
Classification Scheme


Pennsylvania State Publications

edited by

Mary M. Spila Cataloging Section State Library of

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


PE 136.2 C614r

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 1 2020 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , Governor Department of Education Pedro A Rivera, Secretary Commonwealth Libraries Glenn R. Miller, Deputy Secretary of Education and Commissioner for Libraries Bureau of State Library Sarah Greene, Director

Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Commonwealth Libraries Bureau of State Library 607 South Drive Harrisburg PA 17120-0600

The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, union membership, or any other legally protected category. This policy is in accordance with state law, including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, and with federal law, including Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

If you have any questions about this publication, or for additional copies, contact: Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Bureau of State Library, Technical/Collection Services, 607 South Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0600, Voice Telephone: (717) 783-3884, Fax: (717) 705-3798.

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Complaints regarding discrimination in schools: Human Relations Representative – Intake Division Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Harrisburg Regional Office (717) 787-9784 Regional Office (412) 565-5395 Regional Office (215) 560-2496 Complaints against a Pennsylvania Department of Education employee: Pennsylvania Department of Education – Equal Employment Opportunity Representative Bureau of Human Resources, 11th Floor, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Telephone: (717) 787-4417 Fax: (717) 783-9348 Information on accommodations within the Department of Education for persons with disabilities: Pennsylvania Department of Education, Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator Bureau of Human Resources, 11th Floor, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Telephone: (717) 787-4417 Fax: (717) 783-9348 General questions regarding educational law or issues: Pennsylvania Department of Education, School Services Unit Director 5th Floor, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Telephone: (717) 787-4860 Fax: (717) 783-6802

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 2 2020

Contents Contents ...... 3 Changes/Additions in this Edition ...... 5 INTRODUCTION ...... 6 Using This Classification Scheme ...... 6 Symbols Used ...... 16 Cabinet Level Agencies ...... 18 GENERAL PUBLICATIONS ...... 18 AGRICULTURE (1895- ) ...... 18 AGING (1978-) ...... 27 ATTORNEY GENERAL (1980- ) ...... 28 AUDITOR GENERAL (1811-) ...... 30 BANKING (1891-2012) ...... 31 BANKING AND SECURITIES (2012- ) ...... 31 CONSTITUTION ...... 32 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (1966-1996) ...... 32 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (June 1996-)...... 35 CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES (July 1995-) ...... 37 COMMERCE (1939-1996) ...... 38 CORRECTIONS (1984-) ...... 44 DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAMS (2012) ...... 45 EDUCATION (1969- ) ...... 46 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (1995-) ...... 67 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES (1970-1995) ...... 69 FORESTS AND WATERS (1923-1970) ...... 76 GENERAL ASSEMBLY (1790-) ...... 77 GENERAL SERVICES (1975-) ...... 84 GOVERNOR (1790- ) ...... 85 HEALTH (1905-) ...... 92 HIGHWAYS (1903-1970) ...... 103 HUMAN SERVICES (2014) ...... 104 INSURANCE (1873-) ...... 105 INTERNAL AFFAIRS (1873-1970) ...... 105 JUSTICE (1923-1980) ...... 107 LABOR AND INDUSTRY (1913- ) ...... 113 MILITARY AFFAIRS (1793-1995)...... 124 MINES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES (1903-1970) ...... 125 MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS (1995-) ...... 126 PROPERTY AND SUPPLIES (1929-1975) ...... 126 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (1873-1969) ...... 127 PUBLIC WELFARE (1921- ) ...... 131 REVENUE (1927-) ...... 144 STATE (1790- ) ...... 147 STATE POLICE (1905- ) ...... 152

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 3 2020 SURVEYOR GENERAL (PSG) (1781-1873) ...... 153 TREASURER (1776- ) ...... 154 TRANSPORTATION (1970-) ...... 154 Independent Agencies ...... 162 Interstate Agencies ...... 220 Index of Agencies ...... 223 Corrections Form ...... 256

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 4 2020

Changes/Additions in this Edition

The following is a list of the changes and additions made in this edition of the Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents. It includes any changes made to the introductory portion of the Classification Scheme and all additions made in the headings for Agencies. Not included in this listing are additions of new serials titles, title name changes, and explanatory notes. All changes and additions to the Classification Scheme are denoted by “|” character in the margin beside the text that was added or changed.

Cabinet Level Agencies: Additions.

Cabinet Level Agencies: Name Changes:

Independent Agencies: Additions

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 5 2020 INTRODUCTION

Using This Classification Scheme

Principles of the Classification Scheme

The Bordner Scheme is designed to do three things. It groups together the publications of agencies, which share a given provenance in the state government hierarchy. It provides an alpha-numeric notation, which maintains an alphabetical shelf sequence of government authors and their individual series, serial and periodical titles. And, of course, it provides logical points of access to state documents on the shelf for library users.

The system is similar to the Superintendent of Documents Classification Scheme in appearance, structure, and organization. Publications are arranged by the government agency that issued them, rather than by subject. Subordinate agencies are arranged in sub-classifications similar to those used in the SuDoc scheme, and similar punctuation is used to segregate the various parts of the numbers.

However, the word similar is emphasized here because the two schemes are not the same. The Bordner Scheme is less rigid in its use of punctuation and the format it follows, and relies on alpha-numeric notation tables for the development of its class numbers--no longer a practice with the SuDoc Scheme. In addition, the Bordner Scheme is designed to allow for the incorporation of publications from all states into one numbering system.

Agency Symbols

The first part of a Bordner class number is a letter or letters designating the state in which the document was published. For example, NJ might stand for New Jersey, D for Delaware, or P for Pennsylvania. The second part is a letter or letters drawn from the name of the issuing cabinet level agency (to be found in the List of Cabinet Level Agencies on page xvii).

EP -- Department of Environmental Protection HE -- Department of Health GA -- General Assembly

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 6 2020

Thus, the agency designations are PEP, for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection; PHE, for the Pennsylvania Department of Health; and PGA, for the Pennsylvania General Assembly. All publications by departmental or cabinet level agencies are designated by the numeral "1". Therefore, the documents issued directly from these agencies would be given the main classes of PEP 1, PHE 1, and PGA 1 respectively.

Subordinate Agencies

Subordinate agencies, or bureaus and divisions of cabinet agencies, are indicated by the use of a number derived from the alpha-numeric notations provided in Table I and Table II (page 15). To illustrate; PEP 26 is the main class number for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality Control. Using Table I for the first letter in the keyword "air", we see that "a" is "2". To form the rest of the number, we move to Table II, use the second letter of the keyword "i", and derive the number "6". Our class number for the Bureau of Air Quality Control is, therefore, "26", or PEP 26. Using the Tables, we could also derive, for example, PGA 98 for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, or PGA 204 for the Senate. Both tables are used to limit the length of the notation and to allow for expansion while maintaining an alphabetical sequence.

The slash (/) is used to display a division in the classification number. For example:

PE 136.1 State Library. Annual Report PE 136/4.3 State Library/Law Library. Law Library Bulletin

When used before the period in a Bordner call number, the slash indicates a subordinate agency.

In addition, a slash may be used to indicate changes in agency names and to maintain alphabetical order among unrelated agencies--e.g.:

PE 177 Bureau of Planning and Evaluation PE 177/8 Bureau of Planning and Education Statistics PE 177/8/4 Bureau of Press and Communications

In this case, the agency name change is indicated by adding a "/8" (derived from Table II for the "P" in planning) to PE 177. Alphabetical order is retained with a second agency by going back to Table I and finding the number "4" to match the "C" in communications. This example also displays the liberal use that can be made of the Cutter tables.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 7 2020 Publication Series

The next part of the classification number designates a published monographic series, or the title of an individual serial or periodical publication. Table III (page 15) lists reserved series designations for the types of publications that are most commonly issued.

The most frequently used series number is ".2", which covers general unrelated publications or miscellaneous monographs. These individual monographs, or those documents designated by a ".2", are not included in this list. The next most commonly used series number is ".1", for annual reports. However, in the Pennsylvania class system, this number customarily has been used as well to cover biennial reports and the single reports of special ad hoc committees, commissions, and task forces of limited existence. Mnemonics are generally added to differentiate between annual and biennial reports from the same agency-- e.g. PHE 1.1 or PHE 1.1b. Designations ".3" and ".4" are reserved for bulletins and circulars respectively. It should be remembered that these numbers are merely assigned special significance so that they can be used, if needed, to designate a specific type of regularly issued publication like a bulletin or circular which may have a continuously changing title or no legitimate title at all.


Tables I and II are again used to provide notations to designate individual serial and periodical titles. For example, PE 136.4/5 is the call number for the Checklist of Official Pennsylvania Publications.

PE Pennsylvania, Department of Education 136 State Library of Pennsylvania .4 for the "C" in the keyword Checklist from Table I /5 for the "h" in Checklist from Table II

The choice of a keyword to use in deriving a cutter number from the tables is rather subjective and judgmental. However, the rule of thumb followed at the State Library is to select a keyword from a title, or from an agency name, which is less likely to change if the title is changed or the agency is renamed. Alphabetical order is maintained among separate titles again by using both Tables I and II. A slash (/) is used to differentiate the numbers that are derived from each table as can be seen in the following example:

PE 136.13/2 Law Library Bulletin PE 136.13/4 Legislator's Library Reference List

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 8 2020

The number ".13" is the numeral given in Table I for the keywords "law" and "legislator's". However, the titles are set in alphabetical order by adding a slash (/) and a second number from Table II to designate the second letter in each keyword, i.e.: "/2" for the "a" in "law", and "/4" for the "e" in "legislator's". In a long list of titles with similar keywords, the Bordner numbers can be easily expanded by the addition of as many slashes and numerals as are necessary to maintain alphabetical order--much in the same manner as the agency cutters were expanded above. For example:

PE 134.13/4 Legislative Reporter; Master Numerical Listing PE 134.13/4/1 Legislative News; Weekly Status Report PE 134.13/4/7/3 Legislative News; Daily Releases PE 134.13/4/7/9 Legislative News; Weekly Releases

Using the Ohio/Bordner Tables to "cutter" individual titles often will require the use of a ".2", ".3", or ".4", because the keyword in the title begins with the letter A, B, or C. Since these classes are reserved for certain publication series, a slash and a second digit are added to set them apart as follows:

PE 63/6.2/3 Act 511 Taxes PHE 26.4/7 Clean Air

Cutter Numbers

Often it is necessary to further identify individual titles with a separate Cutter number--especially monographs designated by ".2" or legislative committee publications noted by ".27". The State Library originally used the 1903 edition of C. A. Cutter's Alfabetic-order [sic] Table--Consonants except S Altered and Fitted with Three Figures by Miss Kate E. Sanborn to derive its cutter numbers. This list is out of print and is no longer available. Currently the State Library uses the Cutter-Sanborn Three Figure Author Table Swanson-Swift Revision, 1969, (Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Littleton, Colorado, 1976). The instructions to the 1969 edition claim that it "... may be employed in conjunction with earlier editions, because individual letter and figure combinations have not been changed, save for the correction of a few typographical errors." Call numbers might be expressed as follows:

Pennsylvania. Department of Community Affairs. Municipal Information Center. Citizen Referenda in Local Government.

PCA 138.2:C581r or PCA 138.2 C581r

Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Legislative Budget and Finance

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 9 2020 Committee. A Sunset Performance Audit of the Citizens AdvisoryCouncil....

PGA 1.27 CT B927 S958cac or PGA 1.27 CT B927 S958cac

All serial title Bordner numbers may be "cuttered" in this way or can be further individualized by including volume and issue numbers, dates, or publication and series numbers in order to create discrete call numbers.

[Note: in this example “CT designates that this is a committee report and "B927" is the cutter number for the name of the committee, in this case the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee, and "S958cac" is the cutter for the title].

Before creating a class number for an agency not included in this list, follow these steps:

1. Check the appropriate volumes of the Pennsylvania Manual for its provenance--i.e. under which department or branch does the agency exist, and what relationship does it have, if any, to former agencies?

2. Date the agency as nearly as possible.

3. Beware of using sources such as the Commonwealth Telephone Directory since it often does not agree in detail with the Pennsylvania Manual, which should be considered the official source.

Independent Agencies

Independent agencies are those created by special legislation or executive order for a specific purpose. They are not usually part of the executive cabinet, but often are administered by the Governor or a cabinet level secretary. They may also be found under the aegis of the General Assembly or a special board or authority. The independent agencies listed in this edition are almost equal in number to the cabinet level departments and their subordinate agencies, but most often are unrelated to one another and do not share any provenance. Therefore, they represent a special case within the Bordner Scheme.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 10 2020

An independent agency may be related to one or more executive agencies and/or legislative divisions and be of relatively permanent status. For example, there is the Pennsylvania Crime Commission, the Commission on Crime and Delinquency, or the Board of Governors of the State System of Higher Education. They may also be entirely independent and of a definite life span, such as the Governor's DUI Task Force or the Bicentennial Commission. Whatever the case, developing class numbers from the Ohio/Bordner Tables for these agencies can be very complex and result in some rather lengthy notations if alphabetical order is to be maintained. Consequently, the State Library uses the three figure Cutter/ Sanborn table to create a numeric notation to match with the prescribed alphabetical symbol for the agency.

All independent agencies are designated by the letters "PY". The agency class then, is "PY" plus the first letter from a keyword in the agency name. For example, "PY A" might represent the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. By using the Cutter-Sanborn table, the number 278 is found for the letters "Ag" and added to create the basic class "PY A278".

A space appears between the "Y" and the "A" in the State Library's shelflist and COM catalog, and in the Official Checklist of Pennsylvania Publications. This is to differentiate between independent agencies and regular agencies and to avoid confusion in future cases where, for example, an agency might be named something like Department of Youth and designated "PYO 1.2."

Another aberration to the system is the means used to extend the independent agency numbers to maintain alphabetical order. Occasionally, in the past, a slash has been used to extend the Cutter for agencies with the same keyword in their names--e.g.:

PY A278 State Agricultural Society. PY A278/3 Governor's Committee on Agriculture.

This maintains alphabetical order, but it also may imply a relationship, which does not exist. Unlike the following:

PY H673 Historical and Museum Commission. PY H673/2 Historical and Museum Commission. Bureau of Archives and History.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 11 2020 Therefore, the practice of adding a digit to the agency cutter has been adopted by the State Library in recent years.

PY C582 Commissioners Appointed to Revise the Civil Code PY C5822 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Pennsylvania Advisory Committee. PY C5823 State Civil Service Commission

This can be done--and has been done--in one of two ways. First, and most simply, any extra digit can be added that will maintain alphabetical order. This is what the State Library usually does. However, a second option is to go back to the Ohio/Bordner Table II, and to use the first letter in a second keyword of the agency name to select a number for the last digit in the agency class number.

The advantage of adding a digit is that only one character is added to the basic call number, rather than two as when the slash is used. This keeps the notation shorter and simpler. Also, no relationship is implied between agencies, which share no provenance. However, the disadvantage is that to maintain alphabetical sequence, numbers over three digits must be filed in decimal order rather than in straight numerical order--e.g.:

PY C582 Commissioners Appointed to Revise the Civil Code PY C5822 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Pennsylvania Advisory Committee PY C5823 State Civil Service Commission PY C652 Anthracite Coal Industry Commission

Interstate Agencies

Interstate compacts have existed for many years. The U.S. Constitution allows states to enter into statutory agreements with one another to resolve common problems and cooperate in areas where Federal administration is inappropriate or where the resources of one state are ineffective or duplicate those of another. As a result of these compacts, many special interstate/intergovernmental agencies have been created which, in recent years, have begun publishing a significant number of documents. Because these documents are finding their way into many government documents collections, this revision of the Bordner Scheme contains a set of classes to cover these publications.

A standard Bordner call number can be devised for these interstate agencies in most cases because states often assign administrative responsibility for a given interstate compact to a particular agency, agent, or commission.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 12 2020

However, Pennsylvania does not have a corresponding administrative niche for each of the interstate agencies to which it belongs. In addition, it may be desirable for larger collections containing the documents of more than one state to classify these publications separately. The practice of the State Library will be to class interstate agencies under the Pennsylvania state agencies, which are connected with them when there is a relationship with a state agency. When a relationship is not present, the publications of the interstate agency will be classed under a Dewey call number in the State Library collection. A "Y" is used to designate the interstate group of classes instead of a "P" for Pennsylvania or any letter codes for the states, which are members of these agencies. Beyond that, the system is the same as it is for a state's independent agencies.

A letter is added to indicate the keyword in the agency name along with a number derived from the three figure Cutter/Sanborn table -- e.g.:

YA 881 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact

There are currently more than 170 interstate compacts in force. It is possible to use the Ohio/Bordner Tables I and II to devise class numbers for the interstate compact agencies. However, the agencies administering these compacts are similar to the state independent agencies in that they share no provenance, so using Tables I and II would result in some fairly bizarre notations if the intention is to develop an alphabetical sequence. Therefore, the rules which apply to deriving classes for the independent agencies are followed here also.

The interstate agencies assigned class numbers in this list are only those in which Pennsylvania is a participant. Those libraries interested in other interstate agencies and obtaining their publications should consult this database ( ) at the National Center for Interstate Compacts, Council of State Governments.

The Council of State Governments can be reached via its website at

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 13 2020 Special Notes on this Revision

The Bordner Scheme has evolved over many years through the efforts of many individuals. It was meant to be flexible and has been adapted to meet particular needs during given periods of state publication. Therefore, users of this scheme will find some inconsistencies and idiosyncrasies. Corrections have been made in this edition when it was considered necessary to revise past errors or to alter something that was inconsistent with accepted standards.

As the provenance of various agencies has changed over the years, certain classes have become outdated or obsolete. An attempt has been made to link obsolete classes with their succeeding numbers or current counterparts. Notes have been included in the class list to indicate these cross references, and dates have been added to the notes whenever research could reveal them. In addition, entries in the index will indicate the various different classes that may have been assigned to a given agency.

When a class is indicated as being obsolete or incorrect, it means that it should not be used. The official classes to be used are indicated. Incorrect classes are those, which were originally invented by mistake (e.g., when two completely different classes were created for the same agency or publication), or were created for incorrectly named agencies. They have not been deleted, but are left in this revision as indications that changes have been made.

When no dates and/or indication of frequency are listed after a title, it means that the information is unknown and not given in the State Library's shelflist. No attempt was made to research dates for those publications listed in the 1978 edition of the Bordner Scheme, which were undated in that edition. If dates and publication frequency were readily available in the State Library's shelflist for these older publications, that information was included in this edition.

