VOL 1V.-NO. 4. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAYS NOVEMBER 3, 1869. WHOLE NO. 169. ------J*- BU8INB68 CARDS. FKOM MAPLE IIAPIDN. The office of the Winter* Soldier* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. Bh« (EUttim § tidfprndfti Maple Rapids , Oct. 25,1869. Friend has been removed frottt daven ­ DENTISTRY. f JITAILnrQ EYE PBESEBVEB& ET THE BIST. ’*ri8 CUBA PEST IN THE Pt bllshed every Wednesday , by Ede. independentThere waa quite port, Iowa, to No. 8, Custom House •ad. A» liirn ofaw. the whicrlbn will c< G\lau« to supply tk« imdnltl ♦fork at a fair pri tJOitblT Sc ESTES, an excitement in Maple Rapids last plate, Chicago. Great inducements Messrs. LIZARDS A MORRIS, Thirteen yuan experience. Office prescribing a vUA*f® ptactloa, aa formerly. otBoe and widen NT. JOHNS, MICH. Friday evening. It seems that two are being offered to subscribers; The OPTICIAliSaoCULISTS Ut. JohnajEkh. f!4yl] G. K. CORBIN. M. D notorious characters by the names of OFFICE:—OVER CORBIT’S HARDWARE publishers propose to send the paper HARTFORD, OONN^ REMOVAL. ■■■■STORE, WALKER MTREE Wells and Brown, went to old Mr. H. WATTS has remove d hie bail*hailier ahop to the remainder of tbia year grttil to • ovor oaeob store, (Hickseke' new i block) Bubacription, #1 SO Per Yesti- Smith’s saloon to kick up R row, as is those subscribing now for 1870. It Wwhore ha will attendSlaving, tri Slaving. Hair CutHair tiny C and Maln«, * bam tia and Dy«4i»g. Booms fitted IN ADVANCE. supposed, they having fire arms with should be in the hands of every soldier. «PDta a pleasant comfortable manner. them, and partially succeeded in doing 8t.t donna.ina, JarJanuarySth, IMS. 16:yl. Advertisements Inserted at reasonable rates. so; the timely interference of 6ome Livery .—Chan. McDonald, in the ■OSES BARTOW. JOB PRINTING A Tremendous Stock Have, with a view to moot tbe Increasing demand TTOBNEY and Counsellor at Law and Soli ­ Of every description promptly and aoatly ass' citizens put a atop to the prooeedinga. St. Johns House barn, is opening the for their citor la Chancery, Also, Collecting Agent, at euted,at satisfactory prices. liveky business on an extensive scale. OF 4Wiastphaha, Clinton County, Michigan. (n49) ■SMBMdilahBH As Mr. Smith keeps no liquors, it is CELEBRATED Hi# horses are large, strong, gentle and C. W. TOPPING, ■. 0., HOME MATTERS. supposed to bs a design to impose on narsiciAN and BUitoKON, ont.. m,, hi. the old mao, becadsc he tries to keep a fat, hie carriage* of the latest style, and Perfected Spectacles JT resldeooe, on Main Street, DtWlU, Michigan. Particular attention given to surgical cases. [lOyl Brbyitiks .—There has been sboit respectable place. The affair waa dis ­ to tell the story as it is, the publio ean STOVES! Apppointed be accommodated it all timel with A. J. WIGGINS, 75,000 bushels of wheat shipped from graceful in the extreme, aud the perpe­ E. tti KELLOGG, HT8ICIAN AND BUttUKON. Office over this village the present season. anything in the livery line that they Gate B. U. South * Co.) Baker’s dry goods sot ore, west rids Clinton trators should be summarily dealt with. Dealer In PAvenue. All profeeeional calls, night or dat\ —November comes in pleasant, and —The dwelling bouse of S. W. Smith may desire. Clocks, WdlckfoL litkrelry, Silver promptly attended to. Particular attention given •ad Platdd Wake, dec.t to Chronic and Surgical cases. 49:tf we took forward to a “long spell o' took fire Thursday morning last, from A National Wou.-WrUtir'i Dictionary, Un- St. «Xolin», Michigan; weather. some detect in the stove qjipe, which aWtdged, illustrated, la a national work, In which ' AilSttT HOUSE. every American acbolar has aa Interact, and In tba As their sole Agent for tllift place. They have T«OOT of Clinton Avs., Sc Johns. Mich. H w —R. Plumstead is receiving his fal was soon extinguished by the* help of taken care to give all needful instruct Iona, and have T Walton. Proprietor. This Isa Now House, and completeness and accuracy of ihkh hk should have confidence in tbe ability of their agent# to meet tbe Hfis been fitted up with special reference to the a pride, —a national pride, If yon please,—the same Stage office for Ithaca, Alma and winter stock of goods. Gall and the citizens, for which he returns his requirements of all ctlatonibra. Aa opportunity will VeHts of the public, kind of pride we have In the superior Intelligence, be tbua afforded to procure, at all times, and'St. Louis. examine them. thanks. s. enterprise, resources, and capacity for adaptability Optctaclei Unegaallel Rp uky tmi rtiORNTON’S FINE ART GALLERY. —A gay and festive young “M. D.” to occasion, of the masses of tbs pMple of the Untied theirMrengihenlng; aid MyfcoTCG-RAPHS large and small, and In fact named Eugene Bassett, was am-sted Lansing , St. Jouns & Mackinac States. We have always been proud dt Wumi’i Preserving Qualities. JL every variety of picture made at the above Gal- Dictiokabt . It should be remembered thetthe tfry, either large or small. Particular attention ts R. R.—We learn ^iat a meeting of the Too much cannot be mid aa to their Superiority ^called to enlarging and If dyslred colored in oil Saturday last, for being drunk and dis­ publishers have had large experience and the com over tbe ordinary glasses worn. There ia no glim ­ tor India Ink. Head of ClnU-n Aveni Executivo Committee of the Board of mend of large resource# in the preparation and per­ mering, wavering of tbe sight, dizziness, or other Vest side. (1J L. W. Thornton , Artist orderly, and was brought before Jus­ unpleasant sensations, but on tbe contrary, from Directors of the L., St. J. & M. R. R. fection of this great work, and have aimed to make the perfect construction of the Lenses, they are tice McFarlan and fiued $8. This is —as we Are confident they have succeeded In doing soot hlng and pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to SPAULDING 4 CRANSON, was held on the 26th ult., at which Just Received at the wearer, Arid TTORNEY!} and Counsellors at Law.iindBoHci the “youth” that borrowed our “paste the aist Dictionary of the English langoags. — tors In Chancery, Bt. Johns, Clinton Co. Mich time it was resolved to proceed imme­ Moore ’s Rural New-YoVkW. Producing a Cloar anA Diet I act AO. L. BPACLDINQ. I J. fSANSOW dish” some time since, and failed to Vleloa, diately with the survey of the route. Ae In the NATURAL HEALTHY 8IGHT. return it. MARRIED. J. H. CORBIT’S, MI8CKM-AMKOUS. Mr. J. L. Paldi will have charge of They are tbe only Spectacles that —Train left his record in the Russell At dt. Paul’s Church, Film, Mich., Octol*r27, ProuorVo au Well aa Assist tho ATTENTION, MBHLBS the work, under the personal direction 1869, by the Rev. Marcus Lane, Mr. LeRny C. Whit- Walker Street, West. Sight I House register, Detfrdit, thus: “George ne>,ot East Saginaw, and M.ss .lenuie £. Rankin, And are the Cheapest because tbe Bget, alwayi W« ere manufacturing and ■have on hand a larger of the president, Mr. Steel, and will be of Flint, daughter of F. H. Rankin. QRGAN SI lasting manv years without change being necessary. J'quantity of the Francis Train—From Puget Sound via At the Residence of H. M. Perrin. October 26th, CuUtion. —Mr. E. H. Kellogg, Jeweler, St. San Francisco, New York, Cincinnati assisted by Mr. Mclllvain, city sur­ by the Rev. G. M. Tut hill, Mr. Charles Adame, and Sohiis, M.ch., is their only Agent appointed in this f tapreve* GreestaA Fanifcg Mills Mlae^Luc^H^Perrlri^uro^t^o^is^^^^^^ place. OT We employ no peddlers. 88:ly aud Chicago, delivering the 218th l$c veyor of Lansing, and other competent t ■d a l DIED. ORGANS 1 A aid Milk Safes ture of a course of 600 to-night, on the cnginecra. Preparations are being PLANING MILL. Than ever before In -one season. Our Mills are su HII.L—In Beiignl,I, Nov. 2, 1809. of that dread way to the White House in 1872. ” made with all vigor, and next week at diseitsr. Consumption, Rose M..... daughter...u| bf Curt- petfor to any In use, as we have a perfect shake at ST. JOHNS both ertds of the-shoe. These Mills have also more this time, a party of engineers will, land end Lucinda Hill, aged 28 yesrA. Sieves and Screens than are generally fouud in thoae —We should thiuk it would be The deceased had a large circle bf friends, and rrFrn | of other manufactured. They separate the grmas good idea if the large crowd of anxious without doubt, be busily at work. how much she was esteemed the traders of lh< MANUFACTURING COMPANY, seed, chess end cockle in a vety periect manner. The Officers and directors resident at lines can testify. She bore her iibge- Ing Illness Mills asld fwr Omsk or Apprevgd buyers that are constantly thronging wltb a quiet resignation; and tbrorigh all her suffer Nelsa. the mammoth store of M. Heavenrich this plac4 visited Lansing od Thursday ng not a murmur escaped her llpk. For ibe last Manufacturers and dealers la All orders will receive prompt attention and Friday of last week, to consult with four weeks, the spoke not a word Abkjye a whisper; Mills always On hand at Madison's Agricultural & Co., would wait patiently for their hut her reason remained unlmpalfod to the last . Warehouse, bt. Johns. the Lansing parties interested, and to W. A. PLUMSTEAD i W.T.drR. £. DAVIES. turn, they might get waited upon fooment, and in the doelng hour* of life, she mani­ . P. O. address, Eureka, Mich, select the point of junction with the fested a composure rif mind and resignation ot LUMBER, s Greenl.uxh, July 21.1869 ______41:tf much sooner. tk krefit for Cllatka and Oratlit anaing & Ionia road. We believe an spirit that but few poesees. She cboee thk minister Ciuntles el (jlARMKRsi’ LUNCH —The artesian Well is going down to preach her funeral sermon, flamed his text, arrangement has been effected by which •elected a rborister, and eren sent for a person to -AND- finely. They have passed through DOORS, SASH, WINDOW FRARESi the track of this koad will be used by borne and lay her out ; and In the last featfril strag ­ Smiths'American Organ quicksand and are now iuto clay, at a gle, said she was happy, and willing tb go. the Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac R. This is the fourth tloik that death has entered onr BLINDS, BRACKETS, CORNICE, 'vDiNlKG ROOM, depth of about 100 feet. -AND- 1., thereby enjoying all their conveni ­ circle, and takeu each tithe e lovely daughter, whose —Wood aud corn wanted at this ages were respectively 19, 9, 18, 25. We ibould ShelrlRg, Btiaster*, Newels, E!c.* JOHN C. HATTON’S BAKERY. office on subscription. ences, and saving some expense in build ­ never cotriplalri of kind Provldbuce, for uHe doetb Hallett A Cnmston ’s Pianos. ing a liue into the city of Lansing. sit things well”; but It requires the resignation of a rna Dismiss Tsa mad Csffss Christian to suppress a murmur when our loved ST. JOHNS, MICH. Removed .—Miss M. E. Darling has DEALER IN At all hours. ones are taken away in the full bloom of youth, OYSTERS removed her stock bf milliucry and SHEPAkDSVILl.E, NoV. 1, ’69. after we have spent our best endeavors to train them for society and fit them for usefulnesa io life. S&EET MUSIC OF ALL ONUS. In every style to suit customers. Picketed Feet fancy goods to tho Gibbs House block. £de. Independent:—A melancholy AU df fend Tongue, roast Beef, roast Pork and Beans, But so It is ordered, and I will not repine. I have klrifu {Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cheese, &c See advertisement in another column. accident occurred at our village this lost a'l ambition to acquire wealthor position —my loved onee have gone over tbe river, end 1 lone to PLEASE CALL AND EX­ , OYSTERS at Wholesale A Retell. [29:t motning. As the mixed train going Mouldings Made to Order; Leo Broken .—A fellow by the he with them. C. HILL. AMINE INSTRUMENTS. CAT 40 CENTS PER CAN west was leaving the station, e little name of Joseph Whipple, had his leg On reasonable terms. >ny about 3 years old; belonging to R. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. broken between the knee aud ankle, on Viltt-nnour, a trackman, attempted to A FijfE : Sdlesroolh at R. Plum- Cuatbm Flaking St Floor BrcauiaJ Fall Trade arid Fasblons for Thursday last, while wrestling with cross the track beneath the cars, and stead ’s Store, 18^00. Johiel Moore in the saloon under the Done on short notice at low prices. while immediately over the rail l»o was FARM FOR SALE! St. Johns,Hou8c. R. M. 8TKEL, President, Thesubscriber offers for sale, on reasonable terms, ST. JTOPilsrS- J. L. PALDI, Secretary. I \ Now FI rite With tit Ifltindld caught by the wheel, and some four his farm rif So acres, sltusted on section 30, in the township of Bengal. The farm Is all lm->roved, 168— 3m. Stock of A uction .—Mr. Waiter Bradshaw’, )us8 d over his body before he could St.Johns, May 13.1868. 