islam, Andalucía. islam, Palabras clave amplias. más y culturales sociales a posiciones implícita forma de aludir para método como viajes de escritura la en sido utilizados han España de sur el en culturales sobre símbolos los cómo teórico andamiaje un autores; ofrece tres estos obra de la en culturales historias ysus la de papel el contextualizar para crítico marco un plantean artículo este en análisis Los épocas. dichas tras Alhambra la de percepciones diferentes porqué que el tiene ver las de con estadounidense viajes de literatura la de crítica la en estudiado poco literario Un dilema mente diferentes. son asombrosa españolas e historias culturas las en papel y su palacio del acerca opiniones respectivas sus pero sobre , notables textos publicaron Steves yRick Michener James Irving, Washington particular–. en Alhambra la con –y Andalucía con singular xix siglo el Desde Resumen Andalucía. Islam, Steves, Michener, James Rick : Travel Irving, Washington Writing, Keywords positions. cultural and social broader toward for gesturing amethod as writing travel in engaged been have of southern symbols on cultural how the folding scaf theoretical a offers and authors, three work of the these in histories cultural its and role Alhambra of the the to contextualize framework acritical pose article this in analyses The century. nineteenth the since drastically so shifted have Alhambra of the perceptions why the concerns Spain in writing travel of American studies overlooked in still inquiry An dissimilar. remarkably are of Spain histories and cultures role the its in and palace the on views respective their Granada, about ink spilled have Steves Michener, Rick and James Irving, Washington While particular. in Alhambra the with –and Andalucía with nation fasci asingular demonstrated have writers travel American century, nineteenth the Since Abstract LA ESPAÑA MUSULMANA EN LA ESCRITURA DE VIAJES ESTADOUNIDENSE VIAJES DE ESCRITURA LA EN MUSULMANA ESPAÑA LA ISLAMIC SPAIN IN AMERICAN TRAVEL WRITING TRAVEL AMERICAN IN SPAIN ISLAMIC Revista de Filología de Revista : literatura de viajes, Washington Irving, James Michener, Rick Steves, Steves, Michener, Rick James Irving, Washington viajes, de : literatura , la literatura de viajes norteamericana ha demostrado una fascinación fascinación una demostrado ha norteamericana viajes de literatura , la DOI: DOI: Universidad de Puerto Rico Puerto de Universidad Jeffrey Herlihy-Mera Jeffrey , 38; enero 2019, enero , 38; pp. 125-139; e-2530-8548 ISSN: - - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 125 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 126 current moment. current tendencies of sociopolitical the the in participation active but an its cultures; and place the concerning of knowledge alack expresses work writers, the in of these a priori an in them with bring writers the that logics represent, organizational the but with rather not interaction and awareness an demonstrate often cases these in expressed clear, «knowledges» the make will argument this of». «knowledge As than notion rather in» of «experience motivations, of my their critique inherent favors part the an is status while and time, of their cultures to contribute piece aim intellectual to the this in discussed (2002: 2). status» people confers and often writers The places of distant knowledge documents. politicized produces charged that activity asocial be can how toward writing travel gesture and themselves, artefacts– –and places to the motivations external illustrate texts these in appear representations that cultural and symbols broader Islamic the scope, a In commodities. tourist neoliberal as he Alhambra’s presents histories which the in series, Steves’s TV and Rick in books travel manifest as line, multicultural banal a toward time this shift, diametric another yet made of Spain cultures Islamic the Franco’s power. in 1975, regime in After death of totalitarian the of treatment the representation cultural key Mora opposition –a symbolic Guardia to as the functions co, Michener’s Travels Iberia: Spanish in Reflections and Islam approach to Spanish Fran of later, Francisco dictatorship the during A century Americas. Empire the in Spanish to the for metaphoric amethod mounting resistance as imagined platform anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic an Legend, dimension of Black the a literary as Tales Irving’s in functions we find Alhambra of the that Spain of Islamic exaltation author. to positions each contemporary sociopolitical Icontend the that specific order in to mobilize engaged are of Spain cultures Muslim the that argues article positions. More precisely, cultural and broader toward tacitly this social for gesturing amethod as writing travel interprets thus authors; argument the work three of these the in histories its cultural and role the of Alhambra the to contextualize framework acritical pose article this in century. analyses The nineteenth the since drastically so have shifted perceptions why of Alhambra the concerns the Spain in writing travel of overlooked American studies in still inquiry An dissimilar. remarkably are Spain of histories and its role cultures and the in on palace the views respective their da, about Grana ink have Michener, spilled Steves James Rick and Washington Irving, While particular. in Alhambra the with –and Andalucía with fascination singular «Travel Peter mind», write broadens the Youngs, Tim and Hulme «and a have demonstrated writers travel century, American nineteenth the Since sense. In this way, the symbolism of the Alhambra, as it appears it appears as way, of Alhambra, the this In symbolism sense. the with the artefacts in question or the local cultures that they they that cultures question or in local the artefacts the with - - with foliage motifs ( motifs foliage with Much of pre-1232/1492 the by arrangement ageometric inspired adornments are on grounds. the palace a -style V would build Charles and will) their in residence this (the aroyal stipulated kept Monarchs complex as Catholic the was it» (2011:to reach 897/1492, in 1). conquest of Granada Christian the Following who strive those rewarding its eternality and of paradise views Muslim the «expressed Saoud, «The water», kingdom. and notesthe Rabah gardens composition of courts, center of become acultural and would court house the fortress and palace