An Architecture Teaching Program to Rescue the Historical Town of Ouro Preto, Brazil

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An Architecture Teaching Program to Rescue the Historical Town of Ouro Preto, Brazil Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions - Modena, Lourenço & Roca (eds) © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 04 15363799 An architecture teaching program to rescue the historical town of Ouro Preto, Brazil B.T. de Oliveira Arehiteet D.Se., fPHAN, Ouro Prelo/MG, Brazi! E.C. de Araújo Professor D.Se. , UFO?, Ouro Preto/MG, Brazil J.N.S. Villaschi & L.c. Mancini Arehiteets, M.Sc., UFO?, Ouro Preto/MG, Brazi! ABSTRACT: Founded in 1698, Ouro Preto was, during two centuries, the capital ofthe State of Minas Gerais and stage of an intense nationalist feeling, that had influence on the independence ofBrazil. As an alive testimony of secular traditions the city constitutes object of special cares in order to safeguard its integrity as the world largest baroque urban settle, and guarantee its historical, artistic and environrnental heritage. In this sense, the Federal University of Ouro Preto proposes an Architecture and Urban Studies Course in order to face the social demand of the 21 st century for professionals of the territorial planning as well as the preservation of its cultural values. The formation of criticai mass on this professional performance area represents a most significant institutional relationship between the academic world and the daily community life, the urban space production and the destinies of Ouro Preto and its historical surrounding area. HISTORlCAL CONSIDERATIONS in 1798, promoted by the people, the "Inconfidência Mineira" was led by the highly wealthy society that I. I The Enlightenment in Ouro Preto fi1tered and translated the illuminist purposes. They defended Brazilian liberation of the colonial power, Brazil , since its di scovery in the 16th century, has never even though in a partial and less democratic way, once been isolated from the rest ofthe world. The process of they were owners of thousands of slaves and they its continental dimensions territory's occupation was wouldn't support the end ofthe slavery. According to held through successive economic cycles addressed to Schmidt (1997), the Minas Gerais' disloyers had then the satisfaction of the European market. Unlikely the planned the transference ofthe Minas Gerais capital to first extractivist cycle of "Pau Brasil" (Caesalpinia th e town of São João dei Rei, while Vila Rica, nowa­ echinata), which didn 't favour any territory settlement, days Ouro Preto, would beco me an excellent university the mineral extractivism cycle generated deep transfor­ centre. mations in the social and space structure and organisa­ Under pressure of the Portuguese Kingdom and tion, showing intense process of people displacement alleging the collection of late taxes, the authorities and the urbanisation ofthe country's interland. arrested the military Silva Xavier, the only disloyer During and after the two centuries of colonisation, who did not belong to the powerful society group. the liberal ideas and philosophy, as well as other cul­ Betrayed by his own conspiracy partners, he was hung tural influences were brought to Brazil , strongly inspir­ in a public square, having hi s body divided in many ing revolutionary groups to promote the liberty and the pieces that were exposed in different points ofthe town necessary political changes. of Ouro Preto, as a demonstration of the power of the The illuminist French thought "Liberte, Égalite et king against the fight for independence. Fraternite" has great1y influenced the Minas Gerais people to become free from the colonial oppression 1.2 The gold cycle and the colonial times and create our own national governrnent. It also explains registers like the Minas Gerais flag "Libertas In the 18th century, Brazi l had become the largest Quae Sera Tamem". Different from Bahia's disloyalty world producer of gold and di amonds. Discovered by 177 the powdered and the nuggets gold, which circulation had been prohibited, were ali melted and marked with the royal stamp. 1.3 The urban and architectural evolution of Ouro Preto Ouro Preto has had an original space formation that disobeys ali types oftraditional radial or nuclear urban organisation in most of the other Brazilian Colonial cities. Its organic and lineal configuration advanced in more than two centuries the urban phenomenon nowa­ days known as "nucleation", that is, the formation ofa city starting from the connection of several close urban nuclei. Several small settlements appeared in function of the discovery since 1698 of gold mines spread around the territory. Their connection (Fig. 2), was consoli­ dated on the second quarter of the 18th century, by means of significant urban interventions promoted by the government of Mr. Gomes Freire of Andrade, called Earl of Bobadela (1735- 63). In that period bridges and fountains were built, and the administra­ tive centre was implanted, known at the present time as Tiradentes Square. It was delimitated by the construc­ tion of the Palace of the Governors and later by the old