THE BRADFIELDIAN The May 2017 Spring Concert MAY 2017 MAY Pupils end the term on a high note Also in this issue: WWW.BRADFIELDCOLLEGE.ORG.UK • Meet the Caterers • Greek Play Preview • Driving Force: Charlotte Phelps • Richard Adams Photograph by WILL OATES WILL Published by: Bradfield College, Bradfield, Berkshire, RG7 6AU • Edited by: Stephen Wallace • Photographs: Will Oates, Julia Smith, Stephen Wallace Contact: Editor:
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[email protected] Facebook: Twitter: The May 2017 Contents Features Athena Lectures 4 p14 Extended Skillset 10 Dear reader, ‘I can only repeat. I have been more Meet the Caterers 14 consistently happy in Greeker than anywhere else at all.’ Greek Play Preview 20 Thus writes Richard Adams (H 33-38) in his autobiography, The Day Gone By. Alongside the obituary of this Mythamorphosis 24 celebrated OB, this Bradfieldian includes a preview of the next opportunity to enjoy an experience which Adams EDCLUB Movement 26 described as ‘the privilege and heritage p20 of Bradfieldians’. Further testimony to Charlotte Phelps 36 the lifelong impact of Bradfield’s unique tradition comes through the words and careers of the cast of the 1982 Persae 1982 40 performance of the Persae who are profiled in these pages. Richard Adams 48 Elsewhere, articles about the Athena lecture series and the research projects of our Sixth Formers reflect ways in Letters to the Editor 52 which we continue to focus on the development of skills and interests which p26 reach beyond the confines of the formal curriculum and last beyond results day.