Congressional Record—House

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Congressional Record—House H84 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2005 the relief of victims in areas affected by the the Vice President and the Secretary of President and DICK CHENEY of the December 26, 2004, Indian Ocean tsunami for the Senate, the Members and officers State of Wyoming received 6 votes for which a charitable contribution deduction is of the House rising to receive them. Vice President. allowable under section 170 of the Internal The Vice President took his seat as Revenue Code of 1986. Senator LOTT. Mr. President, the the Presiding Officer of the joint con- The bill was ordered to be engrossed certificate of the electoral vote of the vention of the two Houses, the Speaker and read a third time, was read the State of California seems to be regular of the House occupying the chair on his third time, and passed, and a motion to in form and authentic, and it appears left. reconsider was laid on the table. therefrom that JOHN F. KERRY of the The joint session was called to order Commonwealth of Massachusetts re- f by the Vice President. ceived 55 votes for President and John RECESS The VICE PRESIDENT. Mr. Speaker Edwards of the State of North Carolina and Members of Congress, pursuant to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- received 55 votes for Vice President. the Constitution and laws of the Mr. NEY. Mr. President, the certifi- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair United States, the Senate and House of declares the House in recess until ap- cate of the electoral vote of the State Representatives are meeting in joint of Colorado seems to be regular in form proximately 12:55 p.m. session to verify the certificates and Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 21 and authentic, and it appears there- count the votes of the electors of the from that George W. Bush of the State minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- several States for President and Vice cess until approximately 12:55 p.m. of Texas received 9 votes for President President of the United States. and DICK CHENEY of the State of Wyo- f After ascertainment has been had ming received 9 votes for Vice Presi- b 1258 that the certificates are authentic and dent. correct in form, the tellers will count AFTER RECESS Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. and make a list of the votes cast by the President, the certificate of the elec- The recess having expired, the House electors of the several States. toral vote of the great State of Con- was called to order by the Speaker at The tellers on the part of the two necticut seems to be regular in form 12 o’clock and 58 minutes p.m. Houses will please take their places at and authentic, and it appears there- the Clerk’s desk. f from that JOHN F. KERRY of the Com- The tellers, Mr. LOTT and Mr. JOHN- MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT monwealth of Massachusetts received 7 SON on the part of the Senate, and Mr. votes for President and John Edwards A message in writing from the Presi- NEY and Mr. LARSON of Connecticut on dent of the United States was commu- of the State of North Carolina received the part of the House, took their places 7 votes for Vice President. nicated to the House by Mr. Sherman at the desk. Senator JOHNSON. Mr. President, Williams, one of his secretaries. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- the certificate of the electoral vote of f jection, the tellers will dispense with the State of Delaware seems to be reg- reading formal portions of the certifi- SWEARING IN OF MEMBER-ELECT ular in form and authentic, and it ap- cates. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman There was no objection. pears therefrom that JOHN F. KERRY of from Arizona (Mr. SHADEGG) please The VICE PRESIDENT. After the Commonwealth of Massachusetts take his place in the well of the House ascertaining that certificates are reg- received 3 votes for President and John and take the oath of office at this time. ular in form and authentic, the tellers Edwards of the State of North Carolina Mr. SHADEGG appeared at the bar of will announce the votes cast by the received 3 votes for Vice President. the House and took the oath of office, electors for each State, beginning with Senator LOTT. Mr. President, the as follows: Alabama. certificate of the electoral vote of the Do you solemnly swear that you will Senator LOTT (one of the tellers). District of Columbia seems to be reg- support and defend the Constitution of Mr. President, the certificate of the ular in form and authentic, and it ap- the United States against all enemies, electoral vote of the State of Alabama pears therefrom that JOHN F. KERRY of foreign and domestic; that you will seems to be regular in form and au- the Commonwealth of Massachusetts bear true faith and allegiance to the thentic, and it appears therefrom that received 3 votes for President and John same; that you take this obligation George W. Bush of the State of Texas Edwards of the State of North Carolina freely, without any mental reservation received 9 votes for President and DICK received 3 votes for Vice President. or purpose of evasion; and that you will CHENEY of the State of Wyoming re- Mr. NEY. Mr. President, the certifi- well and faithfully discharge the duties ceived 9 votes for Vice President. cate of the electoral vote of the State of the office upon which you are about Mr. NEY (one of the tellers). Mr. of Florida seems to be regular in form to enter, so help you God. President, the certificate of the elec- and authentic, and it appears there- f toral vote of the State of Alaska seems from that George W. Bush of the State to be regular in form and authentic, of Texas received 27 votes for President ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and it appears therefrom that George and DICK CHENEY of the State of Wyo- The SPEAKER. Under clause 5(d) of W. Bush of the State of Texas received ming received 27 votes for Vice Presi- rule XX, the Chair announces to the 3 votes for President and DICK CHENEY dent. House that, in light of the swearing in of the State of Wyoming received 3 Senator JOHNSON. Mr. President, of the gentleman from Arizona, the votes for Vice President. the certificate of the electoral vote of whole number of the House is adjusted Senator JOHNSON (one of the tell- the State of Georgia seems to be reg- to 429. ers). Mr. President, the certificate of ular in form and authentic, and it ap- f the electoral vote of the State of Ari- pears therefrom that George W. Bush zona seems to be regular in form and of the State of Texas received 15 votes COUNTING ELECTORAL VOTES— authentic, and it appears therefrom for President and DICK CHENEY of the JOINT SESSION OF THE HOUSE that George W. Bush of the State of State of Wyoming received 15 votes for AND SENATE HELD PURSUANT Texas received 10 votes for President Vice President. TO THE PROVISIONS OF SENATE and DICK CHENEY of the State of Wyo- Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1 ming received 10 votes for Vice Presi- President, the certificate of the elec- (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES— dent. toral vote of the State of Hawaii seems JANUARY 6, 2005) Mr. LARSON of Connecticut (one of to be regular in form and authentic, At 1:02 p.m., the Sergeant at Arms, the tellers). Mr. President, the certifi- and it appears therefrom that JOHN F. Wilson Livingood, announced the Vice cate of the electoral vote of the State KERRY of the Commonwealth of Massa- President and the Senate of the United of Arkansas seems to be regular in chusetts received 4 votes for President States. form and authentic, and it appears and John Edwards of the State of The Senate entered the Hall of the therefrom that George W. Bush of the North Carolina received 4 votes for House of Representatives, headed by State of Texas received 6 votes for Vice President. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:19 Dec 01, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\TYPESE~1\H06JA5.REC H06JA5 bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 6, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H85 Senator LOTT. Mr. President, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts re- therefrom that George W. Bush of the certificate of the electoral vote of the ceived 10 votes for President and John State of Texas received 5 votes for State of Idaho seems to be regular in Edwards of the State of North Carolina President, and DICK CHENEY of the form and authentic, and it appears received 10 votes for Vice President. State of Wyoming received 5 votes for Vice President. therefrom that George W. Bush of the b 1315 State of Texas received 4 votes for Mr. NEY. Mr. President, the certifi- President and DICK CHENEY of the Mr. NEY. Mr. President, the certifi- cate of the electoral vote of the State State of Wyoming received 4 votes for cate of the electoral vote of the Com- of New Hampshire seems to be regular Vice President. monwealth of Massachusetts seems to in form and authentic, and it appears Mr. NEY. Mr. President, the certifi- be regular in form and authentic, and therefrom that JOHN F. KERRY of the cate of the electoral vote of the State it appears therefrom that JOHN F.
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