Public Document Pack


Date: Wednesday 13 September, 2017 Time: 18:30 Venue: Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, Road, L22 1RR


Blundelsands Ward Ward Councillor Dan T. Lewis (Vice-Chair), The Councillor Cummins, The Labour Party Labour Party Councillor Veidman, The Labour Party Councillor Dams, The Labour Party Councillor Webster, The Labour Party Councillor Roscoe, The Labour Party Ward Harington Ward Councillor Carragher (Chair), The Labour Party Councillor Dutton, Conservative Party Councillor John Joseph Kelly, The Labour Party Councillor Jamieson, Conservative Party Councillor McGinnity, The Labour Party Councillor Pitt, Conservative Party Ward Ward Councillor Burns, The Labour Party Councillor Atkinson, The Labour Party Councillor O'Hanlon, Independents Group Councillor Carr, The Labour Party Councillor Sayers, The Labour Party Councillor Murphy, The Labour Party Ward Ward Councillor Gannon, Independents Group Councillor Bennett, Independents Group Councillor McKinley, The Labour Party Councillor McCann, Independents Group Councillor Owens, The Labour Party Councillor Page, The Labour Party

Victoria Ward Councillor Byrom, The Labour Party Councillor Grace, The Labour Party Councillor Roche, The Labour Party

Parish Council Representatives Parish Councillor Karl Brennan (Chair) Hightown Parish Council Parish Councillor Mike Carter Village Parish Council Parish Councillor Judith Daley Sefton Parish Council Parish Councillor Bob McCann Parish Council Parish Councillor Kevin Sharpe Parish Council Parish Councillor Anne Ibbs Parish Council 1 Parish Councillor John Christopher Bailey Parish Council Parish Councillor Ron Baker Melling Parish Council Parish Councillor Ken Hounsell Thornton Parish Council Parish Councillor Gerry Lee Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils

Advisory Group Members Mr. P. G. Thornton

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Olaf Hansen Democratic Services Officer Telephone: 0151 934 2067 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. We endeavour to provide a reasonable number of full agendas, including reports at the meeting. If you wish to ensure that you have a copy to refer to at the meeting, please can you print off your own copy of the agenda pack prior to the meeting.

2 This page is intentionally left blank.

3 A G E N D A

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 7 - 12) Minutes of the meeting held on 15 June, 2017

Part A

These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

4. Public Forum A period of 20 minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.

Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues that are relevant to . The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

A question form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Democratic Services Officer as soon as possible and by no later than 12:00(noon) the day before the meeting.

(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).

If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing.

4 5. Police Issues Report of the Neighbourhood Inspector

Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting

6. Parish Council Updates Verbal update from Parish Council representative(s)

Part B

These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local community. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

7. Presentation by Formby Pool Trust

Part C

These are formal decisions to be taken by the Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote)

8. Thomson Road, Seaforth - Receipt of objection to (Pages 13 - 24) Proposed Traffic Regulation Order Report of the Head of Locality Services - Commissioned

9. Budget Monitoring Report (Pages 25 - 32) Report of the Head of Communities

10. Central Sefton Area Management Report (Pages 33 - 36) Report of the Head of Communities

11. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held at Town Hall, Hall Lane, Maghull, L31 7BB on Thursday, 4 January 2018 commencing at 18:30.

5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 THE “CALL IN” PERIOD FOR THIS SET OF MINUTES ENDS AT 12 NOON ON THURSDAY 17 AUGUST, 2017.



PRESENT: Councillor (in the Chair) Councillors Atkinson, Bennett, Burns, Byrom, Carragher, Carr, Cummins, Dams, Dutton, Jamieson, Gannon, Dan T. Lewis, McCann, McGinnity, O'Hanlon, Page, Pitt, Roche, Roscoe, Sayers, Veidman and Webster.

ALSO PRESENT: Parish Councillors Carter, Clare, Coles, Ibbs, Bailey and Baker.

2 officers from Police 2 members of the public



(1) Councillor Carragher be appointed Chair for the Municipal Year 2017/18; and

(2) Councillor Daniel Terence Lewis be appointed Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year 2017/18.


The Chair made reference to the fire at Grenfell Tower, London and the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London, expressed sympathy and condolences to the families and friends of all of those killed and wished a speedy recovery to all those injured.

All stood for a minutes silence as a mark of respect.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Grace, Kelly, McKinley and Owens and Parish Councillor Lee.


No declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interest were received.




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2017 be confirmed as a correct record.


During the Public Forum the following matters were raised:-

a) Councillor Mike Carter - Vice-Chair of Aintree Village Parish Council submitted the following question on behalf of Jack Colbert, Peter Gill, Ian Roxborough and Marion Wykes:-

In the presentation to the Health and Wellbeing Board of 14th December 2016 by Mel Wright on the subject of "Integration and Multi-Disciplinary working" it was stated by Andrew Booth that success is measured by 'quality of life and full potential'.

In the recent presentation to community groups in the Aintree area, Liverpool CCG stated that at least 25% of GP appointments could not be treated medically and that community assets such as the Aintree Community Centre were for that reason an invaluable asset to the mental and physical health of residents. It was highlighted as a promoter of valuable and much needed health information whilst also promoting a sense of wellbeing.

Why then, despite having been given ample opportunity to do so, is Sefton MBC refusing to give any response to the granting of another lease to this 'invaluable' community asset, and thereby allowing the health of residents from newborn to pensioners to suffer while they continue to block the request, and in doing so squander this opportunity to help residents achieve both quality of life and full potential?

The following response had been provided by the Head of Communities:-

Sefton Council is not allowing newborns or pensioners to suffer - we are reviewing our assets to enable our new model of delivery to be implemented. This will enable services to be delivered in communities across the Borough and we will notify leaseholders when this is complete.

Mr. Colbert addressed the Committee giving details of the use of the Centre and urged that the Council take action to ensure that the Community Centre remained open.


b) Mr. M. Coles Chairman of Formby Parish Council submitted the following question:-

For many years the toilet block in the car park in Furness Avenue has been closed and is falling to bits. It is a disgrace, a health hazard and the scene of anti-social behavior. As such, it presents a serious safety risk.

I am aware that this has been the subject of discussion between the Parish Council, Ward Councillors and Sefton officers over many years, but it is a disgrace that nothing has been done, to repair it, to refurbish it or knock it down. It cannot be left any longer, and the last advice given to the Parish Council at its regular Stewardship meetings was that it would be razed to the ground, but nothing has been confirmed. Sefton MBC will have noted that in the preparation of its Neighbourhood Plan, that residents expressed very strongly that public toilet provision should be provided in the center of Formby.

Informal advice has been given that it will be knocked down. Will the Area Committee please confirm whether this is correct, and if so can we insist that the appropriate elected representatives be consulted on what should now take place as a matter of urgency.

The Committee Administrator reported that a response from the Assets and Property Manager was awaited and would be forwarded directly to Mr. Coles.

c) Mr. Richards submitted the following question:-

Democratic deficit in Sefton.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate". May I propose that a 'communications officer' be established in your PR Dept. to disseminate relevant information. EPKs can be circulated to all relevant media organisations and pages constructed on S.M.B.C. website/blog, providing the public with a place to find details of relevant facts and any other information considered in proposals made by Councillors (perhaps interactive). There are too many questions not answered. Why were negotiations between S.M.B.C. and the National Trust kept secret? Why was £32.5 million borrowed to purchase Shopping Centre and how much will this cost the council tax payer? Why must dogs always be kept on a lead, even on a beach or in a nature reserve? What are the facts to be considered to substantiate decisions made? Create good PR. Local democracy must not only be efficient; transparent and open, but must be seen to be so.


The following response had been provided by the Communications Manager:-

Most of the queries alluded to are part of reports which are publically discussed by local councillors and decisions made in public by Committees, Cabinet and/or Full Council.

All the decisions are published online with many key decisions in turn becoming stories on the Sefton Council website, and highlighted via Sefton Council’s social media accounts and the local media.


That the questions be noted.


The Committee considered the reports of Sergeant Andrew Dentith and Sergeant Jon Coote.

Sergeants Dentith and Coote gave details of reported crime patters and trends referring to reported figures for March 2017 and highlighted issues relating to: anti-social behaviour; scrambler motor bikes; burglary rates; the beach safe programme for 2017; cycling on footpaths; the progress of the re-structuring of the force across the borough; and the force’s use of social media.

At the previous meeting an increase in burglary rates had been reported and it was indicated that action taken by the police had resulted in a significant reduction in the number of burglaries committed.

The vote was currently open for the public to select their Police priorities which it was hoped would help the Police to tackle the public’s perception of crime. Voting could be accessed via the Merseyside Police website.

