Baltic Sea Region Film Co-Production. Japanese Views
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A Service of Leibniz-Informationszentrum econstor Wirtschaft Leibniz Information Centre Make Your Publications Visible. zbw for Economics Niskanen, Eija; Kakeo, Yoshio; Petkovic, Silvana; Severns, Karen Working Paper Japanese: Baltic Sea Region film co-production. Japanese views ETLA Discussion Papers, No. 1228 Provided in Cooperation with: The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA), Helsinki Suggested Citation: Niskanen, Eija; Kakeo, Yoshio; Petkovic, Silvana; Severns, Karen (2010) : Japanese: Baltic Sea Region film co-production. Japanese views, ETLA Discussion Papers, No. 1228, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA), Helsinki This Version is available at: Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. personal and scholarly purposes. 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ELINKEINOELÄMÄN TUTKIMUSLAITOS THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE FINNISH ECONOMY Lönnrotinkatu 4 B 00120 Helsinki Finland Tel. 358-9-609 900 ETLA Telefax 358-9-601 753 World Wide Web: Keskusteluaiheita – Discussion papers No. 1228 Eija Niskanen – Yoshio Kakeo – Silvana Petkovic – Karen Severns JAPANESE – BALTIC SEA REGION FILM CO-PRODUCTION: JAPANESE VIEWS The research report is a part of the BaltMetPromo project, co-financed by the Baltic Sea Regional Programme of the European Union. The project focuses on the attractiveness of the Baltic Sea Region as a target for foreign direct investment (FDI), tourism and cinema coproductions. In each of these areas two research reports have been pre- pared: one concerning the demand side, and the other the supply side. Our report fo- cuses on the demand side of cinema coproduction. The end products in each sector are several types of concrete marketing measures for relevant target groups. (See http:/ ISSN 0781-6847 19.11.2010 NISKANEN, Eija – KAKEO, Yoshio – PETKOVIC, Silvana – SEVERNS, Karen, JAPANESE – BALTIC SEA REGION FILM CO-PRODUCTION: JAPANESE VIEWS. Helsinki, ETLA Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimuslaitos, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, 2010, 108 s. (Keskusteluaiheita, Discussion Papers; ISSN 0781-6847; No. 1228). TIIVISTELMÄ: Japani on maailman toiseksi suurin elokuvan markkina-alue Yhdysvaltojen jälkeen. Japanilaiset elokuvantekijät ovat erittäin kiinnostavia yhteistyökumppaneita muiden maiden elokuvantekijöille. Raportti kattaa nykypäivän japanilaisen elokuvatuotannon ja -markkinoiden erityispiirteet, toimijarakenteet ja luo katsauksen kansainvälisiin yhteistyötuotan- toelokuviin sekä luotsaa haastattelututkimuksen kautta Japanin elokuva-alan mielipiteitä aiheesta. Erityisesti tutkimuksessa luodataan japanilaisten elokuva-alan ammattilaisten mielipiteitä Japa- nin ja Itämeren alueen elokuvatuotannon yhteistyön mahdollisuuksista, pääkohteena uransa al- kupuolella olevat elokuvantekijät. Ongelmina nähdään Itämeren alueen maiden ja Japanin elo- kuvateollisuuden erot, veroinsentiivien puute elokuvatuotannoille monissa Itämeren maissa ja tiedonpuute alueesta ja sen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista. Ensimmäisinä toimenpiteinä ehdote- taan veroinsentiivien luomista elokuva-alalle ja japaninkielisen informaation jakamista Itämeren alueen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista elokuvayhteistuotantoihin. AVAINSANAT: Japani, Itämeren alue, elokuva, sisältötuotanto, kansainvälinen yhteistuotanto NISKANEN, Eija – KAKEO, Yoshio – PETKOVIC, Silvana – SEVERNS, Karen, JAPANESE – BALTIC SEA REGION FILM CO-PRODUCTION: JAPANESE VIEWS. Helsinki, ETLA Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimuslaitos, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, 2010, 108 p. (Keskusteluaiheita, Discussion Papers; ISSN 0781-6847; No. 1228). ABSTRACT: Japan is the second-largest movie market in the world, after the United States. For this and other reasons, there is interest from other countries in co-operating with Japanese filmmakers. This report covers the contemporary Japanese film production and distribution scene, detailing the special features and structure of the industry, as well as providing case stud- ies of international film co-production. Special focus lies on the views of Japanese film professionals toward the possibility of film co- productions. The research reveals that the main