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25555 Index 10/7/04 8:56 AM Page 240 index Aachen, Germany (formerly Alphonse the Magnanimous, apparitions, 1, 2, 3; of Blessed Aix-la-Chapelle), 7, 60, 69, 207 Virgin Mary, 2, 90, 99, 131 73, 143; Cathedral at, 11, 73 Amalfi, Italy, 126 Appollonea, St., 45 Abbey Church of Saint Mary Amaseno, Italy, 157–158 Apt, France, 110, 111 Magdalene at Vezelay, 105, Ambrose, St., 4–5, 6, 8, 67, 157 Aquitane, France, 88 109 American Commission for the Arameans, 86 Abbot Suger’s Chalice, 209 Protection and Salvage of Ararat, Mount, 4, 167–172, 181, Abgar V, King, 15–16 Artistic and Historic 182, 183; geopolitical Abgar VIII, 17 Monuments in War Areas obstacles to exploration of Abu Saud, Effendi, 136 (Monuments Commission), the region, 168, 172, 181 Acciaioli, Captain Leone degli, 74 Arbash Cipher, 89 129 Amiens, France, head of St. Arch of Titus, 198 acheiropoietoe (image made John the Baptist in, 82, 87–88 Aretas, King, 85, 86 not by human hands), 16, 47 Amphictyon, son of Deucalion, Arguelles, Bishop Ramon, 114 Acre, 59; bishop of, 57 180 Arian Christians, 66, 199, Acts of Pilate, 76; on Veil of Anastasios, Emperor, 142 200–201 Veronica, 43, 44–45 Andre of Montbard, 190 ArkImaging, 167 Acts of Thaddeus, 17 Andrew, St., 5, 11, 78, 123–126, Ark of Noah. See Noah’s Ark Acts of the Apostles, 46, 140, 221 Ark of the Covenant, 95, 182, 143, 145 angels, 84 184–205; creating, 185–186; Acts of Thomas, 127, 128 Anicetus, Pope, 122 Ethiopia and, 184, 185, 189, Adam, 93 Anjara, shrine of the Blessed 190–191, 193–194; in France, Adana Air Base, Turkey, 170 Virgin at, 80 185, 199–204; Ireland and, Addai, 16 Annas (adviser to the 194–197; Knights Templar Adler, Alan, 26–27, 31 Sanhedrin), 65 and, 184, 190–191, 204; Aedh, 196 Anne, St.
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