LIEPP Working Paper June 2017, nº67 How the quality of democracy deterio- rates: Populism and the backsliding of democracy in three West Balkan coun- tries Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos Political Science and Public Administration Department National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
[email protected] © 2017 by the author. All rights reserved. How to cite this publication: Sotiropoulos Dimitri A., How the quality of democracy deterio-rates: Populism and the backsliding of democracy in three West Balkan countries, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°67, 2017-06- 14. LIEPP Working Paper n° 67 How the quality of democracy deteriorates: Populism and the backsliding of democracy in three West Balkan countries Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos Abstract Assessments of the quality of democracy focus on deviations from the rule of law and decreasing levels of political participation, but do not adequate- ly explore the mechanisms through which the quality of democracy de- creases. Populism is such a mechanism, used by populist leaders, after they ascent to power. Populism is combined with clientelism and corruption to form means of political domination in democratic regimes which are back- pedalling or backsliding. Examples are three recently consolidated demo- cratic regimes of Western Balkans. The governments of Aleksandar Vucic in Serbia, Nikola Gruevski in FYR Macedonia and Milo Djukanovic in Montenegro purposefully use populism, clientelism and corruption. Alt- hough not present in all backsliding democracies, populism, clientelism