41:tf 5 acre rirchard of liearing fruit, frame bam ahd shed, tern i siav i Bengal, has bills out advertising Life >e extricated, ciushing him in a fearful good log house, ta*o good wells of water, and the GEO. W. ESTES 4 SON, NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS whole well fenced. Will he sold with 26 acres of stock and fanning implements, etc., f«»r manner, caiising almost instant death. wheat on the ground. This farm is situated in an FARRIERS, wagons . old and welt settled part of the county, and has drfice at residence, on dpting 8>revt, 8t. Johns, M. sale on Saturday, Nov. 13th, 18G9. blame can he attached to any one, good nadk to it. For particulars enquiie of G. H. All profreslOnal calls, night or day, promptly at­ NK W Msssts. ELNtER * KATHE, COKBIT, St. Johns. tended to. 166— 159 WALTER BRAD9HAW. (Successors t6 Pitts A Kathc.) He also offers his larm for sale. as tho child was on the opposite side of OBU. W. k8TBS. a. M. ESTES. Are noW prepared, wltb a fine stock of CL0TH8, the train; and unnoticed Until too late. WAGON MD BLACKSMITH to cut and make to order New Barber Shop .—Mr. George MlIF.ItlFF'ft MALK. Lenox . REMOVAL. (STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Clinton, st. Dirubcrger has opened a first-class har­ ° John S riven, plaintiff, vs. Norton (Smith, de­ S H 0 3?. . Cents ’ Clothing, fendant By virtue of a Fi. Fa., is-tieri out of the the latest styles and in the best Workmanlike bor shop, first door north of Williams A utumn —The most delightful sea- Circuit Court for the county ol Clinton, In the State ■banner. of Michigan, to me directed and delivered, against J. H. INQALL grocery store, and hfid secured the ser­ gnh of the year, is now again radiant MISS Ms E. DAllLING the goods aud chattels, and tenements of Norton Mr. ELSTER, late of Ann Arbor, is sn old and Smith, defendant, named in said writ, I did on the Has started a blacksmith and Aragon shop at fi»o xperlenced cutter. vice of Mr. H. Ii. Tidball, late of Ionia, Would inform her friends and customer* that she lkth day of October, A. D. 1869. takk*. sol re and with her smiles of Welcome to the chil­ has removed her.stock of corner of Hlgham and Ottawa streets, near tbe Perfiict kits Warmnted In Every levy upon all the right, title and interest of said Foundry, where he will keen constantly on hand an who haB a prime reputation as a barber. dren of men ; the gentle and balmy Norton Smith, of, in and to tbe following piece or assortment of vehicles of all klndk, Which he wUl Cass* parcel of land, to-wit : The south half of the south­ Satisfaction guaranteed. >reezes fan the cheek of the poor as MILLNERY west quarter of section nine, (9), In town seven, (7), sell cheap for cash. Give them a trial. They may be found In the north of range one (1) west; all ot said land being store room Opposite the Bt. John bakery, Walker well as the rich ; the un just as well ai TO THE In Clinton County, Michigan. Notice is, there­ street west. Sweet Pek Fimes.—Mr. C. S. Wells, fore, hereby g ven, that by virtue of said writ, REPAIRING Otf ALL KINDS Mxrch 31st. IMS. 26:tf Promptly attended to. of the St. Johns News Depot, is just the just, and tells us in whispers, that Hoiiae Hlook, and df the said levy, and in pursuance oft he author­ PEOPLE’S ity vested in me by thestatute In such case made ns the leaves wither and fall to decay, Where ■h^wili be pleased to see ALL. and provided, I ahall expose for sale at public auc­ in Receipt of a fine stock of choice per­ tion, on Saturday, the 18th day of December, A. D. Horse-shoeing fumeries and hair oils. We would ad ­ lere is a time when we shall also 1869, at S o'clock P. M., to the highest bidder, sll and all kinds of HER STOCK OF right, title and Interest of the above named defend ­ vise those who wish something good in wither and drop into decay, and pass to ant, Norton Hmlth, in said lands, at the outer door JOBBING- BONE PROMPTLY: BOOK STORE! our long home, a “bourne from which of the Circuit Court Koora, in the village of St. this line, to give him u call. lohne, for said county of Clinton. —Dated Qctobef 8th. 1869. Give him a call. a£3otf. no traveler returns.” She speaks to us ■ILI1NERT S FMCT GOODS 4:6w HENRY P. ADAM8, Sheriff. ^ ^ ■ate Rklioious .—Rev. L. W. Earle, pas­ of time gone by, never to roturn, and Is completa in every respebt. TATE OF MICHIGAN.-The Circuit Court IJtH^iEIT PLACE TO OfeT J. B. CHAPIN* for the Comity of Clinton. The Eighth Judicial tor of the M. E. Chiif'ch, who is giving adHionishe* ns that the cold, chilly SCircuit- In Chancery . , Has Just Opened at univeral satisfaction, will, on Suudky A FULL STOCK dr Peter L. Vauconeant, Compiaitiant, vs. Thomaa ilrtits of winter will soon be here; kel- Irwin and John Lynch. ROOT8 & SHOES evening next, commence a course of At a eeeelon of said court, held at St. Johtte, on cotue to those who are prepared for the WOUQTEZDS tbe llth day of October, A. D. I860. Present : ilon. The #14 reel Oflte 8Ui4 lectfihes entitled “ Four Steps to Stic- Cdndtaotljr on band. 1 orate 8. Lovell, Circuit Judge. It sgtltfactonly winter festivities, and privations to appearing to thisCourt that the defendant, Thomas WM. STAN cert.” These lectures will undoubted ­ Irwin, is a non-resident of tble Stale, and a resident -i w- the poor and needy —ponaibly death. of the 8tate of Ohio, and that the Bill of Complaint Desires to tnfoHn thb tmblfe generally, that he now ly prove interesting, as this Rev. gen ­ EVERY DESCRIPTION OF In this cause was duly filed, and the tuhixena duly located In We have been blest with an abundant leaned end returned rind riled with the Register of JOT?. JOHN’S^ tleman is an able teacher bf right and Machine knitting this Court without personal service thereof having PAINE ’B block , larveit; the husbandman ’s granaries been obtained u poh the an Id Thomas Irwin. Ills wisdom. Doom promptly, and at reasonable rates. Ordered that said defendant appear and answer the torhfoe he le prepaled to do every dekeriptlon of are full to overflowing, and we should Bill of Complaint tiled In this muse, wltllri three indeed be thankful to tbs Father of all month# from the date of this order, or that each CauUm Wark. AlfpOirlaf, Etc., Found in the Woods .—A craiy A complete stook of Blit he taken as conf essed by htm. And It Is further for His bountiful providence. orders 1. that within twenty tidy- the said complain ­ On short notice. 1 MIL ITI1IERT MD man named Squire#, from Washington TOYS, ant cause \his ordor to be published In Tub Clih- For tho Holidays. to* InDsrBNDBNT, a newspaper printed In said Dive me a call hefrire ordering elsewhere, as t totrnahip, Gratiot County, was foutxj county, for six .ucceesl ve weeks after the first pnh- warrant mtisfactlob In every Instance. ♦toy stork . Mean .—The mefineat act we have Nov. Ed, 1869. 180 ||*f supervisor of Waatftagtoo township on the tre*a will only serve for eider 9H Part ten lar attention pnM Id Jobbing (481 fit Jebns Ott FT 1UUU !«• - shefs* UMsbertraldfc . IKtttflWUEXCE. Foreign Mens. Jwo.fr- Hie did miller thought the Isualftsafs — Ft*** — —Vermont is the richest state, per capita, —The total value of cotton produced this paid a little riait to the baron aa^hia wife, Grain Receipt* am* fklpasaU-Tks in the Union. year in Italy is estimated to be about £12,- 6IHJLIA 8IMILIBTJ8 CUSABTUB, and told them what his daughter wished. tub PAVPBB 1* OIAD CHILD* KleetlMNh-Ptaaer to Gea. Tte They had almost forgotten little Lieee, for Dssirsbls Hi -1111 met* Central —Louisville has $61)2,000 invested in 000,000. HPHPHBBYV ffioahl fcmtt fWyooCItjjffieten the door ; she was poor, and it was several years since foUlm4 seboobhottgea. —The cholera has made its appearance With a Mfftit tread Map on the creaking door. they had seen her. But all their reoollee- Chicago , Oet 30.—^Yesterday we hid the in Moscow, Russia, and the deaths average HOMEOPATHIC ifECOFfCS There’sk mawd hioatnvhkl ou th*fact*; —Tennessee owes $39,264,144,611, and leans of hag were r*ry plnsssnt, and thfitfr- covering the ground thirty per day. AV# PROVED, FROM THE MOST AMPLE T^fi tt at> jjfiktr. Mltft ware free. -M and evening to tbe has only $09,200 in ita treasury. ripmcnce, -tn- entire success 1 StwpttP- Tea; oo& iaat Utfle Elate died ; fore they welcomed the proposition with dun!in* —The police force of Berlin is to be a Just op —ad her ejraa, then shivered and sighed. joy* depth of three inches. To-day the weather "Slippery Sam” is the not very dignified ' I’romj.t —Efficient and Reliable. They are the wrapped bar la my is comfortably mild, and the snow is mat dis ­ title given to the Bishop of Oxford. ariued with life preservers, which have re- ;uly Jfudickit* perfectly adapted to aopalar use, They then asked Lili what she thonght appearing. oeutly been ordered in Paris. 1 simple that ml stake* caoaot oa made in eotA and colder — morning broke, about it, and though she was silent for a —It is computed that the English using them; ao hamlage as U> be fire# from dan- moment, they saw the tears stealing to her m0bmon immigrants . —A copy of Sh&kspcaxo’g comedies, his­ -cr, and so efficient *4 to be always reliable. h coffin Ilea os tbe chairs Night before last some three hundred Mor ­ languane is understood by 100,000,000 peo ­ t hey have raised tbe highest commendation from THdiSh fahut my ayea, etW Iaeelt theft, eyea—ahehad not forgotten the little Liese ple. tories and tragedies, printed an London iu all, and will always reader anrlsfaclleu. monimmigrants from Europe passed through 1623, was recently sold for $1,980. of former yean. Tbe baron promised to Chicago, en route for bait Lake. The mer­ von pay all the exp wises that might be necessa­ chant* of thia city have an extensive trade —A new illaminAtiug mixture consists of —Over a thousand Parisian lorettes have , Cures Fevers, CongegUon, Inflammations Hie baa frown ao thin; dim. rank were her eyes, ry for Liese to leave the factory, and ar­ with the Latter-day Saints, pud D. B. Fisk A two parts rape-seed oil and one of petroleum gone to Alexandria, Cairo and Huez to be “ Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colk * ▲a*she looked at me ao wttftd and wiae: ranged that ahe should spend several oil. Crytov-Oollc ofteeffiliiff off iffimta» ‘Tm not hungry now: there'll be more (or yon; Co. , whose sales of millinery goods last week present At tbe Inauguration of the Suez DlSarrnsMk otdJidrra or Adults. .35 Broad — much longer for one than Inf two." months, if need be, in his castle, nursing exoeeded by ELM100 the sales of the cor ­ —The result of the great fire in the Dis­ 1 Canal. 1 » D/aeaterv, Grl|*ig, Bilious Colic.* his daughter. responding week last year, fit out the upper Chslcra4lerkaa Vomiting ....jh story of Brigham Young ’s wives, and other mal Swamp is a lake from three to ten feet —King William of Prussia offers tho Caggha, Colds, Bronchitis...... M When the miller wrote to Liese, she was per­ deep. Pope a carpet to cover the floor of the hall tttt:'t£R£££StJSt WRB fectly delighted that her proposal had been leading Saintesses, on the democratic princi­ NearalglAi Toothache, Paccacbe..ah V And a— OoA goon. ” ahe smiling said, by “rireem* ple that one woman's money is just as good —A late fire in New Hampshire caused a in which the great Council will meet. It HesdscMsHtck Headache,Vertigodl Rnarhttaw and clear, aa I‘re ae— tham lb dseaina. accepted, and never did the old stage-coach as another’s. will cost $50,000. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach...... MyLord —lie’s the aame as Jesus, yea hnOw— carry a hapnier heart than it did on the neighboring row of apple trees to bnd and Suppressed, or Painful Periods.. .95 Will load me, and I aball be reeled ao; • morning she left Chemnitz on her way run. blossom. —An Irshwoman in London has been ar­ Iff bites, too profhse Periods ...... 