LIST OF TO WHICH THE IS PARTY TO Updated: December 2020

Ratification(R)/ Accession (a)/ Date and place of Acceptance(A)/ No / Convention/ Agreement Date of Signature Depositary Focal Point Internal Links adoption Approval (Ap)/ Participation(P)/ Succession(S)

Note: An asterisk indicates that a treaty has either expired, been terminated, has been superseded by a subsequent agreement or has been amended.

CONVENTIONS ESTABLISHING MULTILATERAL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 1 Charter of the 26 June 1945, San 20-Sep-1965 US Govt (UN for Ministry of Foreign Francisco some depositary Affairs s/un-charter/introductory- function) note/index.html

2 Amendment to Article 109 of the Charter of the United Nations, 20 Dec 1965, New 5-Sep-1968 UN Secretary Ministry of Foreign adopted by the UN General Assembly Resolution 2101 (XX) York General Affairs

3 Statute of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) 26 June 1945, San 20-Sep-1965 US Govt (UN for http://www.icj- Francisco some depositary function) =2

4 Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) 22 July 1946, New 5-Nov-1965 (A) UN Secretary- Ministry of Health York General ce/eb/who_constitution_en.p df 5 Convention of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 11 Oct 1947, 31-May-1967 (A) IMO Secretary- Ministry of Transport Washington General and Communication 1948%20Convention%20on %20the%20International%20 Maritime%20Organization- pdf.pdf 6 Convention on International Civil Aviation 7 Dec 1944, 12-Mar-1974 (A) US Department of Civil Aviation ons/Documents/7300_orig.pd f 7 Agreement Establishing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 22 July 1944, Bretton 13-Jan-1978 (A) US Woods, New /Pubs/FT/AA/pdf/aa.pdf Hampshire 8 Agreement Establishing the International Bank for Bretton Woods, New 13-Jan-1978 (A) US Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Hampshire /services/library/treaties/14/1 4-01/reconstruction-bank.xml 9 The International Development Association (IDA) 13-Jan-1978 (A) US a/what-is-ida/fund-for-the- poorest.pdf 10 International Finance Co-operation (IFC) 11 Apr 1955 ** 14-Dec-1982 (A) connect/2cd8bf804ad389b78 81dfa888d4159f8/S%26P's+I FC+Annual+Report+2012.pd f?MOD=AJPERES

11 Agreement establishing the Asian Development Bank (ADB) 4 Dec 1965, Manila 14-Feb-1978 (P) UN Secretary- Ministry of Finance and General Treasury ult/files/institutional- document/32120/charter.pdf

12 Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural 13 June 1976, Rome 15-Jan-1980 (a) UN Secretary- Ministry of Fisheries Development (IFAD) General and Agriculture /agree/e/!01agree.pdf 13 Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development 11 April 1980, 10-May-1988 (a) UN Secretary- Organization Vienna General min/user_media/PMO/Consti tution/UNIDO_Constitution_ E.pdf 14 Constitution of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity 27 Mar 1976, 17-Mar-1980 (a) UN Secretary- Telecommunication General Authority blication/UNTS/Volume%20 1129/volume-1129-I-17583- English.pdf

15 Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and 16 Nov 1945, 22-May-1986 (A) UK Government Ministry of Education Cultural Organization London php- URL_ID=15244&URL_DO= DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTIO N=201.html 16 Agreement establishing the Asia-Pacific Institute for 12 Aug 1977, Kuala 25-Jun-1985 (a) UN Secretary- Broadcasting Development Lumpur General ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=XXV- 3&chapter=25&lang=en

17 Agreement Establishing the (UPU) 15 Sept 1974, Berne 15-Aug-1967 (A) UN us-treaties/bevans/m- ust000002-0443.pdf 18 Asian-Pacific Postal Convention , its Final Protocl and Detailed 27 Mar 1981, 15-Mar-1982 (a) Regulations Yogyakarta 19 Charter of the Asian and Pacific Development Centre 1 April 1982, 25/Apr/1983 UN Secretary- Bangkok General blication/UNTS/Volume%20 1321/volume-1321-I-22028- English.pdf 20 International Telecommunication Convention 22 Dec 1992, Geneva 28-Feb-1997 (a) Telecommunication * Authority u- s/oth/02/09/S020900000A52 01PDFE.PDF 21 South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) 1981 22-Oct-1981 Ministry of Housing and Environment out_overview.htm 22 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) 1985 8-Dec-1985 Ministry of Foreign Affairs charter/5/ 23 Charter of the Organization of Islamic the Islamic Conference Feb 1972, Jeddah 1-Aug-1974 Ministry of Foreign (OIC) Agreement Affairs YE/Yeni_Site_Dokumanlar/B asic_Documents/OIC_Charte r.pdf 24 Agreement for the Establishment of the Intergovernmental 13 Dec 1985, Kuala 7-Aug-1986 (a) FAO Director Organization for Marketing Information and Technical Advisory Lumpur General user_upload/legal/docs/020t- Services for Fishery Products in the Asia and Pacific Region e.pdf (INFOFISH)

25 Statutes of the World Tourism Organization 1/2/1975, 10-Jun-1980 (R) Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Arts and Culture tatutesweba5.pdf

26 Amendment to paragraph 4 of the financing Rules attached to 29 September 19-Apr-2005 (R) Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Statutes of the World Tourism Organization 2001,Seoel Arts and Culture tatutesweba5.pdf

27 Amendment to the paragraph 12 of the financing Rules 25 September 1979, 10-Jun-1983 (R) Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr attached to Statutes of the World Tourism Organization Torremolinos Arts and Culture tatutesweba5.pdf

28 Amendment to paragraph 13 of the financing Rules attached to 25 September 10-Jun-1983 (R) Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Statutes of the World Tourism Organization 1981,Rome Arts and Culture tatutesweba5.pdf

29 Statutes of the World Tourism Organization and its Financing 17/May/1980 General Secretariat, Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Rules World Tourism Arts and Culture Organization tatutesweba5.pdf

30 Statue of World Tourism Organization 25 September 1979, 21 April 1982 General Secretariat, Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Torremolinos (R) World Tourism Arts and Culture Organization tatutesweba5.pdf