Index entries are generally in straight alphabetical order, but an effort has been made to include varying entries for agencies, which may be known, by differing forms of their name. This is not a permuted index, however, and all keywords in an agency name are not listed separately. If two or more agencies have the same name, but are subordinate divisions of different departments, they are listed separately with their individual class numbers.

When more than one class number is given at the end of an index entry, this indicates that the agency has changed its position in the government hierarchy. The class number listed first is the current classification. Numbers listed after that are in historical order from the most recent to the earliest.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 14 2020

Finally, it is important to note that the policy of the State Library Cataloging Section will be to add new classes very sparingly. Subagency publications will be more commonly classed under larger parent agencies than be given new class numbers. This will be done in an attempt to prevent rapid expansion of the class list and to prevent clutter and confusion as agency names change from one administration to the next. However, it is hoped that users of this list will actively aid in correcting mistakes and suggesting additions by filling out the form included at the back of this document and mailing it in.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 15 2020 Symbols Used

( ) Contain publication information: e.g. (frequency, date).

[ ] Contain any special notes.

?-1978 Beginning date of publication unknown, discontinued.

1950-? Probably discontinued, date unknown.

1978- Open entry, publication continues.

1978-1982 Publication discontinued.

* Indicates an incorrect class or one that has been changed; notes will refer to appropriate class numbers.

| In the margin indicates new classes and Bordner numbers added in this edition.

{PSU#} Indicates a number created at Penn State University Libraries

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 16 2020

Ohio/Bordner Cutter Tables


A – 2 G – 8 M – 14 S – 20 Y – 26 B – 3 H – 9 N – 15 T – 21 Z – 27 C – 4 I – 10 O – 16 U – 22 D – 5 J – 11 P – 17 V – 23 E – 6 K – 12 Q – 18 W – 24 F – 7 L – 13 R – 19 X – 25

TABLE II a, b – 2 i, j, k - 6 c, d – 3 l, m, n – 7 e, f – 4 o - t – 8 g, h – 5 u – z - 9

These notation tables were originally borrowed from the Classification Scheme for Ohio State Documents by Judith Ann Houk, printed by the Ohio State Library in 1962.

TABLE III – Series Designations (adopted 2002, updated 2007)

.1 – Annual reports (including biennial reports) .2 – General publications .3 – Bulletins .4 – Circulars .5 – Laws .6 – Regulations, rules, and instructions .7 – Press releases .8 – Handbooks, manuals, and guides .9 – Bibliographies and lists of publications .10 – Directories .11 – Maps and charts .12 – Posters .13 – Forms .14 – Addresses .15 – Websites

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 17 2020 Cabinet Level Agencies


General publications not issued by a particular agency and unofficial state publications.

P 1.5/8/4 [reports of the heads of departments] P 1.5/8/4G Berichte der hochsten regierungs [reports in German] P 1.5/8/7 [legislative documents] P 1.5/8/8 [official documents] P 1.17/4 The Pennsylvania Register P 1.26/8 Your Senator Reports


PA 1.1 Annual Report (1877-1975/76) PA 1.1a Biennial Report PA 1.3 Bulletin (no. 1-, 1895-?) PA 1.4 Circular (no. 1-, 1925- ) PA 1.4/5 Farmers’ Markets Farmer to Consumer Directory (1979) PA 1.4/5 Consumer's Guide to Direct Marketing (1980-1989) PA 1.4/5 Consumer’s Guide to Pennsylvania Farm Markets (1994- PA 1.4/8 Pennsylvania Crops and Livestock Annual Summary (annual, 1923-1986) PA 1.4/8 Statistical summary … and Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture annual report (1988-1999) PA 1.4/8 Pennsylvania Agricultural Statistics (2000- ) PA 1.7/4/3* Pennsylvania's 1983 Feeder Calf Sales (1983) [changed to a monograph] PA 1.14/6* Miscellaneous Bulletins [Deleted - only 1 found, no. 4404, cataloged as a monograph] PA 1.15/4 News Releases (quarterly, 1962?-1977) PA 1.15/4/2 News Release [Commonwealth News Bureau] (198u?-) PA 1.15/42/2 News Advisory or Media Advisory (199u? - ) PA 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Farm Vacation Directory (1969-1989) PA 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Farm Vacation Guide (1990- ) PA 1.17/8 Program of the Annual Meeting, State Board of Agriculture (1904- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 18 2020

PA 1.17/8/8 Program, Spring Meeting of the Farmer's Annual Normal Institute (1900- ) PA 1.18/9 Quarterly Report, State Board of Agriculture (1878-?) PA 1.19/4 Registered Brands of Fertilizers and Lime ... (1907- ) PA 1.20/4 Report to the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (quarterly, 1973?) PA 1.24/4 Weekly News Bulletin (1915-1976) PA 1.24/4 Agricultural News Bulletin (bi-weekly, 1976-1988) PA 1.24/4 Pennsylvania agricultural news (1989-)

Agriculture. Bureau of Administrative Services. (PA 23)

PA 23.1 Biennial Report

Agriculture. Office of Agricultural Planning, Evaluation and Research. (PA 25)

Agriculture. Bureau of Amusement Rides. (PA 26) [later combined with Bureau of Weights and Measures]. (PA 244) (1992- )

Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostic Services (PA 27) (1997?- ) [formerly Bureau of Animal Industry]

PA 27.1 Biennial Report PA 27.1a Annual Report (1979- ) PA 27.1m Report (monthly, 1973- ) PA 27.4 Circular PA 27.15/4 Newsletter (monthly, 1969-1981) PA 27.15/5 Poultry newsletter (1974-1980) PA 27.19/4 Regulations PA 27.20/4 Service Letter (1939)

Agriculture. Pennsylvania Agricultural Statistical Service. (PA 48) [formerly Crop Reporting Service]

PA 48.2/5 Agricultural Labor Report (discontinued, April 1981) PA 48.2/8 Apples: Commercial Production by Varieties (annual) PA 48.2/8/1 Apple Cold Storage Report (irregular) PA 48.3 C.R.S. (Series) (irregular, 1958-1986) [contains various titles, each cataloged separately] PA 48.3/1 PASS (Series) (irregular, 1986- ) [various titles cataloged separately]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 19 2020 PA 48.3/8 Broiler Pullets (Monthly, discontinued)[Issues not found in stacks.] PA 48.3/8/8 Weekly Broiler Report (196u- ) PA 48.3/8/8 Pennsylvania broilers [Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service] (198u-1986) PA 48.3/8/8 Pennsylvania broilers (1986- ) PA 48.4/2 Cattle on Feed (discontinued, 1972) PA 48.4/5 Chickens Raised (annual) PA 48.4/5/6 Chicken and egg report (1900- ) PA 48.4/5/8 Christmas Tree Report PA 48.4/8 Pennsylvania Crop Summary (annual) PA 48.4/8/2 Monthly Crop Report (1973-1976) PA 48.4/8/2 Pennsylvania Crops (monthly, 1977-1982)[continued by Keystone Ag Digest PA 48.12/4] PA 48.4/9 Pennsylvania Cut Flower Report (annual) PA 48.5/2 Dairy Report (Monthly, discontinued, 1948) [included in Livestock and Poultry PA 48.13/6] PA 48.7/2 Farm Report (Monthly, discontinued) [included in Pennsylvania Crops PA 48.4/8/2] PA 48.7/2/7 Pennsylvania farm fuel survey (19uu-?) PA 48.7/2/8 Farm Real Estate Report (1971-1972?) PA 48.7/8/9 Fruit Report (Monthly, discontinued 1981) [included in Pennsylvania Crops PA 48.4/8/2] PA 48.8/8 Grain Stocks (Quarterly, discontinued, 1948) [included in Pennsylvania Crops PA 48.4/8/2] PA 48.9/2 Monthly Hatchery Report (discontinued, 1969) PA 48.9/8 Honey Production (July, September, December, discontinued, 1982) PA 48.12/4 Keystone Ag Digest (semi-monthly, 1982- ) PA 48.13/2 Lamb and Wool Crop (annual) PA 48.13/6 Livestock and Poultry Report (monthly, 1973-1982) [formerly Livestock Report; later Keystone Ag Digest PA 48.12/4] PA 48.14/2 Manufactured Dairy Products (annual) PA 48.14/2/3 Machinery Custom Rates (1962- ) PA 48.14/2/8 Maple Products (annual) PA 48.14/4 Merchantable potato stocks PA 48.14/6 Milk Cows (annual) PA 48.14/7 Mink Report (discontinued, Aug. 1981) PA 48.14/8 Monthly Price Report (discontinued) PA 48.14/9 Mushroom Production (annual, 1967- ) PA 48.16/8 Pennsylvania Orchard and Vineyard Survey PA 48.17/6 Pig Crop Report (irregular, discontinued)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 20 2020

PA 48.17/7 Planting Intentions (annual, 1948) PA 48.17/8/7 Intended potato plantings (1948) PA 48.17/8/8 Potato Report (monthly, July-March) [Absorbed by Crop & Livestock Annual Summary] PA 48.17/8/8/3 Potato Disposition and Stocks (annual, discontinued?) PA 48.17/8/8/8 Potato Stocks Report (discontinued) PA 48.17/8/8/9 Potato Utilization (annual, discontinued?) PA 48.17/8/9 Poultry Report (monthly) [later Livestock and Poultry Report PA 48.13/6] PA 48.19/2 Ranking of Pennsylvania Counties in Agriculture (annual) PA 48.19/4 Red Clover Seed (annual, discontinued?) PA 48.20/7 Slaughter (monthly, 1961-1962?) PA 48.20/8/4 Special Dairy Report (quarterly) PA 48.21/6 Timothy Seed (annual, discontinued?) PA 48.21/8 Monthly Tobacco Report (irregular, discontinued) PA 48.21/8/8 Turfgrass Survey (annual) PA 48.21/9/6 Turkey Breeder Hens (annual, discontinued?) PA 48.21/9/7 Turkey Intentions (annual, discontinued?) PA 48.21/9/8 Turkeys Raised (annual, discontinued?) PA 48.22/7 general crop report (1948) PA 48.22/8 U.S. Crop Production Summary (semiannual, discontinued) PA 48.22/8/7 U.S. Livestock report PA 48.23/4 Vegetable Report (irregular, discontinued?) PA 48.24/4 Pennsylvania Weekly Crop and Weather Round Up (1962- ) PA 48.24/5 Winter Wheat and Rye Report (annual, discontinued) PA 48.24/8 Weekly Crop and Wheat Round-Up

Agriculture. Dairy and Food Division (PA 52)

PA 52.1 Annual report of the Dairy and Food Commissioner of Pennsylvania (189?-19??) PA 52.14/8 Special monthly review (1903) PA 52.14/8 Monthly review of the Dairy and Food Division (1903) PA 52.14/8 Monthly Bulletin of the Dairy and Food Division (1903-1915) PA 52.14/8 Monthly bulletin of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Dairy and Food Bureau (1915-19??)

Agriculture. Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement. (PA 58)

PA 58.1 Biennial Report

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 21 2020

Agriculture. Bureau of the Farm Show (PA 72*) [class changed from PA 298/4]

PA 72.5/28 Annual Pennsylvania Dairy Show

Agriculture. Bureau of Farmland Protection. (PA 72/8) [Bureau of Farmland Preservation]

PA 72/8.1 Pennsylvania Farmland Preservation annual report (1998/1999- )

Agriculture. Bureau of Food Distribution (PA 76)

Agriculture. Bureau of Foods and Chemistry. (PA 77)

Agriculture. Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services (PA 77)

PA 77.1 Biennial Report PA 77.3/8 Pennsylvania Breeding Flocks and Hatcheries [moved to PA 142.17/4] PA 77.4/8 Commercial Feed, Fertilizer and Liming Materials (reports, annual)

Agriculture. Division of Forestry. (PA 78)

PA 78.17/8 Preliminary Report (1896)

Agriculture. Bureau of Government Donated Food. (PA 88)

PA 88.7/2 Farmers market nutrition program: farmer/vendor procedure manual PA 88.7/2 WIC Farmers market nutrition program: WIC clinic procedure manual

Agriculture. Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council. (PA 90) [Formerly under Dept. of Commerce]

PA 90.1 Biennial report (1996/1997- )

Agriculture. State Harness Racing Commission. (PA 92*) [class corrected from PY H289]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 22 2020

PA 92.1 Annual Report (1963?-1966? - 1987) [later combined with Horse Racing Report] (PA 98.1) [1988- ] PA 92.1b Biennial Report (1968- ) PA 92.10/7 Pennsylvania’s Inside Track PA 92.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1969?- )

Agriculture. State Horse Racing Commission. (1981- ) (PA 98*) [earlier PY H817]

PA 98.1 Annual Report (1968- ) [State Harness Racing report combined with this title (1988)] PA 98.6 Rules of Racing PA 98.17/8 Press Release (irregular)

Agriculture. Bureau of Market Development. (PA 142) (1988- ) [formerly Bureau of Marketing] (Includes: PA Preferred Program, PA Grows Program…)

PA 142.1 Biennial Report PA 142.4/2 Pennsylvania Commodity Calendar (annual, 1981- ) PA 142.9/2 Official Grades for Fruits and Vegetables (title varies, 1934-?) PA 142.17/4 Pennsylvania breeding flocks and hatcheries (1947- 1972) PA 142.17/8/2 Pennsylvania Produce Buyer's Guide

Agriculture. Food Marketing Advisory Council. (PA 142/7)

PA 142/7.17/8 Promotional Bulletin (irregular, 1957-1959?)

Agriculture. Domestic and International Trade Division. (PA 143)

PA 143.1 Annual program report (1995/96- ) PA 143.5/6 International Trade Directory (1989/90- )

Agriculture. Office of Planning and Research. (PA 176)

PA 176.1 Biennial Report

Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry. (PA 177)

PA 177.1 Biennial Report PA 177.4 Circular PA 177.4/8 Commercial Feed, Fertilizer, and Liming Report

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 23 2020 PA 177.13/6 List of Certified Nurseries and Nursery Dealers (1971- ) PA 177.19/4 Regulatory Horticulture (semi-annual, April 1975- ) PA 177.20/4 Seed Report (1970- )

Agriculture. Division of Public Information. (PA 179)

PA 179.16/4 Officers of Pennsylvania Agricultural Organizations (annual, 1959-1996) PA 179.16/4 Directory of Pennsylvania Agricultural Organizations (annual, 1998- )

Agriculture. Bureau of Ride and Measurement Standards (PA 196)

PA 196.1 Annual report

Agriculture. Bureau of Rural Affairs and Marketing Services. (PA 199)

PA 199.1 Final Report to the Governor: Rural Services Contract (June 1973) PA 199.1q Report to the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (Quarterly, 1973) PA 199.7/2* Farms Markets; Farmer to Consumer Directory (changed to PA 1.4/5 ) PA 199.17/4 Pennsylvania Fairs (annual, 1972- )

Agriculture. State Farm Products Show Commission. (PA 208/4)

PA 208/4.1 Biennial Report PA 208/4.5/2 Premium List. Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (annual) PA 208/4.5/24a Ayrshire Entries ... (annual, 1964- ) PA 208/4.5/24b Brown Swiss Entries ... (annual, 1964- ) PA 208/4.5/25g Guernsey Entries ... (1964- ) PA 208/4.5/24h Holstein Entries ... (1964- ) PA 208/4.5/24j Jersey Entries ... (1964- ) PA 208/4.5/24m Milking Short Horn Entries ... (1964- ) PA 208/4.5/28 Program. Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (1964?-) PA 208/4.7/2 Premium List. Pennsylvania State Farm Show (annual, 1920?- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 24 2020

PA 208/4.7/4/3 Announcing the ... The Pennsylvania 4H and FFA Dairy Judging Forum: Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (1974- ) PA 208/4.7/24 Program. Rural Talent Festival (title varies, 1946-1957) PA 208/4.7/277 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show (annual) (1955-2004)[split into: Beef; Dairy Cattle; Dairy Goats and Meat Breeding Goats; Horse; Junior Market, Sheep, and Swine.} PA 208/4.7/277/3 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show – Beef (annual) (2005-) PA 208/4.7/277/5 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show – Dairy Cattle (annual) (2005-) PA 208/4.7/277/8 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show – Dairy Goats and Meet Breading Goats (annual) (2005-) PA 208/4.7/277/9 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show – Horse (annual) (2005-) PA 208/4.7/277/11 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show – Junior Market (annual) (2005-) PA 208/4.7/227/12 Official Catalog Livestock Entry List Pennsylvania Farm Show – Junior Meat Breading Goats and Boer Goats (annual) (2007-) PA 208/4.7/277/20 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show – Sheep (annual) (2005-) PA 208/4.7/277/24 Official Catalog. Livestock Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show – Swine (annual) (2005-) PA 208/4.7/278 Official Catalog. Poultry Entry List. Pennsylvania Farm Show (annual) PA 208/4.7/28 Program. Pennsylvania Farm Show (annual) PA 208/4.7/28s Souvenir book. PA State Farm Show. PA 208/4.10/7 International Program, Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (annual, 1988- ) PA 208/4.10/7/9 Pennsylvania All-American Invitational Youth Dairy Cattle Judging Contest: Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (1968?- ) PA 208/4.11/9 Junior Dairyman Contest PA 208/4.12/4/6 Keystone Junior Livestock and Meats Judging Contest: Keystone International Livestock Exposition (1977?- 1986) [Name changed in 1987: Keystone stockmens' contest] PA 208/4.13/6 Premium List. Keystone International Livestock Exposition [formerly Pennsylvania Livestock Exposition. Cattle, Sheep, Swine]. (annual)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 25 2020 PA 208/4.13/6h Premium List. Pennsylvania Livestock Exposition. Horse Division (annual) PA 208/4.13/63 Catalog. Pennsylvania Livestock Exposition (annual, 1957-1972) (split into Cattle, Sheep and Swine catalogs) PA 208/4.13/63c Catalog Cattle Division (annual, 1973- ) PA 208/4.13/63h Horse Division (annual) PA 208/4.13/63L Livestock Souvenir Program & Showring Catalogue (annual, 2000- ) PA 208/4.13/63s Catalog Sheep Division (annual, 1973-) PA 208/4.13/63sw Catalog Swine Division (annual, 1973-) PA 208/4.13/64f Second Annual Farm Equipment Exposition; Pennsylvania Farm Show, (1980) PA 208/4.13/66 Keystone International Fat Stock and Carcass Sale (annual) PA 208/4.13/68 Program of Events, Pennsylvania Livestock Exposition (annual) PA 208/4.13/69 Souvenir Program World's Championship Rodeo. Pennsylvania Livestock Exposition (annual) PA 208/4.13/7 News Release Keystone International Livestock Exposition (1995- ) PA 208/4.17/8 Farm Show Daily Press Results (annual) (2007-) PA 208/4.19/4 Pennsylvania Farm Show Commission (irregular) PA 208/4.20 Pennsylvania State Farm Show Scholarship Foundation 4-H and FFA Livestock Auction (1996- ) PA 208/4.26/8 Youth Showmanship Contest (annual)

Agriculture. Weather Modification Board. (PA 243)

Agriculture. Bureau of Standard Weights and Measures. (PA 244) [later Bureau of Amusement Rides combined with this agency to form Bureau of Ride and Measurement Standards] (1992- )

PA 244.15/4 Newsletter (irregular, 1977-1978)

Agriculture. Division of Weights & Measures (PA 243/24)

PA 244/24.1 Annual Report.

