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Oct. 21, 1968:Our 38th Year:5(X Broadcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO Spot TV sales up, may nudge $1 billion in '69. p23 Special report: The unanswered problems of TV. p36 It was a banner week in radio -TV station sales. p48 Round two in BMI rate increase battle to resume. p55 tAL s- K OBRAR Y, 5024.'-» Sold Sight Unseen this year Screen Gems released To date these specials have been sold New York, WBBM -TV Chicago, six hour -long color tape entertainment in more than 40 markets. KMOX -TV St. Louis, WCAU -TV Phila- specials-"SCREEN GEMS PRESENTS" This kind of performance calls for an delphia and KTLA Los Angeles, which -starring such great headliners encore ... and that's just what we plan: six were among the very first to license our as Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington, more great specials with another outstanding initial group of specials, have already Julie London, Jane Morgan and group of star performers. bought our second group -sight unseen! the Doodletown Pipers, Gordon MacRae, As quick as you could say Jackie Obviously, one good turn deserves another. Shirley Bassey and Polly Bergen. Barnett -he's our producer- WCBS-TV Screen Gems Banker, broker, railroad man, grocer, builder, librarian, fireman, mayor, nurse, police, doctor, lawyer, No matter what your business, it involves moving information. Voice. Video. Or data. And nobody knows more about moving information than the people who run the largest information network in the world. The Bell System. That's why we keep a man on our payroll who specializes in your business. The Bell System Commu- nications Consultant. He knows how to help your com- pany plug into the world's largest information network. AT&T Call him in soon. Let him show you how! and WxmN Co.,.,,m KTNT -TV SEATTLE -TACOMA THE 17th MARKET IN THE U.S. APPOINTS ELE EP AS THEIR TELEVISION STATION REPRESENTATIVE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,1969 JOINING KCOP -LOS ANGELES WTCN- MINNEAPOLIS KPTV- PORTLAND TRE BROADCASTING, Oct. 21, 1968 More children view KRLD -TV per average quarter -hour, Sun- day through Saturday, sign -on to sign -off, than any other station in the market. .and even more this Fall! The addition cf the ever -popu- lar Mr. Ed series to our morning line -up at 7:30 a.m, will help expand Channel 4's leadership among the children in the nation's 12th ranked television market. Contact your H -R representa- tive for choice availabilities to sell products appealing to children. 'February / March 1968 ARB Television Audience Estimates represented nationally by KRLD-TV The Dallas Times Herald Station. CLYDE W. REMBERT, President <LA - FT. BROADCASTING, Oct. 21, 1968 ClosedGircuit Cloistered with CATV plenlent of seven radio stations, plus and British singer Tom Jones for ABC - one TV and minority in second. South- TV. Three things are working for in- FCC commissioners are said to be con- ern owns KTHT Houston; KOY Phoenix; crease in variety shows: They're ap- sidering something new in their effort WSGN Birmingham, Ala.; WKtx Raleigh proved program fare in prevailing at- to arrive at solutions to troublesome and WTOH Winston -Salem, both North mosphere of non -violence; they provide CATV problems-"retreat" for two Carolina; WGHP -TV High Point- Greens- effective counterprograming to movies days, during which they would be free boro-Winston -Salem and minority in- and they don't require heavy invest- of normal duties and distractions and terest in WBMG(TV) Birmingham. East- ment of filmed series. able to focus solely on CATV matters. man firm, which all of - Reportedly, they would take with them represents South ern's radio stations, itself owns KAFY outside experts in communications field Donovan's legacy Bakersfield, Calif., and WRTX Flint, with no ties to either broadcast or What may be most comprehensive interests. Presumably, they Mich. -and CATV almost certainly most dispassionate would take, also, staff members' re- - report yet made involving "middlemen," ports and recommendations on ways Seven at last barter and media -buying practices in present CATV policy might be revised. H. Rex Lee, FCC's new commissioner- general is due to be issued by American No decision has been reached on designate, reports for work today (Oct, Association of Advertising Agencies where proposed retreat (or think -tank 21). He'll probably be sworn in later early next month. It's called "Barter sessions) will be held. Commissioner this week, in FCC meeting room. Mr. and Brokerage of Media Time and Nicholas Johnson is said to be working Lee, 58, wound up his service as as- Space: a draws to on that and other details. And whole Status Report," and sistant administrator of Agency for In- great extent on material