Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age

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Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age ARCHEOFUTURISM: EUROPEAN VISIONS OF THE POST- CATASTROPHIC AGE FREE DOWNLOAD Guillaume Faye,Michael O'Meara | 252 pages | 30 Aug 2010 | Arktos Media | 9781907166099 | English | London, United Kingdom Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age I think this slip is revealing, though—what Faye wants, though he only says it here, is for the physically or mentally disabled to be killed. To Madagascar. It's not esoteric at all but rather focuses on Faye Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age written an masterpiece on a future we can hope for. We had essentially reached the present level — most people had inside loos, and fridges, and washing machines, and TVs, and radios. Billions will die. Preferred contact method Email Text message. Error rating book. It is a paradox, and one about which Faye is aware in his book, that the European New Right in general has failed to make an impact at the very time that the march of events might have been expected to play into its hands: the end of the cold war, the decline of political Manicheanism East versus Westthe decline of nationalism as a relevant political alternative to liberalism. It's a funny book and the writer is funny in the sense that constantly bragging about knowing famous people you can't name out of politeness in your manifesto for after the race war is funny, or that bragging about making porno inside metaphysical repudiation of Christianity is funny. Despite occasional visits Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age our shores many years ago by leading lights such as Alain de Benoist and Robert Steuckers, the ignorance of the English-speaking world of the nature and content of the intellectual ferment of the Nouvelle Droite NDthe New Right, its insights and its internal debates, has been profound and almost complete. A mixed bag of nonsense and a few good and interesting ideas. A few years ago Tony Blair asked his top military experts based at Shrivenham in Wiltshire to predict the likely threats for which his Government should plan in the next quarter century. Nothing new, nothing interesting. No point in being Japan, a homogenous country that will soon be homogenously empty. They are not a template for civilizational progress. It was therefore useless to consider technological means of reviving civilisation without considering moral revival as a requisite to such endeavours. He starts with a complete critique of the French new right. Since then he has continued to challenge the status quo within the Right in his writings, earning him both the Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age and disdain of his colleagues. Faye is also symbiotic of our times, openly admitting in the book that he has acted in pornographic films and indulged in hard drugs. Faye is telling us what is certain to happen, and what he is trying to do is prepare us for it, not really guide or change the future. Does Faye expect his readers to believe this? It has been noted that GRECE's hectic anti-Americanism was in some ways the only permitted alternative and was indeed a code for anti- semitism. Due to time constraints, I will not Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age able to dedicate to this for at least the next few months as I barely have time Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age write the personal essays and monthly newsletter as it is. Want to Read saving…. Translated by John B. To ask other readers Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post- Catastrophic Age about Archeofuturismplease sign up. A world Faye rightly, I think, sees as doomed. However, unlike most modernisers, Faye does not duck the dilemma of reconciling a world of modern technology with a world of tradition, be it racial, political or other. And, if I am being honest, it prefigures, in part, my own preoccupation with a future that combines the politics of Reaction with the technology of tomorrow. Faye explicitly rejected looking back into a romanticised past and viewed this action as a form of regression. Paperbackpages. He believes scientific- technological rationalism and progress and a traditional faith-based timeless way of life to be equally valid, for different people and peoples. Return to Book Page. Faye believes Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age the future of the Right requires a transcendence of the division between those who wish for a restoration of the traditions of the past, and those who are calling for new social and technological forms - creating a synthesis which will amplify the strengths and restrain the excesses of both: Archeofuturism. It is Faye's own environmentalist bona fides more than those of the French Green party which I suspect might benefit from sceptical scrutiny. It Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age not one of the least of ironies that the manner of Faye's writing and his approach to issues is typical of the movement from which he has broken away. But regardless certainly a better place to live than the world we currently inhabit. Seen in this light, Faye's admiration for atomic power implied in this work and more explicitly indicated elsewhere, dramatically in his comic book notre avant guerre, where he gleefully depicts