Chronological List of and Other Agreements


Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, . Archives privées – Général Louis Archinard (60 apc, 1880–1911) Archives privées – Alfred Durand (61 apc, 1891–1913) Archives privées – Cornut-Gentille (63 apc, 1884) Archives privées – Général Jean Baptiste Marchard (64 apc, 1899–1949) Archives privées – Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza (Missions) (16 pa, 1875–1905) Archives privées – Maréchal Joseph Gallieni (44 pa, 1880–1916) Gouvernement général de l’Afrique équatoriale française – Missions d’exploration et de délimitations de frontières (Sous-série 2D, 1883–1943) Gouvernement général de l’Afrique équatoriale française – Missions d’inspection des colonies (Sous-série 3D, 1901–1950) Ministère des Colonies – Série géographique (Dahomey, 1889–1918) Ministère des Colonies – Série géographique (Soudan français, 1875–1911) Ministère des Colonies – Série géographique (Niger, 1900–1938) Ministère des Colonies – Série géographique (Tchad, 1898–1918) Ministère des Colonies – Missions (1796–1932, 1944) Das Bundesarchiv, Berlin-Lichterfelde, Germany. Deutsches Reich: Kaiserreich (1871–1918) einschließlich Norddeutscher Bund (1867–1871) British Library, London, . Nineteenth century, Archives and Manuscripts, 1700 to 1919 National Archives, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom. Colonial Office (co): 148, 151, 464, 465, 473, 587, 588, 656, 659, 660, 700, 843, 879, 1039 Dominions Office (do): 119, 141 Foreign Office (fo): 2, 83, 84, 93, 94, 95, 96, 541, 881, 925, 959 School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingdom. Conference of British Missionary Societies/International Missionary Council (imc/cbms) Restatement of African Law Project (ralp) pp ms 74

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294 Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements

Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements1

9 February 1839, of cession between France and King Denis of Gabon, De Clercq, vol. iv, 445. 21 November 1840, Treaty between Great Britain and the rulers of Gallinas, h.t., vol. viii, 977 and s.p., vol. xl, 888. 19 February 1842, Treaty of cession between France and King Peter of Grand Bassam, De Clercq, vol. iv, 615. 18 March 1842, Treaty of cession between France and King Louis of Gabon, De Clercq, vol. iv, 616. 30 March 1842, Treaty of cession between France and the rulers of Batanga, De Clercq, vol. iv, 617. 1843, Treaty of cession between France and King Koako, a.c., vol. iv, 439. See Alexand- rowicz, 98 and Paulin, 6. 28 March 1844, Treaty of cession between France and King Glass of Gabon, De Clercq, vol. v, 165. 6 and 7 July 1844, Treaty of cession between France and Gabon, De Clercq, vol. v, 192 and 193. 19 October 1845, Treaty of cession between France and Gabon, s.p., vol. xxxv, 579. 25 March 1851, Treaty of cession between France and the rulers of Cagnut, De Clercq, vol. vi, 98. 1 March 1852, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and King Akitoye of Lagos, s.p., vol. xli, 234 and vol. xliv, 1207. See Hertslet, vol. i, 91. 18 September 1852, Treaty of cession between France and the rulers of Cape Estiéras, De Clercq, vol. vi, 217. 28 September 1854, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Epé, s.p., vol. lvii, 354. See Hertslet i, 95. 23 April 1855, Treaty of cession between France and the rulers of Elobey, De Clercq, vol. xv, 396.

1 A.C.: Annual Congolaise; A.S.: Annual Sénégalaise; De Clercq: A.J.H. de Clercq and J. de Clercq, Recueil des Traités de la France, vols. iv–xviii (Paris, 1865–1893); Hertslet: E. Hertslet, The Map of Africa by Treaty, 3rd edition, vols. i–iii (London: Frank Cass, 1967); H.T.: E. Hertslet, Hertslet’s Commercial Treaties (London: Butterworths, 1885); Paulin: H. Paulin, L’Afrique Equatoriale Française (Paris: Eyrolles, 1924); Rouard de Card: E. Rouard de Card, Les Traités de Protectorat conclus par la France en Afrique 1870–1895 (Paris: Pedone, 1897); S.P.: British and Foreign State Papers (London: H.M.S.O., 1815–1977).

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Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements 295

