Vinayak Damodar Sawarkar of India House, London, to His Brother Ganesh Damodar Sawarkar of Nasik
3 VINAYAK DAMODAR SAVARKAR (FROM H. D. SPECIAL VOLUME 60 OF 1908-1909.) The following letter gives us an idea about the arrest of Ganesh Damodar Savarkar and subsequent search of his house at Nasik : — Confidential. No. S. B./461 of 1908. POLICE COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE : Bombay, 21st October 1908. My dear Bowen, Your confidential D. O. dated 16th instant. Ganesh Damodar Savarkar was arrested on the 12th June last near the Esplanade Police Court for being a member of an unlawful assembly, during Tilak's trial in Aston's Court. Before this I was having enquiries made regarding an alleged seditious publication by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, brother of Ganesh Damcdar Savarkar. On his arrest Ganesh was searched and on his person among other papers, one copy of " How the Russians Organise a revolution " was found. Inspector Favel was sent the same day to Nasik with a note from me to the Collector, asking that the house might be searched. It was searched by the police and the books under reference were taken charge of on 13th idem, an application was made to Aston to authorise the police to investigate in the matter of the alleged seditious publication, which was granted. The books under reference were not however taken charge of under any warrant or process of any court. Yours sincerely, (Sd) H. G. GELL. J. C. P. Bowen, Esq. 437 The District Superintendent of Police, Nasik, wrote the following letter to the District Magistrate, Nasik : — C No. of 1909. 26 From I. G. FOARD, Esq., District Superintendent of Police, Nasik ; To A.
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