Sergeants Dentith and Coote were present at the meeting and answered queries from the Committee.


That the Police be thanked for their presentation.


Parish Councillor Mike Coles, Chair of the Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils (SAPLC) gave a brief verbal update from the Parish Councils.



That Mr. Coles be thanked for his presentation.


The Council, at its meeting on 16 May 2017, had requested this Committee to make appointments to the following bodies:-

 Crosby Area Partnership – one member of the Crosby locality;  Formby Area Partnership – one member of the Formby locality; and  Sefton East Partnership – one member of the Sefton East locality

Resolved: that the following appointments be made:-

(i) Crosby Area Partnership – Councillor M. Roche; (ii) Formby Area Partnership – Councillor C. Page and (iii) Sefton East Partnership – Councillor P. McKinley


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned informing Members of the production of the Draft Combined Authority Liverpool City Region Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2018-2028 and the commencement of the consultation period.


That the contents of the report and the Draft Combined Authority Liverpool City Region Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2018-2028, together with the process for making comments on the draft plan be noted.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Communities on area management activities that had taken place in Harington, Ravenmeols, , Church, Manor, , Molyneux, Park and Sudell Wards.


That the report be noted.



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Communities that provided information on available resources for the Committee and progress on those items approved at previous meetings.


That the report be noted.


In accordance with the scheduled programme of meetings, the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 13 September 2017 at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, Cambridge Road, Waterloo, L22 1RR commencing at 18:30.

Page 612 Agenda Item 8

Report to: Central Sefton Area Date of Meeting: Wednesday 13 Committee September 2017

Subject: Thomson Road, Seaforth - Receipt of objection to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order

Report of: Head of Locality Wards Affected: Church; Services - Commissioned


Is this a Key No Included in No Decision: Forward Plan: Exempt / No Confidential Report:

Summary: To report the receipt of an objection to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order on Thomson Road, Seaforth and to recommend the way forward.


That the Central Sefton Area Committee :

(1) Note the objection

(2) The Traffic Regulation Order(s) for Thomson Road be implemented as originally advertised

(3) The objector be advised of the decision of this meeting;

Reasons for the Recommendation(s):

The Council has the power to revoke a Traffic Regulation Order (Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) as well as the power to make a new Traffic Regulation Order (Section 1 of that Act). Objections to proposed Traffic Regulation Orders fall under the remit of Area Committees

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: (including any Risk Implications)


What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs

None Page 13 Agenda Item 8

(B) Capital Costs


Implications of the Proposals:

Resource Implications (Financial, IT, Staffing and Assets): None

Legal Implications: The Council has the power to make Traffic Regulation Orders under Sections 1 & 2 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Equality Implications:

There are no equality implications

Contribution to the Council’s Core Purpose:

Protect the most vulnerable: not applicable

Facilitate confident and resilient communities: not applicable

Commission, broker and provide core services: not applicable

Place – leadership and influencer: not applicable

Drivers of change and reform: not applicable

Facilitate sustainable economic prosperity: not applicable

Greater income for social investment: not applicable

Cleaner Greener: Retaining the waiting restrictions will prevent obstruction and maintain the free-flow of traffic

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

(A) Internal Consultations

The Head of Corporate Resources (FD 4781/17) and Head of Regulation and Compliance (LD4065/17.....) have been consulted and have no comments on the report.

Page 14 Agenda Item 8

(B) External Consultations

Newspaper advertisement in Crosby and Waterloo Champion on 15 June describing the proposals

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee / Council meeting.

Contact Officer: Colin Taylor Telephone Number: Tel: 0151 934 4189 Email Address: [email protected]


The following appendices are attached to this report:


Background Papers:

Cabinet Member, Locality Services – Consolidation of Traffic Regulation Orders – 5 May 2017

Page 15 Agenda Item 8

1. Introduction/Background

1.1 On 5 May 2017, a briefing report detailing the proposed introduction of various waiting restrictions within Sefton was submitted to, and approved by Cabinet Member, Locality Services. A copy of the briefing report is attached as Annex A.

1.2 The report highlighted a number of locations where waiting restrictions had historically been provided, but for various reasons, the legal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) did not match up with the physical lines on the ground. The report simply sought to re-advertise the restrictions with the new TRO reflecting what is painted on the ground.

1.3 One of the locations was Thomson Road, Seaforth where the length of the lines in the turning head was not correctly represented in the TRO. A plan showing the existing restrictions (on the ground), is shown as Annex B. These restrictions were implemented in 2006.

