7:00 am Meetings processes offer to theory, health interventions, and health policy? Section on Environment and Technology Council Meeting 454. Thematic Session. The Social Construction of Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 7:00-8:15am Intellectual Property Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511D, 8:30-10:10am Section on of Religion Council Meeting Session Organizer: Bruce G. Carruthers, Northwestern Palais des congrès de Montréal, 520B, 7:00-8:15am University Presider: Bruce G. Carruthers, Northwestern University Section on Sociology of Sexualities Planning Committee Panelists: Bruce G. Carruthers, Northwestern University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 523B, 7:00-8:15am Jeannette Anastasia Colyvas, Northwestern University Section on the Sociology of the Family Council Meeting Heather A. Haveman, UC Berkeley Palais des congrès de Montréal, 520C, 7:00-8:15am The leading firms in the world economy are increasingly formed around the control of intellectual property rights (e.g., patents, copyrights, Task Force on Contingent Faculty trademarks). If the economy of the future is all about ferreting out and exploiting the rent-generating opportunities around intellectual property rights, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 523A, 7:00-8:15am it is important to understand how these rights are constructed, the implications of alternative forms of construction for the economy and employment, and the 8:30 am Meetings main ways in which the construction of such rights might change or evolve. 2016-17 ASA Council Members-at-Large 455. Special Session. New Directions for Climate Action Palais des congrès de Montréal, 518A, 8:30am-12:10pm (cosponsored with Canadian Sociological Association) Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511E, 8:30-10:10am American Sociological Review Editorial Board Session Organizer: Howard Ramos, Dalhousie University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 710A, 8:30-10:10am Presider: Howard Ramos, Dalhousie University COPE Revision Committee Meeting Perceived Influence in Climate Change Policy Networks: The Palais des congrès de Montréal, 523A, 8:30-10:10am Effect of Social Network Position in the Canadian Case. David B. Tindall, University of British Columbia; Mark Contemporary Sociology Editorial Board C.J. Stoddart, Memorial University of Newfoundland Palais des congrès de Montréal, 710B, 8:30-10:10am Environmental Crises, Policy, and Scientific Change: Insights Honors Program Wrap-up from a Computational Analysis. John VP McLevey, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 518B, 8:30-10:10am University of Waterloo Local Struggles against Climate Change. Suzanne 8:30 am Sessions Staggenborg, University of Pittsburgh Climate Change and the Future of Cities. Eric Klinenberg, 453. Thematic Session. Structure, Culture, and Health New York University; Liz Koslov, New York University Inequality in International Perspective This session is supported by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511A, 8:30-10:10am Sciences. This session will examine climate change and climate action in the Session Organizer: Jane D. McLeod, Indiana University Post-COP21 era. It will examine how regime shifts have affected policies, practices, attitudes and protest around climate change as well as public Presider: Jane D. McLeod, Indiana University participation and perception of environment and environmentalism. Papers Gender and Global Health Inequality: The Case of Qatar. will explore whether or not new directions of policy and action have affected Jen'nan G. Read, Duke University broader cultural norms and attitudes towards the environment and conversely The Institutional Foundations of Health Inequality: How how those have influenced political actors ranging from protesters to policy makers and states. The social, cultural and political dynamics of climate Cross-National Comparison Identifies Material and change are riddled with tensions and contradictions. While international Symbolic Causation. Jason Beckfield, climate policy-making summits often fail to make significant progress, many The Global Landscape of Stigma. Bernice A. Pescosolido, cities and sub national states as well as mobilized citizens are taking action Indiana University towards mitigation and adaptation. Despite increasingly stern warnings of irreversible ecological change, polar sea ice melts, circumpolar nations look at Confronting Racial Inequities in Health: Challenges and these transformed environments as potential new resource frontiers for oil and Opportunities. David R. Williams, Harvard University minerals. The 2014 People’s Climate March was the largest public This session focuses on the interplay of structural and cultural processes mobilization around climate change to date, but climate skeptics continue to that produce health inequality. The overarching question this session addresses receive media attention that is disproportionate to their standing within the is: How are structural and cultural forms of exclusion, domination, boundary scientific community. This session will explore a diverse range of topics maintenance, and the like implicated in health beliefs and behaviors, health related to the sociology of climate change, including: climate change disparities, disease-related stigma, and experiences in the health care system? adaptation and mitigation, media representations and climate discourse, public Following a brief introduction, four panelists—each of whose work extends opinion and behaviour, and protest around and climate beyond the United States—will describe how their research on health justice. inequality answers this broad question. Following the panelists’ presentations, the presider will lead a general discussion on these questions: • Can material 456. Author Meets Critics Session. Despite the Best and symbolic processes of health inequality be distinguished empirically? Is Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good there value to doing so? To what extent are material and symbolic processes mutually reinforcing? To what extent do they counteract each other? • What Schools (Transgressing Boundaries: Studies in Black lessons does research on the interplay between material and symbolic Politics and Black Communities) (Oxford University Press, 2015) by Amanda E. Lewis and John B. Diamond This workshop introduces Team-Based Learning (TBL) as a classroom Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511F, 8:30-10:10am management strategy. TBL’s unique approach to groups provides all the benefits of collaboration while still holding individual students accountable for Session Organizer: Karolyn Tyson, Univ. North Carolina- their fair share of the work. Along with basic implementation of TBL, this Chapel Hill workshop will cover examples of productive group assignments as well as Presider: Karolyn Tyson, Univ. North Carolina-Chapel Hill strategies for effective team evaluation. Critics: Carla Dawn O'Connor, University of Michigan 460. Regular Session. Boys, Men, and Masculine Spaces R. L'Heureux Lewis-McCoy, The City College of New York Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512C, 8:30-10:10am - CUNY Session Organizers: Christin L. Munsch, University of Charles A. Gallagher, La Salle University Connecticut Authors: Amanda Evelyn Lewis, University of Illinois at Catherine J. Taylor, Indiana University Chicago Presider: Sarah Diefendorf, University of Washington John B. Diamond, University of Wisconsin - Madison Becoming Geniuses: The Infantilization of Boys’ 457. Professional Development Workshop. Preparing Misbehaviors in Middle School. Michela Musto, Young Scholars for the Future of Disability Studies University of Southern California Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512B, 8:30-10:10am Buying a Voice: Gendered Contribution Careers among Session Organizer: Tom Gerschick, Illinois State University Affluent Political Donors to Federal Elections, 1980-2008. Leader: Tom Gerschick, Illinois State University Jen Heerwig, Stony Brook University; Katie Gordon, Stony Despite being a status much like sex, gender, race, ethnicity, social class Brook University and sexual orientation, scholarship on disability has significantly lagged these Role Modeling Responsibility: Promoting the Essential Father contemporary research and social action areas. Existing disability scholars Discourse in Responsible Fatherhood Programming and understand the necessity of training the next generation of scholars to broaden sociologists' understanding of the importance of studying disability in its own Policy. Jennifer Randles, California State University- right and for its implications for intersectional theory and scholarship. Our Fresno expressed goal is to demonstrate the many research gaps in the sociology of Women in the One Percent: Gender Dynamics in Top Income disability and to demonstrate ways of addressing them. We envision this and Wealth Positions. Jill Evelyn Yavorsky, Ohio State session as a catalyst where young scholars can get ideas for new projects, network with potential collaborators, and learn of publication opportunities University; Lisa A. Keister, Duke University; Mike Nau, and outlets. The Ohio State University Women’s Double Hurdle: Gaining the Skills, and Adapting to 458. Policy and Research Workshop. Rethinking Data the Social Expectations, of Masculine Spaces. Sarah A. Collection with Public Records Requests: Perspectives Outland, University of Chicago from the U.S. and Canada Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512A, 8:30-10:10am 461. Regular Session. and Conversation Session Organizer: Pierce Greenberg, Washington State Analysis: Achieving Recognizable Objects and University Information - Technical Settings Leader: Pierce Greenberg, Washington State University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512D, 8:30-10:10am Co-Leaders: Kevin Walby, University of Winnipeg Session Organizer: Anne Warfield Rawls, Bentley University Tia Dafnos, University of New Brunswick Supervising Autonomous Vehicles. Erik Vinkhuyzen, Nissan Governments across the globe afford the public access to a variety of Research Center - Silicon Valley documents and data through open records laws. However, sociologists rarely Scientists Arguing: Emotion in Interdisciplinary Lab use this valuable resource. This workshop will introduce sociologists to the process of filing public records requests to collect both qualitative and Conversation. Donald A. Everhart, UCSD quantitative data. Presenters from the U.S. and Canada will (1) discuss Do You Wanna See the Baby? Referencing Ultrasounds in potential applications of public records requests in sociological research and Prenatal Care. Lisa Kietzer, UCLA (2) overview guidelines for procuring data through open records laws. The The Moment of Attack: Ethnomethodology, Airborne Military workshop will also include a small-group brainstorming session to ensure that participants come away with ideas for implementing public records requests Operations and the Use of Force against Designated into their research. The intended audience is all sociologists who conduct Targets. Michael Mair, University of Liverpool; research. Drs. Kevin Walby and Tia Dafnos have written extensively about Christopher Elsey; Martina Kolanoski, Goethe University using public records requests in critical criminology in Canada. Dr. Walby Frankfurt edited “Brokering Access: Power, Politics, and Freedom of Information Process in Canada,” a definitive volume on the use of public records in 462. Regular Session. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and sociological research. Session organizer Pierce Greenberg recently published a review article on the use of public records requests in sociological research Transgender Studies 1 in Social Currents and has used public records requests to collect data about Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512E, 8:30-10:10am coal waste facilities in the U.S. Session Organizer: Abigail Ruth Ocobock, University of Notre 459. Teaching Workshop. Group Work that Works Dame Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516E, 8:30-10:10am After Assimilation: Conservative LGBT Politics in the Beacon Session Organizer: Bryan K. Robinson, University of Mount of LGBT Rights. Jeffrey W Lockhart, University of Union Michigan Leader: Bryan K. Robinson, University of Mount Union Building Relationships from the Ground Up: How Queer Actors Remake Courtship. Ellen Lamont, Appalachian Labor Outsourcing and Value Production: Producing Social State University and Symbolic Value on the Contracting Labor Market. No Girls Allowed? Fluctuating Boundaries between Gay Men Guillaume Dumont, OBS Business School and Straight Women in Gay Public Space. Tyler G Baldor, The Paradoxes of Self-Branding: An Analysis of Consultants’ University of Pennsylvania Professional Web Pages. Michal Pagis, Bar Ilan Paving the Way to Forgotten: Progress, Invisibility, and the University; Galit Ailon, Bar-Ilan University Ageing of the Lesbian Herstory Archives. Rebekah Orr, Unemployed: White-Collar Job Searching After the Great Christopher Newport University Recession. Steven H. Lopez, Ohio State University; Lora The Assembled Transgender Child. Ann Travers A. Phillips, Ohio State University Discussant: Megan Carroll, University of Southern California 466. Regular Session. Mental Health in Special Populations 463. Regular Session. Historical Sociology Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515A, 8:30-10:10am Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512F, 8:30-10:10am Session Organizer: Richard Edward Adams, Kent State Session Organizer: Erik Schneiderhan, University of Toronto University Presider: Christian Daye, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Presider: Kristen Marcussen, Kent State University Man-on-the-Spotism, Territoriality, and the Materiality of the Chinese Americans' Mental Health: Lost in translation? Kelly 19th-Century Thai State: The Case of Thai Forestry. Kato, rutgers university Keerati Chenpitayaton, Chulalongkorn University Gender Differences in Work-Family Conflict and its Mental Violent Colonial Geographies: The Ruins of Residential Health Consequences in the Canadian Context. Marisa Schools. Katherine Ainsley Morton, Memorial University Christine Young, McMaster University; Ruth Repchuck, of Newfoundland McMaster University Diffusion Conditions to Institutionalization: The Case of The Black-White Paradox Revisited: Mental Disorder in Three Heritage Policies in the “Long 19th Century”. Alexandra Cohorts of Black and White Americans. Patricia Louie, Marie Kowalski University of Toronto; Blair Wheaton, University of Teacher Institutes in the American South: The Importance of a Toronto Transitional Institutional Form. Daniel R Huebner, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 467. Regular Session. Play and Profit: From Youth Games Severed Bonds: Religious Organizations and Moral Contention to College Sports in the Case of American Slavery. Kristin George, UC Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515B, 8:30-10:10am Berkeley Session Organizer: Ben Carrington, University of Texas-Austin Discussant: Xiaohong Xu, National University of Singapore Presider: Ben Carrington, University of Texas-Austin The Uneven Playing Field: How School Context Shapes the 464. Regular Session. Human Rights High School Sports Experience for Young Men. Jeffrey Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514C, 8:30-10:10am Owen Sacha, University of California, Davis Session Organizer: David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech The Pay to Play Girls’ Youth Sports to College Pipeline. Rick Presider: Tatiana Samay Andia, Universidad de los Andes Eckstein, Villanova University At the Foot of the Grave: Challenging the Narrative of Tenuous Cosmopolitan Canopies: Youth Soccer and Race in Violence in Post-Franco Spain. Nicole Iturriaga, the United States. Alex Manning, University of Minnesota University of California Los Angeles Positional Segregation and Trends among Polynesian Football Living through the Bureaucracy of Forced Migration: The Players in NCAA Division I Football. Emily Lybbert, Everyday Life of Refugee Encampment. Kamryn Danielle Brigham Young University; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham Warren, University of Connecticut Young University; Seth Feinberg, Western Washington The Limits of Rights: Claims-making on Behalf of University; Kory J. Jensen, Brigham Young University Immigrants. Kim Voss, University of California; Fabiana Recruiting, Matching, and Consolidating: The Expansion of Silva, University of California Berkeley; Irene H.I. Football Recruiting and its effects on Industry Structure. Bloemraad, University of California, Berkeley Stephen Lippmann, Miami University 465. Regular Session. Jobs, Occupations, and Professions 468. Regular Session. Political Culture and the 2016 Palais des congrès de Montréal, 510D, 8:30-10:10am Election Session Organizer: William Finlay, University of Georgia Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515C, 8:30-10:10am Presider: William Finlay, University of Georgia Session Organizer: Caroline W. Lee, Lafayette College Bad Jobs for Whom? Structural Position and Job Reward Presider: Lucas Diaz, Tulane University Preferences Among Contingent Faculty. Elizabeth Ann Political Participation and Tolerance to Political Incivility. Klainot-Hess, The Ohio State University Justin Knoll, University of Arizona Early Career Trajectories: Precarity and Timing within Labor Troubled Legitimacies: Between Facts and Codes in the 2016 Market Entry. Dirk Witteveen, City University of New U.S. Presidential Election. Jason L. Mast, University of York, The Graduate Center Warwick Voting, Protesting, and Beyond: Young Voters' Monika Christine Krause, London School of Economics Understanding(s) of Political Participation. Bo Yun Park, Rethinking Knowledge-Power in Development: Politics, Harvard University Infrapolitics, and Extra-politics of Evaluation. Elisa Staying Engaged: Tea Party Political Culture Paves the Way Martinez, University of Massachusetts for the Trump Campaign. Elizabeth Anne Yates, University The Epistemic Logic of Asylum Screening: (Dis)embodiment of Pittsburgh and Knowledge Production in Brazil. Katherine Christine Discussant: Ruth Braunstein, University of Connecticut Jensen, University of Texas at Austin 469. Regular Session. Qualitative Methodology II: 472. Regular Session. Status in Organizational Fields Narrative and Analysis Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511C, 8:30-10:10am Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516B, 8:30-10:10am Session Organizer: Edward T. Walker, UCLA Session Organizer: Ralph LaRossa, Georgia State University Presider: Roman V. Galperin, Johns Hopkins University Presider: Dawn Michelle Baunach, Kennesaw State University Status Rebellion: When Lower Status Firms Differentiate Pro The Thematic Lens: A Formal and Cultural Framework for Bono Reward Strategy. Wooseok Jung, HEC Paris Comparative Qualitative Analysis. Thomas DeGloma, A Fair Game? Racial Bias and Repeated Interaction between Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY; Max NBA Coaches and Players. Letian Zhang, Harvard Papadantonakis, CUNY The Graduate Center University Sociological Fiction: Using Composite Characters in Narrative Status Seeking and Boundary Breaking: Why Middle-Status Ethnography. Noah Amir Arjomand, Universities Commercialize Less in China? Xirong Process and Reliability for Cultural Model Analysis Using Subrina Shen, Cornell University Semi-Structured Interviews. Heather E. Price, Marian The Role of Multiple Audiences in the Evaluation of Boundary University; Christian Smith, University of Notre Dame Crossers in Creative Markets. Samira Dias dos Reis, Qualitative Coding: A 21st Century Approach. Nicole UC3M; Olga M. Khessina, UIUC; Adriano Proença, UFRJ Deterding, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Mary C. Discussant: Roman V. Galperin, Johns Hopkins University Waters, Harvard University 473. Regular Session. Violent Perpetration and 470. Regular Session. Social and Digital Media Victimization – Direct and Indirect Effects Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516A, 8:30-10:10am Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516D, 8:30-10:10am Session Organizer: Anabel Quan-Haase, University of Western Session Organizer: Angela P. Taylor, Fayetteville State Ontario University Becoming Data: Web Analytics, Journalism, and the Presider: Kathryn M. Nowotny, University of Miami Emotional Dimensions of Rationalizing Technologies. Childhood Exposure to Violence and Risky Adolescent Health Caitlin Petre, Behaviors. Sarah James, Princeton Unversity; Louis Does Compassion Go Viral? Social Media, Caring, and the Donnelly, ; Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Fort McMurray Wildfire. Shelley J. Boulianne, MacEwan Teachers College; Sara S. McLanahan, Princeton University; Joanne Minaker, MacEwan University University Does Longer Social Network Site Use Cause more Victimization in Context: Explaining Violence Exposure via Psychological Distress? Yangtao Huang, The University of Individual Risk Factors and Perceived School Safety. Queensland; Mark Western, The University of Queensland Daniel Mifflin Kimmel, Yeshiva University The Mortality of Citizen Journalism Sites: An Event History Perpetration and Victimization of Dating Violence among Analysis. Ryan P. Larson, University of Minnesota; College Students: Variance between United States and Andrew M. Lindner, Skidmore College China. Xiaoshuang Luo, University of Oklahoma Resonance and Relevance: A Revival of Media Sociology. Intervention or Involvement: A Video-Based Analysis of Wenhong Chen, University of Texas at Austin Bouncers in Violent Interaction. Marie Bruvik Heinskou, University of Copenhagen; Lasse Suonperä Liebst, 471. Regular Session. Sociology of Knowledge: University of Copenhagen; Peter Ejbye-Ernst, Netherlands Classification as a Social Process Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement; Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511B, 8:30-10:10am Jakob Demant, University of Copenhagen Session Organizer: Laura Stark, Vanderbilt University The Intersection of Vicarious Trauma and Personal Trauma Examining Age: Reluctant Street-Level Bureaucrats in the Histories for Sexual Assault Crisis Workers. Amanda German Refugee Crisis. Ulrike Bialas, Princeton Moras, Sacred Heart University; Maura Ryan, Georgia University State University Instrumentalities: How Experts Use Instruments to Organize Discussant: Jennifer Vanderminden, University of North Sound in Space. Joseph Klett, University of California, Carolina, Wilmington Santa Cruz Randomised Controlled Trials as a Deferral Device: Asking 474. Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Refereed “What Works” and the Transformations of Citizenship. Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Palais des congrès de Montréal, 520A, 8:30-9:30am 475. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology. Session Organizer: Ellen Benoit, National Development Empires, Colonies, Indigenous Peoples Research Inst Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512G, 8:30-10:10am Table 01. Drugs and Policies Session Organizer: George Steinmetz, University of Michigan Women are NORML, too! Gender and the Marijuana Presider: Kari Marie Norgaard, University of Oregon Policy Reform Movement. Danielle Giffort, St. Louis Legacies of Suspicion: From British Colonial Emergency College of Pharmacy Regulations to the ‘War on Terror’ in Israel and India. County-Level Variation in Support for Medical and Yael H Berda, Hebrew University Recreational Cannabis on the Ballot. Lindsey Marie Imperial Returns: American Empire and Militarization at Beltz, Washington State University Home. Julian Go, Illegal Drug Markets and Victimizing Crime in New York Standing Rock, Epicenter of Resistance to American Empire. and the United States. David F. Greenberg, New York James V. Fenelon, California State University, San University Bernardino; Thomas D. Hall, DePauw University Table 02. Substance Use and Medical Issues Indigenous and European laws of nations in North America to Table Presider: Carrie B. Oser, University of Kentucky 1763. Saliha Belmessous, University of New South Wales Breaking the law for the greater good? Core-stigmatized Discussant: Krishan Kumar, University of Virginia Organizations and Medical Cannabis Dispensaries in Canada. Jenna Valleriani, University of Toronto 476. Section on Environment and Technology Refereed Doctor Shopping for Prescription Opioids: Insights from a Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Social Network Analysis of Prescriber-patient Ties. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 8:30-9:30am Brea Louise Perry, Indiana University; Carrie B. Oser, Session Organizer: Tammy L. Lewis, CUNY-Brooklyn College University of Kentucky Table 01. Latin American Resource Use, Extraction, and They Make You Feel Like a Criminal: Managing Chronic Conflicts Pain amid the Prescription Opioid Epidemic. Loren Table Presider: Kenneth Alan Gould, City University of New Wilbers, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater York - Brooklyn College Table 03. Substance Use and Social Control Ecotourism Under Siege: The Political-Economic Examining the Link between Undocumented Immigration, Dynamics of Oil Extraction Threats to Sustainable Illicit Drugs, and DUI, 1990-2014. Michael T. Light, Development in Belize. Kenneth Alan Gould, City Purdue University; Ty Miller, Purdue University; Brian University of New York - Brooklyn College Christopher Kelly, Purdue University Mining Controversies: An Analysis of Project Conga, Self-Medication, Abuse, or Nonmedical Prescription Drug Cajamarca-Peru. Giselle Velasquez Use? Trust and Incarcerated Women’s Solidarity amidst Ecological Crisis: A Comparative Study Conceptualization of Prescription Drug Use. Michelle of Garifuna and Miskito Communities along Hannah Smirnova, University of Missouri - Kansas Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast. Apollonya Maria City; Jennifer Gatewood Owens Porcelli, Brown University “You do know that’s my child in there!” A Socio- Table 02. Focus on China ecological Exploration of Smoking in Pregnancy. Table Presider: Yue Du, University of Wisconsin Madison Aimee Grant, Cardiff University; Melanie Morgan, A Master Plan of Sustainability: The Temporal Mismatch Cardiff University; Dunla Gallagher, Cardiff in China’s Mass Peasant Relocation Programs. Yue Du, University; Dawn Mannay, Cardiff University University of Wisconsin Madison Table 04. Substance Use, Identities and Statuses Local Politics and Informal Institutions in the Top-down Motivations for MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly) use among Implementation of Environmental Authoritarianism in African-Americans: Implications for HIV Prevention China. KuoRay Mao, Colorado State University-Fort and Harm Reduction Programs. Khary K. Rigg, Collins; Qian Zhang, Chinese Academy of Social University of South Florida Sciences A Qualitative Study of How Chinese Young People Table 03. Focus on Brazil Understand Smoking Behaviour in Gender. Tong Pei, Table Presider: Ian Robert Carrillo, University of Wisconsin University of Essex Chocolate Futures and Connected Pasts: A Global Context Matters: Understanding Substance Use among Historical Environmental Sociology of Brazil's Cocoa Homeless Youth Living on the Streets. Elizabeth A. Coast. Amy Teller, Brown University Joniak-Grant, National Coalition of Independent Elites, Embeddedness, and Environmental Inequality. Ian Scholars Robert Carrillo, University of Wisconsin Gender, Alcohol, and The Media: The Portrayal of Ideal Production or Preferences: Structural and Personal Men and Women in Alcohol Commercials. Gregory Determinants of Small Farm Forest Cover in Brazil. Michael Hall, SUNY at Buffalo; Robert Kappel, SUNY Jon Mikael Nelson, Brown University Buffalo/Tulane University Table 04. Global Issues in Environmental Sociology Table Presider: Albert S. Fu, Kutztown University Dependency. Soraya Cardenas-Conte, Cascadia A Network Analysis of International Trade in Plastic College Waste. Yikang Bai Table 07. Environmentalisms Clinical Trial Outsourcing to Undeveloped Nations: How Table Presider: Diane C. Bates Pharmaceuticals Exploit the Human Body as Natural Defensive Environmentalism in a College Town: Do Capital. Micah Anthony Pyles Students Have the Same Priorities as Locals? Diane C. Deforestation in the Global South: Assessing Uneven Bates; Michael Nordquist, The College of New Jersey Environmental Improvements 1991-2012. Aaron W. Evaluating Sharing Movements through the Lens of Tester, University of California-Irvine Ecological Intentional Communities. Chie Lorene How Global Environmental and Development Pressures Togami, University of Pittsburgh Affect National Park Expansion in Non-Western La Vía Campesina and Standing Rock: Possibilities for Countries. Natasha Miric, University of California, Food, Water, and Climate Justice Amidst Global Irvine Expulsions? Caitlin Hays Schroering, University of Benefit Sharing Arrangements Between Oil Companies and Pittsburgh Indigenous People in the Russian Arctic. Maria Table 08. Counter Environmentalisms Sergeevna Tysiachniouk, Centre for Independent Social Table Presider: Kerry Ard, Ohio State University Research; Svetlana Tulaeva Another Avenue of Action: Climate Change Counter Table 05. Debates and Rhetoric around Fossil Fuels and Movement Industries Use of PAC Donations and Climate Change Environmental Voting. Kerry Ard, Ohio State Table Presider: Anthony E. Ladd, Loyola University New University; Nick Garcia, Ohio State University; Paige Orleans Kelly, Ohio State University Climate Change Rhetoric in the Trump Era: Lessons from Environmental Movement under the law “On Foreign Climate Change Constructions in Oklahoma. Rachel Agents”: Network Transformation. Maria Sergeevna Gurney, Oklahoma State University; Beth Schaefer Tysiachniouk, Centre for Independent Social Research; Caniglia, Regis University; Riley E. Dunlap, Oklahoma Svetlana Tulaeva; Laura Henry, Bowdoin College State University The Role of Public Relations in the Transformation of the Dancing Madly Backwards: Fractured Communities and American Environmental Movement. Melissa Miriam Unconventional Energy Development in the Reign of Aronczyk, Rutgers University; Robert Brulle, Drexel Trump. Anthony E. Ladd, Loyola University New University Orleans Table 09. Climate Change Concern Defining the Debate over Coal-Fired Power in the United Table Presider: Daniel Driscoll, UCSD States: Industry Accounts and Environmental Frames. A Critical Analysis of Local Attitudes on Climate Change Anya Mikael Galli Robertson, University of Maryland and Environmental Risk in Southeastern Louisiana. Fracking, Environmental Rhetoric, and Greenwashing: Jacob Lipsman, University of Kansas Shifting the Scale of Risk in the Oil and Gas Industry. How does Experiencing Climate Change Influence Stephen J. Scanlan, Ohio University Ideological Transformation? Diana Stuart, Northern Table 06. Environmental Justice Arizona University Table Presider: Tracy Perkins, Howard University Multiplex Network Ties and Climate Change: A Sense of Environmental Injustice and Sexual Minorities: A National Urgency, Support for Policies and Individual-level Study of Air Pollution Risks among Same-Sex Partners. Practices. Thomas Macias, University of Vermont Timothy William Collins, University of Texas at El Predicting Public Perceptions of an Abnormally Cold Paso; Sara Elizabeth Grineski, University of Texas at Winter: The Impacts of Temperature versus Political El Paso; Danielle Xiaodan Morales, University of Orientation. Riley E. Dunlap, Oklahoma State Texas at El Paso University; Chenyang Xiao, American University; The Multiple Meanings of Environmental Justice. Tracy Aaron M. McCright, Michigan State University Perkins, Howard University Table 10. Responding to Climate Change The Model Minority Myth Exposed: Carcinogenic Air Table 11. Food Justice Toxics among Asian Americans in Four Immigrant Table Presider: Justin Sean Myers, Marist College Gateways. Sara Elizabeth Grineski, University of Beyond the Access Trap: From Distributive to Procedural Texas at El Paso; Danielle Xiaodan Morales, Justice in Food Systems Planning. Justin Sean Myers, University of Texas at El Paso; Timothy William Marist College Collins, University of Texas at El Paso; Estefania Composting Inequality: Social Movement Spillover, Food Hernandez, University of Texas at El Paso; Ana Justice, and Expanding Contemporary Food Politics. Fuentes, University of Texas at El Paso Joshua Sbicca, Colorado State University Why Sustainability “Ain’t Gonna” Work: Privilege, Crisis Urban Agriculture: Can it Benefit Local Ecologies and Mitigation, Consumption and Non-Renewable Energy Local Communities? Jared Strohl, University at Buffalo, SUNY Governance. Kayleigh Ward, Michigan State Where are First Foods in Food Justice? A Field Analysis of University Infant Foods and Feeding. Erica Morrell, Middlebury The Most Serious Environmental Offenses identified and College Prosecuted by the Federal Government, 1982-2010. Table 12. Transitions Toward Sustainability Alana R. Inlow, Washington State University; Erik W. Table Presider: Karen O'Neill, Rutgers University Johnson, Washington State University; Jennifer Brewing Green: Sustainability in the Craft Beer Movement. Schwartz, Washington State University Ellis Jones, Holy Cross “We chose to stick it out”: Negotiating home in the Engaging the Public in Coastal Climate Adaptation through American Rust Belt. Amanda McMillan Lequieu, Design and Planning. Karen O'Neill, Rutgers University of Wisconsin-Madison University; Heather M. Fenyk, Rutgers University Table 16. Spatial Approaches to Environmental Issues Getting to Zero: A Field-level Perspective on Table Presider: Clare Cannon, UC Davis Organizational Transitions Towards Carbon Neutrality. Analyzing the Spatial Location and Distribution of Georgia Piggot, University of British Columbia Landfills Across the United States. Clare Cannon, UC Workplace Energy Conservation at Michigan State Davis University. Summer Allen, Michigan State University; Manufacturing History and Industrial Pollution in the Sandra T. Marquart-Pyatt, Michigan State University United States. Kevin T Smiley, State University of New Table 13. Theories in Environmental Sociology York at Buffalo Table Presider: Gregory Hooks, McMaster University Unequal Resilience: Neighborhood Disadvantage, Ecological Modernization: Tales of Creation, Utopian Bureaucratic Decision Rules, and the Duration of Tales, and . J. P. Sapinski, Electricity Outages. Raoul Salvador Lievanos, University of Victoria University of Oregon; Christine Horne, Washington Modeling Topics in Environmental Sociology, 1990-2014: State University An Exploratory Structural Topic Model. Jeremiah Table 17. Rethinking Sustainability and Resilience Bohr, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Table Presider: Naomi Terese Krogman, University of Recasting the Treadmills of Production and Destruction: Alberta New Theoretical Directions. Gregory Hooks, Desolation Row: Sustainability for the Oft-Forgotten. McMaster University; Chad L. Smith, Texas State Naomi Terese Krogman, University of Alberta University; Michael Lengefeld The Complexities of Inequalities and Power: Resource Dependence Theory, the Treadmill of Production, Intersectionality and Socio-Ecological Resilience. and Ecological Modernization. Cynthia Evelyn Carr, Braden Leap, Mississippi State University UC Riverside The Sustainability Decision: A Phenomenological Table 14. New Directions in Theories in Environmental Analysis. Jerry L. Williams, Stephen F. Austin State Sociology University Table Presider: Ryan Gunderson, Miami University Finding Common Ground in Local Food Systems of A Holon Ecology Approach to Scale. Laura Alex Frye- Kansas and Missouri. Ruth M Stamper, University of Levine, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Michael M. Kansas Bell, University of Wisconsin-Madison Table 18. Climate Change and Disasters Temporality in Environmental Sociology: Foundations and Table Presider: Rachael Leah Shwom, Rutgers University Opportunities for the Field. Laura Hanson Schlachter, Exploring Tipping Points in the Human-Climate System. University of Wisconsin-Madison Rachael Leah Shwom, Rutgers University Values, Technology, and Environmental Knowledge: A Social Trap for the Climate? Collective Action, Trust Reconstructing Max Scheler’s Phenomenological and Risk Perception in 35 Countries. E. Keith Smith, Environmental Sociology. Ryan Gunderson, Miami GESIS - Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaft; Adam University Mayer, Colorado State University Unboundary Work: A Theory of Interdisciplinary Structurally Disadvantaged: Procedural Justice in Climate Dynamics at the Intersection of Economics and Policymaking. Danielle Falzon, Brown University Ecology. Laura Alex Frye-Levine, University of Disaster Vulnerability, Displacement, and Infectious Wisconsin-Madison Disease: Nicaragua and Hurricane Mitch. Peter Joseph Table 15. Environmental Policies and Practices in the United Loebach, Weber State University; Kim M. Korinek, States University of Utah The Lines are Drawn: Pinchotist Forestry, Private Property Table 19. Technology and Social Institutions and the Dissolution of Progressive Conservation. Cade Table Presider: Jesse Goldstein, Virginia Commonwealth A. Jameson, University of Oregon University The Hydrosocial Cycle and Life Environmentalism: Network-Construction and Network-Exploitation by Different Approaches to River and Watershed Innovation Agencies. Steven Samford, University of Toronto; Dan Breznitz, Georgia Institute of Technology Is Housing the Poor Lucrative? Exploitation and Inequality in The Problem of Scaling Up: Considering the Economic Urban Rental Markets. Matthew Desmond, Princeton Landscape of Niche Technologies. Christina A. Ergas, University; Nathan Wilmers, Harvard University University of Tennessee What We See Depends on Where We Stand: Distorted Energizing Legality: Energy Infrastructures, Law and Perception of Social Income Inequality. Jingwen Zhong Temporality in the Making of an Authoritarian Turkey. The Sense of Injustice, Perceived Inequality and Preferences Sinan Erensu, Northwestern University for Redistribution. Yeon Ju Lee, University of Chicago Ocean Beliefs and Support for an Offshore Wind Energy Discussant: Kevin T. Leicht, University of Illinois at Urbana- Project. David Bidwell, University of Rhode Island Champaign Table 20. Social Construction of Nature and Animals Table Presider: Jordan Fox Besek, State University of New 478. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work. York at Buffalo Differences at Work Claims-Making and the Careers of Infrastructure Projects: Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513F, 8:30-10:10am Understanding Sediment Diversion Planning in Session Organizer: Elisabeth S. Clemens, University of Southern Louisiana. Michael Haedicke, Drake Chicago University Cultural Tokenism: The Effects of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Opportunities for Power: Hinterland Mobilization in the for Immigrant Women at Work. Debaleena Ghosh, Creation of New York City’s Watershed. Sarah Blake, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Kristen Barber, Washington State University Southern Illinois University, Carbondale The Liberal Concept of Individual Rights is a Barrier to Developmental Practices and Organizational Race and Gender Sustaining Biodiversity and Wolf Recovery Efforts. Diversity. Elizabeth H. Gorman, University of Virginia; Alexander Thomas Simon, Utah Valley University Fiona M. Kay, Queen's University “You Get It Taken Away, You Strike Back”: Responding Undoing Gender in a Postfeminist Era: Gender Essentialization to the Presence of Invasive Species. Jeanine and Feminine Devaluation Among Designers. Shelly Cunningham, University of Oregon; Jordan Fox Besek, Ronen, New York University State University of New York at Buffalo Gender and Network Mobilization in the Search for Table 21. Responses to Limits Managerial Work. Elena Obukhova, McGill University; Presider: Miriam Padolsky, Government of Canada Adam M. Kleinbaum, Dartmouth College Adapting to New Agricultural Water Restrictions in Idaho. Discussant: Sarah Thebaud, Unviersity of California Santa Katrina Running, Idaho State University; Kathleen Barbara Shipley, Idaho State University; Morey Burnham, Idaho 479. Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict Refereed State University Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Behavioral Plasticity and Psychological Distance in Water Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516C, 8:30-9:30am Conservation. Summer Allen, Michigan State Session Organizer: Ashley Veronica Reichelmann, Virginia University Tech Fuel Poverty: The Role of Social-Psychological Factors Table 01. Spaces and Resources of War Affecting Low-income Households’ Acceptance to Land Conflicts and Changes in Socioeconomic Relations: Demand Response. Chien-fei Chen, University of The Manyani Emerge in Tanzania. Mariam M. Kurtz, Tennessee; Xiaojing Xu, University of Tennessee; Laura Georgetown University Arpan, Florida State University; Alyssa Loveday, The Material Roots of Rebel Fragmentation in Civil Wars: University of Tennessee A Case Study of the Syrian Conflict. Caitlin Ella Wind Crop diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt: A mixed Table 02. The Theories and Structures of Conflict and methods analysis. Gabrielle E Roesch-McNally, USDA Violence Climate Hubs; J. Gordon Arbuckle, Iowa State Table Presider: Michelle I. Gawerc, Loyola University University; John Charles Tyndall, Iowa State Maryland University Migration, Intergroup Isolation and Mistrust in Urban 477. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility. The China. Bingdao Zheng, Fudan University Structure of Income Inequality and Exploitation Racial Differences in Approval of Police Use of Force, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513E, 8:30-10:10am 1975-2014. Jenifer Hamil, Duke University Session Organizer: Arthur Sakamoto, Texas A&M University Structuring Nonviolence. Johnny J. Mack, Communities Presider: Hyeyoung Woo, Portland State University without Boundaries International; Lester R. Kurtz, Growing Apart: The Changing Firm-Size Wage Premium and George Mason University Its Inequality Consequences. Ken-Hou Lin, University of Table 03. Using Soldiers: Perspectives, Props and the Other Texas-Austin; Joel Adam Cobb, The Wharton School, Table Presider: Stephanie Bonnes, University of Colorado University of Pennsylvania Boulder Like Attracts Like: Military Values and Branch Affiliation of Cadets after the Reform. Morten Braender, Aarhus Maintaining Reliability in an Increasingly Complex Field: The University; Vilhelm Stefan Holsting, Royal Danish Electricity Industry’s Transition to Smart Grid. Lauren Military Academy, Copenhagen Business School Scott, Washington State University On Humvee, Helmet and Social Sciences: Materiality of Stakeholder Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing: Engaging in Appropriation. Nima Zahedi Nameghi Strategic Science Translation. Michelle Lynn Edwards, Spectacle in the Science of War Trauma: From Shell Shock Texas Christian University to PTSD to TBI. Jerry L. Lembcke The End of the Petrochemical Age? Corporate Technological Fixes to Existential Ecological Threats. Alice Mah, 480. Section on Political Sociology. The Cultural Contexts University of Warwick of Political Action Water Use Decision-making in Southwest Michigan. Jennifer Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513C, 8:30-10:10am Lai, Michigan State University Session Organizer: Paul R. Lichterman, University of Southern California 483. Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology Presider: Claudio Ezequiel Benzecry, Northwestern University Refereed Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Resisting “Gender Theory” in France: A Fulcrum for Religious Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517C, 8:30-9:30am Action in a Secular Society. Michael Stambolis- Session Organizer: Melissa S. Fry, Indiana University Ruhstorfer, Université Bordeaux Montaigne; Josselin Southeast Tricou, Université Paris 8 Table 01. Bringing Community Based Participatory Research Conservativism in a Time of Fake News and Irrelevant Truths. to Scale Ian Mullins, University of California, San Diego Co-Production of Research Questions and Research The Political Value of Cultural Capital: Nationalism, Ethnic Evidence in Public Health: Bringing CBPR to Scale. Exclusion and Elites in 19th Century Congress Poland. Mark Wolfson, Wake Forest School of Medicine Malgorzata Kurjanska, Harvard University Table 02. Recovering Institutions of Higher Education After Teleologies in Contention: Re-imagining Futures in Public War Deliberation. Ann Mische, University of Notre Dame Improving Homeless Point-in-time Counts with Student Discussant: Paul R. Lichterman, University of Southern Researchers. Curtis Smith, Utah State University; California Ernesto Castaneda, American University Table 03. The Destigmatizing Power of Disease in Practice 481. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Comparative Problem Gamblers' Engagement with Medicalization Perspectives on Racialization and Migration Discourses and the Destigmatizing Power of Disease. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512H, 8:30-10:10am Andrea Jane Dassopoulos, University of Nevada, Las Session Organizer: Patricia Landolt, University of Toronto Vegas; Sarah A. St. John, University of Nevada, Las Presider: Patricia Landolt, University of Toronto Vegas Color-blind Classism: Class Distinction and Discursive Table 04. At Risk-ing and Asterisking Native Peoples in Social Resilience against Stigmatization among Upper-middle Science Class Immigrants in France. Lucas Germain Drouhot, At Risk-ing and Asterisk-ing Native Peoples in Social Cornell University; Radu Andrei Pârvulescu, Cornell Science: Settler-Colonialism Made Visible through University Keyword Analysis. J. M. Bacon, University of Oregon Covering the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Immigration Discourses Table 05. Social Psychology and and the Politics of National Belonging. Man Xu The Sociological Side of Gordon W. Allport: Social Gender Equality and LGBTQ Rights in Refugee Politics: Psychology and Engaged Social Ethics. Lawrence T. Racialization and the Production of National Membership. Nichols, West Virginia University Anna C. Korteweg, University of Toronto; Gökçe Yurdakul, Table 06. Communicating Outside the Academy: Stories and Humboldt University, Berlin Guidance Racial Ambiguity and the Dynamism of the Racial Middle. Table Presiders: Kristin Kenneavy, Ramapo College of New Radha Modi, University of Illinois, Chicago Jersey Discussant: Patricia Landolt, University of Toronto Shannon Cavanagh, University of Texas at Austin 482. Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology. Robert W. Faris, UC-Davis Technology, Politics, and Socio-Environmental Table 07. Communicating Outside the Academy: Stories and Solutions Guidance II Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513D, 8:30-10:10am Table Presiders: Emily McKendry-Smith, University of West Session Organizer: Scott Frickel, Brown University Georgia Presider: Tammy L. Lewis, CUNY-Brooklyn College Mairead Eastin Moloney, University of Kentucky Contested Identities and Truths in Governance of Extraction Table 08. Mentoring for Applied Sociologists Inside and and Environmental Risks in Minnesota Copper Mining. Outside the Academy Erik Kojola, University of Minnesota Presiders: Kathleen Odell Korgen, William Paterson University University Sarah K.S. Shannon, University of Georgia Aberrations of “Home”: Gay Neighborhoods and the Chloe E. Bird, RAND Experiences of Community Among GBQ Men of Color. Table Presider: Catherine Mobley, Clemson University Theo Greene, Bowdoin College Table 09. Social Activism: Putting Sociological Practice Polyamory and American Sexual Exceptionalism in the Film (Applied, Clinical, and Engaged Public Sociology) to Work Savages. Mimi Schippers, Tulane University Presiders: Lindy Hern, University of Hawaii at Hilo Queer Exceptionalism and Exclusion: Cosmopolitanism and Melodye Gaye Lehnerer, College of Southern Nevada Inequality in ‘Gay Friendly’ Beirut. Ghassan Moussawi, Miriam W. Boeri, Bentley University University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign Table 10. Sociological Practice and Professional Development: Sexual Citizenship and the Affective Politics of Latina Youth. Approaches to Training and Education Emily S. Mann, University of South Carolina Presiders: Gary C. David, Bentley University Discussant: Jyoti Puri, Simmons College James Daniel Lee, San Jose State University Johanna Bishop 487. Section on the Sociology of the Family. Family Relationships across the Life Course 484. Section on Sociology of Religion. Religion in Cross- Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513A, 8:30-10:10am National Perspective: Leveraging Comparisons Session Organizer: Jenjira Yahirun, University of Hawai'i at Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514A, 8:30-10:10am Mānoa Session Organizer: Mark Chaves, Duke University Presider: Sung S. Park, University of California, Los Angeles Presider: Mark Chaves, Duke University Why are Parents so Unhappy? The Impact of Conflicts on Religious Identity and Religious Behavior in South Africa. Parents’ Relationship Satisfaction. Björn Huß; Matthias Philip S. Brenner, University of Massachusetts Boston Pollmann-Schult, Magdeburg University Religious Elites and Empathy: The Role of Church-State Stepfamily Formation and Changes in Mothers' Relationships Incongruence. Robert Braun, Northwestern with Children. Valarie King, Penn State University The Influence of Religion on Intergenerational Solidarity in Backup Parents, Playmates, Friends: Grandparenting Roles by Eastern and Western Germany. Anja Steinbach, University Family Structure and Child Age. Christopher Near, of Duisburg-Essen; Merril Silverstein, Syracuse University Cornell University; Rachel Dunifon Perceptions of Discrimination in Global Science. Elaine Parents’ Valuation of Approving a Child’s Spouse in a Context Howard Ecklund, Rice University; Robert A. Thomson, of Marital Change. Keera Allendorf, Indiana University Rice University; Daniel Bolger, Rice University; Sharan Discussant: Jenjira Yahirun, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Kaur Mehta, Rice University 9:30 am Meetings 485. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Conceptualizing, Operationalizing and Measuring Section on Environment and Technology Business Meeting Gendered and Sexual Violence Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 9:30-10:10am Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513B, 8:30-10:10am Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict Business Meeting Session Organizers: Mary Blair-Loy, University of California- Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516C, 9:30-10:10am San Diego Jennifer A. Reich, University of Colorado Denver Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology Presider: Lisa D. Brush, University of Pittsburgh Business Meeting The Gender of Police Violence: An Intersectional Analysis. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517C, 9:30-10:10am Nikki Jones, Univ of California, Berkeley Precarious Migrants: Domestic Workers in Dubai. Rhacel Section on Sociology of Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Salazar Parrenas, University of Southern California Business Meeting Palais des congrès de Montréal, 520A, 9:30-10:10am The Paradox of “Ethical” Protectionism: Research on Child Sexual Violence. Heather R. Hlavka, Marquette University 10:30 am Meetings Immeasurable: Feminist Reflections on Sexual Violence within Mexican Families. Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez, COPE Committee Meeting University of Texas at Austin Palais des congrès de Montréal, 523A, 10:30am-12:10pm The Challenges of Using Online Sampling Platforms in Honors Program Advisory Panel Studies of Violence Against Women. Claire M. Renzetti, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 525A, 10:30am-12:10pm University of Kentucky 10:30 am Sessions 486. Section on Sociology of Sexualities. Intersectionalities and Sexualities 488. Presidential Panel. Social Movements, Rights, and Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514B, 8:30-10:10am Boundaries Session Organizer: Vrushali Patil, Florida International Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516B, 10:30am-12:10pm Session Organizer: Michèle Lamont, Harvard University foundations in order to disburse large fortunes. Panellists will address Presider: Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Graduate Center, CUNY questions such as: is there a direct relationship between growing philanthropy and growing wealth inequality, and if so, how can we improve the How Do Courts Enforce Hate Speech Laws? Values and measurement of that relationship? How to study new philanthropic entities Boundaries in the European Context. Erik Bleich, such as philanthropic LLCs where grant-making is less open to public scrutiny Middlebury College than at traditional foundations? How to document the ways in which corporate Emergence in Social Movements: The Case of Male donors enlist new charitable ‘subjects’ and populations as entrepreneurs are positioned in both theory and practice to produce a return on investment? The Chauvinist. Jane Mansbridge, Harvard University conceptual themes and empirical developments addressed by panelists are International Law and the Politics of Religious Difference: A increasingly urgent at a time when a growing number of major philanthropic Historical Sociological Perspective. Matthias Koenig, institutions announce initiatives to address entrenched patterns of poverty and University of Goettingen inequality by mobilizing capital created through patterns of wealth production that can contribute to the very problems they aim to solve. Discussant: Jan Willem Duyvendak, Universtiy of Amsterdam This session concerns the various ways in which social and symbolic 491. Thematic Session. The World According to U.S. Social boundaries are shaped by social movements and state action. It is particularly Science concerned with the role of the law in enabling and constraining various types of solidarity toward minority groups and women. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511F, 10:30am-12:10pm Session Organizers: Cynthia Miller-Idriss, American 489. Thematic Session. The Cognitive Sociology of University Inclusion and Exclusion Mitchell L. Stevens, Stanford University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511B, 10:30am-12:10pm Presider: George Steinmetz, University of Michigan Session Organizer: Eviatar Zerubavel, Rutgers University Panelists: Raewyn Connell, University of Sydney Presider: Gary Alan Fine, Northwestern University Charles Kurzman, University of North Carolina War Widows and Drive-By Widows: The Politics of John Lie, University of California, Berkeley Boundaries Shaping Deservingness in U.S. Welfare Policy. Florencia Torche, Stanford University Brittany Battle, Rutgers University - New Brunswick Discussant: George Steinmetz, University of Michigan Sexual Identities, Cultural Attention, and the Sociocognitive American scholars working in the academic disciplines of economics, Politics of Marginalization and Privilege. Wayne H. political science, and sociology have long made the United States their default Brekhus, University of Missouri object of study, largely delegating inquiries beyond U.S. borders either to “area specialists” or to anthropologists, historians, and humanists. Whether this Social Speciation: An Approach to Ethno-national Enmity. national parochialism is good or ill for disciplinary social science is a perennial Kai Erikson, Yale University question, even as recent events on the global stage give it new urgency. Are Ethnoracial Classification as a Politics of Erasure. Mara U.S. social scientists currently giving the world its due? What would our Loveman, University of California, Berkeley discipline look like if 'the world' became a larger part of our research and teaching? How ought the production of knowledge about the 'rest' of the world The session will revolve around the theme of delineation (and around the be organized in U.S. universities today? main mechanism making it possible, namely boundaries), which is the sociomental act underlying the way individuals as well as groups include and 492. Author Meets Critics Session. The Social Life of DNA: exclude other individuals and groups. It will encompass different substantive domains (gender, nationality, race and ethnicity, sexuality) as well as tackle Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the with those domains at both the macro-, meso-, and micro- levels of social Genome (Beacon Press, 2016) by Alondra Nelson analysis. To accomplish that, I have secured the participation of four Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511D, 10:30am-12:10pm colleagues, who will present papers on “social speciation” and the politics of Session Organizer: Joan H. Fujimura, University of Wisconsin ethnicity (Erikson), the politics of ethnoracial classification (Loveman), the politics of sexual marginalization (Brekhus), and the politics of “social Critics: Ann J. Morning, New York University deservingness” in welfare policy (Battle). Dorothy E. Roberts, University of Pennsylvania Aaron Panofsky, University of California-Los Angeles 490. Thematic Session. The New Philanthropy as Social Author: Alondra Nelson, Columbia University and Social Investment: Theorizing the Philanthrocapitalist Turn Science Research Council Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511E, 10:30am-12:10pm Session Organizers: Erica Kohl-Arenas, University of 493. Regional Spotlight Session. Policies and Health California, Berkeley Inequalities Around the Globe Linsey McGoey, University of Essex Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511A, 10:30am-12:10pm Presider: Darren Thiel, University of Essex Session Organizer: Amelie Quesnel-Vallee, McGill University Panelists: Emily A. Barman, Boston University Constrained Choice: Evidence for a New Approach to Global John D. Arena, College of Staten Island Health Inequalities. Patricia P. Rieker, Boston University; Discussant: Linsey McGoey, University of Essex Chloe E. Bird, RAND First coined in 2006, the term ‘philanthrocapitalism’ turns ten years old Using Mixed Methods Experimental Policy Analysis to this year – and yet conceptual and practical understandings of the concept Identify and Address the Unintended Consequences of remain in their infancy. Where has the term come from; who are its main proponents; and what risks and opportunities does it herald? In this session, a Policies to Reduce Social Inequalities in Health. Lindsey range of scholars analyse the hope, hype and tensions of the Richardson, University of British Columbia philanthrocapitalist turn, exploring a number of novel developments in global Measuring and Monitoring Health Inequalities in Canada: The philanthropy, including the rise of ‘impact investing’ and the new trend of Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Reporting Initiative. establishing limited liability companies (LLCs) rather than traditional Beth Jackson, Public Health Agency of Canada Discussant: Richard M. Carpiano, University of California, Session Organizer: Abigail Ruth Ocobock, University of Notre Riverside Dame Black and LGBT: Identity Salience and Perception of Same- 494. Departmental Management and Leadership Sex Marriage. Jess Lee, University of California, Irvine Workshop. Student Parents on Campus: How Sociology Justifying Explicit Racism with Cultural Logics of Sexual Departments and Faculty can Support Their Students Orientation: Racial Exclusion on Gay Hookup App. Jody Who are Balancing College with Raising Children Ahlm, University of Illinois at Chicago Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512A, 10:30am-12:10pm Unequal Risk: The Roles of Race, Gender, and Class in the Session Organizer: Sheila M. Katz, University of Houston Murders of Transgender People. Laurel Westbrook, Grand Leader: Sheila M. Katz, University of Houston Valley State University Co-Leaders: Autumn R. Green, Endicott College Identity Override: Why Sexual Orientation Reduces the Perry A. Threlfall, George Mason University Rigidity of Racial Boundaries. Adam L. Horowitz, Tel Aviv Student parents represent a rapidly growing and significant portion of the undergraduate population, yet most colleges and universities have not yet University; Charles Jonathan Gomez, University of researched or identified these students or developed any specialized support California, Berkeley services that they need to be successful. According to data from the Institute Discussant: Chong-suk Han, Middlebury College for Women’s Policy Research, students with children make up 4.8 million students or 26% of the undergraduate student population nationally. Yet the 497. Regular Session. Gendered Sexuality six-year baccalaureate graduation rate for student parents is alarmingly low. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512E, 10:30am-12:10pm Emerging research and initiatives are beginning to address student parents both as a high-risk population, and a diverse population in need of a range of Session Organizer: Ellen Lamont, Appalachian State student support services from their colleges and universities to increase their University retention and degree completion. Sociology faculty are often most aware of Presider: Apoorva Ghosh, University of California-Irvine student parents through their direct interactions and relationships with students Hacking Patriarchy, Agency and the Sexual Projects of but may feel frustrated or helpless about how to support their student parents and how to approach college administrations about institutionalizing support Pakistani Women. Fauzia Husain, University of Virginia systems. The National Center for Student Parent Programs has partnered with Moaning and Eye Contact: College Men's Negotiations of the Program Evaluation & Research Group to develop and pilot The Family Sexual Consent in Theory and in Practice. Nicole Bedera, Friendly Campus Toolkit, a set of instruments and guided process through University of Michigan, Ann Arbor which institutions can conduct a self-assessment and program development initiative to improve their college/university’s approaches to supporting Heterosexuality and Heteroflexibility: Homophobia, parenting students on their campuses. This workshop will address these issues Hegemonic Masculinity and Femininity, and Straightness. exploring both effective strategies for advocating for institutional change, as Tony Silva, University of Oregon well as interpersonal and classroom strategies that can be implemented by Reproducing (and Disrupting) Heteronormativity: Gendered individual faculty members or departments. The workshop will cover the following topics: 1. Who are student parents? 2. What do they need? 3. Sexual Socialization in Preschool Classrooms. Heidi Examples of strategies and best practices from college and university student Gansen, University of Michigan parent programs across the U.S. 4. Classroom strategies & faculty interactions Discussant: Stef M. Shuster, Appalachian State University 5. How to build an institutional initiative on your campus utilizing the Family Friendly Campus Toolkit as recently developed at Endicott College’s National 498. Regular Session. History of Sociology/Social Thought Center for Student Parent Programs and piloted at eight colleges & universities Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512F, 10:30am-12:10pm including two-year, four-year public and private institutions. The workshop will cover the following topics: 1. Who are student parents? 2. Why are they Session Organizer: Chad Alan Goldberg, University of returning to school after starting a family? 3. What do they need? 4.Examples Wisconsin-Madison of strategies and best practices from college and university student parent Presider: Chad Alan Goldberg, University of Wisconsin- programs across the U.S. 5. Classroom strategies & faculty interactions 6. Madison How to build an institutional initiative on your campus utilizing the Family Friendly Campus Toolkit as recently developed at Endicott College’s National An Agenda for Democratic Society: Alred Schütz's Der Center for Student Parent Programs and piloted at eight colleges & universities Sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt. Christopher Herbert including two-year, four-year public and private institutions. Schlembach, University of Vienna 495. Regular Session. Ethnomethodology and Conversation Historical in the Historiography of the Social Analysis: Authority, Politics and Inclusion - Sciences: Three Approaches. Christian Daye, Alpen- Imperatives of Preference Orders Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512C, 10:30am-12:10pm What Kind of Writing is Sociology? Literary Form and Session Organizer: Anne Warfield Rawls, Bentley University Theoretical Integration in the Human Sciences. Martin A Scalar View of Progressivity in Interaction. Chase Wesley Lukk, University of Toronto Raymond, University of Colorado, Boulder Who Reads Tocqueville Today? A Pragmatic Genealogy of Is Conversation Built for Two? Tanya Stivers, UCLA Democracy in America. Filipe Carreira da Silva, What is 'Chandelle' in English? Word Searches in the EFL University of Lisbon Classroom. Julie Bouchard Discussant: Anne Kane, University of Houston - Downtown 496. Regular Session. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and 499. Regular Session. Law and Society Perspective on Transgender Studies #2 Crime Control, Citizenship and Persistence of Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512D, 10:30am-12:10pm Inequality Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514C, 10:30am-12:10pm Anna Paretskaya, University of Wisconsin-Madison Session Organizer: Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve, Temple Discussant: Michael McQuarrie, London School of Economics University Presider: Anya Degenshein, Northwestern University 502. Regular Session. Sociology of Science A Multidimensional Sociology of "Trafficking." Pantea Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516A, 10:30am-12:10pm Javidan, London School of Economics and Political Session Organizer: Aaron Panofsky, University of California- Science Los Angeles Crime Control as Customer Service in an Advantaged Presider: Seyyed Ayatollah Mirzaie, Institute for Humanities Community. Devon Magliozzi, Stanford University and Cultural Studies Does Decriminalization Mean Destigmatization? Law Reform, Why Scientists Chase Big Problems. Jacob Gates Foster, Sex Work, and Stigma. Dana Hayward, Yale University University of California-Los Angeles; Carl T. Bergstrom, Racial Threat, Criminal History, and Employment: Examining University of Washington; Yangbo Song, Chinese the Determinants of Ban the Box Passage. Eric LaPlant, University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Ohio State University British Science: National Cultures of Animals, Care and Tangled Exclusion: Felons, Illegals, and the Stratification of Experimentation. Carrie E. Friese, London Sch. Of Citizenship through U.S.-Mexico border Policing. Patrisia Economics; Nathalie Nuyts, LSE; Juan Pablo Pardo- Macias-Rojas, University of Illinois, Chicago Guerra, University of California, San Diego HPV Vaccine Development and Organizational Cultures of 500. Regular Session. Migrants and their Homelands Translation at the National Cancer Institute, 1991-2008. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515A, 10:30am-12:10pm Natalie Brooke Aviles, Colby College Session Organizer: Thomas Georg Soehl, McGill University The Color of Progress: Race, Status, and Technology in the Presider: Amal Al-Ashtal, McGill University Cotton Sector of Burkina Faso. Jessie K Luna, University A Dynamic Model of Self-Employment and Socioeconomic of Colorado at Boulder Mobility among Return Migrants: The Case of Urban Democratic Values and the Cultural Authority of Science. Mexico. Joshua Thomas Wassink, Univesrity of North Gordon Gauchat, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Carolina at Chapel Hill; Jacqueline M. Hagan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 503. Regular Session. Space and Place Sending Country Practices and Civic Participation among Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516E, 10:30am-12:10pm Immigrants. Eric Fong, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Session Organizers: Rachel Parker, CIFAR Wataru Ozawa, Ritsumeikan University; Feng Hou, Richard P. Appelbaum, Univ of California-Santa Barbara Statistics Canada Presider: Gary P. Green International Mobility as a Response to Social Inequality? A Permeable Boundary: Networks of Student Mobility in Evidence from France. Louise Caron Baltimore City and its Inner Suburbs. Julia Burdick-Will, Migration and Parental Absence in Latin America: A Johns Hopkins University; Jeffrey Grigg, Johns Hopkins Comparative Assessment. Jack DeWaard, University of University; Faith Connolly, Baltimore Education Research Minnesota-Twin Cities; Jenna Nobles, University of Consortium; Kiara Millay Nerenberg, Johns Hopkins Wisconsin, Madison; Katharine Donato, Vanderbilt University University Deindustrialization of Rural America: Economic Restructuring Discussant: David Scott FitzGerald, University of California- and the Rural Ghetto. Gary P. Green San Diego Fear and Loathing (of Others) in Washington, D.C. Brandi Thompson Summers, Virginia Commonwealth University; 501. Regular Session. Political Cultures in Unlikely Places Kathryn Howell, Virginia Commowealth University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515B, 10:30am-12:10pm Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red: The Relational Racialization of Session Organizer: Caroline W. Lee, Lafayette College Space. Raoul Salvador Lievanos, University of Oregon Presider: Marcos Emilio Perez, Colby College Placing Community Gatherings in the “Public Sphere”: Case 504. Regular Session. Teaching Sociology Studies from a Disadvantaged Black Neighborhood. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516D, 10:30am-12:10pm Francisco Pablo Landeros Vieyra, Washington University Session Organizer: Teresa Ciabattari, Pacific Lutheran in St. Louis University “It’s not about Policy; It’s about Personality”: Legitimating Presider: Anne Frances Eisenberg, SUNY- Geneseo Rural Political Regimes. Philip George Lewin, Florida A Comparison of Class Size Effects in Larger and Smaller Atlantic University Sections of the Introductory Sociology Course. Sandra Participation and Control: Soviet Letters to the Editor during Rezac, SUNY Plattsburgh; Charles Allan McCoy, SUNY Late State Socialism. Andrew D. Buck, University of Plattsburgh; Stanley Sabin, SUNY Plattsburgh; Stephen C. Southern Indiana Light, SUNY Plattsburgh Protest Movements and the Culture of Democratic Liberty: Do they have to like it to learn from it? Students' CLG The Example of Street Mobilization in Russia, 2011–2012. Experiences and Learning. Renee A. Monson, Hobart and William Smith Colleges Zoe V. Davis-Chanin, Binghamton University; Benita Roth, Effect of Removing a Cheating Inhibitor on Online Exam Binghamton University Scores: Lengthening Time for Exam Access. Steven Stack, 507. Section on Comparative and Historical Sociology Grappling with Self-Serving Attribution Bias in the Refereed Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Classroom: Opportunity for a Teachable Moment. Sarah Palais des congrès de Montréal, 520A, 10:30-11:30am Jean Hatteberg, The College of Charleston Session Organizer: Carly Knight, Harvard University Seeing Sociology: An Analysis of What Concepts Introductory Table 01. Elite Dynamics and Collective Behavior Sociology Students Can Apply Using Photography. Table Presider: Samuel David Stabler, Yale Stephanie Medley-Rath, Indiana University Kokomo The Birth of "Neo-Socialism": The Dynamics of Schism and Doctrinal Heresy in the French Socialist Party. 505. Regular Session. Undoing Gender: Sport, Power and Mathieu H. Desan, University of Colorado Boulder the Body Creating Consent in State-socialist Eastern Europe: The Palais des congrès de Montréal, 510D, 10:30am-12:10pm Cosmopolitan Nationalism of the Weak. Ana Session Organizer: Ben Carrington, University of Texas-Austin Velitchkova, University of Mississippi Presider: David Karen, Bryn Mawr College The Stance of Armed Forces in Mass Uprisings: The The Powers of Testosterone: Obscuring Racial and Regional Mutiny Against Ben Ali in Tunisia. Jean-Baptiste bias in Regulating Female Athletes’ Eligibility. Katrina Gallopin, Yale University Karkazis, Stanford University; Rebecca Jordan-Young, Between Religious and Political Fields: Reformulating Barnard College Parish Space in Puritan New England, 1637-1741. The Social Organization of CrossFit and the Reconstruction of Samuel David Stabler, Yale the Self and Body. Michael Eddie Ramirez, Texas A&M A Comparative Analysis of Conservative Right-wing University - Corpus Christi Protest Rhetoric in the Segregationist Resistance Era. Charging the Net: A Generational Model of Social Activism in Devon Alanzo Wright, Florida International University Women's Professional Tennis. Kristi Tredway, St. Mary's Table 02. States, Revolutions, and Empire College of Maryland Table Presider: Matvey Lomonosov, McGill University Challenging Athletic Professionalism: The Case of Elite Contexts of State Violence: The History of Expulsions of Female Cycling. Diana Tracy Cohen, Central Connecticut Jews. Kerice Doten-Snitker, University of Washington State University Long Distance Nationalism: Old or Recent? Mythmaking and Construction of Nationhood by Early Albanian 506. Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco. Disparate Diasporics. Matvey Lomonosov, McGill University Impacts of the Opioid Epidemic Repolarization of Power: Decline of the Golden Horde and Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513A, 10:30am-12:10pm Russia's Empire-Building in the Middle Ages. Pavel I. Session Organizer: Ellen Benoit, National Development Osinsky, Appalachian State University Research Inst Table 03. Policies, Politics, and Institutions Clinicians’ Perspectives on the Extended-Release Naltrexone Table Presider: Carly Knight, Harvard University Continuum of Care. Carrie B. Oser, University of Efforts against Human Trafficking. Robin Shura, Hiram Kentucky; Erin Winston, University of Kentucky; Hannah College; Brian Kelly Polk, Case Western Reserve K. Knudsen, University of Kentucky; Michele Staton- University Tindall, University of Kentucky; Kate Eddens, University of Inventing Missing Persons: The Origins of the NYPD's Kentucky Missing Persons Bureau, 1867-1918. Matthew Wolfe Disparities in Opioid Analgesic Prescription Among Older Table 04. Markets, Development and Industrialization U.S. Adults. Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, University at Table Presider: Jennifer Elise Triplett, University of Buffalo, SUNY Michigan Like a Fish Out of Water: Managing Chronic Pain in the Urban Evolution of Liberal Influences in Modernization Theory: Safety Net. Sara Rubin, University of California-San Four Liberal Presuppositions in Bryce, Rostow, and Francisco; Nancy J. Burke, University of California- Huntington. Jennifer Elise Triplett, University of Merced; Irene H. Yen, University of California-San Michigan Francisco; Janet K. Shim, University of California-San Principles of Conflict: A Case Study of Family and Francisco Industrialization in Republican Shanghai, 1910s-1940s. The Opioid Epidemic and Big Pharma Corporate Wei Luo, Yale University Responsibility: Smoke and Mirrors? Mark Wolfson, Wake Collective Bargaining in French and North-American Forest School of Medicine; Kathleen L. Egan, Wake Forest Unions: Origin of “Expertise”. Maïlys GANTOIS, School of Medicine; Sunday Azagba, Wake Forest School CESSP/CRPS Université Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne of Medicine Bring Incorporated Comparison into Chinese Stagnation Then and Now: The Legacy of Needle/Syringe Exchange Studies. Sung Hee Ru, Binghamton University Programs for Current Activism against Opioid EpidemicE. 508. Section on Disability and Society. Disability, Classes, Capitals, and Closure: How Parents' Occupation (or War/Social Conflict, and Inequality (cosponsored with Micro-Class) affects Children's (Big) Class Destination. Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict) Daniel Laurison, Swarthmore College Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513E, 10:30am-12:10pm Did Caste Matter? Social Mobility in 1967 India in Session Organizers: Scott D. Landes, Syracuse University Comparative Perspective. Jonathan Kelley, University of Michelle Lee Maroto, University of Alberta Nevada, Reno Facing Disability among Elderly Holocaust Survivors: Intergenerational Social Slass Mobility in Europe: A new Challenges for Trust and Care-Getting. Eva Kahana, Case Comparative Account of National Variation. Marii Western Reserve University; Tirth Raj Bhatta, Case Paskov, University of Oxford; Erzsebet Bukodi, Institute of Western Reserve University; Boaz Kahana; Minzhi Ye, Education, University of London; Brian Nolan, University Case Western Reserve University; Nirmala Lekhak, Case of Oxford Western Reserve University Social Mobility in Post-war Japan: Long-term Trends and Post 9/11 Discrimination and Mental Health in the Context of Cross-national Comparisons. Hiroshi Ishida, University of the Great Recession. Robyn Lewis Brown, University of Tokyo; Satoshi Miwa, Tohoku University Kentucky; Judith A. Richman, University of Illinois at The Intergenerational Effects of the Works Progress Chicago; Kathleen M. Rospenda, University of Illinois- Administration. Charles Varner, Stanford University; Chicago; Myles Moody, University of Kentucky Sepideh Modrek, San Francisco State University; David Authentic “Wounded Warriors”? How Post-9/11 Wounded Rehkopf, Stanford University Veterans Use Group Boundaries to Challenge Stigma. Sidra J. Montgomery, University of Maryland 511. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work Unequal Suffering of War: Combat Participation, Regime Refereed Roundtable Session Type, and Leaders’ Health. Ruolin Su, University of Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 10:30am-12:10pm Pennsylvania; Wensong Shen, University of Pennsylvania Session Organizers: Alexandra Vinson, Northwestern Discussant: Amy Kate Bailey, University of Illinois - Chicago University Jiwook Jung, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 509. Section on Environment and Technology. Water and Table 01. (Loss of) Job Satisfaction in a New World of Work Inequality Table Presider: Liana Christin Landivar, U.S. Department of Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513D, 10:30am-12:10pm Labor Session Organizer: Tammy L. Lewis, CUNY-Brooklyn College Economic Development, Marketization, and Regional Presider: William Michelson, University of Toronto Variation of Work Values in Urban China. Yang Cao, Community Based Participatory Research and Citizen Science UNC Charlotte for Community Organizing around Water Quality and Employee Reactions to Unmet Normative Claims for a Just Water Shutoffs. Jennifer S. Carrera, Michigan State Recognition of Work Performance. Frank Kleemann, University; Jade Mitchell, Michigan State University; University of Duisburg-Essen; Jule Elena Westerheide, Lucero Radonic, Michigan State University Institut für Soziologie Saving for a Dry Day: Investigating Well Ownership and Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intensions of Non-Tenure Water Usage during Droughts in Kansas. Brock Ternes, Track Faculty in Higher Education. Chad Gregory State University of New York-Cortland Evans, University of Pennsylvania Oil and Water in the American West: Water Market Impacts of The Unbearable Lightness of Being Retired: A Qualitative Unconventional Oil Production in Colorado. Stephanie Study of Retired Chief Executive Officers. Michelle Ann Malin, Colorado State University; Kelsea MacIlroy, Pannor Silver, University of Toronto Department of Sociology, Colorado State University Table 02. Competing Logics in Finance Rising Tides, Rising Demands: Community-Organized Coastal Bond Ratings as Evidence for Competing Institutional Retreat in Post-Sandy New York City. Liz Koslov, New Logics in Corporate Finance. Jacob Apkarian, CUNY, York University York College Social Support for Water Quality: The Influence of Values and Doing Well by Doing Good? The Hidden Burdens of Racial Attitudes. Thomas M. Dietz, Michigan State Inclusive Business. Laura Doering, McGill University University; Ran Duan, Michigan State University; Jakob The Diffusion of International Development Strategies: Nalley, Michigan State University; Tony Van Witsen, U.S. Foundations and the Case of Microfinance. Emily Michigan State University Bryant, Boston University The Power of Going it with Friends or a Crowd: 510. Section on Inequality, Poverty and Mobility. Social Disassociating from a Prosocial Market Category. Mobility in Comparative Perspective Silvia Dorado, University of Rhode Island; Virginia Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513F, 10:30am-12:10pm Simon Moya, Universidad de Valencia Session Organizer: David J. Harding, University of California Table 03. Employee Control and Surveillance at Berkeley Table Presider: Arturo Alvarado, El Colegio de México Presider: Monica Boyd, University of Toronto Employees or Suspects? Surveillance and Scrutinization of University Duisburg-Essen; Lara Minkus, Universität Low-wage Service Workers in U.S. Dollar Stores. Bremen Tracy Vargas, Syracuse University Rural-Urban Differences in Motherhood Wage Penalty. Infantilisation and 'Tough Love' in the Chinese workplace: Xiao Li, Washington State University Towards a New Form of Paternalism. Jingqi Zhu, Social Status effects on the Motherhood Penalty in Newcastle University; Rick Delbridge, Cardiff Occupational Status. Janna Besamusca, University of University Amsterdam When Work is Punishment: Penal Subjectivities in Punitive The Misapplication of Mr. Gary Becker: How to Weed Out Labor Regimes. Erin E. Hatton, State University of Wage Discrimination and Why Legitimacy Matters. New York at Buffalo Hyungmin Cha “Rumores de pasillo:” Democratizing Information in the Table 07. Gendered Evaluations of Women's Work Transparent Organization. Katherine Sobering, Performance University of Texas at Austin Table Presider: Lyn Craig, University of New South Wales Table 04. Entrepreneurship Doing Ideal Work: Ideal Work as Gendered Performance. Table Presider: Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois at Urbana- Christin L. Munsch, University of Connecticut; Lindsey Champaign Trimble O'Connor, California State University Channel Measuring Entrepreneurship: Measurement Choices Can Islands Influence Empirics. Joseph Nathan Cohen, City Female Clergy, Authority, and Making Sense of Parish University of New York, Queens College; Ryan C. Financial Contributions. Catherine A. Crowder, Sperry, Queens College, CUNY University of California San Diego Microsocial Assembly of Innovative Action: Brokerage, Pathways to Business Ownership. Stephanie A. Pullés, Knowledge Articulation and Creative Projects. David University of California, Irvine Obstfeld; Marc J. Ventresca, University of Oxford; Same-Sex Referent and Pre-Career Perceptions of Greg Fisher, Indiana University Gendered Work Performance. Tom W. Buchanan, Present Time Perspective and Sustainable Development: Mount Royal University; Travis Milnes, Colorado State An Ethnography of Tea Producer Organizations in East University Africa. Anna Kim, HEC Montréal; Pratima Bansal, The Revolution Will Not Be Rationalized:Organizational Ivey Business School, Western University; Helen Structures, Demography and Gender Inequality in Non- Haugh, University of Cambridge Profit Organizations. Gal Deutsch, Tel Aviv University Social Status and Legitimation Agents: The Entry of Table 08. Interpreting Employment Policy in Organizations Communist Elites into Private Entrepreneurship. Changes in Organizational Interpretations of the Lactation Hongwei Xu, University of Windsor; Litao Zhao, at Work law: Health Concerns and Managerial Goals. National University of Singapore Elizabeth A. Hoffmann, Purdue University Table 05. Factors Shaping Employment Outcomes Family Responsibilities Discrimination, HR Work-Family Table Presider: Eun Kyong Shin, University of Tennessee Discourse, and Organizational Mediation of U.S. Civil Health Science Center – Oak-Ridge National Lab Rights Law. Robin Stryker, University of Arizona; Between State and Market: Hukou, Non-Standard Heidi Reynolds-Stenson, University of Arizona; Krista Employment, and Bad Jobs in Urban China. Kevin Frederico, University of Arizona Stainback, Purdue University; Zhenyu Tang Pregnant Workers and Lactating Employee Rooms: Gender Career Achievement and Gender Differences in Divorce. Neutrality in HR's Family Friendly Workplace Colleen Stuart, Johns Hopkins University; Sue H. Discourse. Krista Frederico, University of Arizona Moon, Long Island University; Tiziana Casciaro, When do Categories Matter? Workplace Incivilities, University of Toronto Immigrant Status, Gender, and Nonstandard Is there a gender promotion gap? A meta-analysis on 30 Employment. Anthony Rainey, University of years of research. Constantin Schoen Massachusetts at Amherst Tied Migration and Employment: Public Perceptions of Table 09. Making Sense of Organizational Change Military Spouses Seeking Work. Brittany Dernberger, Table Presider: Tina Uys, University of Johannesburg University of Maryland, College Park; Meredith A. Framing Inequality: Perceptions of Workplace Harassment Kleykamp, University of Maryland and Normative Change in Oregon's Construction Is it my sexual orientation? LGBTQ Employment Trades. Sasha Bassett, Portland State University Experiences. Nicole Genevieve Denier, Colby College; Organizational Culture and Conflict in Mergers of Higher Sean Waite, McGill University Education: The Case of University of North Georgia. Table 06. Gender Wage Gap and Motherhood Penalty Sarah Min, Kennesaw State University; Darina Elena Gender Wage Inequalities Between Historical Heritage and Lepadatu, Kennesaw State University Structural Adjustments: A German-German Reengineering Elite Higher Education: MIT’s MOOC Comparison Over Time. Anne Busch-Heizmann, Strategy. Ben Hidru Gebre-Medhin, UC Berkeley When is a CSA no Longer a CSA? Member Tenure and Table 14. Precarious Work and Job Insecurity Sensemaking During Organizational Change. Melissa Table Presider: Felipe Antonio Dias, University of California Fletcher Pirkey, Cornell at Berkeley Table 10. Organizational Culture and Exclusion Classification Struggles in Semi-Formal and Precarious Table Presider: Laureen K. O'Brien, University of Arizona Work. Michael Gibson-Light, University of Arizona Profit-Making Pressure and Workers’ and Managers’ Connecting Social Structures of Accumulation to Worker Masculinities in a Global Auto-Parts Company in the Perceptions: Perceived Employment Insecurity in the United States. Kumiko Nemoto, Kyoto University of United States, 1977-2012. Travis S. Lowe, University Foreign Studies of Tulsa Unpacking the Endogenous Relationship between Culture Precarious Morality: Narratives of Workplace Commitment and Performance in Startup Founding Teams. Matthew in the Oil and Gas Industry. Shelly Steward, University Corritore, Stanford University of California, Berkeley Who can play? Patterns of Exclusivity in a Mid-size Tech Why Some Employees Might Thrive on Job Insecurity. Firm. Chelsea Wahl, University of Pennsylvania Ola Cornelius Sjoberg, Swedish Institute for Social After the Degree: The Role of Work Environments in the Research Underrepresentation of Women in Technology. Table 15. Professional Identity Formation Christianne Corbett, Stanford Table Presider: Kannaki Bharali, City University of New Table 11. Organizational Logics and Organizational Identity York Table Presider: Bridget Rose Nolan, Bryn Mawr College A Field Theory of Mentoring. Peter Lista, Indiana Diversification as Coordination: Theorizing Racial University Diversity in an American Denomination. Sorcha Becoming Lawyers: Mapping Professional Identity Alexandrina Brophy, University of Pittsburgh Formation in the United States and China. John Bliss, Stakeholder Pressure to Marketize Social Enterprise. Harvard Law School Sarah Woodside, Canisius College Physician Autonomy and the Paradox of Rationalization: Unconventional Legitimacy: Promotional Practices in Clinical Pathways in China’s Public Hospitals. Lei Jin, Ontario’s Non-Elite Private School Sector. Roger Chinese University of Hong Kong Pizarro Milian, Nipissing University; Linda Quirke, Resistance and Adaptation: Technological Change and Wilfrid Laurier University Threats to Expertise in Radiology. Joshua M. Hurwitz, From ‘One Stop Shop’ to ‘No Wrong Door’: Expansion Columbia University and Centralization in the Veterans Services Sector. The Differentiation of a Semi-profession: The Emergence Erica C. Bender, UC San Diego of the Contingent Faculty. Keith R. Johnson, None Table 12. Organizations and Civil Society Table 16. Professionalization and the Emergence of New Table Presider: Xiaohong Xu, National University of Fields Singapore Table Presider: Jiwook Jung, University of Illinois at A Hidden Curriculum on Civil Society? Structures and Urbana-Champaign Practices of the Knights of Pythias, 1868-1930. Pamela From Welfare Professions to Field of Welfare Work. Jan A. Popielarz, University of Illinois at Chicago Thorhauge Frederiksen, University of Copenhagen Organizing Before Knowing: Social Problem Construction Mental Health Counselors Emergence as a Strategic Action and the Development of Nonprofit Organizations in Field. Jeff Scott Shelton, University of Georgia Postsocialist China. Ling Han, Stanford University The Sensemaking and Improvisation Associated with Work Ties That (More Than) Bind: Civic Styles and Political Transfer and Upskilling in Health Care Organizations. Cooptation in Revolutionary China. Xiaohong Xu, Timothy James Hoff, Northeastern University National University of Singapore The Teaching Profession: How Knowledge-Worker Why Firms Incorporate Social Services? A Multi-case Characteristics Improve the Worldwide Esteem of Study of Reverse Embeddedness. Yi Han, Shanghai Teaching. Heather E. Price, Marian University; University of Finance and Economics Kristen Weatherby, ICL Institute of Education Table 13. Power and Inequality in Collaboration Networks Table 17. Social Networks and Power Collaboration Networks, Survival, and Success in Creative Table Presider: Richard Benton, University of Illinois Industries. Yonghoon Lee; Martin Gargiulo Brokerage and Closure in Corporate Control: Structural Reaching for the Stars. Carla Carolina Rua Gomez, Sources of Power for a Fractured Corporate Elite. Università della Svizzera italiana; Martin C. Goossen, Richard Benton, University of Illinois University of Tilburg; Gianluca Carnabuci, University Organizational Networks as Communication Mechanisms: of Lugano How Reinforcing and Competing Information Impacts The Fractal Approach to Gender Segregation: Preliminary Firm Behavior. Tarun Banerjee, University of Results on a Scientific Network. Antonio Nanni, Pittsburgh Northwestern University Who’s the Boss? Power and Structure in the Prohibition- Era Chicago Outfit. James Abbott, Yale University; Occupational Concentration, Job Mobility, and Transition Andrew V. Papachristos, Yale University to Self-Employment. Gorkem Aksaray, Emory Table 18. Social Networks and Work University Table Presider: Jeffrey A. Smith, University of Nebraska- Lincoln 512. Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict. Peace, Aesthetic Subsidy: Design Cuts and the Changing Labor of Conflict, and Political Change Graphic Designers in the Network Society. Thomas J Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515C, 10:30am-12:10pm Billard, University of Southern California Session Organizer: Megan E. Brooker, University of Competition, Camaraderie or Social Comparison? California-Irvine Exploring the Origin of Positive and Negative Ties. Presider: Lisa A. Leitz, Chapman University Charles Kirschbaum, Insper Institute of Education and Iraq Veterans Against the War in the Obama Era: How Research Political Allies Stimulate Organizational Decline. Megan Coworking through the 100-year Life: New Organizations E. Brooker, University of California-Irvine for Flourishing Lives and Careers. Tuukka H. Iraq and the Material Basis of Post-Conflict Police Toivonen, University of London, Soas; Onya Idoko, Reconstruction. Jesse S.G. Wozniak, West Virginia UCL Institute for Global Prosperity University The Geography and Multiplexity of Job Lead Ties. Emily The Globalization of Political Contention. Edward M. J. Smith, University of California, Irvine; Carter T. Crenshaw, Department of Sociology; Kristopher K. Butts, University of California-Irvine; John R. Hipp, Robison, Northern Illinois University; J. Craig Jenkins, University of California, Irvine; Nicholas N. Nagle, Ohio State University University of Tennessee, Knoxville Political Origins of Social Conflict: Democratization and Anti- Table 19. Stress, Burnout and Care Work Kurdish Communal Violence. Sefika Kumral, Johns Half the Job is Pleasing Her: Manager-Induced Stress, Care Hopkins University Worker Adaptations, and Care Recipient Outcomes. Sticks, Stones and Molotov Cocktails: Unarmed Collective Elizabeth Kathryn Barna, Vanderbilt University Violence and Democratization. Ali Kadivar; Neil Ketchley, Burnout, Coping and Suicidal Ideation: An Application and King's College London Extension of the Job Demand-Control-Support Model. 513. Section on Political Sociology. The Comparative Jean E. Wallace, The University of Calgary Politics of Austerity and Anti-Austerity Bounded Authenticity or Boundless Intimacy? Labor Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513B, 10:30am-12:10pm Regimes in Germany’s Indoor Prostitution. Annegret Session Organizer: Jon D. Shefner, University of Tennessee D. Staiger, Clarkson University Austerity, Nationalist Politics and the Fallacy of Why Hard Work is Not Enough: Workplace Policies and Postneoliberalism. Cory Blad, Manhattan College the Mobility of African American Women Workers. Institutional Inequality: Student Loan Indebtedness by Katrinell M. Davis, University of Vermont University. Maria Bordt Table 20. Tensions in Institutional Logics Kill It to Save It: Austerity and Apocalypse in America. Corey Table Presider: Andrew King, UMass Boston Dolgon, Stonehill College Doing More with Less: Intensive Care and the Logic of Marxism and the Political Economy of Austerity. John Flexible Teamwork. Jason Rodriquez, University of O'Connor, Central Connecticut State University Massachusetts - Boston School Choice as Ideological Differentiation: Charter 514. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Theorizing School Identities and Outcomes in the Accountability 21st Century Racial-Ethnic Activism (cosponsored with Era. Jaren Randell Haber, University of California, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements) Berkeley Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514A, 10:30am-12:10pm Teaching Teachers: How Teacher Preparation Programs Session Organizer: Belinda Robnett, University of California- Cope with Institutional Complexity. Emily Persons, Irvine Duke University Presider: Veronica Terriquez, UC Santa Cruz To Err is Human: Computerization and Job Quality in the Be the Movement: Civic Engagement Strategies Among Black 21st Century. Marcel Knudsen, Northwestern Young Professionals in the Era of Black Lives Matter. University Candice C. Robinson, University of Pittsburgh Table 21. Worker Mobility Within and Across Organizations Threats and Opportunities: How Local Contexts Shape the Table Presider: Alexandra Vinson, Northwestern University Immigrant Rights and Undocumented Youth Movements. Differential Migration Patterns and Career Paths of the Lisa M. Martinez, University of Denver Chinese Internal Migrants. Thomas Peng, University of The Movement for Reproductive Justice by Women of Color: California, Berkeley Blending Intersectionality and Human Rights. Patricia Mobility Across the Academic Life Course. Adam Roth, Zavella, University of California-Santa Cruz Washington State University The Movement for Reproductive Justice and the Latinx Feminist Imagination. Rocío R. García, University of Research University California, Los Angeles Table 03. Religion and Health Discussant: Veronica Terriquez, UC Santa Cruz Table Presider: Stacy Keogh-George, Whitworth University Beliefs in and about God and Attitudes towards Voluntary 515. Section on Rationality and Society. Morality, Euthanasia. Shane Sharp, Northern Illinois University Rationality and Collective Action The Evolving Impact of Religiosity on Informal Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512G, 10:30am-12:10pm Caregiving. Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, University of Session Organizer: Jody Clay-Warner, University of Georgia Waterloo Presider: Vincent W. Buskens Magic, Mysticism, and Mental Health: Developing a A Two-year Longitudinal Comparison of Three Measures of Theoretical Understanding of Spirituality and Health. Social Value Orientation. Dieko M Bakker, University of Haley Medved Kendrick, University of Alabama at Groningen; Jacob Dijkstra, University of Groningen Birmingham Altruism and Social Optimality in Finite Strategic Games. Lin Religion, Geography, and Euthanasia: The Effects of Tao, Peking University Religion and Geography on American Approval of Deep Edges: Online Communities as Social Movement and Euthanasia. Miles Marsala, Duke University Social Organization. Ryan James Parsons, Princeton Table 04. Secularities University Table Presider: Kevin John McCaffree, Indiana University- Mimicry, Empathy and its Relation to Pro-social Behavior. Purdue University, Fort Wayne Axel Franzen, University of Bern; Sebastian Mader, Creating Sacredness and Defending Secularity: Religion in University of Bern the Workplace of Taiwanese Scientists. Di Di, Rice 516. Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology. University Civic Engagement and Action: Culture and Inclusion Modernization, Government Regulation and Religious on Campus and Off Involvement in Contemporary China: An Analysis Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514B, 10:30am-12:10pm based on CGSS2010. Ye Zi, Shanghai University Session Organizer: Yvette Young, University of Utah The Demographic and Attitudinal Differences of Religious Presider: Yvette Young, University of Utah Non-Affiliates. Kevin John McCaffree, Indiana Panelists: Jose Zapata Calderon, Pitzer College University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne Jennifer Eileen Cross, Colorado State University Table 05. Religion in Cross-National Perspectives Marilyn Krogh, Loyola University Chicago Table Presider: Roberta Ricucci, University of Turin Jacob Alden Sargent, OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE Are Arab-Muslim Canadians Irremediably Others? When Collective Memories Shape the Anti-accommodation 517. Section on Sociology of Religion Refereed Roundtable Discourse. Samar Ben Romdhane, Moncton University Session and Business Meeting Being Muslim on-line, European Off-line: Second Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516C, 10:30-11:30am Generations and their Religious belonging in a Catholic Session Organizer: Mark Killian, Whitworth University Country. Roberta Ricucci, University of Turin Table 01. Congregations Powers of the Sacred: The Politics of (Sufi) Shrines in Table Presider: Katie E. Corcoran, West Virginia University Contemporary Punjab. Amen Jaffer Emotion, Religion, and Civic Engagement: A Multilevel Religion in Public Institutions: Comparative Perspectives Analysis of U.S. Congregations. Katie E. Corcoran, from the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe. West Virginia University Mar Griera, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Ines Exploring Generational Shifts in Lay Ministry. Brian Michalowski, Social Science Research Center Berlin Starks, Kennesaw State University (WZB); Kristen Remington Lucken, Normative Pressures and Congregations' Competitive Table 06. Religion and Intersectionality Strategies. Matthew May, Oakland University Table Presider: Jennifer L. Lê, Bellevue College Table 02. Religious Organizations How a Love of the Lord Remains: Gender, Faith, Table Presider: Mark Killian, Whitworth University Relational Resilience and Surviving Sexual Assault. A Multi-level Exploration of the Paradoxical Tensions in a Townsand Price-Spratlen, Ohio State University Buddhist Temple. Hee-Chan Song; Pratima Bansal, Social Inequalities as God's Will: The Divine Fatalism of Ivey Business School, Western University American Conservative Protestants. Stephanie Chan, Mobilizing the Faithful: The Impact of Resource Slack, Biola University Dependency, and Clergy Agency on Congregational Table 07. Religion, Families, and Youth Activism. Dane R. Mataic, Pennsylvania State Table Presider: Kyle Clayton Longest, Furman University University Are Religious Affiliation and Religiosity Associated with Understanding Organizational Structure and its Body Mass Index and Obesity in Adolescence? Joseph Consequences in an International Church. Sarah Busse Charles Jochman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Spencer, Higher School of Economics, National Parenting Practices and Attitudes and the Role of Belief in Supernatural Evil. Brandon C. Martinez, Providence Disruptive Bodies: Queer Resistance, Muslim Piety and the College; Joshua Tom, Institute for Advanced Studies in Embodied Politics of Women's Soccer in Senegal. Beth D. Culture; Todd W. Ferguson, University of Mary Packer, EHESS Hardin-Baylor; Brita Andercheck, Southern Methodist Opportunity, Vulnerability, and Duty: Women’s Experiences University; Samuel Stroope, Louisiana State University as Elected Lay Judges on Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts. The Effects of Media Use on Dietary Integration among Allison Nobles, University of Minnesota; Christopher Muslim Youth in Europe. Hiroshi Kojima, Waseda Uggen, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Hollie Nyseth University Brehm, The Ohio State University Table 08. Religious Competition and Identity Rethinking Gender, Land and Corruption in Africa and Asia. Table Presider: John Patrick Hartley, Yale University Kristy Kelly, Columbia University/Drexel University Is American Islam a "Conservative" Religion? John Untangling the Impact of Institutions and Resources on O'Brien, NYU Abu Dhabi; Eman Abdelhadi, New York Attitudes Towards Domestic Violence. Lacey Caporale, University Case Western Reserve University The Field of American Evangelicalism: Struggles with Discussant: Rachel A. Rinaldo, University of Colorado, Islam and the Competition for Religious Authority. Boulder John Patrick Hartley, Yale University; Roger Baumann, Yale University 519. Section on Sociology of Sexualities. Criminalization of The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba and the Politics of Sexuality Cultural Patrimony. Avi Y. Astor, Universitat Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512H, 10:30am-12:10pm Autònoma de Barcelona; Marian Burchardt, University Session Organizer: Angela Jones, Farmingdale State College, of Leipzig; Mar Griera, Universitat Autònoma de State University of New York Barcelona Presider: Angela Jones, Farmingdale State College, State Worshipping the Free Market: Charismatic Christianity, University of New York Dominionism and the Prosperity Gospel. Dominic Law, Science, and the Co-production of the "Sexually Violent Vincent Wetzel, City University of New York Predator." Stefan Vogler, Northwestern University Table 09. Intersections of Religion and Theory Victim Impact: Analyzing Dispartiies by Race, Gender, and Table Presider: Jason Wollschleger Sexuality under State HIV Exposure and Disclosure Laws. Progressive Evangelicals, Critical Pragmatism, and Four Trevor Alexander Hoppe, University at Albany, SUNY Modes of Social Reflexivity. Wes Markofski, Carleton HIV Interventions, LGBT Visibility, and Anti-Gay Backlash in College Malawi and Senegal. Nicole Angotti, American University; Re-thinking Religion in an Actually Existing Public Tara A. McKay, Vanderbilt University; Rachel Sullivan Sphere: Laudato Si, Habermas and Religious Authority. Robinson, American University Robert S. Mackin, Texas A&M University; Andrew Queer Control Complex: The Criminalization of LGBTQ Craig McNeely, Texas A&M University Youth and the Production of Homelessness. Brandon Rethinking Religious Sectarianism: A Case Study of Andrew Robinson, University of California, Riverside Sectarian Imaginations in Lebanon. Toni Rouhana The Regulation of Sexual and Familial Intimacy through Table 10. Religion and Gender Polygamy’s Prohibition in France and Canada. Melanie Table Presider: Susan Crawford Sullivan, College of the Heath, McMaster University Holy Cross 520. Section on the Sociology of the Family Refereed Embodying the Pastoral Role: Gender, Clothing and Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Legitimacy. Kathleen Anne Steeves, McMaster Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517C, 10:30-11:30am University Session Organizer: Jessica McCrory Calarco, Indiana From Nuns to 'Nones': The Prosperity Gospel, Gender, and University the Rise of the Religiously Unaffiliated. Dominic Table 01. Gender and Marriage Vincent Wetzel, City University of New York Table Presider: Rhiannon Miller, Johns Hopkins University Identity Change and Reversion from Islam: An Egocentric Changing Gender Norms and Marriage Dynamics in the Social Network Perspective. Sakin Erin, University of United States. Léa Pessin, Penn State University California-Riverside; Ugur Arcagok, Mus Aplarslan Differences in German Youth Gender Ideologies: The University; Ali Esref Keles, Igdir University Relationship Between Family Structure and Doing 518. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Gender and Gender. Alyssa J Alexander, Brigham Young Social Justice in a Global Context University; Mikaela Dufur, Brigham Young University; Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513C, 10:30am-12:10pm Carolina Otero, Brigham Young University; Yuanyuan Session Organizer: Rachel A. Rinaldo, University of Colorado, Yue, Old Dominion University; Tiana Bettinson, Boulder Brigham Young University Presider: Gul Aldikacti Marshall, University of Louisville Four Frameworks for Family Life Held by Adolescents. Laura Krull, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Bo Hyeong (Jane) Lee, Univ. North Carollina Simon Cheng, University of Connecticut; Kristin Kaye Chapel Hill; Karam Hwang, University of North Kelley, Indiana University-Bloomington Carolina-Chapel Hill; R. Batool Zaidi, University of Queer Families Online: Internet Resources For French and North Carolina @ Chapel Hill; Lisa D. Pearce, American Same-Sex Couples Hoping to Have Children. University of North Carolina Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, Université Bordeaux Happily, Ever After: Children’s Socialization and Montaigne Interpretation About Love and Marriage. Adriana Table 05. Fathers and Fatherhood Ponce, University of Michigan Distinctiveness, Deference and Dominance in Black Table 02. Transition to Adulthood Caribbean Fathers’ Engagement with London and New Table Presider: Sarah M. Kendig, Arkansas State University York City Schools. Derron O Wallace, Brandeis Family Support and Positive Affect among Adolescents: University An Extended Intersectional Analytical Approach. Fatherhood 2.0: Introducing an Ethnographic Study of Zinobia Chara Bennefield, University of North Dadbloggers. Casey Scheibling, McMaster University Carolina at Charlotte Gay Fathers on the Margins: Race, Class, Marital Status, Agency, Linked Lives, and Gender Inequality in the and Pathway to Parenthood. Megan Carroll, University Transition to Adulthood. Jaclyn S. Wong, University of of Southern California Chicago Parenthood and Masculinity in Single Fathers with Joint An Exploration of Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Custody. Hilary Flowers their Association with Young Adult Romantic Table 06. Parenting 1 Relationship Quality. Amy Lucas, University of Table Presider: Kate C. Prickett, The University of Chicago Houston-Clear Lake Intensive Mothering in the Public Sphere: The Case of the Money Flows: Parent-Child Monetary Exchanges in School Volunteer. Beth Anne Shelton, University of African American and Immigrant Families During the Texas-Arlington; Rebecca Deen, University of Texas- Transition to Adulthood. Yader R. Lanuza, University Arlington of California-Irvine The End of Intensive Motherhood? Education, Work, and Sequencing Education with Family Formation During the Time Focused on Children from 2003-2015. Kate C. Transition to Adulthood: Implications for Adult Prickett, The University of Chicago Depression. James Richard S. McCall, Washington Times of Inequality: Gendered Differences in Parents’ State University Time Use by Socioeconomic Status. Jess M. Meyer, Table 03. Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality Northwestern University Table Presider: Mark Hutter, Rowan University What is the Optimal Maternal Age at Birth for Offspring’s Fade to White? White Privilege and Identity in Russian Educational Attainment? Evidence from Add Health. Adoptive Families. Lisa Gulya, University of Samuel Fishman, University of North Carolina at Minnesota Chapel Hill Marriage, Household Composition, Class Status by When I Was Your Age: The Intergenerational Nativity for Women of Color: 1980-2014. Jessica Transmission of Mothers’ High School Academic Elaine Peña, University of Maryland-College Park; Programs. Matthew Lawrence, Middlebury College Kris Marsh, University of Maryland Table 07. Parenting 2 Modern Day Anti-Miscegenation? How Affirmative Action Table Presider: Megan Reid, University of Wisconsin - Bans Have Shaped Interracial Marriage. David Antonio Madison Mickey-Pabello, University of Michigan From Victimized to Stigmatized:Lived Experiences of Family Matters: But Not In the Way Most International Women Who Mother in the Context of Domestic Migration Scholars Think. Jacob Richard Thomas, Violence. Caroline Beth McDonald-Harker, Mount University of California-Los Angeles; Peng Huang, Royal University Peking University Parenting Practices in Diverse Family Structures. Daniel J. Table 04. Same-Sex Marriage and Parenthood Potter, American Institutes for Research Table Presider: Kristin Kaye Kelley, Indiana University- Yan mu ci zu: The Intergenerational Cooperation and Bloomington Conflicts in Parenting in Urban China. Suowei Xiao, Creating Lesbian Families: Factors Influencing Choice of Beijing Normal University Method when Choosing to have Children. Marianne Educate Yourself and Choose Healthy Options: Discussing Cutler, East Stroudsburg University Consumption, Risk, and Choice on Green Mommy Family Feuds: How Legal Changes Affect Media Blogs. Carmen Rowe, Boston University Discourses Concerning the Family. Adriana Brodyn, Under my Eye Watch: Mothers Raising Low-income Black University of British Columbia Teenagers in Urban Environments. Megan Reid, One Sex, Two Sexes, One Parent, Two Parents: Public University of Wisconsin - Madison; Sinikka Elliott, Attitudes Toward Single and Same-Sex Parenthood. University of British Columbia Table 08. Families and Health Amorim Table Presider: Kristin Turney, University of California, Extended Family Households among U.S. Children: Irvine Differences by Race and SES. Christina Cross, A Mixed Methods Investigation of Disparities in Pediatric University of Michigan Cochlear Implantation Outcomes. Laura Mauldin, Intergenerational Solidarity from Resource Exchange and University of Connecticut Doing Family Perspectives: The Case of Korean Fighting Harder and Showing Gratitude: Immigrant Parents Newlyweds. Soomin Kim, Stanford University Caring for a Child with Autism. Nazli Kibria, Boston The Effect of Changes in Household Composition on University Children’s Educational Attainment. Kristin Perkins, How is Motherhood Associated Waistline at Midlife? Harvard University Women’s Fertility History and Body Weight at 40s. The Importance of Kin in Protecting the Child Health in Zhe Zhang, The Ohio State University Nairobi. Shelley Clark, McGill University; Sangeetha Neoliberalism and Parenting Children with Disabilities. Madhavan, University of Maryland; Caroline Kabiru, Ahoo Tabatabai, Columbia College African Population and Health Research Center Young Adult Drinking and Depression: Consequences of Table 12. Non-Traditional Families Poverty, Maternal Depression, and Childhood Table Presider: Jaclyn Ann Tabor, Indiana University Behavioral Problems. Rachel G. McKane, Vanderbilt Bad Mothers of Girly Sons: Mother-Blame as Social University Resistance to Childhood Gender-Nonconformity in Table 09. Work and Family 1 Boys. Krysti N. Ryan, University of California, Davis Table Presider: Christine M. Percheski, Northwestern Mom, Dad, or Somewhere in Between: How Children University Negotiate a Parent's Gender Transitions. Jaclyn Ann A Typology of Work-Family Balance and its Effect on Tabor, Indiana University Marital and Job Satisfaction. Deniz Yucel, William What it Means to be Absent: Exploring the Nature of Paterson University Father Absence through its Variation. Matthew Alemu, An Examination of Work-Family Conflict Differences University of Michigan Between Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples. Table 13. Relationships 1 Barbara F. Prince, Bowling Green State University; Table Presider: Kara Joyner, Bowling Green State University Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Elizabethtown College Does Marital Quality Predict Togetherness? Couples’ The Constant Caregiver: Work-Family Spillover Among Shared Time During Encore Adulthood. Sarah M. Men and Women in Nursing. Jamie J. Chapman, Flood, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Katie Westminster College; Marci D. Cottingham, University Genadek; Phyllis Moen, University of Minnesota of Amsterdam Gender Differences in Spousal Network Overlap and The Grey Area: The Work/Family Desires and Individual Well-being: A Cross-cultural Comparison. Expectations of PhD Seeking Women and Men. Hsin-Chieh Chang, National Taiwan University Marbella Eboni Allen, Rice University Who Matters Most? Social Support, Perceived Likability, Table 10. Work and Family 2 and Emotional Well-being Across the Life Course. Table Presider: Judith A. Levine, Temple University Kayla Danielle Russell Pierce, University of Notre More Traditional Each Year? Earnings and Married Dame; Christopher Quiroz, University of Notre Dame Mothers’ Employment Hours over the Childrearing Durkheim and Domestic Violence: A Contemporary Years. Katrina Leupp, Washington State University Application of Classical Theory. Anna Sheree Rogers, Sex of Child and the Fatherhood Bonus: The Payoff for University of South Carolina - Columbia Girls. Elizabeth Aura McClintock, University of Notre Table 14. Relationships 2 Dame; Emily Fitzgibbons Shafer, Portland State Table Presider: Lisa A. Strohschein, University of Alberta University Exposure to Local Violence and Women’s Pathways to The Declining Significance of Motherhood? Differential First Union Formation in Mexico. Monica Lisette Effects of Children on Boomer and Millennial Caudillo, University of Maryland Women’s Wages. Brian Serafini, University of A Comparison of ADHD, Depression, and Self-Rated Washington Health and their Gendered Effects on Intimate The Wage Penalty for Intensive Caregiving. Rebecca Relationship Quality. Nicole Lehpamer, Michigan Glauber, University of New Hampshire State University Who Cares about Public Investment in Childcare? Ezra Sex, Intimacy, and Situationships: How Women Navigate Joseph Temko, University of New Hampshire Singleness at Mid-Adulthood. Angela Perone, Table 11. Extended Family University of Michigan; Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Table Presider: Christina Cross, University of Michigan University of Michigan; Spencer Anthony Garrison, Blessing or Burden? Grandparental Co-residence and University of Michigan; Charity M. Hoffman, Disparities in Child-related Investments. Mariana University of Michigan; Kelly N Giles, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Social Background in Marriage Formation. Karly She is the Dumper, He is the Dumper. Ya Su Sarita Ford, Penn State; Megan Andrew, University of Does Widowhood Affect Memory Functioning Among Notre Dame Older Adults in China? Zhenmei Zhang, Michigan The Timing and Likelihood of Union Formation by Sexual State University; Lydia Li, University of Michigan; Orientation Identity and Social Context. Barbara F. Hongwei Xu, University of Michigan; Jinyu Liu, Prince, Bowling Green State University; Kara Joyner, Columbia University Bowling Green State University; Wendy Diane Table 15. Union Instability and Change Manning, Bowling Green State University Table Presider: Lauren Griffin, Cornell University Table 18. Family, Work and Inequality Divorce, Fertility, and an Emerging Two-tier Family Table Presider: Omkar Joshi, University of Maryland, System in China. Jingjing Chen, University of College Park California, Davis Defining Female Achievement and Linked Lives of Korean In Sickness and in Health: The Effect of Easier Access to Women. Eunsil Oh, Harvard University Divorce on Self- Reported Health. Alex Shpenev, Intersectionality at Work: Racial Variation in Women's University of Pennsylvania Employment after First Birth. Sandra M. Florian, Multiple-partner Fertility and the Growth in Sibling University of Pennsylvania Complexity. Laura M. Tach, Cornell University; Raising the Race: Black Career Women and Inter- Mariana Amorim generational Economic Inequality. Riché J Barnes, Negotiating Certainty After Union Instability: Theorizing Endicott College Why Individuals Enter Alternative Conjugal Longitudinal Patterns of Maternal Spanking: Variations by Arrangements Following a Dissolution. Davis Race and Ethnicity. Wendi Leigh Johnson, Oakland Daumler, University of Michigan; Celine Le Bourdais, University McGill University Table 19. Families, Health and Policy Till Misfortune Do us Part? The Great Recession and A Mixed Methods Investigation of Adverse Birth Divorce Risk in 30 countries. Pilar Gonalons-Pons, Outcomes. Karina M. Shreffler, Oklahoma State Goethe University Frankfurt am Main; Markus Gangl, University; Stacy Tiemeyer, University of Nebraska Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Lincoln; Tiffany Spierling, Oklahoma State University Table 16. Gender Ideology and Family Child ‘Protective’ Services: Protecting Children or Table Presider: Claudia Geist, University of Utah Punishing Mothers? Christie Sillo Independent Women? Social Class and Self-reliance after Parental Diet Disease Knowledge and Child Diet and the Gender Revolution in the West. Berglind Obesity Outcomes. Noura E. Insolera, Panel Study of Ragnarsdottir, Graduate Center, City University of Income Dynamics New York Poverty and Fertility: Assessing the Mediating Role of Measurement Invariance of Reproductive Knowledge and Mental Health. Rachel G. McKane, Vanderbilt Fertility Motivation across Gender. Karen Guzzo, University Bowling Green State University; Vanessa Wanner The Presence of Children, Well-being, and Family Policy Lang, Bowling Green State University; Sarah R. in 15 Countries. Natalie D Hengstebeck, University of Hayford, Ohio State University North Carolina at Greensboro; Heather M. Helms, The Gender Revolution in Action: Cohort Change in the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Association of Housework Performance and Couples’ Table 20. Transfers and Transitions Well-being. Daniel L. Carlson, University of Utah; Heterogeneous Effects of Employment Instability on Amanda Jayne Miller, University of Indianapolis; Transitions to First-time Homeownership: Evidence Sharon L. Sassler, Cornell University from NLSY79 Cohort. Qian He, University of Table 17. Union Formation Wisconsin-Madison Table Presider: Aaron Michael Hoy, Syracuse University Household Structure and Private Intergenerational Educational Assortative Mating and the Reversal of the Transfers in Russia. Anna Mironova, National Gender Gap in Education. Dana Hamplova, Institute of Research University Higher School of Economics Sociology Impacts of Three Family Events on Residential Mobility. Higher Education Expansion and Changing Marriage Aaron J. Howell, SUNY - Farmingdale Formation in China: Evidences from the 2010 Census. Structural Determinants of China’s Divorce Rate: A Cross- Hao Liu, Renmin University of China; Yingchun Ji, Regional Analysis. Li Mo, The University of Sydney Shanghai University Table 21. Families and Children's Outcomes Same-Sex Sexuality and the Duration of First Marriages. Table Presider: Maggie Bohm-Jordan, University of Aaron Michael Hoy, Syracuse University; Andrew S. Wisconsin- SP London, Syracuse University Different Gravities towards Familism: A Case Study of The Role of Education Level, College Selectivity and Korean-American Youth in Los Angeles. Jeonghye Ohk, Yonsei University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511D, 12:30-2:10pm Identical Twins and their Extraordinary Relationship. Session Organizer: Abigail C. Saguy, UCLA Joleen Loucks Greenwood, Kutztown University of Presider: Andrea Press, University of Virginia Pennsylvania Segmentation, Exclusion, and Opportunity in the Digital Re-thinking First-Generation College Status Among Media Landscape: ‘Quality News for Quality Audiences’, Undocumented Immigrant Students. Thomas Pineros or Something More? Rodney Benson, New York University Shields, University of Massachusetts Lowell Creating Monsters: How Media Discourse Shapes The Balancing Act of Family and College: Reciprocity and Understandings of Sexual Predators and their Victims. its Consequences for Black Students. Yolanda Maria Rebecca Ann DiBennardo, University of California, Los Wiggins, University of Massachusetts-Amherst Angeles Table 23. Policing the Boundaries of Representation: (Re)creating Visual Table Presider: Jean Elson, University of New Hampshire Narratives About Activists in Broadcast News, 1970 – Close Family-Work Interrelationship in the Case of Rural 2012. Deana Rohlinger, Florida State University Migrant Workers in China. Yu Guo, University of How the New Media Divide Feminists, Gay Rights Activists, Maryland, College Park and Transgender Rights Activists. Abigail C. Saguy, Labor Force Exit of Married Women in South Korea. UCLA; Juliet Williams, University of California-Los Daeshin Hayden Ju, The Graduate Center Angeles The Effect of Marriage and Cohabitation on Earnings in Discussant: David Grazian, University of Pennsylvania Cross-National Perspective. Misun Lim, University of This panel session speaks to how public discourse shapes material and Massachusetts Amherst cultural inequalities by specifically examining how the news media shape group boundaries. News media representations of social groups shape people’s The ‘Gender Revolution’ in Paid and Unpaid Work: understandings of themselves and of others. By drawing on a range of specific Continuation or Stall in Cross-National Gender case studies, this panel will contribute to our understanding of how the news Inequalities? Oriel Sullivan-Alon, University of media draw symbolic boundaries around groups in ways that produce, Oxford; Jonathan Gershuny; John P. Robinson, maintain, and sometimes challenge social inequality. University of Maryland 522. Thematic Session. The New Anti-Inequality Table 23. Professional Socialization: Getting Your Work Philanthropy. Is it Working? Published! Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511E, 12:30-2:10pm Table Presiders: Kelly Raley, University of Texas, Austin Session Organizers: David B. Grusky, Stanford University J. Jill Suitor, Purdue University Robert Reich, Stanford University Table 24. Professional Socialization: Navigating the Job Presider: David B. Grusky, Stanford University Market Panelists: Sheldon Danziger, Russell Sage Foundation Table Presiders: Susan L. Brown, Bowling Green State Ryan Rippel, Gates Foundation University This session is supported by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Margot Jackson, Brown University Research (CIFAR). This session is supported by It is suddenly fashionable to engage in anti-inequality and anti-poverty philanthropy. This development 11:30 am Meetings leads us to ask (a) whether the new philanthropy is indeed working (when assessed against some counterfactual world without such anti-inequality Section on Comparative and Historical Sociology Business philanthropy), and (b) whether the decision to off-load worries about rising inequality to the nonprofit sector leads to a new breed of programs and Meeting interventions that neither reflects the evidence on what works or the public’s Palais des congrès de Montréal, 520A, 11:30am-12:10pm sensibilities about how best to take on poverty and inequality. Section on Sociology of Religion Business Meeting 523. Thematic Session. The Unevenness of Feminist Social Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516C, 11:30am-12:10pm Change Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511A, 12:30-2:10pm Section on Sociology of the Family Business Meeting Session Organizer: Christine L. Williams, University of Texas Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517C, 11:30am-12:10pm at Austin 12:30 pm Meetings Presider: Megan Tobias Neely, University of Texas at Austin Panelists: Susanna Walters, Northeastern University Journal of Health and Social Behavior Editorial Board Adia M. Harvey Wingfield, Washington University in St. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 710A, 12:30-2:10pm Louis Arlene Stein, State University of New Jersey-Rutgers Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Council Meeting Alison Dahl Crossley, Stanford University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513F, 12:30-1:30pm This panel will investigate the unevenness of social change around gender and sexuality. A number of milestone victories, such as the recognition of 12:30 pm Sessions LGBT relationships, the removal of barriers to women in the military, and the first woman presidential candidate for a major party have occurred at the same 521. Thematic Session. How Media Shape Group time as we are witnessing renewed attacks on abortion rights and the virulent Boundaries harassment and assault of women on college campuses. Previous metaphors used to describe the unevenness of feminist social change include “waves,” Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512C, 12:30-2:10pm “backlash,” and “stalled revolution.” In this session, panelists will be invited Session Organizer: Kimberly Kay Hoang, University of to expand on or replace those metaphors. The goal will be to understand the patterns of feminist social change historically, and for different social groups. Chicago For example, panelists will be asked to address whether the expansion of Presider: Kimberly Kay Hoang, University of Chicago gender and sexual rights has favored particular social groups, such as those An Ethnographic Exploration of the Emergence of Group privileged by race and class. Threat in a New Immigrant Destination. Monica 524. Special Session. Technology, Culture and the Future McDermott, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign of Work Determining When to Evict: A Comparative Ethnography of Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511C, 12:30-2:10pm Land Occupations in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Session Organizer: Jerry A. Jacobs, University of Zachary Levenson, University of California-Berkeley Pennsylvania Jobless and Godless: The Ideological Projects of a Faith-based Presider: Jerry A. Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania Job Readiness Program. Gretchen Purser, Syracuse Panelists: Jerry A. Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania University; Brian Hennigan, Syracuse University Stephen R. Barley, University of California Santa Barbara Urban Farmers in Northwest Detroit: Seeing the Bucolic in Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, Université du Québec A Montréal Blight. Sharon Cornelissen, Princeton University (UQAM) Discussant: Jessica Cobb Stories about how technology is changing the production of goods and services appear almost daily. Some of these innovations are already familiar: 528. Regular Session. Ethnomethodology and Conversation self-checkout scanners at the grocery store; touch-screens for ordering at Analysis: Authority, Politics and Inclusion - Social airport restaurants, surgery-assisting robots in the operating room. Others, we Structures of Conversation are told, will be introduced in short order: self-driving cars, automated Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512D, 12:30-2:10pm investment advising, automated document translation, and drone aircraft for agriculture, rescue and even for express delivery. These along with a host of Session Organizer: Anne Warfield Rawls, Bentley University other technological innovations have led to a series of questions: Will work Interpreters’ Involvement in Dual Language Press disappear? For work that remains, how will the culture of the workplace Conferences: The Case of China. Ruey-Ying Liu, UCLA change, specifically with respect to its character, location, skill requirements, May it Tease the Court: Humor in Supreme Court Oral scheduling and monitoring of jobs? This session plans to bring together researchers and scholars who are tracking these developments. In addition to Arguments. David R. Gibson, University of Notre Dame; including sociologists, the session will also cast a wider net to include Robert William Mowry, University of Notre Dame researchers from management, technology, labor history and related fields. Negotiating Repair: The Infrastructural Contexts of Practice and Power. Christopher R. Henke, Colgate University 525. Author Meets Critics Session. The Moral Background: Practices of Introspection: Doing Spirituality in Postural Yoga. An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics Clemens Willi Eisenmann, University of Konstanz, (Princeton University Press; 2016) by Gabriel Abend University of Siegen Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511F, 12:30-2:10pm Session Organizer: Steven Lukes, New York University 529. Regular Session. Gender and States in Flux Presider: Viviana A. Zelizer, Princeton University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512E, 12:30-2:10pm Critics: Margaret R. Somers, University of Michigan Session Organizer: Ellen Lamont, Appalachian State Ann Swidler, University of California-Berkeley University Roi Livne, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Presider: Cadhla McDonnell, Pennsylvania State University Author: Gabriel Abend, New York University Resettled and Unsettled: The Reorganizing of Gender Relations by Syrian Refugee Families in the United States. 