September 22, 1917, Vol. 105, No. 2726
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— . 1 finandal ^J INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City Section VOL. 105 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 1917 NO. 2726 Week ending September 16. Clearings at— Inc. or PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1917. 1916. Dec. 1915. 1914. Terms of Subscription—Payable In Advance $ % $ "M One Year $10 00 Chicago 481,805.669 406.030.191 + 18.7 325.815.261 287,436.703 rm Six Months 6 00 Cincinnati 40.337.052 34,575,200 + 16.7 27.056.850 22.817.800 Stiropean Subscription (inclurting postage) 13 00 Cleveland 82.423.008 53,897,175 + 52.9 34.228.038 25.562.748 Soropean Subscription six months (including postagel.... 1 60 Detroit 55.297.132 51,569,930 + 7.2 33,682.035 27.878.614 &.anual Suhscription in London (Including postage) £2 14») Milwaukee 27,062,263 23,365.041 + 15.8 16.107.730 16.298.026 3ix Months Subscription in London (including postage) *1 11a, Indianapolis 15,304.000 11.839.919 + 29.3 9.134.378 7.599.561 Canadian Subscription (including postage) $11 60 Columbus 10,428.900 10,022.200 + 4.0 7.047.400 6.649.200 Toledo 12,994,975 10.626.480, +22.3 7.768.140 7.239.643 following Sribscription includes Supplements— Peoria 4,810.352 3.500,000 + 37.4 3.113.093 2.609.873 "SANK AND QUOTATION (monthly) RAILWAY AND INDUSTRIAL (3 times yearly) Grand Rapids.. 4.746.634 4.783.083 —0.8 3,483.614 3.378.072 5AU-WAY Earvings (monthly) ELECTRIC Railway (3 times yearly) Dayton 2.960.840 3.438,865 —13.9 1,999.144 1.968.932 3TATE AND CITY (semi-aunually) Bankers' Convekiion (yearly) Evansville 3.051.683 2.367.967 + 24.7 1,854.641 1,192.674 Springfield, lU. 1.922.074 1.621,274 + 18.6 1.163.497 1,177.204 Terms of Advertising Per Inch Space Fort Wayne 1.374.373 1.730.466 —20.6 1.280.600 1.238.378 Youngstown 4.471.084 3.259.661 + 37.2 1.698,562 1.563.254 i'Tansient mutter per inch space (14 agate lines) ,.... 2® $4 Canton 3.637.290 2.799.013 + 30.0 1.910,718 1,581.844 Two Months (Slimes) 22 fflffi C Rockford 1.809.144 1,132,389 + 59.8 834,293 984.278 Three Months (13 times).... 29 0® .itanrtingWa.TKlin-' BusinessRn^iTie-jcj cardsPirds ) Akron 5.323.000 4,370.000 + 21.4 2,308,000 1.880.000 Six Months (26 times) 50 ©ffl ^ Quincy 1.205.212 954.758 + 26.3 825,865 855.569 (. Twelve Months (52 times) 87 W Bloomlngton 1.273.016 1.011.523 + 25.8 700,782 652.629 'JSICAGO Office—39 Sonth La SaUe Street, Telephone Majestic 7396. Lexington 881.678 642.706 + 37.2 610,610 747.541 uONDON OFFICE—Eclwards & Smith, 1 Drapers' Gardens,, fi C South Bend 1.102.954 938.243 + 17.5 815,430 708.785 Mansfield 947.409 7.34,838 + 29.0 574.508 597.935 \1^ILL,IAOT B. DANA COITIPANY,, Publishers., Decatur 838.443 739.413 + 13.4 557.800 462.679 FrcDEt Pine and Depeyster Sts.4 New Vorii-. Springfield, O.. 1,523,614 1.199.655 + 27.0 1.052.484 788.048 Jackson 1,005,000 1,001.702 + 1.3 664.576 536.090 Published every Saturday morning by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY. Lima 735.000 700.000 + 5.0 547.210 459,971 Jacob Selbert Jr.. President and Treas.: George S. Dana and Arnold G. Dana, tianvllle 500.000 509.131 —1.8 514.253 495,191 Vlce-Frealdents; Arnold G. Dana, Sec. Addresses ot all. Office ot the Company Lansing 1.174.103 1..123.859 + 4.5 783.999 547,024 Jacksonville, Ill- 457.501 345.690 + 32.4 293.719 281.389 Ann Arbor 300,000 245.000 + 22.4 201.876 182.489 CLEARING HOUSE RETURNS. Adrian 101.118 75.716 + 33.6 56.878 44.684 The following table, made up by telegraph, &c.. Indicates that the total bank Owensboro 646.999 404.338 + 59.9 295.775 328.266 clearings of all the clearing houses of the United States tor the week ending to-day Tot. Mid. West 772,461.520 641.555.426 + 20.4 488.981,7591 427,102,094 have been $5,905,392,637. against S5.692.074, 804 last week and $5,366,828,961 the corresponding week last year. San Francisco.. 