Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report Similarity Found: 17% Date: Rabu, Juli 17, 2019 Statistics: 676 words Plagiarized / 3974 Total words Remarks: Low Plagiarism Detected - Your Document needs Optional Improvement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pemetaan Lokasi Wisata Di Kota Cirebon Dengan Penerapan Aplikasi Sistem lnformasi Geografis Andi Setiawan1*, Ade Irma Purnamasari2, Nana Suarna3 1, 2, 3 Program Studi Teknik Informatika, STMIK IKMI Cirebon, Indonesia Email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] INFORMASI ARTIKEL _ _ABSTRAK _ _Histori artikel: Naskah masuk, 23 September 2019 Direvisi, 23 September 2019 Diiterima, 23 September 2019 _ _Abstract- Tourism in the city of Cirebon is still tinged with a very diverse religious tour and culturation of culture that is still heavily influenced by Persia, Arabia and China. This can be seen from the palace architectural style which is still influenced by Chinese, Persian, and even Arabic cultures. The results of cultural culture with foreign nations, resulting in a variety of tourist attractions in the city of Cirebon. But the location information of the existence of tourist attractions in the city of Cirebon is still not well publicized. This research will develop an application by utilizing the geographical information system of tourist attractions in the city of Cirebon. The Geographic Information System is very appropriate to map the spread of tourist attractions in the city of Cirebon. The software development model in this study is the system life cycle or the System Development Life Cycle. The expected results of this study are the value of T count> T table (3,230> 1,665). This means that the probability is significant> a (0.002 <0.05).