The Internet and Tourism in Rwanda Value Chains and Networks of Connectivity-Based Enterprises in Rwanda
The Internet and Tourism in Rwanda Value Chains and Networks of Connectivity-Based Enterprises in Rwanda Christopher Foster and Mark Graham 1 ACkNOwlEDGEMENTS This report was written by Dr Christopher Foster and Professor Mark Graham. with the Rwandan Minister of ICT, Dr Igance Gatare, as well as representatives The report also benefited from inputs from Dr laura Mann who played a at the Rwanda Development Board and the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory crucial role during the research design and collection stages of this project: Authority. Claude Migisha provided valuable support in helping to co-ordinate coordinating with Rwandan and kenyan partners, helping to design the the outreach event at the end of the project with support from RDB and the research instruments, and co-conducting some of the interviews. Chamber of Tourism. In kenya, the work done by Charles katua on the parallel project in the kenyan tourism sector has been important in informing our The research project at the core of this report is based on an initial pilot findings in Rwanda. research project funded by the British Academy in 2010. A larger project was then designed with the assistance of our co-investigators, Professor Felix Akorli In Oxford, the project benefitted greatly from the logistical support and guidance (at the National University of Rwanda) and Professor Timothy waema (at the provided by David Sutcliffe, Duncan Passey, Emily Shipway, Pauline kinniburgh, University of Nairobi). The larger project was funded by a multi-year ESRC- Clarence Singleton, Tim Davies, and Professor william Dutton. Isis Amelie DFID grant (RES-167-25-0701 | ES/I033777/1).
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