Archives ofDisease in Childhood 1992; 67: 793-796 793 Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.7_Spec_No.793 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from Superior mesenteric flow velocity in necrotising enterocolitis

S T Kempley, H R Gamsu

Abstract alone may be the most important factor in its Doppler measurements of blood flow aetiology.13 14 The fact that necrotising ente- velocity were obtained from the superior rocolitis is rare in the absence of enteral feed- mesenteric artery (SMA), coeliac axis, ing demonstrates the importance of intralumi- and anterior cerebral artery (ACA) of nal factors. Breast milk exerts a protective 19 with suspected necrotising effect whereas hyperosmolar feeds,2 or hyper- enterocolitis, which was classified as con- osmolar drugs such as high doses of vitamin firmed (n=9) or unconfirmed (n=8). E,'5 may be risk factors. Infants with confirmed disease were com- In order to examine the hypothesis that pared with controls who were either necrotising enterocolitis is due to intestinal enterally fed or who were receiving intra- ischaemia, Doppler ultrasound has recently venous fluids. been used to study the characteristics of blood SMA velocity was significantly higher flow in the superior mesenteric artery of in the infants with confirmed necrotising infants in high risk groups. We have demon- enterocolitis (36.5 cm/s) than in unfed strated a specific reduction in superior mesen- controls (20.4 cm/s) or infants with teric artery (SMA) blood flow velocity in unconfirmed enterocolitis (19.6 cm/s). infants who are small for gestational age, who Three infants with confirmed disease experienced chronic intrauterine hypoxia16; had data from before the onset of symp- and Coombs et al have shown absent diastolic toms. One had low SMA velocity on the flow and reduced velocity in infants with first day of life, and one showed no patent .17 However, none of increase in SMA velocity after enteral the infants in these studies went on to develop feeds were started. necrotising enterocolitis. SMA velocity is increased when infants We therefore set out to measure SMA develop symptoms of necrotising entero- blood flow velocity using Doppler ultrasound colitis, suggesting that total gut ischae- in infants who developed necrotising entero- mia is not present at the time that the colitis. By studying from a large number disease is clinically apparent, although it of infants who were at risk we also hoped to may precede the onset of symptoms and have data that preceded the onset of this play a part in the pathogenesis of the dis- condition in a number of infants. In order to order. document the specificity of our findings for the mesenteric circulation, we also measured Epidemiological studies have suggested a velocity in the coeliac axis and anterior cere- bewildering variety of risk factors for necrotis- bral artery (ACA). ing enterocolitis. Identified risk factors on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. include birth asphyxia,l-4 chronic ,5 6 apnoea,2 4 7 8 umbilical catheteri- Methods sation,' 4 7 9respiratory distress and ventila- SUBJECTS WITH NECROTISING ENTEROCOLITIS tion,4 7 8 ,3 polycyth- The criteria of the British Association of aemia,8 10 hypoglycaemia,8 and hypothermia.10 Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) were used to It is widely believed that intestinal ischaemia define cases of suspected necrotising entero- is the unifying mechanism that explains the colitis which occurred on our unit over a two ability of these many different factors to injure year period.'8 the neonatal bowel. Risk factors might cause A total of 19 infants were studied. To be ischaemia directly or as a consequence of the classified as a case of suspected necrotising 'diving reflex' when blood flow is diverted enterocolitis an must have had at least from the abdominal organs during hypoxia, two of the following features: abdominal dis- Children Nationwide thus preserving cerebral oxygenation. tension, blood in the faeces, a distinct clinical Neonatal Centre However, the concept of necrotising entero- deterioration (hypotonia, lethargy, or apnoea), King's College Hospital School of colitis being predisposed to by gut ischaemia or increased intraluminal gas visible on an Medicine, London is not straightforward. Clustering of cases has abdominal radiography. The characteristics of S T Kempley been used to support the idea of an infective these infants are shown in table 1. H R Gamsu aetiology." Although many agents, including Correspondence to: bacteria and viruses, have been implicated in Confirmed cases Dr S T Kempley, some Frederick Still Ward, outbreaks,'2 other studies have not iden- Nine infants were subsequently confirmed to King's College Hospital, tified infective agents to be consistently asso- have necrotising enterocolitis on the basis of London SE5 9RS. ciated with necrotising enterocolitis.7 It has radiological findings (intramural gas, hepatic Accepted 9 March 1992 also been proposed that mucosal immaturity portal venous gas), surgery or postmortem 794 Kempley, Gamsu