16 And I'm an re he'll let me run to tbe gate home, and to Lili’s bedside. We had three destructive fires siuoe my last rested for drunkenness more than three When I think you're coming —ao don't be lata." , letter, one on Canal street, involving aloes of —Dr. Cooley, of Kansas City, recently hundred times, nnd has beeu convicted The meeting between the girls was pleas­ $75,000; another ou State street, destroying performed the operation of removing the Htieu naatlwm, I {ben malic pains.. X She aaht something alee; bat tbe din end tbe roar ant, and very pleasant, though Lili was aud imprisoned more than one hundred Fever Sc Ague, Chill Fever, AgaesM 1 - ■ ------—d more $35,000 worth of property, and another still, entire collnr bone. times. FiiSMS, blind or bleeding ...... ao very weak, and Liese could not have told last night, in the granary of the Northwest­ Opt h aim y, and sore or weak Byeafie who it was if she had seen her anywhere ern Distilling Company, causing a loss of -Forty-two murders wore committed in —The heir of the Huntingdon estates, in fatffrrhLhcute prl*cliarge*,impalredhraring00 I am Hitting here; while the children creep losses by Which range from a few hundred tq, wrest his ancestral possessions from the Softly op to the doer to catch a peep. up at all hours of the night, and gave her a few thousand dollars; but, except to the —At the Boston Mechanics’ Fair, 4.778,- Nerofkl In. en farmed gmnds.awellinga90 medicine, and attended to every want By parties interested, they are scarcely deemed 700 pounds of humanity were weighed. — bauds of base pretenders. GeueralDcbility.phyalcaiweaknesaSO I’ve no flower*. -xoept thia daiay I found; and by Lili began to re cover, but the doo. Dropajr. and scanty Secretions. ...SO It was hidden beneath a rubbish mouud. worthy of notice. The average was 133 pounds. —There is a remarkable diver named KeawBIclt vqmuu okheaa from ridiogse Ift« ElHie, though crushed, dowu trodden by man, tor notioed one day thu her eyes were rary OKAIN RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Coad at Bodmin, in Cornwall, Eng., who, kidney-Disease, Gravel...... Tfifl weak, and after a tew Jays, that they grew —The recent census of Atlanta, Georgia, Nervous Debility Seminal' It caiue from GctLaud rest with her it can. The receipts of wheat just now are quite shows the population of the city proper to during a recent swimming match, remained Etuisstena, involuntary DU- Is it time to go ? Tbe rain hu come on; much worse, bhe could not bear the least liberal, being' trouble the shipments and under water three minutes aud teu sec- charges...... \ flQ n Wet wiU be tbe earth *bat she’ll lie open. light, and while her body was getting be 29,166, of whom 13,184 are colored. Yet; Whene'er I kissed her ahe always smiled ; double the receipts of thia time last year, ohds. This exceeds anythiug of the kind xy, Sore noufb. Canker...... 60 go be only what was my child. stronger all the time, her eves were becom ­ when the shipments trebled the receipts. —One hundred head of horses were sto ­ on record. au, 1 riatetrv Wen frmymm wetting bedsO ing weaker, and the doctor was very fear­ And this accounts, m part, for the low price si, Psfnfai iPerieffite, with spasms , so len by Indians from the ranches and sta­ —Father Uyacinthe’s conduct creates a S2, tluirsrlagx at change of life...... 1 00 ful thatahe might bWbttnd, And so it was of wheat, No. 2 yesterday falling to 96 oeute. tions along Canon creek, Montana, in three W. Kptlanny,£p&&maJt.VUaa’i)anc*l 00 The low price will stimulate shipments, but great deal of talk in Rome. The Pope was MisttUaneous. —Lili, the beaatifal daughter of the baiuu, days. mueb depressed for several days alter the 3-1. Diphtheria, nteeatedaoie throat .80 became totally blind. As soon ss she was will diminish receipts. In the mean time, FAMILY CASKS strong enough to go out and walk about, collections in the country are better, and the —Four women were elected members of news came, but his Holiness seems more the MiLLBtfc’s daughter . banks extend all needed accommodations to the School Committee in the town of E.ist- cheerful. The Council Hall arrangements Of 85 to 70 large vials, ■ she always needed somebody to take her the business community. artSri!?fbrCePeiy,oS«I!arT by tbe hand; and who should do this but ford, Windham county, Conn., at the re­ divert his thoughts a little from what must O k a high bill which rises above a little THE ELECTIONS cent election. be to him, however, and every Roman disease a fkmlly In sabjeet tm, Silesian village, there stands a very large Liese? She became vary much Attached to to come off the second proximo, make poli ­ Catholic, a sorrowful affair. and hooka of directions ...... Liese again, as one might suppose; for no ­ — A paper at Elko, on the Pacific Rail­ From $10 to $8$ old castle. Nobody knows bow long it lias ticians quite active, and the political atmos ­ — Anthony Trollope received from his been there, and how many times it has body, not even her own mother, could take phere is geLting pretty warm. The general road, speaks of the apathy of the highway smaller Family and Tnrellnc cases, such care of her as the miller’s daughter. and special taxes of tho city and county equal robbers, no outrage having been perpe­ English publishers £3,000 tor his “He with 20 to»frials...... from $5 to $8 cbpnged its owners. At the time of which Kuew He Was Right.” It was published Specifics for all Private Diseases,both I am speaking, however, it was occupied by It was now out of all question for Liese five or six milltons of dollars a year, and the trated by them in the last three days. for Curing and for Preventive to go back again to the iactory in Chem­ strife as to which set of officers shall assess, in thirty-six parts, at six-pcnce each. The treatment, in vials and pockotcaaea,$2to$5 a baron and his wife and only daughter, collect and disburse this large sum is fierce —A running spring of salt water, nearly sale was poor, and it is said in Loudon that together with enough servants to take care nitz, and the baron made arrangements for POND’D EXTRACT, hereto become a permanent raomber of his and bitter. Meetings are now held nightly hh strong as that obtained at u depth oi if the publishers had given Mr. Trollope of such an immense house. Down in the in all parieof the oity, the most inflammato­ 800 feet, was discovered near tho works of £2,000, and then destroyed the MSS., they Cures Burns. Braises, Lameness, village, close by the stream, which passed family, to take care of his Lili, and to be ry speeches are made, crimination aud re­ So re news, So re Throat. Sprains. Tooth ­ her constant attendant. One day Lili told the Western Salt Company, at.Zilwaukce, would have beeu better oft -. ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheuma­ through it, there stood a time-worn mill crimination follow, the presB is vehement and Mich., a few days ago. tism. Lumbago, Piles, Boils, things. The miller, who wns an old man, had sev­ Liese how she had become very ranch personal, and the canvass, before it closes, —Among the working classes of Brussels Bore Eye* Bleeding of the Luugs, ashamed of associating with poor people, promises to bo the hottest one knowu here —An alligator was captured in the river there is great excitement over the kidnap ­ Nose. Momteb, or of Plies; Corns, Fl­ eral children, among whom was little Liese. eers, Old Mores. Price 50 eta. to $1.75 She went to school every day, and as fre­ nnd that therefore she had ceased to corre ­ for years. at Alton, Ill., last week. It was 7 * feet ping of children. Some time ago the papers quently as she looked up at the beautiful spond with her. Bnt now,as soon as afllie DINNEB TO OEN. OEO. II. THOMA8. long, and weighed 175 pounds. It was published an account ot the arrest of a These Remedies, except POND’S BX- tion had come upon her, she fonnd that the A complimentary dinner was given at the covered with thick laminated scales, and Princess accused of killing children in order TRACT, by the ease or single box, arc sent to castle standing above the village, wondered Tremont Honse, last night, to Major General any part ot the couutry, by mail or express, free it the people who lived in H were not a friend of her early youth was a tme was verjr repulsive and formidable looking. to bathe in thoir blood, lor the purpose of uf charge, ou receipt of tbe price. frieiul indeed, and one who did not forget Thomas, on his way homo from the East, by preserving her beauty. This absurd inven ­ great deal happier than those who lived some of the officers of his old Etaff and com ­ —Tho castor bean, from which the oil is Address Humphreys’ Specific down in the village, and especially, than her. mand, at whioh Gen. ftheridan and staff and ts n took such bold otthe popularimagina- Year after year passed by, and yet poor made, is becoming an important industry tiim that within the last few days several Homeopathic Medicine Company, her own little sell. a large uumber of military officers of more in Perry county, CaL One prominent deal ­ Ofllcc and Depot, No. 5C2 Broadwat , New York. One day the ltaron living in the castle Lili never recovered her sight. Hue had or less note were present. It was a complete persons - amoug them two Englishmen — always l>een very fond of reading, bnt now er received at his warehouse 1,000 bushels who have accidentally spoken to children Dr. lluaruRSYs is consul ted daily at hia office, sent down word to the miller to grind him surprise to Gen. Thomas. A goodly number in one day, mying $3.18 per bushel. It pci anally or by letter, as above, for all forma of oould not read any more. Liese, the poor of speeches were made, and the affair passed in the str els, have incurred the suspicion disease. some Hour, that very day, but as the miller ofT very pleasantly. yields more bushels to the acre than wheat. eouhl not do it, having so mnch already miller’s daughter, whom she had despised, of being kidnappers, and Lave been sub­ FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGIST*, v N , bnt who had now come to nurse her, and IN BRAUCH Or DESIRABLE HOMES. —In 1810 only eleven newspapers were joined to very rough npage. engaged ahead, he sent him a note to the Last summer I passed over the line of tho be her life-long friend, read to her, talked published In N. II., one of them being the WHOLESALE AGENTS. castle by littlo Iiie«e, asking to be excused Illinois Central Railroad, from Chicago to Wouldn ’t Suit .—A Methodist preacher from grinding the flour, that day, promis ­ with her, and walked with her, and proved Cairo, stopping at prominent points to ascer­ New Hampshire Patriot FiBe are still in I’nrt'srto, 111.—Burnhams k Van tfehaaek. a friend indeed. But of till the acquaint ­ tain the character of the soil, climate, pro ­ existence and flourishing. The number who was on his way to a camp-meeting st. Locis, Mo. —Brown, Weber k Graham. ing to do it next day without fail. The ha ripened to think that lie Lap left his horn 3t. Paul , Mitra—Jenks k Gordon. baron ’s wife received the note, from Lieae’s ances which Lili bad made in the boarding- ductions, Ac., with reference to the desira ­ now published is thirty-six, or reckoning school in Dresden, not one ever came to see bleness of the nnsold lands for homes, with­ dailies apart Irom the weeklies in connec ­ at home, aud as that is certainly very use­ hand, bnt a ho was so much pleased with ful in calling the lambs o? his flock, he the little gif!,'who bnd plucked her some her when she was sick, and, after she had in reasonable distances from the line offthe tion with which they are issued, forty-three.’* become Mind, not a single one ever wrote railroad. And as this is the season when a stopped at a tin shop on liis wav to pur­ H f ? f f M P lilies of the valley on her way up, that she great many Western farmers, as well as East­ —Pittsburg, N. II., is much excitod over chase one. invited her in to see her little daughter to her. Were not the words which she had the prospect of finding gold in it* borders. GOUGH ! COUGH! COUGH! Liese write for her one day in a journal, ern emigrants, are seeking new locations for “Will this make r. loud noise? ” he asked, TiiH, -. setting up their roof-tree, and many in the The town lias been regarded as in tho gold selecting one that appeared to suit him. Will all thewe afflicted with Oongb or Consumption Now, Lili was a very Sweet-spirited|girl, which laese kept for her, very true; “My colder parallels of tho Northwest are prompt ­ bearing stratum, and tbe assistant geologist read the following, aad learn tbe value of own experience has knight me, Lili, the ed by declining health to remove to more of the state survey oncomages the belief in “Oh, yes-a hell of aloud uoiso !” said and she was not old enough, to have any the tinker, producing a piece of capor to of the notions of pride, that many people blind daughter of Baron Lr— , that a poor congenial climes, I shall do a large class an the existence of the precious metal in theT Allen ’s Lung Balsam. bnt sincere friend is worth more than a essential service by stating the result of my tract mentioned. roll it up. do have. She did not feel that she was any thousand proud bnt false ones. examination. “Well, as I want it to blow at a camp- What the Doctor ’! Say. letter than the miller’s daughter, and, THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD LANDS UNSOLD —The “rainy seasou ” of California is meeting, I guess it is not the sort I want.” Amoa Woolly, M. D., of Koaetnaeo Co., Ind., rays: after a little while the two girls were en­ The New Baby, comprise about 050,000 acros, extending fif­ shown by statistics to be a slight shower in ‘For three years post 1 have uaed Allen ’s Li no And the parson walked diguifiedly away. Hatsam extensively in my practice, and 1 am aatintied gaged very pleasantly at play. By and by A boy ’s soliloquy . teen miles each side of the track. The nor ­ comparison with the recent flood at tho mere i* no better medicine for lung diseases in use,” when tho time came for little Liese to go thern portion, for 200 miles south of Chicago, east. The winter of 1861 ’62 was very Pimples, Blotches , Eruption* or humors Isaac R. Doran, 2. D., of Logan County, Ohio, a»y«: Yes. there’s another of ’em np stairs now. is chiefly prairie, with the banks of streams “ALLS* fa luitl Balsam notoulyaefla rapidly, hut home again, Lili. kissed her, and invited rainy in California, but the fall for the appearing upon the loco are removed by the rives perfect satisfaction in every cave within my I knowed it ’cause papa told me I must be more or lees timbered. The soil is a rich trae of f>r. Pierce’s Alterative Extract, or knowledge. Having confidence i-t it. and koowing that her to come again and see her. quiet, aud sit down in the corner with my black loam admirably adapted to corn, wheat, whole season was oulw four times that A few weeks after that, Liese had anoth­ of two days iu New York a week or two G(.