526. Policy and Research Workshop. National Science Heba Gowayed Foundation: Proposal Development, Merit Review and Cultural Schemas of Son Preference in Azerbaijan. Candas Funding Opportunities Pinar, Yale University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512A, 12:30-2:10pm Session Organizer: Marie Cornwall, National Science Keepers of the Hearth and Battlefront: Women Volunteers in Foundation the Donbas Conflict. Christina Olha Jarymowycz, Boston Leader: Kevin T. Leicht, University of Illinois at Urbana- University Champaign 530. Regular Session. Latinas/os, Criminalization, and This workshop targets graduate students, faculty, and researchers who are Exclusion new at proposal writing and submission or are interested in learning about funding opportunities for sociological research at the National Science Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512F, 12:30-2:10pm Foundation. Representatives from NSF will discuss the proposal development Session Organizer: Gilda Laura Ochoa, Pomona College process, elements of a competitive proposal, proposal submission and review, The Indelible Effects of Legal Liminality among Colombian and funding opportunities for sociological research. The format will be Migrant Professionals in the United States. Lina Rincón interactive, allowing for audience questions and participation. Time is allotted for providing advice on how to prepare competitive doctoral dissertation Highlighting Unaccompanied Minors’ Structural Vulnerability. proposals. Kati Barahona-López, University of California-Santa Cuz Gender on the Run: Wanted Latinas in a southern California 527. Regular Session. Ethnography/Ethnographic Studies Barrio. Jerry Flores, University of Toronto; Xuan Santos, University of California-Santa Barbara; Ariana Ochoa Is Business Unity Antithetical to Democracy? Ivana Katic, Camacho, University of Washington Tacoma Yale School of Management; Mark S. Mizruchi, University Master Status or Intersectional Identity? Undocumented of Michigan Students’ Sense of Belonging on a College Campus. Small Business and the Legitimation of Pro-Business Politics Zulema Valdez, University of California, Merced; Tanya in the 1970s. Linroy Joseph Marshall, University of Maria Golash-Boza, University of California, Merced Michigan Racial Identity, Racialization Experiences, and Feelings of Class Dominance or Fracturing? Sources of Broad Interest in Belonging and Exclusion among Mexican American Lobbying by Fortune 500 Corporations. Joshua Murray, Women. San Juanita García, University of California, Vanderbilt University; Tarun Banerjee, University of Riverside Pittsburgh Discussant: Laura E. Enriquez, UC Irvine Economics, Antitrust Policy, and the Linked Evolution of the Academic and Policy Fields. Elizabeth Popp Berman, 531. Regular Session. Legal Knowledge, Practices, and University at Albany, SUNY Expertise: Studying Legal Cultures of Criminal Justice Discussant: Anthony S. Chen, Northwestern University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514C, 12:30-2:10pm Session Organizer: Ron Levi, University of Toronto 534. Regular Session. Race, Class and Gender Abolition and the Alternative: Law, Morality, and Life Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516B, 12:30-2:10pm Without Parole in the Anti-Death-Penalty Movement. Session Organizer: Nancy A. Naples, University of Connecticut Christopher Seeds, New York University Presider: Nancy A. Naples, University of Connecticut Legal Culture and Consciousness in Prisons: The Role of the Intersectionality and the Problems of Essentialism, Jailhouse Lawyer. Kristyn Kenn, Northwestern University Reductionism, and Experience. Samantha Snow Plummer, Plea Bargaining and Its Roots in the Culture of English University of Pittsburgh Common Law Amidst Democratic Transformation, 1680- Autism Inequalities: An Intersectionality Approach. Jennifer 1850. Mary E. Vogel, NYU (Visiting) and University of S. Singh, Georgia Institute of Technology Manchester (Home) Intersectional Change and Social Justice in the Family. Police Use of Big Data: Implications for Law and Inequality. Shauna A. Morimoto, University of Arkansas Sarah Brayne, University of Texas at Austin Trapped in the Matrix: An Analysis of Intersectional Social The Seropolitics of HIV Criminalization in Canada. Martin Media Activism. Melissa Brown French, Concordia University; Amy Swiffen, Concordia University 535. Regular Session. Social Networks: New Methods and Measures 532. Regular Session. Mental Health Research Outside the Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516A, 12:30-2:10pm United States Session Organizer: James Moody, Duke University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515A, 12:30-2:10pm A New Method to Reduce Overestimation of Thresholds with Session Organizer: Richard Edward Adams, Kent State Observational Network Data. George Berry, Cornell University University; Christopher John Cameron, Stanford Presider: Richard Edward Adams, Kent State University Diagnosing Multicollinearity in Exponential Random Graph Do Supportive Family Policies Reduce Marital Disparities in Models. Scott W. Duxbury Happiness? Results from 22 OECD Countries. Robin W. The Shapes of Solidarity: Theorizing Emergent Structures in Simon, Wake Forest University; Matthew Andersson, Social Networks with Abstract Geometry. Matthew J. Baylor University; Jennifer L. Glass, University of Texas Chandler, University of Notre Dame Functional Limitations and Depression in the Context of Tools for Assessing the Model Adequacy of Exponential Welfare Regimes. Alex E. Bierman, University of Calgary; Graph Models (ERGMs) Using Labeled Networks. Nolan Sibyl Kleiner, The University of Calgary Phillips, University of California at Irvine; Carter T. Butts, Social Status Inequality and Mental Health in Europe. Marii University of California-Irvine Paskov, University of Oxford; Lindsay Richards, Nuffield Twin Trouble: Fragility of Heritability Estimates for College Adolescent Friendship Networks. Byungkyu Lee, The Black Sheep Penalty: Delinquent Peers, Neighborhood Columbia University; Dalton Conley, Princeton University Context, and Adolescent Suicidality. Harris Hyun-soo Kim, Ewha Womans University; Paul Yunsik Chang, 536. Regular Session. : Innovations in Social Harvard University Theory Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511B, 12:30-2:10pm 533. Regular Session. Political Sociology. Regular Session: Session Organizer: Daniel R Huebner, University of North Business and Politics in the United States Carolina at Greensboro Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515B, 12:30-2:10pm Presider: Daniel R Huebner, University of North Carolina at Session Organizer: Anthony S. Chen, Northwestern University Greensboro Presider: Anthony S. Chen, Northwestern University Casework: Medical Knowledge/Power in Practice. Daniel Ray Morrison, Vanderbilt University; Black Hawk Hancock, Session Organizer: Ann Shola Orloff, Northwestern University DePaul University State Replacements: Deinstitutionalization, Austerity and the Complex Secrets and their Audiences: Structure and Emergence of Immigrant Business Ownership in Long Perception of the Insull Conspiracy in 1930s Chicago. Term Care. Jennifer Nazareno, Brown University Georg Rilinger, University of Chicago Use-Based Welfare: Land, Welfare, and Property Experiments Fields, Symbolic Capital, and Homologous Hinges. Emily A. in Chicago, 1895-1935. Nate Ela, University of Wisconsin Barman, Boston University - Madison Finding Theory in the Great American Paradox: Why Those Who Pays for the Next Wave? The U.S. Welfare State and Needing Government Help Don’t Want It. Harry Responsibility for Climate Change. Rebecca Elliott, Perlstadt, Michigan State University London School of Economics Discussant: Daniel R Huebner, University of North Carolina at “Professional Movements” and the Expansion of Access to Greensboro Healthcare in the Industrializing World. Joseph A. Harris, Boston University 537. Regular Session. Technology Discussant: Isaac William Martin, University of California San Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516D, 12:30-2:10pm Diego Session Organizer: Erin A. Cech, University of Michigan Techno-Physical Feminism: Surveillance, Wearable 540. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology. Pierre Technology, and Shifting Risk Paradigms. Renee Marie Bourdieu and Historical Sociology Shelby, Georgia Institute of Technology Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514B, 12:30-2:10pm "You're Fired," Says the Robot: The Rise of Workplace Session Organizer: George Steinmetz, University of Michigan Automation, Technophobes, and Fears of Unemployment. Event, Structure and History. Jean-Louis Fabiani, Ecole des Paul K. McClure Hautes études en Sciences Echo Chambers in Science? Lanu Kim, University of Micro-histories and Huge Comparisons: Bourdieu and the Washington; Jevin West, University of Washington; Practice of Social History. Lutz Raphael, University of Katherine Stovel, University of Washington Trier Superintelligence and Natural Resources: Morality and Field Theory in Global and Historical Perspective. Gisèle Technology in a Brave New World. Robert Todd Perdue, Sapiro, L’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales University of Forida Discussant: Mathieu H. Desan, University of Colorado Technologies of Intimacy: How Families Negotiate Spirituality Boulder and Technology In a Sacred Place. Kathleen E. Jenkins, College of William and Mary; Ken Chih-Yan Sun, Hong 541. Section on Disability and Society Refereed Roundtable Kong Baptist University Session and Business Meeting Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516C, 12:30-1:30pm 538. Regular Session. U.S. and Global Social Movements Session Organizer: David Nicholas Pettinicchio, University of Palais des congrès de Montréal, 510D, 12:30-2:10pm Toronto Session Organizer: Joyce M. Bell, University of Minnesota Table 01. Family and the Life Course Presider: Aisha Ariantique Upton, University of Minesota Table Presider: Sara E. Green, University of South Florida Sustaining Cross-Conflict Collective Identities during the 2014 More than a Parent, You’re a Caregiver: Intersectional Gaza War: Joint Israeli-Palestinian Peace Movement Narratives of Fathers of Disabled Children. Heidi Organizations. Michelle I. Gawerc, Loyola University Steinour, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA; Sara E. Green, Maryland University of South Florida Local Receptivity Climates and the Dynamics of Media Depression and Hearing Loss: Demographic Diversity Attention to Protest. Patrick Rafail, Tulane University; among U.S. Adults. Jessica West, Duke University John D. McCarthy, Pennsylvania State University; Samuel Development in Context: The Simplifications and Michael Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University Distortions of the Disease Narrative of Autism. Academic Opportunity Structures and the Creation of Campus Benjamin DiCicco-Bloom, Franklin & Marshall Activism. Jo Reger, Oakland University College Countering Change: Explaining the Private Repression of Table 02. The Intersection of Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Protest. Heidi Reynolds-Stenson, University of Arizona Disability Global Movements? Comparing Writings and Slogans in Disability, Gender and Education in China. Min Li Contemporary Protests. Cécile Van de Velde, Université de From Enabling to Coercion: Contraception Practices at the Montréal Intersection of Gender and Serious Mental Illness. Discussant: Aisha Ariantique Upton, University of Minesota Brea Louise Perry, Indiana University; Emma Frieh, Indiana University - Bloomington; Eric R. Wright, 539. Regular Session. Welfare State 3. Social Provision Georgia State University Beyond Taxes and Transfers Double Jeopardy: Jewish Children With Disabilities As Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516E, 12:30-2:10pm Victims of Nazi “Euthanasia” Crimes. Lutz Kaelber, University of Vermont 544. Section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict. Table 03. Stigma and Identity Privatization of Security Table Presider: Heather D. Evans, University of Washington Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515C, 12:30-2:10pm Invisible Disabilities, Visible Service Dogs: The Session Organizers: Ori Swed, University of Texas at Austin Discrimination of Service Dog Handlers. Meghan L. Thomas Crosbie, University of Maryland College Park Mills, Birmingham Southern College Seeing Like a Supply Chain: The RAND Corporation, The Portrayal of Mental Illness in Four Movies: Depictions Logistics, and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. Sam Haraway, that Reinforce or Challenge Stigma. Amy Ann University of California, Davis Armstrong Some Reflections on the Idea of Privatization of Security in Trial by Fire: Forms of Impairment Disclosure and Mexico. Arturo Díaz Cruz, Colegio de México Implications for Disability Identity. Heather D. Evans, “Humane” Immigration Enforcement and Latina Immigrants in University of Washington the Detention Complex. Andrea Gomez Cervantes, “How can I find the energy?" Neurodiversity and University of Kansas; William G. Staples, University of Neoliberal Discourses of Mental Health Online. Kansas Brenna Harvey, University of Connecticut; John Bailey, Rutgers University 545. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Refereed Table 04. Policy, Institutions and Organizations Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Table Presider: Loren Wilbers, University of Wisconsin- Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 12:30-1:30pm Whitewater Session Organizer: Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, University of Health Selection to Unemployment and Disability in Illinois-Chicago Differing Social Policy Settings. Veerle Buffel, Ghent Table 01. Educational Policy University; Kristian Heggebo, Oslo and Akershus Table Presider: Jason Lamont Cummings, University of University College South Carolina Normalizing Neglect: An Organizational Analysis of NYC A Contemporary Overview of Inequality in Public Planning Failures for People with Disabilities. Education by Race and Ethnicity. Kimberly Ann Jonathan Lin, Columbia University Goyette, Temple University Profession-based Differences on the Permeability of Are Black Students Equal Beneficiaries in St. Louis? An Weight Stigma. J. Andrew Higginbotham, Texas Tech Analysis of the Largest Voluntary Desegregation Plan. University Jerome Ellis Morris, University of Missouri-St. Louis; Melissa J. Garcia, University of Missouri-St. Louis 542. Section on Environment and Technology. Energy and Social Resources at Non-Selective Colleges. Judith Inequality Sedaitis, NYC College of Technology Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513C, 12:30-2:10pm Teacher Bias and Eduational Outcomes. Leah Gillion, Session Organizer: Tammy L. Lewis, CUNY-Brooklyn College Princeton University Presider: Steven R. Brechin, Rutgers, The State University of Table 02. Race and Higher Education New Jersey Table Presider: Aaron Arredondo, University of Missouri Ecologically Unequal Exchange, Climate Change, and Biracial Students at HBCUs: How Contact with Blacks Economic Recessions: The U.S. Experience 2000-2010. Can Improve Biracial Students' Racial Regard. Kristen Xiaorui Huang, Boston College Annette Clayton, University of Georgia Pipelines and Environmental Justice: A Sociology of Natural Exploring the Internalization and Resistance of Coloniality Gas Infrastructure Buildout. Diane M. Sicotte, Drexel Frames Among Latina(o) College Students. Maria University; Kelly A. Joyce, Drexel University Isabel Ayala, Michigan State University; Christian The Effect of Proximity on Policy Preferences about Ramirez, Michigan State University Unconventional Oil and Gas Development? A Texas-Based Introducing the Invisible Man: Black Male Professionals in Study. Bryce Hannibal, Texas A&M Univeristy Higher Education. Claudine D. McLaren Turner, Narratives of Risk, Redemption and Resistance: Oil Disasters University of Central Florida; Elizabeth Grauerholz, and Offshore Drilling in Aotearoa New Zealand. Patricia University of Central Florida Widener, Florida Atlantic University Black and Latino Men and Campus Racial Climate. Uriel There’s Always Winners and Losers: Masculinities, Resource Serrano, University of California, Santa Cruz Dependence, and Post-Disaster Environmental Table 03. Racial Others in Educational Settings Complacency. Travis Milnes, Colorado State University; Table Presider: Chalane E. Lechuga, Metropolitan State Timothy James Haney, Mount Royal University University of Denver International Students’ Cross-Border Transmission on Race 543. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work. Mediated by Simultaneity as Ruling Elites Award Ceremony and Business Meeting There/Racialized Others Here. Sung-Choon Park, The Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513A, 12:30-1:30pm New School Session Organizer: Mark C. Suchman, Brown University Paternalistic Exoticism: White Students and Law School Victor E. Ray, The University of Tennessee--Knoxville; Diversity. Yung-Yi Diana Pan, Brooklyn College - Louise Seamster, University of Tennessee-Knoxville CUNY Similar Starts and Divergent Discourses: Attitudes Black British Students Accounts of ‘Otherness’ at elite UK Surrounding “Affirmative Action” and “Diversity” in Universities: Methods Utilised to ‘Fit In’. Constantino the 21st Century. Neeraj Rajasekar, University of Sansao Dumangane, Cardiff University Minnesota Table 04. Whiteness and Trump Supporters Table 08. Race and Politics Table Presider: Celia Olivia Lacayo, UCLA Table Presider: Vivian Shaw, University of Texas at Austin Cultural-defense and Strategies of Racial Exclusion Among A Seat At The Table For Whom: Intersectionality and Heathens: Mainstreaming Racism in the Era of Trump. South Asian American Political Organizing. Sheena Jennifer Snook, Grinnell College; Ross Haenfler, Sood, Temple University Grinnell College Ordinary Representations of Representation: Ethnic Re-Centering the Right: Deploying Whiteness Post-1960. Minority Representatives in French Politics. Camille Lauren Richter, Northeastern University Hamidi, Université de Lyon The Complexity of “Deep Stories:” Race, Emotions, and The Complexity of Policy Preferences: Examining Self- Trump Supporters. Haley Jo Gentile, Florida State Interest, Group-Interest, and Race Consciousness University; Pierce Alexander Dignam, Florida State Across Race and Political Ideology. William Joslyn University; Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Florida State Scarborough, University of Illinois at Chicago; Allyson University; Kristen Erichsen, Florida State University; L. Holbrook, University of Illinois at Chicago Doug Schrock, Florida State University Explaining the Gaps in Secular and Religious Volunteering The Gentrification of the White Working Class: Racial Between Non-Western Immigrants and Natives in Fragility, Toxic Masculinity, and Donald Trump. Adam Denmark. Hans-Peter Yogachandiran Qvist Safer, Stony Brook University Table 09. Racial Classification Table 05. Whiteness and Victimization Table Presider: Steven Tuttle, Loyola University Chicago Table Presider: Cristian Luis Paredes, University of Texas at How Canadians Understand the Categories of Visible Austin Minority and Person of Colour. Jessica Braimoh, Claiming Black Lives: Reverse Passing and Racial Identity McMaster University Work Among Whites. Matthew Oware, DePauw Measuring Our Nation’s Racial/Ethnic Diversity: The 2015 University Census National Content Test to Improve The Construction of Racialized Marginalized and White Race/Ethnicity Data. Nicholas A. Jones, U.S. Census Hegemonic Masculinities Among Sperm Donors’ Bureau; Michael Bentley, U.S. Census Bureau; Sarah Essays. Carol Walther, Northern Illinois University Konya, U.S. Census Bureau White Myths on "White Discrimination”: “We Are the U.S. Census Bureau's 2015 National Content Test for New Victims of Racism." Gabe Miller, Texas A&M Race/Ethnicity: Instructions and Terminologies. University Beverly M. Pratt, U.S. Census Bureau; Kelly Mathews, Table 06. Whiteness and Privilege U.S. Census Bureau; Julia Coombs, U.S. Census Table Presider: Erin Freeman, Boston University Bureau Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern Table 10. Race and the Labor Market American Racial Formation. Mike King, Bridgewater Table Presider: Alfredo Huante, University of Southern State University California White People’s Time: Lived Experiences of Time as Racial Does Living in a Neighbourhood with Many Minorities Wage in a Hyper-Racial World. H. Alexander Lower Labour Market Integration across Europe. Welcome, LaGuardia Community College Wouter Zwysen, University of Essex; Neli Demireva, Whiteness, Power, and Privilege in an Oregon Spanish Nuffield College Immersion School. Ashley Woody, University of Experimental Evidence of Ethnic Discrimination in the Oregon Danish Labor Market. Malte Rokkjaer Dahl, University Witnessing Whiteness? Critiquing Cultural Capital and of Copenhagen Logics of Ethno-Racial Deficiency in British From Yellow Peril to Model Minority: Perceived Threat of Sociology. Derron O Wallace, Brandeis University Asian Americans in the Workforce. Jenny Nguyen, Table 07. Race Theory University of Central Florida; J. Scott Carter, Table Presider: Ashley Rondini, Franklin and Marshall University of Central Florida; Shannon K. Carter, College University of Central Florida A Remedy for Racism: Terminating White Supremacy. Table 11. Racial Attitudes Timothy McGettigan, Colorado State University - Table Presider: Joseph Loe-Sterphone, University of Pueblo California, Santa Barbara Against Teleology in the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Latent Prejudice: American Attitudes toward Blacks. Daniel Adam Nicholson, Indiana University Using Free Speech to Justify It: Anti-Muslim Sentiments in Racial Microaggressions at Predominately White Online Comments. Karyn Light-Gibson, University of Institutions: Connecting Micro Mechanisms to Macro Arizona Inequalities. Ainsley Lambert, University of Cincinnati Table 15. Racial Disparities and Mental Health The Deep Schemas of Anti-Blackness in Colonial Korea, Table Presider: Stephanie P. Hall, Georgia State University 1919-1937. Jae Kyun Kim, University of Southern An Alternative Examination of the Strength of Black California Women and Mental Health. Stephanie P. Hall, Encounters and Echoes: Contextualizing Discrimination Georgia State University and the Internalization of Stereotypes through Associations among Autosomal Ancestry DNA Testing, Socioeconomic and Demographic Processes. Boroka Ethnic Identity, and Psychological Well-being of Bo, University of California, Berkeley African Americans. LaKisha David, University of Changing Encounters with Everyday Otherness: Gendered Illinois at Urbana Champaign Responses to Boundaries among Second-generation Great Recession’s impact on substance abuse outpatient Immigrants. Carolin Fischer, University of Neuchâtel; treatment completion rates for minorities. Kathleen Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel Anangwe, University of Nairobi; Luis Enrique Table 12. Racial Inequality Espinoza, Texas Woman's University; Lucas Enrique Table Presider: Silvia Dominguez, Northeastern University Espinoza, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Albuquerque Exceptionalism? The Politics of Recounting the Silences of War: Cambodian Americans Multiculturalism among Hispanics and whites in New and the Construction of Transgenerational Trauma Mexico. Casandra Danielle Salgado, University of Narratives. Yvonne Y. Kwan, Dartmouth College California, Los Angeles Table 16. Racial Disparities and Health Race, Gender, and Liquid Assets: Investigating the Black- Data Spanning Three Decades Illustrate Racial Disparities white Disparity in Homeownership Exit 2007-2013. in Likelihood of Obesity. Celia C. Lo, Texas Woman's Chunhui Ren, Delta State University University; William Ash-Houchen, Texas Woman's Unknown Causes: An Examination of the (In)stability of University; Heather M. Gerling, Texas Woman's Americans’ Explanations for Racial Inequality. Kiara University Douds, New York University Ensnared by Color Blindness: Discourse on Health Care “Reconstruction Has Stopped the Nonsense” Visual Disparities. Brooke Cunningham, University of Ethnography and Community Capacity Building in Minnesota; Andre Scarlato, University of Minnesota Post-Prison Reentry. Townsand Price-Spratlen, Ohio Microaggressions, Diabetes Distress, and Self-Care State University; William Goldsby, Reconstruction, Inc. Behaviors in a Sample of American Indian Adults. (Philadelphia, PA); Joseph A Guzman, The Ohio State Kelley J. Sittner, Oklahoma State University University; Donnecia Brown, Wake Forest University Table 17. Race and Youth Table 13. Race in a Global Perspective Table Presider: Jasmine Lanisha Davis, Indiana University Table Presider: Marcelo A. Bohrt, Brown University A Race Against (White) Time: The Temporal Constraints Cosmetic Surgery and Racial Projects in Global of Whiteness for Youth. Rahsaan Mahadeo, University Perspective. Alka Menon, Northwestern University of Minnesota Gender, Ethnicity, Body, Nation, and Power: Patricia The Manifestations of Prejudice in Everyday Life: A Troncoso's Hunger Strike. Trinidad Valle, Fordham Preliminary Examination of the Observations of White Global Power Relations and their effect on the Unequal Youth. James T Baker, McMaster University Racialization of Migrants. Caroline Schoepf, Hong The Rules of (Dis)Engagement: How Black Youth Kong Baptist University; Matthew Ming-Tak Chew Navigate Police Contact in New York City. Brittany Table 14. Media Representations of Race Nicole Fox-Williams, Columbia University Table Presider: Kevin Zevallos, University of Connecticut Transgressive Temporalities: CP Time and the Importance Constructing the Ghetto: An Analysis of Urban and of being Off Time to Youth of Color. Rahsaan Community Sociology Syllabi. Deirdre D. Caputo- Mahadeo, University of Minnesota Levine, Idaho State University; Vanessa Lynn Table 18. Ethnicity Retention Construction of the “Threat:” Media Portrayals of Puerto Table Presider: Herrica Telus, University of Illinois at Rican Immigration, 2010-2015. Bianca Gonzalez- Chicago Sobrino, University of Connecticut Cultural Barriers to the Successful Integration of Minorities Eye of the Tiger Mom: Representations of Asian in Britain. Neli Demireva, Nuffield College Americans in Contemporary American Television. Determinants of Linguistic Retention: The Case of Thomas Chung, The Graduate Center Ontario’s Francophone Official-Language Minorities. The Dissemination and Reproduction of Dominant Jean-Francois Nault, University of Toronto Ideologies on Social Media. Paul Anskat, University of Ethnic Attrition in the Nigerian American Second New Hampshire Generation. Amon S. Emeka, Skidmore College Second- Generation Indians Navigating the Ethnic and Practices