XXXIII. a Monograph of the Genus Disporum. by DAVIDDON, Esq., Libr
[ 513 3 XXXIII. A Monograph of the Genus Disporum. By DAVIDDON, Esq., Libr. L.S., Prof. Bot. King’s Coll. Lond. Read November 19th, 1839. TO Mr. Brown is due the nierit of having first pointed out the chief cha- racters of this genus, and among others its binary ovula, which doubtless suggested to Salisbury the name of Disporum, subsequently given to it by that botanist in a list of Petaloid Monocotyledons, printed in the first volume of the Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. The genus, however, remained undescribed, and almost unnoticed, until the publication of my little work on the plants of Nepal, in which I gave a detailed descrip- tion of it, and added to it two other species, namely, the Uvularia Pitsutu of Buchanan Hamilton, and the Uvularia parvifora of Wallich. Sir J. E. Smith. in an article appended to that on Uvularia, and inserted in the 30th volume of Rees’s Cyclopaedia, has referred the former plant to Michaux’s, or rather Richard‘s genus Streptopus, with the name of peduncularis. To this view of its affinities he was most probably led by the account of the fruit given by Buchanan Hamilton in his manuscript notes, for the specimen of the plant from that learned botanist in the Smithian Herbarium is without fruit. The characters of the genus consist in its campanulate perianthium, with the sepals produced into a short pouch or spur at the base, in the cells of its ovariurrl bearing two ovula, in its baccate pericarpiuni, and in its umbellate inflo- rescence.
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