The Iberia. (622-897/1232-1492) in to body rule most recent Muslim-majority political –the Dynasty Nasrid the during began Fort or (the Red Alhambra) Qal’at al-Hamra (Roberson 2007: 249). rather... converts, reverting» selves are they do not consider Muslims them Spanish century, «many fifteenth/twenty-first the century. Even today, fifth/eleventh by the in disappeared distinctions these though began in 92/711 in began that Peninsula Iberian to the of Muslims migration The Spain. expression in tural (left) and Gregorian (right) calendars. calendars. (right) Gregorian and (left) Islamic of the systems dating the with them provide hereafter Iwill Spain, Christian and Islamic upon a binary linguistic separation between «Spain», «Spanish people» and «Spanish people» «Spanish and «Spanish «Spain», between separation linguistic upon abinary 2011: (Ramos itself» of for Spain space the 41). texts these hinge in this like Reports of Moor adouble the becomes figure the that Iargue Indeed, culture. Spanish and history, people, way into Spanish their representations of Spanish Moor the find of the «Images following: the like language produces critical circumstance This of Andalucía. about cultures the scholarship some of critical as the well as Steves, Michener and of Irving, writings the in appears tendency that entities –a social and cultural unconnected and distinct, separate, as appear often «Spanish» and «Moor(ish)» terms the development society, multimodal of Alhambra, the the and «old»/«new» vis-à-vis ( discrimination was there Initially Christian. who remained those among Al-Andalus/Andalucía in flourishes) (and still flourished (Fierro 2005: 207). language left» Arabic The communities no Christian century, were «there almost by 390/1000, to Islam verted sixth/twelfth by the and con voluntarily had Al-Andalus/Andalucía population in the world.the half Over center in urban most populated the century, Córdoba sixth/eleventh was tenth and For traditions. much of fifth/ the Christian and Muslim, Jewish, between exchange center of akey cultural astronomy, of cities Al-Andalus the made other fields and (92-897/711-1492).centuries architecture, science, medicine, in major The advances for eight nearly rule under Muslim flourished that blended into culture adiverse Founded upon the ruins of a Roman encampment, the construction of the encampment, construction of the aRoman Founded upon ruins the Many understand the Alhambra as symbolic of the apogee of Islamic cul of of apogee Islamic the symbolic as Alhambra the understand Many Despite the intercultural nature of medieval (and contemporary) Iberian (and contemporary) Iberian of medieval nature Despite intercultural the 1

As a number of dates quoted in this paper refer to historical events that affected both both affected that events historical to refer paper this in quoted of dates anumber As ON THE MYTH OF A MOOR/SPANISH BINARY OF AMOOR/SPANISH MYTH ON THE 1 brought languages, traditions, aesthetics, and ways of life that that of life ways and aesthetics, traditions, brought languages, atauriques ) and writings from the Koran. from the writings ) and دلوم , muwallads ) Muslims, ) Muslims, - - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 127 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 128 Pacensis, describing Christians after the battle of Poitiers in 732 (Majid 2009: 4). 732 of Poitiers in 2009: (Majid battle the after Christians describing Pacensis, blended, interrelated, and shared cultural histories into discrete communities into discrete histories cultural blended, shared interrelated, and to disassociate of Moor»; strive the they figure «the with culture» history, Spanish supported the Christian conquest of Sevilla. conquest Christian the supported both traditions): the Court of Lions at the Alhambra has hybrid symbols has of Alhambra traditions): Lions at the both Court the (from structures religious in clear also is resonance intercultural The documents. on public language prohibited; official were would the be expressly Arabic and modification relocation or cultural coerced effect; in would law remain Islamic TratadoThe (881/1491) de Granada would no there be conversions; stipulates conquest more of intervention. merely Iberia generally) a religious Christian the (quoted bread» 203). their Lowney (or in invasion ofbaking the Nor Granada was bound to [continue here] are present future, for congregating and Saracens, and aregion, Christians wrote: «both upon capturing Iofexpression. Jaime Aragón, amotivation for was violence, conquest, or cultural polarity Moor-Christian that to such considerations entirely; or if they engaged with them as mercenary goods goods mercenary as them with engaged to or they considerations such entirely; if were indifferent or they if or system; another relation all, to one, several, transitional or a blended, had Moorish sentiment. circumstantial, Or they whether Christian, Jewish, had who worked on Alhambra the artists and not architects, patrons, the or whether of Andalucía, of cultures the discussion in that, to clarify important overlapping» (2015: are one they another: parallel «more than observes, 135). It is Moore traditions», as deftly emphasis). and Christian and my translation «Muslim ic’, were considered time simply at that ‘Hispanic’» 126, (Momplet 2008: Míguez we ‘Islam [today] as that fashions define cultural and artistic and symbols, forms, events of the time the at way same in the occur not would of this Muslim; we put quality Spanish, into apolitical-religious Islamic we consider analyses, «What today, historical cultures: orof their Iberia through representative of peoples not the are generally these positions (Islam-Christian), site» (Moore 2015:Christian 135). to the journeyed other Muslims many And Greater’s sacked. from being remains 387/997, «to protect site tomb the at the the of of he James Santiago kept vigil in Compostela invaded when Al-Mansur were similar: north the interventions in 203). unavoidable» (2006: military Islamic The «virtually argues, Lowney Chris been, as has culture of Iberian nature communitive The Hizbs. el Rub four and aturban in «There afigure of with Islam, decorated and but no is God Allah») Pillar (First shahâda with Arabic in inscribed was headrest whose funerary Castile of Queen Catholic tomb the houses of Doña Berenguela, in Huelgas de las mudéjar and termed Islamic often adorned by are what are of Peninsula, the north far the temples, in those even Christian Medieval many Many historical documents from the medieval period oppose notion period the medieval from the documents historical Many 3 2 While traditional historical and religious narratives construct binary binary construct narratives religious and historical traditional While

