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T he “ W ind P hone ” si a r eal telephone b00th in the t ow n of Ot suchi in l w ate pr efecture・

lt’s not connected t o any phone lines. But ever since the Gr eat Ea st Japan Earthq uake di saster, 0ver

30,000 people ha ve com e to this place. They all ha ve loved ones they wanH o talk t o. They wanH o say

900dby e to theirfamily m em bers, who should be ther e with the m. For tho se people who are living with

such sadness, there i s a m ovie that will be softly, gently by their side. ln 2011 ,0t suchir esident and

garden d: esignerlt aru Sasaki in sta‖ed the “VVind Phone ” in his home garden ,inspired by hi s de sire to talk

with hi s deceased cousin one m ore time. Grad ually, people began t o know of it as‘t he phone connected

to heaven≒ and now m any people co me just to visit it・

Haru is a high schoolst udent from Otsuchi who was affected by t he Great Ea st Japan Earthq uake

Disaster. She goes to live with her auntin Hir oshima, b ut her heartr em ainsin Otsuchi. She begin s to

hitchhike all the w ay back t o her home town. She meets, travels, and parts with many differ ent people

along herjour ney. And what kind of scenery does Haru see?

The film “Voices in the Wind ” is the first movie thaHells the st ory oHhis phone booth. Takin9 0n thi s diffic ult

them e is director Nobuhir o Suw a, director of M/Other and Un Cou ple Parfait. The important pr ota90nist

Haru is played by up- and-coming actress Serina Motola, who se warm perfor m ance is supported by 9r eat

Japarle se actors Hideotoshi Nishijima, Toshiyuki Ni shida, and Tom okazu Miur a・

Suwa dir ects the m ovie with hi s signat ure style, f ully capturing t he atmospher e of the m om ent, as well a s

the natural m ove ments of t he actors to create a docum entary-like feel. lt will feel as though y ou are 901n9

0n ajour ney a10ngside t he characters, for a uniqu e movie exper ience that wil目eave a perm anent

lmpr esslon on vle wers・ ゝ ' 轟; ”・ダ ……i ・4 、・i , 4.よ ●● 二`‘`411 ; ;・' 4・ 一一ir‘

lこr で こここ こ ‾ =こ 7‘7し ぴ’:J・ 向・

。,●W ●,|威Sl 。 -

St O ry

Aft er being affected by lhe Gr eat E ast Jap a n E,arthquake

disa ster,high s ch oolst u de nt H aru (Ser ina M otola) m ove s to

H iro shima to li ve with her a unl Hir o ko { M akiko W ata na be}・

Until the day of t he earthq u ake ,H ar u had li ved wilh her family in lhe 10 wn of Ol suchi in l w ate pr electur e.B ut that

day,the t su n a m i t00 k her family fr o m her 。

Aft er c o m ing ho m e fro m sch o ol o ne d ay, H ar u find s

Hir o k0 ,coIlap sed on the 1100r. She i s la ke n to the ho spital.

A s Hir o ko sleep s q uietly in her ho spital bed ,H aru hug s her ,

an d le ave s the ho spilal. ln an e m pty jeld ,s he crie s a nd

sho uts alon e ,『 e m e m b ering her de oeased family。

H ar u fall s to her kne e s, all cried o ut. A small lr uck pa sses

by,dri ve n by K o hei (T o m okaz u Mi ura). H e bring s H ar u to

his ho use, where he li ve s with hi s elderly m olher. H ar u listen s to t he m talk abo ut their vario us exper ie nce s in