92.289.712 85.847.697 + 7.5 60,646 579 52.963.991 Los Angeles 26.4,32,000 30.376.600 —13.0 22.385 827 22.566.745 Seattle 25.769,163 41.6 Clearings—Returns by Telegraph. Per + 13.474 .880 13.865.724 Portland 16.968,577 15.169.571 11.9 12.191 11.950,982 Week ending Sept. 22. 1917. 1916. Cent. + .694 Spokane 7.000,000 5.276.014 + 32.7 4.060 .000 4,265.744 Tacoma 4.401.295 2. .568.244 71.4 2.145 012 2,427,890 New York $2,784,432 .545 $2,768 ,553,154 +0.6 + Salt Lake City. 14.000.000 11.158.494 25.5 7.300 000 6,281,574 Chicago 417.076 ,462 354 350,792 + 17.2 + Oakland 5.156.706 5.423.688 —4.9 4.196 .898 3,793.013 Philadelphia .. 293,457 ,880 222 414,214 31.9 + Sacramento 3,806.996 2.629.769 48.6 2.469 216 2.419.685 Boston 206,248 ,202 151 966,833 + 35.7 + San Diego 2.360,661 2.301.602 2.5 2.181 735 2.083.275 Kansas City 140,293 531 93 026,538 + 50.8 + Fresno 1,958,5.32 21.4 916 St. Louis 120,496 726 97 949,809 + 23.0 1.613.327 + 1.419 1.451.660 Stockton 1.901.769 1.498.075 + 26.9 1.238 578 1.178.121 San Francisco. 83.649 ,685 64 305,263 + 30.1 San Jose 997.659 1.082.010 —7.9 781 816 850.821 Pittsburgh 65.858 157 57 638,.546 + 14.3 Pasadena 1,089.204 1.051.499 3.6 798 435 750.992 Detroit 47,816 327 43 506,397 + 9.9 + North Yakima. 946.994 580.933 + 63.0 488 226 465.700 Baltimore 38,686 ,1.38 30 059,980 + 28.7 Reno 565.000 558.074 1.2 397 363 303.650 New Orleans.. 36.762 034 25 068,198 + 46.6 + Long Beach 727.575 672.083 + 8.2 578 571 560.396 Eleven cities. 5 days- $4,234,777,687 $3,908,8.39,724 + 8.3 Total Pacific. 206,371.843 186,013,116 + 10.9 136.754.746 128.179.963 Other cities, 5 days 704,216,471 570,007,691 + 23.5 Kansas City 147.399,072 106,194,159 + 38.8 75.556.782 71.577.105 Total all cities, 5 days. $4,938,994,158 $4,478,847,415 + 10.3 Minneapolis 44.387.886 30.845,698 + 43.9 28,598,269 32.188.750 All cities, 1 day 966,398,479 887,981,546 + 8.8 Omaha 35.277.014 27.5.39,011 + 28.1 20.503,260 18.872.239 St. Paul 15.007.011 13,178,449 + 13.9 11,780.510 10.489.076 Total all cities for week.. $5,905,392,637 $5,366,828,961 + 10 Denver 18.409.573 14,673.022 + 25.5 9.825.454 9.782.379 St. Joseph 14.182.122 9.872.668 + 43.7 7.404.222 5.500.433 The full details for the week covered by the above will be given next Saturday. Duluth 7.887.023 —7.0 8.510,.302 9.312.124 We cannot furnish them to-day, clearings being made up by the clearing houses Des Moines 8.200.000 6.329.446 + 29.6 5.671.317 4.954.330 at noon on Saturtlay, and hence in the above the last day of the week has to be in Sioux City 7.138.960 4.553,575 + 56.8 3.514.769 3.181.168 all cases estimated, as we go to press Friday night. Wichita 7.744.470, 5,651,338 + 37.0 4.036,139 3.874.528 Detailed figures for the week ending Sept. 15 follow: Lincoln 3.965.017| 3,2.36,971 + 22.5 2,471,660 2.221.715 Topeka 2.827.460 1,895,143 + 49.2 1.461,296 1.708.121 2.374.847 11.3 1.450.266' Week ending September 15. Davenport 2,132,948 + 1.474.419 Cedar Rapids... 2.557.968 1,817,104 + 40.8 1,717.674 1,600.000 19.0 Inc. or Fargo 2.158.067 1.813.806 + 1.396.151 1.318.456 Colorado Springs 1.084.989 + 2.8. 777.472 720.333 1917. 1916. Dec. 1915. ; 1914. Pueblo 754.695 660.228 + 14.3 355.713 685.776 Fremont 587.501 537.566 + 9.3 420,991 367.263 $ $ 1 $ $ % 2.215.198 1.829.482 21.1 New York 3,245,291,242 3,234.537,322, +0.3 1.958.889.471 1,112.512,149 Waterloo + 1.618.568, 1.367.416 8.2 Philadelphia 291,385,384 246.427.311 +18.2 161.603.770 135,785,657 Helena 1.739.211 1.607.9141 + 1.208,680 1.386.552 52.6 704.026 Pittsburgh 69.327,599 62.561.899! +10.8 50.081.995 49,800,985 Aberdeen 1.500.624 983.306 + 770.047 42.2 213.116' Baltimore 42,544,671 38.748.6611 +9.8 29,008.183 38.006,936 Hastings 601.112 422.725 + 361.264 1.366,945 58.2 Buffalo 18,565,869 15,841.370 +17.2 11.314.426 12,015.991 Billings 863.769 + 450 000 440 615 Albany.