The term Europeans term The Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn Nasr, the original patron of the Alhambra, Alhambra, of the patron original ibn ibn Nasr, Yusuf the Muhammad Abdullah Abu (or Europenses (or ) was perhaps first used by the Andalusian priest Isidore Isidore priest Andalusian bythe used first perhaps ) was . It is likely that many characteristics, characteristics, many that . It likely is aesthetics. The aesthetics. Monasterio 3 2 and and . - of «Islamic/Moorish» as dissimilar from «Christian/Spanish» onto artefacts the from «Christian/Spanish» dissimilar as of «Islamic/Moorish» notion the critique the unpacks soon as as unimportant is commissions to secure more on the shortcomings of transnational approaches, see Herlihy-Mera 2018. Herlihy-Mera see approaches, of transnational shortcomings more on the For B. of Aand confines the outside articulated be Ccannot and entities, isolated and discrete as prescribed Bare A and flaws: serious has thereof) iterations (and other A+B=Cmodel the cades, binary of Moorish/Spanish functions as the axis of their reflections. of their axis the as functions of Moorish/Spanish binary mythic the and to out lay describe, without and often nuance, to aplatform compare («Moor»/«Spanish») terms same the reports, discharged, appear textual their and writer of each experience the Michener, we examine When Steves. and by Irving, central as arise they here, as to contextualize was the annihilation of apeople of Moresco-Span the more that complete annihilation than the was motion: in «never structure this to set care he takes text the in one.Catholic Early monocultural adiscrete vis-à-vis community monocultural Muslim imaginary exploit and to an portray him allows construct this from Spain; Moorish cultures of so-called complete the disappearance as pivots on he what understands aesthetics iteration of Legend Black particular His Iberia. in traditions Jewish) (as as well tian Chris and Islamic between polarity on aforementioned the fictional hinges Spain negative. forcefully perceptions are his communities, of these about cultures the remarks his people ostensibly and with who interactions are Catholic, his scrutinize of derision. when afocus Indeed, we as Andalucía in spiritualties and chitecture, ar languages, to non-Moorish be he what believed cultures, he engaged ways the Tales of his inspection (1832) aclose Alhambra of the Spanish, demonstrates things toward antipathy aHispanophile) Legend (understood to Black as critics by many Irving Washington to align counterintuitive it appear may While Granada. in of symbols «Moorish» exaltation selective his in most manifest perhaps is resource Tales Irving’s in Alhambra of the though insensitive, always nearly and brutish spheres occasionally is cultural in codified is Legend Black the that ways The cultures. other US Anglo-Saxon in and common already emotion was form of that anti-Catholic aspecific mobilizing while Dutch, hemisphere, British, French, western the in other) interests and imperial US (as as well leveraged mythology Legend Black the Iberia, in cultures Catholic and Jewish, Islamic, misinterpreting Deliberately Americas. Empire the in Spanish of the expansion the to curb part disreputably in Catholicism and Spaniards trayed RETHINKING WASHINGTON IRVING’S MAUROPHILIA IRVING’S WASHINGTON RETHINKING 4 The slippery ideological positions that these binaries represent are important represent important are binaries these positions that ideological slippery The It is important to emphasize that Irving’s interpretation of the cultures of interpretation Irving’s of cultures the that to emphasize It important is por place– savage a barbaric, as of Spain myth the –or Legend Black The

While transnational and transcultural theory have dominated scholarship in recent de recent in scholarship dominated have theory transcultural and transnational While TALES FROM THE ALHAMBRA THE FROM TALES LEGEND BLACK , the use of anti-Catholic sentiment as a literary aliterary sentiment as of anti-Catholic use , the points of rhetorical emphasis in texts texts in points emphasis of rhetorical : 4 . - - - - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 129 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 130 residents of Iberia) do not participate in this splendor: it only bring residents to this ruin of they in do Iberia) not participate the Islamic governments. In a departure from the Islamophobic leitmotif so firmly Islamophobic from the leitmotif firmly so governments. adeparture In Islamic the of of downfall scorn the his in ostensibly residents Catholic expressed of is Iberia) pattern. to only this depth adds Islamic for fervor things indolence, his and and lethargy, idleness, of backwardness, amanifestation are images Catholic of praise, it calls into question the nature of supposed Hispanophilia Irving’s into nature question the it calls contemptuous so is history, that at one times Spanish in that of cultures Catholic Tales have destroyed. critiqueenvironment they athinly-veiled is that Alhambra of the Moorish arich amid living Catholics as time of his Spaniards the He understands Granada and the Alhambra in Bracebridge Hall in Alhambra the and Granada on 1212/1822 as reflections Irving’s time. for first the he Spain foot set in –before equivalents. «Catholic» their by mocking symbols «Moorish» so-called of any his elevating traditions, to Catholic comparison charged and aprecise through cultures «Islamic» exalts Irving place, in is motif segregation Once this stem therefrom. that materials cultural mores, and and aesthetics traditions, separate with communities different supposedly with sectarian region as the society, portraying Andalucían in ametaphoric apartheid inaugurates Moorish them by labeling material, poetry, music, gastronomy, architecture, other cultural among relics, cultural specific to laud the Irving allows away» of veil «passed 29, added). linguistic emphasis This