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26 mffimm*mm Saturday Evening:, THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. September , 23, 1905. _^_BUSENESS^ANCES___ __JB3JSngESSjDHANC^__ ^USINESSOHANCES^ FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-m&CELLANEOUS HORSES AND CARRIAGES AUT^MOBJiE^ANDJBICYC^ __ IftOTEL, SPLENDID MINNESOTA MONEY v RYAN &,LA DUE, Continued. Continued. W Continued. 19oTRAMBLEBrTlsOR^POWiaU^Trr^9iM • maker; 40 light bedrooms, Ape office, ele % ? * 1027 Washington,* Av S. * 4< 5»Sale. ~ 1903 Olds, 6-horsepower 200 gant dining room, modern kitchen, baths, $1,006 FREE; THE CITIZENS OF KENSLNG- FOR SALE—THREE-CHAIR BARBER SHOP; T.' C. Phone 1045. GINBENG SEEDS, CHOICE LOT, 1904 AND HORSES FOR SALE—FAST PACER, S YEAR8 1903 Rambler. 8-horseoower 275 "*»• steam heated, electric lighted, county seat, ton", Minn., offer a bonus of $1,000 to any party 15 and 25; town and doing first-class business. Headquarters for all kinds of new and 1905 crop. Geo. M. Reichard, 2418 Fillmore erecting a modern hotel at that place; no For puitleulars nddiess 1)09, Journal. street. old, grandson of Allerton, dam by Nutalwood, 1904 Rambler 16-borsepower .............. 700 4,000, 4 railroads (only $2 hotel), making second-hand goods; safes, showcases, counters, sire of Castlewood; weight 1,000 lbs; nfrald 1903 Winton, 20-horsepower '.. 760 #**t > $250 month, Sunday point, $2,000 cash re hotel at present. Address the Commercial FURNITURE OF FAMILY HOTEL, ONE OF shelving, saloon and store fixture, office fur SECOND-HAND FURNITURE VERY CHEAP of nothing; another horse, 8 years old, best 1905 Eldrldge. 10-horsepower 400 fc*%L quired. Club, Kensington, Minn. the best locations in city, 45 rooms, doing niture, wagons, sleighs, carriages, stoves, and on easy terms.
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