Lead Errors in Commercial Screw Threads, Taps, and Dies
DEPARTMENT OP ^^H'^ERCE Le1;tei BUREAU OP 'STSj’NDARDS Circular WASHING-^ N L C 108 D^ei^er 81, 1933 LEAD ERRORS IN COillffiRCIAL SCRE?/ THREADS, TAPS, AND DIES by D. R. Miller and I. H, Fullcier (This letter circular is to be offered for publication as a Technologic Paper of the Bureau of Standards, it is P'^esented in this form for consideration and criticism by those interested in the subject). ABSTRACT The decrease in strength and tendency toward loosening of a screw thread fastening, resulting from lead errors in the threads, necessitates the control of their magnitude within proper limits. Lead error equivalents of tolerances on effect- ive size, which is determined by the fitch diameter, lead error, and angle etrpr, specified for four classes of fit of commercial threaded prCduct by the National Scrsv; Tnread Corrmission, are tabulated* In order that the maintenance of the magnitude of lead errors to within specified limits may be practicable, in the quantity :,-roduction cf screw threads, efficient means and methods of control must be available. Such control first requires the,.. elimination, so far as practicable, of the causes of the three .types cf lead error, namely, progressive, local, and periodic," which are listed. Four methods of control by gaging are described, and control by the inspection of threading tools is discussed. The problem of distortion of taps and chasers in' '.hardening is analyzed, and a bibliography relating to the hardening of steel with mir-imum distortion is appended. • ; 't*T •5 - 3 - Recommended lead, angle, and pitch diameter tolerances for ordinary commercial and for ground solid taps, and lead and angle tolerances for chasers in adjustable taps and dies are derived and tabulated.
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