Papers from the Ohio State Mini-Conference on Serial Verbs (Columbus, Ohio, May 26-27, 1990)

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Papers from the Ohio State Mini-Conference on Serial Verbs (Columbus, Ohio, May 26-27, 1990) DOCUMENT RESUME ED 330 217 FL 019 118 AUTHOR Joseph, Brian D., Ed.; Zwicky, Arnold M., Ed. TITLE When Verbs Collide: Papers from the Ohio State Mini-Conference on Serial Verbs (Columbus, Ohio, May 26-27, 1990). Working Papers in Linguistics No. 39. INSTITUTION Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Dept. cf Linguistics. REPORT NO OSU-WPL-39 PUB DATE DEc 90 NOTE 379p. AVAILABLE FROM The National Technical Information Center, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22151. PUB TYPE Collected Works - Conference Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Arabic; Chinese; *Creoles; Definitions; English; Grammar; Greek; Gullah; Higher Education; Hmong; Japanese; Korean; *Language Patterns; Language Research; Language Variation; Linguistic Theory; Mandarin Chinese; Marathi; Pidgins; *Structural Analysis (Linguistics); Suffixes; *Syntax; Tamil; Tenses (Grammar); Uncommonly Taught Languages; *Verbs IDENTIFIERS *Hualapai ABSTRACT Papers from the conference on the occurrence of verbal constituents in series in certain languages, particularly pidgins and creoles, include the following: "What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Serial Verbs?" (Arnold M. Zwicky); "Serial Verb Constructions" (Pieter Seuren); 10n the Definition and Distribution of Serial Verb ConstructiLns" (Eric Schiller); "Parataxis in White Hmong" (Elizabeth Riddle); "On Arguing forSerial Verbs (with Special Reference to Modern Greek)" (Brian D. Joseph); "Serialization and Subordination in Gullah: Towarda Definition of Serialization" (Salikoko Mufwene); "Serial Verb Constructionsand Motion Events in Caribbean English Creoles" (Don Winford);"Tense Marking in Serial Structures" (Francis Byrne); "Serial Verb Construction in Marathi" (Rajeshwari Pandharipande); "Tamil Serial Verbs" (Sabita Nagarajan); "Constraints on IntransitiveQuasi-Serial Verb Constructions in Modern Colloquial English" (GeoffieyK. Pullum); 3Serial vs. Consecutive Verbs in Walapai" (JamesE. Redden); "Suffixal Concatenation in the Classical Japanese Predicate: Erstwhile Serial Verbs?" (Charles Quinn); "Multi-VerbConstructions in Korean" (In-Hee Jo); "On Serial Verbs in Mandarin Chinese: VV Compounds and Co-Ve,bial Phrases" (Claire Hsun-huei Chang); "Syntactic Constructions in Serial Verb Expressions in Chinese" (John Xiang-ling Dai); "Serial Verbs in Colloquial Arabic" (Lutfi Hussein); and "Serial Verb Constructions in Categorial Grammar" (Katherine Welker). (MSE) Working Papers in Linguistics No. 39 WHEN VERBS COLLIDE: PAPERS FROM THE 1990 OHIO STATE MINI-CONFERENCE ON SERIAL VERBS "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Edited by TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Brian D. Joseph INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." and Arnold M. Zwicky U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTE R (ERIC) XThis documenthas been reproduced as received from the person or organizalion thiginating it LI Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinions stated INNS docii merit do not necessaniy represeni official December 1990 OERI position or policy