ERGP Working Draft 03 10 2013
Ref. Ares(2015)5557902 - 03/12/2015 ERGP (13) 38rev1 – Report on end-2-end competition ERGP REPORT ON END-TO-END COMPETITION AND ACCESS IN EUROPEAN POSTAL MARKETS June 2014 ERGP (13) 38rev1 – Report on end-2-end competition Introduction Background The gradual market opening and liberalisation of European postal markets entered into its final phase with the adoption of Directive 2008/6/EC in January 2013. Directive 2008/6/EC was supported by two earlier Directives which began the liberalisation of letters and parcels. These three directives can be summarised as follows: 1997 Directive: service delivery of letters and parcels below 350 grams in weight, or those costing five times less than the standard service (basic tariff) were reserved to universal service providers. 2002 Directive: the reserved area was then reduced again in two stages: in 2003 to 100 grams and three times the basic tariff, and in 2006 to 50 grams and two and a half times the public tariff for an item of correspondence. 2008 Directive: the Third Directive provided the introduction of full competition in European postal sectors and the abolition of any reserved services for universal service providers. This Directive came into force on 27 February 2008 with some exceptions for eleven Member States such as new members and those with particular geographical issues making this impractical. The speed of liberalisation varied across member states. However, by 1 January 2011, 15 member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) had fully liberalised their postal markets.
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