Table 1 Characteristics ofthe infants with suspected necrotising enterocolitis pathology other than necrotising enterocolitis: Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.7_Spec_No.793 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from Cases Sex Gestation Birth weight Postnatal Mean blood Last enteral one was found to have an ileal perforation in (weeks) (kg) age pressure feedt (days) (mm Hg) association with a meconium plug, and the Hours % intake other had intestinal infarction from an aortic before thrombus, obstructing the coeliac and mesen- Confirmed cases: teric . (These two constitute the 'other 1 F 24 762 12 29 2 F 26 902 25 51 1 100 abdominal pathology' group.) 3 M 28 1248 6 46 15 100 4 F 28 1436 10 46 85 100 5 F 29 1150 8 19 Suspected, unconfirmed cases 6 F 30 1040* 44 64 30 100 Of the remaining eight infants, six were 7 F 34 1220* 6 24 100 8 F 36 2990 22 63 28 100 found to be septicaemic (case 10, C albicans; 9 M 39 3180 1 8 100 cases 11 and 15, Klebsiella sp, cases 12 and Mean 30 4 1550 15 45-4 SD 4 9 890 13-4 16-6 17, Staphylococcus epidermidis; case 13, entero- Suspected, unconfirmed cases: bacter), one was severely growth retarded and 10 M 23 510 8 28 11 F 24 680 14 60 thought to have meconium plugging, and in 12 F 24 720 26 36 32 100 one the cause of his deterioration was not 13 M 26 920 14 34 14 M 28 1246 6 43 identified. 15 F 29 516** 9 40 50 Mean birth weight was significantly lower in 16 F 32 666** 26 79 100 17 M 32 1180** 12 66 the group with unconfirmed necrotising ente- Mean 27-3 810 14 44-4 rocolitis, with three having a birth weight less SD 3-6 280 7-8 15-2 Cases with other pathology: than the third centile for gestation. 18 M 27 1118 18 44 26 100 19 M 28 1100 12 30 13 43 CONTROLS Infants who were small for gestational age are indicated: * birth weight <1Oth centile for gesta- For each infant with confirmed necrotising tion; ** <3rd centile. See text for further details. t Where no figure given, the infant had no enteral feeds. enterocolitis, control data were selected from Doppler measurements performed on babies enrolled in other studies, who had not suf- findings, in accordance with the BAPM crite- fered from gastrointestinal problems or birth ria. One infant (case 3) was a surviving twin asphyxia. Data from a pool of 80 infants were whose cotwin was a some weeks available for matching. Control data were before delivery. Another (case 8) was born matched for postnatal age, the birth weight with a diaphragmatic hernia, which had been and gestation of the infant, and the degree of surgically repaired on the first day of life. intrauterine growth retardation. For each There was a term infant (case 9) whose index case we selected one control who was mother had admitted to abusing a number of receiving enteral feeds, and one who was drugs during . Only one infant receiving intravenous fluids only, giving two (case 1) had an umbilical arterial in control groups. The characteristics of the con- place at the time of measurement, and only trol infants are shown in table 2. two had blood cultures positive (case 1, Candida albicans; case 7, Staphylococcus MEASUREMENTS aureus). Measurements of blood flow velocity and pul- satility index were obtained from the SMA, Cases with other abdominal pathology coeliac axis, and ACA as previously Two infants had proved intra-abdominal described.'6 The artery was visualised in real time and range-gating used to sample pulsed wave Doppler signals from the particular ar- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Table 2 Characteristics the control tery under study. All readings were corrected of infants for the angle of insonation. The measure- Controls Gestation Birth weight Postnatal Mean blood ments were obtained after the onset of symp- (weeks) (g) age pressure (days) (mm Hg) toms during the acute phase of the illness. Controls on intravenous fluids: 1 25 768 7 36 70 * Enterally fed 2 26 910 9 53 S o 3 28 1164 9 - 60 No enteral feeds 4 29 1510 11 57 5 30 1300 9 - E 50 6 30 1026* 7 45 0 7 34 1260** 7 - 8 40 3482 5 60 . 40 9 42 3482 2 - 0 es ° Mean 31-6 1656 7-3 50-2 0 30 SD 6-0 106 2-6 9-7 % Enterally fed < 0S O controls: 20 - Cl) 8 1 25 870 13 * 2 26 966 28 - 10 3 27 942 16 - 8 4 28 1038 7 - 0 ' 5 30 1506 8 - Confirmed Other pathology IV fluids 6 30 946* 8 - Unconfi.rmed Feeds 7 36 1798** 9 - 8 34 1980 14 56 NEC Controls 9 41 3910 1 - Mean 30-8 1500 12 Figure I Bloodflow velocity in the SMA for individual SD 5-3 980 7-6 infants with suspected necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), and Infants who were small for gestational age are indicated: *birth for infants in the control groups, receiving enteralfeeds or weight