Agriculture. Bureau of Economic Zoology. (PA 278)

PA 278.3 The Zoological Bulletin ... (1903-1910, superseded by Bi-Monthly Zoological Bulletin)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 26 2020

PA 278.3 The Bi-Monthly Zoological Bulletin ... (1911-1915) PA 278.27/8 The Zoological Quarterly Bulletin (1903-1905)

Agriculture. Farm Show Commission. (PA 298/4*)[class changed to PA 72]

AGING (1978- )

PAG 1.1 Fiscal Year Report (annual, 1979/80-1983/84) PAG 1.1 Annual report (1984/85-1985/86) PAG 1.1 Year in review (1995/96- ) PAG 1.2/5 Agenet, news for the aging network (May 1996) [one issue only, continued by PAG 1.17/2] PAG 1.3/9/8 Budget Presentation (1979?- ) PAG 1.15/4 News Release (1979- ) PAG 1.15/4/2 News Release (Commonwealth News Bureau) (198?- ) PAG 1.15/4/3 News advisory (1990- ) PAG 1.16/7 Older Adults Protective Services report (1993- ) PAG 1.16/8 Older Pennsylvanians’ Handbook, a guide to benefits and rights ,[ also called Benefits and rights for older Pennsylvanians] (annual, 1988- ) PAG 1.16/8s Beneficios y derechoes para las personas mayors de Pensilvania (2013- ) PAG 1.17/2 Pa news on aging (1997-) PAG 1.20/6 Silver and gold (1993- ) PAG 1.20/8 State Plan on Aging for Programs... (1980- ) PAG 1.22/8 Aging update (1988- )

Aging. Bureau of Advocacy. (PAG 23)

Aging. Affirmative Action Office. (PAG 24)

PAG 24.14/6 Minority Business Directory (1980- )

Aging. Pennsylvania Council on Aging. (PAG 25) [earlier PY A266]

PAG 25.15/4 News Release (1990- ) PAG 15.20/4 Pennsylvania senior arts festival (annual) (1986?- )

Aging. Health and Consumer Education (PAG 94)

Aging. Bureau of Long Term Care. (PAG 138) [Changed to Office of Long- Term Living]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 27 2020 Aging. Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (PAG 138)

PAG 138.1 Pennsylvania Long Term Care Ombudsman program (1991/1994- ) PAG 138.13/8 Office of Long Term Living Bulletin. (2009-)

Aging. Intra-Governmental Council on Long Term Care (PAG 139)

Aging. Bureau of Pharmaceutical Assistance. (PAG 175)

PAG 175.17/2 PACE : Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly: Report to the General Assembly (PACE) (quarterly, -1987; biannual, 1987-1996; Annual, 1996- )

Aging. Bureau of Policy, Planning and Monitoring. (PAG 178)

PAG 178.5/6* White House Conference on Aging Discussion Papers (1980- ) [Moved to PAG 1.2]

ATTORNEY GENERAL (1980- ) [formerly PJ 28]

PAT 1.1 Year in review (annual, 1997-) PAT 1.2/7 Annual Report of the Attorney General to the General Assembly ... (1980- ) PAT 1.2/7/1 Annual report of the Attorney General to the Appropriations and Judiciary Committees of assets received by forfeiture under the Controlled Substances, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (1986- ) PAT 1.2/7/2 Asset Forfeiture Report: Annual report to the Appropriations and Judiciary Committees of assets received by forfeiture under the Motor Vehicle Chop Shop Act and the Illegally Obtained and Altered Property Act. (2005/2006- ) PAT 1.5/8 Drug Prosecution Quarterly (May 1988- ) PAT 1.9/4 Hate crimes report (1990- ) PAT 1.15/4 News release (198u?- ) PAT 1.16/4 Opinions of the Attorney General of Pennsylvania (1957-199u) PAT 1.17/8/9 Prosecutor's Update (bi-weekly, 1983- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 28 2020

PAT 1.19/4 Report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the Operation of the Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act (1981-1988) PAT 1.19/4 Annual report on the operation of the Wiretapping and electronic surveillance control act … (1989- )

Attorney General. Charitable Trusts and Organizations Section. (PAT 45)

Attorney General. Civil Rights Enforcement Section (PAT 46)

Attorney General. Office of Consumer Advocate. (PAT 47)*(1980- ) [earlier PAT 487/2 ; PY C7589]

PAT 47.1 Annual Report (1981- ) PAT 47.19/4 G Residential Electric Shopping Guide (GPU Met Ed ed.) (2001- ) PAT 47.19/4 P Residential Electric Shopping Guide (PPL ed.) (2000- ) PAT 47.19/5 U Residential Natural Gas Shopping Guide (UGI ed. (2003- )

Attorney General. Bureau of Consumer Protection. (PAT 48) [earlier PJ 47]

PAT 48.4/8 Consumer Protection news line (1992?) PAT 48.17/2 PA Consumer Quarterly Report (1995- )

Attorney General. Criminal Law Division (PAT 49)

Attorney General. Family Violence Task Force. (PAT 72)

Attorney General. Health Care Section (PAT 93) (2003- ) [Formerly part of Bureau of Consumer Protection.]

Attorney General. Bureau of Narcotics Investigations. (PAT 152)

PAT 152.1 Attorney General’s narcotics strike force … annual report (19uu?-1985)

Attorney General. Prosecution Section. (PAT 178*) [correction of class PAT 188]

Attorney General. Child Abuse Prosecution Assistance Unit. (PAT 178/4*) [correction of class PAT 188/4]

Attorney General. Office of Consumer Advocate. (PAT 487/2)*

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 29 2020 [Incorrect class number. Do not use. Changed to PAT 47].

AUDITOR GENERAL (1811- ) [Office of the Auditor General]

PAU 1.1 Report on the finances of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the year ... (annual, 18??-1850) PAU 1.1 Report of the Auditor General on the finances of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1852-1920) PAU 1.1 Biennial report of the Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the two years ending May 31 ... (Biennial, 1923-1925) PAU 1.1 Biennial report for the two years ended May 31 ... (Biennial, 1927-1961) PAU 1.1 Fiscal report for the fiscal period ended June 30 ... (annual, 1962- ) PAU 1.1a Annual Report (1971-1972) PAU 1.2/7 Reports of the several railroad companies of Pennsylvania, communicated by the auditor general, to the legislature ... (annual, 18??-1866) PAU 1.2/7 Annual report of the Auditor General of the State of Pennsylvania and of the tabulations and deductions from the reports of the railroad and canal companies for the year ... (annual, 1866-1874) PAU 1.2/9 Auditor General accounts, a newsletter for Auditor General department employees (1989-1996) PAU 1.2/10 The watch dog, uniting those in the department of the Auditor General who protect the taxpayers' money (1997- ) PAU 1.4/2 Capital and Operating Budget Estimates (1900?- ) PAU 1.13/4 The ledger a newsletter for employees of the Department of the Auditor General (1985-1988) PAU 1.15/4 News release (1996-) PAU 1.17/8 Press Information PAU 1.19 Report of Examination (1980- ) [audit reports and reviews of state agencies cuttered by name of agency audited. If needed add a second cutter for topic.] PAU 1.19/4 Reports of the Several Banks and Savings Institutions (18??-1892) [continued by: Annual Report of the Pa. Department of Banking PB1.1]

Auditor General's Office. Board of Arbitration of Claims (PAU 28)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 30 2020

[Continued by Board of Claims (1978- ) (PY C585)]

PAU 28.3/7CD Blue Back Briefs (CD) (1938- ) PAU 28.3/7 Court Blueback Opinions (1938- )

Auditor General's Office. Bureau of Police and Fire Audits. (PAU 77)

Auditor General's Office. Bureau of Investigation. (PAU 107)

Auditor General's Office. Taxpayer Information Program [TIP]. (PAU 212)

BANKING (1891-2012) [Combined with the Securities Commission to form the Department of Banking and Securities in October 2012]

PB 1.1 Annual Report (1892- ) [continues: Reports of the Several Banks and Savings Institutions PAU 1.19/4; pt. II: Buildings and Loan Assocs. issued separately, 1927- ] PB 1.1a Biennial Report PB 1.4/8 Comparative Statement of the Condition of Pennsylvania State Banks, Bank and Trust Companies, etc. (quarterly, 1940?-1978) [now in News Releases] PB 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Building and Loan Associations (1927- 1930) PB 1.17/8 News Release [press release] (irregular, 1962-1990) PB 1.17/8/2 News release [Commonwealth News Bureau] (1990- ) PB 1.20/9 Summary of Activities (weekly, 1965?-1978) [continued in Pennsylvania Bulletin]

Banking. Office of Financial Education. (PB 76)

BANKING AND SECURITIES (2012- ) [Formed by the combination of the Dept. of Banking and the Securities Commission in October 2012]

PBS 1.18/9 The Quarter: Newsletter of the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities (2012-)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 31 2020 CONSTITUTION

PC (plus date of Constitution) [Not used]

Constitutional Conventions. (PC 48)

PC 48 (plus date of Convention)

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (1966-1996) [Merged with Dept. of Commerce to form Dept. of Community and Economic Development in June 1996]

PCA 1.1 Biennial Report (1968-1970) PCA 1.4/7 Clips (1987?-1996) PCA 1.4/8 Pennsylvania’s Community Affairs (bimonthly, 1968?- 1969?) PCA 1.4/8 Community Affairs (1987-1995) PCA 1.4/8/8* Consolidated plan for federal fiscal years 1995-1999 [Revised 1/25/99 to PCA 98.4/8] PCA 1.5/6 Resource Directory of Community Affairs Programs and Services (annual, 1989-1996) PCA 1.9/8 Home Rule Newsletter (irregular, 1976-1977) PCA 1.13/8 Local Government Financial Statistics (19??- ) PCA 1.14/9/2 Statistics for Municipal Authorities in Pennsylvania (1975-) [1996- published by the Dept. of Community and Economic Development] PCA 1.14/9/3 Incorporation Dates for Pennsylvania Municipalities PCA 1.15/2 Names, titles and mailing addresses of chief elected officials (1992?) PCA 1.15/4 News Releases (1966?-1986?) PCA 1.15/4/2 News release [Commonwealth News Bureau] (198?- 1996) PCA 1.15/4/2/2 News from the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs (1987?-1995) PCA 1.15/42/2 News advisory (198?-1996) PCA 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Local Government Directory (annual, 1966- ) PCA 1.19/4 DCA Reports (monthly, 1971-1987) PCA 1.19/4/5 Register for Earned Income Taxes (annual, 1967-1968) PCA 1.23 Acts of the General Assembly Affecting Local Government (biennial, 1955/56-1979)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 32 2020

PCA 1.25 Agency Directory, Planning, Housing, Redevelopment, Parks & Recreation (annual) (1967?)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Administrative Services. (PCA 23)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Community Programs. (PCA 48) (1968-1970) [Absorbed by the Bureau of Community Planning 1971]

PCA 48.17/7* Planning series (numbered, 1976?- ) [moved to PCA 177.17/7]

Community Affairs. Bureau of Economic Opportunity. (PCA 63)

Community Affairs. Office of Community Energy. (PCA 67)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Housing and Development. (PCA 98)

PCA 98.4/8 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) for federal fiscal years (1992/1996-1994/1998) PCA 98.4/8 Consolidated plan for federal fiscal years 1995-1999 PCA 98.4/9 Comprehensive housing affordability strategy (CHAS) annual plan (1993-1995) PCA 98.4/9 Consolidated plan action plan FFY 1996 PCA 98.4/10 Comprehensive housing affordability strategy (CHAS) annual performance report (1993-1995) PCA 98.4/10 Consolidated plan annual performance report 1995 PCA 98.9/8 Housing and community development guidelines (198?-1991/1992) Home investment partnerships program (1993-1995)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Human Resources. (PCA 99)

PCA 99.1 Manpower Employment Assistance and Training Program Annual Report (1969?)

Community Affairs. Information Services Center. (PCA 107)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Land Records. (PCA 132) [From PIA 132 in 1970]

Community Affairs. Library. (PCA 136)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Local Government Services. (PCA 138)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 33 2020 PCA 138.13/6 List of municipalities (1991?) PCA 138.21/8 Fall Training Calendar (1980?)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Management Services. (PCA 142)

PCA 142.4/8 Courier (bi-weekly, 1970-1974?) [superseded: Legislative Bulletin PCA 194.13/4] PCA 142.21/4/3 Telephone Directory

Community Affairs. Office of Model and Partner Cities. (PCA 148)

PCA 148.1 Annual Report, Pennsylvania Model City System (1969/1970-1970/1971)

Community Affairs. Municipal Information Center. (PCA 149)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Community Planning. (PCA 177) (1970-1971) [formerly Bureau of Planning, 1968-1969] [Absorbed by Bureau of Community Programs, PCA 48, 1971]

PCA 177.3 Bulletin (1968-1971) PCA 177.17/7 Planning series (numbered, 1976?-1996)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Community Planning. Division of Floodplain Management. (PCA 177/2)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Policy Planning and Information. (PCA 178) [1970- ]

Community Affairs. Office of Policy Development. (PCA 178/3)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. (PCA 193) [formerly Division of Recreation and Conservation] [Moved to PCN 193]

PCA 193.13/4 DCA Leisure Tap (April 1975-1990) Budget and Salary Survey of Pennsylvania Municipal parks and recreation departments PCA 193.19/4 Pennsylvania Directory of Recreation, Park and Conservation Agencies (annual, 1976- ) PCA 193.19/4/1 Recreation outreach : a newsletter for park and recreation boards in Pennsylvania (1989-1995)

Community Affairs. Bureau of Research. (PCA 194)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 34 2020

PCA 194.3 Bulletin (1968- ) PCA 194.13/4 Legislative Bulletin (1967-1970) [supersedes: Dept. of Internal Affairs, Bureau of Municipal Affairs, Legislative Bulletin. PIA 149.13/4. Superseded by: Courier PCA 142.4/8] PCA 194.13/6 DCA Library Notes [no. 7-70, Mar. 1970-1973?, formerly Library Notice] (1968-1973?) PCA 194.17/4 DCA Periodical List (1970-1972?)

Community Affairs. Statewide Weatherization and Energy Conservation Policy Council [1986- ] (PCA 208)

PCA 208.1 Annual report.

Community Affairs. Special Urban and Rural Programs. (PCA 228)

PCA 228.17/2 PA Innovator (bi-monthly, 1972-1973?)

COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (June 1996-) [Formed by the union of Dept. of Community Affairs and Dept. of Commerce]

PCE 1.7/15/2 News advisory (1996- ) PCE 1.7/15/8 News release (1996- ) PCE 1.7/17 Press clips (1996- ) PCE 1.10 Names, titles and mailing addresses of chief elected officials (1998- ) PCE 1.12/4 Keystone connection (1996- ) PCE 1.17/8 Programs and Services (1996/1997- ) (annual)

Community and Economic Development. Bonds Office (PCE 38)

PCE 38.1 Allocation report (1996- )

Community and Economic Development. Business Assistance (PCE 39) [Center for Business Financing]

Community and Economic Development. Community Development and Housing Office (PCE 48)

PCE 48.4/8 Consolidated plan, Federal Fiscal years (2000/2004- ) PCE 48.4/9 Consolidated plan, action plan FFY (1998- )(Annual)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 35 2020 PCE 48.4/10 Consolidated plan annual performance report (1996- ) PCE 48.9/8 Home Investment Partnerships Program (1997- )

Community and Economic Development. Community Empowerment Office. (PCE 49)

PCE 49.17/4 Neighborhood assistance (1996/1997- )

Community and Economic Development. Office of International Business Development (PCE 107)

Community and Economic Development. Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority. (PCE 107/2)

Community and Economic Development. Center for Local Government Services. (PCE 138) Community and Economic Development. Governor’s Center for Local Government Services. (PCE 138)

PCE 138.1 Annual report PCE 138.17/7 Planning series [Each number has a unique title] (1999- ) PCE 138/13.1 Annual report on land use (1999- )

Community and Economic Development. Minority Business Development Authority (PCE 146) [Formerly PCO 146/3/2]

Community and Economic Development. Office of the Small Business Advocate (PCE 206)

PCE 206.1 Annual report

Community and Economic Development. Small Business Resource Center (PCE 207)

Community and Economic Development. Office of Strategic Planning and Operations (PCE 208)

Community and Economic Development. Office of Travel, Tourism and Film Promotion (PCE 218) Community and Economic Development. Tourism Office (PCE 218)

PCE 218.4/2 Calendar of Events Guide (1997- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 36 2020

PCE 218.14//2 Marketing Plan PCE 218.17/4 Pennsylvania compass (1996-?) PCE 218.17/8 Pennsylvania Pursuits (2004-) PCE 218.17/9 Pennsylvania visitors guide (1997-2003?) PCE 218.17/9 Pennsylvania Travel Guide (2004?-)

CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES (July 1995- ) [Formed by the division of the PA Department of Environmental Resources]

PCN 1.1 Anniversary report (1996- ) PCN 1.1y Year end report (1996) PCN 1.15/4 News release (1995- ) PCN 1.15/4/2 News advisory (1995- ) PCN 1.19/4 The resource (1996-)

Conservation and Natural Resources. Advisory Council (PCN 23)

PCN 23.1 Annual report (1996/1997- )

Conservation and Natural Resources. Chesapeake Bay Program (PCN 45)

Conservation and Natural Resources. Bureau of Facility Design and Construction (PCN 72)

Conservation and Natural Resources. Bureau of Forestry (PCN 78)

PCN 78.14/2 Pennsylvania marketing bulletin (1995-1997)

Conservation and Natural Resources. Bureau of Forestry. Division of Forest Fire Protection (PCN 78/4)

PCN 78/4.3/9 Burning issues (2003?- ) PCN 78/4.7/89 Forest Fire Warden News (1995- )

Conservation and Natural Resources. Bureau of Forestry. Division of Forest Pest Management (PCN 78/5)

PCN 78/5.17/4 Pennsylvania Annual Pest Conditions Report (2007- )

