BRGÖ2018 BeiträgezurRechtsgeschichteÖsterreichs

MarikenLENAERTS,Maastricht TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorce lawinandtheNetherlands*

ThisarticleprovidesacomparativeoverviewoftheinfluencesofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaand theNetherlandsbetween1938(Austria)/1940(theNetherlands)and1945.OneoftheprimarygoalsofNational Socialismwastheestablishmentofaracially‘pure‘Volksgemeinschaft.Tothatend,marriagesthat,forwhatever reason,werenolongerproductive,orwhichwouldleadtotheminglingofAryanbloodandracially“inferior”blood shouldbedissolved.ThereforetheNationalSocialistssubstantiallyrevisedGermandivorcelaw,whichwasintro ducedinAustriain1938aswell.This1938MarriageLaw,albeitsubstantiallyalteredanddenazified,stillservesas thebasisofAustrianmarriageanddivorcelaw.IntheNetherlands,regardedasmuchabrothernationto asAustriawas,attemptsweremadeduringtheoccupationtoreviseDutchdivorcelaw,partlybecauseitwasgener allybelievedthatthegroundsfordivorcehadtobewidenedsomewhat,partlytoattuneDutchdivorcelawtoNa tionalSocialism.However,theserevisionswereneverenacted. Keywords:Austria–divorcelaw–Germany–NationalSocialism–theNetherlands 1.Introduction isedasan“annexation”,asannexationisauni lateralactbytheconqueringstate,precededbya It is beyond questioning that the National So military conquest. Through annexation, the en cialist period shook Europe while it lasted and emy state ceases to exist, thereby ending the leftitsmarkafterithadbeenended.Thisarticle war. This is called subjugation. In this respect, willtrytoanswerthequestionhowdivorcelaw the conquering state acquires enemy territory wasinfluencedbyNationalSocialisminAustria and de jure sovereignty through conquest fol and the Netherlands. The choice for these two lowedbysubjugation.1AlthoughGermanycer countriesmightseemarbitrarybuttheyprovide tainly put considerable military pressure on for an interesting comparison, given the coun Austria,thispressuredoesnotqualifyas“con tries respective positions with regard to Nazi quest”. Furthermore, the incorporation was a Germany. Both countries were regarded as bilateralactalthough,again,Austriawasunder brother nations of Germany, with its people pressure,however,notonlyfromGermanybut sharing the same blood. The National Socialist alsofromwithin.2 mode of operation with regard to these two countrieswasdifferent,though. AsofMarch1938,Austriawasincorporatedinto *This article is a shortened and amended version of Germany. This incorporation is generally re (part)ofmybook:LENAERTS,NationalSocialistFami ferred to as “Anschluss”, which is somewhat ly Law, which was published by Brill in December euphemistic,orinEnglish,annexation.Howev 2014. 1OPPENHEIM,InternationalLaw518–519. er, it is debatable whether the incorporation of 2BUKEY,Hitler’sAustria25–39. Austria into Germany can indeed be character TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 103

The Netherlands was not incorporated into the 2.Germandivorcelaw GermanReich,butoccupiedbyGermanmilitary beforetheNazitakeover forces in May 1940. Eight days after the inva sion,Hitlerreplacedthemilitaryadministration With regard to the dissolution of marriage, intheNetherlandswithacivilone.Atthattime churchdoctrineandthemoremodernnotionof occupations were governed by the Regulations manasanindividualbeingwithhisownneeds Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on (whichhademergedduringtheEnlightenment) Land of 1907. These determined in Article 43 did not conform. According to the doctrine of that the occupant had “to take all measures in theCatholicChurch,marriagewasasacrament hispowertorestore,andensure,asfaraspossi nottobeseparatedbyman.However,according ble,publicorderandcivillife,whilerespecting, to the Enlightenment doctrine of man as an unlessabsolutelyprevented,thelawsinforcein individual, every person had his or her own the occupied country”. It is therefore debatable soul; two individual souls could as a couple whether the German occupying forces were at share their lives but might at a given moment allauthorisedtochangefamilylawintheNeth notbeabletolivetogetheranylonger.German erlands. divorce law during the Weimar Republic was In order to see whether divorce law in Austria based on a compromise between these two andtheNetherlandswasinfluencedbyNational doctrines. The German state considered Socialism,wefirsthavetolookatthesituation marriage the germ cell of the social order and in Germany as the “home base” of National therefore had its own interests in preventing 4 Socialism.3Therefore,thisarticlewillfirstbriefly divorce. Theirconvictionwasthatthestatehad explain the German rules concerning divorce to recognise the possibility of divorce for cases before the National Socialist assumption of whereamarriagecouldnolongerfulfilitssocial power,andthekeyideasofNationalSocialism tasks, but that divorce could never be an withregardtotheconceptofmarriage;then,the individualaffair.Therefore,divorcewaslargely MarriageLaw of1938and its consequencesfor grounded on the guilt principle (Verschuldens Austria will be explained. Subsequently, the prinzip),whichmeantthat,exceptincasesofa Dutchrulesconcerningdivorcethatwereappli mental disorder, marriages could only be cable before the German occupation will be divorced if the summoned partner had dealt with, followed by the attempts to revise committed some wrong. However, since the theserulesduringtheoccupation. beginning of the 1920s, the question had been discussedwhethertheguiltprincipleshouldbe replaced with more objective grounds for divorce,thatis,thequestionwhetheramarriage had irretrievably broken down (Zerrüttungs prinzip).5 TheGermanCivilCodedistinguishedtwotypes of grounds for divorce, absolute and relative 3 Although National Socialism does not find its ori ones. In the case of absolute grounds, a judge ginsexclusivelyinGermany,wecanregardGermany was obliged to pronounce the divorce without as its “home base”, as this was the first country in whichtheNationalSocialistscametopower.Germa furtherjudgingthemarriage.Absolutegrounds nywasthereforethefirstcountryinwhichrulesregu lating the nation’s behaviour could substantially be 4MITTEIS,Familienrecht(1923)15. influencedbyNationalSocialism. 5MITTEIS,Familienrecht(1931)26–27. 104 MarikenLENAERTS for divorce were adultery and crimes against regardtotheperceptionofthestate,thefamily morality (Ehebruch und Sittlichkeitsdelikte, andtheindividual. §1565), crimes against life or cruelty (Lebens The concept of a “state” was renounced by the nachstellung, §1566) and desertion with National Socialists, especially the way it had malicious intent (bössliche Verlassung, §1567). manifested itself during the Weimar period. Foritsdefinitionofadulteryandcrimesagainst According to the National Socialists, the indi morality,§1565referstotherelevantsectionsin vidual had become too important during this the Penal Code.6 Crimes against morality period,whichhadledtoegocentrismandmoral included bigamy (§171 StGB) and perverse decline.8 Instead of a state, which was centred illicit sexual acts (§175 StGB), such as sodomy upontheideaofagroupofindividualssharing andbestiality.Culpablebreakdown(schuldhafte a common language and living under constant Ehezerrüttung, §1568) and mental disorder governmental supervision,9 a “Volksgemein (Geisteskrankheit, §1569) were considered schaft”hadtobecreated,10inwhichthepublic relativegroundsfordivorce.Mentaldisorderas interestwouldprevailovertherightsandinter agroundfordivorcedidnotfallundertheguilt ests of the individual. Every person, every principle, but was acknowledged as a cause of member of the Volk should consider himself a the permanent breakdown of a marriage. The memberofthewhole,whoserightswerelimited mentaldisorderhadtobecomplete,notpartial, by the interests of the community.Man should and it had to last for a minimum of three notbeselfsufficient,butservethecommunity.11 consecutive years, leading to a permanent AlthoughthetermVolksgemeinschaftsomehow disruption of the “mental community”. embodied the National Socialist legal idea, it Culpable breakdown, however, did fall within cannot be defined exactly. It can best be com the scope of the guilt principle, as the paredwithabodythatconsistsofseveralindis summonedpartnerhadtobefoundguiltyofthe pensableparts,whichalltogetherformanindi disruption. The judge had to decide objectively visible,organicwhole.12ThisVolksgemeinschaft whether or not the marriage was permanently ismanagedbyoneleader,the“Führer”,whois disrupted and which facts had caused the notsomuchaleaderbutaservantoftheVolks disruption. Furthermore, the spouse who had gemeinschaft. He makes the laws, but, as the causedthedisruptioncouldnotinvoke§1568as Führer is the embodiment of “community per agroundfordivorce.7 sonality”, these laws will only reflect the inter estsoftheVolksgemeinschaft.TheFührerthere fore needs no supervision, as he serves the 3.Volksgemeinschaft– thestrengthofanation The National Socialist assumption of power in 8PINE,NaziFamilyPolicy9. 1933 brought some significant changes with 9HITLER,MeinKampf426–427. 10CARP,NationaalSocialisme20. 11HITLER,MeinKampf327. 6See §172 StGB: “Der Ehebruch wird, wenn wegen 12Carp however insists that a National Socialist desselbendieEhegeschiedenist,andemschuldigen “leaderstate”cannotbecomparedwithacorporative Ehegatten, sowie dessen Mitschuldigen mit Gefäng state,asthepartsofwhichitconsistsdonotrepresent nißbiszusechsMonatenbestraft.DieVerfolgungtritt theirowninterests,butrepresenttheinterestsofthe nuraufAntragein.“ community in their own expertise. See CARP, Na 7MITTEIS,Familienrecht(1931)28–32. tionaalSocialisme47–48. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 105 community.13Stolleisshowsthattheconceptof trines,NationalSocialismwasoutspokenlyanti Volksgemeinschaft pervaded all spheres of life Semitic.Jews–arace,notareligiousgroupac andthereforealsodifferentareasoflaw,suchas cording to Hitler16 – were considered to be re property law, the law of obligationsand crimi sponsibleforthedefeatofGermanyintheFirst nallaw. World War; the Weimar Republic – with all its TheprimarygoalofthisVolksgemeinschaftwas shortcomings – was described as a “Jewish re the preservation of the Volk, the Aryan race:14 public” and Jews were considered to have “In general it should not be forgotten that the caused the destruction of Germany, not only highest aim of human existence is not the economically,butmorallyaswell.Thedevastat preservation of a state, let alone a government, ingconsequencesofthisantiSemitismneedno but the preservation of the species.”15 With re furtherexplanation. gard to the preservation of the Aryan race, we ConcerningtheexpansionoftheAryanrace,the can identify a dichotomy: on the one hand the family was regarded as the “germ cell of the expansion of the Aryan race had to be encour nation”.17 In order to preserve the Aryan race, aged, while on the other hand ‘inferior’ races the main function of marriage was to produce and weak elements had to be eliminated from healthyAryanchildren,thesocalled“imagesof society. ‘Mingling’ of races therefore had to be the Lord”. Newlyweds were expected to pro preventedatallcosts.Withregardtoracialdoc duceasignificantamountofchildren–Himmler demandedaminimumoffourchildrenineach 13Ibid. 40; LEPSIUS, Perceptions 25–26; LEPSIUS, SS marriage18 – of whom the boys would later Staatsrecht106–107;STOLLEIS,LawundertheSwastika jointhearmyandthegirlsbecomethemothers 68. Volksgemeinschaft and Führer are held together of the next generation.19 The existence of the by the principle of the movement (Bewegung), the nation was dependent on the nation’s fertility “political bearer of the will of the Volk”, CARP, Na tionaalSocialisme35–36.Seeforanelaborateanalysis of this principle LEPSIUS, Perceptions 23–27 and LEP 16Ibid.253:“DiebestenKenneraberdieserWahrheit SIUS,Staatsrecht105–108.Thisprincipleofthemove über die Möglichkeiten der Anwendung von Un ment was expressed in the National Socialist Party, wahrheitundVerleumdungwarenzuallenZeitendie whichintheNetherlandswasaptlynamedNationaal Juden; ist doch ihr ganzes Dasein schon auf einer SocialistischeBeweging. einzigengroßenLügeaufgebaut,nämlichder,daßes 14AccordingtoCarp,theVolkintheNationalSocial sichbeiihnenumeineReligionsgenossenschafthand ist sense was imagined as a racial community, in le,währendessichumeineRasse–undzwarwasfür which blood was the binding factor. The Volksge eine – dreht.“ “The foremost connoisseurs of this meinschaft presupposed this racial community but truth regarding the possibilities in the use of false was also based on elements like common language, hoodandslanderhavealwaysbeentheJews;forafter culture,territoryandfate.CARP,NationaalSocialisme all,theirwholeexistenceisbasedononesinglegreat 24–25.SeefurthermoreSTOLLEIS,LawundertheSwas lie,towit,thattheyareareligiouscommunitywhile tika64–83,aboutthelegalterminologyintroducedby actuallytheyarearace–andwhatarace!”Transla theNazisandthelegalconsequencesoftheuseofthe tionbyMANHEIM232. word“community”.Heexplainsthatbytheveryuse 17GROß,UnsereArbeit105.SeealsoPINE,NaziFamily ofthewordVolksgemeinschaft(nationalcommunity) Policy8–9;GRUNBERGER,SocialHistory298. it did not become clear whether all Aryan people 18PINE,NaziFamilyPolicy45. withoutregardofnationalboundariesweremeant,or 19HITLER,MeinKampf10:“’DeutscherKnabe,vergiß justa“politicalnation”(p.82). nicht, daß Du ein Deutscher bist!’ und ’Mädchen, 15HITLER,MeinKampf104:“Imallgemeinensollaber gedenke, daß Du eine deutsche Mutter werden nievergessenwerden,daßnichtdieErhaltungeines sollst!’” “’German boy’ do not forget you are a Ger StaatesodergardieeinerRegierunghöchsterZweck man’, and, ’Little girl, remember that you are to be des Daseins der Menschen ist, sondern die Bewah come a German mother.’” Translation by MANHEIM rungihrerArt.“TranslationbyRalphMANHEIM96. 12. 