-ldqn Medical Discovery. For Weak Back. it po-aeaaee valuable medicinal properties. I treety uso books, and nmsn ’tplay ball nor ask Willie all the small grains, sorghum, tobacco, the Female Weakne *, or Irregularities, nothing it iu my daily practice, and with unbounded success. er errand for her father up to the baron ’s sugar bset, tho tame grasses and stock rais­ ago. U an expectorant, it is most certainly far ahead of ai.y castle, and she received permission before Smart to come in and help me ptv my new equals it. Hold by dmggirH. or »eiul throe preparation I have ever yet known. ” puzzle together. Then there’s a cross nurse ing, especially sheep on acconnt of tho mild —A furiously written epistle was found aud a qua it.-r dollars to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Nathaniel Harris, M.D., of Middiebury, Vt., rays: she left home to spend two or three hours that’s always scolding me for getting in her winters. The southern portion ha* a lighter posted on the window of the Han Francisco Bnffiiio. S. Y., for three bottles 'ree of Ex- ”1 have no doabt t twill soon become a classical reme­ with Lili, provided her company seemed soil, is more broken aud better timbered, and prt se cltHree*. dial agent for tne cure of alt disease* of the Throat, way, no matter where I get. Besides, Miss apples, pears, peaches, grapes, strawberries, Bank of California a tew mornings since. Bronchial Tubes and tbe Lena a.” as acceptable as it was before. Lili gave Jt stated that llie writer was at tlu head of Or. Lloyd, of Ohio, turgeou in the army during the her a cordial welcome, and the two girls Gadall was here to-day, and she took me on tomatoey and eWiet potatoes in great quanti ­ 1 -ar. from exposure contracted Consumption. He soys ; her knee, patted me on the back just like ties, as well as tobacco and cotton are raised. 700 men sworn to “ masicree every China­ “l hsve no hesitancy in na>iog that it waabytheuee spent the time delightfully, together In Sprrinl Ii0ttce5. of your Lung Ba’tam that 1 am now sflve and enjoying the course of a few months quite an inti­ the cook docs when I’m choking, ind said The lands between Big Muddy River and man aud Chinawoman iu the oity of San nea;tb ” my nose was another degree oat of joint; Centralia sre underlaid with coal of the best friseo A 10 miles Round a bout ’’ if they Dr. Fletcher, of Miaeonri.asrs: "I recommend yonr macy had sprung up between the two girlR, quality which is reached by shafts from 50 to Balsam in preference to «ny otherHer meduune for Goughs, and who saw them could doubt that they but I knew better, for this is the third time didn ’t leave within titty days. THS GRE ATEST tnd it gives satisfaction." she hoc told me so, and it is no more ont 300 feet deep. Limestone abounds, and the —A lecturer in New Y’ork said: Tyran­ were very fond of each other. They were zinc and lead ores on the Dunleitli line are Allen ’s Luko Balsam is tbe remedy to cure all intimate friends, yes, very intimate, for a of joint than it ever was. She’s hateful, the richest in the world. These lands can now ny ot capital was the cause of Ireland ’s MEDICAL BLESSING .ung and Throat difficulties. It sbonld be thoroughly number of years, until Lili was old enough goggle-eyed old maid- -that’s what she is. he bought in tracts of 40 acres and upwards wrougs, of the Revolutionary' war, of our rested before using any other Balaam. It will cure OF TUK AGF. * ib*n all others fail Directions accompany each bottle. to leave home and go to a boarding-school I saw. too. It’s got a little, round, red for from 17 to $10 per acre for one-fourth cash late rebellion, and was also the cause of J. N, HARRIS AGO , Sole Proprietors, Cincinnati, in Dresden. head, without any hair, with gi sat, deep down and the bal&uce in one, two and three the demoralization of society. To remedy Ohio. For sale fcy all Druggists. wrinkles instead of eyes, and when it cries years at six per cent. The station agents these evils the speaker advised tho work ­ liR. KENNEDY’S RHEUMATIC During the time Lili, was gone, she along theline will show anv ou« plats 01 the wrote letters repeatedly to Liese, and Liese it opeus its month as though it meant to ingmen to unite for mutual protection, and AND NEURALGIA DISSOLVENT. swallow itself. Pa helped me upon the unsold lands, and give all needed informa ­ f n h ? f ? f wrote to her. Now, it so happened, that tion. For fertility of soil, salubrity sf cli­ elect uoue to office but those who labor Keadar. yon may consider this * sort of eprnad eagle Liese, too,had to leave home—not to go to side of the bed, and told me tc uss my mate and ready access to markets and the either with the head or the hand. bedding, bat 1 mesn erorjr word of it. Ibiisvn boon BOWEL COMPLAINTS a Doardiug-sehool, however, but to learn a dear pretty little sister;and when ^wouldn ’t centres of civilization these aro the most —After the recent flood in Hartford, Ct., 'bars. When yoar system is racked with AND trade iu Chemnitz- to bceome a weaver- and called it a horrid, ugly little, tiling he desirable lands for farming, fruit and a large pumpkin field iu that oily presented KIIKUMATfC raVflB. AND AOUJQ said 1 was a naughty boy, and then nurse stock raising, and for cheap, pleasant happy a singular appearance. The freshet cover ­ pain, and you cannot even tarn yourself in bed, or eit- Gan be cured with girl. Lili did not write to her so frequent ­ homes for half a million industrious people Mr jr in n chair, you must sit and softer, in the niornip* ly after a while, as sho used to do, bnt still shook me, and said I ought to be ashamed. ed the field with six feot 01 water, and the wiMhire it w»m mrht, and st ntrht wishing it wes morn PERRY DAVIS9 I didn ’t get to kiss my ma at all. I knew to bo found 111 the world. And now is the id * : Wheu you base wrote occasionally, so as not to break off time to Durchfcse; for the certain removal of pumpkins, anchored by their stems, ware VEGETABLE the acquaintance altogether, for, by this better than to try it, for once, when another the National Capital, in a few years, to the bobbing up aud down. The surface oftjvo NEUKAUilA, baby came. I climbed up on the bed, and, when overy nerve In yonr being fa like the efing of a time, she had learned very well that she Mississippi Valley, within half a day ’s ride acres of water was completely covered with wssp, circulating ihe most venomous sad hot poison was A baron ’s daughter, and knew the dif ­ putting my arms arouud her neck, hugged of these lands will soon greatly enhance tneir them. sroatrtl yonr hesr*. nnd driving you to the very verge of THE GREAT ference between being that and a miller’s and kissed her; but all the time I had my value. Wise men with families will seek —The King of ltidy ’s four predecessors Wb .-n you have the FAMILY MEDICINE OF THE AGE. right knee on the baby’s head; so I was homes near markets, and civilized life, instead SCIATICA, daughter. She became very aristocratic in of in the wilderness. all abdicated iu favor of their successors, We sak the attention of the trade and tha public t her notions, lost her attachment for Liese, whipped, and put iu my crib without any namely: Victor Amadeus L in 1730, Charles (that .1 have ust got lb rough with.) that most awful, thin long and unrivalled suuper, because I didn't know it was there. AMUSEMENTS most heurt-wiiliernr, meet strength destroying, most And wonld only associate with wealthy girls are running their usual course, at McVick- Emmanuel IL in 1802, Victor Emmanuel >piritr*>fasking end mind-weskesio* o' ell diseases that FAMILY MEDICINE. like herself. Little Annie thinks its nice to have a new can silliot our poor hmuivn nature: When you have the For the cure of tJoM*. OoUgbe, Weak tRomaoh sad sister, but she was the baby before and ers. Tho Part-pa Rosa Opera troupe begin I. in 1831, aud Charles Albert iu 1849; and General Density, Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in tbe Now, Liese saw this, and felt it deeply, their season At the Opera House next Mon ­ it is rumored that this traditional yiolicy LUMBAGO, Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Colic. Diarrhu-a Cholera, for she loved Lili very much. She would don ’t know auything about it I can re­ day. 4c., Ac.. member long, long ago, ma used to call me will also be adopted by thelteGallantuomo lying and writtimg in sgonyand pain, unable to turn have done anything for her, and she really Manager Aiken has introduced the new in favor of Prince Humbert. ro< rself in be >. and overy movement will co to voor Anri far Fever and Ague her “sweet little darling," and pa dandled feature of a Monday afternoon matinee at iicsrt like s knife; nowteM me. if relier nnd cure of any I hr re is not hing better. It has been favorably known felt that, before Lili went to Dresden, she —If Dr. Livingstone has really discover ­ of tii-ke «iir<*sss is not the Greatest for more to an aevon'y-Hve years to he the had not abetter friend than hei, the baron ’s me on his foot,and said I was a “line fellow, ” the Musoum. B. Medical Blessing of tbe Age. tell ns what is! ed that one of the sources of the Nile rises ... "SfcLff imii,. daughter aud aunt J ulia declared that I was a per­ No Stbonoer testimony^onId be given Dill K< mom TO UNK You will takes tablespoon fect little angel; ” bnt then Tom came, and tan degrees south of the equator, that river fib sud three t uonnfats of water three times a day, and Internally and Externally When Lili returned to spend her vacation than the following from the “News,” Khip- becomes the longest iu tne world. The in a few days every particle of^rheumatic aud neuralgic It wo ’taeqmUhrimre^ all my pretty toys w ere given to him cause pensburg. Pa. : ps n will be di**ofvud lui-i paes off nv tbe kidney*. at home, she did not seo Liese, for Liese ho was the baby, and I was cuffed and distauoc from such a southern latitude to Manufactured i>y DONALD KENNEDY, Has been tgsJd in every 1 vanjarofoBBitagid by A Word to the Afflicted .—We desire um had never the privilege of spending a vaca­ scolded by everybody ’oept grandma, and Cairo is about equal, iu an air line, to the Roxbury, M *. almost way nation known to Amerioma. It is tbe tion at home. She must always stay at to bring to i|*e notice of the ainictod as well distance from tbe mouths of the Mississip­ Wholesale Agents --Fuller, Finch A Fuller, Jx>rd almost oeastant oomga&ien aiuMneatunebie fcveud of she’s good to me yet, though there been as to all person* who are anxious of pre­ A Smith, K P. Dwyer A On,, Burr haras A Vaa Sob nock the miaaionory and the traveler, on aea and land, and Chemnitz, and work hard all day long, and two other new ones siuoe. pi to Hitka, m Alaska, or to Upernavik, in Hurl bun A Rdsall, Tolrnsn A King, Obicago; Green A no one sbonld travel on oar lakhs or rivkbs without it. sometimes In the night. serving tlisir health unimpaired, the mer­ Greenland, or from tbe Isthmus of Pana­ Hutton, Kioe A Rteteg, Bo ewwith A Bon, Dohmen A Be tuts you csll for'it sad eat tbe gennine Pain I wonder where all the babies come from? its of Hoofland ’s German Bitters. This Kcuiidt Milwaukee: McCulloch A McCord. LaOroseo: Killer, oa many worthless nostrum* are attempted to l»e When Lili had finished her last term iu Ma says the Lord sends them. I wish he ma to the month of the St. Lawrence Riv­ Noyes Bros., St. P*nl 1 OolHns Hre s A FTWetsel. sold on tbe gaaat reputation of this valuable medicine. medicine has been before the public for ur Direotieas aoemaptai each botUa. the boarding-school in Dresden, VM gradu ­ wouldn ’t send any more to our house; we’ve er. Meyers Bros , St. Louts; Moore A Ter bet, Junker man ated, ahe returned home to live with her many year*. It has withstood all tests to A Haas. DtibuqUr. Sold by dealers everywhere. got more ’n enough now. It might be nice — At tho New Albauv (Tud. ) Rolling Mill A t retail !