz, Luis URSS Subirana y Lobo, Ricardo Is rad Surjaddrma, Prianti Indonesia Steinbert, Hellen France

- T -

Tier Capote, Gabriel Cambodia Toledo A guerrebere, Arsenio Morocco Toledo Milan, Florencio F ranee ~r,:-, r 1: e :,::. ~'"'''~''' "~'; r->lZ t-··-~~;'~ r .

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