31 Amendment to article 37 of Statutes of the World Tourism 25 September 10-Jun-1983 (R) Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Organization 1981,Rome Arts and Culture tatutesweba5.pdf 32 Amendment to the Statute of the World Tourism Organization 1979 / 1981 15-May-1983 (Ap) General Secretariat, Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr and its Financing Rules World Tourism Arts and Culture Organization tatutesweba5.pdf

33 Amendment to Article 14 and 15 of the Statute of the World 14 Oct 1983, New General Secretariat, Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Tourism Organization Delhi 9 April 1984 (R) World Tourism Arts and Culture Organization tatutesweba5.pdf

34 Amendment to Article 15 of the Statute of the World Tourism 1 Oct 1987, Madrid General Secretariat, Ministry of Tourism http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfr Organization 31 August 1988 (R) World Tourism Arts and Culture Organization tatutesweba5.pdf

35 Agreement Establishing the Islamic Corporation for the 11/Jun/2000 17-Oct-2001 Development of the Private Sector /docs/documents/IDBDevelop ments/Internet/English/IDB/C M/About%20IDB/Articles%2 0of%20Agreement/ICD_Arti cles-of-Agreement.pdf

36 International Organization for Migration 31-Mar-2011 Secretary General Department of International Immigration t-iom Organization for Migration

37 International Centre for Studies of the prevention and 7-Jul-2012 ICCROM-DG Department of Heritage restoration of cultural properties 38 International Labor Organization (ILO) 1919 15 May 2009. ILO DG Labor Ministry ut-the-ilo/lang--en/index.htm

39 The Forced Labor Convention, (No. 29) 1930 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry General lt/files/C29%20Forced%20La bour%20Convention,%20193 0.pdf 40 The Abolition of Forced Labor Convention, (No. 105) 1957 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry General ents/ProfessionalInterest/abol ition.pdf 41 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize 1948 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry Convention, (No. 87) General ents/ProfessionalInterest/abol ition.pdf 42 The Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry (No. 98), General roups/public/@ed_dialogue/ @dialogue/documents/public ation/wcms_168332.pdf 43 freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize 1951 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry Convention, (No. 87) General ocuments/en/ilo-convention- on-equal-remuneration- %28c100%29-en.pdf

44 The Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry (No. 111) General roups/public/@dgreports/@g ender/documents/genericdocu ment/wcms_114189.pdf

45 The Minimum Age Convention, (No. 138) 1973 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry http://www.right-to- General attachments/RTE_Internation al_Instruments_Minimum_A ge_Employment_2014.pdf

46 The Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, (No. 182). 1999 4-Jan-2013 (R) ILO Director Labor Ministry General roups/public/---ed_norm/--- declaration/documents/public ation/wcms_decl_fs_46_en.p df

*with amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994 and Minneapolis, 1998) and entered into force since 1 January 2000 **as amended by the Resolution of the Board of Governors effective 21 September 1961 and 1 September 1965

PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES, DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR RELATIONS, ETC 47 Convention on the Privileges and 21 Nov 1947, 26-May-1969 (a) UN Ministry of Immunities of the Specialized Agencies Secretary- Foreign Affairs /docs/idrl/I295EN. General pdf 48 Annex I - International Labor 10 Jul 1948, 14-Jan-2014 (A) https://treaties.un.o Organization (ILO) - to the Convention on San Francisco rg/doc/Publication/ the Privileges and Immunities of the MTDSG/Volume% Specialized Agencies 20I/Chapter%20III/ III-2-1.en.pdf 49 Annex VII - World Health Organization 17 July 1948, 26-May-1969 (P) UN Ministry of (WHO) - to the Convention on the Geneva Secretary- Health Privileges and Immunities of the General Specialized Agencies 50 Annex VIII - Universal Postal Union 25 May 1949, 26-May-1969 (P) UN https://treaties.un.o (UPU) - to the Convention on the Geneva Secretary- rg/doc/Publication/ Privileges and Immunities of the General MTDSG/Volume% Specialized Agencies 20I/Chapter%20III/ III-2-8.en.pdf 51 Annex IX - International 6 Oct 1950, 26-May-1969 (P) UN Telecommunica https://treaties.un.o Telecommunication Union (ITU) - to the Geneva Secretary- tion Authority rg/pages/ViewDeta Convention on the Privileges and General ils.aspx?src=TREA Immunities of the Specialized Agencies TY&mtdsg_no=III- 2- 9&chapter=3&lang =en 52 Annex XII - International Maritime 16 Jan 1959, 26-May-1969 (P) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Organization (IMO) - to the Convention London Secretary- Transport and rg/pages/ViewDeta on the Privileges and Immunities of the General Communication ils.aspx?src=TREA Specialized Agencies TY&mtdsg_no=III- 2- 12&chapter=3&lan g=en 53 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 24 April 21-Jan-1991 (a) UN Ministry of 1963, Vienna Secretary- Foreign Affairs lc/texts/instruments General /english/convention s/9_2_1963.pdf 54 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic 18 April 2-Oct-2007 a Ministry of Relations 1961, Vienna Foreign Affairs lc/texts/instruments /english/convention s/9_1_1961.pdf 55 Optional Protocol to Prevent, Suppress 15 November 28-Dec-2015 UN Ministry of http://www.ohchr.o and Punish Trafficking in Persons 2000, New Secretary- Economic rg/EN/Professional especially Women and Children York General Development Interest/Pages/OPS CCRC.aspx

HUMAN RIGHTS 56 Convention on the Prevention and 9 Dec 1948, 24-Apr-1984 (a) UN Foreign Affairs https://www.oas.or Punishment of the Crime of New York Secretary- g/dil/1948_Conven General tion_on_the_Preve ntion_and_Punish ment_of_the_Crim e_of_Genocide.pdf