>v all draesrist*. Price, ftl.60. Price 25 cents aad f 1 per bottle. paraote in the old castle above the Silesian which patent medicines are exposed, nnd j. n . Harris 400.. for them if they could stay little always, two bars of railroad iron have been made, Proprietors for tbe Wastern aad Southern States, village. There was nobody in tfie village instead of being driven out of the market Nnlnrless Fog*. Cincinnati, Ohio. but BpjjPthey have to grow big after a while, one of which is 58 feet 8 inches long* and Onuattees millions of cubic feet of malarious vapor whom she thonght worthy of associating but then they ain ’t no better off than the aa most of them are, it has continued to with her, and consequently she had very gAin favor with the people, until it has be­ the other 60 feet. The usual length of a reek from the moist earth every twenty-four hours rest of folks. I rather think if I was a baby bar of railroad iron is 27 feet, and itre- dnnng the month of November. Thfs evaporated little society. One day she felt a very se­ I’d ask the Lord to send me where I’d not come the most popular medicine in the Go., and all Milwaukee Druggists. vere headache, and the next day it grew country. Our observations as to the merits nuires six men to work the rolls and handle moisture Is the aotive principle Whish bepe s fever aad grow any bigger, and then I’d have nothing of this Bitters, warrants ns in recommend ­ tne levers, tongs, Ac. In the rolling of the ague, bilious remittents, indigestion, dysentery, bilious worse, and on the third day she had to lie to do but to lie ou my back, and chew my 00 feet burs it requires as many men as can oolic, rheumatism, and many other ailments which Itch! Itch!! Itch 11 iu bed. The doctor was called, bat ho did ing it toall. It will invigorate the whole prevsil more generally in tha Fall than atothar aoaaona, toes, and have folks say I was the “darling- well get arouud it to put it through the wCUATCH 1 eellAVOB 11 BGRATCH I not know what was the matter with her, system, giving tone and healthy action to and so me of which, in low. savampy regions and acw est, cunningiest little creatnre they ever process of manufacture. Wheaton's Olntmenf and, after a week, he Jjroqounoed that she laid eyes on. ” all ita parts. But more especially would clearing*, take tbe form of virulent epidemios, Tha had a very severe fever, which might last a we recommend it to all persons afflicted —Here is one of tho credible stories that best safeguard against these complain-s, as evtaenoed In from 10 to 48 hours. by the experience of s long eertWs of years, is HG8 wEbz. long while. A Ministkiual Mistake .—An amusing with Dyspepsia,moat of cases of which we they send ns from Han Francisco: “In pass­ Day after day, and week after week, lit­ mistake occurred at one of oar churches ou hetieva it *fft speedily cure, if the direc ­ ing through the California Market, yester­ TFTITKR'B STOMACH HI rfk US, the most plteeant tions accompanying the bottles be complied and at the same time the most sffieisut of all vagatahle tle Lili became worse and worse, and wast­ Sunday lAst, which it wii1 do to make a day, our attention was attracted to the stand tnntoM. Tbe tnvigoration of the system is manifestly Ouree ofdSorea. ed away, so that she was nothing but skin note of. A sombre dressed and well-be­ with. Try it at once. This bitters is en­ of Joe Ginati, where we were shown the the best mesne of defending it agaisst ta* causes of Cures every Mad of humor like. and bone. It had now been a long time haved yonng gentleman, and a stranger in tirely free from all Alcoholic admixture. largest cucuinbor ever grown in this state.- sioknees. whether constitutional or ceeukl. Nature, aa Hoofland ’s German Tonic is a combina ­ MAGIC. since she had written a word to Lieee, the the oity, wanded his way to one of tho Jt is five feet and two inches long, and every pathologist knows, to the aseit determined enemy Price, 50 c* box; by m*tl,«0c. weaver-girl in Chemnitz. But Liese did places where the Gospel is dispensed, and tion of all tbe ingredient* of the Bitters; eight inches in diameter; it is coiled in the of rUeotee. sad tbe parosisius of an acute malady are in movt instances tho oousequeaeee of the efforts she Address WKKKS 4 POTTER. !W WsMitegtea 8t. not forget her, neither did Lili forget upon entering the church the minister po ­ with pure Santa Cruz Hum, orange, anise, shape of a snake, one end having a white Forur sale by all ilrnggisis. Beotwa Ma what a good friend Liese used tA bo to her. litely bowed as in recognition of tbe young Ac., making a preparation of raro medical tip resembling a snake ’s head.” makes to souQaer tbe foe. The great ohjsou therefore, value. It is used for the same diseases ns of preventive trea'ment Is to reinforce the system, aad One day, Liese leceived a letter from her geutleman, which salutation tho stranger —There was a duel in Cohoes the other father, the old miller, in whioh he told her theBitter*, in cases where Home Aloohplic It is accomplished thoroughly, rapidly aad safely, by health in a could but return. The minister then arose day. Tbe seconds kindly drew the balls tne use of IIOHTF.TTKR’S HITTKRK This power nut how sick Lili was. aud that she had no ­ from his seat in the pulpit, came down to Stimulus is necessary. few week*, l«y after having eaffor- body to associate with her, and that she before the fire, which was manfully deliv ­ fnl tools eoatalm also aa aperisnt aad sorreeWve pna tbe place where the young man had seated —1The following is a verbatim report of a ered. But, at the instant of firing, one of slpls It is an lass vrfuabla as a regulator aad purifier edfffaM would very likely die. Poor Liese felt himself, aud asked him to take a place in conversation between two young ladies the seconds threw a pebble against the than sa aa invigsrant, and there It an danger of excit­ dree* ve17 badly now, for she still loved Lili very to bis fellow ------. _ I_____ , ^ tin* pulpit, and make a prayer. who have just finished tlieir education at a breiwd of his opponent, who, supposing he ing th« braie or over-etimalating the circulation hy To all who Osaka it* he will mmd a copy of tbepra- dearly, bhe cortld scarcely weave at all the Htranger, —“Guess you ate mistake!) iu classical school; “Where yon st the pic­ was fatally wounded, fainted and fell. The employing it as so aotldot* •crux*** seed (free ***■«*>• with tha awoo tl— for whole day, and frequently burst into tsars) your mau, sir.M nic?” ‘fee, and wa had a high old time oreeartag and aMag the aaara. which they will flad a and her crying was observed by some other seeing the effect of lit* shot, dropped EHNOftb OF YOUTH Minister.—“You are th« gwntlnimn, I be­ of it- ” “I wanted to go so bsd. hnt mother his wuafton and tied.to the w«x>ds, and bus wf the weavers arouud her. That night, lieve with whom f hail a conversation yes­ a UKJU Mikl KN »0osuffered lev years tram Ncrvrc ,1JI ThG Ge II DMMIllg W$ wus so hard pushed I couldn't get off. ” “1 lint since been seel). The tilikli who fell DetnlMp, Cremators Decay.and all Uteeffeewef you< 0 freeuriptioa te te bmieflt Ike aMleted, and aptead la she slept bOt lltile, for her heart Wus way terday. ’’ wa* rigged, but I couldn't osrner you any­ 1 ui ledisororior. wtH.loethosahoofanffaWag hun n al'y fermoi Jwllteb he dtetetevrf to he lavalaable; aad be off home, yes, up at the castle, and ill soon afterwards recovered, and upon in ­ Htranger. -“No sir. / am an a /ml for a where in the woods. We had ahullv time; quiry, was told Unit his autagoni*! had .-.•id Wee ae ah wl»e u*#<\ iu ihe seeetpt aad dleeuiw oe _ _ II f|------etnedr. sell wtU sect I All’s room Hhe wanted to go to Lilt, and tMo/rgrf/#* liquor tumor hi f htruqo. for ntb*il dm stwiiii remedy by which be woe rnied to take —re of her, if she could, Hhe wrote and you know i promiaed my gallant that Itceti killed by Id* *liot, and Ids mortal rn> eeibiag, ead mot prore a blessing- Minister retiring to Ins pulpit disgusted, he should have a sight at you. ” • Well, main* wsrethen r*|»n*iiig ItcneaUi the clod. Me Parer* wtehto* to prwPt by the aPmwMsars eepevt Parti lo her father, asking him lor tb< ...privilep. breathe* a prayer of more than ordi isry I’m sorry; but yon ls«t I’ll imt in iny hiu seee, nao its se hv atidamste*. m rsHeet iiMMpii of returning botne. and nursing Lili, fori force and lervor. //» h.ulw This iu turn uiarturd the “last survivor, '* fl H. OODML links al lie fair/’ and lie *l*o fled pi |*»rt* 1111 known X___■tenet. Itew fe* riSJMflBBSS T.‘ 0 ’ < j I i T /' l > M w oiilr. . '1AM iHj liiinkw with Uw ChiieN tiU*L ’$ ■ kWikaHttmTal! ion Djqifi A reporter of the Moatre*l Commercial lawfem that ______RKMKDIJC8 Am iaiejnriewbd Chang, the Chinese Giant, fefcfe Growth and Preserving the Beiuity of «'SAsrK.7sr-g-ia aj-asse: Is it that Dr. Roback ’s Stom ­ Ttrabd AU^ OOLDRM 8AUfiA M No. 1. with tty following satisfactory result: ach Bitters increase in sale “Mr. Chang," 1 asked, “whatisyour op ­ THE inion of Chinese immigration?" HUMAN HAIR. «weryye*t? . Chang—“Tai-kee Souchong, fi-fl jamberi P KJ Ji mmn 9 flUT wm miff tSnktt^ri^afT^Ufll^fllS Mercurial The Inventors of O oooaixe —knowing that, when loee of hSU’rtiUWS, tt 4* Ndbetollp toom that part of the ■*ra«nrettera.eto^aiidl defy those who suffer from Id-yi. ” head wherethe greatest heat le necessarily generated, and that animal feta by their nature Induce heat ff?6 dl y* wlo ®ruin»»fi*«ricore witoontthe aid of This eery dearly expressed opinion only rather than alleviate it—turned their attention and pharmaoeotteal (Mlenee towards Vegetable Oils aa the GREAT DISTRIBUTION Because oorrobborates the ideas I have frequently basts of a medicament to promo te thegrowth and preserve thebeaoty of the hair. The Oleum Cocos, or By tke Metropolitan UittCa. promulgated on this subject, and no doubt COOOA-NtTT OH., Cash Oiftft to the AmtHwit of 8^00, 0tK>. They are the best combina­ are ftwMnairrlaa. Gravel, and *1 will have a tendency to enooonge or op ­ _*ta, aoeoatoAiod with foil dir®<- presented Mfielf must shtppgly Ok fieneensfcig man? properties peculiarly adapted for the purpose. By a EVERY TICK ET DRAWS A PRIZE. tion ever made. Rfo cure. Price, IKper bottle. pose the introduction of Coolie labor into scientific selection of other ingredients, those which will chemically combine with the oil have been dis ­ this country. 9 oaah Gift*, as oh fiftftU j 40 Geek Gifts, each |I GOLDEN ELJxrVD’A MO UK, covered, and they together have produced a topical compound, which is unqualifiedly pronounced to be 10 - “ lOiJUil AJU “ it*. foe General Debility m rid or fjoiu, “What are the feeling of the Chinese the beet that has yet appeared. pro who have led a life ot eensn ao - ^ 900 - - full Wrier tombotttee fie. touching the eight-hour law?" >0 Fly t Boyro cd Pbnoi Why M EjEttor Kxpreae, these reme- Chang—“Kiki-pike brokee-daddee taipa No Other Coi iuoud> 8W Hewing Maohmes “ to to 17t ogo-lengo muck-a-muck kirnkee." July 19. 500____ GoldWatchea ,MI JI 75 te fiat Do the Druggists recom ­ the]peculiar properties which so exactly Messrs, Joseph Burkett k Co. (Jeah Pnaea, 8dv*r Ware, Ao^ valued at 91,ou .,im I wm rathersurprised to hear Chang Hay suit the various condition* of the human hair. A chance to draw any at the above Prices far Me. this. I had always entertained a contrary Tor many month* my hair has been falling off, un ­ Tickets describing Prises are sealed to Envelopes end mend Dr. Roback ’s Bitters It to/lent the hair total harsh and dry. til I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon weumJaed. On nueipf sifts a Besied idoteeie drawn opinion. Let uh hope the Celestials will It soothes tke irritated toalp. my bead became gradually more and more Inflamed. without choice and sent by mail to any addrsaa The to their customers? li.Jf.UtMP become better informed afters century ’s Jt affords tke richest Imtre. 1 hsuvaeacaA the USD of yarn- Oocoalne the last prize named epos tt will be delivered to tke ticket sojourn among us, and instead of working It remains longest in effect. week Id Trthtr. The first application allayed the holder oa payment of On* Dollar. Prizes are tnmedi i ■■ ...... hair from falling eff. Itching aud irritation ; in three or four days the red* atoiy eaaito any ediirem by eapraae or return mad. for one dollar per day of eighteen hours, You will know what your Pnao is before yoa per fa* , ft promotes its kealtky, vigorous growth. ne» ftfuo L tion. v • beautilsl Bust women —are not these horrors a great check I have used less than a bo. tie of your Cocoaine. your Coooaine, and think tt ftr preferable to any­ was promptly ______1 lfewm, Jane A y^nriSfteSto SSd _ Guide" for luc. The dandruff, aud the irritation which caused it, ■end for etrcolar. Lib seal inducementa to Agenta aft SUM*. * PMaemaceuti u r, 2 AmityAmii; St., Mew York. to immigration. thing I have ever qsud Ufr the hair. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Healed En­ Chang— have entirely disappeared, and my hair was never If my indorsement is of value, you are perfectly “Chow-chow (rise Slipoki pitan before! n so good condition. velopes contains ONE CASH GIFT. Bix Tickets tor fl: tW^STAK MPANGI.KD BANtaKH."