Hjr o shima. K o hei ta ke s herback t o the stalion , but H ar u

decide s ta ke s the lr ain in the co m plele o pp osite dir ectio n of

ho m e。

W h en she get s off the train ,H ar u starls to hitchhike, an d

she i s gi ve n a ride by a t w o nioe pe o ple, w h o are brolher

an d sister. T he sister, Y uka(Mir ai Y a m a m oto)i s pr e g na nt ,

an d she let s H ar u feel her sto m a ch, wher e sh e ca n feel the

baby m ovin9. At night, Haruis surr ounded by a bunch of

delinq ue nts,and ju st w h en she i s facing darlger, shei s

helped by M orio (Hidet o shi Ni sh りim a), a m a n who ha s c o m e

fro m Fuku shima, who i s on the road 100king for a K urdis h

m a n w h o h ad co m e the di saster- affecte d ar ea as a

vol unt e er。

M orio used t o w ork a H he nuclear po w erplant,and lo sl

his family t o the t su na m り ust like Har u did. Aft er visitin9 1he

hous e wher e M orio u sed lo li ve, lhey visiHhe ho u se of

M orio' s frjend s,t he lm a da s: father lm a da( T oshiy ukj

Nishida) a nd d a ught er Mit suy o (Shoko lke zu), w ho co m e

outt0 9「 e eH he m. A s they sin9 10cal folk sorlg s ,l m a da say s

sofllyt o M orio: “l wi sh l co uld se e that shining sce ne ag ai n

ln Morio ’s car, Haru iina ‖y makes it back t o Otsuchi. She

doesn ’ tn eed a mapl o find her home. But t he only thin9

1eflofit i s the com ers10ne, She hears that there i s a phone

booth people ca‖ the “VVind Phone ’≒ in Otsuchi, on the

Namiita coast. lt’s not h00ked up to any phone lines, but

people still use the phone lo tell their dead lriend s and family ho w they feel. Haru 90es toward herfinal s10p, as if

she has been guided ther e her entirej oum ey … P rod uction N ote

H owthe pr oject began The title cf t he m cvie is ‘IWind Phonel' (English 1111e

ln 2011 ,0t suchi ,lwaler esident and garden designer llVcice s in t 卜le Wirld'I ) ,b ul the p hc ne bo 01h doe snl l

ltaru Sasaki irlslalled lhe l‘W ind Phorle" in hi s hom e m ake arl appear ance urllil the very e nd of the story・

garden.Lat ar,aflert he Great EasI Japar l E arlhq uake, S u w a place d m ore im p ort ance on lhe experier lceslhat

m any pecple cam e tc visil lhis phone bc01h lo taik lo the pr ota go nist H aru ha s along lhe w ay ,H e say s tha,t itl s

friend s arld family m em bers lhey lo st, This pheno menon beca use every one who visits th e W ind P h one ha s

was er porled in newspaper s, 0nline,arld in a TV lheir own indi vid ual slory ,

docu mentary. The produceroHhisfilm pr ojecI,EiJilzLJmi 、

was one of ht e people m oved by such reports. zlumi C a Stin9 appr oached Sasaki at hi s hom e many tim es,a sking14]「

permi ssionI o creale a m ovie about lhe slory・ W hen Casting forlhe main charact erHar u w as do ne

Nobuhiro S uwa w as asked lo dir ect,he said: I・1 1hought il throLjgh a uditions,and up' and-(二o m ing actres5 Ser jna

would be very dific ult1 0 m ake a m ovie about lhis M otola was chos enf orthe role. M otola does not yet

subJed. ゜ ha ve m u(h acting e xper ience, butSu wa was r esolut e;'|

He continues: lllt0 t0k quile som e it me 10『eali zelhe thought,she ‘ stheonly one whocandoit. ″

vision of lhi s m ovie. lhad walched lhe doc umentary on "Shej sthekindofpers onfor w ho mtimef10 ws u

T V lhals erved as zl umil s inspiralion, andil w asjusl difFerently fr om everyone else, Wheny ouaskhera

heartbreaking thr Dugho ut.The people sho wn i・「lthe q uestionjttakesalongtimeforherto gi ve an ans wer! documentary, even tho ugh lhey ofc curse gave their SheJ 5( 二learly thinking a lot, b ut w hens he e permi ssionl c be nlm ed and sho wn , lkept wonderirlg co m mu nr(二atesit' srloteasyt o undersland.That' 5 her

whether l s110uld keep walching lhem. And for the people char m,Haruasacharact erhasa! otofs( enes wher e

h the docum enlary , lthink lhey were able 10 speak shei sr10t speakin9, bLlt y ou never geUired of

openly because they had never beerl asked t o shar e watclling her.11ho ught that was very 900d.'「

before.llho ught, even tho ugh thal' s so mething ly pical Hideot oshi Nish りj「la‘ s last appearancein a

ofa docum erllary ,maybe y cu cQuld e verl do the same S uwa-directed lilm w as 1997' s 2y Duo.To m okazLj

lhing with a lct icnalm cvie,I' Mi uraa nd M akiko W atanabざslast appearancesina

Su wa fjlm wa5 1999' s My Other, NishUima' s role in this T h e j O U m ey Of filming fr O m m ovie is diflicult, similarto h15 「ole in 2yD u0. He was

T he story i s abo ut a high sch001 gir l na m e d H aru as she often w orking hard on ilt on the sel.