57 International Convention on the 7 Mar 1966, 24-Apr-1984 (a) UN http://www.ohchr.o Elimination of All Forms of Racial New York Secretary- rg/Documents/Prof Discrimination General essionalInterest/cer d.pdf 58 International Convention on the 30 Nov 1973, 24-Apr-1984 (a) UN Foreign Affairs https://treaties.un.o Suppression and Punishment of the Crime New York Secretary- rg/doc/Publication/ of Apartheid General UNTS/Volume%20 1015/volume-1015- I-14861- English.pdf 59 Convention on the Elimination of All 18 Dec 1979, 1-Jul-1993 (a) UN Department of http://www.ohchr.o Forms of Discrimination against Women New York Secretary- Gender rg/Documents/Prof General essionalInterest/ced aw.pdf 60 Amendment to article 20, paragraph 1 of 22 Dec 1995, 7-Feb-2002 (A) UN Department of the Convention on the Elimination of all New York Secretary- Gender forms of Discrimination against Women General 61 Optional Protocol to the Convention on 6 Oct 1999, 13-Mar-2006 (a) UN Department of the Elimination of All Forms of New York Secretary- Gender womenwatch/daw/ Discrimination against Women General cedaw/protocol/text .htm 62 Convention against Torture and Other 10 Dec 1984, 20-Apr-2004 (a) UN Home Affairs http://www.ohchr.o Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment New York Secretary- rg/EN/Professional or Punishment General Interest/Pages/CAT .aspx 63 Optional Protocol of the Convention 18 Dec 2002, 14-Sep-2005 15-Feb-2006 (R) UN Home Affairs against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman New York Secretary- or Degrading Treatment or Punishment General 64 International Convention against 10 Dec 1985, 3-Oct-1986 UN Min. of Youth https://treaties.un.o Apartheid in Sports New York Secretary- & Sports rg/doc/Publication/ General UNTS/Volume%20 1500/volume-1500- I-25822- English.pdf 65 Convention on the Rights of the Child 20 Nov 1989, 21-Aug-1990 11-Feb-1991 UN Department of http://www.ohchr.o New York Secretary- Gender rg/Documents/Prof General essionalInterest/crc. pdf 66 Amendment to article 43 (2) of the 12 Dec 1995, 2-Nov-1998 (A) UN Department of Convention on the Rights of the Child New York Secretary- Gender General 67 Optional Protocol to the Convention on 25 May 2000, 10-May-2002 29-Dec-2004 UN Department of the Rights of the Child on the Involvement New York Secretary- Gender of Children in Armed Conflict General 68 Optional Protocol to the Convention on 25 May 2000, 10-May-2002 10-May-2002 UN Department of the Rights of the Child on the Sale of New York Secretary- Gender Children, Child Prostitution and Child General Pornography 69 International Covenant on Civil and 16 Dec 1966, 19-Sep-2006 (a) UN Political Rights New York Secretary- General 70 Optional Protocol to the International 16 Dec 1966, 19-Sep-2006 (a) UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights New York Secretary- General 71 International Covenant on Economic, 16 Dec 1966, 19-Sep-2006 (a) UN Social and Cultural Rights New York Secretary- General 72 Convention on the Rights of Persons with 13 Dec 2006, 2-Oct-2007 5-Apr-2010 Ministry of Disabilities New York Health

73 International Convention for the 20 Dec 2006, 6-Feb-2007 Protection of All Persons from Enforced New York Disappearance 74 Optional Protocol to the International 10 Dec 2008, 21-Sep-2011 23-Dec-2020 (a) Covenant on Economic, Social and New York Cultural Rights 75 Optional Protocol to the Convention on 19 Dec 2011, 28-Feb-2012 27-Sep-2019 (R) UN Ministry of the Rights of the Child on a New York Secretary- Gender, Family communications procedure General and Social Services

NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES 76 Convention on Psychotropic Substances 21 Feb 1971, 7-Sep-2000 (a) UN Narcotics Vienna Secretary- Control Board General 77 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 8 Aug 1975, 7-Sep-2000 (a) UN Narcotics 1961, as amended by the Protocol New York Secretary- Control Board amending the Single Convention on the General Narcotics Drugs, 1961 78 United Nations Convention against Illicit 20 Dec 1988, 5-Dec-1989 7-Sep-2000 UN Min. of Defense Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Vienna Secretary- & National Psychotropic Substances General Security

HEALTH 79 Constitution of the World Health 22 July 1946, 5-Nov-1965 (A) UN Ministry of Organization New York Secretary- Health /governance/eb/wh General o_constitution_en.p df 80 Amendments to article 7 of the 20 May 1965, 10-Jul-1968 (A) UN Ministry of Constitution of the World Health Geneva Secretary- Health Organization General 81 Amendments to article 24 and 25 of the 23 May 1967, 2-Dec-1968 (A) UN Ministry of Constitution of the World Health Geneva Secretary- Health Organization General 82 Amendments to articles 34 and 55 of the 22 May 1973, 16-Sep-1975 (A) UN Ministry of Constitution of the World Health Geneva Secretary- Health Organization General 83 Amendments to article 24 and 25 of the 17 May 1976, 20-Sep-1977 (A) UN Ministry of Constitution of the World Health Geneva Secretary- Health Organization General 84 Amendments to article 74 of the 18 May 1978, 6-May-1999 (A) UN Ministry of Constitution of the World Health Geneva Secretary- Health Organization General 85 Amendments to articles 24 and 25 of the 12 May 1986, 26-Oct-1990 (A) UN Ministry of Constitution of the World Health Geneva Secretary- Health Organization General 86 Amendments to articles 24 and 25 of the 16 May 1998, 12-Apr-1999 (A) UN Ministry of Constitution of the World Health Geneva Secretary- Health Organization General 87 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco 21 May 2003, 17-May-2004 20-May-2004 UN Ministry of Control Geneva Secretary- Health General

INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT 88 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 30 Oct 1947, 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN https://www.wto.or (GATT)² Geneva Secretary- g/english/docs_e/le General gal_e/gatt47_e.pdf