—it still oyezi. ” St liberty to use h. Respectfully yours, 13 fur At; ft fee Afe*llHfqrfii6, All letters shoald b T better than ever. Rich. Its re, Racy > / i / Your obedient servant, • FRANK LESLIE. addressed to HARPIRT wIl.fMIN Ac CO.. - Why Ledger rise *U columns. Wit, Honor, Fun. Humbugs I always thought so. A. A. FULLER. — 1VS Brsadwat.R, V $3 rise 1 Plate Kvaogeline ” ubvtis “Which profession is most cultivated by K *T^ T.,°5 lS!2.’5 r -0ai ’ 76 tM k Co., Boston :— for the hair used in my family for the last eight Tho Escape.” SEND POM A OOIT OF NEW KDttJON Gentlemen,—I have been bald seven years. After yesra. ftstopped my Wife’s hair from coming out b^ck’s Sugar-coated Blood a general thing, they followed writing aud increased its growth. By UapL Willard W. Glazier . Wells’ Every'Man 3L* (hen Lawyer using one bottle at your Oocoalne, my bald pate is Pills? stories for the lokohama N. Y. Ledger, for covered all over with young hair, about three- I am also under obligations to this same Oocoalne Teachers, ladies, energetic young moo, and especially and Bosinefis Form Book. they always have a “tale" growing off their eighths at an lash long, which appears strong aud for saving my own hair, which was very fast coming returned and disabled officers ana soldiers in want ol A complete and rri ia hie guide in all matters of law out previous to using this valuable preparation. profitable employment, eiil find this werkrerk paiticularlv and business transactions for every State in the Union. heads. healthy and determined to grow. adapted to their condition. For full particulars, ad- Very truly your obliged and obedient servant, , Very truly yefrs, A C. MJTUHKLL, Tn* professional man. the farmer, the mechanic, toe “How do you and your fellow citizens Grocer, Bangor, Me. ' R. H. FERGUSON, Publishers,St. Lome, Mo. merchant, the manafactarar, eseh reanfro-a convem D. T. MERWIN. Because •nt, comprehensive aft settable werk, regard the female suffrage movement?" “HOWrhall we PAINT ear IIOUriKH.” enable him to draw up any tosaroaneni, f l By J. W. Masurt . Cl., 33U p., 1,50. Free by required, and that wftTiraf«lrhto>«i5 eeu Chang—“Wuttiquitinuakichi Yawatawc- A RwaarfaUe Case mail oa ireceipt of price. Masurt A Whi tow . N. Y. They know the ingredients howachichi yohonottiforjoi." Irritation of the Scalp. East MiDut.KDORo ’, Mash ., June 9, 1864.1 tion as is usually called for ia all his busin^-..i.uuu- Watzbvuab , Me., September 16, lafiO. Messrs. Burnett k Co.: — of life a book that everybody can understand, and After such an open avowal of the rights Messrs, Jassy* Buurrrr * Oo. : - ENEMALB COLLEMEt Borden town, tt. J.— of which they are made. that will enable every one to bo their own counsel. The Dear Sin,—I have derived much benefit from the JT Board and tuition Ju8 dollars per year. For cats entire leading prone or the country unqualtfl*di>- er. ot woman, the ladies of the Revolution her luguee address Rev. John H. Braeel Et, A. M„ Pres dorse the work. Prioe only fiXlta. bent post paid. will surely advocate Chinese emigration, use of your Oocoalne. Twelve year* ago I bad the time Agents wanted everywhere. Ad dram JOHN l> typhus fever; after my recovery I found myself intense heat caused by the pains, burned her hair WELLS, Publisher, No. 432 Broome street, New York. and espouse John’s cause with all their troubled with CD Irritation of the scalp. so badly that in October, 1861, it all came off. THE HiNKLEY Why , 3m mights and pens, if not espouse John him­ I purchased a bottle of the Oocoalne only for the She was induced to try your Oocoalne, and the re- self. purpose of a hair dressing, but to my surprise, it suit waa astonishing. She had not used half the FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE Are Dr. Roback ’s Blood FRESH “I have heard that the Chinese are indo ­ lias entirely removed the irritation of so long stand ­ contents of a bottle befure her head was covered ing. 1 have recommended it to several of my fri ends, with a fine yonng hair. In four months the hair PRICE *80. Purifier and Blood Pills lent, and will not work for one dollar when who were afflicted tn the same way, and It lias has grown several inches in length, very thick, aolt, Every Family in the eoontry needa ona. Packed in ice and sent fraft to «wy part of the United wholly eradicated the disease. It knit* everything from a mitten to a blanket . States by they can steal two. Is this so ?" and fine, and of a darker color than formerly. A child, 13 years aid, sen learn to work it in an hour. . the best remedies taken to ­ Chang—“Whoever says so is an habitual JOSEPH niLL, Jr. With respect, WM, 8. EDDY. It is operated tbs same as a sewing machine, by hand A. BOOTH, or foot. 34 UwrbfW ft., PMmi*.fill. and self-pioclaimed liar !” gether for tho cure of all P. O. Box dis**. BURNETTS the BEST amt CHEAPEST Hair-Dressing in the world. It promotes tke It uses bat one needle, an is theperfection of beauty This emphatic reply, in the most im­ and osafnlnese. diseases of the blood ? j j i » , „ HAIR, and is entirely free from alt irritating matter. The name and title, thereof is Circulars wit b cut s and full particulars free to everybody wr Lediev Private UiriAwof 3 mostutolnl proved and terse English, surprised as well atupUti as a Tratle-Mark, to secure tke jrublic and proprietors against imposition by the introduction of suurius Agenta wanted in every county. Apply quickly. and indispensiblesrticlM ever it vented, address as pleased me—surprised to hear Chang articles. All unauthoriseduse of this Trade-Mark unit be promptly prosecuted. ~~TOWLKA * — - I1A< ••DING,1 Gen1! Ag ’te, FMADAME Duval , F. O. Box New Ycrk City. use such good language and pleased to 176 "Broadway, "New 'YCrork. know that he had been only a few weeks in A BOOK FOR TH£ MILLION. Because acquiring it______~ * ** JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., COMMON SENSE!!! The Blood Purifier is tho WANTED-AOENTINTS.8. [Krffonft to m ! i t^r or hr —The North-German Correspondent Manufacturers and Proprietors, - - No. 27 Central 6t., Boston, Mass. MARRIAGE — cuide GENUINE IMPKOVtVkO CuiptGEJ-AftA *AMI’ S FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ohly article in the market 8KWTXG MACIITNE?tT. I’ru^e or'y ffs. Gr.i.i says: “Prof. Faber's speaking-machine is A f»:ivate Gounselok to the Married or those inducement* to A/c-utr.tuU. This i- theth m j- ; ular Si#- to be exhibited at Hamburg during the 2%. about to marry, male *r female, in all that pertaiiw ing Machine of the day —makes the tiuiinti.-li.ii • Klu.lic J. - tural Exhibition. It is said to articnla'e ASTONISHING! and preventing offspring, how to preserve the complex* costly Drugs imported ex­ crea-iug. N .w i-th»tim« tniak*w-iXerej. 8- i» vureof m.frin* .\aJr AM OTIif.l: Ihc-K. 1 k. Presburg in 1734, and died at Vienna in closing (u cents, and you will receive the picture, with tho subject of the generative system that is worth know feS thrif pr^wt* uli tiu timu t.* ia. t <- 1804, both constructed a machine of the a written cssttny. bv return •fjfii Adores*, in confi- Root,) and is a substitute ■ I Agent took 17H onhrr in 1<> r/> USK donee, n*. LK KUK, Drawerr 3S93, Chicago, ill. any one (free of ■ H 7i. »*A1-1, At t>0« WercrHrr, JHai*.,men Address : Dr. Batts' Dispennsry NTW. corner Fifth ■ ■ Cti.. Hi Ksssui str< ' A, N. V. chine about to be exhibited at Hamburg is. K. n factor Are of Woodworth's, Daniel's, and Di- and Market treats, fit. Loots Met J. B. Lawrence & Co. ’s meoeionn Planers: Molding, Matehing.Tenonning, Mor- however, more perfect than any previous tismg. Shaping and ___ ‘Notice to the Afflicted and UnfortunaU. invention of the kind. ” I'.oriug Machiiioe: Scroll Saws, rq-fw* *. r* *. \ v *: Ra-Sawing. Hand Boring,ring. Woodwood Turning Lathes andaud Before receivingr treatment from any of the notorton Why TO Till: WORKING CLASS.—Wr uri r.< ^|.r«-| ill- PATENT a variety of other Machine* for Working Wood. Also, "Quacks * of this or any other place, who advertize ia furniah all daaae* withconstant employ men t h .o .Hi A nother Landmark Gone .—There is the best Patent Door, Huh, and Rail Oar Mortising the pablio papers, or using any of the1 almost number vhole ofthc time or for the spare niomci t-. i; in, - Machines in tb* world. fW~aecd for our I Unit rated Ostaliown*. leesless “Unack remedies, '* carefully-----J peruse Dr. Butte* Are Dr. C. W. Roback ’s light and profitable. Peracn* of either -ex e ilv « jr;> tr r;. great lamentation in Koxbury, Mass., over work. T»'.______matter_____ what- _ _yonr __—______diseasedisea is,_ _or____ how.. deplor-wk —. ,VM. to fiAperrver.inir. and a proportional urn l> uc\- r.i the cutting down of an old elm on the BUILDING KIOHARD BALL K P. HAL8TKD. able your aaadttio^ feanemhprthatfeme ruber that whitenwhite it coscos. you Stomach Bitters, Blood Pu­ their whole time V>theItm-ino*. It* ; r t -V Warren estate. It is supposed to be the Fiity oenta to have at with ita vatoahla information, it oa muchai-nu n. Tiist uji « ho ml thi police may - nu 'h> SILICATE BOOK SLATES, may cost you, as it has many a life of hope leas m.serv, address, and teat th* midni • identical tree on which General Wnrren and regret not to have it. rifier amf Blood Pills the offcr : To-ucb a^srcind wr»l- li fi> <1. w stilw ri s i tj p And thoee Beautiful Silicatrd Dr. Butts can be consulted on any of the -iitnsmn f.rthe trouble of wdti to. Fnlfynniculi .■s,r*l -ai e» i hung his scythe when he left the bay-field threo greatest remedies the pie wkick willdu to C'.aun' Bi i work n. siwl i v 7 of f’.- BLACK BOARDS- mentioned in his works from U a. at. to 7 F. U. Office J’eo/Ji '* Li Ur mi fie ■o—A- in irf t) L^r ■>( d ; tor the battle-field. But the tree was de ­ FOR N. W. corner Fifth and Market street , (opposite Court Im-,i family new*|i#|w n> pulilirhi <1—; 11 f-t-m fr-« by o cayed, unsafe, and might tumble down any tt&'H House. i v m. Louis Mo aprto ly world nas ever known ? Reader. If you want |Krtnumnt. p< '.it'ibU v. ,k. day, and hence the removal cf the Warren SHEATHING, ROOFINC, write* delightfully ; erase* eaeily. Pliable,never breaks. WAITERS' E. C. ALLEN * CO., A * nnsi Maim . elm, though lamentable, was warrantable. Does not get scratched. Improved by u»e. An incal­ Or in p?ac* of culable improvement for teacher and scholar. Folly AOXMTR.WANTFT) < vcrvwhi rr ti > li (i • A'oi.i:'- adopted in eeverai of the principal school* after ayoara NEW SCALE PIANOS. With Iron . ‘rame,Overstrung Bass and Agraffe Bridge Because CAN KNITTI.VG .M AClIlNE. the only j.rur ti. nl Femi —Senator Morton, it is said, is preparing nor. Kntire satisfaction given. itver> body in love with Knitting Machine (-< . nv tilted. Price fj,*. Villkni* ' an elaborate speech on the Cuban question. PLASTERING. the light and noiseless Silicate Book Hist*. Now pair Melod iom and Cabinet Organs. Atitchua per minuU. -‘uulr. AMI IIH'.W liMT'ITM. iisbed in vsnoas sizes for tn* professional, schools, After eleven years’ experi­ MACTTINKCO.. ih-to^Ma, .. or St. 1.. m _ merchant., store, sod mechanic, all in full cloth bidd ­ The beet manufactured. Warranted for tf years. Read the Following Letter. Its cost is so trifling that an ordinary bouse can he ing. On receipt of to cents, will send, prepaid, by mail, Pin non, lUelodeons nnd Urgnnir -Price*greatly (From one of the oldest and most reliable grocery covered on all aides for less than a sample Slate Book, 6 * 8it inches, interleaved, six slate reduced for Gash. New 7-Octave Pianos 376 dollars ence and trial the sales have FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. merchants in the city of Dareaport.l surfaces, pencil Ac, K very body buys. A ’icb harvest and upward. Now C abinet Organs 45dollars and up­ We will send a handsome prospectus of our K i \V TEN DOLLARS. for book *n i stationery canvassers. An lntiuentiaiand ward. Beoand-hand jastoumentato dollars and upsard, increased each and every 11.I.UtaTKAThD FA illl I. Y ItlHI.K to any Fiuend Walton : Agreeable to my prom ­ energstic man wanlqd in eaon oonnty. Educational Monthly installments received. Warerosms, 4S1 l»oo« agent, free of charge. Address NATIONAL ise to you when here, I wiite you (for publi­ Send for circulars and samples to boards, teachers, and all persons interested in the am Broadway, N. Y. H orace Watehn . year, and thousands of let­ PUULIbHlNG GO., Chioago, III., or Kt Ix.ui-. Me cation if yon see proper,) a true statement of or sale of 8latee or Biackboaids, will please rail or send the good fclfects of ltobauk ’s Htomach Bitters for sample. Liberal dircount to the TRADK. Manu ­ TOWLE’S PATENT ters (unsolicited) of £he re­ HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR 1870. J. R. LAWRENCE k CO., factured bv the upon myself. I had been troubled with indi- NEW YORK SILICATE BOOK SLATE OO., Grade Sc llraiiiage Level, Price only $15. markable-cures they have 10NT AINING a Storv for Ghristu gestion fora long time, attended with severe Lori landt street, N. Y. Every Farmer needs one. Every