20 COMMUNITY LONELINESS SERIES BACKYARD BONFIRES This is the first in a four-part series examining why we are lonelier than ever and what we can do about it. Part 1 - Today Thursday, JulyHELP 4, 2019 | THE LONELY | • Taking the initiative Part 2 - July 11 • Make friends while volunteering MAKE FRIENDS Part 3 - July 18 • New friends stay fit together arrie Advance B JANIS RAMSAY ulty member Dr. Ami Ro- Part 4 - July 25
[email protected] kach said. • LGBTQ friendships You can feel lonely in a Quick, how many crowd, or in an intimate re- rious public health prob- friends can you name? lationship. Unlike solitude lems that cost us all. They If you are having trou- - which feels welcome and affect our productivity, ble filling more than one recharging - loneliness is health, well-being - even hand, you aren't alone. not welcome, it zaps your how long we live." Studies show we are energy and life satisfac- Human beings are hard- more lonesome than ever - tion, Rokach says. wired to connect and a lack especially youth, seniors "Something I've gotten of connections can in- and males - and most of us into the habit of doing is crease your risk of dying are reluctant to talk about reaching out," Crispo said. early by 50 per cent, Wil- it. "It doesn't seem scary. I liams said. But Innisfil resident Se- complimented a girl at the Loneliness has about verino Lunardon wasn't coffee shop as she was get- the same negative impact going to let that happen to ting my coffee ready.