89 Protocol modifying certain provisions of 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN the General Agreement on Tariffs and Secretary- /law/help/us- Trade General treaties/bevans/m- ust000004- 0708.pdf 90 Special Protocol modifying article XIV of 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN the General Agreement on Tariffs and Secretary- /law/help/us- Trade General treaties/bevans/m- ust000004- 0712.pdf 91 Special Protocol relating to article XXIV 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Secretary- /law/help/us- Trade General treaties/bevans/m- ust000004- 0719.pdf 92 Protocol modifying part II and article 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN XXVI of the General Agreement on Secretary- /law/help/us- Tariffs and Trade General treaties/bevans/m- ust000004- 0769.pdf 93 Protocol modifying part I and article 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN XXIX of the General Agreement on Secretary- /law/help/us- Tariffs and Trade General treaties/bevans/m- ust000004- 0769.pdf 94 Protocol modifying article XXVI of the 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Secretary- /law/help/us- General treaties/bevans/m- ust000004- 0769.pdf 95 Third Protocol of Rectification to the 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Secretary- General 96 Fourth Protocol of Rectification to the 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Secretary- General 97 Fifth Protocol of Rectifications to the 19-Apr-1983 (S) UN General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Secretary- General 98 Agreement establishing the International 13 June 1976, 15-Jan-1980 (a) UN Fund for Agricultural Development Rome Secretary- /pub/basic/agree/e/! General 01agree.pdf 99 Constitution of the United Nations 8 April 1979, 10-May-1988 (a) UN https://www.unido. Industrial Development Organization Vienna Secretary- org/fileadmin/user_ General media/PMO/Consti tution/UNIDO_Co nstitution_E.pdf 100 Final Act embodying the results of April 1994, 12-Oct-1994 WTO Round of Multilateral Trade Marrakesh /government/uploa Negotiations ds/system/uploads/ attachment_data/fil e/272013/2570.pdf 101 Marrakesh Agreement establishing the 15 April 12-Oct-1994 WTO https://treaties.un.o (WTO) 1994, rg/doc/Publication/ Marrakesh UNTS/Volume%20 1867/volume-1867- I-31874- English.pdf 102 Arrangement regarding International 20 Dec 1973, 19-Apr-1983 (a) https://www.wto.or Trade in Textiles Geneva g/gatt_docs/English /SULPDF/9058007 8.pdf 103 Convention on the recognition and enforcement1958 of foreign arbitral awards 104 United Nations Convention on International2019 Settlement Agreements Resulting7-Aug-19 from Mediation(S) UN Secretary- General

ENVIRONMENT 105 Vienna Convention for the Protection of 22 Mar 1985, 26-Apr-1988 (a) UN Ministry of http://www.jus.uio. the Ozone Layer Vienna Secretary- Housing and no/lm/ozone.layer. General Environment protection.conventi on.vienna.1985/por trait.a4.pdf 106 on Substances that 16 Sep 1987, 12-Jul-1988 16-May-1989 UN Ministry of http://ozone.unep.o Deplete the Ozone Layer Montreal Secretary- Housing and rg/new_site/en/Tre General Environment aties/treaties_decisi ons- hb.php?sec_id=5 107 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on 29 June 1990, 31-Jul-1991 UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer London Secretary- Housing and rg/pages/ViewDeta General Environment ils.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=X XVII-2- b&chapter=27&lan g=en 108 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on 25 Nov 1992, 27-Sep-2001 UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Copenhagen Secretary- Housing and rg/pages/ViewDeta General Environment ils.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=X XVII-2- c&chapter=27&lan g=en 109 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on 17 Sep 1997, 27-Sep-2001 UN Ministry of http://ozone.unep.o substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Montreal Secretary- Housing and rg/pdfs/Montreal- adopted by the Ninth Meeting of the General Environment Protocol2000.pdf Parties 110 Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on 3 Dec 1999, 3-Sep-2002 (a) UN Ministry of http://ozone.unep.o Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Beijing Secretary- Housing and rg/pdfs/Montreal- General Environment Protocol2000.pdf 111 Basel Convention on the Control of 22 Mar 1989, 28-Apr-1992 (a) UN Ministry of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Basel Secretary- Housing and t/Portals/4/Basel%2 Wastes and their Disposal General Environment 0Convention/docs/t ext/BaselConventio nText-e.pdf 112 United Nations Framework Convention on 9 May 1992, 12-Jun-1992 9-Nov-1992 UN Ministry of New York Secretary- Housing and es/essential_backgr General Environment ound/background_ publications_htmlp df/application/pdf/c onveng.pdf 113 to the United Nations 11 Dec 1997, 16-Mar-1998 30-Dec-1998 UN Ministry of Framework Convention on Climate Kyoto Secretary- Housing and ource/docs/convkp/ Change General Environment kpeng.pdf 114 Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol 8-Dec-12 1-Jul-2015 (a) https://treaties.un.o rg/doc/Publication/ MTDSG/Volume% 20II/Chapter%20X XVII/XXVII-7- c.en.pdf 115 Convention on Biological Diversity 5 June 1992, 12-Jun-1992 9-Nov-1992 UN Ministry of Rio de Secretary- Housing and /doc/legal/cbd- Janeiro General Environment en.pdf 116 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the 29 Jan 2000, 3-Sep-2002 (a) UN Ministry of Convention on Biological Diversity Montreal Secretary- Housing and /doc/legal/cartagen General Environment a-protocol-en.pdf 117 United Nations Convention to Combat 14 Oct 1994, 3-Sep-2002 (a) UN Ministry of http://www.unccd.i in those Countries Paris Secretary- Housing and nt/Lists/SiteDocum Experiencing Serious and/or General Environment entLibrary/conventi Desertification, Particularly in Africa onText/conv- eng.pd 118 Stockholm Convention on Persistent 22 May 2001 17-Oct-2006 Organic Pollutants world/agreements/p repareCreateTreatie sWorkspace/treatie ep=0&redirect=tru e&treatyId=1141

119 Rotterdam Convention on the Prior 10 Sep 1998 17-Oct-2006 (a) Ministry of https://www.unido. Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Rotterdam Housing and org/fileadmin/user_ Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in Environment media/Services/En International trade vironmental_Mana gement/GUDDIS/L egal_Frameworks/r otterdam_conventi on.pdf 120 UN Convention on International Trade in 30-Mar-73 12-Dec-2012 (a) Environment https://www.fws.go Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and v/le/pdf/CITESTre Flora aty.pdf 121 12-Dec-15 22-Apr-2016 Ministry of Environment ential_background/ convention/items/6 036.php 122 Ban Amendment to the Basel Convention 12-Apr-17 (R) 123 Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol 6-Nov-17 (R)

PENAL MATTERS 124 International Convention for the 15 Dec1997 7-Sep-2000 (a) UN Min. of Defense Suppression of Terrorist Bombings New York Secretary- & National General Security