people,intelligent, who graceful and conquered, away passed and ruled, memento elegant (1832: «an of a brave,iards» palace the makes that 28), a fantasy about peninsular issues. peninsular about (1595, Granada de 1619) Civiles write to Hita’s de Pérez him Guerras of Ginés motivated have may 1829. of August beginning the through 12 May from Alhambra the in He stayed attaché. with architecture in the Alhambra. It breathes along the very walls» (1822: walls» very the It along breathes 251). Alhambra. the in architecture with element. mingles delicate side, to Poetry that on every it were, as altars erected, they of water, freshness and reviving and purity sparkling the in delighted of Arabs the showers», continues: «The and taste «sparkling fine as described is Moorish equivalent Irving’s disdain for some aspects of «Spanish» culture (for of the that culture him, of «Spanish» for some aspects disdain Irving’s Irving had begun using a Moor/Spaniard binary as a literary device as early early as device aliterary as aMoor/Spaniard binary using begun had Irving 6 5 In metaphor, his while dusty» and to presence a«dry Catholic the ties Irving (1822: 251). chivalry music of Moorish to the echoed and array the with glittered had which courts those through paced monk barefoot the and into convents, gloomy were turned palaces dusty. Some of the and were dry showers, sparkling up their thrown once had fountains the where basins, of the Many falsified! been prophecy the How has Alas! predicted. confidently was walls these splendor and power within of Moorish perpetuity the wherein

Irving was a great connoisseur of Spanish cultures, literatures, and histories –his reading reading –his histories and literatures, cultures, of Spanish connoisseur agreat was Irving 1815 from 1826 adiplomatic in Europe in as was Madrid in 1832. to He arrived Irving Tales Alhambra of the , (meaning, in his register, his «not in Spanish»).(meaning, He thus Irving’s Spaniards (that ostensibly is, Catholic Spaniards Irving’s imagine the palace: the imagine 6 . In his pattern pattern his . In » (1832: 5 . oncilable nature» of Muslim and Catholic Spain (1832: Spain Catholic and of Muslim oncilable nature» 31). opposite the irrec and «bespeaks for Irving, that, a distinction edifices» of Gothic ... it the with «contrast gloomy and should behold Moorish brilliance the visitor the metaphoricthat noting is value, of their culture of each architecture the of (1832: Heaven destroyer» on their «vengeance the that is maintains 24). Irving took (1832: there place that of beheadings of story the truth» there 23) believes and «some who are there doubt He comments that whole the palace. the in committed (1832: Boabdil» fortunate crimes at the to mentioning incredulity 27), takes and traditions. of Islamic expulsion vile their and ignorance by Spanish Catholic were destroyed explicitly implicitly of and these All (1832: Europe» ofregions benighted western light... the through of knowledge 32). (1832: sciences» and arts «diffused 31). that civilization» it «greatest the He calls the cultivating diligently «equitable dominion» is one permanent laws, and that apeaceful to establish Spain in «sought they that believing matters, all nearly in (1832: power» magical «almost for an superlative the is is 30). acclaim His about he what feels into some goes Moslem the detail «On of Domination Spain» (1832: magical» almost was 22). transition «the he subheaded believes section The into Moorish, the area Catholic the as he from what understands 22). he walks As (1832: intrusion» «arrogant an are art and architecture to additions the Catholic the Spaniards. Catholic are derision-through-comparison Legend of Black Irving’s target the critique, as searing from his immune are he they references, years the in Spain French, who the common occupied among those including also is tradition Catholic (1832: decay» «certain is custody, only 18). future Spanish under the the again While desolation» (1832:and 18). of palace French the with troops, departure the Since French] the [by rescued was from absolute ruin grandeur and of Moorish elegance of monument Napoleonic forces: «this French the arrival the invasion and praises (1832:sorts» 17). (1832: of all rogues and 17). of «thieves lair the have been grounds then, Since the population» lawless aloose and with filled play. became dwellings the By degrees to ceased fountains the and were destroyed, gardens the some to ruin; of fell them and desolate, became walls Its beautiful blow Alhambra. to the afatal «was Irving, «The of [Spanish] the maintains desertion court», Alhambra. the particular bols –in sym cultural upkeep the of Islamic but elites also of Moorishexpulsion political (1832: dynasty» brilliant 395).of that not critique The concerns only the he levies established in western literatures peoples in Europe. in peoples of Islamic nature malevolent and foreign supposed on the hinge Canon, Western the in works other To engage the Catholic malevolence to another degree, he sides with «un heTo sides with degree, to another malevolence Catholic the engage believes Irving of palace, the salons and courtyards the through he strolls As Irving of palace, treatment the derision Spanish for Catholic the this Amid 7

The Poem of the Cid the of Poem The , The Song of Roland of Song The 7 , Irving faults Catholic Spain for «The Spain Catholic faults downfall , Irving , Othello: The Moor of Venice of Moor The Othello: , among many many , among - - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 131 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 132 sentiment era of his anti-Spanish and out order to anti-Catholic celebrate in ways the new to tease larity po Islamic-Catholic a mythic by engaging Legend dimension of Black the literary of old (2013: Europe» Catholic to developing a barbarity committed is 207). Irving of Moors», the the to notes grandeur beat Boydthe stick Tonkin, another as «served readership, «to whom secular 123). largely wrote for(2000: and aProtestant Irving of Alhambra» the setting timeless the in [Catholic] hidalgos people tattered with present primitive bound to apermanently past medieval of agrandiose terms in Spain «constructing in comments, deftly Gifra-Adroher as succeeds, heence, also pres Catholic «grotesque» the he what terms with Moorish delight contextualizes 124). Irving (2000: that ways