Conservation and Natural Resources. Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. (PCN 193)

PCN 193.17/9 Publications

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 37 2020 PCN 193.19/4 Recreation outreach (1996, suspended 1996-1999)

Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Commission (PCN 195) (1998- ) Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Advisory Committee (PCN 195) (Composed of appointees of the Governor from various departments)

Conservation and Natural Resources. Bureau of State Parks (PCN 208)

Conservation and Natural Resources. Office of Wild Resource Conservation (PCN 246) [Wild Resource Conservation Program]

COMMERCE (1939-1996) [merged with Community Affairs to form Community and Economic Development]

PCO 1.1 Report (1940-1996?) (Biennial report, 1956-1968) PCO 1.2/2 A.R.A. Bulletin (1961-1962) PCO 1.3/9/8 Budget Presentation to the Senate Appropriation Committee (1900?- ) PCO 1.3/9/8 Budget request (198?-1989) PCO 1.4/8 Commerce Comments (bi-monthly, 1964-1971) PCO 1.4/8/3 Commerce Clips (1986-1996) PCO 1.4/8/8 Commerce Reporter (1974) PCO 1.4/8/8u Commerce update (1993-1995) PCO 1.7/6 Fishing Accommodations in Pennsylvania (annual, 1974?-) PCO 1.9/9 Hunting Accommodations in Pennsylvania (annual, 1940?-) PCO 1.14/4/2 Memorandum (198?-1989) PCO 1.15/4 Newsletter (irregular, 1957-1960) PCO 1.15/4/1 News release (1951-1989) PCO 1.15/4/1/2 News release [Commonwealth News Bureau] (198?- 1996) PCO 1.15/42 News advisory (198?-1996) PCO 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Commerce News (1941-1942) PCO 1.17/4/3 Pennsylvania county, local and school property tax rates (1959-1985) PCO 1.17/4/6 Pennsylvania Industrial Scoreboard [more - (irregular, title varies, 1965-1968)] PCO 1.17/4/7 Pennsylvania Journal of Urban Economic Development (quarterly, 1977-1979)

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PCO 1.17/4/8 Pennsylvania Small Business Newsletter (monthly, 1982-1987) PCO 1.17/4/8/2* [see new class PCO 174.1] PCO 1.17/8 Production Control Plan for the Anthracite Industry (weekly, 1944-1962) PCO 1.19/4 Report of the Anthracite Committee (1947-1961) PCO 1.19/4/9 Revenue bond and mortgage allocation report (198?- ) PCO 1.20/8 SPECS [Statistics for Pennsylvania Economic Climate Series] (irregular, 1977-1979) PCO 1.20/9 Summer Camps in Pennsylvania

Commerce. Bureau of Appalachian Development. (PCO 28)

Commerce. Bureau of Business Services. (PCO 39)

Commerce. Bureau of Community Development. (PCO 48)

PCO 48.4/8 County Planning in Pennsylvania (annual, 1959/60- ) PCO 48.17/7 Planning Powers and Procedures for Pennsylvania Communities (irregular, 1955-1966)

Commerce. Bureau of Economic Assistance. (PCO 62) [formerly Bureau of Economic Development]

PCO 62.4 Circulars PCO 62.17/8 Programs in Pennsylvania Under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964: Summary of Activity (1965)

Commerce. Economic Development Partnership. (PCO 63)

Commerce. Pennsylvania Energy Development Agency. (PCO 67)

Commerce. Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority. (PCO 67/2) [later classed as PY E561]

PCO 67/2.1 Annual report (199-? )

Commerce. Pennsylvania Film Bureau. (PCO 75)

Commerce. Bureau of Fiscal Management. (PCO 76)

PCO 76.19/8 Round Table Series [5 reports] (1974)

Commerce. Financial Management Office. (PCO 76/7)

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Commerce. Hardwood Council. (PCO 92)

PCO 92.10/7 The initiative (Bimonthly, 1991?-1993?)

Commerce. Bureau of Industrial Development. (PCO 107)

PCO 107.10/7 Major Industrial Development Projects Announced in Pennsylvania (annual, 1956-1980) PCO 107.14/6 Miscellaneous Reports (1957- ) PCO 107.17/4 Pennsylvania Market Regions (1969-1970) PCO 107.17/4/3 Pennsylvania County, Local and School Property Tax Rates ... (annual, 1959-1985) PCO 107.17/4/8 Pennsylvania Plant Location Factors, Report (1958) PCO 107.19/4 Report of Proceedings, Pennsylvania Industrial Development Clinic (1957) PCO 107.19/4/2 Registration and Annual Taxes (1968-1969) PCO 107.20/9/2 Summary of Industrial Revenue Bonds and Mortgage Loans (annual, 1969-1981)

Commerce. Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority. (PCO 107/2)

PCO 107/2.15/4 News Release (irregular) PCO 107/2.20/9 Summary of loan activities (1958-1995) Summary of loans Summary of loan projects

Commerce. Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority. (PEDFA) (PCO 107/3) (1987- )

Commerce. Bureau of Domestic and International Commerce. (PCO 107/8) [formerly Bureau of International Commerce]

PCO 107/8.17/4 Pennsylvania International Trademarks (quarterly, 1973- ) PCO 107/8.17/4/4 Pennsylvania Prospectus (irregular, 1980?- )

Commerce. Office of International Development. (PCO 107/9)

PCO 107/9.6/9 Export opportunities bulletin (Six issues yearly, 1983- 1996) PCO 107/9.17/4 Pennsylvania trade news (Four issues yearly, 1991- 1995)

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Commerce. Bureau of Management and Administration. (PCO 142) [formerly Bureau of Management Services]

Commerce. Office of Minority Business Development. (PCO 146/3)

Commerce. Pennsylvania Minority Development Business Authority. (PCO 146/3/2)

PCO 146/3/2.1 Annual Report (fiscal year, 1983/1984-1987)

Commerce. Office of Minority Business Enterprise. (PCO 146/4)

PCO 146/4.14/2 The Pennsylvania Minority Business Directory (annual, 1981- ) PCO 146/4.16/5 The Pennsylvania State OMBE Guide to Commonwealth Procurement (annual, 1982- )

Commerce. Office of the Commissioners of Navigation. (PCO 152)

PCO 152.1 Annual report to the governor (197?- )

Commerce. Nursing Home Loan Agency. (PCO 159)

PCO 159.1 Annual Report (1974-1994)

Commerce. Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program. (PCO 174)

PCO 174.1 Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program/PENNTAP Update (annual, 1978- ) [Continues: PENNTAP Annual Report] [class changed from PCO 1.17/4/8/2]

Commerce. Office of Program Planning and Development. (PCO 178)

Commerce. Office of Science and Technology. (PCO 203) [later see Bureau of Technological Development PCO 214]

Commerce. Bureau of Small Business and Appalachian Development. (PCO 206/9) [formerly Small Business Actions Center]

Commerce. Bureau of State and Federal Economic Aid. (PCO 207)

Commerce. Bureau of Policy, Planning and Systems Development. (PCO 208) [formerly Bureau of Statistics PIA 208 ( -1970);

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 41 2020 Became Bureau of Statistics Research and Planning (1971-1987)]

PCO 208.4/8/3 Pennsylvania County Data Book (1981- ) [earlier see PCO 208.10/6/8, M-5. County Industry Reports] PCO 208.6/3 Pennsylvania Economic Chartbook (quarterly, 1979- 1980) PCO 208.10/6/8 Industrial Census of Pennsylvania (1956-1981?) [issues for 1956-1966 published by Bureau of Statistics, Dept. of Internal Affairs] [M-1. Statistics for Manufacturing Industries in Pennsylvania, Title varies, 1956-1977] [M-2. Statistics by Major Industry Group for Counties and Urban Places, Title varies, 1956-1966] [M-3. Statistics for Urban Fringe Areas, Title varies, 1956- 1962] [M-4. Statistics by Industry and Size of Establishment, Title varies, 1957-1977] [M-5County Industry Reports, 1968-1978, continued by Pennsylvania County Data Book, PCO 208.4/8/3] [M-6 Exports by Pennsylvania Manufacturing Establishments, last issue 1976] [M-7. Directory of Pennsylvania Manufacturing Exporters, last issue 1980] [M-8. Statistics for Selected Pennsylvania SMSA's, last issue 1977] NOTE: All M- series have been discontinued. PCO 208.10/7 Industrial Directory of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1913-1980) PCO 208.14/8/9* Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Directory (irregular, 1953- ) [Moved to PIA 208.14/9] PCO 208.14/9 Statistics for Municipal Authorities (1957- ) PCO 208.17/9 Census of Public Utilities in Pennsylvania [U-1. Statistics for Electric Utilities, 1956-1983?] [U-2. Statistics for Gas Utilities, 1956-1980?] [U-3. Statistics for Telephone Companies, 1956-1982?] [U-4. Statistics for Water Utilities, 1956-1982?] [U-5. Statistics for Sewer Authorities, 1956-1982?] [U-6. Statistics for Motor Bus and Electric Transportation Companies in Pennsylvania, ?] [U-7. Statistics for Railroads and Railroad Repair Establishments, ?] PCO 208.19/4 Review and Outlook, the Pennsylvania Economy (annual, 1973- )

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PCO 208.19/8:R-5 Industrial and Commercial Development Authority Law, Act 102, August 23, 1967, as amended PCO 208.19/8:R-8 Tax Guide for Manufacturers; A Directory of Major Taxes Affecting Industry in 17 States PCO 208.20/7/8 Special Releases (numbered, 1959- ) [1959-1968, published by the Dept. of Internal Affairs, Bureau of Statistics PIA 208] PCO 208.20/8 Pennsylvania Statistical Abstract (1958- )[1959-1968, published by the Dept. of Internal Affairs, Bureau of Statistics PIA 208] PCO 208.20/9 Symphony Notes (1986)

Commerce. Bureau of Technological Development. (PCO 214) [administers Ben Franklin Partnership Challenge]

Commerce. Bureau for Technological Development. Advanced Technical Center of Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania, Inc. (PCO 214/4)

PCO 214/4.1 Annual Report (1985/86?- ) PCO 214/4.3/8 Bottom Line (bimonthly?, 1985?- )

Commerce. Division of Travel Marketing. (PCO 218) [formerly Vacation and Recreation Bureau, -195?; Vacation and Travel Bureau, 195?-1963; Travel Development Bureau, 1963-1987]

PCO 218.3/4/4 Between Friends: a Monthly Review of the Pennsylvania Travel Industry (1981-1987) PCO 218.4/2 Calendar of Events (quarterly, 1962-1981, resumed as annual, 1983-1996; title varies) PCO 218.15/4 News Releases (1962?-1976?) PCO 218.17/4 Penn Rambles (1962-1964?) PCO 218.17/4/7 PA Naturally (1978-May 1979) PCO 218.17/4/7 Journal of Urban Economic Development Quarterly [not in State Library collection] PCO 218.17/4/8 Penn Points: Monthly Newsletter of the Travel Industry in Pennsylvania (1974-1981) PCO 218.17/4/9 Pennsylvania, America Starts Here (quarterly, 1988- ) PCO 218.21/8 Travel Industry Bulletin (1963-1971, title varies) PCO 218.21/8/7 Travel news (198?-1990) PCO 218.21/8/8 Pennsylvania Travel Review (1980-1987) PCO 218.21/8/9 Travel trade quarterly lead report (198?-1993)

Commerce. Bureau of Women’s Business Development. (PCO 248) (1990- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 43 2020 PCO 248.4/8 Conferences, meetings, seminars, workshops

CORRECTIONS (1984- ) [formerly Bureau of Corrections PGV 84/4/8]

PCR 1.1 Annual Report (1984/85- ) PCR 1.1s Annual Statistical Report (1984- ) PCR 1.1sp Annual Statistical Report of Pennsylvania County Prisons and Jails (1985- ) PCR1.2/7 All paws on deck (2014- ) PCR 1.4/2 Official Department of Corrections Calendar (1984-) [See also: PJ 48.16/4] PCR 1.4/8 Correctional Newsfront (1984?-2008 print) Electronic format only after 2008. PCR 1.15/4 News release (title varies) (1989- ) PCR 1.19/4 Restraining pregnant females (Act 45 of 2010) (2011/2012 - ) PCR 1.21/8 Training matters (1996- )

Corrections. Community Service Division. (PCR 48)

Corrections. Community Service Centers. (PCR 48/3)

Corrections. CSC Regional Office, Harrisburg. (PCR 48/3/5)

Corrections. CSC Regional Office, Philadelphia. (PCR 48/3/8)

Corrections. CSC Regional Office, Pittsburgh. (PCR 48/3/9)

Corrections. Finance, Planning and Research Division. (PCR 76)

Corrections. Industries Division. (PCR 107)

PCR 107.17/4 PENCOR products index (1991- )

Corrections. Intergovernmental Relations. (PCR 108)

Corrections. Operations Division. (PCR 168)

PCR 168.5/6 Directory of Pennsylvania county prisons and jails (annual, 1984-1997) Directory of Pennsylvania county prisons (1998- )

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Corrections. Personnel Management and Staff Division. (PCR 174)

Corrections. Program Division. (PCR 178)

Corrections. Special Services Division. (PCR 207)

Corrections. State Correctional Institutions [SCI]. (PCR 208)

Corrections. SCI Camp Hill. (PCR 208/3)

Corrections. SCI Dallas. (PCR 208/4)

Corrections. SCI Graterford. (PCR 208/5)

Corrections. SCI Huntingdon. (PCR 208/6)

Corrections. SCI Muncy. (PCR 208/7)

Corrections. SCI Pittsburgh. (PCR 208/8)

Corrections. SCI Quehanna. (PCR 208/8/7

Corrections. SCI Rockview. (PCR 208/8/8)

Corrections. SCI Waynesburg. (PCR 208/9)

Corrections. State Regional Correctional Facilities [SRCF]. (PCR 209)

Corrections. SCRF Greensburg. (PCR 209/5)

Corrections. SCRF Mercer. (PCR 209/7)

DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAMS (2012) [formerly part of the Department of Health]

PDA 1.1 Annual Plan and Report (2013- ) PDA 1.9/2 Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (2013- ) PDA 1.20/9 Annual Synar report (2013- )

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EDUCATION (1969- ) [formerly Public Instruction]

PE 1.1m Monthly Report (197?) PE 1.2/3 Administrative Staff Meetings (loose-leaf, 1966- ) PE 1.3 Bulletin (numbered, 1925-193?) (new series 193?-196?) (irregular) PE 1.4/2 Education Directory, Capitol Area Intermediate Unit PE 1.4/9 Customized job training program (1988-1995) PE 1.5/6 Digest of School Laws (1938?- ) earlier PPI 1.5/6/8 PE 1.5/6/8 PDE Directory (1967?- ) PE 1.6/3 Education Directory [Title varies] (annual, 1922?- ) PE 1.6/7 Employee Recognition Ceremony (annual) PE 1.6/8 Equalized subsidy for basic education [Title varies] (1992-) PE 1.9/4 HEP: Higher Education Planning (bimonthly, 1974- 1982) PE 1.10/7/4 Pennsylvania Department of Education: Information (1980?-1988) [Title varies] PE 1.13/2 Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 School Directory PE 1.14/4/2 Memorandum (198?-1993) PE 1.15/4 News Releases/advisories (irregular) (1969- ) PE 1.16/8 Operating Institutions of Higher Education in Pennsylvania Legally Authorized to Grant Degrees (annual 1972?-1993?) PE 1.17 DPI Bulletin (1966-1969) PE 1.17 PDE Bulletin (1969-1975) PE 1.17/1 PDE Times (weekly, monthly, quarterly, 1975- ) PE 1.17/3/4 PDE information phone directory (1992) PE 1.17/3/4 PDE information booklet (1993) PE 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Education (10/year, 1969- ) PE 1.17/4/7 Pennsylvania School District and Intermediate Unit Directory (annual, 1970-?) PE 1.17/4/8 Personnel directory (alphabetized) (1990) PE 1.17/4/8 Personnel and subject directory (alphabetized) (1991-) (irregular) PE 1.17/8 Project 81 (bimonthly, 1977-1981?) PE 1.17/8/4 Professional Educator Discipline Report (2005/2008- 2013 PE 1.17/8/4 Educator Discipline Report (2014- )

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PE 1.17/8/3 Progress Report on Implementation of Governor's Review of Government Management (1972) PE 1.17/9/2 Proceedings of the Meetings of the Board of Presidents, State Teachers Colleges [Title varies] (1893?- 1968/1969) PE 1.17/9/2 Reports of Principals of state normal schools (18uu- 19uu?) PE 1.17/9/2 Report to the Joint Sub-Committee of the Senate and House Appropriation Committees as of … (1950, 1954?) PE 1.17/9/4 Proceedings, Annual Education Congress (1919- ) [Title varies] PE 1.17/9/5 Program of the Education Congress(1919-1968) [Title varies] PE 1.17/9/8 Proceedings of Annual Conference of School Superintendents and Normal School Principals (192?- 1928) PE 1.19 RCU Reporter (1967-1972) PE 1.20/3 School Administrators' Handbook [absorbed by Pennsylvania Basic Education PE 32.4/7] (19??-198?) PE 1.20/3/7 School Administrators' Memoranda [absorbed by Pennsylvania Basic Education PE 32.4/7] (19??-198?) PE 1.20/3/8 School Laws of Pennsylvania (biennial, 1851?-1981?) PE 1.20/8 Statistical Report (annual, 1921-1980/81) [replaced by PE 1.20/8/9] PE 1.20/8/2 Student advisory board (1972/73-1977/78) PE 1.20/8/2 Report Student Advisory Board (annual, 1979- 1984/1985) PE 1.20/8/9 Status Report on Education in Pennsylvania: a Statistical Summary (1983- )[succeeded PE 1.20/8] PE 1.20/9 Summary of the Governor's Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year ... (1972/73?-197?) PE 1.21/4 Opinions of the Superintendent of Public Instruction under the teachers' tenure law (1939-1967) PE 1.21/4 Tenure Case Opinions of the Secretary of Education (1967-1979) PE 1.21/4 Teacher tenure appeals opinions of the Secretary of Education (1979- ) PE 1.23/6 V.I.P. :Vacancy Information Program (monthly, 1976- 1988)

Education. Bureau of Academic Programs. (PE 22) [formerly Bureau of Academic Services, -1972]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 47 2020 PE 22.5/6 Directory Listing Curriculums Offered in the Community Colleges (annual, (1970-196/1977) PE 22.17/4 Pennsylvania Community and Junior College Administration Directory (annual, 1971-1975?) PE 22.17/4/2 The Pennsylvania Branch Campus and Proprietary School Administration Directory (annual, 1975-1976) PE 22.17/8 Programs Approved for Teacher Education in Pennsylvania Colleges and Universities (1971?) [class revised from PE 22.2]

Education. Bureau of Administrative Leadership Services. (PE 23)

PE 23.17/4/8 Pennsylvania Public School Finance Program (1978/79- ) Corrected to PE 63/8.17/9

Education. Division of Adult Basic Education. (PE 23/2) (1983) [formerly Division of Adult and Training Programs (1980?-1983); Division of Adult and Community Education ( -1979)]

PE 23/2.2/3 Adult-Education State Plan (1975-?) PE 23/2.2/3/8 Adult education staff development news (199?- ) PE 23/2.17/8 Project abstracts for the fiscal year … (199?-) [Moved to PE 193.17/2]

Education. Affirmative Action Office. (PE 23/3) [Multicultural Committee]

Education. Office for Aid to Non-Public Education. (PE 26)

Education. Office of Basic Education. (PE 32) ( -1991) [later Office of Elementary and Secondary Education PE 67]

PE 32.2/3 Administrative Survey ... Adult basic Education Programs PE 32.4 Basic Education Circular PE 32.4/7 Pennsylvania Basic Education; Laws, Regulations, Standards and Circulars (loose-leaf, 1978) PE 32.9/2 Basic Education Handbook PE 32.14/4 Basic Education Memoranda

Education. Office of Basic Education. Division of Adult Basic and Literacy Education Programs. (PE 32/2)

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PE 32/2.2/3 Adult literacy programs operated under Act 143 of 1986 during 1990(Annual,1990?-) PE 32/2.4/8 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania adult education 353 special projects (annual, 1989- ) [Moved to PE 193.17/2] PE 32/2.6/9 Adult basic and literacy education programs in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : Annual Report (Annual, 1992/1993- ) PE 32/2.7/8 Focus (Monthly, Oct. 1984- ) PE 32/2.7/8 Focus on literacy (Jan. 1993- ) PE 32/2.17/8 Provider Directory (1997- )

Education. Pennsylvania Adult Basic and Literacy Education Interagency Coordinating Council (PE 32/2/10)

PE 32/2/10.1 Annual report (1999- )

Education. Pennsylvania Literacy Corps (PE 32/2/13) [From 1988-1995 this was part of PennSERV, was transferred to Department of Education July 1995.]

