VOL 1V.-NO. 4. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAYS NOVEMBER 3, 1869. WHOLE NO. 169. ----------------------------------------------J*- BU8INB68 CARDS. FKOM MAPLE IIAPIDN. The office of the Winter* Soldier* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. Bh« (EUttim § tidfprndfti Maple Rapids , Oct. 25,1869. Friend has been removed frottt daven ­ DENTISTRY. f JITAILnrQ EYE PBESEBVEB& ET THE BIST. ’*ri8 CUBA PEST IN THE Pt bllshed every Wednesday , by Ede. independentThere waa quite port, Iowa, to No. 8, Custom House •ad. A» liirn ofaw. the whicrlbn will c< G\lau« to supply tk« imdnltl ♦fork at a fair pri tJOitblT Sc ESTES, an excitement in Maple Rapids last plate, Chicago. Great inducements Messrs. LIZARDS A MORRIS, Thirteen yuan experience. Office prescribing a vUA*f® ptactloa, aa formerly. otBoe and widen NT. JOHNS, MICH. Friday evening. It seems that two are being offered to subscribers; The OPTICIAliSaoCULISTS Ut. JohnajEkh. f!4yl] G. K. CORBIN. M. D notorious characters by the names of OFFICE:—OVER CORBIT’S HARDWARE publishers propose to send the paper HARTFORD, OONN^ REMOVAL. ■■■■STORE, WALKER MTREE Wells and Brown, went to old Mr. H. WATTS has remove d hie bail*hailier ahop to the remainder of tbia year grttil to • ovor oaeob Brownie store, (Hickseke' new i block) Bubacription, #1 SO Per Yesti- Smith’s saloon to kick up R row, as is those subscribing now for 1870. It Wwhore ha will attendSlaving, tri Slaving. Hair CutHair tiny C and Maln«, * bam tia and Dy«4i»g. Booms fitted IN ADVANCE. supposed, they having fire arms with should be in the hands of every soldier. «PDta a pleasant comfortable manner. them, and partially succeeded in doing 8t.t donna.ina, JarJanuarySth, IMS. 16:yl. Advertisements Inserted at reasonable rates. so; the timely interference of 6ome Livery .—Chan. McDonald, in the ■OSES BARTOW. JOB PRINTING A Tremendous Stock Have, with a view to moot tbe Increasing demand TTOBNEY and Counsellor at Law and Soli ­ Of every description promptly and aoatly ass' citizens put a atop to the prooeedinga. St. Johns House barn, is opening the for their citor la Chancery, Also, Collecting Agent, at euted,at satisfactory prices. liveky business on an extensive scale. OF 4Wiastphaha, Clinton County, Michigan. (n49) ■SMBMdilahBH As Mr. Smith keeps no liquors, it is CELEBRATED Hi# horses are large, strong, gentle and C. W. TOPPING, ■. 0., HOME MATTERS. supposed to bs a design to impose on narsiciAN and BUitoKON, ont.. m,, hi. the old mao, becadsc he tries to keep a fat, hie carriage* of the latest style, and Perfected Spectacles JT resldeooe, on Main Street, DtWlU, Michigan. Particular attention given to surgical cases. [lOyl Brbyitiks .—There has been sboit respectable place. The affair waa dis ­ to tell the story as it is, the publio ean STOVES! Apppointed be accommodated it all timel with A. J. WIGGINS, 75,000 bushels of wheat shipped from graceful in the extreme, aud the perpe­ E. tti KELLOGG, HT8ICIAN AND BUttUKON. Office over this village the present season. anything in the livery line that they Gate B. U. South * Co.) Baker’s dry goods sot ore, west rids Clinton trators should be summarily dealt with. Dealer In PAvenue. All profeeeional calls, night or dat\ —November comes in pleasant, and —The dwelling bouse of S. W. Smith may desire. Clocks, WdlckfoL litkrelry, Silver promptly attended to. Particular attention given •ad Platdd Wake, dec.t to Chronic and Surgical cases. 49:tf we took forward to a “long spell o' took fire Thursday morning last, from A National Wou.-WrUtir'i Dictionary, Un- St. «Xolin», Michigan; weather. some detect in the stove qjipe, which aWtdged, illustrated, la a national work, In which ' AilSttT HOUSE. every American acbolar has aa Interact, and In tba As their sole Agent for tllift place. They have T«OOT of Clinton Avs., Sc Johns. Mich. H w —R. Plumstead is receiving his fal was soon extinguished by the* help of taken care to give all needful instruct Iona, and have T Walton. Proprietor. This Isa Now House, and completeness and accuracy of ihkh hk should have confidence in tbe ability of their agent# to meet tbe Hfis been fitted up with special reference to the a pride, —a national pride, If yon please,—the same Stage office for Ithaca, Alma and winter stock of goods. Gall and the citizens, for which he returns his requirements of all ctlatonibra. Aa opportunity will VeHts of the public, kind of pride we have In the superior Intelligence, be tbua afforded to procure, at all times, and'St. Louis. examine them. thanks. s. enterprise, resources, and capacity for adaptability Optctaclei Unegaallel Rp uky tmi rtiORNTON’S FINE ART GALLERY. —A gay and festive young “M. D.” to occasion, of the masses of tbs pMple of the Untied theirMrengihenlng; aid MyfcoTCG-RAPHS large and small, and In fact named Eugene Bassett, was am-sted Lansing , St. Jouns & Mackinac States. We have always been proud dt Wumi’i Preserving Qualities. JL every variety of picture made at the above Gal- Dictiokabt . It should be remembered thetthe tfry, either large or small. Particular attention ts R. R.