Green Party Tempest Weathering the Storm of 2004 By Greg Gerritt Moshassuck River Press Providence, RI 2005 Copyright 2005 by Greg Gerritt All rights reserved Moshassuck River Press Greg Gerritt 37 6th St Providence RI 02906 401-331-0529
[email protected] Table of Contents Acknowledgements . i Foreword . iii Introduction . v 2002 . 1 Winter 2003 . 5 Spring 2003 . 7 Summer 2003 . 11 Fall 2003 . 13 Winter 2004: Nader Opts Out . 17 Convention Rules . 21 The Primaries . 25 Spring 2004 . 27 Prepping for the Convention . 29 The Presidential Nominating Convention . 31 July in Rhode Island . 39 Claims of a Rigged Convention . 41 Utah and Vermont . 47 A Meeting With Camejo . 49 The Fall Campaign . 51 Election Day and the Aftermath . 53 Forward for the Green Party . 57 Acknowledgements John Rensenbrink, Jane Hunter, Ted Glick, William Anderson, Rick Lass, Michael Feinstein, and Brent McMillan provided information or permission to use materials they generated. John Atkeison designed and laid out the book. Tony Affigne designed the cover and discussed much of what went into this book with me in our walks along the Seekonk River. Gwen Andrade helped come up with the title. Charlie Green, Matt Tilley and Rick Laferriere read drafts and provided useful commentary and editing. I appreciate all who were willing to contribute blurbs for the back cover, Extra special thanks go to Kathleen Rourke. She keeps me on my toes. Thanks also go to all the Greens I have worked with over the last 20 years for helping me learn so much and for being willing to persevere in the face of a planet and culture that seem headed for destruction.