obstacles to co-production between Japan and the Baltic Sea Region countries (BSR) are the structural differences that exist in film produc- tion, as well as Japan’s limited knowledge about the BSR and the opportunities the region offers to foreign filmmakers. It suggests that the establishment of long-term support programs for co- production, such as tax incentives for film shooting, and the provision of Japanese-language resources promoting the region would be a positive first step toward drawing greater Japanese interest and enhancing the possibilities for co-production with Japan. KEY WORDS: Japan, Baltic Sea Region, film/cinema/motion pictures, content industry, inter- national co-production TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 I INTRODUCTION TO THE REPORT 5 II OVERVIEW OF JAPANESE FILM PRODUCTION AND 8 THE STATE OF THE MARKET 1. Current state of the film market 8 2. Characteristics of the production system 12 3. Characteristics of distribution 22 4. Formula for creating hit films 26 5. Public support for filmmaking 27 III Overview of co-production approaches and activities 41 1. Unusual features in Japan 41 2. Recent international co-productions 41 3. Europe-Japan co-production case studies 46 IV Interview methodology and analysis 51 1. Interview methodology 51 2. Interview analysis 53 V Conclusions and recommendations 81 VI Appendices Appendix 1: Japanese Filmmaking Network Flowcharts 87 Appendix 2: Interviewees 90 Appendix 3: Interview Questionnaires 93 Appendix 4: Film Schools 97 Appendix 5: Film Festivals 100 Appendix 6: Map of Japan 101 Appendix 7: Film Festivals in the BSR 102 Appendix 8: Reference Sources 103 Appendix 9: Film Industry Contacts 105 Appendix 10: Research team biographies 106 Appendix 11: ETLA Demand Research Brief 108 TABLES AND CHARTS Table 1. Japanese And Foreign Film Shares: 2000 – 2009 9 Table 2. 2009 Shares of Japanese Distributors 14 Table 3 Japan Arts Fund Subsidies 29 Table 4. Japan Arts Fund-Subsidized Projects 29 Table 5. Grants for International Film Festival/Market Participation 30 Table 6. European Projects Receiving JF Grants 37 Table 7. European Projects at TPG 39 Table 8. BSR-Japan Co-Production/Location Shoots 50 TABLES AND CHARTS (con’t.) Page Table 9. Number of Interviewees and Notes 51 Table 10. Known BSR Filmmakers 54 Table 11. Known BSR Films 54 Table 12. Requests for Co-productions 56 Table 13. Ideal Co-production Locations 56 Table 14. Workshop Location Comparison 74 Table 15. Options for Workshops Formats 78 Chart 1. Japanese-Foreign Film Shares: Box Office Revenues 9 Chart 2. Japanese-Foreign Film Shares: No. of Films Released 9 Chart 3. Production Committee Flowchart 13 Chart 4. Changes in the Visual Media Mix 26 Chart 5-1. Proposal for Film Co-Production Roadmap, 2010-2011 85 Chart 5-2. Proposal for Film Co-Production Roadmap, 2012-2014 86 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Baltic Metropoles (BaltMet) Promo project, funded by the EU Baltic Sea Region programme, promotes the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) on a global scale for filmmakers, tourists and investors. The Talent Pilot Project attracts professionals from the creative sector. A special focus of the project is placed on young Japanese filmmakers and their willingness to conduct co-productions with young professionals from the BSR, which consists of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the Baltic Sea region of Russia. This study was carried out to determine the demand for cooperation in the Japanese filmmaking community. The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) is responsible for the study, and the research tasks were outsourced to and carried out by Eija Niskanen’s international, nine-member team of film experts, all working in Japan. (See ETLA’s Demand Research Brief in Appendix 11.) The task was to conduct research amongst the Japanese filmmaking community, through expert research and interviews, in order to map the opportunities and challenges for possible future film co- production and exchange projects between Japan and the BSR countries. The networking should hopefully lead to increased collaboration and working opportunities for the target group and attract Japanese film professionals and students of the field to the BSR region. Research conclusions are in many cases based on the differences between the Japanese film industry and most BSR countries, especially