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Scoffin Jn.Wm. grcr. 91 Elsenham rd Stringer James,shirt & collar dresser, Walmsley David, market gardener Scrimshaw Fredcrick, boot repairer, 38 Elsenham road Water Works (pumping station) 69 Gilbey road Sutton Rd. plumbr. 22 Elsenham rd (George Wood & George Pettifer, Smith Ja!l. H. joiner,122 Elsenham rd Thompson George Henry, tobaccon- engineers in charge) Stacey Herbert, watch maker, 19 ist, 66 Elsenham road West Mary (Mrs.), teacher of music, EI.senham road Vazey Geo. Hy. confr. 1 Elsenham rd 109 Elsenham road NOBTH COATES is a pleasant village and parish, ex- £280, including 14 acres of glebe, with residence, in the tending to the seashore, 3! miles north-east from the North gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1907 by Thoresby station on the East Lincolnshire section of the the Rev. George Smith Tyack B.A. of Hatfield Hall, Great Northern railway, 10 south-east-by-south from Durham. Here is a. Wesleyan Methodist chapel, built and n north-north-east from Louth, in the East in 1837, rebuilt in 1864, and holding 150 people. George Lindsey division ot the county, parts of Lindsey, Bradley Henry Ca.ton Haigh esq. of House, is lord of the Haverstoe wapentake, Grimsby petty sessional division, manor. Henry Parker esq. Edward Worrall esq. of Lonth union and county court district, rural deanery of Wing House, near Oakham, Rutland, the Earl of Yar­ Grimsby No. 2, archdeaconry of Stow and diocese of borough P.C. and L. G. Pilkington esq. are the principal coln. The church of St. Nicholas, completely restored in landowners. The soil is variable, the most part being 1865, at a cost of £1,342, is a plain edifice of stone in the blue clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, barley, oats and turnips, and there is very good grazing south porch and an embattled western tower containing a land. The area is 2,339 acres of land, 9 of water and clock and 3 bells: all the windows are stained, the east 1,322 of foreshore; rateable value, £2,820; population wind