106 MarikenLENAERTS andthewillofhealthyGermanfamiliestofulfil withaninterestfreeloanofupto1,000Reichs theirbiologicalobligation. mark, provided in vouchers to be used for the In order to make the Volksgemeinschaft a suc purchase of furniture and household equip cess, marriage could no longer be considered a ment.25 private issue between two persons; it had to Measures that had more fundamental conse serve the nation: “And marriage cannot be an quencesweretheadoptionofthesocalledNu endinitself,butmustservetheoneandhigher rembergLawsandtheMarriageHealthLawin goal,theincreaseandpreservationofthespecies 1935.TheNurembergLaws,acollectionofthree and the race. This alone is its meaning and its laws26 which presented the fundaments of the task.”20 Germans belonging to the Aryan race National Socialist racial outlook on the world should marry at a young age, since only then and which were the result of the Reich Party could a couple be assured of “healthy and re Conference of Freedom in Nuremberg of sistant offspring”.21 Besides, early marriage 15September 1935, amongst other things pro couldbeusedasaweapontocombat prostitu hibited marriages and extramarital (sexual) in tion and syphilis, which were – according to tercourse between Jews and state nationals of Hitler–adisgracetohumanity.22Evenso,mar Germanorkindredblood.TheFirstSupplemen riage should not find its origins in pure sexual taryDecreetotheReichCitizenshipLaw,which desire, but in “sincere mutual love”, as these was promulgated on 14November 1935, fur bondswerelikelytobemuchstronger.Astable thermore specified who was to be considered andenduringmarriagewasconsideredthebest Jewish.27TheMarriageHealthLawwasaimedat guaranteeforthewaychildrenwereraisedand thehereditaryhealthoftheAryanraceandpro therefore a guarantee for “the future of the hibitedmarriageswhereoneofthepartnershad German people”.23 In order to stimulate mar a contagious or hereditary disease or suffered riage–andearlymarriageinparticular–andto from a mental illness, whether or not this had protect the Aryan race against undesired racial led to a (temporary) legal incapacity.28 Prior to mixing, a number of measures were taken.24In marriageacouplewasobligedtoobtainacertif June1933,forexample,amarriageloanscheme icate which proved that the intended marriage was introduced that provided a newlywed wasnothinderedbyanysuchimpediment.The Germancouple–ofwhomthewomanhadbeen marriagecertificatecouldalsoberefusedpursu employedandgivenupherjobuponmarriage– 25GesetzzurVerminderungderArbeitslosigkeitvom 20Ibid. 275–276: “Auch die Ehe kann nicht Selbst 1.Juni1933,dRGBl.I1933S.323.SeealsoBOCK,Anti zweck sein, sondern muß dem einen größeren Ziele, natalism 123; GRUNBERGER, Social History 300; PINE, der Vermehrung und Erhaltung der Art und Rasse, NaziFamilyPolicy17. dienen. Nur das ist ihr Sinn und ihre Aufgabe.“ 26Reichsflaggengesetz vom 15.September 1935, TranslationbyMANHEIM252. dRGBl.1935IS.1145;Reichsbürgergesetzvom15.9. 21Ibid.276. 1935, dRGBl. 1935 I S. 1146, hereafter Reich Citi 22Ibid.275.SeealsoBOCK,Antinatalism123. zenship Law; Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen 23PINE,NaziFamilyPolicy15–16. Blutes und der deutschen Ehre vom 15.September 24HITLER, Mein Kampf 276: “Freilich ist zu ihrer Er 1935,dRGBl.1935IS.1146,hereafterBloodProtection möglichungeineganzeReihevonsozialenVorausset Law. zungen nötig, ohne die an eine frühe Verehelichung 27Erste Verordnung zum Reichsbürgergesetz vom garnichtzudenkenist.““Tobesure,itcanbemade 14.November1935,dRGBl.1935IS.1333. possibleonlybyquiteanumberofsocialconditions 28Gesetz zum Schutze der Erbgesundheit des deut withoutwhichearlymarriageisnoteventhinkable.” schenVolkesvom18.Oktober1935,dRGBl.1935IS. TranslationbyMANHEIM252. 1246. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 107 ant to §6 ofthe First SupplementaryDecree to Gürtner initially limited himself to the revision the Blood Protection Law, which prohibited all of divorce law. Between 1935 and September marriages from which offspring was to be ex 1937severaldraftrevisionsoftherulesconcern pectedthatconstitutedathreattothepurityof ing divorce were presented and discussed. The Germanblood.29 draft that was finally accepted was a compro mise between the Ministry of Justice and the AcademyforGermanLaw.32Bythetimeevery 4.Thenewmatrimoniallaw oneagreedtothefinaldraft,however,Germany forthenewGermany hadincorporatedAustria,andasAustriahadits ownshareofproblemswithregardtomarriage Despitehavinganenormousimpactintermsof anddivorcelaw,thischangedtheperspectiveof the nazification of matrimonial law, the Blood thelegislativeactivitiesagain. Protection Law and the Marriage Health Law onlyservedasmakeshiftmeasures.Theydidnot 4.1Marriageanddivorcelaw solvetheproblemofthealreadyexistingmixed inAustriaandtheneedto marriages, and when the Third Reich was ex adaptthedraftrevision pandedbecauseoftheincorporationofAustria, UnlikemanyWesternEuropeancountries,such ageneralrevisionofmatrimoniallawprovedto as Germany and the Netherlands, Austria did benecessary.Especiallytherevisionoftherules nothaveanobligatorycivilmarriagewhichwas concerningdivorceledtocontroversiesbetween generally applicable. Marriage was largely or the firm adherents of National Socialism who ganised according to religious principles. This viewed marriage as an institution that should appears clearly from the Austrian Civil Code standentirelyintheserviceoftheNationalSo (Allgemeines bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – cialist Volksgemeinschaft, and the more con ABGB),33 which stated for example in §64 that servativeforces,thosewhobelievedinthetradi marriages between Christians and non tional concept of marriage as a bond for life. Christians were not allowed. Marriages were, Minister of Justice Franz Gürtner belonged to furthermore, concluded in the presence of a thatlattercategoryandhecleverlymadeuseof priest who acted as the registrar.34 In 1868 the the importance National Socialists attached to possibility of a civil marriage was introduced theconceptoffamilyandmarriagetostrengthen with the concept of the “Notzivilehe”. This his message.30 Furthermore, a discussion arose “emergencycivilmarriage”couldbeconcluded about the question whether only divorce law had to beamended or the rules concerning the conclusion and annulment of marriage as well. BERT, Familien und Erbrecht 220–221, and a letter Several people were of the opinion that family fromtheReichandPrussianMinisterfortheInterior lawinitsentiretyshouldberevisedtodovetail (Wilhelm Frick) to the Reich Minister of Justice (31March1938),publishedinibid.,252. 31 with National Socialist principles. However, 32Neufassung des Entwurfs eines Gesetzes über die Ehescheidung durch das Reichjustizministerium 29Erste Verordnung zur Ausführung des Gesetzes (AnfangSeptember1937),publishedinibid.,126–236. zumSchutzedesdeutschenBlutesundderdeutschen 33Allgemeines bürgerliches Gesetzbuch für die ge Ehrevom14.November1935,dRGBl.1935IS.1334. sammten Deutschen Erbländer der Österreichischen 30BLASIUS,Ehescheidung198–199. Monarchie vom 1.Juni 1811, JGS 946/1811 (hereafter 31Seee.g.aletterfromtheReichandPrussianMinis ABGB). ter for Church Affairs (Hanns Kerrl) to the Reich 34§75ABGB.SeealsoLEHNER,Familie–Recht–Poli MinisterofJustice(28April1937),publishedinSCHU tik29. 108 MarikenLENAERTS ifapriestrefusedtomarryacoupleforreasons organisedaccordingtotherulesofthereligious whichwerenotacknowledgedbythestateasan community to which the (nonRomanCatholic) impedimenttomarriage.35TheonlypartofAus partners adhered. According to §111 Roman tria which had obligatory civil marriage for all Catholicscouldnotdivorceatall,evenwhenthe inhabitants was Burgenland, which had been otherspousewasnotaRomanCatholic.Separa part of Hungary until 1921. Obligatory civil tion from bed and board (§103 ABGB) was al marriagehadbeenintroducedinBurgenlandin lowedforeveryone,butthisdidnotincludethe 1894,andin1922,theParliamentofBurgenland possibilitytocontractasecondmarriage. decided to maintain Hungarian matrimonial ThisrigidnessofAustriandivorcelawhadgiv law.36 The situation was further complicated enrisetoaquestionablelegalpractice,the“Dis whenthe“Konkordat”–anagreementbetween pensehe”.40Theconceptitselfwasnotnew–the theHolySeeandAustria(representedbyFeder “Dispensehe”cameintousein1919,afterAlbert alChancellorEngelbertDollfuß)ontheposition Sever,aSocialDemocrat,hadbeenelectedand oftheRomanCatholicChurchandtheapplica appointed “Landeshauptmann” (head of gov bility of canon law in Austria – was ratified in ernment) of Lower Austria. In order to send a 1934.37MatrimoniallawwasdealtwithinArti politicalsignalregardingtheproblemsconcern cleVII, which stated in §1 that marriages con ingthefragmentedandthereforeunjustdivorce cludedaccordingtocanonlawwouldalsohave law,Severhaddecidedtomakeuseofadispen legal consequences under civil law. This was sation clause in the ABGB to allow for second further elaborated by an implementing law of marriages after a separation from bed and 4May 1934.38 The law made a distinction be board.41 §83 ABGB stated that on important tween marriages concluded according to canon grounds, one could apply for a dispensation lawaftertheconcordathadcomeintoforceand fromanimpedimenttomarriagetotheheadof those which had been concluded before then. government42 of a federal state.43 However, it Overall,theconcordatdidnotendthechaosin wasnotentirelyclearfromwhichimpediments Austrian matrimonial law; it only made it tomarriageexactlydispensationcouldbegrant worse. Especially divorce law was very frag ed, and Sever used this vagueness to allow for mented, resulting in an unclear and unsatisfac secondmarriagesforRomanCatholicsbygrant torysituation.39 ing them dispensation from the impediment of The ABGB had already stated in §115 that di marital bond after a separation from bed and vorce (Trennung dem Bande nach) should be board. This allowed for a Notzivilehe before a registraror–ifthepartnerswerewillingtocon 35Gesetz vom 25.Mai 1868, RGBl.47/1868. See also vert to another religion – a second marriage, LEHNER,Familie–Recht–Politik67,89. 36LEHNER,Familie–Recht–Politik110;GRUCHMANN, Ehegesetz 68; HOFMEISTER, Privatrechtsgesetzgebung 40BLASIUS, Ehescheidung 204; HOFMEISTER, Privat 130. rechtsgesetzgebung130. 37Konkordat zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhle und der 41LEHNER,Familie–Recht–Politik101,107. RepublikÖsterreich,BGBl.2/1934.Theconcordatwas 42§83 speaks of “Landesstelle” – state government. signedon5June1933. This authority had been transferred to the head of 38Bundesgesetz vom 4.Mai 1934, betreffend Vor governmentin1918.SeeGRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz69. schriften auf dem Gebiete des Eherechts zur Durch 43§83 ABGB: “Aus wichtigen Gründen kann die führung des Konkordates zwischen dem Heiligen Nachsicht von Ehehindernissen bei des Landesstelle StuhleundÖsterreichvom5.Juni1933,BGBl.8/1934. angesucht werden, welche nach Beschaffenheit der 39LEHNER,Familie–Recht–Politik115–117;HOFMEIS Umstände sich in das weitere Vernehmen zu setzen TER,Privatrechtsgesetzgebung130. hat.“ TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 109 albeitnotacanonone.44TheDispenseheledtoa sionsforAustria.48On10May1938Gürtnersent lotofcontroversy,firstofallaboutwhetherthe alettertoalldepartmentsinvolved,statingthat maritalbondofthefirstmarriagewasdissolved inthelightoftherecentincorporationofAustria bythedispensation,thesecondmarriage,ornot ithadbecomenecessarytoharmoniseAustrian at all. And was this kind of dispensation even matrimonial law with German law, which re valid, and could the second marriage be con quired not only a reform of Austrian divorce cludedvalidly?Despitetherisksofbigamyorof law,butalsoareformoftheAustrianrulescon endingupwithaninvalidmarriage,theuseof cerningtheconclusionofmarriage.Thereforehe theDispenseheboomed.By1930around50,000 proposed, contrary to the original plan, to re Dispensehenhadalreadybeenconcluded.45 form not only German divorce law, something Giventhisuncertainty,itisnotremarkablethat MinisteroftheInteriorWilhelmFrickhadonly withregardtofamilylawtheincorporationled agreedtoaftermuchdeliberation–butalsothe to high hopes among the Austrian population. Germanrulesconcerningtheconclusionofmar The problems related to matrimonial law and riage. A draft proposal was enclosed. Further especiallydivorcelawwerepressing,andGürt more, he invited everyone to a meeting on nerwasawareofthis.46 28May1938todiscussthematter.49 AlreadyinApril1938Gürtnerhaddiscussedthe One day before the meeting was to take place problemofapossiblereformofAustrianmatri FrickrepliedtoGürtner,statingheagreedtothe monial law and especially the Dispensehe. Hit needforreforminAustria.However,hedisap ler had stated that the matter should be taken provedofthedraftproposalconcerningruleson careofassoonaspossible.Theconcordatwould the conclusion of marriage, as this would be not stand in the way of a reform, according to anotherpartialreforminthefieldoffamilylaw, him.47ThequestionwashowtoreformAustrian furtherendangeringthegeneralrevisionoffam matrimoniallawinthelightofthestepsalready ily law. According to Frick it would have been taken in Germany. Opinions differed on that better to introduce the existing German rules matter. Gürtner wanted to introduce the newly concerning the conclusion of marriage in Aus reformed German divorce law in Austria as tria, accompanied by some transitional provi well,broadenedtoincludearevisionoftherules sions, until a general revision of family law concerningtheconclusionofmarriage.Heasked could be brought into force in both Germany the representative of the Ministry of andAustria.50 JusticeJohannAntonitodrafttransitionalprovi TheseremarkswerepresentedbyFrick’srepre sentative in the meeting of 28May. Despite Frick’sobjections,whichweresharedbyHitler’s deputyRudolfHeß,thefulldraftwasdiscussed 44LEHNER,Familie–Recht–Politik107;GRUCHMANN, Ehegesetz69. 45Ibid.107–108,69. 48HOFMEISTER,Privatrechtsgesetzgebung132. 46During a department meeting on 28.Mai 1938, 49Letter to all departments involved concerning and Gürtner stated that it was evident that Hitler, when including a draft proposal concerning the rules of travellingtoAustria,wouldbeaskedaboutthismat conclusion of marriage (10 May1938), published in ter. See Report on a department meeting held at the SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 252–273. See also Ministry of Justice, about a draft law on the conclu GRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz69. sion of marriage (28 May1938), published in SCHU 50LetterfromtheMinisteroftheInteriortotheMinis BERT,FamilienundErbrecht280–281. ter of Justice (27 May1938), published in SCHUBERT, 47Note from Gürtner (9 April1938), published in Familien und Erbrecht 279. See also GRUCHMANN, ibid.,252. Ehegesetz70. 