tΓavel s lr o m Hiro shima back io her h om e to wr1 0f Ot suchi , S uwasays: “Hispartis veryhea vy.andhischaract eris

b ut thal w asnl l t h e original plan. T he original idea w as for not very w e‖-denned,50 1t wa5 a lot of pr ess ure on him.

a y oung per s on fro m w e sler n j apa n who w e nt thr o ugh a B utl kne w lc ould co urlton him. E3ut dlsGi n th 巳s cene

n atural di sa ster learn s oH he ‘IVVind Phonel' a nd hea ds to wheretheygot otheKurdjs h com m unity,he saidjl

0 1s uchi. had no idea what t o do there as an a(t orso it90t me

‘IBulfor m e ,11houghHher e w as a g Feal m ea ning irlthe kind of do wn “ ! After filmin9, hesent me an email that

idea of ‘going back t o 0 1suchi・ ,G oing ba ck to face lhe sid,T m91adthatl wasablet osay whatl wantedt o

pla ce in which y ou LJsedt o b e, eighl y ears aft er the say,be{ 二aLjse itwas y ou.JAndyes,0ns et,bothofus

e arthq ua ke ,T hatl s wher e y o u w er e b o m a nd rai sed , doni t hold anything ba 〔kfr o m ea〔h oth 巳「,and w ork

wher e y ou certainly ha ve m e m orie s of pla ce s thal ar e t09etherto make d15{ 二overies.「'

Ion g go ne ,By gohg back t0 1hat place , 11hink y ou startt o 5 uwa a150 fourld interesting the difierent ways

s ee lhe m uI!iple lay er s of lhing s,II S uw a says。 veteran act orslikeTomokaz uMiLjra and Toshiy uki

To Su wa , this was his first e χperience going on the NFshida approachedtheira(tin9・

roa d 10 film a m ovie, m uch like 01d lr oad m ovie s ≒ "Miura has s om ething ofa direct or in him. He i・s al ways

`ll admit l didn' t q uile se e lhe e ntire scale oH he m ovie thinkingabo utho whischaractercanmakethemo vie

fro m lh e very beginnirlg. 0 f co urse,jnt he erld w e ha ve even better,and w 卜lalhesho ulddolomakethat

the c haracler arriving at the VVind Phone , bul be cau se l happen,Hehadalotofdiffer entplans,s D w e talked a

a nd the staff had no idea what t he ad ors w ould say o nce 10t o n set, Myfilm5cripts arerl ゛ t exa(tly set in 5t one,

they w ere in the Phone b001h, w e h ad no id ea ho w it b utMiura' s s cenes were extremelyimportant,A nd

w ould t u m o ut, a n d w e w ere really eχciled t o see whal

w ould happerl." h ereally br oughl t h e m ovie t og ether, This is the first A ppe arir19 1「1 1he mc vie are Kurdishr esiderlts of

time l' ve w orked with Ni shida , but it w a s a 101 0f JaparlWherlor le on he K urd slalksaboLjl ho w hi s

furl. H e w a s alre a dy in c hara d erl【 】n g bek 】rel w as falhertried t o e nter tlle cc untry as a ref uge e arld

rea dy lo say lactio nリ E verylhing Ni shida says w a s w as suddenly arr ested by immigr alion and w a s still

impr ovised.lenlr usled 卜lim t c say what ever he in pri son,that i s one of the painf ul e xper ie nc es that

w arlled 10 say.' ゜ m arly of t he m ha ve e χper ie noed h ere a n d n ow。

S u w a yIVVhere i s their ho m e? T hey m ay g o b ack lmpr O V i S at iO n a l A Ctin9

only t0 1rld that it i s g Qne. lt ’s a sce ne lh at m a ke s Nob uhir o S u wa i s a dir e ctor who w ork s Ljnder the y o u thirlk abo ut ho w ho m e10 wrl s c an be losl ,「11he | principle lhat t he ac10rs sho uld impr ovis e a ccording laUer h alf oH h e m o vie lherel s a sce ne wher e to what ever co m es o ut of t h e m V oice s in lhe Wind NishidaJ s lm ad a sing s a folk so n g ,sol w as ~ 〃 一乙・W ‾ ha s a script , but ne wlhing s w ere added lo it every thinking abo ut whal song l wanled him t o sing. S o m ornirlg. S u wa lalked wit卜l ltle actors o n sel, a nd w he n l a sked Ni shida , he said ,゜Shin- S o m a-b ushi is simply waited for whale ver e m 0110rls a n d w ord s a nice scn gj S o h e sa n g that, and l lhink it ’ s a woLjld springforlh fr o mtheirhearts. song lhat slrorlgly evo ke s a serl se of ‘IA clors do n' tJ u st‘a ct≒they ‘exisr . W hal lh o m etownl 。 ’ e m otions are they feeling ? H o w do they r eact in

