Wiggle Rooms: New Issues and North-South Negotiations during the Uruguay Round J. P. Singh Communication, Culture and Technology Program Georgetown University 3520 Prospect Street, NW, Suite 311 Washington, DC 20057 Ph: 202/687-2525 Fax: 202/687-1720 E-mail:
[email protected] Research support for this paper was provided through the Social Science Research Council’s Summer Fellowship Program on ‘Information Technology, International Cooperation, and Global Security’ held at Columbia University and a competitive research grant from Georgetown University. My thanks to the SSRC fellows in the summer program for their input. I am also grateful to John Odell and Susan Sell for help with this project. Previous versions of this paper were presented to the Washington Interest in Negotiations (WIN) group and the 2003 American Political Science Association, which provided important feedback. My thanks to the discussants Beth Yarborough, and William Zartman. Prepared for the conference on Developing Countries and the Trade Negotiation Process, 6 and 7 November 2003, UNCTAD, Palais des Nations, Room XXVII, Geneva COMMENTS WELCOME. Please ask author’s permission before citing. 1 Are developing countries marginalized in the formation of global rules governing new issues such as services and intellectual property rights?1 Not if they are savvy negotiators and the developed countries are not unified in their stance, suggests this study. Analysts examine the gains developing countries make in such ‘high-tech’ issue areas (Grieco 1982; Odell 1993; Singh 2002A) to note that the weak do not necessarily suffer the will of the strong. Their success with high-tech negotiations, in fact, bodes well for them in issue areas in which they are strong (for example, agriculture or textiles).