compiled by project could, presumably, be called ternational Development last Friday. are that commis- special AAAA committee headed by off. But indications His first order of FCC business will be thinking will be Mike Donovan while he was media sion's experiment in to select members of his staff, probably in shortly after vice president of Papert, Koenig, Lois held early November, from among legal, engineering and sec- return of Chairman Rosei H. Hyde and chairman of AAAA Committee on retarial eligibles at FCC. Broadcast Station Relations (BROAD- from his round -the -world trip ( "Closed Circuit," Oct. 7). He is due back in CASTING, Sept. 16; "Closed Circuit," Sept. 23) . office Nov. 4. Uneasy heads With Mr. Donovan now moving from Speculation is developing on what will agency to broadcast field (see Week's Movement in U's happen at top staff level at FCC if Headliners," page 10), Hope Martinez, -Agnew Price of $4.5 million for purchase of Nixon ticket wins. (It's general- VP and associate media director of ly thought Commissioner Robert E. WIBF -TV Philadelphia by Taft Broad- BBDO, has been named to succeed him Lee, staunch Republican, would suc- casting (see page 48) is record for as head of AAAA's station -relations 20.) UHF station anywhere, although it's ceed to chairmanship after Jan. committee. Miss Martinez has been vice There are four grade -18 ($28,000 per noted that Taft is paying only $1.4 chairman and is slated to be succeeded year) plums involved: chief of Broad- million for 100% of stock of Fox - in that post by Philip Branch, VP for family owned licensee. Remainder is cast Bureau, chief of Common Carrier media planning and administration at assumption of obligations. Bureau, general counsel and chief engi- Grey. And in another assignment Highest price for UHF television sta- neer, not protected by Civil Service. change, Bern Kanner, senior VP and tion sale approved by FCC up to now Thus GOP victory could mean re- director of media management at Ben- placement of Democrats Henry Geller, was Disney family's acquisition of ton & Bowles, has been designated vice and Bernard Strass- KJEO(TV) Fresno, Calif., earlier this general counsel, chairman of AAAA Broadcast Policy year for $3.65 million; same station was burg, common -carrier chief (who di- Committee to succeed Sam Northcross, rected AT&T rate -cut cases). William sold in 1961 for $3 million. KFRE -TV who has left Foote, Cone & Belding. engineer, Fresno was sold in 1959 to Triangle H. Watkins, chief probably Policy committee is headed by William because position is Stations for $3 million. In more recent wouldn't be affected Hylan, senior VP of J. Walter Thomp- UHF ownership changes, Storer Broad- based on professional merit. George S. son Co. casting bought what is now WSBK -TV Smith, chief of Broadcast Bureau, is 17 positions Boston in 1966 for over $2,250,000. old -line Republican. Grade of assistant chiefs, which likewise pay U.S. outspent also might be in political Everybody's doing it up to $28,000, What U.S.S.R. will do to woo and win jeopardy. Asians may be dis- Look for announcement shortly of ten- Japanese and other for tative merger agreement between South- cerned in $20- million budget its ern Broadcasting Co., group- station Variety is in pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka, Japan, to run owner, and Robert E. Eastman & Co., With development period for 1969 -70 for six months beginning March national radio- station representative and season now moving into full swing, it 15, 1970. Budget for U.S.A. exhibit is owner of two radio stations. Subject to is apparent that much greater empha- flat $10 million. But Russians also plan customary conditions of government sis is being put on live -on -tape variety $12- million expenditure for studios and and stockholder approvals, new com- series. There's big splurge in this area equipment to transmit via its satellite pany would continue operations of both of programing. Among headliners for to eastern Europe during exposition. Eastman and Southern. Robert E. East- such projected programs are Jim Na- Whereas U. S. delegation will comprise man, president of rep firm, would be bors and Godfrey Cambridge for CBS - 26 Americans, plus equal number of president, and John G. Johnson, presi- TV, Flip Wilson, Roy Rogers and Dale Japanese, U.S.S.R. delegation will com- dent of Southern, would be chairman. Evans and the Cowsills for NBC -TV; prise 400 people, plus another 100 to New company would have full coln- and the Lennon sisters and Dean Jones operate restaurant. BROADCASTING. Oct. 21. 1968: Vol. 75: No. 17 Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to BROADCASTING, 1735 DeSales Street, N.\l'.. Washington, D.C. 20036. Let Peg do some selling for you Peg Rayborn is women's director for Charlotte's WSOC -TV.