Article DOI 10.22491/cmm.a017 On employing Air Power for the benefit of the Ground Force Una visión del uso del Poder Aéreo en beneficio de la Fuerza Terrestre Abstract: This study is a reflection on the application of Air Power Marco Aurélio Vasques Silva in support of Ground Forces, addressing this combination’s ability Exército Brasileiro. Grupo de Caballería to guide modern combat and ensure success in war, given the fle- Aérea – 1 xibility of air assets. A qualitative, deductive and bibliographically Cochabamba, Bolívia based research method, supported by content analysis, was used to
[email protected] broaden the horizons set forth by Douhet, Mitchell, Seversky, and Warden, discussing the role of Army Aviation at the operational Eduardo Xavier Ferreira Glaser Migon and tactical levels. The potential for organizational innovation is Exército Brasileiro. Comando da 2ª Divisão suggested, influencing the Ground Force’s restructuring and mana- de Exército gerial model. Finally, the study suggests that the notion of strictly São Paulo, SP, Brasil strategic Air Power employment has been surpassed, considering the
[email protected] participation in recent fighting not only of Air Force air assets at the strategic level, but also of Ground Force air assets at the operational and tactical levels. It also demonstrates how Army Aviation is able to provide the necessary support to troops in the ground, enhancing Ground Force capabilities. Keywords: Military Sciences. Military Operations. Air Strategy. Air Power. Military Aviation (Army). Resumen: Se trata de una reflexión acerca de la aplicación del Po- der Aéreo, en particular junto a la Fuerza Terrestre, abordando su capacidad para conducir combates modernos y la garantía de éxito en la guerra, debido a la flexibilidad de los medios aéreos.