Daedalian Quick Links Website | Membership Application | Scholarship Application | Make a Donation | Pay Dues | Magazine JULY 2018 Meet tomorrow's military aviators We're proud to highlight these Daedalian Matching Scholarship recipients who are pursuing careers as military aviators. They are our legacy! If you would like to offer career advice or words of encouragement to these future aviators, please email us at
[email protected] and we'll pass them on to the cadets. Cadet Julia Hansen San Diego State University $2,500 scholarship San Diego Flight 13 "I hope to become a Combat Systems Officer in the Air Force. My desired Air Force Specialty Code is 12SX Special Operations Combat Systems Officer. I hope to be able to participate in Combat Rescue Missions and fly on C-130s." Cadet Gregory Penland The Ohio State University $1,500 scholarship Frank P. Lahm Flight 9 "Graduate Undergraduate Pilot Training, become a pilot in the Air Force. Remain an aviator for as long as possible, and after my time in the cockpit is up, follow the necessary track to being a full-time leader for my remaining time in the Air Force." Cadet Jonathan Perry University of Cincinnati $1,500 scholarship Frank P. Lahm Flight 9 "Complete my 10-year commitment as pilot. Depending on family life I will either do a full 20-year career and retire or get out and pursue something in finance as I plan on doing some sort of graduate school while I am still in the Air Force." Cadet Clara Politino Kennesaw State University $5,000 scholarship Eagle Flight 39 "My career goals are to continue AFROTC in college and become an aviator in the USAF, but before I do this I plan on getting my private pilots' license.