110 MarikenLENAERTS and approved. The representative of Hanns promise,arguingthatitwouldtaketoolong.In Kerrl, Reich and Prussian Minister for Church ordertotackleallproblemsfromwhichAustri Affairs,suggestedthatthecharacterofthelaw’s anmatrimoniallawwassuffering,thislawhad content be expressed in its title, as in “Verein tobequiteextensive.Thiswouldinvolvealotof heitlichung des Eheschließungsrechts im Deut work, while it was likely that it would be re schen Reich“ or “Bis zu endgültigen Regelung placedbyaGermanrevisionoffamilylawwith des Eherechtes erläßt die Reichsregierung das in the foreseeable future anyway.53 Gürtner nachstehendeGesetz“,etc.51 pointedouttoFrickoncemorehowverytime On 31May Gürtner informed the departments consuming his proposed way of dealing with thathewouldcombinethedraftconcerningthe theproblemsconcerningmatrimoniallawwas,54 rules on the conclusion of marriages with the andFrickfinallygaveinwhenhecalledGürtner already approved draft on divorce law. Alt on 10June 1938 and gave his approval. As hough he fully understood the objections of agreed with Frick, Gürtner sent a telegram to Frick and Heß about this being only a partial Heß the following day, pointing out that Frick revision, he pointed out that a general revision hadapprovedthecombinationofthetwodrafts of family law for Germany and Austria would andaskingHeßtodothesame.55Heßagreedon taketoolong.IntroducingexistingGermanmat 14June1938.56 rimonial law in Austria would not do, as Ger The following day Hitler asked Gürtner to in man divorce law in particular was not in line formhimaboutthecombineddrafts.57Barsome with the current tide, and introducing only the minor remarks, he approved of the combined newdraftondivorcelawinAustriawouldhave draftsthesameevening.58 made no sense without a revision of the rules On 29June 1938 the Law for the Uniformity of concerningtheconclusionofmarriage.Bycom theLawconcerningConclusionofMarriageand biningthetwoexistingdrafts,maritalproperty DivorceinAustriaandintheremainingterrito law would remain untouched and eligible for riesoftheReich,orinshort,MarriageLawwas reform in a general revision of family law at a passed.59 It was enacted on 6July 1938, pub laterstage.Aslightlyaltereddraft–aresultof lished in the Reichsgesetzblatt on 8July 1938 the meeting of 28May – was attached, as were andcameintoforceon1August1938.60 sometransitionalprovisionsforAustria.52 Frick, however, did not throw in the towel im 53LetterfromtheAustrianMinisterofJusticeHueber mediately. When he was in Vienna on 1June to the Minister of Justice (2 June1938), published in 1938, he asked the former Austrian Minister of ibid.,283–285.SeealsoGRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz72–73 JusticeFranzHueber,throughhisrepresentative andHOFMEISTER,Privatrechtsgesetzgebung133. 54 Hoche,whetherHuebercouldnothimselfdraft GRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz73. 55Note from Gürtner (11 June1938), published in a bill introducing obligatory civil marriage in ibid.,285.SeealsoGRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz73. Austria. Hueber, however, rejected this com 56GRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz73. 57Ibid. 58NotefromMinisterofJusticeGürtnerconcerninga 51Report by Nordmann on a department meeting of meeting with Hitler (15 June1938), published in 28 May1938, published in SCHUBERT, Familien und SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 286. See also Erbrecht 280–281. See also GRUCHMANN, Ehegesetz GRUCHMANN, Ehegesetz 73–74 and HOFMEISTER, Pri 70–71andHOFMEISTER,Privatrechtsgesetzgebung133. vatrechtsgesetzgebung133–134. 52Letter from the Minister of Justice to the depart 59BLASIUS,Ehescheidung205. ments involved (31 May1938), published in ibid., 60Gesetz zur Vereinheitlichung des Rechts der Ehe 281–283.SeealsoGRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz71–72. schließung und der Ehescheidung im Lande Öster TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 111

4.2Thenewrulesconcerningdivorce aimed to enable the dissolution of marriages fromtheMarriageLawof1938 which had lost their value to the Volksgemein schaft. However, Gürtner stuck to the casuistic Thefinalprovisionsconcerningdivorcewereall outlineofthegroundsfordivorcethatwaspart largely based on the compromisedraftof1937. lystillbasedontheguiltprinciple;introducing As Heß had objected to the inclusion of intro one general clause allowing for divorce when ductorysectionsreferringtothefoundationsof themarriagewasdisruptedinsuchawaythatit marriage in relation to the Volksgemeinschaft, had lost its value to the Volksgemeinschaft theoriginalfirstsectionwasdropped.Gürtner’s would have enabled divorce by sheer mutual preamble was not included either. Only one consent.Suchaprovisionwouldhavebeenpos general introductory provision remained. Sec sibleifthevastmajorityoftheGermanpopula tion46statedthatadivorcecouldonlybepro tion had been imbued with National Socialism, nouncedbythecourt,hadanexnunceffectand something which could not be expected after could only be based on the grounds listed in justfiveyears.Introducingthebreakdownprin §§47–55. cipleasthesolegroundfordivorcewouldmean Theexplanatorymemorandum,however,made a “leap in the dark”. Implementing National up for this lack of reference to National Social Socialist principles in divorce law could there ism.Initsintroductoryremarksondivorcelaw fore best be achieved by adapting and expand itclearlystatedthatthenewdivorceregulations ing the existing grounds for divorce. The final werefirmlybasedontheNationalSocialistno decision whether or nota marriage had lost its tionoftheessenceofmarriage.Itcontinuedby value to the Volksgemeinschaft was left to the explainingtheimportanceofmarriageandfami courts.61 ly for völkish community life, stating that the Thegroundsfordivorcewerelistedin§§47–55. value and existence of the Volksgemeinschaft AsGürtnerhadnotwantedtoabandontheguilt depended on its strength and health. Marriage principle, the list started with a classic ground held the vital power to ensure the eternity of for divorce: adultery (§47). Adultery was con völkishlife.Therefore,procreationwasthemain sidered an absolute ground for divorce,62al goal of marriage. The National Socialist notion though the notion of “absolute” hadsomewhat oftheessenceofmarriagedifferedfundamental changed. Originally, an absolute ground for lyfromwhatwasknownastheliberalnotionof divorcehadentailedthattheappellanthadthe marriage, which considered marriage to be a right to divorce when the facts were proven, bond catering for individualistic interests. Ac without the court having to check whether be cording to National Socialism, however, the causeofwhathadhappened,themarriagewas purpose of marriage lay outside the individual permanently disrupted. In case of a relative interests of the spouses. The purpose of a revi ground for divorce, divorce was only allowed sion of divorce law therefore should not be simplytofacilitatedivorce,asthiswouldenable 61Begründung zu dem Gesetz zur Vereinheitlichung spouseswhojustdidnotfindfullpersonalhap desRechtsderEheschließungundderEhescheidung piness together to end their marriage, which im Lande Österreich und im übrigen Reichsgebiet would cause a devaluation of the importance vom 6.Juli 1938, published in SCHUBERT, Familien and value of marriage. Instead, the revision und Erbrecht 154–155. See also BECHERT, WIESELS, Eherecht46–48;RAMM,FamilienundJugendrechtim Nationalsozialismus76;RAMM,Dasnationalsozialisti reich und im übrigen Reichsgebiet vom 6.Juli 1938, scheFamilienundJugendrecht7. dRGBl.1938IS.807. 62SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht155. 112 MarikenLENAERTS whenthemarriagewasdisruptedinsuchaway fuluseofmeanswhichwouldhinderthebirth that a continuation of the marriage could no of a child,67 such as undergoing an operation longer be expected. The new §56,63 however, whichcouldrenderthewomanbarren.Procrea stated that a guiltbased divorce was not al tioncouldonlylegallyberefusedinaverylim lowed when it followed from the behaviour of itednumberofcases,suchasasevereillnessof theviolatedpartnerthatheorshehadnotcon oneofthespouses.Financialreasonscouldnev sideredtheviolationdisruptive.Incaseofadul erbeusedasthesoleexcuseforarefusaltopro terythecourtthereforehadtocheckwhetherthe create but only in combination with other rea deceived partner had really experienced the sons. A family with many children (“kinder adulterous act as disruptive or whether this reich”) in financial trouble, for example, was groundwasjustgiveninordertogetadivorce allowed to refuse to have more children. How whichwasdesiredforentirelydifferentreasons. ever,adivorcewasonlyallowedwhenthepart Anabsolutegroundfordivorcewasnotasabso nerwhofiledfordivorcehadastrongdesireto luteasit used to be.64 According to§47 (2) di havechildren.Awomanwhoallowedherhus vorce was also not allowed when the violated bandtousecontraceptivesdidnothavearight partner had approved of the adulterous act or to divorce.68 As with adultery the court had to had made it possible (forexample by tempting check whether the refusal to procreate as such theotherspousetocommitadulteryinorderto had indeed permanently disrupted the mar getadivorce). riage.69 AdulteryasagroundfordivorcefittheNational Thefinalgroundfordivorcebasedontheguilt Socialistworldviewperfectly,Gürtnerstatedin principlewasarelativeone.§49wasanadapta his explanatory memorandum. As loyalty was tionof§1568BGB,ageneralprovisionallowing oneofthebasicprinciplesofNationalSocialism, for divorce in case of other marital misconduct this was equally important for the concept of (i.e.somethingwhichsocietyjudgedunaccepta marriage, which found its sense and value in ble). At the instigation of Heß,70 Gürtner had loyalty.65 chosennottoincludetheotherabsolutegrounds The new §48 contained the second absolute fordivorcefromtheBGB(§1566,crimesagainst groundfordivorceandreflectedtheideaofthe life or cruelty and §1567, desertion with mali main goal of marriage being reproduction and ciousintent)inseparatesectionsasitwasmost preservation of the race; it introduced continu likely that these acts would lead to a divorce ous refusal to procreate as a ground for di vorce.66 This provision contained two compo 67dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §48: “Ein Ehegatte kann nents:1)refusaltobegetchildrenand2)wrong Scheidung begehren, wenn der andere sich ohne triftigen Grund beharrlich weigert Nachkommen schaftzuerzeugenoderzuempfangen,oderwenner 63dRGBl.1938IS.807,§56:“DasRechtaufScheidung rechtswidrig Mittel zur Verhinderung der Geburt wegen Verschuldens besteht nicht, wenn sich aus anwendetoderanwendenläßt.“ demVerhaltendesverletztenEhegattenergibt,daßer 68BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht50–51. die Verfehlung des anderen verziehen oder sie als 69SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz104. ehezerstörendnichtempfundenhat.“ 70Position of the Führer’s deputy with regard to the 64SCHARNAGL, Ehegesetz 99–100. See also: SCHUBERT, draft of 3 September1937 (12 January1938), pub FamilienundErbrecht156. lished in SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 242. See 65SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht155–156. also GRUCHMANN, Ehegesetz 78. The compromise 66Ibid. 156. See also PINE, Nazi Family Policy 18; draftof1937hadstillincludedcrimesagainstlifeor BLASIUS,Ehescheidung206;HOFMEISTER,Privatrechts cruelty (“Lebensnachstellung”) as separate grounds gesetzgebung134. fordivorce. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 113 basedon§49anyway.71§49wasformulatedin tionoftheessenceofmarriage.77Again,thein a general way, stating that a divorce was al dividual point of view did not matter in this lowedwhenthemarriagewasirretrievablybro respect.78 kendownduetoaseriouscaseofmaritalmis According to the National Socialist notion of conductordishonourableorimmoralbehaviour marriage, divorce was no longer something ofoneofthespouses,insuchawaythataresto which depended only on the personal interests rationofthemaritalcommunityaccordingtothe oftheindividualspouses,butalsoonthevalue essence of marriage was not to be expected.72 the marriage had to the Volksgemeinschaft. This had tobe considered in the light of objec Thus,asecondcategoryofgroundsfordivorce tivecriteria,the“humanmoral”pointofview.73 was introduced. §§50–53 and 55 allowed for Thiswasadeviationfromthepreviousrule,as divorcewhenmaritalcohabitationwasnolong §1568 BGB had taken an individualistic ap er possible, that is to say the purpose of mar proach,statingthatdivorcewasallowedwhena riage (i.e. procreation) could no longer be ful continuationofthemarriagecouldnolongerbe filled,withoutoneofthepartnersbeingguiltyof expected from the innocent spouse.74 The Su thisbreakdown.TheNationalSocialistnotionof preme Court had confirmed in 1921 that the marriage as the germ cell of the nation stands questionwhetherthemarriagewasirretrievably out most clearly in these provisions, with brokendownhadtobeansweredfromthesub Blasiusevencalling§§50–53“eugenic”grounds jective point of view of the violated spouse.75 fordivorce.79Theseeugenicgroundsfordivorce The new §4976 also stated that when the other canbedividedintotwosubcategories:1)mental spousewasguiltyofmaritalmisconducthimor disordersand2)physicaldisorders. herself, a divorce was not allowed if this was Section 50 allowed for divorce in cases of dis morallyunjustifiedconsideringacorrectevalua ruptiveactsthathadbeencommittedbyoneof the spouses and caused an irretrievable break 71SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 156. Gürtner down of the marriage but could not be consid erroneouslyreferredto§§1565and1566BGB,instead ered marital misconduct because of a mental of§§1566and1567.§1565,however,haddealtwith 80 adultery, which was included in the Marriage Law, disturbance. As disruptive acts caused by a albeitinanadaptedform.SeealsoBECHERT,WIESELS, mental disorder could not be imputed to the Eherecht52. person suffering from the mental disorder, no 72dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §49: “Ein Ehegatte kann divorce had been allowed by the BGB, whilst Scheidung begehren, wenn der andere durch eine sonstigeschwere Eheverfehlung oder durch ehrloses restorationofthemaritalcommunityconsonant unsittliches Verhalten die Ehe schuldhaft so tief zer withtheessenceofmarriagewasoftennotpos rüttet hat, daß die Wiederherstellung einer ihrem sible.Thementaldisturbancementionedin§50 Wesen entsprechenden Lebensgemeinschaft nicht erwartetwerdenkann.