6 August 1861, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and King Docemo of Lagos, s.p., vol. lii, 181–182. See h.t., vol. xi, 41 and Hertslet, vol. i, 409. 9 November 1861, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Bagroo, s.p., vol. lvii, 346, h.t., vol. xii, 85 and Hertslet, vol. i, 509. 1 June 1862, Treaty of cession between France and the rulers of Cape Lopez, De Clercq, vol. vii, 413. 27 June 1863, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Addo, h.t., vol. xii, 103. See Hertslet, vol. i, 96. 29 June 1863, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Pocrah, h.t., vol. xii, 103. See Hertslet, vol. i, 96–97. 7 July 1863, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Badagry, s.p., vol. lvii, 359 and Hertslet, vol. i, 97. 17 July 1863, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Okeodan, Hertslet, vol. i, 98–99. 18 October 1863, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Aboh, s.p., vol. lix, 1189 and h.t., vol. xiii, 19. 17 October 1867, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and Seckiani, De Clercq, vol. xv, 534. 14 January 1868, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Fernan Faz, De Clercq, vol. xv, 21. 4 February 1868, Treaty of cession between France and the rulers of Bériby, De Clercq, vol. x, 61. 14 February 1868, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bilogue, De Clercq, vol. xv, 535. 19 May 1868, Treaty of cession between France and the rulers of Kotonou, see Hertslet, vol. ii, 249. 1870–1878, Treaties establishing protectorates, France in Equatorial Africa, Brassa Mission i. 2 May 1877, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Samoo Bullom, Hertslet, vol. i, 49. 24 October 1877, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Fouta, De Clercq, vol. xv, 575. 17 July 1878, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and King Nquiliso, s.p., vol. lxx, 332, h.t., vol. xv, 864 and Hertslet, vol. i, 167. 1879–1882, Treaties establishing protectorates, France in Equatorial Africa, Brassa Mission ii. 3 April 1879, Treaty of cession between France and King -Scherbro of Samo, De Clercq, vol. xv, 607. 3 April 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and rulers in the Haut-Niger territory, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 260.

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296 Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements

16 April 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and ruler Boulounk- oun-Dafa of Fouladougou, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 235. 21 April 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of ­Haback, De Clercq, vol. xii, 549. 25 April 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Kita, De Clercq, vol. xvii, 2. 20 June 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of ­Candiah, De Clercq, vol. xii, 569. 20 June 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Maneah, De Clercq, vol. xii, 569. 20 June 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Tombo, De Clercq, vol. xii, 569. 10 September 1880, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and King Makoko of Batékes, De Clercq, vol. xiv, 75 and Rouard de Card, 182. 12 March 1881, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the King of Gadougou, De Clercq, vol. xvii, 5. 1883–1885, Treaties establishing protectorates, France in Equatorial Africa, Brassa Mission iii. 12 March 1883, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and King of Loango, s.p., vol. lxxv, 553, De Clercq, vol. xiv, 307 and Rouard de Card, 184–185. 14 June 1883, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bramaya, a.s., 478. 5 September 1883, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bangone and Betimbe, De Clercq, vol. xv, 707. 15 December 1883, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bata, De Clercq, vol. xv, 716. 1884–1892, Treaties establishing protectorates, Great Britain and National Africa Company in Nigeria. 15 March 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Appa, Hertslet, vol. i, 99–100. 8 April 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Niécoma, De Clercq, vol. xiv, 342. 1 July 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Opobo, h.t., vol. xvii, 130. 4 July 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of New Calabar, h.t., vol. xvii, 131. 5 July 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Germany and the rulers of Togo, Hertslet, vol. ii, 693.

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Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements 297

11 July 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Germany and the rulers of Bimbia, Foreign Office papers, 403/32. See Ardener, Eye-Witnesses to the Annexation of Cameroon, 58. 12 July 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Germany and the rulers of Cameroon, Hertslet, vol. ii, 693. 16 July 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Jakri, h.t., vol. xvii, 133. See Hertslet, vol. i, 100. 23 August 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and Ouvina, De Clercq, vol. xiv, 410. 20 September 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between the Great Britain and the rulers of Atani, 24 December 1884, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Ogbo, h.t., vol. xviii, 176. See Hertslet, vol. i, 100. 26 February 1885, Act of Berlin, Hertslet, vol. ii, 468–486. 18 April 1885, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and Djolof, a.s., 422. 29 April 1885, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Great Britain and Germany, Hertslet, vol. iii, 868–874. 5 June 1885, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of the Niger Districts, Hertslet, vol. i, 123. 16 June 1885, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Great Britain and Germany, Hertslet, vol. iii, 868–874. 24 October 1885, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and the rulers of Mahin (Mahin Beach), h.t., vol. xviii, 177. See Hertslet, vol. i, 100–101. 24 October 1885, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and King Amapetu of Mahin and Atijere, h.t., vol. xviii, 180. 27 July 1886, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Great Britain and Germany, Hertslet, vol. iii, 880–881. 2 August 1886, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Great Britain and Germany, Hertslet, vol. iii, 880–881. January 1887, Treaty between Germany and Great Britain, Hertslet, vol. iii, 890. 2 February 1887, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Caniak, De Clercq, vol. xvii, 331. 21 July 1887, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Cottocrou, De Clercq, vol. xvii, 412. 2 September 1887, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Obako, h.t., vol. xvii, 231 and s.p., vol. lxxix, 604. 21 September 1887, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Impfondo, De Clercq, vol. xvii, 445.