The Ohio State University DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS The Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics No. 39 WHEN VERBS COLLIDE: PAPERS FROM THE 1990 OHIO STATE MINI-CONFERENCE ON SERIAL VERBS Edited by Brian D. Joseph and Arnold M. Zwicky The Ohio State University Department of Linguistics 204 Cunz Hall 1841 Millikin Rd. Columbus, OH 43210-1229 U.S.A. December 1990 BEST COPY AVAILABLE t Inforniation about Ohio State Unis ersit WORKINO PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS (OW \\11.1 Working Papers in Linguistics is an occasional publication or the Department of Linguistics or Ohio State University and usually contains articles ssritten Irs students and facults in the department. 1 here are one to three issues per year. Information about available issues appears below. Nes. I. 10, & 23 arc out of print and no longer available. There are two ways to subscribe to \ITUI he first is on a regular basisthe subscriber is automat ically sent and billed for each issue as it appears. he sec.and is on an issue-by-issue Oasts:the sub- scriber is notified in advanee of the contents of each issue, and returns an order blank it' that particu- lar issue is desirid. OSU #I8, $2.044183 pp. (June 1075):Papers bs Michael Geri. Sheila Geoghegan, Jeanette (Lunde!, (1. K. Pullum. and Arnold 'Zwicky. WPI. #10, $2.00214 pp. (September 1075). Edited by Robert K Herbert:Patterns of 1.anfluave, Culture, and Society: Sub-Saharan Africa contains eighteen papers piesented at the Ss mposium on African Language. Culture. and Societ. held at Ohio State l'nisersos on April 11, 10-3 Otil\\ PIrs20. $2 00.708 pp. (SeptemberI Q-5),I dried bs Rifler tKHer 1,0 pl,,cecomiLs,iihe s;sth Confcleriee in African II 11I) II) t%seni-,e% en papers pre,ented at the Sisth Confer- ence on African Lirigurstics. held at the Ohio State l'nisersit on pill 12-13. 19-5 ()St\\ PI S2 5() _ pp \h NM). I dried bs Mnidd l%sicks- Papers. Nonphonology Papers bs Steven Hoer and \\ hum Ican. Marian Johnson, Robert Kantor, Patricial cc, and Jas list- ost\\ PI 22. $150,I 5I pp II ellitinis P kIn1;:i Is tilinicaPaper, in Psscholingdirrics and 5Li5iolinguistrcs,Parer, bs Sara ( Olga (Lir nrca, MarsI ourseI dssaids, Ros Major, and John Per k ins (Nu N5 pi. $3 50 I"; pp( March 1015(11.Idrtt...1 bs Arnold \I'Rs iy15:clitic andI Hips's. Papers bs Robert Jel fer es rh ,ristph I) !sum \\ PI 53 50 1' pp I meal sHF,1 r,I ,lired bs rnold \Ilss Ick s Papers Iss1-)onald()nut rn.l. lrr,jnil. (,oma n i051' Ph I) andI as renc \\ S.1 if, II; pp( \1.1 I hi, in I) (;na mq..111, a! 17.1lionand 17cla11,.na1 (suanwar!. Papos lias Id 1)0%r Is. ialluctine Jo,:ph, John Nenbonn,.., and Ams riM \\ P I s ( , V I ITI %II, 10". di" 1 no. I rum;,h'rs1 n lkui,...11 tics Papers bs Choi rnur. tiSI ilecn.1 cena mump. and ()Si\\ .s7S, $`"110 IT\Lisl',"; I issrerl,:e 1 I rIled N;)rr'010P. ( ((lM. I)Di..cit (nSt\\ PI'1.'1). -55 :1, PP Ohs dlIci I'sA111-14 \ 01111.1 P3P,:r. ii 'slArold,T,s rhun thild Ihorrch... ttrnnuu Nes is, Anne stcss art, Res \\ ard Aln(dd /" BEST COPY AVAILABLE OSU WPI, #30, $5.00,203 pages.(July1984). John A. Nerbonne, (ierman Feniporal Semantics: Three- Dimensional Tcnsc Logic and a GPSG Fragment. (OSU Ph.D.Dissertation). OSU WPI. #31, $6.00.194 pages.