the for Indeed, whole the stand country» Alhambra of the palace the makes Irving account, ethnographic an as liable to read be atext in (1832:enveloped of light» ahalo «in 44). he able he Away is feels to grandeur. appreciate from Catholics, Alhambra’s true the of presence whom the he loathes, Catholics, superstitious and Away from tawdry at night. to brave it» (1832: palace the through journey on asolitary goes and 44) (1832: danger, despair, negativity, decay, and «I resolved this he 44). declares: Amid of apoor maniac» «ravings as knowledge her munificent dismisses and advice this He at ignores night. areas of certain of hazards the him warns lores, ahousemaid, (1832: of beggar» place the nestling «the 47, and become «grotesque» has 46). Do (1832:gloom» tutelage under Spanish 43). should treasured, be he believes What of he perversion «a fancy, considers her [which] as presence chambers, to added the (1832: same the in on stint Elizabetta’s Queen he reflects When 42) Spanish. by the up» royalty, «walled been since had Spanish by for the atime used area, pleasant (1832: of building» the heart very he the «longed [him]selfin to ensconce 41). The (1832: artisan» most laborious the as days 49). saints’ holy and days all of «observant are week», they «idle all are and for nothing» care they do nothing, they nothing, possess «they while religiosity: of their reports his force in particular (1832: existence» their 48). prejudice out comes anti-Catholic with weight of The his to enjoy «appear cases) all in (Catholics, him people and Mateo like that puzzled is (1832: read» «he cannot that documents lineage 48). by family surrounded is Irving and bed» crazy «a father, who sleeps in his aman mocks also Irving origin, family 1832: afool his who forgets as portrayed is (Irving Ximenes 20). Mateo ruin» While progeny the of a «befitted Irving, interaction with and manner in dignified who is of Mateo, a man garb» «tattered the that He remarks dimension of text. the scending nation to recognize the independence of the United States. United of the independence the recognize to nation first the aboy, was was Morocco Irving when fact, –in lifetime his during nations Muslim with had States United the that policies political warm the with accorded it also Legend; Black of the layer another not merely was of Islam exaltation and culture on Catholic attack his century, twentieth the 8 PereAs points out, Gifra-Adroher «Wavering romance and history between remarks, Irving palace, the for abandoning Spanish the eviscerating After most insolent the conde perhaps is and descriptions ofIrving’s Catholics

While Irving’s take on Islamic Spain differs diametrically from American travel writing in in writing travel American from diametrically differs Spain on Islamic take Irving’s While 8 . - - - - World than any other American writer World other American any than Turkey. and spent he HeIslamic had the more believed Afghanistan, in time stan, Java, Paki majority-Muslim including in regions, he spent decades over–and two government when Spanish he the Spain. visited concerning stances political of his acontextualization with understood be can attitude but this Islamophobic an such interpretation of Andalucía; unpacks traditions, and cultures of Michener, Islamic that event. admirer alifelong It curious somewhat who is was a«dreadful» as Spain in presence their Moors vitiates the but not instead does exalt Iberia (ostensibly Michener’s contemporary James of his Catholic) cultures Spaniards, the Reader’s Digest Reader’s in Religion» biography Misunderstood The he authored of Mohammed, «Islam: Spain and published Iberia published and Spain people. Michener Givenwhich visited in context for Spanish the the consequences negative many wrought event, one has that trivial and asuperficial as Spain in Islam (quoteding» May 2012: in 123). Iberia in Nevertheless, her father «had much respect for Islam» and when members of the Moorish Guard when members and of Moorish Guard the for much Islam» her «had respect father dictator’s that The reign. his Franco, daughter, during recalled Carmen Spain in or he Islam prohibited of Muslims publication the images of negative campaigns, propaganda his in symbols Islamic Morocco. in addition In to engaging decade spent over having a to Islam, ties personal close had himself Franco turbans. and alquicel, sulhan, the including vestments, cavalry Moroccan in appeared squadron (Bush-Fekete 1948: over Spain» Mora all cavalry 6). Guardia rust-colored The walls of white, yellow or from thousands avuncular smug and condescending, at us, bold, stared paint– black –in a«likeness such customhouse» «Hendaye- the from everywhere, was image Their period. that in Bush-Fekete, Spain atraveler in 2014:de Castro 191). Franco’s are power protection», «Moorish guards and notes awhole as (Velasco of regime the would become symbolic ceremonies; they state elite who troops shock were the were Mora, or agroup Moorish of Guard, Guardia the guards, body personal His when it Spain appeared). in banned still book of presence dictator. was the the (The for a method disparaging book as his in symbols Islamic Franco, the Michener he used criticized openly if would arise that Franco. Aware of difficulties Francisco toward the animosity by an part in motivated as understood be Franco’s can death), sentiments Andalucía toward his has a vastly different take on the role of Islamic cultures in Iberia, one that one that Iberia, in on cultures role the of Islamic take different avastly has ON JAMES MICHENER’S ANTIFASCIST ISLAMOPHOBIA ANTIFASCIST MICHENER’S ON JAMES Michener calls himself «sympathetic to the Muslim view of life» (1968: of life» view Muslim to the «sympathetic 223) himself Michener calls to degrade of Alhambra the symbols the engages Irving Washington While Franco celebrated Moorish images and cultures in his state propaganda. propaganda. state his in cultures and celebrated Moorish images Franco 9