thi s silualion? W hat are lhey thinkir19? T hose T h e L a St SCene y qLle stio ns will ha ve difr ererlt a n sw ers for ev ery Thehillinthet o w n of Ot sLjc111 wher e lh e W in d P h o ne 卜 per s orl ,ev ery w ay orli virlg. T o m e, a m ovie is all sta nd s is a bea utilul spa ce designed by gar de nerlt aru w abo ut c apturing lho se m o m e nts." S asaki.lt feel s like a u10pia whe 陀t im e ha s stopped. Y asLjko Bepp u ,who plays t he m other of

a lt’s a pla ce that i s q uite o L』1-of-the- w ay and diffic ult to T o m o kazu Mi ura' s chara cter, is fr o m H iroshima.

g ett 0, s o p eo ple only c o m e to lhe iVVind Phone ’w he n W he n her chara cterirl t he m ovie i s talkirlg abD ut

theyreally need il ,H ar u lirld s it at th e e n d 01 her herchild110cd memorie s, tho se ar e B ep pul s a ctu al

Jo u m ey. A n d w hal H ar u say s w hen she slep s inlo the experier lces. Ni shiJima maket im et c have

● p110neb001h w aslefl upt o M otola herselft o decid e. co nversaiions witht he m a n wholi ve d in o ne oftlle

SLj wajVVherl w e w ere writin9 1he script, the writ er ho u se s ai which they w ere filming. T h e m an ,w 卜10

ln ukai and l oft en talked abo ut what she w ould s ay al w as a local t0 1hat ar ea 、didn' t lell Ni shiJima abo ut 4 a th e e n d ,0 「 whelher she sho uld say arlylhing al all. w ork, 0「 m e m orie s of the day of the di saster,b ut T her e w ere so m e line s lhat lrl ukai had writlen ct course a bo ut llle pr eserlt, W hat ar e y o ur hobbie s? W hat

B ut a s w e 90t c10ser to filming lhat sce ne , la sked do y o u like t o eal? H e w anted t o le arn a b oullhe

M oiola to try a nd wrile do w n what she w ould like 10 say・ fine detaiI s of everydaylile.

Be ca use y ou donl l really k no w whaty ou w a nH o S uw a say s:‘Iln a s ens e, tllis m ovie i s a

e xpr ess until lhat t im e co m e s.’ d ocu m e ntary abo ut Jap an。 11' s a b oul bea ulifuI

Finally,lhey ’「e lilming lhe s c ene. The 旨sl take isn ’ t Ja pan e se scerlery arld loGal hi stQry・ AIl t he

gr eat. M aybe lhe w ord s are n ’ t lirling up well wilh t he chara cters ha ve their o w n p asIs, their o wrl

e m otion s, T he la ke u sed in the flrlal film i s a ctually t 卜le m e m orie s, a「ld they all pile up like geological sIrata ,

2ndt ake.Afler S uw a say s‘ cut ≒11e a sk s M otola h ow ltho ughtit w a s veryimpor ian H o capture such

shefeel s. S he say syIl think l did it, ’an d S u w a a 9ree s. strata e specially no w, 8 y e ars aft er the di sa ster.'

lt’s a lo ng scerle, o ver 10 min utes, a「ld Har u ’s

L O St a n d W O U n d e d H O m et O W n S 『nessag e po urs o ul of her,aft er she ha s bottled it up in

N ish りim a' s chara cter M orio i s looking for silerlce forthe enlir e m ovie. T he w crd s sound

so m eo ne, a「ld meel s s o m e K urdi sh people. 11' s an ab sol ulely bea utiful.

odd epi sode irl lhe st ory onhi s m cvie. 11 may ncl b e

a fa m iliar s ubject for pe o ple in Ja pan , butitl s a n

issu e c10s e to ho m e for m arly w e sle m co urltrie s.

Thi s soen e strongly co m m urlicat es that eve n h ere in

Ja pa n ,111ere are foreig n ers who wish they co uld

rel u m t0 1heir ho m etowrl s ,b ul ca n' 1.