[...].“ 73BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht53. 77SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht156. 74BLASIUS,Ehescheidung206. 78BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht53. 75SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz108. 79BLASIUS,Ehescheidung207–208. 76dRGBl.1938IS.807,§49:“[...]WerselbsteineVer 80dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §50: “Ein Ehegatte kann fehlung begangen hat, kann die Scheidung nicht be Scheidungbegehren,wenndieEheinfolgeeinesVer gehren,wennnachderArtseinerVerfehlung,insbe haltensdesanderenEhegatten,dasnichtalsEhever sonderewegendesZusammenhangsder Verfehlung fehlung betrachtet werden kann, weil es auf einer desanderenEhegattenmitseinemeigenenVerschul geistigenStörungberuht,sotiefzerrüttetist,daßdie den sein Scheidungsbegehren bei richtiger Würdi WiederherstellungeinerdemWesenderEheentspre gungdesWesensderEhesittlichnichtgerechtfertigt chenden Lebensgemeinschaft nicht erwartet werden ist.“ kann.“ 114 MarikenLENAERTS wasconsideredtobeaminormentalillnessthat Physicaldisordersweredealtwithin§§52and didnotremovethementalcommunitybetween 53, respectively, providing grounds for divorce the spouses. Therefore, it was not the mental incaseofacontagiousorrevoltingdiseasethat disturbanceitselfthatconstitutedthegroundfor wasnotexpectedtobecuredsoonorwherethe divorce, but the disruptive act caused by the risk of contagion was likely to persist,86 and mentaldisturbance.81 premature infertility.87 Both grounds were new In case of a mental illness, which was serious and were introduced because in both cases the enough to remove the mental community be marital community was considered to have be tween the partners and where it was not likely come impossible, so that the purpose of mar toberestored,adivorcewasjustifiedaccording riage,procreation,couldnolongerbefulfilled.88 to §51.82 This provision was not new, but had Section52wasinlinewiththeMarriageHealth been largelytaken over from §1569 BGB. Con Lawof1935,whichprohibitedin§1amarriage trary to §50, irretrievable breakdown of the between two persons of whom one was suffer marriagewasnotregardedasthedecisivefactor ing from a contagious disease which could en inthisrespect;itwassufficienttoprovethatthe dangertheotherspouseorfutureoffspring.89As marital community between the spouses was suchadiseasecouldalsooccurafterthepartners indeed removed. The mental community was had married, a ground for divorce should be regardedaseverythingthatfulfilledthe“mental included in addition to the marriage impedi livesofthespouses”,includingthecareforthe ment.Thepurposewasthesame,preventionof wellbeingoftheotherspouseandthechildren, unhealthy offspring.90 Tuberculosis as well as and participating in the “political and cultural venereal diseases were considered to be conta lifeoftheVolk”.83TheSupremeCourthadorig gious diseases potentially endangering off inally explained this concept in a less political spring.91 However, §52 was formulated in a way by calling it “a similar awareness of com broader way, including “revolting” diseases as mon interests and the common will to encour well.Thismadethelistofdiseasesthatfellwith age those interests”.84 §51 also deviated from inthescopeof§52considerablylonger,includ theold§1569BGBbytheabsenceofthethree ingthingslikefacialcancerorhavinghadaco year term §1569 BGB had required. According lostomybecauseofrectalcancerthathadresult to§51itwasirrelevantwhenthementalillness ed in a stoma with an attached stoma appli hadoccurredandhowlongithadalreadyper sisted.85 86dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §52: “Ein Ehegatte kann Scheidung begehren, wenn der andere an einer 81SCHARNAGL, Ehegesetz 110–111; BECHERT, WIESELS, schweren ansteckenden oder ekelerregenden Krank Eherecht58. heitleidetundihreHeilungoderdieBeseitigungder 82dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §51: “Ein Ehegatte kann Ansteckungsgefahr in absehbarer Zeit nicht erwartet Scheidung begehren, wenn der andere geisteskrank werdenkann.“ ist,dieKrankheiteinensolchenGraderreichthat,daß 87Ibid.,§53(1):“EinEhegattekannScheidungbegeh die geistige Gemeinschaft zwischen den Ehegatten ren,wennderanderenachderEheschließungvorzei aufgehoben ist, und eine Wiederherstellung dieser tigunfruchtbargewordenist.“ Gemeinschaftnichterwartetwerdenkann.“ 88SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 157. See also 83BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht59. PINE,NaziFamilyPolicy18. 84Reichsgericht, 30.März 1920. Entscheidungen des 89Gesetz zum Schutze der Erbgesundheit des deut Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen, vol.98, 295–298, cited schenVolkesvom18.Oktober1935,dRGBl.1935IS. inSCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz112. 1246,§1. 85SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht157;SCHARNAGL, 90FREISLER,Ehescheidungsrecht143–144. Ehegesetz112–113. 91BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht59. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 115 ance.92However,ifoneofthepartnershadhad and had adopted a child instead.98 A divorce anaccidentwhichhadresultedinseverephysi wasalsonotallowedwhenthespousewhofiled caldisorders,divorcewasnotjustified.93 fordivorcewasinfertilehimselforherself,orfor Premature infertility had been accepted as a health reasons was not allowed to enter into a groundfordisputabilityunder§1333BGBand newmarriage.99 as a ground for termination under §37 of the Accordingto§54,divorcebecauseofmentalor MarriageLaw.§53followedthislinebyallow physical disorders was in general not allowed ing for divorce when infertility occurred after whenitwas“morallyunjustified”.100Thesection the marriage had been concluded.94 A divorce further explained that this could be the case on the ground of §53 was only justified when whenadivorcewouldbeunreasonablyharshon the infertility occurred after the marriage had theotherspouse,consideringthedurationofthe been concluded, was premature – that is, the marriage,theageofthespousesandthecauseof womanwasunder40yearsofageandtheman theillness.101Theopennorm(“Generalklausel”) under 60 – and permanent, which had to be “morally unjustified” (“sittlich nicht gerecht established by a physician.95 Scharnagl also fertigt”) had to be explained from a völkish pointed out that although the law only men moralpointofview.102§54leftthecourtsalotof tionedinfertilityandnotimpotence,itwaslike interpretive freedom, which was nevertheless lythatimpotencefellwithinthescopeof§53as dictated by “sound popular feelings” well,asimpotencewouldinvariablyleadtoan (“gesundesVolksempfinden”).103 infertile marriage.96 Divorce because of prema §55, finally, allowed for divorce when the tureinfertilitywasnotallowedwhenthespous spouses had not lived together for three estogetherhad(hereditarily)healthy,legitimate consecutive years and a restoration of the childrenortogetherhadadopteda(hereditarily) marital community consonant with the essence healthychild.97Anadoptedchildwasputonthe same footing as biological children as it was 98SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 157; BECHERT, considered to be unreasonable harsh on the WIESELS,Eherecht60;SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz117. 99dRGBl.1938IS.807,§53(3):“Werselbstunfrucht adoptedchildtolosehisorherhomeagain,just barist,hatkeinRechtaufScheidung.Dasgleichegilt because one of the adoptive parents was infer fürdenEhegatten,dereineneueEheausgesundheit tile, something the spouses apparently had re lichen Gründen nicht würde eingehen dürfen oder signed themselves to since they had moved on dem das Gesundheitsamt hiervon abraten müßte.“ See also SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 157; BE CHERT, WIESELS, Eherecht 60; SCHARNAGL, Ehegesetz 117. 100dRGBl.1938IS.807,§54:“IndenFällender§§50 92SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz114;BECHERT,WIESELS,Ehe bis 53 darf die Ehe nicht geschieden werden, wenn recht59. das Scheidungsbegehren sittlich nicht gerechtfertigt 93BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht59. ist.[...].“ 94FREISLER, Ehescheidungsrecht 134; SCHARNAGL, 101Ibid.:“[...]DiesistinderRegeldannanzunehmen, Ehegesetz114–115. wenndieAuflösungderEhedenanderenEhegatten 95BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht59;SCHARNAGL,Ehege außergewöhnlichharttreffenwürde.ObdiesderFall setz116. ist,richtetsichnachdenUmständen,namentlichauch 96SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz116–117. nachderDauerderEhe,demLebensalterderEhegat 97dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §53 (2): “Die Scheidung ist ten und dem Anlaß der Erkrankung oder der Un ausgeschlossen, wenn die Ehegatten miteinander fruchtbarkeit.“ erbgesunde eheliche Nachkommenschaft oder ein 102FRANTZ, Richtung und Grundgedanken 1030; BE gemeinschaftlich an Kindes Statt angenommenes CHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht60. erbgesundesKindhaben.“ 103SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht157–158. 116 MarikenLENAERTS of marriage was not to be expected due to an number of divorces and of a loss of control. irretrievablebreakdownofthemarriage:“Ifthe Therefore, the breakdown principle had to go domestic community of the partners has been handinhandwiththeguiltprinciple. discontinuedforthreeconsecutiveyearsandifa This right to contest the divorce, however, was restorationofthemaritalcommunityconsonant not absolute. Subsection 2 also stated that the with the essence of marriage is not to be ex contestation would not be taken into account pected because of a fundamental, irretrievable when a continuation of the marriage was disruption of the marital relation, both spouses morally unjustified in the light of a correct canfilefordivorce.”104 evaluation of the essence of marriage and the Thisprovision,apartfrombeingthecoreofthe behaviour of both spouses. “[...] The contesta compromisebetweentheMinistryofJusticeand tionwillnotbetakenintoaccountifacontinua theAcademyforGermanLaw,canberegarded tionofthemarriageismorallyunjustifiedinthe the key provision of National Socialist divorce light of a correct evaluation of the essence of law. Firstly, it seemed to introduce the general marriage and the collective behaviour of both breakdown principle into German divorce law, spouses.”108 although it stuck to the threeyear term. Despite the attempt to mitigate the breakdown Furthermore,thisirretrievablebreakdownofthe principle, the true sting of National Socialism marriagehadtobeestablishedobjectivelybythe was found here. This one sentence provision court.105 However, this general breakdown consisted of two socalled open norms principlewasmitigatedinsubsection2,which, (Generalklauseln): the “essence of marriage” if the partner who had filed for divorce was (“Wesen der Ehe”) and “morally unjustified” (largely) responsible for the disruption of the (“sittlichnichtgerechtfertigt”).Aswehaveseen, marriage, granted the right to contest the both phrases appeared in other provisions as divorce to the other spouse.106 The rationale well,inparticular§§49,50and54.Bothphrases behind this mitigation was described in can be interpreted in several ways; no legal evocative language by Gürtner, who stated in definitionwasgiven.Aswehaveseen,theopen the explanatory memorandum that the norm“morallyunjustified”hadtobeexplained repudiation of a woman by her husband, who from a völkishmoral point of view. The had found a younger and more charming SupremeCourthaddefinedsittlich(morally)as woman, had to be prevented.107 However, this what was appropriate according to National provisionparticularlyshowsbothconservatism Socialism.109AccordingtoRüthersthisdefinition and a fear of an unlimited increase in the of morality led to a form of population policy utilitarianism; a way of thinking completely 104 dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §55 (1): “Ist die häusliche focussed on ethnology and biology. The GemeinschaftderEhegattenseitdreiJahrenaufgeho ben und infolge einer tiefgreifenden unheilbaren question whether a marriage should be Zerrüttung des ehelichen Verhältnisses die Wieder continued or could be dissolved always had to herstellungeinerdemWesenderEheentsprechenden beansweredinthelightofthevölkishinterests Lebensgemeinschaftnichtzuerwarten,sokannjeder EhegattedieScheidungbegehren.“ 105SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz121. 108dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §55 (2): “[...] Der Wider 106dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §55 (2): “Hat der Ehegatte, spruchistnichtzubeachten,wenndieAufrechterhal derdieScheidungbegehrt,dieZerrüttungganzoder tungderEhebeirichtigerWürdigungdesWesensder überwiegend verschuldet, so kann der andere der Ehe und des gesamten Verhaltens beider Ehegatten Scheidungwidersprechen.“ sittlichnichtgerechtfertigtist.“ 107SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht158. 109FRANTZ,RichtungundGrundgedanken1030. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 117 of the community. The court had to check fordivorcehadoccurred,unlessitconcerneda whetherthecommunitywouldbenefitorsuffer formofadulteryprohibitedby§2oftheBlood fromamarriage,inwhichcaseanewmarriage ProtectionLaw,113whichprohibitedextramarital could be desirable from the community’s point intercourse between Jews and persons of ofview.110Theopennorm“essenceofmarriage” German or kindred blood. Race defilement had to be explained along the same lines. The apparently should always be a reason for essenceofmarriagewastobefoundinitsvalue divorce. totheVolksgemeinschaft.Themainpurposeof themarriagewasgivingtheVolksgemeinschaft 4.3Exceptionalandtransitional healthy, Aryan children. A marriage in which provisionsforAustria such procreation was not possible or did not Theexceptionalprovisionsofchapterfourhave happendidnotmeettheessentialcriteriatobe beenthemostsignificantforAustria,especially called a marriage in the true sense of the in the first months after the incorporation.114 word.111Sincetheeffectof§55dependedonthe According to the explanatory memorandum, interpretation of the open norms given by the theseexceptionalprovisionsforAustriatriedto court and since both open norms were tackle the most pressing problems of Austrian interpreted in a National Socialist way, albeit matrimoniallaw: 1) the lack of a uniform, civil formulated neutrally, the provision became a marriageandthereforethelackofstatecontrol toolforrealisingNationalSocialistracialbeliefs, with regard to the conclusion of marriages, 2) whilethepersonalbeliefsofthespousesonthe theprohibitionofdivorceforRomanCatholics, quality of the marriage could be brushed aside whichhadledtotheconceptofseparationfrom entirely.112 bed and board, which was not in line with the The importance of the Marriage Law for the National Socialist population policy, and 3) the National Socialist population policy also Dispenseheasasolutionforthelackofdivorce appeared from the rules concerning the possibilities, which was undesirable from the expirationoftheterminwhichonecouldfilefor perspectiveoflegalcertainty.115 divorce.