For more on Michener’s biography see May 2012. May see For more on Michener’s biography , describing it as a spiritual system that «deserved poetic understand poetic «deserved that system a spiritual it, describing as (the first edition appeared in 1968, in before edition appeared years (the seven first central image –literally surrounding Franco– in in Franco– surrounding –literally image central 9 . In addition to publishing a sympathetic asympathetic addition. In to publishing , he is devoted to framing , he devoted to is framing - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 133 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 134 someone like the Alhambra architect to slap together disparate items» (1968: disparate totogether slap architect 222). Alhambra someone the like «it takes wanting: is Spain, in on Islam take his like impression of palace, the all (1968: pure to work «a some be symbolism) with Catholic of art» 222). over His aesthetics, hybridized in of Lions (realized Courtyard the but finds disregard, with elements Islamic so-called the Michener describes Moorish civilization, delightful (1968: have survived» remains 222). Muslim any that is thing surprising «the for him of engineering; the nature Michener; due «fragile» to the to astonishing» «is poor craftsmanship is he under what asserts exists still palace (1968: one cake» decoration up ofwould«as the build a wedding 222). the That constructed was that but stucco» «nothing as palace the He disdains architecture. the ostensible on an report alone as to stand form of derision degradation and indirect this he of permits Spain, cultures Islamic the with methods construction transitory contempt such with (1968:gether for permanence» he what believes 222). Aligning «put been had to that construction» flimsy at the «occupation»; he «surprised is of Muslim the to impermanence reiterate the is he what feels architecture palace the (1968: anticipated» I had more than Muslim on 220). reports his author The uses to «much be Michener Alhambra found the area, the in cultures Islamic quential Sold notion to the of inconse cultures. on Andalusian not influence if negligible, asuperficial, had traditions Islamic that myth the in invested Michener has area, footprint the in of Islamic the profundity celebrated the versa), Irving while and possible» (1968: (and Moor the not is vice 227). Spanish For Michener Irving, and Moorish was and ideals «no of reconciliation Spanish Spaniards: as understood be peoples could notion «Moors», Islamic the and that rejecting «Spaniards» he labels (1968: Muslims» with to her experience extended 227). 226, due «is primarily Spain’s this that to govern proved herself». He asserts incapacity sound: on eminently He is to «on note goes one symbols. that ish point [Bertrand] Moor Franco, whose government engaged actively against a subtle salvo launches (Michener 1968: Bertrand» Iwould choose 226). doing so, In Michener Bertrand, of Louis analysis hard the and of Washington Irving sentimentalities the between Iwere «If forced to choose Islamic: of things loathing Bertrand’s with Islamophilia (1968: for Spain» Irving’s misfortune agreat compares and domination was 226) conclusion «Muslim that Bertrand’s work. He Irving’s Washington echoes and Bertrand acomprehensive Louis of including both discussion on Andalucía, writing 274, 927, 953). frequent reference travel to previous Michener erudite The makes oped by Michener’s (1968: «occupation» of term the use repeated 199, vi, 223, 230, devel further role the amyth of Islam, notion superficializes of «experience» this experience»; «extended an as centuries eight the characterizing histories, and cultures Spanish in inflection apassing as Iberia in of Islam by discussion orienting the part in to this violence. arhetoric Franco’s He as achieves of resistance served totalitarian brought had to Spain, Muslims outcomesments negative on that supposedly the 2014: 220). Nordbruch in (quoted women, Catholic hemarried not did to compel convert them to Christianity While Irving uses Catholic symbols to denote to a comparison symbols gloom in Catholic uses Irving While whom of those Michener’s binary on mythic relies the Irving, discussion Like com his and culture, ofMichener’s Spanish symbols of Islamic disapproval ------while their men in patched pants lounged in the shade» (1968: shade» 510). the in lounged pants patched in men their while worked they black; in dressed be to tended appeared as women Such painting. needed all and block, concrete simulate to painted stucco cheap with patched been had Several poles. upwith propped be to had that walls showed plaza on the fronting houses of the many while collapse, to threatened places in which arcade an supported pillars stone awkward Forty-four corners. the in grew «grass that ment activities, his discourse is carefully constructed in ways that avoid that debatable ways in constructed carefully is discourse his ment activities, entertain and ablend of historical Highlighting intention customers. his to attract is, environment a neoliberal –that in at stake is what consistent is with travelogues (2005: 217). at stake» is to what Steves’s as in appears question arises «the What of absence critique», the «In DeGuzmán, vacations. notespeople María to purchase order in to encourage views noncritical and posits one banality that writing, travel (Steves 2010). Steves’s Rick work Certainly, of American represents phase anew past» its Christian its of Moorish and both mix delightful «a offer will that clichés multicultural of inviting guise under the discussed far thus images the packages $200-350 day, per airfare. excluding Steves’s Rick tours, for 11-to-17-day his advertising as program cost excursions bus television and books Using his demographics. of these desires to the how to appeal of understanding to his speak documentaries and books his in appear Alhambra the and Andalucía ways the tours, on customers these main the are 60s and 50s Europe Steves Rick or series travel books travel money from his not he does earn that stated on PBS; he airs has that program atelevision co-produces and books travel writes Steves Travel year. Rick each personality television writer and arriving tourists represented 12% around Spain in of American GDPover a million –with century, By end the of twentieth the for upper-middle-class Americans. destination into aprime tourist accelerating was Mora were obsolete Andalucía Guardia and Franco, it is clear why his travel book could not –and did not– pass the censors not– the did not pass book could travel –and why his Franco, it clear is of Michener’s light in by revered implicit passages things critique these read of all (1968: Muslims» with experience «extended due to an was 227). we herself» When (1968: conclude «Spain’s that 227). assertions to proven govern His incapacity republics of hemisphere our confusion» Spanish in keeps «that Islam with heritage» dreadful «It this is Americas: the in expansion root to Spanish cultural this He links history. on people their the and imprint to apermanent cultures of Muslim gestures (1968: occupation» «Muslim the 223, vi, 230, 274, 953); on yet, he one occasion tohe what calls allude of palace the Michener’s architecture and on art the reports , but rather from selling bus tours. As recent retirees and people in their people their and in recent retirees As tours. bus , but from selling rather In order to sell the idea of Spain and Andalucía, Rick Steves’s Rick work re Andalucía, and idea of orderIn the Spain to sell of Franco’s symbolism the and By 1990s, mythology the Legend Black 10