1.4 This was discovered during enforcement of the waiting restrictions, following an appeal to a Penalty Charge Notice.

1.5 Following approval to advertise the proposal, a legal process of advertising and consultation over the statutory 21 day period was completed, during which time an objection has been received to the proposal. A copy of the objection is shown in Annex C.


2.1 The objection received states that the proposal will:

 ‘The waiting restrictions in the area are not required to prevent parking in the evening or on a weekend’.

 ‘I assume that you will be informing the other residents of the proposals as they will be affected?’

 I will be putting a petition together with my neighbours objecting to the proposal if they proceed as they stand.

 I have not seen a site notice informing of the proposals to make a Traffic Regulation Order and have checked the local newspaper where there is also no mention of the proposals.


3.1 The objector has objected to the proposals on the grounds detailed in paragraph 2.1 of this report. Discussions with the objector clarified that the main reason he was objecting was because he wanted to park his vehicle in the turning head.

Page 16 Agenda Item 8

3.2 In response to the objector’s comments above :

The waiting restrictions serve to keep the turning head free from parked vehicles, to allow vehicles to turn around in the cul-de-sac, rather than reversing down Thomson Road to get out onto Sandy Road. They also maintain emergency service vehicle access to the rear of Rimrose Hope Primary School via the playing fields through a gate into the fields in the corner of the cul-de-sac. It is vital that this is maintained.

There is no necessity to inform other residents of the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order for the parking restrictions as there will be no change to the extent of the existing restrictions.

To date, no petition has been received from residents of Thomson Road regarding this matter.

There are no regulations stating that site notices must be displayed when introducing new Traffic Regulation Orders. It is only a necessity to advertise these measures in the local press. An advertisement publicising Sefton’s intention to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order for Thomson Road was publicised in the 15 June edition of the Crosby and Waterloo Champion.

3.4 Evening parking surveys have established that there is sufficient unrestricted parking space available for residents in Thomson Road, Seaforth.


4.1 It is recommended that the objection be overruled.

4.2 The Traffic Regulation Order under this proposal for Thomson Road be implemented as originally advertised.

4.3 The objector be advised of the decision of this Committee.

Page 17 Agenda Item 8


Report to: CABINET MEMBER Date of Meeting: 3rd May 2017 LOCALITY SERVICES


Report of: Head of Locality Services - Wards Affected: Church Commissioned Manor Victoria

Is this a Key Decision? Yes/No Is it included in the Forward Plan? Yes/No

Exempt/Confidential No


To seek approval for the progression of simplified Traffic Regulation Orders at various locations within the Borough.


It is recommended that : -

(i) The Cabinet Member approve the Traffic Regulation Orders as detailed within this report

(ii) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Order, be approved

(iii) in the event that no objections are received during the consultation process referred to in (ii) above, the Head of Regulation & Compliance be authorised to make the Order and the Highway Management Manager be authorised to implement the Order; and

(iv) in the event that objections are received during the consultation process, the matter be referred to the appropriate Area Committee for consideration in accordance with Rule 21 of Chapter 8 (Area Committees) of the Council’s Constitution.

Page 18 Agenda Item 8

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council Services and Strengthening Local √ Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

The Council has the power to revoke a Traffic Regulation Order (Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) as well as the power to make a new Traffic Regulation Order (Section 1 of that Act). Authorisation to advertise new Traffic Regulation Orders fall under the remit of Cabinet Member, Locality Services.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs The cost of all legal and administrative procedures in the making of the Traffic Regulation Orders, amounting to £400, will be funded from within the Highway Safety revenue budget.

(B) Capital Costs None

Page 19 Agenda Item 8


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal None

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication YES

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated NO

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains NO

Impact on Service Delivery: NONE What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Resources (FD 4626/17) notes revenue costs incurred will be met from the Highway Safety revenue budget and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

The Head of Regulation and Compliance (LD 3909/17) have been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration?


Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee

Contact Officer: Colin Taylor, Traffic Management Officer Locality Services Tel: 0151 934 4189 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:


Page 20 Agenda Item 8


1.1 Following acceptance of parking enforcement powers in 2000, officers have systematically introduced much more comprehensive and legally binding Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs), as and when waiting restrictions have been introduced or changed. On the whole, the majority of Sefton’s TROs are now in this new format, although there are still a small number of restrictions which have not required to be changed, and are still backed up with old style TROs.