Table 3 Mean (SD) of velocity and pulsatility index in the SMA, coeliac axis, and The third infant (case 7) was growth re- Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.7_Spec_No.793 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from ACA for the main groups tarded and had a very low SMA velocity on Velocity (cm/s) Pulsatilty index day 1 (the lowest day 1 value we have obtained SMA Coeliac ACA SMA Codiac ACA from a very low birthweight infant). This rose axis axis to a normal value by day 3, 24 hours after the NEC: 36-5 399 19.1 2-17 1-58 2-20 introduction of enteral feeds. On day 6, when confirmed (15-3) (9-8) (9-2) (0-9) (0-5) (2-4) she developed necrotising enterocolitis, the NEC: suspected, 19-6* 33-1 19-3 2-99 1-69 1-67 unconfirmed (12-9) (15-4) (9-0) (1-7) (1-1) (0-8) SMA velocity stayed at a relatively high level Controls: 27-4 36-5 19-7 2-56 1-75 1-64 even after feeds were stopped. enterally fed (11-2) (14-0) (6-4) (0-9) (0-8) (0-5) Prospective data were also obtained from Controls: on 20-4** 38-5 19-8 2-72 1-39 1-36 IV fluids (6-4) (15-3) (2-3) (1-0) (0-5) (0-4) four infants with suspected, unconfirmed Controls: 23-9 necrotising enterocolitis. In two infants the combined (9-3) values were normal (cases 10 and 14), in Significant differences between the confirmed necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) group and the one there was no increase in SMA velocity other groups are shown (*=p<0-05;**=p<0-0l). IV, intravenous. when feeds were introduced (case 15) and in one there was a low SMA velocity on day 1 Data from the infants with confirmed (case 16). necrotising enterocolitis were compared with the data from the other groups using unpaired t tests. Variance ratios (F) were used to com- Discussion pare the variances of cerebral artery velocities. By the time that symptoms were apparent, SMA blood flow velocity was significantly higher in infants with confirmed necrotising Results enterocolitis than in unfed controls. SMA DATA AT THE TIME OF SYMPTOMS velocity was also higher in confirmed cases Mean SMA velocity was significantly higher than in infants with suspected but uncon- in the infants with confirmed necrotising ente- firmed disease. Mean SMA velocity was rocolitis (36-5 cm/s) than in infants with sus- slightly (but not significantly) higher in the pected, unconfirmed disease (19-6 cm/s, infants with necrotising enterocolitis than in p<0 05; fig 1, table 3). SMA velocity was controls receiving enteral feeds. also significantly higher in the confirmed There are a number of possible explana- group than in the control group receiving tions for the differences in velocity between intravenous fluids (20-4 cm/s, p<0-05). confirmed and suspected cases. There were Although mean SMA velocity was slightly higher in infants with confirmed disease than in the control group receiving enteral feeds Cas;e 2 (27-4 cm/s), this difference was not significant. 70 -10 60 * When the two control groups were com- Velocity NEC -8 bined, SMA velocity was still significantly 50 o PI