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298 Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements

5 May 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Quahoo, h.t., vol. xvii, 230. See Hertslet, vol. i, 104. 15 May 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Igbessa, h.t., vol. xviii, 188 and s.p., vol. lxxxix, 615. See Hertslet, vol. i, 105. 22 May 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Ife, s.p., vol. lxxix, 619 and h.t., vol. xviii, 192. See Hertslet, vol. i, 106. 28 May 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Itebu, s.p., vol. lxxix, 620 and h.t., vol. xviii, 192. See Hertslet, vol. i, 106. 29 May 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Ketu, s.p., vol. lxxix, 620 and h.t., vol. xviii, 192. See Hertslet, vol. i, 107. 31 May 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Ibu, s.p., vol. lxxix, 624 and h.t., vol. xviii, 195. See Hertslet, vol. i, 107–108. 21 July 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Ilaro, s.p., vol. lxxix, 627. See Hertslet, vol. i, 108. 23 July 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Oyo, s.p., vol. lxxix, 628 and h.t., vol. xviii, 198. See Hertslet, vol. i, 109. 23 July 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Yorubaland, s.p., vol. lxxix, 628 and h.t., vol. xviii, 198. See Hertslet, vol. i, 109. 6 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bougombo, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 117. 8 and 9 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bozolo, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 119. 11 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bozangné, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 120. 11 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Badjongo, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 120. 12 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Konga, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 140. 18 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Mindong, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 141. 18 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Kaléton, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 141 and Rouard de Card, 185–186. 19 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bodjo-Bagoumba, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 142. 21 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Boyelé, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 119. 22 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of N’Goma, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 142. 23 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Mondjimbo, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 142 and Rouard de Card, 182–183.

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Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements 299

30 October 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Bollembé, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 149 and 151. 4 November 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Longo, De Clercq, vol. xviii, 153. 23 December 1888, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the ruler of Kantora, De Clercq, vol. xvii, 185. 1889–1891,Treaties establishing protectorates, Great Britain and rulers in Central Africa. 10 August 1889, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 558. 20 January 1890, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rul- ers of Boussa (near Borgu), Hertslet, vol. i, 128–129. 7 April 1890, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Gandu, Hertslet, vol. i, 129–130. 1 July 1890, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Germany and Great ­Britain, Hertslet, vol. iii, 899–906. 2 July 1890, Brussels Act, Hertslet ii, 488–518. 26 June 1891, Treaty establishing speheres of influence between Great Britain and France on Niger Districts, Hertslet, vol. ii, 743–744. 15 August 1891, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Ouiyou and Kikoua Mobai, a.c., vol. ii, 273–277. 28 August 1891, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and rulers Zebia and Couma of Libonga, a.c., vol. ii, 273–277. 30 August 1891, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and ruler Doung- outa of Cetema, a.c., vol. ii, 273–277. 1 September 1891, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and the rulers of Dambassa, a.c., vol. ii, 273–277. 6 September 1891, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and ruler Nikessé of Yakomo, a.c., vol. ii, 273–277. 5 December 1891, Treaty establishing a protectorate between France and ruler M’Poko of Makorou, Rouard de Card, 186–187. 31 October 1891, Treaty of cession between Great Britain and ruler Kazembe, s.p., vol. lxxxv, 343 and h.t., vol. xx, 18. 30 March 1892, Treaty on the boundaries in West Africa between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 749–753. 14 April 1893, Treaty on the boundary of the Gulf of and the Rio del Rey be- tween Germany and Great Britain, Hertslet, vol. iii, 910–911. 15 August 1893, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rul- ers of the towns of Yoruba in Ibadan, h.t., vol. xvii, 128. See also Hertslet, vol. i, 110. 15 November 1893, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Great Britain and Germany, Hertslet, vol. iii, 913–915.

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300 Chronological List of Treaties and Other Agreements

4 February 1894, Treaty on the boundaries of Cameroons, French Congo and Lake Chad between Germany and France, Hertslet, vol. iii, 981. 4 July 1894, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rulers of Gandu, Hertslet, vol. i, 155–156. 20 October 1894, Treaty establishing a protectorate between Great Britain and the rul- ers of Borgu, Hertslet, vol. i, 128–129. 15 January 1895, Treaty on the boundaries of the West and Lower Niger between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 765. 14 June 1898, Niger Convention between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 785–793. 21 March 1899, Treaty establishing spheres of influence between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 796–797. 29 May and 30 June 1903, Treaty on land leases between Great Britain and France, Hert- slet, vol. ii, 812–814. 8 April 1904, Treaty on West and Central Africa between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 816–819. 19 March 1906, Treaty on the boundary from Yola to Lake Chad between Great Britain and Germany, Hertslet, vol. ii, 937–942. 29 May 1906, Treaty on the frontier of East Niger between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 843–848. 19 October 1906, Treaty on the frontier from the Gulf of Guinea to Niger between Great Britain and France, Hertslet, vol. ii, 849–861. 18 April 1908, Treaty on the boundaries between French Congo and Cameroons be- tween France and Germany, Hertslet, vol. ii, 1215–1223. 4 November 1911, Treaty of cession between Germany and France. 11 March 1913, Agreement between Germany and Great Britain respecting the Regula- tion of the Frontier between Nigeria and the Cameroons and the Navigation of the Cross River, Oxford Historical Treaties, 218 cts 23.

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