School should have (j Puz/.les and Wonders, lfifarge pages, n d. headache, particularly after eating, when, Beloit, Wis, one. No Enaineer required to lay out road*, walks or fijnt FKlCK on ywoenpt of two cewtataigp >rtor postage, fortunately, an old soldier friend came into UundrettM ol Cerillficatem riimllnr to Thin. water-course*. Will establish leiele for foundation ierformed bear witness, a Da M8 AGu ., 25 BromfieJleifi street, Heston the store and recommended me to u?e llo- FERD. 8. WINSLOW'S RUTG KK’8 KEM ALE COLLEGE. , walls, br-dges, made ground, Ac. It ie extremely sim Erfsidint ’i* Room . / pie and beautiful. Sent to any address on receipt of iload the letters in Local OOK AGENTS WANTED price. Descriptive circular*, with cats, free. back’s Bitters. I did so by taking a small New York, Novtimber 17th, 1888.) B For Matthew H ale Smith’s New Book , wine glass full juet before each meal, and to Skandinaviske Bank, Gentlxmkn Your inquiry as to the manner! n HAMILTON E. TOWLE, Gi*il Engineer. Column of cures by these Mo. tt Clark Street, Chicago, III* which the Ni'icate Blackboard Paper has answered!a and 6 Facial European Patent Solicitor, my great joy I was relieved at once, and am our institution is to day receive-*, in reply I am happy 176 Broadway , New Y obk . Sunshine and Shadow in New York. now well by their u-e. I would not be with­ Sgsigsr Verier paa to be able to state that your Paper Blackboards hiss medicines. out them at any price. I have not taken any PRIVATDANKEN i Kjobenhavn; SKA HD. given u. entire satisfaction, aver since they were first A Work of Absorbing In- ideate. Replete with Anec­ KREDIT, A CTIEBOLAGET i Goteborg, Stockholm pat up. nt the liegiuuing of our oollege year. Your dotes and Incidents of Lite in the <>rnat City, other medicine since I commenced using the Boek 8'ates we have tested thoroughly, and used both $i07 WATCHES. $10. THE BEST TYP^. CABINETS, Being a Mirror of New York. UtilocUng Bitters. And I can say with a clear con­ < Norrkopmg: CHRISTIANIA RANK OG the Bock Slates and Blackboards long enough, in oar The Great Trade Improvement A hsoclaiion with (Startling Accuracy the Secrets science. try ltoback ’s Bitters—they will do all 2RKDITKASSE; BERGENS I’RIVATBANE opinion, to test their durability, atod find that they (Incorporated \tf the State) sell Fine Gold end Rolid Presses and Printers’ Materials* of the Greet Metropolis. m. V. stand tke trial. Very respectfully,yogre, 8 I ver Watches st tgln each. Yo.rOO Kngravfngs, fully Made and famished by tlioy are recommended to do —if taken ac­ a, w „ U M. FkrRCK, President. describing and illosirating all onr watches, are placed Our Agent in HdrtJfrd Sold HO in one dag; one agent cording to directions. Yours truly, Kjobkb oo rblobr akkrikaksr oo PREXacaP To the Vm Yejrk Siliqato BoakMate Vo.. toGovttsudt in sealed envelopes, which are thoroughly mixed, and Vanderburgh, Wells & Co., New York- in N. J. sold 227 in 1A days; one Agent in Mats, sold Frank H. Miller, Guld oo 8olt . street. New York city. K E H. when ordered are mailed, po«t paid, at the following Good Second Hand Cylinders for Sale. 260 in one iocek, one agent t’n Conn, sold 304 in one w el. Of the firm of Beidorbcck A Miller, wholesale General Agent for ALLAN L1N1KR. Pasaag G. 11. I818. pricesingle Engraving, to centa; 1 waive and rich billet ter til billigstePria Alls Ordrer ndforee prompt premium, (dollars; Twenty-five, and elegant Silver GE CA KD8 f by wniob you can tell toe age of No Book published tbnt srllaao rapidly. grocers, Davenport, Iowa. Drafts on Kngland. Germany, etc., for sate In earn Hunting W’atcb as premium, lo dollars. Every engrav ­ any person without Uieir knowledge. One of to salt. jlyto 8re. ing entitles the holuer thereof to a Watch worth from the _ ^_l Yon wish to know how Fortunes are made made at home. Agreatest wonder s ot the times. A full net sent for 86I and lost in s day , how tanrewd .Men nre ruined So. 28. ^^8 88A entirety OAV new articles for Agents. 36 to 7to dollars, irrespective ot value, for lo dollars. cent* or six for fll. Address O. J. HOUriK, Lee, Nothing con be lost by this investment, as no article i| ■■ in Wall (Street; bow “Countrymen ” are awm Nervous debialy will.'* .ta gloomy attend ­ FOR THE Syamples seat tree. Address Penobscot (Jo., Maine. I I died fiy Sharper#; how Mims'eni sod Mer . CHALFANT ’S II. B. mhaw . Alfred M lk onr orach u worth less then the money asked,.while ants, low spirits, depression, involuntary the buyer may obtain a Watch worth 7to dollars. Cir chants arc Blackmailed ; tow Dance Halls and Couecrt colors f i oe ! Jutt try ns once before hastily condemn Attention ! Attention !! Every Man Saloons are managed : bow Gambling Houses and lea omissions, loss of sernin, spormattorrhoea*, rag us. Address MICHKl.IN A OO.. Managers, tenes are (Jonducteu ; bow Stock Gcmpanie* Orra4t*e».- loss of power, dizsy Lead, loss ol inomory, Broadway, corner Fulton street, New York. Who ha* a House to Paint, and tha Bubbles Barai, read this work. It tells yon and threatened impotence and imbecility, HAlftJcOCO CREAM about tbe mysteries of New York, and contain . find a sovereign curt in Humphrey's Homeo ­ It 1* purely vegetable, contains no alcohol, sulphur, TO PRINTERS. READY-MADE COLORS, biographical skotehee of its noted rattliouaroe, m< r WILLIAM H. RICE, obanta. As A lavs* Ontaro Voleme, 7M paon*.Finely lead or mineral ingredient; is clean, highly perfumed Leads and 8ings, full length or cut to suit columns, Known as "Knllraad ” Colors. Guaranteed to be pathic Specific, No. tweutv-cight. Composed and different facia cay other article. Everybody will Illustrated. We offer extra terms to Agents and pa> of the most valuable mild and potent cura­ at 23 per cent. Ivan limn monopoly prices. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, more 090001010* 1, more durable and more convenient freight. Onr 33 page circular, uoh tornis, muu .ii ■•eit. Price, only 50 eta. 500,000 bottles sold annually. Brass h ulo sud l^ibor-eaviog rule st ll* per cent. off. 71 Pope ’s Black. Chicago, III. than any Faint ever before offered. application J. K. HI KH A* UO.. tives, they strike at c.ico at the root o tlu BURNHAMS A V AM SCHAACK, GRKA.T WKSThRM TYPE FOUNDRY. Oo;.»ignnienta of grain and prod A book entitled “Plain Talk with Practical Painters, ’’ Hartford, CL, matter, tone up the system, arrest the dis ­ CHICAGO, Wholesale Agent*. Sold by all druggists. 74 and 76 Madison street, Chicago. produce solicited. Quick with samples, sent tree by mail on application. arise and pro«M ___sntnrns, make,. de. We make a vrinable MA8UOT A Will TON, charges. and impart vigor and energy, life returnj j _- of -part - ofJlfo the wmmfariokoomtafarion charged on each car ALLCOCK’S POROUS PLASTER aud vitality, to the entire man . They have KKAL “origf- load sent n« Write for onr (arms, uorreepondfooe Globe WhiteLead and Color W O riginal Tome of Iron This ImtUBU Ruidt does not, like the poi ­ p1 Tu j C* r* - . U • and onr facilities for collecting soaroe Law Book* are Kota >Minm> 1838. and kidney affections their application is equally sue Phosphorus and Calisaya, known as Caswell unequalled. Catalogs** met gratia open application. sonouseonoua irritatinglmtauug auuffssuuns aucand strong caustic solutioni oesefnl. I myself was attacked with a seven) pstn in Mack A Co.'s Ferro Phosphorated Elixir of with which the people baihave long been humbuged, |1 FI rot firaoNe and my left kidney. I was in agony for twanty-four boors. >rt trine, or drip- the disease 70 ttooond A Ten mo, Calisaya Bark. The Iron restores color to ■imply palliate far a abort At length I applied one of your Plas*ers The psin the blood ths Phosphorus renews wsste of CHICABO WINDOW SHADE CO. to pie lungs as there ie dangerdai of doing In the use PITTSBURG, PA. of each nostrums, but it produces ferfrut and frr soon began to abate, and in the course of a few hour* the nerv# tissue, aud the Calisaya givss BRLL8 of all rises for Uharohes, BELLAMY t HASKINS. MAN ENT CURE OF THE WORST CANES OF CHRONIC hoc tori**, bteamboat*. waa entirely removed, I tend yon this that you msy a natural healthful tone to the digestive or ­ Mannfactoiun and Jobbers hi Window Hbadee, Table catarrh , as thousands can testify. “Gold in is. Also Ghlm* Beils, publish it If you think well I am yonrs, gans ttysoby taring Dyspepsia in its various and Floor Oil Olotfae. Hollands, Oords. Taeeela. M* the H eap '* is cured with a few applications. r pure irall-metri mad* to order. A. D. FAILING, forms, Wakefulness, General Debility, and saf- fia*e*&a. r8Kiis ,,w “■* Cathaaraj * IIlau *cj(« Is relieved aad oured ae If by Ballp are mounted with patent Proprietor e heaaide fiouse Depresaion of Spirits. Manufactured only by magic .7 It removes offensive Breath, Loee or Im­ More OABWKLL, liAZAKI) A (X)., suceessoi's to pairment of the sense of taste, smell or hearing, New yoke . August li*. I**w. OaswsU, Mack A Co., Nsw York. Bold by all Watering or Weak Kyee, and Impaired Memory, SIX-CORD. Thomas A llcock k Vo., Ming Bing Druggists. ______when caused by the violence of Gelarrh, ae they ill For smart I hare suffered from iatUnuaatlon of tbe CHICAOO DOLLARI STORE frequently are. I offer In good faith a standing re­ kidneys, my phyeiciana give me little relief, and I Tbt.hr abr many hair preparationh in Onr goods ore oil reeeived______direct from the ward of fiAOO far ft case at OOtL. U that I cannot Manufacturers, oooaiittnfe of nearif every article desir ­ moved about like an old man. bent down by years of the market, but none have so desirable ef­ ed for family nee, each as Dry and Faoey Goods, Horn cure. suffering Ai length yonr Porous Planters were reeom you SALK BT MOST DMWKIIBTS EVEKTWHt.Ha fect upon the -hair and soulp as HsHt Veg ­ aad Ohoee, Jewelry,Ffelgd W%re, Ao , Ao All article* For MftHfii ClothlMg, Etc mended to me I applied on* to each kid ney, sud the »«?-• Price Only DO Cat Is. than ink." Am. Agriemturiet etable Sicilian Hair Itenewer. *%C •sene*per*." 4iM?iU4yli Hook relief was 1stm»*pllm KdoAph ixmuCTHhfjrp. cam, when my hack ami kidneys were perfeetly well, sud I Mxcrmior Glam Ccttkr is sverywsy an any miserable worse than wurtiileee substitute, hat waa once worsabln lo walk erect. 1 think the hail of Uit geodaa the giaaier's diamond, and not half silly oeula to m*. aud Uie Remedy will be rib aud Dealers everywhere. virtue* ol your I'leetemyel remain to ha told, but shoald as expensive. Outs glass in all shapes as eewt->on poat paid. Fuur petftuei f Lft, or tm» ___ Nl JtlJky. KeelkBJ. readily as ths diamond. Is easily handled. say sue wish to hear thereof f »haU be pleased In doeeu for |A,00. Head A tor* .Rut stamp for Dr a y'SAWShBfc 1*11 ef my siperienee. I am fours, respectfully, Anyone tan use it. Everyone should have It. ■age's pauapklet on Oatarrh. Address Mi* propriety r iwiripfale. ViWJl is new mnftlnii.)„",£&■ for f IN. whtcb wifi strict >, Every farmer should havu one. Every mer­ R. T PI MHO It, M. D . hem, fell, lock, eor> 1. hraid, qnTlt end embroider as rHOMAfi M. JAOkMJN. Buffalo , 1.1. AGENTS WANTED perf sally as urns Uu driler meohrae Warranted I or * EM Keel Thirty eeeoed eirwet chant should nave one. Every housekeeper lev ’Uaverly** i.real lt»*tnry®f lr*lan<1 fears Every third sut*B see be eui sml will nei ni> should have one. Every mechanic should PEORIA CORN 8TARCH. iur PHI Null'A L AGENCY, 1 her* i* noth tag heller (Of >1 FFEMIMG. Per «u I will sure rri rad ut; *i have out. Ths l>est tbiug ever invautsd to For tesief fists ftJnitaLtailed History at a per lestmi Handtt&srx Meeluea, as ‘atz£tYrs. HMANDNKIIi MOUSE. term* of Dyspeito*. f.|v*r ( <.e.i.iai* ami cord*, sdnejied l<> eliber. H d-lur. aid aiase pith- A bif turn* lor stteuts. B*«nd PUDDINGS. BUM MAJTOK. Sl«. Pick MeaAa.'ke, OenetowPliM, (>>n li-resi H-I.eUioe NKW Vltfik Apoaei aiog even I* foe ■ be Psion'sTravk," e thrillm* eecMin* nt the p»r asm making ..w. -Ulafcttot a setups*. A**ftU wonted. Ad J Gwm plain la. HypdUls, (iwaervbea, sweolMxi. ol Ik* Irtsli I'slnwl* of The rehalHoe »»♦ I Me Us* i (wttbTwil(wHb fail taStoitamtons ri__eniwi,*»> anni te any edwraa* ami sold by eJ Draggtv* Ira* I U. Mill. No. 71 ISspe llloek. OhUdroa tmd XovAfidi. II per ms lev, be*' ho. A or ewe sending (lie ahwv* fottaw, fo( dgnenpiM* eireriers snMt ■ seafood aad oMHsg 6 tewer GbllfO to lighten the mres and grief with which Mixed at 94»a.uk ,for < Tnrougb Mined at BBS VELOCIPEDE BRAND bereavement snrroonde os. Those who TURNER’S, HfiVfiDr m would he prepared for a like eoniiogen- WATCHES. . Who li selliag oy abonld make wo delay in aalling on All kladeof tawiai Wsliha, both Mixed at 1290 a. as. for Detroit. This train has Dr. M. J. Liddell, at his residence, 8t BETTER FURNITURE AT LOWER PRICES alaetd ng ear altaOhod. Elgin and Waltham. Mixed at )30 p.m. for Owoaao. Johns, and procuring a Lift Policy in Than aay other establishment Mai, at 11:11a.m. for PtMuK. . . Also, very floe 8LKKFIKO CABS ON ALL WlOttT TRAINS the N. Y. Guardian Mutual Life Ina. lm Bit- Joftnst Mich. Rcfineahmenta at Detroit, Owoaao and Grand Ha­ Co., for whieh ha it agent #tf* ven, and upon Company's Ferry Stog fnor oa Detroit SWISS SILVXR WATCHES River. Comfortable hotel above dbpot at Grand My stock constats, In part, Of Him, TAIL#RING« —Spbino 18fi9. —Q*n- At very tow prises. CONNECTIONS.