At one point, Michener describes the Plaza Generalísimo Franco in Tordesillas, observing observing Tordesillas, in Franco Generalísimo Plaza the describes Michener one point, At AND RICK STEVES’S «MOORISH» DELIGHTS «MOORISH» STEVES’S RICK AND NEOLIBERAL TRAVEL WRITING WRITING TRAVEL NEOLIBERAL

10 . - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 135 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 136 to market Andalucía: market to a way as integration of multicultural topics, commonplace the language favoring «Home to the magnificent Alhambra palace and and palace Alhambra «Home magnificent to the (2018b) here today» survives that culture and African-flavored of aNorth treats the he «Taste writes: for instance, but ongoing. relics, not On Granada, as systems these describes some in instances– workleast his –at «Spanish», of and «Moor» binary on mythic the relying of Michener’s Andalucía, and Irving’s on cultures the take unchallenged. sensibilities pre-existing and upper-middle-class the traveler to expectations have allow their that reduced to limits compiled, atour. however, she or «knowledge» he The that so purchase pointedly is (and environment «experience» some anew knowledge), compiling limited appealing abanal, in avision of in themselves interest results their that so information enough just receive they superficialities; of specific readers of inform advertisement type of this characteristic platitudes The them. with comers to engage all allows that way prosaic and alimited in artefacts cultural the presenting –always uniqueness gastronomic one’s their peoples, and histories, connecting visit cultures, to the background of the artists, engineers, patrons, architects, and intended and public), architects, patrons, engineers, blend of artists, the background of the (and regardless or Islamic Christian despite supposedly being that, material cultural with histories negotiated as area the examining Michener,and than rather Irving of aMoor/Spaniard binary. Like myth traditional the promotions reengages of his thrust acentral qualities, amalgamative with dialogue into acollaborative enter traditions various which in pluralism acultural toward gesture selectively may (2018d). traditions component commentary integral of of his an Andalusian While exclusion structural Moreover, pun. traditional the in this in sis participates Steves (i.e., out «exotic» both for empha as signaled «Moor» «ex», or and «out normalcy) of» of Sum he Its the Parts», re-fetishizes Moor than «Granada: location as the describes and city’s the «exotic Moorish quarter» he discusses When limits. has Andalucía such. as recognized they – multicultural explicitly both as traditions local contemporary the depicts (2018c «still» added). emphasis qualifier temporal The There is a unique thematic shift in Steves’s in of shift worthy a work unique note. is There thematic is that While on focuses approach that an travel, aform of experiential offers Steves more 2018a). (Steves performance...and • Flamenco (weather permitting) ride carriage • Sevilla Alcázar •Sevilla Cathedral • Sevilla tour walking •Sevilla tasting •Sherry farm horse •Andalusian tasting oil •Olive farm bull •Reservaatauro bullring •Ronda palace •Alhambra Chapel Royal Granada include: attractions listed The 14 in 2018a). (Steves of Spain Days! Best sherry. for the Join us fine and tapas, tasty horses, prancing towns, hill Andalusian of whitewashed delights the experience also You’ll Sevilla. and of Granada treasures royal of and ... helpings Moorish rich the –with buffet cultural two-week you to asumptuous, treat [sic] will Steves guide Rick However, Steves’s of contemporary of diversity the ostensible acceptance still-pungent and and acknowledges that seldom are that acknowledges North African culture» culture» African North - the Moor as foreign: Moorthe as out for to single Steves it simpler is more and eye-catching myths, transnational) (and some monocultural the components contradicts and away that in aesthetics had a profound influence on the aesthetic experiences of each traveler. of each experiences on aesthetic the aprofoundhad influence to have appears matters contextual external-to-Spain politicized, weight of these the and epoch, of aparticular trends role sociopolitical the in play aparticipatory to travelogues these allows Alhambra the and of Andalucía account his constructs author each from which circumstances the Indeed, experience. travel the through found ultimately is that on «way» consequences the have important can contexts social clear, contemporary the here makes argument the as wayfinding, of individual a form as described often are writing travel and travel While visited. about places the expressed profound in understandings the inform ways sometimes and influence United from the States– case this –in them with bring travelers the that of meaning systems the of meaning: systems of several involves interpretationthat filtration and one is, That exercise. amultinodal is agenre as how writing degree travel a certain tourists. for market to commodity auseful of (supposedly the as non-local) Moor image the functions to Steves, that, conventional the binary, indicating insinuates adjective possessive charged this of Moors through externalization on), so and Catholic, linguistic the Christian, American, European, (the Spanish, be could «their» unmentioned «our» The shifting role of the cultures of Andalucía in these texts demonstrates to demonstrates texts these in of Andalucía role of cultures the