C ast Profile

“ H aru ” Serena M otola / モ ト ー ラ 世 里 奈

B orn O ctober 91h 1998 1n Toky o. Debuted as a model in 2015 jn SO- EN magazine. She has since appeared as a m odelfor vario us apparel br ands and fashion magazines. She had an int erest in actin9 , and in 2018 deb uted in the 2018 mo vie “Girls'Encounter ぴ 少 女 廻 遁 』)". Her acting also left an impression on vie wers in the 2018 NHK dr ama ‘IAn lnvisible Cradle く「透 明 な ゆ り か ご」)". 0ther appearances include 2019' s“ My Father,lhe Bride( 『お い し い 家 族 』), and“ Black School Rules (『ブ ラ ッ ク 校 則 』)",a movie and dr am a also on Hulu. She i s a new up- and-coming actress who will ne xl appearjn the J uly 2020 『elease “Ren Ren Do Fa(『恋 恋 豆 花 』)・

“M orio ” Hidet oshi Nish吊ma/西 島 秀俊

B om March 29th 1971 1n Toky o. First appeared in the 1994 mo vie “G host Pub( 『居 酒 屋 ゆ う れ い 抑',ln 1997 , appear ed in Nobuhiro Suwa’s“2y Duo(1(2/ デ ュ オJ)". Sincet hen he has appeared in m any movies and TV dramas. M ain movie appearances include “Do‖s" in2002 ,Kikyo in 2005 パVacation く『 休 暇 』)"in 2008, CUTin 2011 ,“ M OZU" in 2015, “Samurai' s Pr omise ぴ 散 り 椿 』)"in 2018, andin2019 Det ective Pikachu( Japanese d ub) パAir craft Carrier lb uk( 『 空 母 い ぶ き 』〉パNinky o Gakuen (( 任 侠 学 園J)", and m ore.

ヒ “ h Tlad a ” nshiy uki Nishida /西 田敏行

B orn Novem ber 4th 1947 1n F ukushima. Joined t he Seinenza lheater training program in 1968, and 9rad ualed in 1970, becoming a mem ber.1n 1978, he appearedint he TV drama “Jo urney to lhe W esl『L 洒 遊 記 』)・`.ln 1980, he appeared in lkenaka Genta 80k9 (「 池 中 玄 太80 キ ロ」).From 1988 he appeared in the film serie s ”Free &Easy び 釣 リ バ カ 日 誌JP, becoming a nationally-belo ved actor. M ain movie appearances incIude “A Class to Remember(r 学 校 よ) (1993), “The Rainbow Seeker『r 虹 を つ か む 男 』)"(1996), “Dawn of New Day: The Man Behind VH Sr 陽 は ま た 昇 る 』" (2002),Penguin s in the Sky- Asahiy ama Zoo (r 旭 山 動 物 園 物 語 ペ ン ギ ン が 空 を と ぶJ)(2009)yISt ar Watching D09 (1 ‾ 星 守 る 犬))"(2011), “Reunion 『f 遺 体 ~ 明 日 へ の 十 日 間 』)"(2013), “Outrage Coda(『ア ウ ト レ イ ジ 最 終 章 』)"(2017) ,



9 S 9


“ K o h ei” T om okazu Mi ura / 三 浦 友 和

B om January 28t h 1952 1n Yamanashi. Debuted as an ad orin 1972. Her eceived acclaim for such r oles as in N obuhir o Su wa's 1999 film My Other, winning Be st Actor al the 24th Hochi Film A ward s, and Best Actor atthe gt h Japanese M ovie Crilics Award s. 0therfilm appear ances include 1 974' s“ The Dancing Girl of zul [ じ伊 豆 の 踊 り 子]) , 1985' s Ty phoon Ciub し 台 風 ク ラ ブ」) ,1989' s“226", 2007' s“Adrift(r 転 々J)"in Toky 0, 2009js “The Unfroken ( 『 沈 ま ぬ 太 陽J 』",2010' s“ O utrageけ ア ウ ト レ イ ジ 』)",2011's “Cr ossroads(『Rail ways 愛 を 伝 え ら れ な い 大 人 た ち へ 』)",2016' s “64 SIX FO UR(f64 汀and “The Katsur暗 M urder Case(『葛 城 事 件J 』",2018' s“A Forest of W oola nd Steelぐ 羊 と 鋼 の 森J)", and more. Sta汀p rom e

? り ,

Dir e Ct Or NObUhir O S U W a / 諏 訪 敦 彦

Bom 1960,in Hiro5hima. Began making movies while still a studerltatTokyoZokeiUni versity (S hool

of Design. ln 1985, he dir e(ted,prod uced,wrote,and 5hot the sho rtfilm “Hanasareru GANGj≒ whi(h

wase ntered int o the 8th Pia Film Festi val.He has als o worked on severalTVdocumentaries,with his

