GAP BODHI TARU A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES ( ISSN – 2581-5857 ) Impact Factor: SJIF - 5.171, IIFS - 5.125 TEEN-SELF AND SOCIETY: A STUDY OF EMOTIONAL- SELF REGULATION IN JUDY BLUME’S YOUNG ADULT NOVEL TIGER EYES Dr. Lotwala Kunjal K. Assistant Professor Agarwal Vidya Vihar English Medium College, Surat-3954518 Contact number: 8511099806 Email Id:
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract Emotional development is fundamentally the way emotions change and remain relentless across the human lifespan. Social development is the way in which human learns to interact with each other. Emotional-self regulation refers to a child’s capability to change his or her emotional state to either match that of the others in society or to make a child more comfortable in particular situation i.e. social or personal. It is a skill that a child develops over a period of time and involves both responding to situations with emotions that are socially acceptable and developing the ability to suppress emotions or delay spontaneous reactions when necessary. The present paper deals with three major aspects of socioemotional interaction in young adults. Firstly, it will analyze adolescents’ relationships with their parents. Here, the social relationship is to be discussed with the framework of the establishment of autonomy from the parents. Secondly, it also examines the influence of the adolescent’s peer group on attitudes, values, and behaviour. Peer groups play a major role in the development of friendship. Thirdly, the interaction with the members of the opposite sex-the phenomenon of dating in American culture discusses the psychological implications of norms associated with dating in adolescence presented in the novel.