-6 lower in these infants than in infants with con- -a) 40 firmed necrotising enterocolitis (p<005). 30 -4 There were no significant differences 20 *.0 between the groups in mean coeliac or cere- -2 bral artery velocities. However, there was a 10 E 0- -L I~ ~ ~ ~~ much variation in cerebral 0 greater artery Co 5 10 15 20 25 30 velocity in the groups of infants with con- 0c0 10 firmed and suspected necrotising enterocolitis 0 on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. compared with the group of controls on intra- - 8 venous fluids (confirmed: F=15-9, p<0-001; unconfirmed: F=15-2, p<0-001). 6 There were no statistically significant dif- >i ferences in pulsatility index between the groups. C._ 4


Prospective data obtained from three infants 0 c with confirmed necrotising enterocolitis is Case 7 60r - 10 shown in fig 2. The first of these (case 2) had I'l * NEC only one measurement performed, some time v r - 8 before the onset of necrotising enterocolitis. -n E 40 SMA velocity was normal at this stage. - 6 > 30 The second infant (case 3) was the survivor 4 0 of a twin pregnancy where the other twin was ° 20 I. a miscarriage. SMA velocity was initially nor- 10---.. .. 2 mal but did not increase after the introduction 10 of enteral feeding at 3 days of age. When he 0 developed necrotising enterocolitis at 6 days 5 10 15 20 25 30 the SMA velocity was very high. After treat- Age in days ment this returned to normal, and when feeds Figure 2 Bloodflow velocity and pulsatility index (PI) were recommenced there was an increase in from the SMA of the three infants with confirmed SMA velocity. necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) who had prospective data. 796 Kempley, Gamsu

more infants who were small for gestational noted in growth retarded infants who had sus- Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.7_Spec_No.793 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from age in the unconfirmed group. We have pected but unconfirmed disease. Clearly there previously demonstrated growth retardation must be other factors operating which deter- to be associated with lower SMA velocity.'6 mine which infants will develop confirmed Fewer of the unconfirmed group had received disease. enteral feeds at any stage in their life, and There was a significantly greater variation enteral feeding has been shown to increase in cerebral artery velocities in both of the SMA velocity even in premature infants.19 20 necrotising enterocolitis groups, compared More were septicaemic, and these findings with the controls, although there was no dif- may represent the effect of septicaemia on ference in mean velocity. The diversion of car- SMA velocity. Finally, there may be a raised diac output into a mesenteric circulation SMA blood flow velocity in the infants with which has a fixed high blood flow might dis- confirmed necrotising enterocolitis, but not in turb the regulation of and those with unconfirmed disease, because the cerebral blood flow. disorders are unrelated. SMA blood flow velocity is probably Were infants who were not receiving enteral increased, and certainly not reduced, at the feeds appropriate controls for the infants with time infants develop necrotising enterocolitis. necrotising enterocolitis? None of the index It is therefore unlikely that an overall reduc- cases was receiving enteral feeds at the time tion in gut blood flow is responsible for the that the measurements were made, and all progression of the disease, although localised had their stomachs aspirated via a nasogastric factors may affect discrete areas of bowel. tube. Two had never received any feeds enter- However, low total gut blood flow may have a ally, but in the other seven the time elapsed causative role early in the pathogenesis of the since the last feed varied between 1 and 85 disease, before any symptoms develop. hours. Infants whose feeds had been stopped 1 Bunton GL, Durbin GM, McIntosh N, et al. Necrotising would have been expected to have had gas- enterocolitis. Arch Dis Child 1977;52:772-7. trointestinal blood flow velocity somewhere 2 Yu VYH, Tudehope DI. Neonatal necrotising enterocoli- tis: perinatal risk factors. MedJAust 1977;i:688-93. between the levels found in fed and unfed 3 Ryder RW, Shelton JD, Guinan ME. Necrotising entero- infants, but it is not known how quickly or to colitis: a prospective multicentre investigation. Am J Epidemiol 1980;112:113-23. what extent blood flow decreases after stop- 4 Palmer SR, Thomas SSJ, Cooke RWI, et al. Birthweight ping feeds. 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