Pennsylvania History
PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY VOLUME XXVIII OCTOBER, 1961 NUMBER 4 CONTENTS GEORGE WASHINGTON'S ROUTE FROM VENANGO TO FORT LE BOEUF, 1753 Paul A. W. Wallace 325 A. K. MCCLURE AND THE PEOPLE'S PARTY IN THE CAMIPAIGN OF 1860 William H. Russell 335 NEWSPAPER OPINION IN THE STATE ELECTION OF 1860 Robert L. Bloom 346 NOR LONG REME-MBER: LINCOLN AT GETTYSBURG Herbert L. Carson 365 THE DISTINGUISHED WAR SERVICE OF DR. ANNA HOWARD SHAW Wil A. Linkugel and Kim Giffin 372 NEWS AND COMMENT Donald H. Kent 386 BOOKS REVIEWS AND BOOK NOTES Norman B. Wilkinson 406 LEONARD W. LABAREE AND WHITFIELD J. BELL, JR., EDS., The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3, by Charles Coleman Sellers LAWRENCE H. LEDER, Robert Livingston, i654-5728, and the Politics of Colonial New York, by Milton W. Hamilton CHILTON WILLIAMSON, American Suffrage from Property to Demnoc- racy, 1760o-86o, by Clyde C. Gelbach ALAN CONWAY, ED., The Welsh in. America: Letters fronl the Immigrants, by Morton Rothstein T. HARRY WILLIAMS, Americans at War: The Development of the American Military System, by John K. Mahon DR. HENRY PLEASANTS, JR., AND GEORGE H. STRALEY, Inferno at Petersburg, by R. H. Fowler DAVID DONALD, ED., Why the North Won the Civil War, by E. J. Nichols C. VANN WOODWARD, The Burden of Southern History, by Charls C. Cole, Jr. ILEE BENSON, Turner and Beard. American Historical Writing Rc- considered, by Roy F. Nichols M. MARGARET GREER, From Trail Dust to Star Dust: The Story of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a City Resulting front Its Environnicnt, by Ralph W.
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