House of Chamber and Prison. The new nucleus unified the two more important small villages, named Figure 1. The Estrada Real (Royal Road). Antônio Dias and Pilar. It highlighted Vi la Rica as the main gold extraction centre of the 18th century, propitiating great innovations in the architecture, in the "Bandeiras"(expeditions in search ofIndians and the painting, and in the sculpture works. One of the mineraIs), the ma in and more durable area of aurif­ most recognised is the artistAntônio Francisco Lisboa, erous exploration was placed in Minas Gerais. The known like Aleijadinho (the crippled). mining activities attracted immense number of peo­ In Minas Gerais, the buildings followed the pIe from ali the world in search of immediate wealth, models adopted in other Brazilian areas, develop­ making the population in the colony to increase almost ing simple architectural solutions standing out for 10 times withinjust one century and the lack ofinfra­ the pleasant proportions and for the balanced rhythm structure provoked hunger and conflicts in the area. of the whitewashed walls drained harmoniously by Portugal needed to create the "Minas' Intendancy", the empty spaces. The main constructive technique a fiscal organism directly linked to Lisbon and respon­ in the Brazilian popular architecture is still the sible for the administration and for the surveillance of "pau-a-pique", which is constituted of wood barses the mining activities, but specially for the collection covered ofwet earth. Stone and whitewash walls were of tributes. The mosl important tax collected by the used only in the most important residences and in the Kingdom was the "fifth", which corresponded to 20% monuments. of ali and any amount of gold found by any minero In the beginning of the 18th century, Vila Rica The official flowing of gold and diamonds to the formed an architectural seatle of baroque style, con­ closest port was concentrated on the "Estrada Real" stituted by white collor walls covered by ceramic tiles, (Royal Road), thal covers more than 1400 km, con­ harmoniously integrated wi th the topography and the stituted of two main roads converged in Ouro Preto: surrounding nature. the Old Road that ties Ouro Preto to Parati and the In the religious architecture the Portuguese influ­ New Road that links the city of Rio de Janeiro to ences were assimilated, adapted and reformulated. In Ouro Preto, later elongated unlil Diamantina. This road the beginning, the traditional conception of the first configuration turned Ouro Preto into the geographical Brazilian Baroque style was adopted in Minas Gerais and historical centre of the Estrada Real (Fig. 1). with rectangu1ar plants and plane facades. Later, these In order to try lo control the circulation and facades were changed in curved formats and the the transport of mineral wealth, some "Houses of heavy and robust proportions gave place to a larger Foundry" were created along the Estrada Real, where lightness and harmony buildings. The curved plants 178 I EIXO Transversal Figure 2. The urban evolution ofVila Rica. and facades had strong influence of Borromini and eclectic taste. The main church of Pilar Quarter had German Baroque styles. The sumptuosity ofthe inside its facade totally reformed between 1848 and 1852. omaments ofthe churches complete and accentuate the The San Francisco de Paula's church was built in monumental aspect and the singular character of the 1804 and was reformed in 1878, under neo-classical religious architecture. influence. Another peculiar aspect of Minas Gerais history, At that time, urban interventions were accom­ comparing to other Brazilian areas, was the prohibition plished, fixing boulevards of classic taste and also to install regular religious orders in its territory. This appearing constructions of neo-classical facades with fact explains the lack of schools and convents in the iron counters. urban landscape of the mining colonial cities. The inauguration of the rail station (1889) and the The neoclassicist's premises in Vila Rica were creation of the Pharmacy's School (1839), the Minas first applied in the old House of Camera and Chain Gerais Lycée (1854), and the School ofMines were of and later in the existent residence constructions and great economic and social importance for the develop­ monuments, respecting its scales and old addings. ment of Ouro Preto in the 19th century. The first decline of the city happened at the end With the proclamation of the Republic, in 1889, of the 18th century, with the exhaustion of the gold the image of the imperial city of Ouro Preto was mines and the crisis of provisioning, resulting an strong revealed inadequate for the positivist purposes and for economic decadence and in the demography emptying the scientifical rationality of the republicans' ideais. from the old Vila Rica. The change ofthe capital from Ouro Preto to Belo On March 20th, 1823, Vila Rica received the title of Horizonte, in 1897, produced an exodus ofalmost 50% Imperial City of Ouro Preto, maintaining its function ofthe population, provoking physical and economical of capital of the province of Minas Gerais.
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