INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY ARCL0147: Themes and debates in Egyptian Archaeology Module handbook 2018–2019 MA module, option, 15 credits, Term II, Monday 14:00–16:00 Moodle password: tbc Turnitin Class ID: 3885587 Turnitin password: IoA1819 Deadlines for coursework for this module: 07/03/2019, 26/04/2019 Target dates for return of marked coursework to students: 21/03/2019, 20/05/2019 Module co‐ordinator: Claudia Näser
[email protected] UCL Institute of Archaeology, Room 113 Tel: 020 7679 1533 (from within UCL: 21533) Please see the last page of this handbook for important information about submission and marking procedures and links to the relevant webpages. ARCL0147 Themes and Debates in Egyptian Archaeology 2018–19 1 OVERVIEW Short description The module explores major themes and debates in Egyptian archaeology, aiming to expand them by relating Egyptian evidence to research agendas from wider archaeology, history and social anthropology. The module is research‐led throughout. Week‐by‐week summary 1 Concepts of society, archaeological interpretation and the writing 07 January 2019 of history: An overview 2 Understanding state formation 14 January 2019 3 Conceptualising ancient Egyptian kingship 21 January 2019 4 Representations of society 28 January 2019 5 Constructions of death 04 February 2019 Reading week 6 Models of social and spatial organisation: elite and non‐elite, 18 February 2019 court and province, Great and Little Traditions 7 Qantifying society, agency and everyday life 25 February 2019 8 The past as a resource: Archaism and imitation 04 March 2019 9 (Re)constructing identities 11 March 2019 10 Modelling culture breaks: The appropriation of Christianity 18 March 2019 Basic reading General reference works for the module as a whole, with useful bibliographies.