1.2 At its meeting of 8 November 2000, Technical Services Ratification Committee approved a method of simplifying Sefton’s Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) by the introduction of one order for each road.

1.3 The new TRO’s will simply reflect the waiting restrictions, which are currently on site. In this situation, it is simply proposed to advertise the new TRO in the local press, without placing notices on site.

1.4 In order to bring all TROs up to the current standard required for efficient and consistent enforcement, officers are now in the process of converting any remaining TROs to the new format.

1.5 In addition to static Traffic Regulation Orders, from time to time it is necessary to consolidate moving Traffic Regulation Orders. Following the completion of the A5758 Brooms Cross Road it has come to light that there remains a 50mph speed limit on the now redundant and removed carriageway of the A565 from Ince Lane to Park View. It is necessary to remove the description from a new consolidated Boroughwide 50mph speed limit order.


2.1 The roads where new TRO’s will be progressed are as follows :

Ref. No. Location Ward affected 1126R2 Galloway Road, Waterloo Church 1702R6 Litherland Road, Bootle Derby / Litherland 2045R2 Myers Road West, Crosby Victoria 2563R St. James Drive, Bootle Linacre 2566R5 St. John’s Road, Waterloo Victoria 2992R Thomson Road, Seaforth Church 3401R Capricorn Way, Bootle Linacre 5150R3 (Various Roads) (50MPH Speed Manor Limit) Order, 2017

Jim Black Head of Locality Services - Commissioned

Page 21 Agenda Item 8 Page 22 Page ANNEX

B Agenda Item 8


Page 23 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9

Report to: Central Sefton Area Date of Meeting: Wednesday 13 Committee September 2017

Subject: Budget Monitoring Report

Report of: Head of Wards Affected: Blundellsands; Communities Church; Harington; Manor; Molyneux; Park; Ravenmeols; Sudell; Victoria; Portfolio:

Is this a Key No Included in No Decision: Forward Plan: Exempt / No. Confidential Report:


To update Central Sefton Area Committee on available resources for the Area Committee area and progress to date on those items previously agreed. Recommendation(s):

That the funding available and current commitments for 2017-18 be noted.

Reasons for the Recommendation(s):

To update Central Sefton Area Committee on available resources for the Area Committee area and progress to date on those items previously agreed. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: (including any Risk Implications)


What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs

All commitments referred to in this report are funded from the 2017/18 area committee budget. A balance of £100,907.70 remains for future allocations (taking into account 2017-18 budget allocations, underspends brought forward from previous years and commitments already made in 2017-18).

(B) Capital Costs


Implications of the Proposals:

1 Page 25 Agenda Item 9

Resource Implications (Financial, IT, Staffing and Assets):

None Legal Implications:

None Equality Implications:

There are no equality implications

Contribution to the Council’s Core Purpose:

Protect the most vulnerable:

Facilitate confident and resilient communities: Some of the projects and work mentioned within this report will contribute towards Sefton MBC’s ambition of achieving community resilience.

Commission, broker and provide core services:

Place – leadership and influencer:

Drivers of change and reform:

Facilitate sustainable economic prosperity:

Greater income for social investment:

Cleaner Greener

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

(A) Internal Consultations

The Head of Corporate Resources (FD.4806/17) has been consulted and has no comment and Head of Regulation and Compliance (LD.4090/17....) have been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

(B) External Consultations None

2 Page 26 Agenda Item 9

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee meeting.

Contact Officer: Sue Ashe Telephone Number: 0151 934 3455 Email Address: [email protected] Appendices:

There are no appendices to this report.

Background Papers:

There are no background papers available for inspection.

1. Introduction/Background

1.1 On 18th April 210, Council agreed to reduce the number of area committees from seven to three. As a result of this resolution, three committees now cover the northern, central and southern parts of the borough.

1.2 Central Sefton Area Committee is formed by bringing together the wards of Blundellsands, Church, Harington, Manor, Molyneux, Park, Ravenmeols, Sudell and Victoria.

1.3 Although Central Sefton Area Committee represents the interests of these wards, individual ward budgets still exist. Ward councillors retain responsibility for determining how best to use funding allocated to their individual ward.

3 Page 27 Agenda Item 9

2.0 2017/18 Area Committee Budget

2.1 The following table sets out the 2017/18 budget allocations available to each ward as per current Area Committee arrangements.