PE 32/2/13.1 Annual report

Education. Bureau of Basic Education Fiscal Administration. (PE 32/4)

PE 32/4.6/9/8 Expenditures per Average Daily Membership for Selected Functions (1983-?) [replaces in part Our Schools Today PE 63/8.16/9] PE 32/4.20/4/4 Selected Expenditures Data for Pennsylvania Public Schools (annual, 1982/83?- ) PE 32/4.20/4/8 Selected Revenue Data and Equalized Mills for Pennsylvania Public Schools (annual, 1981-82- ) [title variation, same publication] Selected Revenue Data and Equalized Mills for Pennsylvania School Districts (annual,1994-95- ) PE 32/4.21/8 Tracking system for exceptional persons (TSEP) (1981?- )

Education. Community and Student Services (PE 32/8) (1990- ) [Formerly: Bureau of Basic Education Support Services. ( -1990)]

PE 32/8.2/3 Evaluation Report (1982/83- ) PE 32/8.6/9 Even Start Family Literacy Grant Program (1992- ) PE 32/8.15/8 Nonpublic School Acts (annual, 1987- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 49 2020 PE 32/8.20/9 Summary of Public School Work Stoppage Activity (1970/71- ) PE 32/8.23/6 Violence and weapons possession in Pennsylvania’s Schools, Annual report (1995/1996- )

Education. Office of Education for Homeless Children and Youth. (PE 32/8/4)

PE 32/8/4.9/8 Homeless student initiative newsletter (1990?- )

Education. Pennsylvania Migrant Education. (PE 32/8/5) [Division of Student Services and Migrant Education]

PE 32/8/5.1 Annual report, Pennsylvania Migrant Education (1988/89-) PE 32/8/5.17/4 Pennsylvania Migrant Education Evaluation Report PE 32/8/5.20/8 Space camp (1989/1991- ) PE 32/8/5.20/88 Student Leadership Institute yearbook (1990- )

Education. Division of Safe School Services (PE 32/8/8)

Education. Bureau of Budget and Management. (PE 39)

Education. Office of Career Development. (PE 42)

Education. Office of Child Development and Early Learning (PE 45)

PE 45.1 Annual report (2008/2009- ) PE 45.17/8 Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts (2007/2008-)

Education. Bureau of Community Colleges. (PE 48)

Education. Division of Compensatory Programs. (PE 48/5)

Education. Comptroller's Office. (PE 48/8)

Education. Bureau of Coordination and Field Liaison. (PE 48/9)

Education. Bureau of Correction Education. (PE 48/11)

Education. Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction. (PE 49) [formerly Bureau of Curriculum Development and Evaluation Bureau of Curriculum Services]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 50 2020

PE 49.4/8 Contemporary Curriculum Commentary (bimonthly, 1969-1970) PE 49.4/9/3 Curriculum Development Series (1961- ) PE 49.4/9/8 Curriculum Services Series (1958- ) PE 49.5/6 Directory of Middle Schools (1972- ) PE 49.5/6/3 Directory, Driver Education, Public Secondary Schools Offering Approved Driver Education Course (annual 1976- ) PE 49.5/6/7 Directory of network school districts and writing project sites (1991- ) PE 49.7/8 For your information (Quarterly, 1986?- ) PE 49.13/6 Literacy Line (irregular, 1976- ) PE 49.17/3 PCRP in Pennsylvania Schools: a Directory of Districts (annual, 1979- ) PE 49.17/8 Programs for Institutionalized neglected delinquent children (annual, 196?- )

Education. Division of Communications. Mathematics and Instruction. (PE 49/4)

Education. Governor’s Schools. (PE 49/7) (1967- )

PE 49/7.15/4 Newsletter, Governor’s Schools of Excellence PE 49/7/5.15/8 Notes & Images (1973- )

Education. Governor’s School for the Arts. (PGSA) (PE 49/7/5) (1973- )

Education. Governor’s School for the Sciences. (PGSS) (PE 49/7/6) (1982- )

Education. Governor’s School for Agricultural Sciences. (PGSAS) (PE 49/7/7) (1986- )

Education. Governor’s School for Business. (PGSB) (PE 49/7/8) (1987- )

Education. Governor’s School for Teaching. (PGST) (PE 49/7/9) (1990- )

Education. Governor’s School for International Studies. (PGIS) (PE 49/7/10) (1984- )

Education. Bureau of Curriculum Planning. (PE 49/8*) [incorrect class, use PPI 49 prior to 1969]

Education. Office of Educational Initiatives (PE 60)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 51 2020

PE 60.1 Annual report for charter schools in Pennsylvania (1998/1999- )

Education. Division of Research. (PE 63) [formerly Bureau of Educational Research]

PE 63.4/8 Completed Projects of the Bureau of Educational Research (1971?- ) [title varies] PE 63.17/8 Post-graduation Activities: All Degree Levels in Pennsylvania (annual, 1975- ) PE 63.19/4 Research Studies and Reports Series (irregular, 1957- ) PE 63.21/2 A Tabular Summation of 19 Higher Education Equal Opportunity Program Survey Findings (1978- )

Education. Advisory Council on Educational Computing Activities. (PE 63/3)

Education. Bureau of Educational Planning and Testing. (PE 63/6)

Education. Bureau of Educational Quality Assessment. (PE 63/7)

Education. Division of Data Services. (PE 63/8) (1983- ) [formerly Division of Education Statistics (1974-1982); Division of Educational Statistics (1972-1974); Bureau of Educational Statistics (1970- 1972); Bureau of Statistics (1964-1972)]

PE 63/8.2:ct* Operating Institutions of Higher Education in Pennsylvania Legally Authorized to Grant Degrees [class revised to PE 63/8.16] PE 63/8.2/3 Act 511 Taxes (irregular, 1970?-1981/82-?) PE 63/8.3/2 Colleges and Universities: Basic Student Charges (annual, 1988/1989-1995/1996 ) [formerly Basic Student Charges at Institutions of Higher Education; moved to PE 106.3/2 (1983/1984-1987/1988)] PE 63/8.4/2 Calculator (monthly, 1959-1980?) PE 63/8.5/4 Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred (annual, 1982-1986/1987) PE 63/8.5/4 Colleges and Universities, Degrees and awards conferred (1987/1988-1993/1994) PE 63/8.5/8 Dropout Rate By School District (1977/78-1983/84) PE 63/8.5/8 Public Schools Dropout Report (1988/89) PE 63/8.5/8 Public Secondary School Dropouts by School (1993/94- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 52 2020

PE 63/8.6/3/7 Education statistics, projections (1993- ) PE 63/8.6/3/8 Education Today (1981- ) PE 63/8.7/1 Colleges and Universities, education digest (1996/1997- ) PE 63/8.7/2 Fall College Enrollments By Racial/Ethnic Categories (1974-1980) PE 63/8.7/2/3 Colleges and Universities completions (1996- ) PE 63/8.7/2/4 Colleges and Universities, Fall Enrollments (1988- 1995) PE 63/8.7/8 Focus (1992-1993) PE 63/8.9/3 Higher Education Annual Data Plan PE 63/8.9/4 Higher Education Financial Statistics (1981/1982- 1985/1986) PE 63/8.9/4 Colleges and Universities, finance (1986/1987- 1994/1995) PE 63/8.9/4/2 Higher Education Faculty and Staff (1982/1983- 1987/1988) PE 63/8.9/4/2 Colleges and Universities, faculty and staff (1988/1989- 1995/1996) PE 63/8.9/4/7 Higher Education Library Statistics (1982?- ) PE 63/8.9/5 Higher Education Residence and Migration of Students (1984-1986) PE 63/8.9/5 Colleges and Universities, residence of (first-time) students (1998-1994) PE 63/8.9/6 Higher Education Fall Enrollments (1986-1987) [formerly Higher Education Summer and Fall Enrollments (1982-1985)] PE 63/8.9/8 Home Education in Pennsylvania (1996- ) PE 63/8.12/4* The Keystone Capsule [DO NOT USE -- MONOGRAPH] PE 63/8.13/6/4 A Listing of Pennsylvania Public Schools Having Elementary Enrollments (1973- ) PE 63/8.13/6/4/7 A Listing of Pennsylvania Nonpublic Schools Having Elementary Enrollments (1976- ) PE 63/8.13/6/7/8 A Listing of Pennsylvania Nonpublic Schools Having Secondary Enrollments (annual, 1979?- ) PE 63/8.13/6/7/9 Private and Nonpublic Schools Elementary and Secondary Enrollments (2006- ) PE 63/8.13/6/8 A Listing of Pennsylvania Public Schools Having Secondary Enrollments (1973- ) PE 63/8.13/6/8h Public schools, high school graduates … (1991- ) PE 63/8.13/6/8/8 Public schools secondary enrollments (1992/1993- ) PE 63/8.14/4 A Measure of Local Effort (discontinued, 1968/69- 1981)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 53 2020 PE 63/8.16* Operating Institutions of Higher Education in Pennsylvania Legally Authorized to Grant Degrees [class revised from PE 63/8.2:ct] PE 63/8.16/8 Our Colleges and Universities Today (irregular, 1963- 1982?) [earlier see PPI 194.16/9; moved to PE 106.3/2 in 1983/84, then merged with PE 63/8.16/9; continued by PE 63/8.17/8/8] PE 63/8.16/9 Our Schools Today (irregular, 1962-1982?) [later PE 32/4.6/9/81; earlier PE 106.20/9, and PPI 194.16/9. Moved to PE 106.3/2 in 1983/84, when merged with PE 63/8.16/8] PE 63/8.17/8 Projections; Selected Educational Statistics for Pennsylvania (1976?- ) PE 63/8.17/8/8 The Preparation and Occupational Pursuits of Teachers (annual, 1982/83- ) [Previously no. 5 of Our Colleges and Universities Today PE 63/8.16/8] PE 63/8.17/8/8 Colleges and universities, teachers prepared (1987/88- 1989/1990) PE 63/8.17/9 Pennsylvania Public School Finance Program (annual, 1977/78- ) PE 63/8.17/9/3 Public Secondary School Dropouts in Pennsylvania (annual, 1991/92- ) PE 63/8.17/9/4 Private and Nonpublic Schools, High School graduates and Postsecondary Education Rates (1992- ) PE 63/8.17/9/5 Public and Nonpublic High School graduates (1982?- 1987) Public and Nonpublic Schools, High School Graduates (1989- ) Public, Private and Nonpublic Schools. High School Graduates (1992- ) PE 63/8.17/9/6 Public schools: Districts ranked by total enrollment (1995/1996-) **Title Correction** PE 63/8.17/9/7 Public and Nonpublic School Enrollments (1982?- 1991) PE 63/8.17/9/7 Public, private and nonpublic schools enrollments (annual, 1991- ) PE 63/8.17/9/8 Public School Professional Personnel (annual,1982?- 1988) Public School Full-time Professional Personnel (1988/1989-1989/1990) Public Schools Professional Personnel (1990/1991- ) PE 63/8.17/9/8/1 Public schools professional personnel averages and rankings (annual, 1995/1996- ) PE 63/8.17/9/8/8 School Buildings

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 54 2020

PE 63/8.17/9/9 Public School Support Personnel (1986/87-1987/88) Public school support personnel data (1989/90) Public schools support personnel (1995/96- ) PE 63/8.17/9/10 Public Schools Personnel (1991/1992-1996/1997) PE 63/8.19/4 Revenue from State Sources By Administrative Unit (1975-1977) PE 63/8.20/9 A Summary of Enrollments in Public Schools of Pennsylvania (1971?- ) PE 63/8.21/9 Tuition and Required Fees and Room and Board Charges at Institutions of Higher Education in Pennsylvania (1980-) PE 63/8.23/4 Vocational Education, Program Statistics (1989- ) [formerly Vocational Education Statistics 1981?-1988] Vocational Education Statistics (1981?- ) PE 63/8.23/4/1 Adult Program Enrollments PE 63/8.23/4/2 Approved Secondary Program Enrollments PE 63/8.23/4/8 Vocational-Technical Education: Education and Employment Status... PE 63/8.23/4/9 Special Populations Statistics PE 63/8.23/4/10 Vocational-Technical Education, Secondary Reimbursement Programs (1995/1996-1998/1999) PE 63/8.23/4/10 Career and Technical Education, Secondary Occupational Programs (1999/2000- )

Education. Office of Educational Technology (PE 65)

Education. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (PE 67)

PE 67.20/3 School Health Education Profile Report (2000-2004)

Education. Bureau of Curriculum and Academic Services (PE 67/4/9)

Education. Division of Early Childhood and Family Education (PE 67/6/2)

Education. Division of Evaluation and Reports (PE 67/6/9)

Education. Division of School Equity. (1986- ) (PE 68) [formerly Bureau of Equal Educational Opportunity Office of Equal Rights]

PE 68.7/7 Information and Resource Bulletin (bimonthly, 1985- ) [formerly Florence Jean Wright's Information Sheet (1985)] PE 68.19/4 Resource Bulletin (irregular, 1975?-1979?

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 55 2020

Education. Executive Academy. (PE 69)

PE 69.2/3 Activity Series (numbered monographic series) PE 69.2/7 Announcements of Seminars PE 69.14/8 Monograph Series (numbered, 1976- ) PE 69.17/8 Program Schedule (annual, 1976/77- ) PE 69.19/4 Reflections (1977, discontinued 1977)

Education. Office of Federal Programs. (PE 74)

PE 74.7/4 Federal Program Monitor (monthly, 1966-1972) PE 74.7/4/7 Federal Program Notes PE 74.20/9 Summary of Federal Programs [administered by the Department of Education] (1967-1980) PE 74.24/2 Wash Line (newsletter, discontinued, 1976-?)

Education. Office of State and Federal Relations. (PE 74/8)

PE 74/8.7/4/9 Federal Education Update (biweekly, 1984-July 1985) PE 74/8.20/4/9 State Education Update (biweekly, 1984-June 1985)

Education. Division of Child Nutrition. (PE 78) [changed to Division of Food and Nutrition]

PE 78.20/9 Summer Food Program News (July-Aug 1979?)

Education. Bureau of General and Academic Education. (PE 84)

PE 84.10 ICRE [Intergroup and Civil Rights Education] (1972- ) PE 84.12/6 Kindergarten Confidential (monthly, 1969-1971) PE 84.20/3 Scope: Social Studies (1967-1972)

Education. Bureau of General and Academic Education. Division of School Libraries. (PE 84/7) [-1984?] [later Division of School Library Media Services PE 136/6]

Education. Office of Higher Education. (PE 96) [Later Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education]

PE 96.2/7 Annual Report, State Commission on Academic Facilities (1967-1977) - MOVED to PY A168.1

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 56 2020

PE 96.2/7/1 Biennial Report, State Commission on Academic Facilities PE 96.4 Higher Education Circular (numbered 1 -100, discontinued, 1975-?) PE 96.5/6/2 Directory of Pennsylvania Community Colleges (1971- ) PE 96.5/6/6 Directory of Pennsylvania Junior Colleges (1971- ) PE 96.17/5 Pennsylvania Higher Education Trends and Events (irregular?, Oct. 1983-?)

Education. Office of Higher Education Financing. (PE 96/4)

Education. Bureau of Higher Education Planning and Research. (PE 96/8)

Education. Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality (PE 96/20

PE 96/20.1 Annual report.

