SILVER GRILL the Move Corresponds with Became Panlc-At*1Cken
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■ - ■ ■ - I ; SAii6kDAT, MAT 18; 19M j^anrlVfltrr IfrraUi t SVSBAGB DAILY OIBCIILATIOM TUB WKATHU Because the regular monthly Sunset Rebekah Lodge wdll hold Dr. and Mrs. LeVerfia Holmes A meeting of Gibhons Assembly, for tSa oMirtb of April, INft rorooaat at O. & WaatSar .Sumw FUBtNESE SOCIETY have returned from a visit to New Catholic Ladles of Oolumbua, will meeting of the Master Barbers’ Its regular meeting In Odd Fellows PUBUC RECORDS PUBUC SETBACK Ebutford York with their daughter, Mias be held at the home of Miss Cath association was postponed for a hall Monday evening promptly at 8 LAWN MOWERS week and there were not enough TONIGHT AT 8:30 Esther W. Holmes. During their erine Shea, 25 Strant street, this o’clock. An entertainment and social Shsrpened and Repaired DANCE TONIGHT absence Dr. Holmes took a post evening at 7:30 o’clock. Hatters of members at the adjourned meeting time will follow at which the moth Warrantoe Deed D. J. Dickson’s, 5,501 Pair tanight; Tuesday cloudy and Importance will be discussed, and to transact business there wdll be a ers of the members wdll be guests. I f Chareh StrecL MemiMr ot tha Audit « ( I M j r t u a , KMMjr street graduate course in traumatic sur- A warrantee deed from the Man FRED H. NORTON iiattrtetrr Siirning cooler, poaothly fODowad by ahowan. as many members os can do so are meeting on Monday evening In the Memorial Temple, Pytfelaa Sisters Bureau of Oireulattana * e o - ____ Members have the privilege o' f invit chester Trust Company, trustee to M t« u S MoSeea Duietac. requested to be present. Hotel Sheridan. 8 Gash Prisas. Befreahineats. SSe ISO Mata Street ing their mothers or mothers-tn-Iaw, Susanna Shimanaki and Charles a-lS p . m. StMAHI Time. Mrs. Mary Bebnfleld and daugh whether Rebekahs or not. Mias Ruth Thp majority degree wdll be One of the frulta of the early Shimanski for a lot on the east aide Art McKsy’i Orchestra ter, Miss Emma Behnfleld of Rus Lippincott will be In charge of the of Union street was filed In the (Clammed Adverttalag eu Pa«a 10.) (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS sell street, left today for Watch worked on a large class of candi baseball season among the young special program, and Miss Evelyn VOL. UVn NO. 197. MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MAY 20, 1933. dates by John Mather Chapter, Or sters was a broken glass sign at t,*ie town clerk’s office today for record cari Wigaaewrid. Prompter. Hill, R. I., where tlicy will open Wood and her committee wdll serve ing. Admteeloe Sfie. their cottage on the Fort Road for der of DeMoIay, at a ceremony in Community Lunch, on North Main refreshments in the banquet hall. ¥ the summer. Masonic Temple Monday night at 8 street, this morning. o’clock. All majority members al James Veltch of St. Petersburg, You *re Out If You Miss This One! Worst Disaster Recorded As Biggest Plane Crashes Members of Manchester Assem so are invited to attend the Chapter Fla., brother of Republican Regis ABOUT TOWN bly, Order of Rainbow, have been in church services in Center church trar of Voters Robert N. Veltch. wdll GIRL’S BODY FOUND vited to atend the morning service tomorrow morning. return tomorrow to Florida after BONUS BILL ADVOCATES a> the Center Congregational church two weeks In the north. Most of the 2 BIO PRIZES The regular monthly meeting of tomorrow at 10:45. The Itainbow ' Horace A. Riviere, of Manches time he was in Manchester renew the Army and Navy club will be held girls will meet at the temple at ter, N. H„ will spend the week-end ing old friendships. Bridge-Whist this evening at 8 o’clocit. with Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bur TONIGH T BURIED BY CAVE-IN 10:30, also members of the advisory board. rell. of Tolland Turnpike. Mr. Ri The Young Polish People’s society Beeldee the Prlae Beers e f Them ADI Harry Leach of Hartford, for viere is vice-president of the United TALK WITH PRESIDENT mnny yeare a teacher In Mexico and are expecting a large number from The music committee of the Textile Workers of America. To this town and elsewhere at their WEHLE’S COLONIAL ALE acknowledged to be an Interesting North Methodist church will con night he will address a gathering at Setback Shirky Em u, Minini Two May Queen dance tonight In Turn AUTHORIZATION and forceful speaker, will duct a rummage sale Tuesday a dinner to be held in Odd Fellows AND BALLANTINE’S members of the Manchester KIwanIs hall. ilr. Riviere presented the hall. The Blue Diamond orchestra But Chief Executive Gives morning from 9 to 12 In the Mlntz will furnish music. Served writh Ooorteey and a Hearty Days, Eyidendy