Research to Shape Residential Energy Religious identities. Soulit Chacko, Loyola University, Consumption. Bridget Austin Clark, University of Chicago California, Davis Table 19. Interracial Couples Policing in Chicago: A Workshop in Social Justice Table Presider: Julia M. Arroyo, University of Florida Ethnography. Michael De Anda Muñiz, University of Color, Culture, or Cousin? Framing Boundaries in Illinois at Chicago; Andy Clarno, University of Illinois at Interracial Relationships. Shantel Gabrieal Buggs, Chicago Florida State University Public Higher Education’s Role in Shaping a Workforce in Race, Law, and Family Formation in the United States. Rhode Island. Mikaila Mariel Lemonik Arthur, Rhode Emma Shakeshaft, University of Wisconsin-Madison Island College; Francis J. Leazes, Rhode Island College Critical Constructivism and Ethnoracial Boundaries: The Clinical Sociologist and Whistleblowing: Creating Social Understanding Blackness in Black-White Couples. Justice in the Workplace. Tina Uys, University of Chinyere Osuji, Rutgers University Johannesburg Table 20. Interracial Contact and Attitudes Discussant: Mark Frezzo, University of Mississippi Table Presider: Erik Tyler Withers, University of South Florida 548. Section on Sociology of Religion. Is Religion Really Intergroup Contact and the Racial Attitudes of Black and Just Culture? Is Culture Really Just Religion? White Youths, 1976-2015: Does Contact Matter? (cosponsored with Section on Sociology of Culture) Steven A. Tuch, The George Washington University; Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513E, 12:30-2:10pm Jason A. MacDonald, West Virginia University; Session Organizer: Jeffrey Guhin, University of California, Los Franchesca Nestor, West Virginia University Angeles Lessons about Race: Black Parents’ Racial Socialization in Presider: Jeffrey Guhin, University of California, Los Angeles a Predominantly White Suburban Context. Linn Posey- Panelists: Tia Noelle Pratt, St. Joseph's University Maddox, University of Wisconsin, Madison Penny Edgell, University of Minnesota The Role of Symbolic Boundaries in Ethno-racial Jen'nan G. Read, Duke University Differences in Social Trust. Monica Mi Hee Hwang, St. Stephen Vaisey, Duke University Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan 549. Section on Sociology of Sex and Gender. Struggles 546. Section on Rationality and Society. Empirical Tests of over Difference and Inclusivity in Higher Education Rational Choice Models Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513D, 12:30-2:10pm Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512H, 12:30-2:10pm Session Organizer: Tressie Cottom, Virginia Commonwealth Session Organizer: Arnout van de Rijt, Utrecht University University Presider: Afife Idil Akin, State University of New York-Stony Presider: Tressie Cottom, Virginia Commonwealth University Brook Another Kabyle House: Bourdieuian Approach towards Discounting the Future: Does it Increase Households' Energy Gendered Higher Education in the United States and South Consumption? Andreas Diekmann, Swiss Federal Institute Korea. Yun Kyung Cho, University of Wisconsin-Madison of Technology ETH Zurich; Heidi Bruderer Enzler, ETH Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality for Contextualizing Zurich; Ulf Liebe Race-Gender-Class “Achievement Gaps” in Higher Endogenous Peer Punishment Institutions in Prisoner’s Education. Nancy Lopez, University of New Mexico; Dilemmas: The Role of Noise. Nynke Van Miltenburg, Christopher Erwin, University of New Mexico; Melisa Utrecht University; Vincent W. Buskens; Werner Raub, Binder, University of New Mexico; Mario Javier Chavez, Utrecht University University of New Mexico Networks, Institutions, and Uncertainty: Information Exchange Neutralizing the Harm of Sexist and Racist Jokes among in Early-Modern Markets. Emily Anne Erikson, Yale Undergraduate Students. Maria R. Lowe, Southwestern University; Sampsa Samila, IESE Business School University; Reginald Anthony Byron, Southwestern The Network Dynamics of Social Influence in the Wisdom of University; Holly O'Hara, Southwestern University; Crowds. Joshua Becker, Annenberg School for Dakota Cortez, Southwestern University Communication; Devon Brackbill; Damon M. Centola, Why Do Students Go into STEM? Race, Gender and SES Annenberg School Stratification in STEM Learning Opportunities. Martha Cecilia Bottia, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; 547. Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology. Roslyn A. Mickelson, University of North Carolina- Applying Sociology to Real World Problems Charlotte; Cayce Jamil Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512G, 12:30-2:10pm Session Organizer: Mark Frezzo, University of Mississippi 550. Section on Sociology of Sexualities. 20 Years of Presider: Jan Marie Fritz, University of Cincinnati and Sexualities University of Johannesburg Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514A, 12:30-2:10pm Getting to 80%: Mobilizing Feedback, Lifestyles, and Social Session Organizer: Sharon Preves, Hamline University Presider: Sharon Preves, Hamline University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 518A, 2:30-6:10pm Bringing Sexy Back: Pornographics as Queer Method. Angela Jones, Farmingdale State College, State University of New 2:30 pm Sessions York 552. Thematic Session. The Cultural Terrain of Migrant Sociological Knowledge and Proliferation: A Trajectory for Inclusion and Exclusion: Perspectives from Africa and Sexuality Studies. Lee Thorpe, West Virginia University Asia The Demography of Sexuality: Queering Demographic Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511C, 2:30-4:10pm Research, Theory, and Methods. Amanda Kathleen Session Organizer: Susanne Yukping Choi, Chinese University Baumle, University of Houston; Ben Dreon, University of of Hong Kong Houston Presider: Cecilia Menjivar, University of Kansas Where Do We Study? Reflections on the Geographical Turn in The Popular Politics of Resisting Xenophobic Violence: Sociological Sexualities Research. Amy L. Stone, Trinity Reflections on the South African Experience. Michael University Neocosmos, Rhodes University Discussant: Jyoti Puri, Simmons College Nibbling at Resilient Colonialism in South Africa. Francis 551. Section on the Sociology of the Family. Gender, Work, Nyamnjoh, University of Cape Town and Family Sinicization and De-Sinicization as Strategies of Social Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513B, 12:30-2:10pm Inclusion/Exclusion: Understanding the Southeast Asian Session Organizer: Liana C. Sayer, University of Maryland Chinese Experiences. Liu Hong, Nanyan Technological Presider: Rose Malinowski Weingartner University Babies, Work, or Both? The Interdependence of Women’s Gender and Anti-Migration: Boundaries of Familial Morality, Employment and Fertility in East Asia. Eunsil Oh, Body and Sexuality. Susanne Yukping Choi, Chinese Harvard University; Mary C. Brinton, Harvard University University of Hong Kong Conventional sociological research on migration has focused on the Is Intensive Mothering a Cross-National Ideology? A economic, social and political domains, with cultural dynamics of migrant Qualitative Study of Maternal Guilt Among Working inclusion and exclusion remain in the shadow of scholarly inquiry. This Mothers. Caitlyn Collins, Washington University in St. proposed thematic session brings to the forefront the various cultural processes Louis and institutional dynamics that construct the symbolic boundaries between natives/locals and different migrant groups, and the repertoires mobilized by Marriage Formation and Economic Opportunity in the United social actors to sustain, challenge, and cross these boundaries. It asks: 1) what States, 1970-2000. Catherine A. Fitch, University of are the symbolic messages legislation, migration policies, traditional and social Minnesota; Sheela Kennedy, University of Michigan; media send about a particular migrant group and how they intersect to Michael Oakes, University of Minnesota; Steven Ruggles, demarcate the ‘we’ and the ‘they’ division, and to legitimize the marginalization of the ‘they’; 2) how migrants mobilize and select certain University of Minnesota cultural discourses to challenge and cross the boundaries, and 3) the The Impact of Affordable Day Care on Women’s Work in a consequences of successful or failed boundary crossing on the identity of Slum Settlement of Nairobi. Shelley Clark, McGill migrants. Recognizing that most existing migration research is based on the University; Caroline Kabiru, African Population and experiences of countries in Europe and North America, which may not reflect adequately the distinctive experiences of Asian and African societies, this Health Research Center; Sonia Laszlo, McGill University; proposed thematic session focuses on perspectives from Africa and Asia. We Stella Muthuri, African Population and Health Research believe that in an era of globalization and digitalization, an interrogation of the Center cultural logic of migrant inclusion and exclusion is one of the most urgent and Discussant: Michelle J. Budig, University of Massachusetts- timely issues awaiting sociologists’ attention. Amherst 553. Thematic Session. We're All Telling Our Stories But Is 1:30 pm Meetings Anyone Listening? Capturing Narrative Impact Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511F, 2:30-4:10pm Section on Disability and Society Business Meeting Session Organizers: Kelly J. Nielsen, University of California- Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516C, 1:30-2:10pm Merced Francesca Polletta, University of California, Irvine Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Business Meeting Presider: Kelly J. Nielsen, University of California-Merced Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513F, 1:30-2:10pm Panelists: Christopher A. Bail, Duke University Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work Business Wendy Griswold, Northwestern University Meeting David J. Harding, University of California at Berkeley Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513A, 1:30-2:10pm Jennifer M. Silva, Bucknell University Discussant: Kelly J. Nielsen, University of California-Merced Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Business Meeting As cultural resources, stories are often central to both analyses of Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 1:30-2:10pm inequality and struggles for equity, inclusion, and resilience. This session focuses on ways of conceptualizing and measuring narrative impact. By asking 2:30 pm Meetings when stories work, when they do not work, and what it means for stories to work, this session will consider how to disentangle the effects of culture on 2016-17 ASA Council inequality. At the level of both individuals and political groups, the question of narrative impact has implications for how we study social inclusion and Esther Isabelle Wilder, Lehman College exclusion, group boundary making and solidarity efforts, and social resilience Graduate students at research-intensive universities often receive and well-being. substantial mentorship aimed at research activities, but mentorship aimed at teaching activities often goes overlooked. Often, graduate students may harbor 554. Special Session. The Future of Muslim Societies: a desire to pursue careers focused more on teaching than research, yet Governance, Movements, and Religion comparatively fewer opportunities for pedagogical mentorship exist. In this Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511D, 2:30-4:10pm session, faculty will reflect on their experiences as teacher scholars and discuss Session Organizers: Rachel A. Rinaldo, University of strategies for promoting a culture of pedagogy in academe. This session will also examine tools for effective pedagogical training among sociologists as Colorado, Boulder well resources for teaching sociology. In addition to graduate students, the Colin J. Beck, Pomona College session invites faculty at teaching-focused institutions to attend and contribute Panelists: Mounira Maya Charrad, University of Texas at their insight. Austin 558. Teaching Workshop. Selecting Readings for Kevan Harris, UCLA Introductory Sociology: Content and Format Fareen Parvez, University of Massachusetts-Amherst Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512B, 2:30-4:10pm In the wake of the Arab Spring, prospects for transnational movements and changes in governance across the Muslim World seem bleak in some Session Organizer: Nancy A. Greenwood, Indiana University places (e.g., Egypt, Mali) and brighter in others (Indonesia, Tunisia). This Kokomo panel explores the past and future of politics and religion across different Leader: Nancy A. Greenwood, Indiana University Kokomo regions, including the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Connections across Co-Leader: Stephanie Medley-Rath, Indiana University Muslim societies and to the transnational system are emphasized. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the nexus of religion and Kokomo democratization, development, collective action, gender and sexuality, and The goal of this workshop is to help instructors who are teaching globalization in various contexts. introductory sociology (especially for the first time) to become aware of the array of options available for readings in this course. We will discuss 555. Author Meets Critics Session. Pedigree: How Elite traditional and not so traditional textbooks and readers, the “no-text” option, as Students Get Elite Jobs (Princeton University Press, well as various formats for reading materials such as paper, e-books, and open access materials. We discuss the pros and cons of each option and tie that 2016) by Lauren A. Rivera knowledge to the literature on the scholarship of teaching and learning, to Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511E, 2:30-4:10pm selected learning goals, content and/or theoretical variation, student Session Organizer: Elizabeth A. Armstrong, University of characteristics, as well as pedagogies for this class. We will offer some helpful Michigan handouts. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions or issues for discussion. Critics: Amy J. Binder, University of California, San Diego Florencia Torche, Stanford University 559. Regular Session. Ethnomethodology and Conversation Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University Analysis: Historical/Theoretical Readings of Author: Lauren Rivera, Northwestern University Ethnomethodology Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512C, 2:30-4:10pm 556. Regional Spotlight Session. Why is Quebec's Labor Session Organizer: Anne Warfield Rawls, Bentley University Movement--and Left--Different? Garfinkel’s “Sources of Issues and Ways of Working." Palais des congrès de Montréal, 511A, 2:30-4:10pm Douglas W. Maynard, University of Wisconsin Session Organizer: Jeff Goodwin, New York University Restoring Egon Bittner’s Ethnomethodological Contributions Presider: Thomas Collombat, Université du Québec en to Police Studies in the Digital Age. Albert J. Meehan, Outaouais Oakland University Class versus Special Interest: How the Canadian and U.S. Labor Movements Differ. Barry Eidlin, McGill University 560. Regular Session. Gender and Work The Canadian Labor Movement Beyond Quebec. Stephanie Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512D, 2:30-4:10pm Ross, York University Session Organizer: Mary Blair-Loy, University of California- Understanding Union Power: Paths to Renewal. Gregor San Diego Murray, Université de Montréal Presider: Mary Blair-Loy, University of California-San Diego North American Trade Unionism Under Neoliberalism. Ian Inside the Black Box of Organizational Life: The Gendered MacDonald Language of Performance Assessment. Shelley J. Correll, Discussant: Pascale Dufour, Université de Montréal Stanford University; Katherine Weisshaar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Alison Wynn, Stanford 557. Professional Development Workshop. Transitioning University; JoAnne Delfino Wehner, Stanford University from Graduate Studies at a Research-Intensive The Gender of Genius: How Person-Based Ideals Impact Sex Institution to Teaching-Intensive Institution Segregation. Sharon Koppman, University of California, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512A, 2:30-4:10pm Irvine Session Organizers: John Paul DeWitt, University of Michigan The Price of Crude and the Deserving Professional: Gender William H. Frey, Brookings Institution Inequality in the Oil Industry. Amanda Bosky, University Leader: John Paul DeWitt, University of Michigan of Texas at Austin; Chandra Muller, University of Texas; Panelists: Jill Bouma, Berea College Christine L. Williams, University of Texas at Austin Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community College Understanding Perceptions of Career Barriers and the and Cohorts in Transition Gendered Career Strategies of Women Scientists in Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514C, 2:30-4:10pm Academia. Sharon R. Bird, Oklahoma State University; Session Organizer: Richard A. Settersten, Oregon State Laura Rhoton University Cool for Some: The Gendered Experiences of Precarious Presider: Miles G. Taylor, Florida State University Work. Yasemin Besen-Cassino, Montclair State Changing Times and Places: First Homeleaving Among Late University; Richard E. Ocejo, John Jay College and the Baby Boomers and Early Millennials. Sung S. Park, Graduate Center, CUNY University of California, Los Angeles Gambling with Life: The Occupational Risks of Being an The Impact of Insecure Work on Young Adults: The Unauthorized Migrant Roofer in the United States. Sergio Experiences of Two Generations in Australia. Dan Chavez, Rice University Woodman, University of Melbourne Body Size Reference Norms and Subjective Weight Status: A 561. Regular Session. Internal Migration 2: The Health Gender and Life Course Approach. Robbee Wedow, and Well-being of Internal Migrants University of Colorado at Boulder; Ryan K. Masters, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512F, 2:30-4:10pm University of Colorado-Boulder; Stefanie Mollborn, Session Organizer: Rachel E. Goldberg, University of University of Colorado Boulder; Jason D. Boardman, California, Irvine University of Colorado-Boulder Presider: Rachel E. Goldberg, University of California, Irvine Trajectories of Work Disability and Economic Insecurity Association of Internal Migration with Health Outcomes in Approaching Retirement. Kim Shuey, University of Indonesia. Ernesto F. L. Amaral, Texas A&M University; Western Ontario; Andrea E. Willson, Univeristy of Western Margaret M. Weden, RAND Corporation; Christine Ontario Peterson, RAND Corporation A Sequence Analysis of the De-standardization and Decisions on Commuting and Migration and the Influence of Stratification in the Retirement Sequences of Older Education and Overqualification. Silvia Maja Melzer, Americans. Esteban Calvo, UDP / Columbia University; University of Bielefeld; Thomas Hinz, University of Ignacio Madero-Cabib, Universidad Diego Portales; Konstanz Ursula M. Staudinger, Columbia University Internal Migration and the Self-Rated Health of Indigenous Mexicans: A Longitudinal Study. Gabriela Leon-Perez, 564. Regular Session. Social Capital Vanderbilt University Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515A, 2:30-4:10pm Migrating for Opportunity? Internal Migration and Economic Session Organizer: Richard M. Carpiano, University of Advancement among Black and White Women and Men. California, Riverside Christine Leibbrand, University of Washington Presider: Ryan Stillwagon, University of British Columbia Discussant: Michael J. White, Brown University A New Multi-Dimensional Community Level Measure of Social Capital. Pamela M. Paxton, University of Texas; 562. Regular Session. Law, Society, and Violence Inbar Weiss, University of Texas at Austin; Kristopher Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512E, 2:30-4:10pm Velasco, University of Texas-Austin; Robert Wayne Session Organizer: Angela P. Taylor, Fayetteville State Ressler, University of Texas at Austin University Marry Up, Socialize Up? Educational Hypergamy, Gender, Presider: Kerice Doten-Snitker, University of Washington and Social Capital in Three Societies. Lijun Song, Collective Violence, Status Ambiguity, and Elite Signals: Vanderbilt University; Cleothia Frazier, Vanderbilt Urban Lynchings 1910-1920. Justin Steil, Massachusetts University Institute of Technology The Logic(s) of Dying: How Cultural Logics Shape the Color Violence, Deadly Geographies and the Meanings of Networks of the Terminally Ill. Jacqueline Joslyn, “Race” in Brazil. Luisa Farah Schwartzman, University of University of Arizona; Corey M. Abramson, University of Toronto Arizona Perceptions of State (il)legitimacy, the Provision of Security, To Give or Not to Give? Ideas and Practices Surrounding and Vigilante Violence in South Africa. Mark Gross, Financial Obligation among Urban Ghanaians. Lindsay University of Maryland-College Park Bayham, University of California-Berkeley Trouble in Paradigm: “Gender Transformative Programing” in Discussant: David B. Tindall, University of British Columbia Violence Prevention. Lisa D. Brush, University of Pittsburgh; Elizabeth Miller, Children’s Hospital of 565. Regular Session. Social Networks: Substantive Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Applications The Effects of Corruption and Organized Crime on Homicide Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516D, 2:30-4:10pm Rates Cross-Nationally. Carol L. S. Trent, St. Francis Session Organizer: James Moody, Duke University University Micro-structural foundations of network inequality: Evidence from observational data and field experiments. Mathijs de 563. Regular Session. Life Course Insecurities: Individuals Vaan, UC Berkeley; Dan Wang, Columbia University Network Diversity and Network Change in Creative Careers. 568. Regular Session. Sociological Approaches to Bryce Hannibal, Texas A&M Univeristy Population Processes Solving the Brokerage Paradox: Trait Homophily in Triads, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515C, 2:30-4:10pm and the Broker-in-between Hypothesis. Brian Rubineau, Session Organizer: Colter Mitchell, University of Michigan McGill University; Wyatt Taylor, University of Kentucky; A Decomposition of Trends in the Nonmarital Infant Mortality Eric Gladstone, Cornell University; David Thompson, Ratios in the United States: 1983-2010. Wen Fan, Boston Community Solutions College; Liying Luo, The Pennsylvania State University The Neural Roots of Future Liking and Affective Reciprocity. Gender and the Residential Mobility and Attainment of Black- Noam Zerubavel, Columbia University; Mark Anthony White Couples. Ryan Gabriel, Brigham Young University Hoffman, Columbia University Precarious Employment and Entry into Marriage and With Friends Like These: Aggression from Equivalence and Cohabitation. Matthew Stimpson, UC Berkeley; Daniel J. Amity. Robert W. Faris, UC-Davis; Diane H. Felmlee, Schneider, University of California-Berkeley; Kristen S. Pennsylvania State University; Cassie McMillan, Harknett, University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University Tenancy, Marriage, and the Boll Weevil Infestation, 1892- 1930. Deirdre Bloome, University of Michigan; James 566. Regular Session. Social Policy Feigenbaum, Princeton University; Christopher Michael Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516B, 2:30-4:10pm Muller, University of California, Berkeley Session Organizer: Adam Goldstein, Princeton University Presider: Adam Goldstein, Princeton University 569. Regular Session. Stratification and Mental Health Periodic Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Payment, Financial Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516A, 2:30-4:10pm Stress and Well-being: A Longitudinal Study. Karen Z. Session Organizer: Richard Edward Adams, Kent State Kramer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University Flavia Andrade, University of Illinois at Urbana- Presider: Kristen Marcussen, Kent State University Champaign; Andrew J. Greenlee, University of Illinois at Financial Strain, Mastery, and Psychological Distress: A Urbana-Champaign; Ruby Mendenhall, University of Comment on Spuriousness in the Stress Process. Jonathan Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Dylan Bellisle, University Tomas Koltai, University of Toronto; Scott Schieman, of Chicago; Renee Lemons, University of Illinois at University of Toronto Urbana-Champaign Lasting Mental Health Consequences: Early Pregnancy and Dependency on Welfare: Duration Dependence or Unobserved Unfulfilled Educational Expectations Among Black and Factors? A Case Study in Ontario, Canada. Kumiko White Women. Noreen Kohl, University of Hawaii Manoa Shibuya, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Masculinity Threats and Mental Health among Aging Men. Unpacking the Welfare State Paradox: Corporate Responses to Dena T. Smith, University of Maryland (UMBC); Dawne Parental Leave Policies in Japan. Eunmi Mun, University M. Mouzon, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jiwook Jung, University Marta Elliott, University of Nevada, Reno of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Role of Employment Adversity in Inequalities in Mental Health: An Intersectional Mixed Methods Analysis. Billy 567. Regular Session. Social Psychology Gazard, King's College London Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515B, 2:30-4:10pm Session Organizer: Shane D. Soboroff, Eastern Illinois 570. Regular Session. Welfare State 2. New Comparative University Perspectives on the Causes and Consequences of Does Aggression Deter or Invite Reciprocal Behavior? Welfare States Considering Coercive Capacity. Stephen Benard, Indiana Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516E, 2:30-4:10pm University; Mark Berg, University of Iowa Session Organizer: Ann Shola Orloff, Northwestern University Gender and Leadership Expectations. Christabel L. Rogalin, Competent, Committed and Constrained. Morten Frederiksen, Purdue University Northwest; Jeffrey W. Lucas, University Aalborg University of Maryland; Yu Guo, University of Maryland, College Marketization of Long-Term Care Policies: Explaining Park; Amy Baxter, University of Maryland Differences in Reform Pathways in Conservative Welfare Moral Boundaries Across Cultures. Steven Hitlin, University States. Birgit Pfau-Effinger, University of Hamburg, of Iowa; Hye Won Kwon, University of Iowa; Rengin Bahar Germany; Christopher Grages, University of Hamburg; Firat, Georgia State University Thurid Eggers, University of Hamburg Organizing the Commons: A New Solution for Solving the Regulating the Poor: The Welfare State and the Governance of Problem of Acting Collectively. David Willer, University Marginality in Puerto Rico. Natalie Marie Delia Deckard, of South Carolina; Pamela E. Emanuelson, North Dakota Davidson College; Alison Heslin, Emory University State University Discussant: Christopher Patrick Kelley, United States Air 571. Section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco. Substance Force Academy Use: Focus on Inequalities and Social Inclusion Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512H, 2:30-4:10pm Session Organizer: Ellen Benoit, National Development Portland State University Research Inst Race/Ethnic and Nativity Differentials in Household Activity Dynamic Associations of Network Isolation and Smoking Limitations for Older Adults in the United States. Jennifer Behavior. Molly Copeland, Duke University; Bryce J. E. Melvin, Flagler College Bartlett, Duke University; Jacob Charles Fisher, Duke Anxious White Mothers and “Healthy Babies”: University Neuropsychological Health and Race in International Incorporating Sexual Identity into Criminological Research: Adoption. Estye Fenton, Northeastern University General Strain Theory, Sexual Anxiety, and Prescription Ontological In/security: An Intersectional Analysis of Drug Misuse. Laura Frizzell, The Ohio State University; Disability and Immigration. Melissa Welch Michael Vuolo, The Ohio State University; Brian The Disability Rights Community was Never Mine: Christopher Kelly, Purdue University Neuroqueer as the Intersection of Neurodiversity and Informal Recycling, Income Generation and Risk: Health and LGBTQIA Identities. Justine Egner, University of South Social Harms among People Who Use Drugs. Kaitlyn Florida Jaffe, University of British Columbia; Lindsey Richardson, University of British Columbia; Kanna Hayashi, University 574. Section on Environment and Technology. of British Columbia; M-J Milloy, University of British Environmental Movements Columbia; Huiru Dong, BC Centre For Excellence in Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513B, 2:30-4:10pm HIV/AIDS Session Organizer: Tammy L. Lewis, CUNY-Brooklyn College STIs, HCV and Drug Use among a Longitudinal Cohort of Presider: Beth Schaefer Caniglia, Regis University Mexican-American Women in a Disadvantaged Preserving the Dark Night Sky: Bringing Culture to the Community. Alice Cepeda, University of Southern Forefront of Environmental Movements. Megan S. California; Jessica Frankeberger, University of Southern Albaugh Bonham, Northwestern University California; Esmeralda Ramirez, University of Southern Resisting Urban Exclusion: Citizen Science in a Southern California; Avelardo Valdez, University of Southern California Waste Facility Siting Conflict. Carla May California Dhillon, University of Michigan Secondary Syringe Exchange: Collective Efficacy through Food Sovereignty, Fair Trade, and Everyday Performance as Informal Public Health Practice in Vulnerable Palestinian Resistance. Stephen Philip Gasteyer, Michigan Communities. Sarah Brothers, Yale University State University The Bill McKibben Effect: Shifting the Institutional Debate on 572. Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology. Theory, Climate Change through the Radical Flank. Todd Epistemology, and Ethics in Historical Social Science Schifeling, University of Michigan; Andrew Hoffman, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514B, 2:30-4:10pm University of Michigan Session Organizer: George Steinmetz, University of Michigan Surveillance, Neoliberalism and the Suppression of the Presider: Samuel Clark, University of Western Ontario Environmental Movement: The Power Elite in the Post-911 On the Ethics of Social Science. Philip S. Gorski, Yale Era. S. Harris Ali, York University University The Scientific Self: Epistemic Virtues as Embodied Research 575. Section on Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Refereed Ethics. Herman Paul, Leiden University Roundtable Session Historical Foundations of the Social Sciences. Daniel Little, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 516C, 2:30-4:10pm University of Michigan-Dearborn Session Organizer: Martha Crowley, North Carolina State Feminist Theories, Sociologies of Gender and Historical Social University Sciences. Ann Shola Orloff, Northwestern University Table 01. Class, Identity and Social Mobility Discussant: Isaac Ariail Reed, University of Virginia Table Presider: Chenhong Peng, The University of Hong Kong 573. Section on Disability and Society. Disability as a Determinants of Discrepancy between Subjective and Dimension of Intersectionality and Inequality Objective Poverty: Social Comparison with Parents and (cosponsored with Section on Race, Gender and Class; Friends. Chenhong Peng, The University of Hong Kong and Section on Body and Embodiment) Family Structure and Subjective Income Mobility. Bethany Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513D, 2:30-4:10pm Smith, Baylor University Session Organizers: Sara E. Green, University of South How Class Status and Class Mobility Determine What Florida Makes a Good Job. Brittany Dernberger, University of Linda M. Blum, Northeastern University Maryland, College Park Presiders: Linda M. Blum, Northeastern University Housing and Class Identity of Urban Residents: An Sara E. Green, University of South Florida Empirical Study in China. Haidong Zhang, Shanghai Sociology’s Missing Other: Toward the Inclusion of Disability University; ChengChen Yang, School of Sociology and as a Central Axis of Stratification. Angela Frederick, Political Science, Shanghai University University of Texas at El Paso; Dara Renee Shifrer, The Relation between Inequality and Social Mobility: A Multilevel Analysis of 30 Countries. Wonjeong Jeong, Migration Yonsei University Table Presider: Jacob Richard Thomas, University of Table 02. Educational Investments, Wealth and Earnings California-Los Angeles Table Presider: Ole Hexel, Northwestern University Globalization and Social Exclusion in the New South False Beliefs and Denied Mobility: The Effects of Africa: A Working Paper. Nicholas R. Ellig, Household Debt on Education Investment. Won Jun Concordia College-Moorhead Chung Arrested Development? Sub-Saharan Africa in the Are Student Loans Worth It? Stratification in Work-Life Stratified World-Economy 1965 - 2015. Marilyn Grell- Balance, Income, and Family. Arielle Kuperberg, The Brisk, Universite de Neuchatel; Christian Suter, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Allison Université de Neuchâtel McMillan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Forced Migration, Social Exclusion and Political Joan Maya Mazelis, Rutgers University - Camden Mobilization in Turkey. Gülay Kilicaslan Social Stratification Processes and Educational Investments Table 06. Housing and Neighborhoods; Qualitative Methods towards Men and Women. Juan Enrique Huerta- Past Due: Trade-Offs between Utility and Housing Wong, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Hardship in the United States. Ryan Finnigan, Puebla, A.C., UPA761015KQ0; Rocio Espinosa- University of California, Davis; Kelsey Meagher, UC Montiel, Espinosa Yglesias Research Centre Davis Household Wealth and inter vivos transfers in comparative The Prevalence of Housing Eviction among Urban perspective. Ole Hexel, Northwestern University Children. Ian Lundberg, Princeton University; Louis Difference in Earnings and Wages between Partnered Donnelly, Princeton University Lesbian and Heterosexual Women. Warren Waren, Welcome to the Jungle: Regulation and Resistance Among Texas A&M University; Xavier Luciano Guadalupe- Unsheltered Homeless People. Michele Wakin, Diaz, Framingham State University Bridgewater State University Table 03. Employment Benefits and Social Welfare Inequalities in Activity Spaces among Mexican Americans Table Presider: Diana M. Pearce, University of Washington by Nativity and Legal Status. Aggie Jooyoung Noah, How Do Fringe Benefits Packages Shape Economic Arizona State University Inequality? Asaf Levanon, University of Haifa; Rona Table 07. Immigration and Occupational Attainment Geffen, Goethe University Table Presider: Johannes Giesecke, Humboldt University I Got Lucky: Parental Leave and the Mechanisms of Class Berlin Reproduction Across the Transition to Motherhood. Origin of the American Dream: Intragenerational Charity M. Hoffman, University of Michigan Occupation Attainment over the Life Course, 1880- Social Welfare Program Participation and Material 1930. Xinguang Fan; Guangye He, Hong Kong Hardship. Colleen M. Heflin, University of Missouri University of Science and Technology Intergenerational Welfare Use among Immigrants: Myth of The Citizenship Advantage: Immigrant Socioeconomic Culture of Poverty and Welfare Dependency. Tyrone Attainment across Generations in the Age of Mass Chiwai Cheng, University of Alabama Migration. Peter Catron, UCLA Stretching and Breaking the Safety Net: Inequality Trends Educational Mobility and Progression Among Immigrant in Noncash Assistance After the Great Recession. Families in the United States: The Role of Legal Status. Diana M. Pearce, University of Washington Margot Jackson, Brown University Table 04. Family/Personal Attributes and The Social Ecology of Disadvantage for Mexican Educational/Occupational Attainment Immigrant Entrepreneurs. Dolores Trevizo, Occidental Table Presider: Sophie Clare Moullin, Princeton University College Paths from Family Resources to Educational Attainment: A Why did Immigrant-native Labor Market Gaps Grow in Demographic Model of Early Life Status Attainment. Germany? A Decomposition Analysis, 1976-2009. Samuel Fishman, University of North Carolina at Jonas Wiedner, University of Cologne; Johannes Chapel Hill Giesecke, Humboldt University Berlin Do Family Practices Matter? Explaining Summer Literacy Table 08. Income Inequality Around the World Gains and Losses among Students from Low Educated Table Presider: Florian R. Hertel, University Hamburg Families. Michael Holland, University of Waterloo; Income Polarization in Rich Democracies. Matthew C. Scott Davies, University of Toronto; Owen Gallupe, Mahutga, University of California at Riverside; University of Waterloo; Janice Aurini, University of Michaela Kathleen Curran, University of California - Waterloo Riverside Class' Character: Heterogenous effects of Self-Control in Economic Freedom for the Free: The Contingency Effects Occupational Attainment. Sophie Clare Moullin, of Neoliberalism on Inequality. Robert L. Dephillips, Princeton University Temple University Table 05. Globalization, Social/Spatial Exclusion and Compensation Disparity and Dispersion: Evidence from China. Mahmoud Ezzamel; Yang Zhao, Newcastle Bataille, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Centre University Business School METICES Income and Wealth Inequality in Egypt. Tamer ElGindi, Table 12. Social Class and Higher Education Qatar University Table Presider: Allison L. Hurst, Oregon State University The Relation of Social Mobility and Social Inequality in 35 The Echoes of Childhood Poverty: Composing Lives in Countries. Florian R. Hertel, University Hamburg; Higher Education A Narrative Inquiry. Elaine J Olaf Groh-Samberg, University Bremen Laberge, University of Alberta Table 09. Precarious and Low-wage Work College Students living the American Dream: A Path to Table Presider: Sunday Idowu Ogunjimi, Federal University Fulfillment or a Dream Deferred? Timothy D. Oye-Ekiti Levonyan Radloff, East Stroudsburg University Below the Poverty Line Despite a Job: In-Work Poverty in Working-Class and Educationally Successful: From 'Sink- Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Roland Verwiebe, estate' to Elite University, Experiences of Spatial and University of Vienna; Nina-Sophie Fritsch, University Social Mobility. Carli Ria Rowell, Warwick University of Vienna, Austria Paradise Lost? Patterns and Precarity in Working-class The Role of Industry of Employment in Exposure to Work Academic Narratives. Debbie Warnock, Bennington Precarity After Prison. Joe LaBriola, University of College California-Berkeley Operationalizing Class in Studies of College Students. Why Networks Sometimes Fail: Tie Strength and Job Allison L. Hurst, Oregon State University Referrals for Low-Wage Work. Lindsey M. Ibanez, Table 13. Social Welfare and Redistribution: Attitudes and Ohio State University Policy Physically Challenge Peoples’ Accessibility to Productive Table Presider: Stephanie Baran, University of Wisconsin- Resources in Nigeria: Dream or Reality. Sunday Idowu Milwaukee Ogunjimi, Federal University Oye-Ekiti; Ajala Abiodun Symbolic Annihilation and Violence: An Exploratory Oladayo, Landmark University Omu-Aran, Kwara Sate; Analysis of Online Discourse About Welfare Docas Lola Alabi, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Recipients. Stephanie Baran, University of Wisconsin- Ife. Nigeria Milwaukee Table 10. Race/Ethnicity, Economic Well-being and Parental Status, Marital Status, and Support for Social Community Welfare Programs in the United States. Rachel Table Presider: Mamadi Corra, East Carolina University Wildfeuer, Temple University A Post-Race Society? A Socioeconomic Analysis of Race Equality of Opportunity and Tolerance Toward Outcome During the Bush and Obama Presidencies. Mamadi Inequality: Evidence from Two Survey Experiments. Corra, East Carolina University; Jerry Lynn Johnson, Fangqi Wen, New York University East Carolina University Explaining Restrictive TANF Policies: Group Threat Diverse Educators’ Perspectives on Factors Impacting Hypothesis Offering more Insight than State Economy. Black Student Achievement: Insights from Black Tyrone Chiwai Cheng, University of Alabama Suburbia in the South. Jerome Ellis Morris, University Youth Poverty, Household Composition, and the Age of Missouri-St. Louis Orientation of Social Welfare in 23 Countries. Tsui-o Economic Optimism: The New Millennium Malaise among Tai, National Taipei University White Americans. Jessica F. Compton, University of Table 14. Stratification, Health and the Life Course California, Berkeley Table Presider: Catherine Sirois, Stanford University The Forgotten First Nations: Does Federal Recognition Health Endowment at Birth and Variation in Improve Native American Outcomes? Robin Renée Intergenerational Economic Mobility. Cassandra Robinson Robertson, Harvard University The Resilience Gap in Urban Latin America and the Trends in Economic Inequality over the Life Course. Caribbean: Normalizing Insecurity vs. Transforming Patrick Mayne, Brown University Security. Tina Hilgers, Concordia University The Effect of Sons' Incarceration on Mothers' Health. Table 11. Schooling, Social Class and Mobility Catherine Sirois, Stanford University Table Presider: Julie Falcon, Université de Lausanne Fall Fests and Spring Flings: The Soft Privatization of a 576. Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work. Gentrifying Public School. Michelle Lea Mott, Emergence of Categories and Systems University of Texas Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513C, 2:30-4:10pm False Choices: Does School Choice Reinforce Stratification Session Organizer: Elisabeth S. Clemens, University of and Exclusion? Jacob Lepie Rosch, Reinvestment Fund Chicago Consequences of the Expansion of Higher Education on the History as Cause: A Formation Story of the Air Traffic Control Intergenerational Transmission of Advantages in System Emergence and Effects. Diane Vaughan, France. Julie Falcon, Université de Lausanne; Pierre Columbia University Pricing Conflict: Legal Regimes, Uncertainty, and Price in Discussant: Melissa S. Fry, Indiana University Southeast Medical Marijuana Markets. Cyrus Dioun, University of California, Berkeley; Heather A. Haveman, UC Berkeley 580. Section on Sociology of Religion. Spirituality and Market Mediators and the Tradeoffs of Legitimacy-seeking Religion Behaviors in a Nascent Category. Brandon H. Lee, Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513F, 2:30-4:10pm Melbourne Business School; Shon Hiatt, University of Session Organizer: Jaime Kucinskas, Hamilton College South Carolina; Michael D. Lounsbury, University of An Enchanting Variety of the Secular? A Charismatic Alberta Christian Claim to Secularity in Mexico City. Graham Moral Economy of Professional Practice: Diffusion of Wilson Hill, University of Bern Managerialism in Healthcare Organizations. Alaz Parents’ Perceptions of Spirituality of Children with Autism Kilicaslan, Boston University Spectrum Disorder. Susan Crawford Sullivan, College of Discussant: Jeannette Anastasia Colyvas, Northwestern the Holy Cross; Victoria Aramini, independent scholar University Religious Composition and Political Views: A Multi-level Analysis of the Relationship Between Religion and 577. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Comparative Politics. Tyler C. Anderson, Purdue University Racial Formation: Arabs, Middle Easterners, and/or What is at Stake? The Diffusion of Spiritual Care from the Muslims United States to Israel. Michal Pagis, Bar Ilan University; Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513E, 2:30-4:10pm Orly Tal, Bar Ilan University; Wendy Cadge, Brandeis Session Organizer: Bradley J. Zopf, University of Illinois at University Chicago Discussant: Stephen Ellingson, Hamilton College Presider: Maheen Haider, Boston College Developing and Testing a Middle Eastern and North African 581. Section on Sociology of Sexualities Refereed Response Category and Classification. Rachel Marks, U.S. Roundtable Session and Business Meeting Census Bureau; Jessica Phelan, U.S. Census Bureau Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 2:30-3:30pm The Census, Racialized Groups, and Centrality of Threat to Session Organizers: Melinda D. Kane, East Carolina Counting Arab Americans [and Registering Muslims]. University Louise Cainkar, Marquette University Theo Greene, Bowdoin College The Racialization of the Muslim Body and Space in Table 01. (Re)Situating Gender in Social Institutions Hollywood. Maheen Haider, Boston College Presider: Jason Lee Crockett, Kutztown University Understanding Islamophobia through Blackness. Hanna Niner Ballsy Women on and off the Court: The Intersection of Will the Real Caucasian Please Stand Up? How Iranian Female Masculinity, Sexuality, and Sport. Anna Americans Negotiate Intergenerational Racial Narratives. Russian, Indiana Univeristy Sheefteh Khalili, University of California, Irvine Man in the Bathroom: Normative Masculinities in Trans Men’s Accounts of Public Space. Miriam J. Abelson, 578. Section on Rationality and Society. Theoretical Portland State University Advances Using Rational Choice and Business Meeting Gender, Sex and Sin in the Evangelical Mega-Church. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512G, 2:30-3:30pm Sarah Diefendorf, University of Washington Session Organizer: Jane Sell, Texas A&M University Table 02. Attitudes toward Homosexaulity in Asia Presider: Jane Sell, Texas A&M University Presider: Lee Thorpe, West Virginia University A Reformulation of the Cournot Competitions by Potential Social Attitudes of Homosexuality in Three Chinese Games. Robert Hideo Mamada, Arizona State University Societies. Alexi Tianyang Hu, University of Victoria Evolving Cooperation in Social Structures. George Berry, Table 03. Claims and Frames: Contesting Rights through Cornell University Policy and the Courts Does Agent-based Modeling Flourish in Sociology? Mind the Table Presider: Anna Sorensen, SUNY Potsdam Gap between Social Theory and Agent-based Models. Social Movement Framing in the Media: The Case of Yoshimichi Sato, Tohoku University Recent Anti-LGBT Legislation in the United States. Connor Craig Gilroy, University of Washington 579. Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology. Medicalized Citizenship: Transgender Rights Claims in Sociological Perspectives on Evaluation Research Employment Discrimination Court Decisions. Kyla Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514A, 2:30-4:10pm Bender-Baird, CUNY Graduate Center Session Organizer: Melissa S. Fry, Indiana University Failing to Protect: A Historical Analysis of the Southeast Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Kelly Presider: Melissa S. Fry, Indiana University Southeast McNamara, Texas A&M Panelists: Gabriella C. Gonzalez, RAND Different Sides, Same Logic: Examining Support and Dennis P. Watson, IU Fairbanks School of Public Health Opposition for Religious Freedom Laws. Emily Arturo Baiocchi, California State University Sacramento Kazyak, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kelsy Burke, Harry Perlstadt, Michigan State University University of Nebraska Lincoln; Mathew Stange, Mathematica Policy Research University; Paula England, New York University; Jessie Table 04. Embodying and Enacting Sexual Scripts Ford, New York University; Monica Lisette Caudillo, Presider: Julia Meszaros, University of South Florida University of Maryland Age, Aggression, and Pleasure in Popular Online Supporting the Sexual Life of Persons in Situations of Pornographic Videos. Eran Shor, McGill University Disability: Sketch of a Social History. Pierre Brasseur, Verbalising Sensations: Making Sense of Embodied Sexual Lille 1 Experiences. Myra Bosman; Rachel Spronk, University Table 10. Sexual Identities, Sexual Communities, and the of Amsterdam Production of Place Table 05. Family Relationships in Changing Legal and Presider: Jeffrey W Lockhart, University of Michigan Cultural Contexts Global Gay Tourism to Tel Aviv: Producing Socio-spatial Before and After ‘I Do’: Marriage Processes For Mid-Life Value. Gilly Hartal, McGill University Gay and Lesbian Married Couples. Emma Ryan Ethnicized Cosmopolitan Sexualities and Stratified Bosley-Smith, The Ohio State University Transition Among Chinese International Undergraduate Something Old, Something New: Same-sex Marriage and Students in American South. Yu-Ri Kim, Vanderbilt Ongoing Struggles over African Marriage in South University Africa. Michael W. Yarbrough, John Jay College Table 11. Sexual Orientation and Mental and Physical Health (CUNY) Pathways to Self-Esteem among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual In the Event of Death: Lesbian Families' Plans to Preserve and Same-Sex-Attracted Mormons and Ex-Mormons. Stepparent-Child Relationships. Katie Linette Acosta, Lauren J. Joseph, Pennsylvania State University, Georgia State University Schuylkill Campus; Stephen Cranney, Baylor University Table 06. Historical Transformations of Sexuality and Racial Disparities in Health and Health Behaviors Among Intimacy Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Heterosexual Men and Table Presider: Carmen Rowe, Boston University Women. Zelma Lizeth Tuthill, Rice University; Justin Polyamory and the Transformation of Intimacy. Emily T. Denney, Rice University; Bridget K. Gorman, Rice Pain, University at Albany, SUNY University The First Israeli Gays: The Arrival of a New Discourse on Table 12. The Enduring Salience of LGBT Identity Formation Same-Sex Sexuality to Israel. Yuval Peretz Yonay, and Disclosure University of Haifa Come Out, Whoever You Are! Coming Out and Identity Table 07. Men and the Pursuit of Sexual Pleasure Salience across the Life Course. Trenton M. Haltom, Emotional Intimacy and Sex: Exploring Sources of Men's University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Shawn M. Ratcliff, Sexual Pleasure in Hookups and Romantic University of Nebraska-Lincoln Relationships. Nicole Bedera, University of Michigan, Sexual Identity Disclosure Among Lesbian, Gay, and Ann Arbor; William R. Rothwell, University of Bisexual Individuals. Long Doan, University of Michigan Maryland; Trenton D. Mize, Indiana University Unwanted Sex: How Heterosexual Men’s Accounts Serve to Uphold Masculinity. Jessie Ford, New York 582. Section on the Sociology of the Family. Families, University; Christopher Maggio, City University of Health, and Well-being New York-Graduate Center Palais des congrès de Montréal, 513A, 2:30-4:10pm Masculinity in Independent Escorting: The Case of Job Session Organizer: David Warner, University of Nebraska- Success. Navin Kumar, Queensland University of Lincoln Technology Presider: Kelly Balistreri, Bowling Green State University Table 08. Science and Knowledge in Sexuality Research Children’s Interpersonal Relationships at School, Mother- Becoming an Engineering LGBT Safe Zone Trainer: From Child Relationships, and Mothers’ Psychological Well- Observer to Participatory Action Researcher in being. Kei Nomaguchi, Bowling Green State University; Ethnography. Tom J. Waidzunas, Temple University Marshal Neal Fettro, Bowling Green State University How Sexuality Knowledge Shapes LGBTQ Sociopolitical Parental Incarceration and Child Overweight. Amelia R. Life: The Case of Expert Evidence in Obergefell. Branigan, University of Illinois at Chicago; Christopher Jamie Louise Budnick, University of Michigan Wildeman, Cornell University Strategies for Sexual Subversion: Informing the Future of Worried Sick? The Transition to Adulthood and Its Toll on Sexualities Research and Activism. Andrea Pauline African American Mothers’ Health. Ashley Brooke Barr, Herrera, University of Oregon State University of New York, Buffalo Table 09. Sexual Behavior Over the Life Course Health Concordance among Same-sex and Different-sex Table Presider: Myron Strong, Community College of Couples: Evidence from the National Health Interview Baltimore County Survey (1997-2015). Russell Leroy Spiker, University of Increases in Sex with Same-Sex Partners Across U.S. Cincinnati Cohorts Born 1920-1996. Emma Mishel, New York A National Dyadic Study of Oral Sex, Marital Quality and Psychological Well-being among Older Couples. Hui Liu, Michigan State University; Shannon Shen, Michigan State University; Ning Hsieh, Michigan State University 3:30 pm Meetings Section on Rationality and Society Business Meeting Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512G, 3:30-4:10pm Section on Sociology of Sexualities Business Meeting Palais des congrès de Montréal, 517B, 3:30-4:10pm 8:30 am Meetings 2017-18 ASA Council Palais des congrès de Montréal, 518A, 8:30am-4:30pm