Education. Bureau of Information and Publications. (PE 105)

PE 105.17/8/9 PDE Publications (issues undated and unnumbered, discontinued)

Education. Bureau of Information Systems. (PE 106)

PE 106.3/2 Basic Student Charges at Institutes of Higher Education [corrected from PE 63/8.3/2; merger of PE 63/8.16/8 and PE 63/8.16/9 (1983/84-1987/88); moved to PE 63/8.3/2] PE 106.5/2 Pennsylvania Department of Education Annual Data Plan (1976/77- ) PE 106.10/3 IC Notes: PDE Information Center (monthly, 1982- ) PE 106.17/9{PSU#} Public School Building Report (annual?, 1987/88- ) PE 106.19/2 Ratio (annual, 1975- ) PE 106.20/4 Vocational Education, Secondary Program Statistics (annual, 1989- ) [formerly Secondary Vocational Education Statistics (-1988) PE 106.20/9 A Summary of Enrollment in Public Schools of Pennsylvania (discontinued, 1972-1977) [information in Our Schools Today PE 63/8.16/9]

Education. Bureau of Instructional Media Services. (PE 107) [name varies]

PE 107.2/3 Adult Basic Education Directory (FY 1978/79- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 57 2020 PE 107.10/7 Instructional Media Intercom (1968- ) [title varies]

Education. Office of Legislative Services. (PE 134)

PE 134.7/4 Federal Legislative Review (Aug-Sept 1967) PE 134.13/4 Legislative Reporter; Master Numerical Listing (sessions of 1973/74-1981/82) PE 134.13/4/1 Legislative Reporter; Weekly Status Report (sessions of 1973/74-1981/82) PE 134.13/4/7/3 Legislative News, Daily Releases (sessions 1969/70- ) PE 134.13/4/7/9 Legislative News, Weekly Releases (sessions 1969/70- ) PE 134.20/8 State Legislative Review (July-Oct 1967) PE 134.20/9 Summary of New Legislation Affecting Education (1970- )

Education. State Library of Pennsylvania. (PE 136) [formerly Pennsylvania State Library, -1971]

PE 136.1 Annual Report (1855- ) PE 136.2/3 Acquisitions (monthly, 1959-1961) PE 136.2/3/7 State Library Administrative Memoranda (1960?- ) PE 136.2/8 Colonial Records of Pennsylvania PE 136.2/8/2 Pennsylvania Archives [suppl: Colonial Records of Pennsylvania] PE 136.3/6 Bicentennial Information Newsletter (Sept 1974- May/June 1976) PE 136.3/9 Business-Commerce-Industry (April 1966-April 1967) PE 136.4/5 Checklist of Official Pennsylvania Publications (monthly, 1963- ) PE 136.4/8 Compendium (2009-) Electronic periodical. PE 136.4/5a:pts. Checklist of Official Pennsylvania Publications: Annual Cumulative Issue with Index [pt.I: Monographs; pt.II: Periodicals] (1976- ) PE 136.5/4 Pennsylvania Commonwealth and Federal Depository Directory (irregular, 1986- ) PE 136.5/6 Directory of Pennsylvania Library Resources (1973- ) [formerly Directory of Pennsylvania Academic and Research Libraries, 1970/71-1973] PE 136.7/8 From this Corner (1960-1966) [superseded: Pennsylvania State Library Notes PE 136.17/4/8] PE 136.7/8/8 The Forum [Newsletter of the State Library] (monthly, Sept-June, 1981-1983)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 58 2020

PE 136.8/3 Pennsylvania Genealogical/Historical Societies (Consider this…)(2000- PE 136.10/7 Information Memorandum PE 136.13/2 Law Library Bulletin (discontinued, 1963- ) [see PE 136/4.3] PE 136.13/4 Legislator's Library Reference List (Feb-June 1961) PE 136.14/8 Monograph Series (1958- ) PE 136.15/4 Newsletter (Pennsylvania State Data Center, Pennsylvania State University, quarterly, 1982- ) PE 136.15/8 The Pennsylvania Newspaper Project Reporter (irregular, 1983- ) PE 136.16/4 Of Current Interest [nos. 1-38] (monthly, January 1966- December 1967) PE 136.16/8/8 Options: Continuing Education, Improved Service (bimonthly, 1980-82) PE 136.17/4 Pennsylvania Library and Museum Notes (irregular, 1908-1941) PE 136.17/4/2 A Pennsylvania Almanack (monthly, January 1966-June 1967) PE 136.17/4/8 Pennsylvania State Library Notes (irregular, August 1957-June 1958) [superseded by From this Corner PE 136.7/8] PE 136.17/9 Public Affairs (irregular, 1964?-1967) PE 136.19/4/2 Recent Additions to the State Library's Collections (monthly, 1981- ) PE 136.20/9 Summary of State Aid Payments to Public Libraries (annual, 1965-1982?)

Education. State Library. Advisory Council on Library Development. (PE 136/2)

PE 136/2.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Education. State Library. Law Section. (PE 136/4) [formerly Law Library Bureau]

PE 136/4.3 Law Library Bulletin (formerly PE 136.13/2)

Education. Bureau of Library Development (PE 136/5) [formerly State Library. Library Development Division, previously Library Development Bureau]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 59 2020 PE 136/5.2 O58b One Book, Every Young Child (Cutter by the name of the book, hyphen and then letter designator/s for the item.) PE 136/5.2:F4871/yr Films: The Pennsylvania Public Films Center Catalog (1968- ) [see new class PE 136/5.7:yr] PE 136/5.5/5 Directory of Pennsylvania Libraries (annual, 1984- ) PE 136/5.5/6 District Library Center Newsletter (August 1967-July 1969) PE 136/5.7:yr Films: The Pennsylvania Public Films Center Catalog (1968- ) [class revised from PE 136/5.2:F4871/yr] PE 136/5.7/4/3 Public Library Directory (annual) PE 136/5.10/7 Information Memorandum (numbered, 1970-?) PE 136/5.17/4 Pennsylvania Public Library Statistics [more- (annual, 1958-1970?)] PE 136/5.17/4/3 Pennsylvania Public Libraries Directory [titles varies] (annual, 1954-1979?) PE 136/5.19/4 Recent Additions to the Library Science Collection (quarterly, 1970-1981) [Selected materials added to the Professional Collection (biennial, quarterly, 1965- 1968); recent additions to the Professional Collection (bimonthly, 1968-1970)]

Education. State Library. Educational Resources and Learning Technologies Office. (PE 136/6) (1995- ) [formerly Division of School Library Media Services] [formerly PDE Resource Center]

PE 136/6.10/6 Index of Software Reviews (bimonthly, January/April 1984- )

Education. State Library. Newspaper Section. (PE 136/7)

PE 136/7.2/8 Articles Published in a Series (monthly, Jan., 1981- )

Education. State Library. Division of Library Services. (PE 136/8) [formerly General Library Bureau]

PE 136/8.1 Annual Report (1973/74-1974/75) PE 136/8.5/6/7 Directory of Libraries Serving the Government of the Commonwealth of the Pennsylvania and the Capital Area (irregular, 1969- ) PE 136/8.8/4 General Library Newsletter (Oct. 1973-June 1980) PE 136/8.19/4 Researchers’ List (1988-)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 60 2020

PE 136/8.26/4 Year's Work in Pennsylvania Studies (annual, 1965- 1983)

Education. State Library. Visual Aids Section. (PE 136/9) [class all filmstrips as monographs under PE 136/9.2]

Education. Bureau of Management Services. (PE 142)

PE 142.18/8 Questions and Answers; Information Series (folder, 1979- )

Education. Division of Nonpublic and Private School Services (PE 158)

Education. Bureau of Human Resources. (PE 174)(2002- ) [formerly Bureau of Personnel – 2002]

Education. Division of Physical Plant and Construction. (PE 175)

Education. Bureau of Planning and Evaluation. (PE 177)

Education. Bureau of Planning and Education Statistics. (PE 177/8)

Education. Office of Press and Communications. (PE 177/8/4)

PE 177/8/4.2/8 Apple digest for PDE staff (1992- ) PE 177/8/4.6/3 Education in Pennsylvania (1984-1986) PE 177/8/4.7/2 Fast Forward (June 1987-April 1989) PE 177/8/4.7/2 Inside Education (October/November 1989- ) PE 177/8/4.15/4 Newspaper clippings [Press clippings](1988- ) PE 177/8/4.19 Release (irregular, numbered) [Press Releases]

Education. Veteran Education Division. (PE 178) [formerly: Bureau of Private Schools and Veterans Education] [Changed to

PE 178.5/6/2 Directory of Licensed Private Academic Schools (1953- 1972?) PE 178.13/6 List of Boarding Schools Accredited By PAPAS [Pennsylvania Association of Private Academic Schools] (1971?) PE 178.13/6/2 Licensed Private Business Schools (1953-1981?) PE 178.13/6/3 Licensed Private Correspondence Schools (1968/69- 1979?) PE 178.13/6/3/3 Directory of Private Driver Training Schools

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 61 2020 (annual, 1979-) PE 178.13/6/8 Licensed Private Trade Schools (1953-1979?) PE 178.19/9/2 Rules and Regulations Governing Private Academic Schools ... (1953-1976?) PE 178.19/9/3 Rules and Regulations Governing Private Business Schools ... (1958-1975?) PE 178.19/9/4 Rules and Regulations, State Board of Private Correspondence Schools (1958-1968?) [State Library cataloged as monograph] PE 178.19/9/8 Rules, Regulations and Standards of Instruction Governing Trade Schools (1958-1969?)

Education. State Board of Private Schools. (PE 178/2) [State Board of Private Licensed Schools]

PE 178/2.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?) PE 178/2.1 Annual Report PE 178/2.5/6 Directory of Private Licensed/Registered Schools and Approval Programs (1987- )

Education. State Board of Private Correspondence Schools. (PE 178/3)

PE 178/3.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Education. State Board of Private Trade Schools. (PE 178/8)

PE 178/8.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Education. Division of Programs to Advance Veterans Education/PAVE. (PE 178/9)

Education. Bureau of Pupil Personnel Services. (PE 179)

PE 179.5/6 Directory of Counselors and Counselor Educators in Pennsylvania (annual, 1963/64-1970/71?) PE 179.8/9 A Guide to Licensed and Accepted Private Business Correspondence and Trade Schools in Pennsylvania (annual, 1966/67-68/69?) PE 179.12/4 Keynotes [formerly Guidance Keynotes] (monthly, October 1966-June 1972)

Education. Public Service Institute. (PE 179/6)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 62 2020

PE 179/6.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Education. Resource Center (PE 193) [This is the classification number for the materials formerly held in the Department of Education’s Resource Center. When the Center was dissolved, the materials were sent to the State Library.]

PE 193.17/2 310's special experimental demonstration projects and teacher training (1979/1980) PE 193.17/2 Abstract: adult education 310's in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1981-1982) PE 193.17/2 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania adult education 310 special projects … (1984-1988) PE 193.17/2 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania adult education 353 special projects: project abstracts fiscal year ... (1989- 198/1999).

Education. Bureau of School Administrative Services. (PE 203/2)

Education. Bureau of School Construction. (PE 203/3)

Education. Bureau of School Improvement. (PE 203/6)

PE 203/6.8/9 A Guide to School Improvement (1980?- )

Education. Bureau of Special Education. (PE 208)

PE 208.2/8 Pennsylvania assistive technology news (1992) PE 208.4/7 Closer look (1998- ) PE 208.6/9 Evidence-based practices (2001- ) PE 208.7/8 First glance (1994-1995) PE 208.15 NAPPEC [News About Pennsylvania Programs for Exceptional Children] (monthly?, April 1968-April 1971) PE 208.17/8 Proposed funding special education PE 208.20/8 Special Education Programs/Services (annual?, 1969/70-1974/75?) PE 208.20/8/2 Statistical summary … (1990- )

Education. Advisory Panel for Special Education (PE 208/2)

PE 208/2.1 Annual Report

Education. Bureau of Staff Services. (PE 209)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 63 2020

Education. Board of State College and University Directors. (PE 210) (1921?-1982) [later see Board of Governors of the State System of Higher Education PY H637]

PE 210.14/4 Meetings [minutes?] (1971?-1982)

Education. State College, Bloomsburg. (PE 210/2)

PE 210/2.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, California. (PE 210/3)

PE 210/3.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, Cheyney. (PE 210/3/5)

PE 210/3/5.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, Clarion. (PE 210/3/7)

PE 210/3/7.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, East Stroudsburg. (PE 210/4)

PE 210/4.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, Edinboro. (PE 210/4/3)

PE 210/4/3.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. Indiana University of Pennsylvania. (PE 210/6)

PE 210/6.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, Kutztown. (PE 210/6/9)

PE 210/6/9.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982) PE 210/6/9.12/9 Kutztown University Rohrbach Library Annual Report

Education. State College, Lock Haven. (PE 210/7)

PE 210/7.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 64 2020

Education. State College, Mansfield. (PE 210/7/2)

PE 210/7/2.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, Millersville. (PE 210/7/6)

PE 210/7/6.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, Shippensburg. (PE 210/8)

PE 210/8.1 Biennial Report (1968/70 - 1982) PE 210/8.4/4 Centre Report [Shippensburg Pa., Center for Local and State Government] (April 1975-1982?)

Education. State College, Slippery Rock. (PE 210/8/7)

PE 210/8/7.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State College, West Chester. (PE 210/9)

PE 210/9.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-1982)

Education. State-Owned Schools. (PE 211)

Education. School for the Deaf. (PE 211/3)

PE 211/3.1 Report of the Board of Trustees (biennial, 1877- 1968/69?)

Education. Pennsylvania Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, Philadelphia. (PE 211/32)

PE 211/32.1 Report of the Board of Directors (annual, 1821- 1923/24?)

Education. State School for the Deaf, Scranton. (PE 211/33)

PE 211/33.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Education. School for Veterans' Children, Scotland. (PE 211/8) (Transferred to Department of Military and Veterans Affairs on July 1, 1996)

PE 211/8.1 Biennial Report (l968/70-?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 65 2020 PE 211/8.19/8 Roster of Students by Counties (1930/31?-1941?)

Education. Thaddeus Stevens School of Technology. (PE 211/9 & PE 211/9/8)

PE 211/9.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?) PE 211/9.4 Catalog (biennial) PE 211/9/8.1 Annual Report (1978- )

Education. Bureau of Teacher Preparation and Certification. (PE 213) [formerly Bureau of Teacher Certification]

PE 213.4 Interstate Certification Agreements

Education. Bureau of Teacher Education. (PE 214)

Education. Bureau of Career and Technical Education (PE 238) (2001- ) [formerly Bureau of Vocational-Technical Education. (1992-2000 ) ;Bureau of Vocational Education -1992 ; Bureau of Vocational and Adult Education; Bureau of Vocational, Technical and Continuing Education]

PE 238.2/3 Adult-Education State Plan (FY, 1965-?) [moved to PE 23/2.2/3] PE 238.2/3/2 Administrative Survey of Fiscal Year ... Adult Basic Education Programs ... Planning Studies in Continuing Education ... (annual,1978/79-?) [moved to PE 32.2/3] PE 238.9/6 The VEMIS System [Vocational Education Management Information System] (numbered, 1971-?) PE 238.17/4 Pennsylvania's Abstracts of Research and Related Materials in Vocational Education [PARM] (annual?, 1969-81?) PE 238.17/4/8 A Pennsylvania State Plan for the Administration of Vocational-Technical Educational Programs (1971- 1980/81?) (FY 1974/75-?) PE 238.17/4/9 Area Vocational Education Schools Report (1993/94- ) Pennsylvania Career and Technical Centers.(20??-) PE 238.23/4/9 VEEP [Vocational Education Equity Program] Vignette (monthly, 1980-1986) PE 238.23/8 Vocational Education Personnel Directory (annual?, 1970/71-1976/77)

Education. State Board of Vocational Education. (PE 239)

Education. Pennsylvania State Council on Year-Round Education. (PE 264)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 66 2020

PE 264.26/4 Proceedings, Annual Conference (1971-?)

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (1995- ) [Formed by the division of the Dept. of Environmental Resources (PER)]

PEP 1.1 Annual report (1995- ) PEP 1.2/ ADA News (1994- ) [Electronic only] PEP 1.6/7 Environmental Protection Update (1995- ) PEP 1.8/8 GreenWorks Gazette (2000- ) PEP 1.15/4/2 News advisory (1995- )

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Air, Recycling and Radiation Protection (PEP 22)

PEP 22.1 Annual report (1995- )

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Air Quality. (PEP 26)

PEP 26.1 Ambient air quality annual report (1996- ) PEP 26.19/2 Ragweed pollen concentrations in Pennsylvania (1995-)

Environmental Protection. Office of the Environmental Advocate (PEP 27)

Environmental Protection. Environmental Assistance Network (PEP 28)

Environmental Protection. Citizens Advisory Council (PEP 46)

PEP 46.5/3 CAC Advisory (1995- )

Environmental Protection. Environmental Council (PEP 67)

Environmental Protection. Environmental Education & Information Center (PEP 69)

Environmental Protection. Governor’s Green Government Council (PEP 86) [1998- ]

PEP 86.1 Green Plan (1999/2000- ) (Annual)

Environmental Protection. Grants Center (PEP 88)

PEP 88.1 Growing Greener (2000- ) (Annual)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 67 2020

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management. (PEP 132)

PEP 132.1 Act 101 annual report (1994- ) PEP 132/4.1 Pennsylvania's land recycling program, report of cleanup activities (1997- ) PEP 132/7.1 Pennsylvania's land recycling program, annual report (1998- )

Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board (PEP 140)

PEP 140.1 Annual report (199u? - )

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Mining and Reclamation. (PEP 145)

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation. (PEP 146)

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Deep Mine Safety. (PEP 147)

PEP 147.1 Annual report on mining activities (1995- )

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Oil and Gas Management. (PEP 148)

Environmental Protection. District Mining Operations. (PEP 149)

Environmental Protection. Office of Policy and Communications. (PEP 176)

PEP 176.21/4 Technical guidance document inventory (1995- )

Environmental Protection. Office of Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance. (PEP 178)

PEP 178.1 Annual report (1996- )

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Radiation Protection. (PEP 192)

PEP 192.1 Environmental Radiation in Pennsylvania: Annual Report (title varies) (1995/1996-) PEP 192.2/8 Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission ... annual report (1997/98-1998/99- ) (annual)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 68 2020

PEP 192.17/8 Annual low-level radioactive waste management report to the Pennsylvania General Assembly (1994- ) PEP 192.19/2 Radon services directory (1997- )

Environmental Protection. Office for River Basin Cooperation. (PEP 196)

PEP 196.1 Annual report (1997- )

Environmental Protection. Coastal Zone Management (PEP 196/4)

Environmental Protection. Pennsylvania Senior Environment Corps (PEP 204)

PEP 204.1 Annual report (1997/1998- )

Environmental Protection. Statewide Water Resources Committee (PEP 209) [Committee formed in 2002]

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Water Quality Protection. (PEP 242)

PEP 242.5/6 District program and budget book (annual, 1998- )

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Water Supply Management. (PEP 244)[-2000]; Bureau of Water Supply and Community Health; Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management [2001-2005 Bureau of Water Standards and Facility Regulation [2005- ]; Office of Water Management.