§57(2)determinedthatdivorceshould Since in Austria marriages were generally not be requested within ten years after the ground concluded before a registrar and therefore not entered in the Registry of Births, Deaths and 110RÜTHERS, Auslegung 419. See also Reichsgericht, 13.Februar 1939, Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts Marriages, and since the German Law on the inZivilsachen,vol.159,Nr.46,305–311;RG,13.März Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages of 1939, ibid., vol.160, Nr.4, 15–19; RG, 17.April 1939, 1937116 would not come into force in Austria ibid., Nr.29, 144–148; RG, 6.November 1939, ibid., until 1January 1939, a transitional provision vol.162, Nr.10, 44–47; RG, 15.März 1941, ibid., vol.166, Nr.25, 188–192; RG, 8.März 1941, ibid., wasnecessarytoregulatetheconclusionofcivil Nr.28,209–215;RG,5.November1941,ibid.,vol.168, Nr.5,38–39. 113dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §57 (2): “Die Scheidung ist 111RÜTHERS, Auslegung 408–409. See also RG, nichtmehrzulässig,wennseitdemEintrittdesSchei 12.Jänner1939,Entscheidungen,vol.159,Nr.19,111– dungsgrundeszehnJahreverstrichensind.DieSchei 114; RG, 13.Februar 1939, ibid., Nr.46, 305–311; RG, dungbleibtjedochzulässig,wennihrGrundeinnach 13.März 1939, ibid., vol.160, Nr.4, 15–19; RG, §2 des Gesetzes zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes 17.April1939,ibid.,Nr.29,144–148;RG,6.November undderdeutschenEhreverbotenerEhebruchist.“ 1939,in:DeutschesRecht10(1940)Nr.3,242–243;RG, 114HOFMEISTER,Privatrechtsgesetzgebung134. 18.November 1939, in: Deutsches Recht 10 (1940) 115SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht165–166. Nr.2,242. 116Personenstandsgesetz vom 3.November 1937, 112HOFMEISTER,Privatrechtsgesetzgebung135. dRGBl.1937IS.1146. 118 MarikenLENAERTS marriages in the interim. Section 99 of the (oneof)thespouses.123Thiswasonlyallowedin Marriage Law declared the district heads to be casethespouseshadnotyetreconciled.124 authorised to act as registrars.117 In Burgenland TheDispensehe,finally,waslegalisedin§121,125 this task was assigned to the registry clerks,118 which stated that marriages concluded after a whohadalreadycarriedoutthistaskfrom1894 dispensationfromtheimpedimentofanalready to 1934.119 Furthermore, §100 stated that the existing marital bond were considered to be penalty for letting the religious ceremony valid marriages from the start, unless it was regarding the conclusion of marriage precede established by the court before 1 January 1939 thecivilceremonywas10,000Reichsmarkorup that the spouses had not lived as spouses after tofiveyears’imprisonment.120 1April1938.Inthiscasethemarriagewouldbe Theeffectofexistingseparationsfrombedand annulled. As it would have been impossible to board, a concept unfamiliar to German law, checkwhetherallsecondmarriagesstillexisted remained unaffected according to §114.121 on 1April 1938 or whether the spouses had However, as stated in §115 (1),122 existing returned to their original spouses, it was separations from bed and board could be decided to automatically legalise all Dispens converted into a full divorce at the request of ehen, unless nullity was invoked before 1January1939.Thiscouldonlybedonebythe spouse who had entered a Dispensehe and the former spouse, respectively. These terms were kept short on purpose in order to legalise as many Dispensehen as possible.126 In the event the Dispensehe was not annulled before 117dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §99 (1): “Standesbeamte im 1January 1939, the previous marriage was Sinne dieses Gesetzes sind im Lande Österreich au considereddivorcedfromthedateofthesecond ßerhalbdesBurgenlandsderBezirkshauptmannoder marriage.127 dermitseinerVertretungindiesenAngelegenheiten Beauftragte,inWienundindenlandesunmittelbaren StädtenderBürgermeisteroderdermitseinerVertre 123SCHUBERT, Familien und Erbrecht 166; BLASIUS, tungindiesenAngelegenheitenBeauftragte.[...].“ Ehescheidung205;HOFMEISTER,Privatrechtsgesetzge 118Ibid.,§99(2):“ImBurgenlandsindStandesbeamte bung134;SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz159–160. imSinnediesesGesetzesdiestaatlichenMatrikelfüh 124dRGBl.1938IS.807,§115(2):“[...]DemAntragist rer.[...].“ stattzugeben, wenn feststeht, daß die Ehegatten sich 119SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht166;SCHARNAGL, nichtwiedervereinigthaben.[...].“ Ehegesetz151. 125Ibid., §121 (1): “Eine mit Nachsicht vom Ehehin 120dRGBl.1938IS.807,§100(1):“Werdiereligiösen dernisdesEhebandesgeschlosseneundnichtbereits FeierlichkeiteneinerEheschließungvornimmt,bevor rechtskräftig für ungültig erklärte Ehe gilt als eine die Ehe vor den staatlichen Trauungsorganen ge von Anfang an gültige Ehe, es sei denn, daß auf schlossen ist, wird wegen Vergehens an Geld bis Grund eines vor dem 1. Jänner 1939 gestellten An zehntausend Reichsmark oder mit strengem Arrest trags gerichtlich festgestellt wird, daß die Ehegatten biszufünfJahrenbestraft.“ am1.April1938nichtmehralsEhegattenmiteinan 121Ibid.,§114:“DieWirkungderScheidungeinerEhe dergelebthaben.IndiesemFalleistdieEhefürnich vonTischundBettwirddurchdasInkrafttretendie tigzuerklären.[...].“ sesGesetzesnichtberührt.[...].“SeealsoSCHARNAGL, 126SCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht166–167;SCHAR Ehegesetz159. NAGL, Ehegesetz 166–167; HOFMEISTER, Privatrechts 122dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §115 (1): “Jeder Ehegatte gesetzgebung134;BLASIUS,Ehescheidung205. einervonTischundBettgeschiedenenEhekannden 127dRGBl.1938IS.807,§122(1):“WirinderFristdes Antrag stellen, daß die Scheidung der Ehe im Sinne §121einAntragnichtgestelltoderwirderrechtskräf diesesGesetzesausgesprochenwerde.[...].“ tig abgewiesen, so gilt die frühere Ehe, von deren TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 119

4.4Finalprovisions Whether or not a marriage could be dissolved by divorce has been an agelong discussion, Apart from some exceptional provisions for dominated by mostly religious arguments. The Austria, the Marriage Law came into force on general opinion on divorce was that it should 1August1938.128 certainly not be encouraged. Nevertheless, di vorcewasanecessaryevil,whichhadtoprevent worse. As in Germany, divorce was grounded 5.DivorcelawintheNetherlands on the guilt principle, meaning that divorce could only be pronounced if the summoned 5.1Dutchrulesconcerning partnerhadcommittedsomewrong.Article264 divorcebefore1940 oftheCivilCodeof1838containedfourgrounds In1809,theNetherlands,whichhadbecomethe for divorce: “adultery”, “desertion with mali Kingdom of Holland in 1806, adopted the cious intent”, “a sentence to a degrading pun “Wetboek Napoleon, ingerigt voor het ishment”,whichwaschangedin1884to“asen Koningrijk Holland”, which for the first time tence to a minimum of four years’ imprison introduced civil marriage and which explicitly ment”,131 and “illtreatment or serious injuries prohibiteddivorcebymutualconsent.129Shortly inflicted by one of the spouses on the other, thereafter, in 1811, when the Kingdom of causing a threat to life”.132 Besides the Holland was annexed by Napoleon Bonaparte, exhaustive account in Article 264, Article 263 the Wetboek Napoleon was replaced by the explicitly prohibited divorce by mutual CodeCivil,whichwasabolishedin1838,when consent.133 thenewDutchCivilCodecameintoforce.The subjectofdivorcehadcausedquiteastirduring 5.2Separationfrombedandboard the lawmaking process, as the mainly Roman In a society in which marriage was considered Catholic jurists in the Southern Netherlands an indissoluble bond, separation from bed and wantedtheDutchCivilCodetobewritteninthe board provided a reasonable alternative for traditionoftheFrenchCivilCodeandtosecure those couples for whom living together had the canonical views on marriage and divorce, becomeimpossible,asitleftthemarriageintact. whilst the mainly Protestant jurists in the The Civil Code of 1838, however, created the Northern Netherlands preferred a more tradi tionalDutchkindoflegislation.TheCivilCode 131Wet van 26 April1884, houdende wijzigingen in of 1838 was a compromise between the two het Burgerlijk Wetboek, 26 April1884, Staatsblad viewsinmanyrespects.130 (1884) No.93, Art.264 (3): “Veroordeling wegens misdrijf tot eene vrijheidsstraf van vier jaren of langer,nahethuwelijkuitgesproken.” Bande Nachsicht erteilt wurde, mit der Eingehung 132Art.264 BW: “De gronden, welke eene echtschei der späteren Ehe als im Sinne dieses Gesetzes ge dingkunnentengevolgehebben,bestaanalleeninde schieden.“SeealsoSCHUBERT,FamilienundErbrecht navolgende: 1) Overspel; 2) Kwaadwillige verlating; 167;SCHARNAGL,Ehegesetz166–167. 3) Veroordeeling tot eene onteerende straf, na het 128dRGBl.1938IS.807,§129. huwelijk uitgesproken; 4) Zware verwondingen, of 129Wetboek Napoleon, ingerigt voor het Koningrijk zoodanige mishandelingen, door den eenen echtge Holland (1809) Art.218: “Echtscheiding mag geen noot jegens den anderen gepleegd, waardoor diens plaatshebbendanomwettigeredenen;inhetbijzon leven wordt in gevaar gebragt, of waardoor hem der is de enkele wederzijdsche overeenkomst der gevaarlijkeverwondingenzijntoegebragt.” echtgenootendaartoeongenoegzaam.” 133Art.263 BW: “Echtscheiding kan nimmer door 130HUUSSEN,Discussion313–315. onderlingetoestemmingplaatshebben.” 120 MarikenLENAERTS opportunity to dissolve the marriage after a had to be entered into the register of births, separationfrombedandboard,anoveltyinthe deathsandmarriages.139Ifthiswasomitted,the Netherlands. More importantly, indirectly it judgmentexpiredaftersixmonths,afterwhicha allowed for the dissolution of marriage by dissolution of marriage could no longer be mutual consent, even when divorce by mutual requestedonthesameground.140Thisrulewas consentwasstrictlyprohibited. included in the Civil Code in 1915,141 although Separationfrombedandboardwasallowedon beforethatdatethenecessityofregistrationwas the same grounds as was divorce,134andwas often assumed. Nevertheless, the real meaning allowed in case of excesses, illtreatment and ofregistrationhadbeenunclearuptothen.142 serious insults by one spouse towards the Although this procedure indirectly enabled a other,135 although any one of these acts was dissolution of marriage by mutual consent,143 sufficient to request a separation from bed and according to Diephuis it was not at odds with board.136 Finally, according to Article 291 BW, theprohibitionofdivorcebymutualconsentas separation from bed and board could also be stated in Article 263 BW. Divorce ended a pronounced at mutual request, without the marriage which still existed in full, whilst partners’ having to give a ground for such a dissolutionafterseparationfrombedandboard request.This,however,couldonlybedoneafter endedamarriagewhichwasformallyintact,but atleasttwoyearsofmarriage.137 fromwhichmanylegaleffectshadalreadybeen Article 255 BW stated that after five years of removed. Furthermore, dissolution after separation from bed and board, and if no separation from bed and board occurred reconciliation had taken place, the partners gradually, compared to the instant dissolution could individually request a dissolution.138 bydivorce.144 Dissolutionwasdonebyjudicialdecision,which In the second half of the nineteenth century a discussion arose as to whether the grounds for 134SeeArt.288(1)BW:“Indegevallen,welkegrond divorce should be expanded, and a draft totechtscheidingopleveren,zalhetaandeechtgenoo revision was presented in 1886. Although not tenvrijstaanomdescheidingvantafelenbedinreg tentevragen.” deviating from the guilt principle, the 135Art.288 (2) BW: “Die regtsvordering zal ook kun commission did come up with some elaborate nenwordenaangevangen,terzakevanbuitensporig changes in their draft revision. However, this heden,mishandelingen,engrovebeleedigingen,door deneenenechtgenootjegensdenanderenbegaan.” 136VEEGENS,BurgerlijkRecht182. 137Art.291BW:“Scheidingvantafelenbed kanook doordenregterwordenuitgesproken,ophetverzoek, 139Art.260 (1) BW: “Het huwelijk wordt ontbonden doordebeideechtgenootentezamengedaan,zonder door het vonnis en de inschrijving van de daarbij datdezegehoudenzijneenebepaaldeoorzaakopte uitgesprokenontbindinginderegistersvandenbur geven. Zoodanige scheidingzal niet kunnen worden gerlijkenstand.” toegestaan, ten zij de echtgenooten gedurende den 140Art.276 (5) BW: “Indien de inschrijving binnen tijdvantweejarenzijngetrouwdgeweest.” dien termijn niet is geschied, vervalt daardoor de 138Art.255 BW: “Wanneer echtgenooten van tafel en kracht van het vonnis, waarbij de echtscheiding is bed zijn gescheiden, het zij uit hoofde van eene der uitgesproken, en kan die om dezelfde redenen niet redenenbijartikel288vermeld,hetzijopbeiderver opnieuwwordengeëischt.” zoek,endescheidinggedurendevijfvollejaren,zon 14127March1915,Staatsblad(1915)No.172. derverzoeningderpartijen,heeftstandgehouden,zal 142VEEGENS,BurgerlijkRecht205. het aan ieder hunner vrijstaan om den anderen in 143ASSER,Familierecht239;VEEGENS,BurgerlijkRecht regten op te roepen, en te eischen dat het huwelijk 200–201. wordeontbonden.” 144DIEPHUIS,Familieregt493–494. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 121 proposaldidnotpass,andtheoriginalgrounds 1962oftheCivilCodeincaseofdivorcewasnot remainedunchanged.145 true,asArticle263,whichprohibiteddivorceby mutual consent, could be regarded as this 5.3TheBigLie exception. By sticking to the verbatim text of Nevertheless,caselawwidenedthegroundsfor Article1962withoutconsideringthesignificance divorce. On 22June 1883, the Dutch Supreme ofArticle263,thegroundsfordivorcewouldbe Court ruled that for a divorce the normal significantly widened, which was not the provisionsregardingdefaultandconfessionsas positionoftheSupremeCourt.Marriagewasa set in Article 1962 of the Civil Code were matter of public interest, in which the courts applicable, which stated that a judicial con wereobligedtorequestfurtherfactualevidence fessionprovidedfullevidence,146andArticle76 in addition to a confession in case of alleged oftheCodeofCivilProcedure,whichstatedthat adultery.VanMaanenpointedoutthattheonly ifthedefendantwentbydefault,theapplicant’s possibility to divorce with mutual consent was claimwassustained.147Thismeantthatwhenthe given by the legislator, which was in the defendantconfessedtotheallegationofadultery roundabout way through separation from bed orlettheproceedingsgobydefaultanddidnot and board upon request of both spouses, contest the allegation, this had to be taken as without the obligation to provide a reason, as evidenceandhisadulterousactwasregardedas statedinArticle291,followedbydissolutionof proven.148 Advocate General Van Maanen the marriage after five years as described in advised against this judgment, as according to Article 255, as we saw before. Therefore, him this implicitly cleared the way for divorce confessiontoadulteryshouldneverbeallowed by mutual consent. Divorce on the ground of as the only and full evidence of adultery. The adultery,onlyprovenbyaconfessionorsimply fact that Article 822 of the Code of Civil by the defendant going by default and not Procedurestatedthatcasesofdivorceshouldbe contesting the allegation, was too sensitive to treatedinthesamewayasnormallegalclaims 149 fraud,asspouseswhowantedtodivorcecould didnotalterthat. simplyagreethatoneofthemwouldconfessto Nevertheless, the Supreme Court decided that adultery or not contest the allegation, after thegeneralruleofArticles1903and1962ofthe whichthedivorcewouldbegranted.According CivilCodedidnotprovideexceptionsforcases toVanMaanen,theallegationthatthelegislator of divorce. According to the Court this was had not provided for an exception in Article indicated by Article 810 of the Code of Civil Procedure, which excluded a single confession as evidence in case of separation of property. 145HUUSSEN,Discussion320. Clearly,thelegislatorhaddevelopedexceptions 146Art.1962 BW: “De geregtelijke bekentenis levert tothegeneralrulesofevidenceincivilcasesand een volledig bewijs op tegen dengenen die dezelve, het zij in persoon, het zij bij eenen bijzonderen obviously he had considered it unnecessary to daartoegevolmagtigde,heeftafgelegd.” formulate one in case of divorce. Courts were 147Art.76Rv:“Indiendegedaagdenietverschijnt,en thereforenotallowedtoextendthisprohibition devoorgeschreventermijnenenformaliteiteninacht to divorce. Furthermore, Article 263 was not genomenzijn,zalertegenhemverstekverleendwor den, en de conclusien van den eischer zullen toege eluded by a divorce granted when the only wezenworden,tenwarezijdenregteronregtmatigof evidence was a confession of adultery as this ongegrondvoorkomen.” 148Hoge Raad, 22 June 1883, Weekblad van het Regt 4924(1883). 149AdvocateGeneralVanMaaneninibid. 122 MarikenLENAERTS confession provided the legal grounds for Kemper,155whichstatedthatcourtshadtotake divorce: adultery as set in Article 264 (1) Civil care that no marriages were dissolved because Code. If you looked at it from this angle, the of covert contracts between the spouses.156 divorce was not based on mutual consent, and According to Scholten this regulation was only thereforedidnotresultinaviolationofArticle omittedfromthe1838CivilCodebecauseitwas 263.150 apparentlyconsideredredundant.157 The Court’s judgment was strongly criticised Some lower courts refused to cooperate and and the procedure was soon referred to as the requested additional evidence. However, this “the Big Lie” (“de Groote Leugen”). Although onlyresultedinanappealinwhichthedecision some authors were in favour of expanding the oftheSupremeCourtwasfollowed,afterwhich groundsfordivorce,oneconsideredthistobea the lower courts in general gave up their task of the legislator.151 According to Scholten resistance, not counting exceptions.158Inan this decision had to result in accepting a article in the “Nederlandsche Juristenblad” in confession as full evidence in other matters as 1926,Briët,whowantedtoraisetheissueagain, well,suchastheannulmentofmarriages,denial pointed out a decision from the Amsterdam of the legitimacy of a child, application for a District Court which declared a contract to wardship order or deprivation of parental divorce with mutual consent void because of rights, which was inexpedient.152 Not everyone unlawful content.159 According to Briët this condemned the Supreme Court’s decision. Van decision showed that ingeneral oneactedasif Brakel argued that the general wording of Article263BWnolongerexisted.Briëttherefore Article 1962 BW was applicable to all civil praised the Amsterdam District Court for matters.153 He supported this statement by bringingArticle263BWbacktoattention.160 pointingtoAsser,whohadstatedthattheDutch Nevertheless, even the strongest opponents Civil Code was an improvement of the French acceptedthisjudgmentascaselaw,incitingthe CodeCivilasitplacedtheconceptofevidence legislator to come up with changes,161 although in a separate section of the Civil Code, thus some feared that the legislator preferred the making it generally applicable instead of being status quo, being torn between the necessity of applicableonlytocontracts.AccordingtoAsser, cleaning up the procedure and the aversion by the Code Napoléon had missed that evidence many members of parliament to expand the couldberelevantinothermattersaswell,such groundsfordivorce.Forsuchaproposalitwas as marriages and adultery, as a means of unlikely a majority in parliament would be supporting a request for divorce.154 Scholten disagreed with this historical interpretation by 155SeeaboutKemperandhisattemptstodraftanew pointingoutArticle422ofthe1820draftofJ.M. Civil Code LOKIN, ZWALVE, Codificatiegeschiedenis 301–304. 156Ontwerp van het Burgerlijk Wetboek voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, 1820, Art.422: “[...] De regtersmoetentoeziendatgeenehuwelijkenontbon den worden uit versierde oorzaken, of door bedekte 150Ibid. overeenkomstenderpartijen.” 151BRIËT, Groote leugen 214–216; ASSER, Familierecht 157ASSER,Familierecht251. 249. 158LIMBURG,Familierecht361. 152ASSER,Familierecht249–250. 159Arrondissementsrechtbank Amsterdam, 8 Februa 153BRAKEL,Rechten77–79. ry1926,NederlandscheJurisprudentie(1926)256. 154ASSER,WetboekNapoleon14,589.SeealsoBRAKEL, 160BRIËT,Grooteleugen214–216. Rechten77–79. 161Ibid.;ASSER,Familierecht249–251. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 123 gained, whilst when the Civil Code was gemeenschappelijkeActietotHervormingonzer changed so as to exclude confession as full Huwelijkswetgeving) in 1939.170 As with the evidence, in practice other solutions would be 1938 Goseling draft, this proposal was shelved found.162 Despite all criticism, this procedure aftertheGermaninvasionin1940. remained the standard procedure until the revisionof1971.163 5.4TheGermanoccupation Withthestartofanewcentury,newattemptsat oftheNetherlands amendments concerning divorce law were During the occupation the question concerning made.In1910MinisterofJusticeNelissentried the extension of grounds for divorce came up tosolvetheproblemof“theBigLie”withouta again, albeit for different reasons. The German broad discussion about expanding the grounds occupiers were concerned about the many for divorce.164 However, he met with too many mixedmarriagesintheNetherlandsandsought objectionsinparliamentandthedraftwaswith awaytolegallydissolvethose.However,aswe drawn in 1912.165 In 1912, Nelissen’s successor haveseenbefore,thegroundsfordivorcewere Regout tried again,166 but this proposal was re limitedintheNetherlands.Divorceonthemere pealed in October 1913.167 In 1938, Minister of ground that the other partner was Jewish was Justice Goseling came with another draft legally not possible. Implementing forced proposal to alter the Civil Code and solve the divorce by legislation had been considered 168 problem of “the Big Lie”. However, as several times.171 It was discussed as a possible Germany occupied the Netherlands in May solution during the Wannsee Conference and 1940, this proposal was never enacted.169Alast the subsequent meetings of a commission attempttoreviseDutchmatrimoniallawbefore (“Arbeitskreis”) which had been set up during theNetherlandsbecameoccupiedterritorycame the conference.172 However, as Herzberg from the Committee for common Action to correctly points out, forced divorce would also ReformourMatrimonialLaw(Comitévooreene have affected a considerable part of the non Jewish population. Furthermore, it would not 162LIMBURG,Familierecht362. even have been in keeping with a pretended 163HUUSSEN, Discussion 320; LIMBURG, Familierecht upholding of the Dutch Civil Code.173An 361. 164HandelingenderStatenGeneraal(TweedeKamer), bijlagen1909–1910,no.208.SeealsoHandelingender 170HUUSSEN,Discussion327. StatenGeneraal(TweedeKamer),bijlagen1909–1910, 171PRESSER,Ondergang2,91. bijlageA,hoofdstuk4,2.IV.13(p.5)and2.IV.14(p. 172STULDREHER,LegaleRest149,155.Seealso:Bespre 24). chungsprotokoll der WannseeKonferenz, published 165SeealsoHandelingenderStatenGeneraal(Tweede in PÄTZOLD, SCHWARZ, Tagesordnung: Judenmord Kamer), zitting 1968–1969, no.10213.3, Memorie van 111. Toelichting,p.11. 173HERZBERG, Jodenvervolging 127. According to 166HandelingenderStatenGeneraal(TweedeKamer), Art.43 of the Regulations Respecting the Laws and bijlagen1911–1912,no.306. CustomsofWaronLandfrom1907anoccupantwas 167HUUSSEN,Discussion324.SeealsoHandelingender obligedto“takeallmeasuresinhispowertorestore, StatenGeneraal (Tweede Kamer), zitting 1968–1969, andensure,asfaraspossible,publicorderandcivil Nr.10213.3,MemorievanToelichting,p.11. life,whilerespecting,unlessabsolutelyprevented,the 168HandelingenderStatenGeneraal(TweedeKamer), laws in force in the country.” See for the German bijlagen1938–1939,Nr.257. version: IV. Haager Abkommen, betreffend die Ge 169See Handelingen der StatenGeneraal (Tweede setze und Gebräuche des Landkriegs vom Kamer), zitting 1968–1969, Nr.10213.3, Memorie van 18.10.1907,OrdnungderGesetzeundGebräuchedes Toelichting,p.11. Landkriegs,dRGBl.1910S.107. 124 MarikenLENAERTS attempttoprohibitnonJewsfromlivinginthe being Jewish was considered a personal samehouseasJews,whichautomaticallywould circumstance which could lead to termination, have led to a ground for divorce in case of althoughaccordingtoBechertandWiesels,§37 mixedmarried couples, had already been wasonlyapplicableifoneofthepartnerswasa rejected by Carl Stüler, staff member at the halfbloodandnota‘fullJew’.181Therequestfor “Generalkommissariat für Verwaltung und termination had to be filed within a year after Justiz”,in1940.174 discoveryoftheerror.182AlthoughtheMarriage AccordingtoStuldreher175theproblemwasthat Lawmakesnomentionofit,apparentlythedate Dutch divorce law did not include the legal ofcommencementoftheNurembergLawswas concept of “Aufhebung” of the marriage, a accepted as the latest moment of discovery.183 conceptwhichwasadoptedinGermanyby§37 This however, would imply that an appeal to of the Marriage Law of 1938.176 Aufhebung is this section was not only not possible anymore difficult to translate. Literally it means withregardtoanerrorconcerningrace,buthad “termination”or“abolition”.Stuldreherusesthe never been possible in the first place as the term “annulment” (“nietigverklaring”),177 but Marriage Law stems from 1938, almost three this is not correct, as Aufhebung had the same years after the Nuremberg Laws were promul legal effect as divorce, namely no retroactive gated. It seems more likely that in Germany effect.178 In the following, the word mixed marriages could either be annulled or “termination”willbeused.§37oftheMarriage disolvedbyappealingto§20184or§55.185 Lawstatedthatamarriagecouldbeterminated Secretarygeneral of Justice Jaap Schrieke had in case of error concerning personal circum draftedanarticleallowingforannulmentofexist stances of the other spouse, which – if known ing mixed marriages within a year of com beforehand and with a true understanding of mencement. This article was included in several theessenceofmarriage–wouldhavedissuaded the erring person to enter into the marriage.179 According to an undated memorandum con betr. Trennung von Mischehen (25 October 1943): NIOD,, cerning the dissolution of mixed marriages,180 181BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht35. 182dRGBl.1938IS.807,§40:“(1)DieAufhebungskla gekannnurbinneneinesJahreserhobenwerden.(2) 174STULDREHER,LegaleRest49. DieFristbeginnt[...]indenFällender§§36bis38mit 175Ibid.363. demZeitpunkt,inwelchemderEhegattedenIrrtum 176dRGBl.1938IS.807,§37. oderdieTäuschungentdeckt[...].“ 177STULDREHER,LegaleRest363. 183Vermerk betr. Auflösung von Mischehen: NIOD, 178BECHERT,WIESELS,Eherecht39;SCHARNAGL,Ehege, setz93–94. 184dRGBl.1938IS.807,§20:“EineEheistnurinden 179dRGBl. 1938 I S. 807, §37 (1): “Ein Ehegatte kann Fällennichtig,inDenendiesimGesetzzumSchutze Aufhebung der Ehe begehren, wenn er sich bei der des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre, im Eheschließung über solche die Person des anderen GesetzzumSchutzederErbgesundheitdesdeutschen Ehegatten betreffende Umstände geirrt hat, die ihn Volkes (Ehegesundheitsgesetz) oder in den §§21 bis bei Kenntnis der Sachlage und bei richtiger Würdi 26diesesGesetzesbestimmtist.“ gungdesWesensderEhevonderEingehungderEhe 185Ibid.,§55(1):“IstdiehäuslicheGemeinschaftder abgehaltenhätten.“ Ehegatten seit drei Jahren aufgehoben und infolge 180Vermerk betr. Auflösung von Mischehen: NIOD einertiefgreifendenunheilbarenZerrüttungdesehe archives, access no.020, inventory no.286 and 2413 lichenVerhältnissesdieWiederherstellungeinerdem (partially). Part of this memorandum is copied by Wesen der Ehe entsprechenden Lebensgemeinschaft WimmerinalettertoRauteraboutthedissolutionof nicht zu erwarten, so kann jeder Ehegatte die Schei mixedmarriages.SeeletterfromWimmertoRauter, dungbegehren.“ TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 125 draftregulations186ontheimplementationofthe the Court of Appeal of The Hague, the major NurembergLaws,inparticulartheBloodProtec denominationsandtheSupremeCourt.Hesent tionLaw,which,however,wereneverenacted. thisseconddrafttoMinisterialratKarlN.Krug, Finally,asolutioncouldprobablybefoundinan head of the “Hauptabteilung Justiz”, on 8June extension of the Dutch grounds for divorce. In 1944. He enclosed the responses190 and a new 1944, Hans Georg Calmeyer, head of the explanatory memorandum, designed for the “Abteilung Innere Verwaltung”, still refered to press, after promulgation of the revision. The thispossibilityinalettertoFriedrichWimmer, underlying idea of this new draft was exactly “Generalkommissar für Verwaltung und the same as for the previous one: the existing Justiz”.187 From 1942 on Schrieke attempted to reprehensible divorce practices caused by the revise Dutch divorce law in general, amongst SupremeCourt’sjudgmentof1883whichmade otherthingsexpandingthegroundsfordivorce. Article263BW–prohibitingdivorcebymutual consent – a dead letter, while additionally, the 5.5Schrieke’sattemptsto Dutch grounds for divorce were too confined, reviseDutchdivorcelaw especially compared to other European countries. According to Schrieke it should be OverthecourseoftwoyearsSchriekepresented possible to get a divorce when a marriage had two draft revisions of Dutch divorce law, the brokendowninsuchawaythatarestorationof first in 1942, the second in 1944, after having the marital community could no longer be obtained reactions to his first draft from the expected.191Thisseconddraftwasmoredetailed “Rechtsfront”188 and the Institute for Judicial thanthepreviousone,althoughthemajorityof Reform(“InstituutvoorRechtsvernieuwing”),189 the proposed revisions concerned adminis trativechanges. 186See Verordnung des Reichskommissars für die besetzten niederländischen Gebiete über das Verbot derEheschliessungunddesausserehelichenVerkehrs mit Juden, April 1944: NIOD, acc. no.020, inv. severaldepartments,ofwhichonlytheDepartmentof no.2413 and 1507 and Verordnung des Reichskom Civil Law, headed by S.A. van Lunteren, functioned missar für die besetzten niederländischen Gebiete toacertainextent.Thissectiondrafted,amongother über das Verbot der Eheschliessung und des ausser things,arevisionofDutchcivilprocedurallaw,titled ehelichen Geschlechtsverkehrs mit Personen jüdi “Hoofdlijnen van een nieuw Burgerlijk Procesrecht”. schen Blutes, Erste Fassung, 3 August1944: NIOD, See for more information on the “Instituut voor, Rechtsvernieuwing” VENEMA, Rechters 54–55, 108– 187Letter from Calmeyer to Wimmer (29 February 109; JANSEN, VENEMA, Hoge Raad 180, 305; JANSEN, 1944):NIOD,, Doorgaanofstoppen?14–15. 188TheRechtsfrontwasfoundedbyNSBleaderAnton 190Schrieke neatly listed all bodies to which the first Musserton2August1940andwasaimedatthede draft had been sent, subsequently stating that he velopmentofNationalSocialistviewswithrespectto enclosed all received approbations which he had several fields of law. All activities of the Rechtsfront taken into account when revising his draft proposal. were therefore directed at the construction of a Na Sincethemajorityofthereactionsgivenbythebodies tionalSocialistnationstate.Seeformoreinformation towhichthedrafthadbeensentwashardlypositive, on the Rechtsfront: VENEMA, Rechters 50–54, and somethingcanbesaidagainsttheseapprobations.See MEIHUIZEN,SmalleMarges293–298. letterfromSchrieketoKrug,(8June1944):NIOD,acc. 189The “Instituut voor Rechtsvernieuwing” (Institute no.020, for Judicial Reform) was founded by Henry Mary 191J.J. Schrieke, Toelichting (explanatory memoran Fruinin1942.ItcanberegardedastheDutchequiva dum belonging to the second draft) 1944, 1: NIOD, lent of the “Akademie für Deutsches Recht” and its acc. no.020, inv. no.2414. See also letter from purpose was to reform Dutch law according to the Schrieke to Krug, (8 June 1944): NIOD, acc. no.020, NationalSocialistideology.TheInstituteconsistedof 126 MarikenLENAERTS

What changes did Schrieke propose?192 To the ameasurabletime.198Prematureinfertilityofone four existing grounds for divorce, stated in of the spouses became the eighth ground for Article264,Schriekeaddedfivenewones.193The divorce,providedthatnochildrenhadyetbeen original text from the existing third ground, born within the marriage.199 Notwithstanding “sentencetofouryearsormoreofimprisonment the negative responses of the denominations becauseofacrime”,wasreplacedby“sentence and the Supreme Court with regard to the becauseofadegradingcrime”.194Thediscussion grounds of contagious or revolting disease and abouthowtointerprettheexistinggroundfour premature infertility, Schrieke decided to keep wasendedbysimplifyingthetext,whichreadin these provisions, as in all these cases he the proposal: “crime against life or grievous considered the marriage to have broken down. bodily harm, committed by one of the spouses Continuationwouldnotonlybeiniquitous,but against the other spouse.”195 The fifth ground would also cause a lot of suffering.200 Besides, wouldbecometherefusal,withoutareasonable the court could always decide otherwise,201 ground, to beget or receive offspring.196 The which was completely in accordance with sixth ground became insanity, formulated as German law.202 The final ground became some “mental disorder of one of the spouses, which hasabolishedeverymentalcommunitybetween 198Ibid., Art.1, I: “[…] 7) ernstige besmettelijke of thespouses,whilerecoveryisnotexpectedtobe afschuwwekkende ziekte bij een der echtgenooten, terwijldegenezingderziekteofhetverdwijnenvan possible”.197Groundsevenbecameacontagious het besmettingsgevaar binnen afzienbaren tijd niet orrevoltingdiseaseofoneofthespouses,which kanwordenverwacht[...].” was not expected to be cured nor was the 199Ibid., Art.1, I: “[…] 8) voortijdige onvruchtbaar dangerofcontagionexpectedtodiminishwithin heidvaneenderechtgenooten,mitsuithethuwelijk geenkindisgeboren.” 200Schrieke, Toelichting 1944, 2: NIOD, acc. no.020, 201The new draft still included the provision which 192To discuss the draft revision in its entirety would allowedthecourttodenyaclaimfordivorce,which fallbeyondthescopeofthisarticle.Thefollowingwill wassubmittedongroundsix,seven,eightornine,in therefore only deal with the proposed amendments case the other spouse would be disproportionately concerning the grounds for divorce and separation affectedbyadivorce,orincasethecourtconsidereda frombedandboard. divorcenotjustifiedfromamoralpointofview.The 193J.J. Schrieke, Verordnung des Generalsekretärs im duration of the marriage, the respective age of the Ministerium für Justiz über die Ehescheidung, die spouses and the cause of the disease, infertility or TrennungvonTischundBettundeinigeeinschlägige breakdown had to be taken into account in this re Sachgegenstande 1944: NIOD, acc. no.020, inv. spect. See Schrieke, Verordnung 1944: NIOD, acc. no.2414. no.020, inv. no.2414, Art.1, I: “[...] In de gevallen, 194Ibid., Art.1, I: “[...] 3) veroordeeling [...] wegens onder6o.9o.vermeld,zalderechterdevorderingtot eenonteerendmisdrijf;[...].“ echtscheiding afwijzen, wanneer de andere echtge 195Ibid., Art.1, I: “[...] 4) misdrijf tegen het leven of noot door echtscheiding onevenredig hard zou wor zware mishandeling, door den eenen echtgenoot dengetroffenofdevorderinganderszinsuitzedelijk begaanjegensdenanderen;[...].” oogpunt niet gerechtvaardigd is. Bij de beoordeling 196Ibid., Art.1, I: “[…] 5) voortgezette weigering om hiervanzalmetdebegeleidendeomstandighedenals tothetverwekkenofontvangenvankinderenmedete den duur van het huwelijk, den leeftijd der echtge werken, zonder dat hiervoor een redelijke grond nooten en de oorzaak van de ziekte, de onvrucht aanwezigis;[…].” baarheidofdeontwrichtingrekeningmoetenworden 197Ibid.,Art.1,I:“[…]6)storingdergeestvermogens gehouden.” bij een der echtgenoten, waardoor iedere geestelijke 202dRGBl.1938IS.807,§54:“IndenFällender§§50 gemeenschapopgehevenis,terwijlhersteluitgesloten bis 53 darf die Ehe nicht geschieden werden, wenn moetwordengeacht;[...].” das Scheidungsbegehren sittlich nicht gerechtfertigt TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 127 sort of residual category, described as other by one spouse towards the other.205 serious facts, which had caused a permanent Furthermore, the procedure which had to be breakdown of the marriage that was beyond followed in order to obtain a separation from repairandthereforewouldrenderacommunity bed and board was simplified by abolishing accordingtotheessenceofmarriageimpossible, Articles291to296BW,effectivelyabolishingthe i.e.itwouldnolongerleadtooffspring.203 possibilityofseparationfrombedandboardby Although in his letter to Krug Schrieke had mutualconsent.206 explained that he had sought conformity with Dissolutionafterseparationfrombedandboard theGermanMarriageLaw,hehadnevertheless was simplified as well, by shortening the heldontothelegalconceptofseparationfrom minimum term of separation before divorce bedandboard,althoughthisdidnotexistinthe could be requested from five to three years.207 German Marriage Law. In the Netherlands, Furthermore, the draft revision again proposed Schrieke explained, this concept was deeply toabolishArticle256,dismissingthepossibility rootedinnationalcustom.However,thenature of having a dissolution after separation from of the concept was changed in this draft bedandboardbeingobstructedbyanunwilling revision. Originally, separation from bed and spouse.208 All these revisions had already been board had been intended as an independent suggested by the first draft. Additionally, this legalconcept,afullalternativetodivorce.Inthe draft proposed to simplify the reconciliation new setup separation from bed and board procedure,209althoughtheterm“reconciliation” would merely serve as some sort of prephase, wasreplacedby“reunification”.210 as a buildup to a full divorce. Therefore, To what extent had Schrieke, by drafting his separationfrombedandboardhadtomeetthe revision of Dutch divorce law, been influenced same requirements as divorce, but could more by National Socialism? It is safe to say that easilybeconvertedintoafulldivorce.204 Schriekehadtoalargeextentbeeninspiredby As in the previous draft, this draft revision theGermanMarriageLawof1938.Thefifthup proposed to abolish Article 288 (2) BW, which to and including the ninth ground for divorce allowed for separation from bed and board in were all, more or less, taken from the German caseofexcesses,illtreatmentandseriousinsults MarriageLaw.Allthesenewgroundsaimedto promote healthy, strong offspring, whilst eliminatingtheweakerinsociety.Theessenceof ist.DiesistinderRegeldannanzunehmen,wenndie marriagewastoservethecommunity.Children, Auflösung der Ehe den anderen Ehegatten außerge therefore, always remained the first goal of wöhnlich hart treffen würde. Ob dies der Fall ist, marriage.Ifamarriagehadlostitsvaluetothe richtet sich nach den Umständen, namentlich auch community, it should be discontinued. In his nachderDauerderEhe,demLebensalterderEhegat ten und dem Anlaß der Erkrankung oder der Un explanatory memorandum Schrieke presented fruchtbarkeit.“ hisseconddraftalsoasasolutiontothejudicial 203Schrieke, Verordnung 1944: NIOD, acc. no.020,,Art.1,I:„[...]9)andereernstigefeiten, welke tot een zoodanige ontwrichting van het hu 205Schrieke, Verordnung 1944: NIOD, acc. no.020, welijkhebbengeleid,datdittotinzijngrondslagenis,Art.2,I. aangetastenhethersteleenermethetwezenvanhet 206Ibid.,Art.2III. huwelijkovereenstemmendelevensgemeenschapniet 207Ibid.,Art.3I. kanwordenverwacht.” 208Ibid.,Art.3II. 204Letter from Schrieke to Krug, (8 June 1944), point 209Ibid.,Art.3III–V. III:NIOD,, 210Seee.g.ibid.,Art.2V. 128 MarikenLENAERTS monstrosityof“theBigLie”.211However,bothin However, whether the nazification of divorce his letter to Krug and in his explanatory lawwasthestartingpointofhisdraftrevisions memorandum Schrieke admitted that he had remains to be seen. The need for a revision of sought conformity with the new German Dutch divorce law was evident, both to Marriage Law212 and this clearly appears from proponents and to opponents of divorce. the draft. Before the war Dutch lawyers had Although the timing was definitely off, alreadypleadedfortheinclusionofinsanityasa Schrieke’sconsiderationsaretoacertainextent groundfordivorce.Schriekeadoptedthispoint not that unreasonable, in particular not in the ofview,butaddedseveralextragroundswhich lightofthelastfailedattemptof1938.Tosome had not been discussed in the Netherlands extentSchriekejustpickedupthethreadwhere before in such an extensive way. The Christian it had been dropped by Goseling. This notion of marriage as an eternal bond between impressionisstrengthenedbythefactthatnone twopersonsthroughfairandfoulwasbrushed ofSchrieke’sdraftsmadeanymentionofmixed asidebySchrieke.Hestoodhisgroundthatone marriages,nordidtheyseemtoprovideforthe of the prime foundations of marriage – its possibilitytodissolvemixedmarriagesthrough natural purpose – was procreation.213 In his indirectways.ContrarytotheGermanMarriage explanatorymemorandumbelongingtothefirst Law216 Schrieke’s drafts did not contain an draft Schrieke had already stated that in a article which allowed for divorce because of a healthyVolksgemeinschaftitshouldbepossible permanent breakdown of the marriage due to to get a divorce when one of the partners unspecified reasons. On the contrary, divorce refusedtoprocreate.Whenamarriagehadlost remainedanexception,judgingbythefactthat its value to the community, divorce would be Schriekedidnottouchtheprohibitionofdivorce the only option.214 From his letter to Krug it bymutualconsent. appears that Schrieke considered adapting However, although perhaps not the starting Dutch matrimonial law along the lines of point, with his draft revision Schrieke NationalSocialisminevitable.Heevenindicated nevertheless would have provided the occu thathetookcouragefromtheideathat,despite pying forces with a strong tool to restructure objections raised at the time, many would be DutchfamilylifeaccordingtoNationalSocialist gratefulforalltheworkalreadyfinishedwhen principles.Withaviewtoapossibleannexation the time came for the redevelopment of the oftheDutchbrothernationtotheAryanThird Netherlandsunderthe“NewOrder”.215 Reich, the need for this restructuring was evident. On 12January 1945 Schrieke’s proposal was 211 Schrieke,Toelichting1944,1–2:NIOD,, forwarded to Ministerialdirektor (deputy secre 212Letter from Schrieke to Krug, (8 June 1944), point tary at the Reich Ministry of Justice) Josef II: NIOD, acc. no.020, inv. no.2414; Schrieke, Toelichting1944,3:NIOD,, 213Schrieke, Toelichting 1944, 2: NIOD, acc. no.020, inv. no.2414; Schrieke, Erläuterung des Verord 216SeedRGBl.1938IS.807,§55(1):“Istdiehäusliche nungsentwurfs, 1942, 4: NIOD, acc. no.020, inv. GemeinschaftderEhegattenseitdreiJahrenaufgeho no.2414. ben und infolge einer tiefgreifenden unheilbaren 214Schrieke, Erläuterung des Verordnungsentwurfs, Zerrüttung des ehelichen Verhältnisses die Wieder 1942,3–4:NIOD,, herstellungeinerdemWesenderEheentsprechenden 215Letter from Schrieke to Krug, (8 June 1944), point Lebensgemeinschaftnichtzuerwarten,sokannjeder X:NIOD,, EhegattedieScheidungbegehren.“ TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 129