Victhn of Club Monday noon at the Country building. Depot Square. Mrs. Wal side of the Hilliard strikers When St. Bridget’s Parish Hall Plan Simple Funeral aub. ter Schober. Mrs. C. I. Balch, Miss the hearing was held In Manches Smile by "Pate” Partens. GIVEN CHENEYS Bernice Lydall, Mrs. C. Homer ter. His subject for this evening Accident WhOe Playing No Sign That He Has Miss Gladys Wright, a missionary Ginns, and .Miss May Hanna will be has not been announced. In the Belgian Congo, will address in charge. *’A SQUARE DEAL IN For Col. Lawrence Changed His Intention to the Adult Bible CTass of the South Beds for home gardeners w-ho MONDAY, MAY 20 Near Her Home. TO REORGANIZE Methodist church tomorrow morn have not yet received their allot SHARP EDGES" The PARK TAVERN The Beethoven Glee club wdll Johnson Block A. Tambomini, Prop. Wool. Dorsetshire, Eng., May 20. i ing at 9 o’clock. Miss Wright and meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 ments will be distributed Monday What Is It all about? The an Veto the Measure On her mother, Mrs. Catherine Wright 8 P . M . — (A P )—Messages from many j o’clock at the Emanuel Lutheran at 7 p. m. in the Knox building west swer Is In our Classified Advt. |New York, May 20.— (A P )— of Deep River, will be the week-end of the .Municipal building. It will Index Number 23. Judge Edwb Thomas Per lands poured Into this rural com-1 church l-wforc leaving for Walling Ihile police, Boy Scouts and neigh- guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ha.s- ford. be the last opportunity to obtain the KARLSEN & EDGERTON Door Prize! 6 Playing Prize?! munity today expressing sorrow at I kins of 21 Ridge street. seeds. Assistant Charity Supervisor pra beat adjoining awannplands mits Management to Con the death of the colorful Lawrence ' Members of Anderson Shea auxil Albert F. Bchrcnd said today. Souvenirs For All! u d reed-growh lots in a two-day of Arabia. At the open house Kelvinator iary wdll meet tomorrow night qt search for 8-ycar-oId Shirley Evans, Despite hla acclaim throughout Washlngrton, May 20.— (A P )—In demonstration held Thuraday at the tinue Operations; No Men 7:80 In front of the Holloran Fun she lay dead beneath a ton of earth the Empire, the funeral of Q>lonel 1 effort to forestall a certalii Standard Plumjlng Co.. 901 Main eral Home on Center street, to pay Entertainment Including: y b a Will Thank Your Thomas E. Lawrence who emerged, street, the door prize of a beautiful 260 }rardB from her home. Her Presidential veto, the Houae bonus a final tribute of respect to the ANNUAL body was found today buried in a tion of Wage Adjustments from hazardous war time adven refrigeration set was won by Mrs. memory of Mrs. Mary Dower, who Bring Your Shoe Comedy, Songs, Dancing and Music. tures only to be fatally Injured In bill steering cofiimittee today pre Frank House of Wapping. The dem died early yesterday and hus M A Y DINNER a cycling accident, will be extreme sented to President Roosevelt a 12- onstration was conducted by Miss band is a member of Anderson-.Shea WED., MAY 22, .">-7 P. M. Troubles To Me Home Made Cake and Ice Cream. ly simple in keeping with his wish. page argument for the Patman cur Elizabeth Meachsn, Home Econom Post, V. F. W. (Special To The Herald.) Lawrence’s death occurred at 8 ist of the Kelvinator Corporation. rency inflation bonus bill but Mr. Y. M. C. A. Hartford, May 20.—Judge Edwin p. m. yesterday after every medical Roosevelt gave no indication o f any The committee In charge of the Prices Reasonable Come and Bring Your Friends E. Thomas in the United States Dis resource had failed to revive him change in his determination to re Miss Mary Matyia, of Rockville, Banquet Hall lUCKY-^ STAR from a coma In which he had lam won first prize In the Radio Ama memorial service In connection with For An Enjoyable Evening. J trict Court here today authorized ject the measure as forcibly as pos the regular Monday night meeting Ever Ready Circle, since his skull was fractured in the sible. teurs contest at the State theater Selwitz the present management of Cheney cycle accident a week ago. here last night. Second prize went of Sunset Council, Degree of Poca King's Daughters Brothers to continue in the opera Instead, the Chief Executive set to Edward Sestero, an accordionist. hontas. met last night with Mrs. Admission 35c. The Day You Buy This Real Most magnificent product of Soviet airplane factories and largest of all land aircraft, the Maxim Gorky His brother and a few close aside the afternoon to put the finish Menu; Peach appetizer, chicken Shoe Rebuilding and tion and possession of the company, friends, who had remained at Bov- Miss Matyia proved a sensation In Bessie Farris to make plana.