(July 1985), Edited by Michael Geis. Sturtka in acrigraliad Phrase .t.ructurg. Qtammar, Papers by Belinda Brodie Annette Bissantz, Erhard Hinrichs, Michael Geis and tArnold Zwicky. OSU WPI. #32, 56.00.162 pages.(July 1986), Iglirface8.14 articles by Arnold Zwicky concerning the interfaces between various components of grammar. OSU WPI. #33, $6.00.159 pages.(August 1986), Joel A. Nevis, Finnish Particle Clitics and General Clitic Theory. (OSU Ph.D. Dissertation). OSU WPI. #34, $6.00.164 pages. (Dumber 1986), Edited by Brian JosephSrudrcs on, Lanatram, (Marlys .Papers by Riitta Blum, Mary ('lark, Richard Janda, Keith Johnson, Christopher Kupec, Brian Joseph, Gina Lee, Ann Miller, Joel Nevis, and Debra Stollenwerk. OSL) WPI. #35, $10.00. 214 pages. (May 1987), Edited by Brian Joseph and Arnold M. Zssicky A Esstwhrift for Ilse LehisLe, Papers by colleagues or Ilse Lehiste at Ohio State University. OStl WIT #36, $10 00.140 pages(Septeml,cr 19$7), Edited Is StarlicArnan and Gina l cc.Papers lrorn the Linguistic25 Lahoraiisrv 19S5- NV. Papers Is Keith Johnson. Shiro Kori. Christiane Laeufcr, Gina I ee, Ann Miller, and Riitrt OSC u17, 510.00.114 pages(August 1989),I dried Jrrce Pur\ els, Subraiminian, and Arnold SI. isvickspapers in Morphology. and S mils.Papers hy id Doss ty, Bradle Getz, In-lice Jo, Brims Joseph, Yongk!,00n No, Joyce Possos, and Arnold /wicks. ()St' 15P1#38, 510.00.140 pages.(Juls19901, Edited b Gina Lee and S5ay nc Cowart.Papers Erom the1 invpistics1 alsorVor Papers b James licale, ISane Cosart, Kenneth deJong, Lori Sun-Ah Jun, Sook-hyang lee,Brian McAdams, and Barbara Scholz. TM: ftilloss inn issues are .isailable through either1 he Natirrnal Inior !nation Center,1 he Depar fluent Commer,:e. 5285 Port Ito 1(1, Springfield, V .1'2151lIP on EIG)Do,:ument Reproduction Scrs. IED) Ctr for Applied 1 inguistio. 1011 N Kent Si, Arlington, VA 22209 Nrrcnil-cr191)8, 128 pp IOSI'CISRC. IqrS-11 PH-S:' 596 Is) IIISI'.(1SR(.. I R-69.-)iPH-185 S',5 #4 Ma 164 pp IOSC.CISBC-1 R-70.2().P11,192 161 #6 September 19:C, 15: pp. (Otil'-CISRC- I R.7(i-12)IT-191 yllq. UT' 1 ebruar ":43 pp lOSC.CISBC,TR P11-198 :78. us June 19.'1, 197 pp(ostL('ItiRc--riz.;i--).rn-"N: JUI Pr I. 232 pp. MSC-C.-1SM-- 1 R-71-81141-204 002 u Ati,:list15 7'),107 ppID PIC 830 I:June 1977. 88 pP wsr.ciskc B--2.61PB.210 -81 #I3December 1972, pp D V' :6S Parts ol oil\pril 19'3, I ":), pp I 0 sr!,April 1971, 22 Ipr, I I) Or'. 566 Parts ill' # lbDecembei 19", 114 ppEl) Introduction Though linguists have long realized that particular languages exhibit problematic instances of verbal constituents in series, these phenomena were for the most part treated as matters for the specialists in the languages in question - as peripheral phenomena within these languages, indeed as peripheral phenomena across the languages of the world, and consequently of little interest to the theorist.In the past thirty years there has been a dramatic shift in attitude, set off by three largely independent events in the history of linguistics. First, along with the growth of socioringuistics came a renewed interest in the linguistic (as well as social) characteristics of pidgins and creoles, leading to lhe rediscovery ci Schuchardl's observation that serial verbs (as we now speak of them) are striking, prominent featuros of (at least many of) these languages, and thus not in any sense peripheral.
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