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Watershed Conservation. (PEP 246) Environmental Protection. Bureau of Watershed Management (PEP 246) [2001-]

Environmental Protection. Citizens' Volunteer Monitoring Program. (PEP 246/2)

PEP 246/2.14/8 Monitoring matters ... : Pennsylvania Citizens' Volunteer Monitoring newsletter. (1997- )

Environmental Protection. Bureau of Waterways Engineering. (PEP 248)

PEP 248.7/7 Floodlines (1997- )

ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES (1970-1995) [formerly Forests and Waters PFW/Mines PMI]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 69 2020 [later Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PCN) and Department of Environmental Protection (PEP)]

PER 1.1 Annual Report PER 1.1s Secretary’s report (Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries), (-1971) PER 1.3/9/8 Budget Presentation (1983- ) PER 1.4/2 DER update, calendar (198? ) PER 1.5/6/3 Directory of DER Services (1981- ) PER 1.6/7 Environmental Master Plan, Policy Report (numbered, discontinued, 1977-?) PER 1.7/89 The Forest Warden News (1930-1979) Forest Fire Warden News (1979- ) [continues the Forest Warden News] PER 1.8/4 General Fund Budget Statement (1972- ) PER 1.10/7 Insight (quarterly, winter 1987-1993) PER 1.10/7 Environmental insight (1994) PER 1.12/4 Keystone in the Cleanup (irregular, April 1986-) PER 1.14 Annual Report on Mining Activities PER 1.15/4 News release (1989-1995) PER 1.15/42/2 News advisory (1993-1995) PER 1.17/2 Pathfinder (monthly?, February 1980- ) PER 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Econotes (1972-1979/80) PER 1.17/8 Press Release (irregular, 1971-1977?) PER 1.18/9 Quarterly Review (quarterly, January 1972-May 1972?)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation. (PER 22)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Administration. (PER 23)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Air Quality Control. (PER 26)

PER 26.2/6 Air quality report ... PER 26.19/2/8 Ragweed Pollen Concentrations in Pennsylvania (1960?- )

Environmental Resources. Chesapeake Bay Program. (PER 45)

Environmental Resources. Citizens Advisory Council. (PER 46)

PER 46.1 Report (1971/72- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 70 2020

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Community Environmental Control. (PER 48)

PER 48.1 Annual report (1992- ) PER 48.1s Safe Drinking Water Program: Annual Report PER 48.2/4/4 Census of mushroom facilities, operations and housing... PER 48.15/4 News and views on food protection [198u]-1992 PER 48.15/4 Community health news and views [1993?]- PER 48.15/4/8 News splash (1993- )

Environmental Resources. State Conservation Commission. (PER 49)

PER 49.1 Annual Report (1985- )

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Dams and Waterway Management. (PER 52)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Deep Mine Safety. (PER 54)

Environmental Resources. Office of Engineering and Construction. (PER 67)

PER 67.24/2 Water Resources Bulletin (numbered, 1972- ) [formerly PFW 1.24/2 (1966-1970)]

Environmental Resources. Environmental Quality Board. (PER 67/7)

Environmental Resources. Division of Environmental Radiation. (PER 67/8)

PER 67/8.1 Annual Report of Environmental Radiation in Pennsylvania (1981- )

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Environmental Master Planning. (PER 67/9)

Environmental Resources. Office of Environmental Protection. (PER 67/9/8)

PER 67/9/8.1t Annual report for fiscal year...[198?]-July 1990 PER 67/9/8.6/8 The EPI Center (quarterly, 1988- )

Environmental Resources. Division of Facilities Sanitation. (PER 72)

PER 72.20/4 Migrant labor camp permits... (1975-August 1979)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 71 2020 PER 72.20/4 Seasonal Farm Labor Camps: Permitted List [title varies] (1970?- ) [formerly PL 1.14/6] PER 72.20/4/2 Seasonal farm labor camps annual report

Environmental Resources. Division of Food Protection. (PER 77/9)

Environmental Resources. Forest Advisory Services. (PER 78)

PER 78.17/2 Pennsylvania Sawmills (1971-1976) PER 78.17/2 Sawmill Directory (197u-) PER 78.142 Marketing Bulletin [No. 271-] (monthly, February 1971?- )

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Forestry. (PER 78/3)

PER 78/3.1 Annual Report (1979-1987) PER 78/3.7/8 Annual Report of Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in Pennsylvania (1973-1978?) PER 78/3.7/8/7 Forest Land Capability Map(s):County, Pennsylvania (scale 1:63,300; 1982- ) PER 78/3.7/8/8 Forest Pest Management News (monthly, May-October, 1983- 1995) [continues FPM News, Jan-March 1983] PER 78/3.10/7 Information bulletin PER 78/3.15/3 News & Views (1978-1994) PER 78/3.17/4 Pest Report (bi-annual?, 1976-1982?) PER 78/3.17/8 Proceedings of the ... Foresters Conference (annual?, 1967-1973?) PER 78/3.21/7 Tree disease leaflet [197?]-no. 12 (August 1983) PER 78/3.21/7/8 Tree pest leaflet PER 78.142 Marketing bulletin [No.1]-No.417 (May 1983) PER 78.142 Pennsylvania marketing bulletin (No. 418 (June 1983)- no. 564 (Sept. 1995)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Laboratories. (PER 137)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Land Protection and Reclamation. (PER 138)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Land Protection and Reclamation. Division of Solid Waste Management. (PER 138/20)

Environmental Resources. Division of Mines. (PER 146)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 72 2020


Environmental Resources. Bureau of Mining and Reclamation. (PER 146)

PER 146.1 Annual Report, Anthracite, Bituminous Coal and Oil and Gas Divisions (title varies) (1970-1994) PER 146.1b Biennial report PER 146.14/6 Mine Drainage Abstracts PER 146.15/4 News Releases PER 146.1p Preliminary Report of the Dept. of Mines (1919- )

Environmental Resources. Division of Occupational Health. (PER 163)

PER 163.9/9 Hygienic Information Guide, (1960- ) [earlier issued by the Department of Health]

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Oil and Gas Management. (PER 1637)

Environmental Resources. Office of Planning and Research. (PER 177)

Environmental Resources. Office of Program Planning and Development. (PER 178)

Environmental Resources. Office of Public Liaison. (PER 179)

PER 179.10 Insight (quarterly?, Winter 1987- ) PER 179.17/9 Publications

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Radiation Protection. (PER 192)

PER 192.2/7 Annual Low-level Radioactive Waste Program report to the General Assembly (1989-1993) PER 192.4/4 Certified radon services listing (1989) PER 192.4/4 Certified radon services directory (1991) PER 192.4/6 Citizens’ newsletter for low-level radioactive waste disposal (198?- ) PER 192.19/4 Regulatory report newsletter (1991- )

Environmental Resources. Office of Resources Management. (PER 194)

PER 194.1 Annual Report on Water and Related Land Resources Planning (1967?-) PER 194.3 Water Resources Bulletin

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 73 2020 PER 194.20/8 State Water Plan [Water Development SWP-Series} (numbered, 1975- )

Environmental Resources. Office of Resources Management. Pennsylvania Conservation Corps. (PER 194/3)

PER 194/3.1 Pennsylvania Conservation Corps, annual report (1985- 1990) PER 194/3.17/4 Bulletin (1987- )[formerly Pennsylvania Conservation Corps Crew Leader Bulletin] PER 194/3.22/8 Update Bulletin (1988- ) PER 194/3.24/8 Work, Earn, Learn (1985- )

Environmental Resources. Office of Resources Management. Division of Coastal Zone Management. (PER 194/4)

PER 194/4.4/8 Coastal tidings : Coastal Zone management newsletter

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Sanitary Engineering. (PER 202)

Environmental Resources. Division of Scenic Rivers. (PER 203)

Environmental Resources. Snowmobile Unit. (PER 207)

PER 207.20/7 Snowmobile Newsletter (September, 1975- )

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Soil and Water Conservation. (PER 207/8)

PER 207/8.5/6 District program and budget

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Solid Waste Management. (PER 207/9)

PER 207/9.19/4 Renews: Pennsylvania Recycling (quarterly, September 1981- )

Environmental Resources. Bureau of State Parks. (PER 208)

PER 208.1 Annual Report ... (1976- ) PER 208.1 State of the Parks (1988) PER 208.13/4 Leaflets (1978?- ) [cuttered by name of park] PER 208.14/2 Maps of state parks PER 208.17/4 Pennsylvania state parks (Vol. 1, no. 1 (Winter 1991)- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 74 2020

PER 208.19/4 Pennsylvania Recreation Annual Action Program PER 208.26 YCC Newsletter (1976?-1977?) PER 208/5.26/8 YCC newsletter197?-Sept. 1977 PER 208/5.26/8/2 Youth Conservation Corps, [yearbook] [197?]-

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey. (PER 218*) [class changed from PY G345/4]

[Note: Although the Geologic Survey has been established as a permanent agency, and is reclassed because of its relocation in the State hierarchy, the State Library will continue to class its publications under the Fourth Geologic Survey PY G345/4]

Environmental Resources. Pennsylvania Trails Program. (PER 219)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Waste Management. (PER 241)

PER 241.1 Annual report to the General Assembly pursuant to the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (1990-1994) PER 241.7/2 Fact Sheet: Greenfields (1994-) PER 241.8/8 Greenfields initiative (June 1994)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Water Quality Management. (PER 242)

PER 242.4/7 Clean Water (quarterly, 1986- ) PER 242.17/9 Publications (numbered,1976?-?) PER 242.24/2 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ... water quality inventory (1975-1980) PER 242.24/2 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ... water quality assessment (1981?-1996) PER 242.24/2 Storage tank monitor (199? - )

Environmental Resources. Division of Storage Tanks. (PER 242/2)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Water Projects. (PER 2428)

Environmental Resources. Bureau of Water Resources Management. (PER 2429)

FACTORY INSPECTOR (1889-1913) [later Department of Labor PL]

PF 1.1 Annual Report (1891-1912)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 75 2020

FORESTS AND WATERS (1923-1970) [Formerly: Department of Forestry] [later Environmental Resources PER ]

PFW 1.1 Annual Report (1902-1970) [frequency varies] PFW 1.3 Bulletin (1900?- ) PFW 1.4 Circular PFW 1.7/7 Flood Discharge Records Relating to Pennsylvania Streams (1938, 1950, 1960) PFW 1.7/8 Forest and Waters Research Project, Delaware-Lehigh Experimental Forest Report (biennial) PFW 1.7/89 The Forest Warden News (quarterly, 1930-1979) [later see Forest Fire Warden News PER 1.7/89] PFW 1.13/2 Laws Relating to the Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters (1931/32-1952?) PFW 1.13/4 Leaflets (numbered) PFW 1.15/8 Notes (1954?- ) PFW 1.17/4/7 Service Letter (frequency varies, 192?-1945) [later Pennsylvania Forests and Waters PFW 1.17/4/71] PFW 1.17/4/71 Pennsylvania Forests and Waters (bimonthly, June/July 1946-Nov/Dec 1952) PFW 1.17/4/72 Service Letter [by and for Employees of the Department] (bimonthly, July/Aug 1965 - Dec/Jan 1970/71?) PFW 1.17/8 Press Release (1948?-1970?) PFW 1.17/9 Public Use Maps [of State Forests] PFW 1.19/4 Research Bulletin (1930) PFW 1.19/4/8 Research Circular (1930) PFW 1.20/8 Stream Flow Records of Pennsylvania (1921/22- 1938/41?) PFW 1.21/4 Technical Bulletin (1970-?) PFW 1.21/8 Tracts Offered for Oil and Gas Lease (various years) PFW 1.24/2 Water Resources Bulletin [No. 1-6] (1966-1970) [see Environmental Resources, PER 67.24/2]

Forests and Waters. Division of Flood Control. (PFW 77)

PFW 77.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Forests and Waters. Division of Forest Advisory Services. (PFW 78) [later see PER 78]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 76 2020

PFW 78.1 Annual Report PFW 78.142 Marketing Bulletin (1948-Jan 1971) [later see Environmental Resources PER 78.142] PFW 78.174 Pennsylvania Forest Pest Report (1961?-1972?) PFW 78.174:sum Pennsylvania Forest Pest Report Summary (annual,1959, 1965-1967)

Forests and Waters. Bureau of Forestry. (PFW 78/3)

Forests and Waters. Division of Forest Protection. (PFW 78/8)

PFW 78/8.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Forests and Waters. Division of Minerals. (PFW 146)

Forests and Waters. Bureau of Parks. (PFW 172)

Forests and Waters. Bureau of State Parks (PFW 172/3)

PFW 172/3.1 Biennial Report (1968/70-?)

Forests and Waters. State Park and Harbor Commission at Erie. (PFW 174)

Forests and Waters. Division of State Forest Management. (PFW 208)

Forests and Waters. Valley Forge Park Commission. (PFW 232)

PFW 232.1 Report (biennial, 1844-1968/70?)

Forests and Waters. Water and Power Resources Board. (PFW 242)

PFW 242.3 Bulletin


PGA 1.3/6 Bills [cutter for House or Senate; add bill number] PGA 1.4/2 Calendar of Bills (1883-1915?) PGA 1.9/6 History of Senate Bills and House Bills and Resolutions, with Indexes (1913- ) [add year and Senate or House bill number to call #] PGA 1.11/8 Journals and Minutes of the Pennsylvania Assembly (1776-1790) [Microfilm]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 77 2020 PGA 1.11/8 The Legislative Journal (1853- ) [cutter for House or Senate; add date] PGA 1.13 Laws of Pennsylvania [Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania] (1781- ) PGA 1.13/6 Pennsylvania Legislative Directory (1866?- ) Split into House and Senate version 1975/1976. PGA 1.14/2 A Manual for the Government of the Senate and House of Representatives (1858-1873) PGA 1.14/2/2 Manual of Rules for the Government of both [more - Branches of the Legislature ... (title varies, 1848-1865) PGA 1.14/2/3 Manual of Legislative Practice, and Order of Business in Deliberative bodies (1853) PGA 1.14/4 Memorial Proceedings (cuttered by name of person) PGA 1.15/2 News brief PGA 1.15/4 News Release (1965?-1977?) PGA 1.19/6 L739u Right to Know Report – Lincoln University (2008- ) PGA 1.19/6 P415s Right to Know Report – Pennsylvania State University (2008-) PGA 1.19/6 T287u Right to Know Report – Temple University (2008- ) PGA 1.19/6 U58p Right to Know Report–University of Pittsburgh (2008-) PGA 1.20 Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania (1682-1809) PGA 1.27 Committee Reports [cuttered by name of committee, "CT" cutter no.: e.g. CT B927 = Legislative Budget and Finance Committee; and then cuttered by subject] PGA 1.27:CT A2985 Environmental Synopsis [Air and Water Pollution E61/8/9 Control and Conservation Committee] PGA 1.27:CT A2985 Green paper : environmental issue monograph G795p PGA 1.27:CT B927a Legislative Budget and Finance Committee Annual Report (1977?- )

General Assembly. Joint Commission on Administration of Criminal Justice. (PGA 48)

General Assembly. Educational Costs Survey Commission. (PGA 63)

PGA 63.1 Report (1937)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. (PGA 88)

PGA 88.1 General Report (1943/45-1963/65?) PGA 88.7/2/8 Faculty Output and Salary Costs of State Related and State-Owned Colleges and Universities ... (1978- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 78 2020

PGA 88.7/2/8 Instructional output and faculty salary costs of the State-related and State-owned universities. PGA 88.8/9 Gubernatorial appointments requiring Senatorial advice and consent (1995- ) PGA 88.9/7 Report in compliance with House Bill no. …. Lincoln University PGA 88.9/8 Report in compliance with House Bill No. ..., Section 9, Penn State PGA 88.9/8/8 Pennsylvania College of Technology, house bill…, Section 9 PGA 88.11/6 University of Pittsburgh financial disclosure report (1994/1995- ) PGA 88.12/4 Temple University Commonwealth reporting requirements (1994/1995- ) PGA 88.13/6 Information disclosure of the state-related universities staff analysis (1996- ) (Analysis of financial records of Lincoln University, Temple University, Pennsylvania State University and the University of Pittsburgh.) PGA 88.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1953?- )

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Advisory Panel. (PGA 88/23)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Subcommittee on Needs and Problems of the Aged and Aging (PGA 88/25)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Panel of Technical Advisors on Automotive Air Pollution. (PGA 88/29)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force on Boxing. (PGA 88/38)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Panel of Technical Advisors on Coal Marketing. (PGA 88/48)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force on Eastern and Western Correctional Institutions. (PGA 88/49)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Subcommittee on Decedents' Estates Laws. (PGA 88/54)

PGA 88/54.1 Report ... (1955) PGA 88/54.17/8 Probate, Estates & Fiduciaries Code: Prepared Amendments and Comments (1973-)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 79 2020

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force and Advisory Committee on Decedents Estate Laws. (PGA 88/54/2)

PGA 88/54/2 Report ... (1991- )

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on Distribution of State Funds to Political Subdivisions of the State. (PGA 88/56)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Advisory Committee on Domestic Relations Law (PGA 88/58)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force on Health and Welfare. (PGA 88/94)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force on Insurance Laws (PGA 88/107)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Subcommittee on Landlord and Tenant Laws. (PGA 88/132)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Panel of Medical Advisors on Health and Welfare. (PGA 88/144)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force on Mental Health Laws. [earlier "Subcommittee"] (PGA 88/145)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on Strip Mining. (PGA 88/146)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on Municipal Authorities. (PGA 88/149)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on Penal Code and Juvenile Delinquency. (PGA 88/174)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force on Property Taxes (PGA 88/178)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force and Advisory Committee on Stroke Prevention and Treatment (PGA 88/207)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 80 2020

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on State Local Highway Financing. (PGA 88/208)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Select Task Force on State and School Retirement System Cost-of-Living Adjustments and Benefit Funding. (PGA 88/2084)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Subsidence Committee. (PGA 88/209)

PGA 88/209.1 Report of the Subsidence Committee to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on Continuation of the Tax Study. (PGA 88/212)

PGA 88/212.1 Report (1943- )

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on Unemployment Compensation Benefits for Partial Unemployment. (PGA 88/226)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Committee on Unemployment Compensation Benefits for Partial Unemployment. Subcommittee on Unemployment Compensation. (PGA 88/226/8)

General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Task Force on the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. (PGA 88/227)

PGA 88/227.1 Report (1963)

General Assembly. House of Representatives. (PGA 98)