2017/18 2017/18 2017/18 2016/17 2017/18 Ward Available Balance 2017/18 Municipal Balance b/f Commitments Year Allocation Budget Available £ £ £ £ £

WARD Blundellsands 6,808.09 4,509.00 11,317.09 250.00 11,067.09 Church 2,147.54 4,509.00 6,656.54 2,056.10 4,600.44 Harington 977.08 4,432.00 5,409.08 3,700.00 1,709.08 Manor 864.07 4,509.00 5,373.07 0.00 5,373.07 Molyneux 1,783.89 4,542.00 6,325.89 0.00 6,325.89 Park 7,492.21 4,797.00 12,289.21 1,000.00 11,289.21 Ravenmeols 4,226.14 4,432.00 8,658.14 0.00 8,658.14 Sudell 6,650.20 4,459.00 11,109.20 1,217.50 9,891.70 Victoria 6,483.38 4,509.00 10,992.38 4,513.10 6,479.28 Total 37,432.60 40,698.00 78,130.60 12,736.70 65,393.90

4 Page 28 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2017/18 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Litterpickers and hoops for Blundellsands 26/06/17 250.00 250.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Crosby Beach Volunteers

Contribution to In Bloom Church 19/05/17 200.00 200.00 BACS PAID Payment made and cleared Vouchers

Contribution towards additional cleansing around Crosby Church 22/06/17 717.60 717.60 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Village and St Johns Road

Contribution to additional cleaning for weekend of Church 19/05/17 243.00 243.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Waterloo Festival Page 29 Page Replacement Bin Sandy Lane Church 23/05/17 395.50 395.50 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Seaforth

Contribution towards children’s Church 12/08/17 500.00 500.00 BACS PAID Payment made and cleared trips – Sing Plus

Committed Awaiting completion of works with Black & White SNP x 7 Harington 10/05/17 210.00 Journal Spend highways Only Agenda Item 9 Committed Awaiting completion of works with Blue & White SNP painted x 37 Harington 10/05/17 1,110.00 Journal Spend highways Only

Committed Defibrillator for St Lukes Church Harington 10/05/17 400.00 BACS Spend Awaiting completion of works Only

Committed Awaiting completion of works with Harington Road Shop Bollards Harington 5/7/17 1,775.00 Journal Spend highways Only

5 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2017/18 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed SNP Blue & White Firs Awaiting completion of works with Harington 11/7/17 30.00 Journal Spend Crescent highways Only

Committed Awaiting completion of works with SNP Blue & White Birch Green Harington 12/7/17 175.00 Journal Spend highways Only

Committed Contribution towards 4 trees in Awaiting completion of works with Park 23/06/17 1,000.00 Journal Spend Lambshear Lane trees Only

Committed Replacement Bin Deyes Lane Sudell 16/08/17 395.50 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Shops

Page 30 Page Only

Committed Replacement Larger Bin Sudell 16/08/17 572.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Maghull Square Only

Committed Replacement Tree 157 Eastway Sudell 16/08/17 250.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Only

Replacement Bins St Johns Victoria 22/06/17 395.50 395.50 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Road

Contribution towards Waterloo Victoria 22/06/17 400.00 400.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Festival

Contribution towards additional cleansing around Crosby Victoria 22/06/17 717.60 717.60 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Village and St Johns Road

Committed Contribution towards Friends of Victoria 13/07/17 1,000.00 Invoice Spend Awaiting completion of works Moorside Park Only

6 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2017/18 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Contribution towards Friends of Victoria 13/07/17 1,000.00 Invoice Spend Awaiting completion of works Victoria Park Only

Committed Contribution towards Friends of Victoria 13/07/17 1,000.00 Invoice Spend Awaiting completion of works Coronation Park Only Page 31 Page Agenda Item 9

7 Agenda Item 9 Report Template


That the Area Committee:-

(i) Considers and notes budget allocations for the 2017/18 municipal year. (ii) Considers and notes items/works agreed during the 2017/18 municipal year

Page 32 Agenda Item 10 Report Template

Report to: Central Sefton Area Date of Meeting: Wednesday 13 Committee September 2017

Subject: Central Sefton Area Management Report

Report of: Head of Wards Affected: Blundellsands; Communities Church; Harington; Manor; Molyneux; Park; Sudell; Victoria; Portfolio:

Is this a Key No Included in No. Decision: Forward Plan: Exempt / No Confidential Report:


To update Central Sefton Area Committee Members on area management activities occurring with the area.