125 International Convention against the 4 Dec 1989, 17-Jul-90 (a) UN Min. of Defense Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training New York 11 Sep 1991 Secretary- & National of Mercenaries General Security

126 Convention on the Prevention and 14 Dec 1973, 21-Aug-1990 (a) UN Punishment of Crimes against New York Secretary- Internationally Protected Persons, General including Diplomatic Agents 127 Convention on Offences and Certain 14 Sep 1963, 28-Sep-1987 (a) ICAO Ministry of Other acts Committed on Board Aircraft Montreal Tourism Arts zh/terrorism/pdf/19 and Culture 63E.pdf 128 Convention on the Suppression of 16 Dec 1970, 1-Sep-1987 (a) ICAO Ministry of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft The Hague Tourism Arts /juridico/MLA/en/ and Culture Treaties/en_Conve _Suppre_Unlaw_S eiz_Aircr_Sig_The _Hague_1970.pdf 129 Convention for the suppression of 23 Sep 1971, 1-Sep-1987 (a) ICAO Ministry of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Montreal Tourism Arts zh/terrorism/pdf/19 Aviation and Culture 71E.pdf 130 Protocol on the Suppression of Unlawful 24 Feb 1988, 22-Mar-1999 (a) ICAO Ministry of Acts of Violence at Airports Serving Montreal Tourism Arts International Civil Aviation, and Culture Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation 131 Convention on the Marketing of Plastic 1 Mar 1991, 22-Mar-1999 (a) ICAO Ministry of Explosive for the Purpose of Detection Montreal Tourism Arts and Culture 132 International Convention for the 9 Dec 1999, 20-Apr-2004 (a) UN Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism New York Secretary- General 133 International Convention Against 31 Oct 2003, 22-Mar-2007 (a) UN Min. of Finance Corruption New York Secretary- General 134 Rome Statute of the International 17 July 21-Sep-2011 (a) Criminal Court 1998,Rome 135 United Nations Convention Against 15 Nov 2000, 4-Feb-2013 (a) UN Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) New York Secretary- General 136 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish 15 Nov 2000, 14-Sep-16 (a) Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women New York and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

COMMODITIES 137 Agreement establishing the Common 27 June 1980, 19/05/1988 11-Jul-1988 (a) UN http://www.commo Fund for Commodities Geneva Secretary- n- General user_upload/CFC_ downloads/CFCag0 8.pdf

LAW OF THE SEA 138 United Nations Convention on the Law of 10 Dec 1982, 10-Dec-1982 7-Sep-2000 UN Ministry of the Sea Montego Bay Secretary- Foreign Affairs depts/los/conventio General n_agreements/texts /unclos/unclos_e.p df 139 Agreement relating to the implementation 28 July 1994, 10-Oct-1994 7-Sep-2000 (P) UN Ministry of of Part XI of the United Nations New York Secretary- Foreign Affairs depts/los/conventio Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 General n_agreements/conv Dec 1982 ention_overview_p art_xi.htm 140 Agreement for the Implementation of the 4 Aug 1995, 8-Oct-1996 30-Dec-1998 UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Provisions of the United Nations New York Secretary- Foreign Affairs rg/Pages/ViewDeta Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 General ils.aspx?src=TREA Dec 1982 relating to the Conservation and TY&mtdsg_no=X Management of Straddling Fish Stocks XI- and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks 7&chapter=21&lan g=en

LAW OF TREATIES 141 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 23 May 1969, 14-Sep-2005 (a) UN Ministry of Vienna Secretary- Foreign Affairs General

WARFARE AND DISARMAMENT 142 Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear 1 July 1968, 9-Nov-1968 7-Apr-1970 Washington, Min. of Defense Weapons (NPT) Washington, London and & National London & Moscow Security Moscow 143 Convention on Prohibitions or 10 Oct 1980, 7-Sep-2000 (a) UN Min. of Defense Restrictions on the Use of Certain Geneva Secretary- & National Conventional Weapons which may be General Security deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (with Protocols I, II, and III) 144 Additional Protocol to the Convention on 13 Oct 1995, 7-Sep-2000 (P) UN Min. of Defense Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Vienna Secretary- & National Certain Conventional Weapons which General Security may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol IV, entitled Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons) 145 Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions 3 May 1996, 7-Sep-2000 (P) UN on the Use of Mines, Booby-traps and Geneva Secretary- Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 General (Protocol II as amended on 3 May 1996) annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects 146 Convention on the Prohibition of the 3 Sep 1992 4-Oct-1993 31-May-1994 UN Foreign Affairs Development, Production, Stockpiling and Geneva Secretary- / Defense Use of Chemical Weapons and on their General Destruction 147 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Sep 1996, 1-Oct-1997 7-Sep-2000 (R) UN Foreign Affairs (CTBT) New York Secretary- / Defense General 148 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, 18 Sep 1997, 1-Oct-1998 7-Sep-2000 UN Min. of Defense Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Oslo Secretary- & National Anti-Personnel Mines and on their General Security Destruction 149 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in 17 June 1925, 6-Jan-1967 (a) Government Foreign Affairs war of Asphyxiating Poisonous or Other Geneva of the Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of French Warfare Republic 150 Convention on the Prohibition of the 10 Apr 1972, 1-Jul-1993 Foreign Affairs Development, Production, Stockpiling of London, Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Moscow & Weapons and Other Destruction Washington 151 Convention on Cluster Munitions Dublin, 30 27-Sep-2019 (a) UN Min. of Defense May 2008 Secretary- General 152 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear New York 7 26-Sep-2019 UN Min. of Defense Weapons Jul 2017 Secretary- General 153 United Nations Arms Trade Treaty New York 2 27-Sep-2019 (a) UN Min. of Defense Apr 2013 Secretary- General