Altstötter,withtherequesttostudythedraft.217 Jewish grandparents) the number of divorce However,Germany’spositioninthewarrapidly requestshoweverdidincrease.Accordingtothe deteriorated in 1945, which left the proposal definition of a Jew given in a regulation from lyingonthedesks.OnFriday4May1945atthe Reichskommissar SeyssInquart of 22October Lueneburg Heath, Admiral Von Friedeburg 1940222a”halfJew”wasputonthesamefooting signedthecapitulationoftheGermantroopsin asa”fullJew”ifheorshewasmarriedtoaJew NorthWest Europe including the Nether on9May1940ormarriedaJewafterthatdate. lands.218GeneralBlaskowitzsignedtheelaborate Divorcecouldthereforesignificantly“improve” conditions for capitulation on Sunday 6May thestatusofthe”halfJew”.223 1945.219 Schrieke’s proposal for the revision of We must bear in mind though that if someone Dutch divorce law has therefore never been decided to file for divorce in order to end a enacted. mixedmarriage,thishadtobedoneonthebasis ofoneoftheexistinggrounds.Theoptionswere 5.6Divorcecasesduringtheoccupation therefore extremely limited. The only “open As the grounds for divorce were not changed ground”Dutchdivorcelawoffered,albeitunin 224 during the occupation, a legal way to dissolve tentionally and very reluctant, was the prac mixed marriages did not exist. The occupants ticeof“theBigLie”.Dutchjudicialpracticecon didtrytoconvincetheAryanpartnerstofilefor cerning divorces therefore did not change sub divorce,butwithlimitedresults,asbeingmar stantiallyduringtheoccupation.Onthecontra ried to a nonJew to a certain extent protected ry,thediscussionaboutthepossibleextensionof the Jewish partner from deportation. People thegroundsfordivorcecontinuedinthelitera werethereforereluctanttofilefordivorce,asthe ture in the same fashion as before the occupa 225 consequences might have been severe.220 The tion. pressure for the Aryan counterpart to file for Inonewaythoughthegroundsfordivorcewere divorce was high though; De Jong describes a somewhat widened during the occupation, be caseinwhichamixedmarriedJewishman(who cause of a reinterpretation by the Supreme hadevenbeensterilised)wasarrested.Whenhis Court of the third ground for divorce. As said, Aryan wife applied to Sturmscharführer (Ser until1884thisgroundhadreadas“asentenceto geantMajor)Fischer,shewastoldshewouldbe 222VerordnungdesReichskommissarsfürdiebesetz grantedsixtyDutchguildersaweekifshefiled ten niederländischen Gebiete über die Anmeldung for divorce. She refused and her husband was von Unternehmen vom 22.Oktober 1940, Ver deportedtoAuschwitz.221 ordnungsblatt für die besetzten niederländischen With regard to marriages between a ”fullJew” Gebiete(1940),546. 223 (someone with three or four Jewish grandpar ASSER,Natuurlijkepersonen1169. 224Despite this reluctance the Dutch Supreme Court ents)anda”halfJew”(someonewithonlytwo diddecidethatthefactthatanadulterousactcommit tedbyonespousehadbeenabettedbytheotherwas 217Letter from Krug to Altstötter, (12 January 1945): irrelevantforthequestionwhetherornotthedivorce NIOD,, was granted. See Hoge Raad, 2 January1941, 218JONG,KoninkrijkderNederlanden10b,1331. NederlandscheJurisprudentie(1941)no.479. 219Ibid.,1359.Thefulltextoftheconditionsforcapit 225See in this respect a polemic between J. van NES ulationispublishedinthereportoftheEnquêtecom andG.J.H.KUIJKintheNederlandschJuristenbladin missieRegeringsbeleid1940–1945,Verslaghoudende 1944:NES,Hetechtscheidingsvraagstuk21–22;KUIJK, deuitkomstenvanhetonderzoek581–583. Het echtscheidingsvraagstuk 37; NES, Naar den 220ASSER,Natuurlijkepersonen1169. Censor70–72;KUIJK,Decensorvoorechtscheidingen 221JONG,KoninkrijkderNederlanden7,394. 101. 130 MarikenLENAERTS a degrading punishment”. In 1884 this was partnercouldbeabandoned.Hitlerhadalready changed to “a sentence to a minimum of four statedin“MeinKampf”thattheworld“belongs years’ imprisonment”. Before the revision, the onlytotheforceful‘whole’manandnottothe Supreme Court had ruled in its judgment of weak‘half’man”.228 2October1851226thatthisgroundcouldonlybe However,itwouldbegoingtoofartounequiv appliedtoDutchcriminalsentences,asitwould ocally conclude that German divorce law was be impossible to come to a uniform interpreta completely “nazified”. It is important to realise tionofthephrase“degradingpunishment”with that the amended grounds for divorce still de regard to sentences pronounced abroad. There partedfromtheguiltprinciple.§55oftheMar fore, a foreign conviction could never serve as riage Law seemed to introduce the breakdown ground for divorce. However, because of the principle,butwasmitigatedbytheguiltprinci 1884 revision the Supreme Court decided the ple. Divorce on the mere ground that the mar opposite in 1943, in a case concerning a man riagewaspermanentlydisrupted,whateverthe whohadbeensentencedtolifeimprisonmentby causemightbe,sothatoffspringwasnottobe a German “Feldkriegsgericht” on charges of expected, was not allowed. The general break espionage.Sincethephrase“aminimumoffour down principle was never accepted by the Na years’ imprisonment” was objectively measura tional Socialists due to conservatism, a fear for ble, the Court considered that by this revision anunlimitedincreaseinthenumberofdivorces the legislator had had the explicit intention to andalossofcontrol.Apartfromthat,introduc maketheprovisionapplicabletoforeignconvic ingthebreakdownprinciple,albeitinamitigat tionsaswell.227 ed form, did not turn the law into a Nazi law. Divorce regulations in Germany were rather obsoleteandinneedofreplacement.Mostlikely 6.Conclusion the breakdown principle would have been in troduced at a certain point anyway.229 On the WasdivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands other hand we have to remark that the break influenced by National Socialism? To answer down principle as introduced by the National this question, again, we first have to look at SocialistsstartedfromtheNationalSocialistway Germany. of thinking;it was not up to individuals to de TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismonGerman cide whether their marriage was over; instead, divorcelawisbeyonddispute.Allnewgrounds the value of the marriage for the Volksgemein fordivorcethatwereintroducedintheMarriage schaftwasthedecisivefactor. Law were focussed on protecting the Volksge The sting was in the socalled Generalklauseln, meinschaft,thatis,whenoffspringwasnolong the open norms. The existence of these open er to be expected, divorce should be granted. norms,insteadofconcreteprovisions,however, Althoughthesechangeswerepresentedasbeing allows for reinterpretation and application in a introduced out of compassion for the unfortu differentwaythanoriginallyintended,without nate healthy spouse, the main reason was to altering a single word in the provisions them assureprocreation.Forthatpurpose,theweaker selves. This is what the National Socialists had 226HogeRaad,2October1851,NederlandscheRegts 228HITLER, Mein Kampf 282. “[Sie] gehört nur dem praak,vol.40(1852)1–3. kraftvollem ’Ganzen‘ und nicht dem schwachen 227Hoge Raad, 5 March1943, Nederlandsche Juris ’Halben‘“.TranslationbyMANHEIM257. prudentie(1943)no.203. 229SeeinthisrespectalsoGRUCHMANN,Ehegesetz79. TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 131 done with the open norms that had existed in The continuity of the Marriage Law of 1938 is the Civil Code of 1900 before legislation that also clearly visible in Austria. It is safe to say incorporated National Socialist principles came thatinAustriathislawhashadanevengreater intoforce,andthisisalsowhathappenedafter impactthaninGermany,asitintroducedobliga thefallofNationalSocialism.Wediscussedthe torycivilmarriageforallAustriansirrespective twoopennormsfoundintheMarriageLawof oftheirreligiousbackground,anditallowedfor 1938: Wesender Ehe (essence of marriage)and divorce, again for all Austrians irrespective of sittlichnichtgerechtfertigt(morallyunjustified), theirreligiousbackground.TheMarriageLawof which were interpreted according to National 1938 forms the basis of Austrian matrimonial Socialism until May 1945. In 1946, the allied law even to this day, although it has been “Kontrollrat” (Control Council)largely took up amendedseveraltimes.Thefirstmajorchanges the1938MarriageLaw.230Onlythesectionsthat weremadein1945,rightafterthefallofNation referred to either the Blood Protection Law or al Socialism, when laws from the Nazi period theMarriageHealthLaw231andthesectionsthat werecontinuouslybeingrepealed.TheNurem were focussed too much on either the purity232 berg Laws, for example, were already repealed ortheexpansion233oftheAryanraceweredelet on13May1945.236Amonthlateritwasdecided ed,leavingthegreaterpartoftheMarriageLaw to keep the Marriage Law, although all refer asitwas,includingtheopennorms.However,it encestotheNurembergLawsandtheMarriage was exactly because of these open norms that HealthLawwererepealed.TheMarriageHealth thegreaterpartoftheMarriageLawremained. Lawwasrepealedatthesametime.237Becauseof Rüthers explains that based on Kontroll this continuity, we can conclude that the Na ratsgesetzNo.16of1946anewinterpretationof tional Socialists have influenced Austrian mat the open norms “essence of marriage” and rimoniallawtoalargeextent.However,itisnot “morallyunjustified”wasgivenbytheGerman somuchNationalSocialismastheNationalSo Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof). According cialists that have influenced Austrian matrimo totheSupremeCourt,marriageshouldneverbe nial law, as the German authorities simply de regardedashavingtoserveanideologicalprin veloped the Marriage Law from the basis of cipleorananonymouscollective(likethestate, German matrimonial law, which had already raceorcommunity),noranabstractideaofduty recognisedobligatorycivilmarriageanddivorce with regard to this anonymous collective.234 for all citizens. The shift in the landscape with Marriagewasagainregardedasabondforlife, regard to Austrian marriage and divorce law accordingtotheChristiannotionofmarriageas thereforeshouldnotbeconsideredinthelightof aninstitution.235 NationalSocialismassuch,butasahighlynec essary modernisation, made possible through theabsolutepoweroftheNationalSocialists. 230Kontrollratsgesetz Nr.16 (Ehegesetz) vom 20.2. 1946, Amtsblatt des Kontrollrats in Deutschland (1946)77. 236Kundmachung der Provisorischen Staatsregierung 231Inthatrespectthefollowingsectionsweredeleted: vom 13.Mai 1945 über dieAufhebung der Nürnber §4,§5,§20,§28(1)and§29. gerRassengesetze(1.KundmachungüberdieAufhe 232Inthatrespect§13wasdeleted. bungvonRechtsvorschriftendesDeutschenReiches), 233Inthatrespect§48and§53weredeleted. StGBl.14/1945. 234RÜTHERS,Auslegung413. 237Gesetz vom 26.Juni 1945 über Maßnahmen auf 235GRUCHMANN, Ehegesetz 82–83; RÜTHERS, Ausle demGebietedesEherechtes,desPersonenstandsrech gung412–416,420–429. tesunddesErbgesundheitsrechtes,StGBl.31/1945. 132 MarikenLENAERTS

Even though divorce law was effectively not though. “Polderen”, solving problems through amendedintheNetherlandsduringtheGerman dialogue,isnotnecessaryforadictator. occupation, the same line of reasoning can be applied here. In the Netherlands it had been decidedlongbeforetheGermaninvasionthata Correspondence: revision of divorce law was needed. The 1883 Ass.Prof.Dr.MarikenF.LENAERTS “Big Lie” judgment of the Supreme Court had FoundationsandMethodsofLaw created an inexpedient leeway with regard to FacultyofLaw theuseof“adultery”asagroundfordivorce,in MaastrichtUniversity practiceallowingfordivorcebymutualconsent. Bouillonstraat13 6211LHMaastricht Like in Germany, expanding the grounds for [email protected] divorce from the guilt principle to the break ORCIDNr.0000000212853399 down principle, in particular including incura ble insanity as a ground for divorce, had been discussedextensivelybefore.Wehaveseenthat Abbreviations: Schrieke’sattemptstoreviseDutchdivorcelaw BW BurgerlijkWetboek(DutchCivilCode werelargelymotivatedbyhisdesiretoend“the NIOD NetherlandsInstitutefor Big Lie”. This does not alter the fact that the WarDocumentation German Marriage Law served as an example Rv WetboekvanBurgerlijkeRechtsvordering whenSchriekedraftedhisrevision,butitwould (DutchCodeofCivilProcedure begoingtoofartocallhisdraftNationalSocial Siehe auch das allgemeine Abkürzungsverzeichnis: ist.ItismorelikelythatSchriekewantedtokill [] twobirdswithonestone,whileending“theBig Lie”remaininghisprimaryconcern. Revisions of marriage and divorce law and es pecially divorce law seem to be primarily in spired by slowly changing social standards, an expression of “O Tempora, O Mores”, rather thananexplosiveriseofanextreme“ideology”. Religionhaslongbeenthemainfactorofinflu enceondivorcelaw.Whentheinfluenceofreli gion declined – especially since the1960s– the rules regarding divorce became less stringent. This is clearly visible in the Netherlands were thegroundsfordivorcewerenotwideneduntil 1971,almost30yearsaftertheendoftheSecond WorldWar.Apparently,ithadnotbeenconsid ered fully socially acceptable before. It is likely that the grounds for divorce would have been expandedanyway,bothinGermanyandinthe Netherlands.TheNationalSocialistsuseddrafts and arguments that already existed, and used their position of absolute power to push those drafts, slightly adapted to their own ideas, TheinfluenceofNationalSocialismondivorcelawinAustriaandtheNetherlands 133

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