a degenerate Europe being destroyed in mushroom clouds and futuristic technology in general is the ghost in the machine of Faye's project. Which is both foolish, and antithetical to the Christian view of all men as brothers that was essential to making the West what it was. In a time where biological and ontological reality is increasingly under attack, the idea that religion and tradition has something to offer the modern man is belittled. An interested but so far uninvolved member of the public would be left with the impression of intelligent debate within a serious movement as a whole worthy of respect, a movement that remains attractive and worth becoming involved in whichever side one felt made the more convincing case. This is the classic ploy of Marxism and if Faye is a Nietszchean as he says he is, he is also a Leninist. Faye devotes his final chapter to a fictionalised portrayal of what life in his future would be like. Many people have requested a book club and book reviews after I sent out the feedback form on the 29th June. Faye seems to forget that for as much as Vikings fascinate us, they were a predator society that produced nothing at all, except awesome sagas. Guillaume Faye. Unsurprisingly this unwelcome view was little publicised and has not noticeably informed subsequent defence reviews…. National division in face of the crises of our times is a fatal return to the past, according to Faye. Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-catastrophic Age. The ND refused to talk about concrete things, that is, and preferred abstractions hoping to influence the upper crust of intellectual culture, which focus does not lead to power. The role of Archeofuturism was to accomplish this. Even though Faye rejected such idealism, past or present, he also rejected realism and embraced a Nietzschean view of history:. Garbage ideology coupled with masturbatory conversations. NTM is nothing but subsidised propaganda and gratuitous provocation:[] an aping of the tough Black bands active in the Bronx in the s, minus the musical talent, power and sincerity. One coherently thought out and cogently argued. The mandate to proceed forward to the highest destiny of Man justifies a partition of resources that is unequal. This seems difficult to reconcile with Faye's expressed support for populist initiatives. Africa, I believe, is partitioned between Asians and Europeans. In fairness, his publisher Arktos should seek out and try to make available in translation the alternative views of other voices of the French New Right such as de Benoist, who doubtless also have valuable insights to offer. Apr 12, Nikolai Kim rated it really liked it Shelves: 21st-century. First, although this book is far from perfect, it is certainly an important revolutionary work. Average rating 3. Alternative Paradigms: The Impact of Islamic and Western Weltanschauungs on Political TheoryAhmet Davutoglu Davutoglu provides one of the best comparative analyses of western and Islamic political theory and worldview that I have read. Being the moral foundation of a civilisation, the arche can be seen as the engine which drives a people forward, and, once abandoned, leaves them to surf on the exhausted fumes of that moral inheritance until they unceremoniously vanish from history. Noam Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age. As such, transhumanist projects were doomed to fail in creating the future by rejecting the essential aspects of life. To be politically relevant, one had to look forward and not back and to adapt to radically changed circumstances..
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    Teka Kom. Politol. Stos. Międzynar. – OL PAN, 2017, 12/3, 77–95 LES FACTEURS ET L’imporTANCE DE LA MIGRATION DANS L’espACE EURO-MAGHRÉBIN Katarzyna Stachurska-Szczesiak Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie Wydział Politologii, Zakład Stosunków Międzynarodowych e-mail: [email protected] Le sommaire. À la fin du XXe siècle, la question de la migration est devenue l’une des questions clés énumérées dans les relations internationales. Et tout indique que ce sera l’un des plus grands défis du XXIe siècle. La migration dans l’espace euro-maghrébin fait partie des tendances des migrations internationales, comme un élément de la revolution transnationale qui transforme la société et la vie politique à travers le monde. Le Maghreb (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie) fait partie de cet espace, ce qui représente la sous-région la plus développée de l’Afrique. Les changements qui ont touché directement les pays du Maghreb, d’une part sont le résultat de la mondialisation, qui a contribué à la « rapprochement de l’humanité dans le monde », sur les autres de la spécificités géopolitiques, à savoir, la proximité avec l’UE. Pour montrer l’importance de la migration dans l’espace euro-maghrébin, il est important d’analyser l’évolution des flux migratoires et les facteurs historiques, socio-démographiques et politiques, comme les forces motrices qui maintiennent les tendances actuelles et les orientations de la migration dans la région. L’article, en utilisant la mé- thode comparative vérifie l’hypothèse que la proximité géographique et du contexte historique ont un impact important sur l’importance de la migration dans l’espace euro-maghrebskiej pour la stabilisation les frontières du sud de l’UE.
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