—At DdtrolL Wtth Oraati Wes­ tern and Grand Trunk lUllwaya for all point* East tlftntnI thank yon for the liberal CRMt Flag aid Wood seat Chairs, Michigan Central and Michigan Sou then, railroads. GOLD WATCHES. At HUwauhte, with the Milwaukee A St. Paul, patronage you lari gif en to my former Ladies ’ and Gentlemen's flne Geld Watches, Ektaxxiox, Dtaixa ass BaxxxfAxr Tables , Milwaukee A Prairie DuCklen.and Milwaukee-A solid Gold Chains, solid 1* X Gold Kings, and lets Chicago BalMfcdo, for all points West aad Nortb- •Aorta, afid beg leare to announce that of ether BaNaut, Poeeeagers *jr G. W. Ballwayjm .ou the Wkat Mate, Companymy ’eP^tTy Steamer at D. A M. K. R. Dock in the future, as in the past, no paios FINK JEWELRY. IA0 o.m.,n.,and and (fcoop.m.9:00 p.m ____ _ Lsaagss, D. * M. Offldee,----- 1I99. THOS. BELL, Mill be spared to suit the moet fastidi ­ SILVER THIMBLES AND U Ooeeral Superiptcedunt. Staa4e, ous. I want it understood that I make SOLID SILVER SPOONS. ackbon , Lansing a saginaw H. r . BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, Trains run direct from Jackson to Wkhoae. it a point to let no one oat do me in J Solng North. SVATIOXX. HAIL. M1XXD. xxrsxss. perfection of §tyle, lit, and workmanlike Spring Beda, Etc., Etc. Jackson,*. •<.. 4:28p.m. 6:00 a. m. 7:89 finish. Orders left a Plumstead ’i store I have the exclusive sale of loosing, 8:10 A very heavy stock of all kinds: Owosao,.... 7:36 ftl* Saginaw City, M8 799 a. m. ILIA promptly attended to. Shop in Plum- •FMie, East Seglnswi rA6 7:10 11:28 MONROE’S PAT. SPRING RED, Wenooa, arr..10:19 7:88 1200 m. •Uads block, orer the Express office. Farits, ▲oconMonxftos leaves Jackson 11:16e. In.j end H. A. DxCLAIRE, Practical Tailor. The beet in use. > arrives at Lansing at 1:46 p. m. Lravea Saginaw RbItn , City at 4<16 p. m.; East Saginaw 4 28 p. and ar­ St. Jo hns, March UJLMQ. ^ Cake maakato, rives at Wenooa 6:00 p. m. undertaking Gwlng konth. DOUBLE W-AJRI* A Pofulab Institution .—The entire matter MLalvha, stations . sxraxas. mxxn. MAIL. public mind is fast becoming awakened done in all Us branches. A good soortment of Wenons, dep./ R99 p. tai 790 p. m. 9c00 a. m. Batter Blekes* East Sam ns W,' 4:08 7:4* 9:3* to the value of Life Assurance. From Saginaw City; 4 16 798 9:48 (Vapkla Blags, Owoaao,.... t. 9H9 1190 a small beginning, and amid many diffi ­ lee Flickers, Etc Beady-Made Coffins Lansing, ...... 7J4ff 12:66 p. □>. culties, it has forced its way upward to Jackson, arr.. 990 p. m. , BLACK ALPACAS, Always on hand. I aa prepared to A ccommoi *Afiod leases Wennna 11:00a. m.; East All warranted to he heavily plated with pore Thirty-two Inohos Wide* a point where it is oomioff to be fairly Silver upon Atteadl Paaerale wttk a Hearts, Saginaw 1136 *. m.; Fagtnaw City, arr. 11 48 a. m.— appreciated. No one in this day, with Leaves lanring 7:00 a. m.; Jackson, aft. 0:80 f. to. Either In tbe village er country, at all times. Mall going north connects at Jackson Wph night any claim to intelligence, depreciate* Pits White Metal er filhata* express east on Mich. Cent. R.R.: with night train St. Johns, May tth. 1849. 30:tf from Toledo tfn Mlcb. Soot hem R B.; kith trains its benefits, while multitudes sre mak­ east and We«t 6n D. A M. R. R. at Owosso. SURPASSING ALL OTHERS. Express going north connect# nt Jack SO rt' With ing haste to bo possessed of them. Dr. SPECTACLES. DRY G00D8, CLOTHING, Etc. day expreas West and sent on M. C. R. R. sad M. B. These goods are not to be excelled, being finished alike on both M. J. Lidell, of thin village, is agent R. K. train fro In Cleveland and Toledo. No discount on tire price of Spectacles. Having THE) BOTOMLE8* Expreas going Couth connects at Owosso' With D. for the Guardian Mutual Life Insur ­ bad SO years experience in tbe filing of glasses to g M. R. It. At Jackson with day express train* ’ ffiwi are acknowledged by all to be the Cheapest and Best ance company, of New York. This tbe eye, w* can gnaraoterfhat the pair selected will and w«#f 6o M. C. R. A, aad with M. S. K. R. for be a Toledo. at company offers special inducements to Mail going south connects at OW omo wltfl night .PAH A offered. Perfect Fit* those who desire to make provisions for trains east and west on D. A M. R. R., and at Jack- We always try the eye with an Instrfffbent, there son with evening express west on M. C. R. ft. future contingencies. Reliable, with by, can get the exact focus, and aelacl * glass that A. WATSON, Gen ’l Sup’t. Jackson, Anf. 39. 1869. |39| Their Domestic Goods Department, low rates, it has acquired a position to will give ease to the eye command the respect of the insurance By Candle-light * GROCERIES. Flannel Department, and Shawl De­ world, and the confidence of the public. CHOICE Those who desire to ’ insore should call As well os by day. partment are all complete. as above before coming to a final de ­ We have the very finest glasses In —or — ; cision. *tf FAMILY GROCERIES Gald, Silver and Steel Frames, x.o"W Prices , MISCELLANEOUS. Both concave and convex ; also, J-. M. WILLSON, For which we have so long sought, boast last been CLOTHING I H. C. SMITH A CO., Double V&mlon Glasses, found, and We come to you with the glad tidings Head 9t Clints 1 For seeing cloee to and at a diataooe la the same that tbe days of Ilxs a complete stock of pair. Ihaetlaf Specks arras HIGH PRICES Our stock of Clothing was never For the protection of tbs eye while oat shooting. Groceries & Provisions, Sacked Glass Ccnslstln, in part, of \ Have pained away, and 1 am oo% reeeivfffg my more complete then at the present Corner Drug Store, For tbe strengthening of Weak Eyes. a MUSICAL H8TRUMEVT8 X STRUTBB i (Corner Clinton Ave. and Walker St) SPRING AND SUMMER CO ss 4 time. Perfect fits for men and boys. * la great variety. Lai Mokttt, Have a complete and well selected stock of Stock of Drugs, Medidnes,PnintM REPAIRING. Sugar i Oils, Varnishes, MR. GOETTK la working early and late trying U4 Dye StuAfe, to keep ap with his Watch Repairing, all of which Teaif he warrants to bo done la a workmanlike manner. DRY GOODS! Uat FULL STOCK Ac., ^ Coil at the sign of the Coffetti Which will be sold Watch with Gold Spectacles Attached. Which I offer at about one-baif last years prices. OIF M. BABCOCK. Tobneeoet, May, 1849. 32:tf PRINTS, SHEETING8, STRIPES Cheap For Cash. DENIMS, COTTONAj)E8, PC Fish, Although we advertise Drugs cheap, we claim, MISCELLANEOUS. U4 Dried Peaches, and are able »n maintain that oar goods are of the Ac., &c., Ac. VERY BEST QUALITY, and are Dried Apples, New Fall and Winter Goods THEY HAVE COME. A large assortment of Rf “Booght of Reliable Parties.99 Freifr Oat Meal Although we have bat little experience in Drags, DRE88 GOODS, always on hand, and which That must be we have a concientlous regard tor the interest ofonV patrons, and have in oar employ a practical and PC will ho toldcheap for careful Druggist, wbo professes no ignorance in hit Barred Mulls , India Book , 8triped business. Billy la nt all times prepared to com ­ csr w jsx pound tbe moat and Plain Nainsook *, Sarsanet 0A8H OB PRODUCE. Cambric , Dotted Mulls , Highest market price always paid. Dlfftealt Proscriptions, THAT Irish Linens , Linen ' I have also on hand —FOR— Flanr, Catn 171 cal Buckwheat rays gas Spreads ft Napkins , Flaar9 Ac. cannot compound with accuracy bring your prescriptions to him. Please call and examine my stock and prices be* BLEACHED MUSLINS, ftc. tore purchasing elsewhere. I(em«-roher the place,' first grocery at the lu-nd of Clinton avenne. Cash or Ready Pay Also, a full assortment of Tremendous Stock These goods will be found very cheap. Si. Johns, Fe<>. 3*1.1860. 18:tf Softool So Blank Books, A full stock of Within the -OF- STATIONERY, Fine Caasimeres, Black Cloths and Doe ­ skins, Fanoy Goode and Yankee No ­ Patent Medicines Ac. tions, Gloves and Hosiery, Hats and BOOTS & SHOES Caps, Umbrellas and Parasols, and Silk Next Days, WALL PAPER Son Umbrellas, GET THE BEST. XVP WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED That has created such a of lata, Groceries, Boots : Shoes WINDOW 8HADE8 DICTIONARY. A. TEACHOUT'S, Uatil “you can ’t root,*' which will be offered LEATHER k, FINDINGS. MM Esxravlsgfc 1840 pp. gurt*. At Has Just been reeeived Tr*4« yrict tit. Cheaper theta Bafwre. 3*f 10,000 Wards Ond meanings not in mihot' St. Johns, Sept. 29,1869. Our stock la full, well assorted, aad contains every lHrttonarira . BOOTS A SHOES A CLOTHING “ In this country (EnglandJ ss well as that which thing usually found in a BY va it birth, it is now generally admitted to he tbe Manufactured to order and Warranted. si. In the copiousness of it* Vocabulary, and In JJJORTGAGE SALE.— BANKING. Cthe clearno** and accurate correctness of its Defini­ It Is my purpose to meet the Market si all times tions, It ha* no rival—«nd It Is m these points the Default having been made in the condition! of » IB.ST NATIONAL BANK FIRST-CLASS DRUB STORE. value of a Dictionary eonetata. ”—London Booksel ­ certain Mortgage, excoted by Mark J. LlddeM and M. H. D. McCABE, in prioee, and to keep a full and complete stock of ler. and Haudbook of British and For. Lit., Juua, Aan Liddell, hie wile, to llasaei M. Eddy, ou the F BUT GOOD GOODS. W 1 do not profess to sell 1999. eighth day of Augual, in the year one thousand OF 8T. JOHNS. “ Superior in inoat respects to any other English eight bundled and sixty-six. and recorded on the Our stock of tho boot goods cheaper than they can be bought of Dictionary known to me.”—Hon. U**«v P. Marsh. eighth day of August, in the year one thousand CAPITAL, $60,000. Jobbers and Mknnfkitnrsrs, but wM “ every time," M Ona of my daily companions. My taatlinnnial eight hundred and atxty-alx, In the office of the Druggists' Sundries give you goods worth the mousy you pay for them. to its erudition, tbe accuracy of its definition*, and Kegieter of Deed# for the county •( Clinton, In AT THE R. FLUM8TEAD. the vast etymological research by which it has bean Liber O of Mortgages, on page 494, aed the amount CHAS, KIPP, President. J. BICKA Vine Prost la complete aad by for tbe largest la the county. enriched through tbe laliora recently bestowed up­ claimed to bedee thereon at the date of thle nonce, 8. 8- WALKfek, Cashier- St Johns, May *9. liil. nl:tf on It. can bardlybe of much value, sustained ns the being the tun of eleven hundred and aixty doiiare H. 0. SMITH A OO. book is in worldwide reputation by so general an and lilty-hve cent!, being tlie amount of principal St. Johns, Mooch St, IMS. Sfctf approbation ; bet r bare no hesitation In thus en­ and Interest now due on sold Mortgage; urn) also DIRECTORS. ••Old Headquarteik.** grossing m* sense of Its merit*." —John L. Motley, the further sum of fifty dollar* as an Attorney fee Furniture, Furniture I the Historian, and now MinistHr at the Onurt or ft. us stipulated in said Mortgage, and no suit or pro- Chas Kipt, Roseut M- Stbil, JosaHicxt- Janes, 1999. esedlngs at law having been Instituted to mover i. 8- WALUX.JOSIAHalksb .Josiah Upton - ^ a. GIBBS, Published by G AO MERRIAM, Springfield, the debt now remaining secured by said Mortgage nL'.SsSkf W0"*** Mom. gold hv ell Booksellers. or any part thereof, now, therefore, by virtue of the This Bank is npsn for business on Cliotoa Aye- And they are going of Hke “hot eekes," aad AIm, maw enWlshei, WsbaMfe wer of sale contained in said Mortgage, notice la nue, between FI urns toad ’s corner and the Gibbs •14 Hast eppoeiU tkw Forleffles, Natlaaal Plcfarlal Dlellaaarp* Creby given, that on Saturday, the thirteenth day House. Contractor A Builder. 1040 pp. ffrMksj OOO Wnpmoinyt. of November, A. D., 1969, at one o ’clock In the after ■F*r UepoeltsDeposits repeivsd,received, U. ft.8- couponsCoupons easbed ­ Where h#wit! ho happy lo wall m • ______Fnfftnp Fswnn ^P4,______tiooa of that day, at the Soul door of Newton ’s Newew \Wrfc\«rk and Detroit Exchange bowbought and All kinds of Joiner Work done in the vety best flail, la the village of St. Johns, In the county of sold i stylo, aa short notice. EW ABBAASkREhTI. Clinton sad Slit#of Michigan, (that being the place Milin'UM tfMtlniIrluem WHT3T Oread Haven, bna epened n ntnrket jest be­ ■hep corner of Welker aad Spring Streets cabinet work pioeo of resort . Tho lawrfk part fo rmerly errupisd those certain piece# or pereels of lend known nnd low the St- Johns House, where eon be (mum at nil by tho______lablos hoe boon n put In shape, aa the Rwro- dooosthod ns follows, to-wlt : Village lots number timea, wealherper mining, ■t. Jehae, Aagnet ltib, 1M9. 44:tf peon plan, where viewer* wnh ihofr friends, ran ton (10), aUven (lit,and twelve