1995 doc umentary abo ut Sojin Kamiy ama,o ne ofthe very few actors from Japanto workin

Holly wood, receiving high prais e. He made his feat ure-length film deb ut in 1 997 with ″2/Duo≒Fr om

here, hisuniq ue impr ovisational style offilmmaking began in ear nest. ln 1999, h15 film “M/Other" won

the FIPRESCI Pri ze at the 52nd (: annes Film Festi val, Best Film at the 14th Takasaki Film Fe5ti val, and

BestScript at 54th Mainichi Film A wards.He has made severale χperimental fjlms, 5uch as H St ory ,

whichisaremakeofAlainRes nais'ぐHir oshima Mon Amoulゾ¨ Un Couple Parfait'≒s et in Paris and

made with a French and Japanes e stafC'Y uki &Nina, ″which st arred a 9-year-old girl with rlo previous

acling e xperience,a‖ ofwhich were(二reated with no set scenar10. 1n 201 7,hereleased “The Lion Sleeps

TonighC which stars legendaryFrench act orJe ∂n-Pierre Lea ud. Hec urrently teache5 at the 9「ad uate

s(hoolo ffi lm and new media at Tokyo Uni versity ofthe Arts.


1984: Hanasareru G ANG - Entered in Pia Film Fe stival

1997: 2y Du o - RoUerdam Film Fe stival , Be st Asian film ,e lc。

1999: M/ Other - FIPRESCI Pri ze al Cannes Film Fe slival

2001 : H Story

2002: a leUer from Hiroshima - a segmenl in the omnibus “Aft er War ≒ Gr an Priχ at Locam o lntem ationai

Film Fe stival

2005: Un Couple Parfait - Locamo lnte mational Film Festi val , Special Pri ze of the J ury, CICAE Award

2006: Place des Vicloir es(s egment ol Pari s je t’a ime)

2009: Yuki & Nina(co-directed with Hippolyt e Girardol )

2010: Kurokami

2017:The Liorl sleep s Tonight Afler tr avelin9 0 ver t300 kilomet ers from Hiroshima t o retum t o her hom etow n,H aru finds the

‘VVind Phorle レ a[m ost by accident. S10 wly, she enters the phone b00th, and begins s aying ho w

she feel sj o her deceased family. F ventually the w ord s are overflo wing wit h e m otion, and as w e

were filming that scene , lwas struck wilh a slrange sensation. ltho ught: lhi s is not fictiorl that l ’ m

shootin9.1t s not a docum entary. ltj s somelhing thal doe snl t need to be pr oven a truth ora lie.

W hat is this? lt was the serlse that l w as filming som ething completely irr eplaceable, that l would

ne ver com e across agaln。

la sked Ser ina M otola to com e up with her ow n lines for that s cene, and perhap s l felt that way

because o↑her w onderful pr esence and creativity. 0r,perhap s every sin91e per son Haru m eets

along her joLJmey, play ed fantastically by t he other actors, enveloped her in a war m kindness, and

thank s to their ‘irreplaceable ’m eetin9 ,H aru’ s me m orie s and eχper iences were imprint ed on

M otola.And l reali ze one m ore im portant thir19: right now, | ’m list ening to the voice of Haru, who

does not eχist, b ut her eχistence is fillir19 up t he booth ofthe Wir ld Phone , ltIs beerl standing

ther e for 8 y ears,fillir19 up with the tho ught s, voices, word s, sadness,「e9 「et of tho se who visXt it .

all piling up like geographic strata. Andther e, now, H aru is speaking ,a lm ost like a pr ay er, the

W ind Phone taking her som ewher e=filling her with w ar mth wher e she was once c10sed off. lt felt

like som ethin9 「ealandtrLJe=that went bey ond what a m ovie is。

That was the last day of fijmin9 , 1tw as bright and s unny, tho ugh it had been c10 udy up LJntil the

day befor e. But that day the wind ble w fier cely, alm ost like an act of 90d ,shaking the flo wers and

trees violently, and it ble w t he cloud s apart, lettin9 1he sun shine thr ough , making it int o a dram atic

scene. lt w as like the wind w as picking up Haru’s voice from withint he W ind Phone b00th and

carrying her word s away t o heaven ,u p on that hill. lt was a little cine m atic mir acle.

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