Study Guide Ch 4 S.S. 7 Answers /26 Name______

Define the following terms in your OWN words /13

Treaty of Utrect- A peace treaty between France and England that gave control of most of including over to the English. The French kept control of Cape Breton and Quebec.

Portage-A path that connects two rivers or lakes; and it also means to carry boats or goods over land between the waterways.

Northwest Company-A French fur trade company started in to compete with the HBC. This company sent out Cour De Bois to the to collect furs.

Stockade-The large fence around a fur trade fort made of very tall posts

Pemmican-A type of food used by the Cour De Bois. It is dried, shredded buffalo meat mixed with fat and berries.

Ethnocentric-The idea that your culture and ideas are better than any other culture.

Barter system-A system of trade used by the First Nations. They traded goods for other goods. No money was exchanged.

Ruperts Land-The land granted to the Hudson Bay Company by the King of England for the use of the fur trade. It was further North of the area they had already used in the fur trade.

Great Peace of Montreal-A peace treaty between New France and several First Nations groups. They were fighting over conflicts during the fur trade. This was where the term “bury the hatchet” came from.

Chipewyan-A First Nation group in the North. A NWC fur trade fort was set up close to them.

Whiskey Trade-The American’s crossed our border to set up a trading post that traded alcohol for furs. It led to a lot of violence.

Metis-People with a First Nations mother and a European father. It meant mixed blood.

Francophone-A person whose first language is French.

In your own words describe who these people were and why were they famous

Alexander Mackenzie-An explorer that worked for the HBC that was trying to find a passage to the Great Western Sea (Pacific Ocean). His first attempts led him to the Arctic Ocean but eventually he sailed down the Peace river and across the Bella Coola River and out to the Pacific.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert-A French noble put in charge of the fur trade by the King of France. He wanted the Cour De Bois to travel to the First Nations to trade instead of building forts.

Jean Talon-He wanted the King of France to invest in business and trade in New France to attract more settlers. His wanted to spend money to make money.

Governor Frontenac-A French Noble made . When the Haudenosaunee attacked and the small pox had killed many First Nations, Frontenac wanted to push further inland and north to find new and better trade partners.

Voyageurs-Originally called the Cour De Bois, they were fur traders that went out to the First Nations to trade.

Nor’Westers-Anyone that worked for the Northwest Company.

List 4 things First Nations women did for the fur trade. /4

1, Prepared furs. They skinned, stretched and dried the furs to get ready for transportation.

2, Worked in the forts. They were cooks, maids and made items like moccasins and birch bark canoes.

3,Worked on the road. They went with the to gather fur from other First Nations. They would cook , clean and act as guides for the men.

4,Shared language and geography skills. They acted as interpreters and guides to the different villages.

List 3 ways the fur trade was not positive for the first nations /3

1, Introduction of disease 2, Trade was not fair 3, Caused many tribal wars 4, Lost their traditional way of life 5,They left their traditional land and moved onto other nations land. It caused many disputes over land. 6, Loss of language. 7, Alcohol 8, Lost traditions