Recommendation(s): That

(1) the contents of this report be noted

(2) area management issues from Members, residents or community groups be referred to the Area Coordinator for Central Sefton

Reasons for the Recommendation(s):

This report informs members of progress of area management activities in their areas.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: (including any Risk Implications)


What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs


(B) Capital Costs


Page 33 Agenda Item 10 Report Template

Implications of the Proposals:

Resource Implications (Financial, IT, Staffing and Assets): None

Legal Implications: None

Equality Implications:

There are no equality implications.

Contribution to the Council’s Core Purpose:

Protect the most vulnerable:

Facilitate confident and resilient communities: Some of the projects and work mentioned within this report will contribute to Sefton MBC’s ambition of achieving community resilience.

Commission, broker and provide core services:

Place – leadership and influencer:

Drivers of change and reform:

Facilitate sustainable economic prosperity:

Greater income for social investment:

Cleaner Greener

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

(A) Internal Consultations

The Head of Corporate Resources (FD4807/17...... )has been consulted and has no comment and Head of Regulation and Compliance (LD.4091/17....) have been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

(B) External Consultations


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Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee meeting.

Contact Officer: Sue Ashe Telephone Number: 0151 934 3455 Email Address: [email protected]


There are no appendices to this report

Background Papers:

There are no background papers for inspection

1. Introduction/Background

Neighbourhoods and Partnerships provide a coordination function for both strategic and operational work within the community.

This report has been produced to update ward councillors and residents of progress against key activities within the Central Sefton Area Committee area.

Crosbyaterloo and Seaforth Cares (Church Ward Older People Pilot)

Members of Waterloo and Seaforth Carers continue to meet to address loneliness and social isolation within Church Ward. Following the successful launch of Waterloo and Seaforth Cares, the steering group has agreed to roll learning across all four wards of Crosby to establish a Crosby Hub. The group will work closely the Community Asset Development Officers from Sefton CVS, who are currently working within Bootle to establish a web of connectivity between organisations, service and key protagonists within the community, who can help connect people who may otherwise be lonely or socially isolated. Waterloo and Seaforth Cares continue to work closely with key council groups such as the Early Intervention and Prevention Working Group, and the Dementia Action Alliance for Sefton.

A meeting to re-convene the group will be arranged in . Crescent

Following recent discussions and meetings around The Crescent in Thornton a scheme have now been developed. This has been shared with the local Elected Members and Thornton Parish Council. This will incorporate a one way System, kerb build outs and a new street lighting column. The funding for the scheme is being sought and secured. Consultation works have now been undertaken with those directly affected by the highway changes proposed. A second consultation has taken place due to lack of response and further clarification of resident and businesses opinions. The results of this consultation will be shared in September. oronation Park, Crosby. Page 35 Agenda Item 10 Report Template

Following reports of problems with bikes in the park, it was decided to try and address with some joint working. The local PCSO’s and our Street Games Team are going to work together delivering fun activities and educating on bike safety and offering bike marking kits.

Maghull and Melling in Bloom

Groups involved in both Maghull and Melling continue to be supported in their areas. It is hoped that the success from last year’s awards will continue this year. Maghull in Bloom won Gold in the Large Town category and Melling in Bloom won Silver Gilt in the Large Village category

In Crosby,Maghull and Formby wards the main issues have been with weeds. We have been assured that the operative previously mentioned are working their way down the main arterial routes of the Borough. Again there are still issues off the main arterial routes in streets and estates where the weed-spraying hasn’t been effective. This has been addressed with highways and is being looked at with the contractor.

Duke Street Park - Neighbourhoods organised a joint meeting with Parks and Formby Parish Councillors at Duke Street Park to look at possible options to improve the hedging and entrance gates using Parish funding

Formby HUB - Following the recent successful transfer of the accountable body of Formby HUB from Brighter Living Partnership to Formby CVS the Neighbourhoods team have managed this transfer by negotiating and preparing an Agreement of Understanding between the main bodies. The residual CCG funding has also been transferred over to Formby CVS.Posters asking for volunteers have also been prepared by Area Coordinator and put into the Formby Bubble, which have helped to get two new volunteers for the HUB.

Street Games- Following consultation with Area Coordinators the Street Games programme began on Monday 7th August and run till Friday 1st September. This will be delivered in various parks and locations across the borough based on hot-spot locations and partners/councillors recommendations.

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