shifting The opposition the as to group what functions it unclear somewhat is Although Moorish secret conversations, and drip-dropping playfully (2018d, added). emphases playfully drip-dropping and conversations, secret Moors the to of life symbol purest the world,was water Islamic of the most in precious and rare So water, everywhere. water And galore. colors and windows, filigree tiles, ceramic patterned stucco, scalloped ceilings, wooden carved with to bottom top from decorated are Rooms aesthetics. and design combining artfully quisite, . The Alhambra is decorated with water: standing still, cascading, masking masking cascading, still, standing water: with decorated is Alhambra . The magnificence blossomed in the Alhambra. Their Alhambra. the in blossomed magnificence Recibido : junio de 2018; de : junio aceptado visual culture was ex was culture visual : octubre de 2018. de : octubre -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 137 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 38; 2019, PP. 125-139 138 Steves Steves Irving Majid Lowney Irving Hulme Saoud Roberson Ramos May Herlihy-Mera Gifra-Adroher DeGuzmán, Bush-Fekete Nordbruch Míguez Momplet Michener Fierro Moore , Stephen (2012):, Stephen Michener: A Writer’s Journey We are All Moors: Ending Centuries of Crusades Against Muslims and Other Other and Muslims Against Crusades of Centuries Ending Moors: All We (2009): are , Anouar Muslim Heritage: Discover the the Discover Heritage: Muslim of paradise», river the and (2011): Palace , Rabah «Al-Hambra Bracebridge Hall; Or, The Humorists, Volume 1 Volume Humorists, The Or, (1822): Hall; , Washington Bracebridge : Baudry’s European Library. Library. European (1832): Baudry’s Paris: , Washington Tales Alhambra, the of , Rick (2018a): «Best of Spain in 14 in Tour», (2018a): Europe Steves’ Days of Spain Rick , Rick «Best Sol del Spain’s Costa and Córdoba, (2010): Granada, 605 , Rick Europe: Steves’ Rick Literary Cartographies of Spain: Mapping Identity in African American American African in Identity Mapping Spain: of (2011): Cartographies Christina Literary , María , Maribel (2005): «Mawālī and muwalladūn in alAndalus», in Monique Bernards and John John and Bernards Monique in alAndalus», in muwalladūn and (2005): «Mawālī , Maribel , Peter and Tim Youngs Tim , Peter and , John K. (2015): «Two Religions on One Road to Santiago: Polyethnicity and Syncretism on Syncretism and (2015): K. , John Polyethnicity «Two Santiago: to on One Road Religions A Vanished World: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain Medieval in Jews and Christians, Muslims, World: AVanished (2006): , Chris York: PBS. York: 1+. 18 January, civilization Muslim of age golden Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing Minorities Press. University Oxford Exceptionalism Nineteenth-century United States Brill, 247-271. Brill, (eds.), Revisiting Anderson al-Andalus Glaire and Rosser-Owen Mariam in Travel Writing New York:New Palgrave. 195-246. Brill, Islam Classical and Early in Patronage and (eds.), Nawas Patronate Abdallah ican Empire Views Journal of Medieval Hispanic Literatures, Languages, and Cultures (eds.), (eds.), Hesp Annie and Sánchez Sánchez Samuel in Mecque», ... La Jacques Saint in Camino the , Jennifer (2007): «Visions of Al-Andalus in Twentieth-Century Mosque Architecture», Architecture», Mosque Twentieth-Century in «Visions of (2007): Al-Andalus , Jennifer , James (1968):, James Iberia: Spanish Travels and Reflections Transnational Islam in Interwar Europe: Muslim Activists and Thinkers and Activists Muslim Europe: (2014): Interwar in , Götz Islam Transnational Spain’s Long Shadow: The Black Legend, Off-Whiteness, and Anglo-Amer and Off-Whiteness, Legend, Black The Shadow: (2005): Spain’s Long María , L. (1948):, L. Life Franco’s in Spain», «The Night Long New York: Routledge, 123-147. York: Routledge, , New The , Jeffrey (2018):, Jeffrey American After Studies: Rethinking the Legacies of Transnational Between History and Romance: Travel Writing on Spain in the Early Early the in Travel Spain on Writing Romance: and History Between , Pere (2000): La Corónica: A Corónica: La Santiago», de Camino del arte el en Islam «El (2008): , Antonio , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. of Minnesota University , Minneapolis:

Camino de Santiago in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Global Global and Perspectives Interdisciplinary 21st the in Century: Santiago de Camino , Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Carolina of North University Hill: , Chapel , Ph.D. Dissertation, College Park: University of Maryland. University Park: College , Ph.D. Dissertation, , New York: Routledge. New , (2002): «Introduction», in Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs (eds.), Youngs Tim The and Peter Hulme in (2002): «Introduction», BIBILIOGRAPHY , Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. University Dickinson Fairleigh , Madison: , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-17. Press, University Cambridge , Cambridge: , Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. of Oklahoma University , Norman: ; 24/01/2018. ; , New York: Random House. York:, New Random , 11 6-11. October, 36.2: 125-143. 36.2: , London: John Murray. John , London: . URL: https://www.. URL: , Amsterdam: , Amsterdam: , New York:, New , Oxford: , Oxford: , New , New - , Velasco de Castro Tonkin Steves Steves Steves Rick Steves’ Europe Steves’ Rick Parts», of Its Sum the than Moor (2018d):, Rick «Granada: URL: Europe. Steves’ Rick (2018c):, Rick «Andalucía», Europe Steves’ (2018b): Rick , Rick «Granada», , Boyd (2013):, Boyd Muslim «The Critical Wall», on the Writing spain/andalucia spain/Granada flictos y cicatrices. Fronteras y migraciones en el mundo hispánico mundo el en ymigraciones Fronteras ycicatrices. flictos (ed.), Con Larios Delgado Almudena in Historia», la en papel ambivalente ysu ideológicas parts ; 24/01/2018. ; , Rocío (2014): «Las relaciones hispano-marroquíes: fronteras geográficas e geográficas fronteras hispano-marroquíes: (2014):, Rocío relaciones «Las ; 24/01/2018 ; (subsection «at a glance»); 24/01/2018. aglance»); «at (subsection . URL: . URL: : 6 (April-June): 203-210.: 6(April-June): , Madrid: Dykinson, 183-205. Dykinson, , Madrid: . URL: https:// . URL: -

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