—We learn ^iat a meeting of the Too much cannot be mid aa to their Superiority ^called to enlarging and If dyslred colored in oil Saturday last, for being drunk and dis­ publishers have had large experience and the com over tbe ordinary glasses worn. There ia no glim ­ tor India Ink. Head of ClnU-n Aveni Executivo Committee of the Board of mend of large resource# in the preparation and per­ mering, wavering of tbe sight, dizziness, or other Vest side. (1J L. W. Thornton , Artist orderly, and was brought before Jus­ unpleasant sensations, but on tbe contrary, from Directors of the L., St. J. & M. R. R. fection of this great work, and have aimed to make the perfect construction of the Lenses, they are tice McFarlan and fiued $8. This is —as we Are confident they have succeeded In doing soot hlng and pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to SPAULDING 4 CRANSON, was held on the 26th ult., at which Just Received at the wearer, Arid TTORNEY!} and Counsellors at Law.iindBoHci the “youth” that borrowed our “paste the aist Dictionary of the English langoags. — tors In Chancery, Bt. Johns, Clinton Co. Mich time it was resolved to proceed imme­ Moore ’s Rural New-YoVkW. Producing a Cloar anA Diet I act AO. L. BPACLDINQ. I J. fSANSOW dish” some time since, and failed to Vleloa, diately with the survey of the route. Ae In the NATURAL HEALTHY 8IGHT. return it. MARRIED. J. H. CORBIT’S, MI8CKM-AMKOUS. Mr. J. L. Paldi will have charge of They are tbe only Spectacles that —Train left his record in the Russell At dt. Paul’s Church, Film, Mich., Octol*r27, ProuorVo au Well aa Assist tho ATTENTION, MBHLBS the work, under the personal direction 1869, by the Rev. Marcus Lane, Mr. LeRny C. Whit- Walker Street, West. Sight I House register, Detfrdit, thus: “George ne>,ot East Saginaw, and M.ss .lenuie £. Rankin, And are the Cheapest because tbe Bget, alwayi W« ere manufacturing and ■have on hand a larger of the president, Mr. Steel, and will be of Flint, daughter of F. H. Rankin. QRGAN SI lasting manv years without change being necessary. J'quantity of the Francis Train—From Puget Sound via At the Residence of H. M. Perrin. October 26th, CuUtion. —Mr. E. H. Kellogg, Jeweler, St. San Francisco, New York, Cincinnati assisted by Mr. Mclllvain, city sur­ by the Rev. G. M. Tut hill, Mr. Charles Adame, and Sohiis, M.ch., is their only Agent appointed in this f tapreve* GreestaA Fanifcg Mills Mlae^Luc^H^Perrlri^uro^t^o^is^^^^^^ place. OT We employ no peddlers. 88:ly aud Chicago, delivering the 218th l$c veyor of Lansing, and other competent t ■d a l DIED. ORGANS 1 A aid Milk Safes ture of a course of 600 to-night, on the cnginecra. Preparations are being PLANING MILL. Than ever before In -one season. Our Mills are su HII.L—In Beiignl,I, Nov. 2, 1809. of that dread way to the White House in 1872. ” made with all vigor, and next week at diseitsr. Consumption, Rose M..... daughter...u| bf Curt- petfor to any In use, as we have a perfect shake at ST. JOHNS both ertds of the-shoe. These Mills have also more this time, a party of engineers will, land end Lucinda Hill, aged 28 yesrA. Sieves and Screens than are generally fouud in thoae —We should thiuk it would be The deceased had a large circle bf friends, and rrFrn | of other manufactured. They separate the grmas good idea if the large crowd of anxious without doubt, be busily at work. how much she was esteemed the traders of lh< MANUFACTURING COMPANY, seed, chess end cockle in a vety periect manner. The Officers and directors resident at lines can testify. She bore her iibge- Ing Illness Mills asld fwr Omsk or Apprevgd buyers that are constantly thronging wltb a quiet resignation; and tbrorigh all her suffer Nelsa. the mammoth store of M. Heavenrich this plac4 visited Lansing od Thursday ng not a murmur escaped her llpk. For ibe last Manufacturers and dealers la All orders will receive prompt attention and Friday of last week, to consult with four weeks, the spoke not a word Abkjye a whisper; Mills always On hand at Madison's Agricultural & Co., would wait patiently for their hut her reason remained unlmpalfod to the last . Warehouse, bt. Johns. the Lansing parties interested, and to W. A. PLUMSTEAD i W.T.drR.
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