TELECOMMUNICATIONS 154 Constitution of Asia-Pacific 21 May 1974, 17-Mar-1980 (a) UN https://treaties.un.o Telecommunity Brussels Secretary- rg/pages/ViewDeta General ils.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=X XV- 2&chapter=25&lan g=en 155 Amendment to article 11, paragraph 2 (a), 13-Nov-81 28-May-1982 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o of the Constitution of the Asia-Pacific Secretary- Transport and rg/pages/ViewDeta Telecommunity General Communication ils.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=X XV-2- a&chapter=25&lan g=en 156 Amendment to articles 3(5) and 9(8) of 29 Nov 1991, 3-Feb-1993 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o the Constitution of the Asia-Pacific Colombo Secretary- Transport and rg/pages/ViewDeta Telecommunity General Communication ils.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=X XV-2- b&chapter=25&lan g=en 157 Agreement establishing the Asia-Pacific 12 Aug 1977, 25-Jun-1985 (a) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Institute for Broadcasting Development Kuala Secretary- Transport and rg/pages/ViewDeta Lumpur General Communication ils.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=X XV- 3&chapter=25&lan g=en 158 International Agreement on the use of 16 Oct 1985, 18-Feb-1994 Ministry of http://2001- INMARSAT ship Earth Stations within London Transport and the Territorial Sea and Ports Communication uments/organizatio n/108680.pdf 159 International Telecommunication 22 Dec 1992, 28-Feb-1997 (a) Ministry of Convention Geneva* Transport and ms_pub/itu- Communication s/oth/02/09/S02090 0000A5201PDFE. PDF 160 Amendments to the Constitution of the 10/23/2002, 19-Apr-2007 A Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Asia-Pacific Telecommunity New Delhi Transport and rg/doc/Treaties/200 Communication 2/11/20021122%20 00- 46%20AM/Ch_XX V_02cp.pdf 161 International Telecommunication 6-Nov-82 1-Apr-1985 R Convention , Nairobi Plenipotentiary Conference *with amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994 and Minneapolis, 1998) and entered into force since 1 January 2000

MARITIME 162 Convention on the International Maritime 6 Mar 1948, 31-May-1967 (A) UN Ministry of Organization (IMO) Geneva Secretary- Transport and /rp/il/pdf/1948%20 General Communication Convention%20on %20the%20Interna tional%20Maritime %20Organization- pdf.pdf 163 Amendment to article 28 of the 28 Sep 1965, 22-Apr-1968 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Convention on the International Maritime London Secretary- Transport and rg/pages/ViewDeta Organization General Communication ils.aspx?src=TREA TY&mtdsg_no=XI I-1- b&chapter=12&lan g=en 164 Amendment to articles 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 17 Oct 1974, 21-Jul-1975 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o 28, 31 and 32 of the Convention on the London Secretary- Transport and rg/doc/Treaties/197 International Maritime Organization General Communication 8/04/19780401%20 05- 29%20PM/Ch_XII _1_cp.pdf 165 Amendments to the Title and Substantive 14 Nov 1975 25-Feb-1980 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Provisions of the Convention on the & 9 Nov Secretary- Transport and rg/doc/Treaties/198 International Maritime Organization 1977, London General Communication 2/05/19820522%20 05- 44%20PM/Ch_XII _1_dp.pdf 166 Amendments to the Convention on the 17 Nov 1977, 25-Feb-1980 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o International Maritime Organization London Secretary- Transport and rg/doc/Treaties/198 relating to the Institutionalization of the General Communication 4/11/19841110%20 Committee on Technical Co-operation in 05- the Convention 20%20PM/Ch_XII _1_fp.pdf 167 Amendments to Articles 17, 18, 20 and 51 15 Nov 1979, 2-Apr-1980 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o of the Convention on the International London Secretary- Transport and rg/doc/Treaties/198 Maritime Organization General Communication 4/11/19841110%20 05- 25%20PM/Ch_XII _1_ep.pdf 168 Amendments to the Convention on the 7 Nov 1991, 23-May-2005 (A) UN Ministry of https://treaties.un.o International Maritime Organization London Secretary- Transport and rg/doc/Treaties/199 (Institutionalization of the Facilitation General Communication 8/09/19980901%20 Committee) 05- 38%20PM/Ch_XII _1_gp.pdf 169 International Convention for the safety of 1 Nov 1974, 14-Jan-1981 14-Apr-1981 International Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Life at Sea 1974, As Amended 1 Nov London Maritime Transport and rg/doc/Publication/ 1974 Organization Communication UNTS/Volume%20 1184/volume-1184- I-18961- English.pdf 170 Protocol of 1988 relating to the 11-Nov-88 20-May-2005 (a) International Ministry of http://www.shmsa. International Convention for the Safety of Maritime Transport and Life at Sea 1974 Organization Communication le/e%20SOLAS%2 0consolidated%20e dition2004.pdf 171 International Convention for the 2 Nov 1973 / 20-May-2005 (a) International Ministry of http://www.mardep Prevention of of Ships 1973, as Feb 1978 Maritime Transport and modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating Organization Communication pdf/msin1134anx1. thereto pdf 172 International Convention on Load Lines 5 Apr 1966, 29-Jan-1968 21-Jul-1968 International Ministry of http://www.msa.go London Maritime Transport and Organization Communication 07-09-16-08-04- 8593%E8%8B%B 1LL%201966.pdf 173 Amendments to regulate 49(4)(b) of the 15 Nov 1979, 11-Mar-1980 (A) International Ministry of http://www.flagad International Convention of Load Lines London Maritime Transport and Organization Communication re/filemanager/user files/LIBRARY/Int ernationalConventi ononLoadLinesLL 1966.pdf 174 Amendments to Annex II of the 17-Nov-1983 25-Apr-1984 (A) International Ministry of International Convention on Load Lines Maritime Transport and /About/Convention Organization Communication s/ListOfConvention s/Pages/Internation al-Convention-on- Load-Lines.aspx 175 International Convention on Tonnage 23 June 1969, 2-Jun-1983 2-Sep-1983 International Ministry of https://treaties.un.o Measurement of Ships London Maritime Transport and rg/doc/Publication/ Organization Communication UNTS/Volume%20 1291/volume-1291- I-21264- English.pdf 176 International Convention on Civil 29 Nov 1969, 16-Mar-1981 14-Jun-1981 (a) International Ministry of Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1969 Brussels Maritime Transport and /rp/il/pdf/1969%20 Organization Communication International%20C onvention%20on% 20Civil%20Liabilit y%20for%20Oil%2 0Pollution%20Dam age-pdf.pdf 177 Protocol (of 1976) to the International 19 Nov 1976, 14-Jun-1981 12-Sep-1981 (a) International Ministry of http://www.admiral Convention on Civil Liability for Oil London Maritime Transport and Pollution Damage 1969 Organization Communication nven/protocivilpol1 992.html 178 Protocol of 1992 to amend the 27 Nov 1992 20-May-2005 (a) International Ministry of http://www.transpo International Convention on Civil Maritime Transport and Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1969 Organization Communication nte/HaftungsUe_en gl.pdf 179 International Convention on the 18 Dec 1971, 16-Mar-1981 14-Jun-1981 (a) International Ministry of http://www.admiral Establishment of an International Fund for Brussels Maritime Transport and Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage Organization Communication nven/protooilpolfu nd1992.html 180 Protocol of 1992 to amend the 27 Nov 1992 20-May-2005 (a) International Ministry of http://www.iopcfun International Convention on the Maritime Transport and Establishment of an International Fund for Organization Communication opcpublications/Te Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage xt_of_Conventions 1971 _e.pdf 181 International Convention on Standards of 7 July 1978, 22-Apr-1987 (a) International Ministry of http://www.admiral Training, Certification and Watch keeping London Maritime Transport and for Seafarers 1978, As Amended Organization Communication nven/stcw1978.htm l 182 International Convention for the Control 13 Feb 2004, 31-May-2005 22-Jun-2005 International Ministry of and Management of Ships Ballast water London Maritime Transport and de/Meeresdaten/U and Sediments Organization Communication mweltschutz/Ballas twasser/Konventio n_en.pdf 183 Convention on the International 20-Oct-72 14-Jan-1981 (a) International Ministry of Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Maritime Transport and Sea 1972 Organization Communication jecto-Navios- I/IMO- Conventions%20% 28copies%2http:// p5/groups/public/--- ed_norm/--- normes/documents/ normativeinstrume nt/wcms_090250.p df9/COLREG- 1972.pdf 184 Maritime labor Convention 2006 30th 14-Apr-2014 R International Ministry of September Maritime Economic wcmsp5/groups/pu 2014 Organization Development blic/---ed_norm/--- normes/documents/ normativeinstrume nt/wcms_090250.p df 185 Convention for the suppression of 23-Apr-2013 ® unlawful acts against the safety of Maritime Navigation1988 (SUA Convention) 186 Protocol for the suppression of unlawful Done at 26-May-2014 acts against the safety of fixed platforms Rome, 10 located on the continental shelf, 1988 March 1988 (SUA PROTOCOL 1988) 187 Protocol for the suppression of unlawful 23-Apr-2013 ® acts against the safety of fixed platforms located on the Continental Shelf 1988 188 Seafarers identity documents convention 2003( 185) 31st 19-Nov-2014 R International Ministry of December Maritime Economic 2014 Organization Development

CIVIL AVIATION 189 Convention on International Civil 7 Dec 1944, 12-Mar-1974 (A) US Aviation Chicago /publications/Docu ments/7300_orig.p df 190 Protocol on the Authentic Trilingual Text Date of entry of the Convention on International Civil into force: Aviation (Chicago 1944) Signed at 11/4/1974 Buenos Aires on 24th September 1968 191 Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the 10 May 1984, 8-Apr-1997 ICAO Ministry of Convention on International Civil Montreal Tourism Arts /secretariat/legal/A Aviation, Article 3 bis and Culture dministrative%20P ackages/3bis_en.pd f 192 Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the 6 Oct 1980, 30-Oct-1987 ICAO Ministry of http://www.mcgill. Convention on International Civil Montreal Tourism Arts ca/iasl/files/iasl/mo Aviation Article 83 bis and Culture ntreal1980.pdf 193 Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the 16 Oct 1974, 31-Jan-1975 ICAO Ministry of https://www.mcgill Convention on International Civil Montreal Tourism Arts .ca/iasl/files/iasl/PR Aviation Article 50(a) and Culture OTOCOL- Art50a.pdf 194 Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the 26 Oct 1990, 8-Apr-1997 ICAO Ministry of https://www.mcgill Convention on International Civil Montreal Tourism Arts .ca/iasl/files/iasl/PR Aviation Article 50 and Culture OTOCOL- Art50a.pdf 195 Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the 6 Oct 1989, 8-Apr-1997 ICAO Ministry of http://www.mcgill. Convention on International Civil Montreal Tourism Arts ca/iasl/files/iasl/PR Aviation Article 56 and Culture OTOCOL- Art56.pdf 196 Convention on Offences and Certain 14 Sep 1963, 28-Sep-1987 (a) ICAO Ministry of Other acts Committed on Board Aircraft Montreal Tourism Arts zh/terrorism/pdf/19 and Culture 63E.pdf 197 Convention on the Suppression of 16 Dec 1970, 1-Sep-1987 (a) ICAO Ministry of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft The Hague Tourism Arts /juridico/MLA/en/ and Culture Treaties/en_Conve _Suppre_Unlaw_S eiz_Aircr_Sig_The _Hague_1970.pdf 198 Convention for the Suppression of 23 Sep 1971, 1-Sep-1987 (a) ICAO Ministry of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Montreal Tourism Arts zh/terrorism/pdf/19 Aviation and Culture 71E.pdf 199 Protocol on the Suppression of Unlawful 24 Feb 1988, 22-Mar-1999 (a) ICAO Ministry of Acts of Violence at Airports Serving Montreal Tourism Arts zh/terrorism/pdf/19 International Civil Aviation, and Culture 71E.pdf supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation 200 Convention on the Marketing of Plastic 1 Mar 1991, 22-Mar-1999 (a) ICAO Ministry of Explosives for the Purpose of Detection Montreal Tourism Arts /secretariat/legal/Li and Culture st%20of%20Parties /MEX_EN.pdf 201 Contracting Parties to the Convention for 12 Oct 1929, 13-Oct-1995 Govt of Rep the Unification of Certain Rules Relating Warsaw of /secretariat/legal/Li to International Carriage st%20of%20Parties /WC-HP_EN.pdf 202 Protocol Modifying the Convention on for 28 Sep 1955, 13-Oct-1995 Govt of Rep http://nasamer.ku.e the Unification of Certain Rules Relating The Hague of Poland to International Carriage zuat/conventions/m ontreal- convention.pdf 203 Convention on Damage Caused by 7 Oct 1952, 5-Sep-1995 ICAO Ministry of Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the Rome Tourism Arts /1952/1952- Surface and Culture convention-on- damage-caused-by- foreign-aircraft-to- third-parties-on-the- surface/ 204 Convention on the International 19 June 1948, 5-Sep-1995 ICAO Ministry of http://www.mcgill. Recognition of Rights in Aircraft Geneva Tourism Arts ca/files/iasl/geneva and Culture 1948.pdf

INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW 205 Geneva Convention (I) for the 12 Aug 1949, 18-Jun-1991 (a) Swiss Foreign Affairs Amelioration of the Condition of the Geneva Federal Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Department Field of Foreign Affairs in 206 Geneva Convention (II) for the 12 Aug 1949, 18-Jun-1991 (a) Swiss Foreign Affairs Amelioration of the Condition of the Geneva Federal Wounded and Sick and Shipwrecked Department Members of Armed Forces at Sea of Foreign Affairs in Bern 207 Geneva Convention (III) Relative to the 12 Aug 1949, 18-Jun-1991 (a) Swiss Foreign Affairs Treatment of Prisoners of War Geneva Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in Bern 208 Geneva Convention (IV) Relative to the 12 Aug 1949, 18-Jun-1991 (a) Swiss Foreign Affairs Protection of Civilian Persons in time of Geneva Federal War Department of Foreign Affairs in Bern 209 Protocol I Additional to the Geneva 8 June 1977, 18-Jun-1991 (a) Swiss Foreign Affairs Convention of 12 August 1949 and Geneva Federal Relating to the Protection of Victims of Department International Armed Conflict of Foreign Affairs in Bern 210 Protocol II Additional to the Geneva 8 June 1977, 18-Jun-1991 (a) Swiss Foreign Affairs Convention of 12 August 1949 and Geneva Federal Relating to the Protection of Victims of Department International Armed Conflict of Foreign Affairs in Bern

ORGANIZATION OF THE ISLAMIC CONFERENCE (OIC) 211 Charter of the Organization of Islamic the Feb 1972, 1-Aug-1974 http://www.comcec Islamic Conference (OIC) Agreement Jeddah .org/TR_YE/Yeni_ Site_Dokumanlar/ Basic_Documents/ OIC_Charter.pdf 212 Framework Agreement on Trade Istanbul, 11-Apr-2006 R Preferential System 213 General Agreement for Economic, 2 May 1977, 17/Dec/1977 Foreign Affairs http://www.comcec Technical and Commercial Cooperation , Libya .org/TR_YE/Yeni_ among Member States of the Islamic Site_Dokumanlar/ Conference Agreements/GAET CC.pdf

SOUTH ASIAN ASSOCIATION FOR REGIONAL COOPERATION (SAARC) 214 Charter of South Asian Association for 1985 8-Dec-1985 SAARC Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Secretariat 215 SAARC Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1990 23-Nov-1990 14-Feb-1991 SAARC and Psychotropic Substances Secretariat 216 SAARC Regional Convention on 1987 23-Nov-1987 4-Nov-1987 SAARC Suppression of Terrorism Secretariat 217 SAARC Food Security Reserve 1987 4-Nov-1987 5-Nov-1987 218 SAARC Convention on Regional 28-Dec-2003 SAARC Arrangements for the Promotion of Child Secretariat Welfare in South Asia 219 SAARC Convention on Preventing and 28-Dec-2003 SAARC Combating Trafficking in Women and Secretariat Children for Prostitution 220 Charter of the SAARC Development Fund 28-Jul-09 (R)

221 SAARC Convention on Mutual 3-Aug-09 (R) Assistance in Criminal Matters 222 SAARC Convention on Cooperation on 18-Jul-12 (R) Environment 223 SAARC agreement on establishing the 26-Apr-2016 26-Apr-2016 SAARC Seed Bank Secretariat

MISCELLANEOUS 224 Regional Convention on the Recognition 16 Dec 1983, 14-Jun-1990 (a) Director of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in High Bangkok General of Education in Asia and the Pacific UNESCO 225 Convention Concerning the Protection of 23/Nov/1972 22-May-1986 (A) Director National Centre the World Cultural and Natural Heritage General of for Linguistic & UNESCO Historical Research 226 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, 22-Apr-1968 Foreign Affairs the Return of Astronauts and Objects Launched into Outer Space 227 General Regulations of the Universal 26 Oct 1979, 28-Feb-1981 (a) Ministry of Postal Union, Final Protocol Rio de Transport and uploads/tx_sbdown Janeiro Communication loader/actInFourVo lumesConstitution ManualEn.pdf 228 Universal Postal Convention Final 26 Oct 1979, 28-Feb-1981 (a) Ministry of Protocol, Detailed Regulations Rio de Transport and en/the-upu/acts/acts- Janeiro Communication in-four- volumes.html 229 Postal Parcels Agreement, Final Protocol, 26 Oct 1979, 28-Feb-1981 (a) Ministry of Detailed Regulations Rio de Transport and en/the-upu/acts/acts- Janeiro Communication in-four- volumes.html 230 Amendments to Articles 17, 18, 20 and 51 17/Nov/1977 17-Mar-1980 (A) http://iea.uoregon.e of the Convention of the the Inter- du/pages/MarineM Governmental Maritime Consultative ammals/engine/Do Organization cuments/0-1659- 1660.htm 231 Convention Establishing a Customs Co- 15 Dec 1950, 8-Sep-1995 (a) http://www.wcoom operation Council Brussels us/legal- instruments/~/medi a/7E31EB9C9DC2 4D7984C217508F 05D9E8.ashx 232 International Treaty on Plant Genetic 3 Nov 2001, 2-Mar-2006 (a) FAO Resources for Food and Agriculture Rome Director rep/fao/011/i0510e/ General i0510e.pdf 233 Convention of the World Meteorological 11-Oct-47 1-Jun-78 Organization (WMO) 234 UNFPA Basic Agreement 4-May-14 235 Statute of the OIC Women Development 25-Nov-19 25-Nov-19 Ministry of Organization Gender, Family and Social Services