PGA 98.2/7 Alphabetical List of Members ... (1964-1977?) [later see House of Representatives Memo PGA 98.17/2] PGA 98.2/8 Archives: Piecing it Together (2007-) [subtitle varies] PGA 98.4/2 Calendar PGA 98.4/2/2 Capitol Complex listing PGA 98.4/2/2/3 Pennsylvania House of Representatives [calendar] PGA 98.5/6 Directory *Not used. Issues shelved at PGA 1.13/6 House. PGA 98.6/3 Education in Pennsylvania (Speaker’s Essay Series) (2004-2006?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 81 2020 PGA 98.6/3 The Future of Pennsylvania (Speakers Essay Series) (2007?-) PGA 98.9/8 House Committees (issued each session, 19??- ) PGA 98.11/8 Journal (1790/91-1942) [later see PGA 1.11/8] PGA 98.13/4 Legislative district listing PGA 98.14/4 House of Representatives Memo (irregularly issued collection on various subjects 1977- ) PGA 98.17/2 PA House of Representatives (listing of Representatives and their office numbers) PGA 98.17/4 The House Comes Home (2003-2004) PGA 98.19 Rules of the House ... (19??) PGA 98.19/4 Republican watch (1994- ) PGA 98.20/4 Committee [standing] PGA 98.20/9 Summary of Legislation Originating in the House ... (1915) PGA 98.27 CT Committee Hearings [cuttered by committee and subject where necessary]

General Assembly. House of Representatives. Democratic Caucus (PGA 98/5)

General Assembly. Legislative Data Processing Center. (PGA 133*) [class changed from PY L514]

PGA 133.13/8# Pennsylvania Registered Lobbyists

General Assembly. Legislative Reference Bureau. (PGA 134)

PGA 134.2:P415* Pennsylvania Code Reporter (irregular) [see new class PGA 134.5] PGA 134.3:no. Bulletin (numbered) Includes various regularly issued titles, 1912?- : no. 28 State Taxation, Revenue, and Fiscal Affairs (1926- ) no. 34 The First Class Township Code (1935- ) no. 35 The Borough Code (1927- ) no. 36 Administrative Code (1939-1978) [Succeeded by PGA 204.2/3] no. 37 The Third Class City Code (1943- ) no. 39 The Penal Code (1956- ) PGA 134.4/8 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (older editions shelved as PGA 134.2 P415cs Title #) PGA 134.5* Pennsylvania Code Reporter (irregular) [class revised from PGA 134.2:P415] PGA 134.17/4 Pennsylvania Bulletin (weekly, 1970- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 82 2020

General Assembly. Legislative Office for Research Liaison [LORL] (PGA 135)

PGA 135.4/8 Commonwealth: A Journal of Political Science (1987-)

General Assembly. Legislative Reapportionment Commission. (PGA 135/13.2)

General Assembly. Legislative Black Caucus. (PGA 136)

PGA 136.3/7 Black Caucus Review ( -1990) PGA 136.4/2 Calendar

General Assembly. Local Government Commission. (PGA 138*) [class corrected from PY L811]

General Assembly. Center for Rural Pennsylvania. (PGA 199)

PGA 199.1 Annual report (1991-1992) PGA 199.1 Center for Rural Pennsylvania report for …(Annual 1993/94-1995: Biennial, 1996/1998- ) PGA 199.4/4 Center for Rural Pennsylvania (Bimonthly, 1990-1997) PGA 199.4/4 Rural perspectives (Bimonthly, 1998- ) PGA 199.8/8 Grants program, summary of awards (Annual, 1988- ) PGA 199.19/4 Research Grant Program, Request for Proposals (Annual 2000- ) PGA 199.19/9 Rural issues (1988-1989) PGA 199.21/8 Trends in Rural Pennsylvania (Series, each issue has an individual title, Jan./Feb. 2003-)

General Assembly. Senate. (PGA 204)

PGA 204.2/3 Administrative Code (1984- ) [previously PGA 134.3, no.36] PGA 204.2/7 Alphabetical List of Senators ... (1964) PGA 204.3 Senate Bulletin (numbered, 1961-?) PGA 204.4/2 Senate Calendar (1986- ) PGA 204.4/2/2 Senate Calendar (legislative calendar) PGA 204.4/2/8 Capitol Conversations (Senator Mary Jo White) PGA 204.5/6 Directory (1975-)*Not used. Issues shelved at PGA 1.13/6 Senate. PGA 204.6/7 Election Calendar (1984?- ) PGA 204.6/9 Executive Calendar

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 83 2020 PGA 204.11/8 Journal (1790/91-1942) [see PGA 1.11/8] PGA 204.14/4 Members of the Senate (irregular, 198?- ) PGA 204.15/2 Senate news brief PGA 204.17/2 PA Senate (listing of senators and their office numbers) PGA 204.17/6 Piccola’s Report from Harrisburg PGA 204.20/4 Senate Committees [standing committees of the Senate] (issued each session, 19??- ) PGA 204.20/4/3 Senate Digest PGA 204.20/4/3 Harrisburg Highlights PGA 204.20/4/8 Senate Republican Commentary PGA 204.23/2 Vance Report PGA 204.27 Committee Reports and Hearings [cuttered after CT by committee and subject where necessary]

General Assembly. Senate Library (PGA 204/7)

GENERAL SERVICES (1975- ) [earlier Property and Supplies PP]

PGS 1.3/9/8 Budget Presentation (1900?-?) PGS 1.4/8 Commonwealth Telephone Directory (1976- ) [formerly PP17.4/2] PGS 1.5/8 Directory of State Publications (1969-1984) [continued Pa. Bureau of Publications. Directory of State Publications PP 17.17/9] PGS 1.5/8/2 Pennsylvania Publications Price List (1983- ) [Pubs. 1 & 2 issued as Pennsylvania Bookstore Price List. PGS 1.10/7 GS Ink (July 2000) PGS 1.15/4 News Release PGS 1.17/4 The Pennsylvania Manual (1927/28- )[formerly PP 17.17/4] PGS 1.17/8/7 Price List Schedule: Pennsylvania Industries for the Blind and Handicapped

General Services. Art Commission. (PGS 28)

General Services. Bureau of Contract Administration and Business Development. (PGS 42)

General Services. Joint Committee on Documents. (PGS 48)

General Services. Commonwealth Agency Recycling Office (PGS 50)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 84 2020

General Services. Bureau of Engineering and Architecture (PGS 67)

General Services. General State Authority. (PGS 84) [earlier PY G326]

General Services. Commonwealth Media Services. (PGS 144)

General Services. Bureau of Minority and Women Business Opportunities (PGS 146)

General Services. Pennsylvania Capitol Police. (PGS 178)

General Services. Bureau of Procurement (PGS 1785) [incorrectly classed at PGS 178, number changed to avoid conflict with Capitol Police]

PGS 1785.4/8 COSTARS Connection (2007- )

General Services. Bureau of Publications and Paper Work Management. (PGS 179)

General Services. Bureau of Supplies and Surplus Operations. (PGS 209)

General Services. Bureau of Vehicle Management. (PGS 234)

PGS 234.2/9 Automotive Service Facilities

GOVERNOR (1790- )

PGV 1.3/9 Governor's Executive Budget [formerly Budget of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania] (annual, 1923- ) PGV 1.3/9p PPBS Program Budget ... and Four Year Projection PGV 1.4/2 Capital Budget, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ... (discontinued, 1971) PGV 1.4/2/8 Capital Connection (1992) PGV 1.4/8 The Governor and the People (1970- ) [formerly titled: Conversation with the Governor] PGV 1.6/9 Executive Directives PGV 1.6/9/8 Executive Orders PGV 1.7/6 Financial Report (quarterly, 1951/53-1955) PGV 1.9/6 History of House bills and resolutions with indexes PGV 1.14/4 Messages to the General Assembly PGV 1.15/4 News Conferences

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 85 2020 PGV 1.15/8 Nominations by the Governor. Boards, Commissions, etc. PGV 1.15/8/7 Nominations by the Governor. Notaries Public and Commissioners of Deeds PGV 1.17/8 Proclamations PGV 1.20/8 Speeches, Addresses, etc. PGV 1.23/4 Vetoes by the Governor of Bills Passed by the General Assembly (biennial) [Index 1947-1983] PGV 1.23/6 View from the Governor's Office (weekly, 1968-1970)

Governor. Executive Board. (PGV 69)

PGV 69.14/4 [Memoranda, i.e. Resolutions] (Titles vary)

Governor. Office of the First Lady. (PGV 76)

Governor. Arbitration Panels for Health Care. (PGV 84/2/8)

PGV 84/2/8.1 Report of the Administrator for ... (annual, 1976- )

Governor. Bureau of Correction. [1980-1983] (PGV 84/4/8) [formerly PJ 48, later PCR 1]

PGV 84/4/8.1a Pennsylvania Bureau of Correction Annual Report (1981-1983) PGV 84/4/8.1ap Annual Statistical Report of Pennsylvania County Prisons and Jails (1982-?) [see PCR 1.1sp] PGV 84/4/8.1s Annual Statistical Report (1982-83) [formerly PJ 48.1s; later PCR 1.1s] PGV 84/4/8.4/2 Official Bureau of Correction Calendar (annual, 1971- 83) [later PCR 1.4/2] PGV 84/4/8.4/7 Correctional Newsfront (bimonthly, 1970-83) [formerly PJ 48.15/4; later PCR 1.4/8]

Governor. Pennsylvania Crime Victims Compensation Board. [1980- ] (PGV 84/4/9) [formerly PJ 489]

PGV 84/4/9.1 Annual Report (1978- ) PGV 84/4/9.15 News Releases (1976?- )

Governor. Juvenile Court Judges' Commission. (PGV 84/11/9*) [formerly PJ 120]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 86 2020

PGV 84/11/9.4/8 Juvenile Court Standards (1981- ) [formerly issued by the Department of Justice as part of Juvenile Court Handbook and Directory PJ 120] PGV 84/11/9.5/6 Juvenile Court Directory (1981- ) PGV 84/11/9.5/7 Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Dispositions (annual, 1981- ) [formerly issued by Bureau of Criminal Justice Statistics PJ49.11/9] PGV 84/11/9.9/3 Juvenile Court Handbook (1965?- ) PGV 84/11/9.15/4 Newsletter (irregular, 1976-1992) PGV 84/11/9.15/4 Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice (1992-

Governor. Office of Health Care Reform (PGV 92) (2003- )

Governor. State Health Facility Hearing Board (PGV 94)

PGV 94.5/4 Decisions of the Board (Biennial, 1984- )

Governor. Governor's Office of Administration. (PGV 164) [Combined with Office of Budget from 1979-1982, materials from this time period are classified under PGV 164/3]

PGV 164.2/3 Administration Priority Legislation, Weekly Report (1968-?) PGV 164.2/3/4 Administrative Circulars (1955-?) PGV 164.3/8 Box Score of Major Administration Bills (Feb-May 1965-?) PGV 164.4/8 Cost Reduction Recorder PGV 164.4/8/2 Cost Reduction Accomplishments and Actions (annual?, 1979-1982?) PGV 164.5/2 Dateline Harrisburg: A Weekly Report on Your State Government (Apr 1964-June 1964) PGV 164.6/7 Annual Report on Electronic Data Processing PGV 164.7/4 Feedback; Newsletter from the Governor's [more- Coordinator to the GBO Representatives (1967-?)] PGV 164.9/6 Highlights of the Budget PGV 164.10/7 Informational Directives PGV 164.14/2 Management Directives PGV 164.14/2/3 Manuals [State Library catalogs separately; cutter by manual number, e.g. M215.1] PGV 164.14/4 [Memoranda] PGV 164.15/4 News Releases [Governor's Office] (irregular) PGV 164.15/4/5 News Releases [Office of the First Lady] (irregular) PGV 164.15/4/7 News Releases [Lieutenant Governor's Office] (irregular)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 87 2020 PGV 164.16/4 Office of Administration News Releases PGV 164.17/4 The Penn Papers (monthly, 1969-?) PGV 164.17/4/7 Penn News [for employees and their families] (1978- 1979) PGV 164.17/8/5 Program Policy Guidelines

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Accounts. (PGV 164/2)

PGV 164/2.1 Biennial Report PGV 164/2.4/2 Report on Capital Expenditures PGV 164/2.8/4 General Fund; Status of Appropriations ... [supersedes in part Pennsylvania Governor Financial Report] PGV 164/2.8/4/2 General Fund; Balance Sheet ... (1956- ) PGV 164/2.14/8 Motor License Fund; Balance Sheet ... PGV 164/2.20/8 Special Funds; Status of Appropriations ... [supersedes in part Pennsylvania Governor Financial Report] (1959/61- ) PGV 164/2.20/8/2 Special Funds Balance Sheet and Related Financial Statements

Governor. Governor's Advisory Commission on African American Affairs. (PGV 164/2/4)

Governor. Governor's Action Center. (PGV 164/2/8)

PGV 164/2/8.18/9 Quarterly Report (discontinued, 1978)

Governor. Governor's Office. Office of Budget. (PGV 164/3) [formerly Budget Bureau] [Combined with Office of Administration from 1979-1982, materials from this time period are classified under PGV 164/3]

PGV 164/3.1/4 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (1986- ) PGV 164/3.1/8 General Purpose Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended ... (1984- ) PGV 164/3.3/8 Budget in Brief PGV 164/3.3/9 Budget Circular PGV 164/3.3/9/2 Budget Directives (1971- ) PGV 164/3.4/8 Compilation of Expenditure Symbol Numbers PGV 164/3.5/6 Digest of Federal Aid to Pennsylvania State Government (annual, discontinued 1979) PGV 164/3.6/7 Annual list of employees PGV 164/3.14/2 Major Programs of State Expenditure by County PGV 164/3.15/4 News Releases

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 88 2020

PGV 164/3.17/8 Program Policy Guidelines (1974-1977) PGV 164/3.20/8 Single Audit Report (1985? - ) PGV 164/3.22/8 Update Report (1979/80- )

Governor. Governor's Office. Central Management Information Center. (PGV 164/3/2)

PGV 164/3/2.3/6 Bits & Bytes of Computer Information (Quarterly, Jan. 1988- ) PGV 164/3/2.4/8 Communicator (quarterly, 1983- ) PGV 164/3/2.6/7 Monthly List of Employees [formerly Annual] (1975- ) PGV 164/3/2/10/8 Info/Pennsylvania Kiosk Newsletter (1996) PGV 164/3/2.17/4 Personnel Management System Reports (1974- )

Governor. Governor’s Office. Bureau of Automated Technology Management. (PGV 164/4)

Governor. Governor’s Drug Policy Council. (PGV 164/5)

Pennsylvania. Governor's Office. Office of General Counsel. (PGV 164/6)

PGV 164/6.16/7 On point (1997- )

Pennsylvania. Governor's Office. Bureau of State Employment. (PGV 164/6/5)

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Financial Management. (PGV 164/7)

PGV 164/7.1 Biennial Report (1970-?) PGV 164/7.4 BFM Circular of Revenue Codes (bimonthly, 1983- ) [available in microfiche]

Governor. Commonwealth Child Development Committee. (PGV 164/8*) [class corrected from PGV 164/9]

PGV 164/8.4/5 Child Development State Plan PGV 164/8.10/7 In the Best Interest of Children (quarterly?, 1978-1980)

Governor. Governor’s Office. Cultural Advisor to the Governor. (PGV 164/8/4)

PGV 164/8/4.4/9 Counting on Culture PGV 164/8/4.15/4 News Releases

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 89 2020 Governor. Governor's Office. Governor's Office for Human Resources. (PGV 164/9)

PGV 164/9.1 Development Disabilities Planning Council PGV 164/9.17/7 Planner (bimonthly, ?-1979) PGV 164/9.36 Directory of Commonwealth Services for the Handicapped (annual, 1972-?)

Governor. Governor's Council on the Hispanic Community. (PGV 164/9/7)

PGV 164/9/7.7/8 El Forum (newsletter, monthly, 1981- ) PGV 164/9/7.10/7 The Best Interest of Children (irregular, 1978-1980)

Governor. Governor’s Office. Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs. (PGV 164/9/8) (1989- )

PGV 164/9/8.1 Annual report (1998- ) PGV 164/9/8.4/8 La Comision PGV 164/9/8.15/4 News release PGV 164/9/8.15/8 Noticias clips, English

Governor. Governor’s Office. Office of Inspector General. (PGV 164/10) (1987- )

PGV 164/10.1 Annual report (1988/1989- ) (Variant title Office of Welfare Fraud Investigations and Recovery Management annual report, 1994-1998)

Governor. Governor’s Office. Office of Inspector General. Office of Welfare Fraud Investigations and Recovery Management (PGV 164/10/24)

PGV 164/10/24.3 Bulletin (1996- )

Governor. Governor’s Office. Office for Information Technology. (PGV 164/11)

PGV 164/11.14 News advisory (1996- ) PGV 164/11.15 News release (1996- )

Governor. Governor’s Office. Governor’s Innovation Office (PGV 164/11/7) (2012- )

Governor. Governor’s Office. Pennsylvania Justice Network (PGV 164/11/9)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 90 2020

PGV 164/11/9.1 Annual report (2007/2008- )

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Labor Relations. (PGV 164/13)

Governor. Lieutenant Governor’s Office. (PGV 164/13/4)

PGV 164/13/4.1 Annual report (1996- ) PGV 164/13/4.10/7 Inside Innovation (2002- ) PGV 164/13/4.17/8 PRIME times (1996- )

Governor. Lieutenant Governor's Office. Board of Pardons. (PGV 164/13/6*) [incorrect class, use PJ 172 and PY P226]

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Management Information Systems. (PGV 164/14)

PGV 164/14.1 Biennial Report (1968-?) PGV 164/14.4/8 Comput-a-News (bimonthly, 1970-1971?)

Governor. Governor's Office. Office of Manpower. (PGV 164/14/2)

Governor. Office of Manpower Coordination. (PGV 164/14/4)

PGV 164/14/4.3/4 CETA News (quarterly, 1979?- )

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Management Services. (PGV 164/15)

PGV 164/15.20/8 Statistical Series of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (biennial, 1972-1974?) PGV 164/15.20/8/1 Statistical-Research Bulletin (quarterly, 1972-1974?)

Governor. Governor's Office. PPBS Project Office. (PGV 164/16)

PGV 164/16.1 Biennial Report (1968-?)

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Personnel. (PGV 164/17) Governor. Governor’s Office. Office of Human Resources and Management

PGV 164/17.1 Biennial Report (1966/68-?) PGV 164/17.2 H638e Highlights of employee benefits (1991-1997) PGV 164/17.2 H638e Highlights of state employee benefits (2002- ) PGV 164/17.2/7 Governor's Annual Workforce Report (title varies, 1976- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 91 2020 PGV 164/17.8 Pay Plan (irregular, 197?- ) PGV 164/17.15/4 New and Revised Class Specifications (irregular,)

Governor. Office of Policy Development. [1979- ] (PGV 164/17/2) [formerly Office of Policy and Planning. See also State Planning Board PY P712]

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Program and Management. (PGV 164/17/3*) [class changed from PGV 164/17/2]

PGV 164/17/3.1 Biennial Report (1968-?) PGV 164/17/3.8 The Newsletter PGV 164/17/3.17/9 Public Information Directory

Governor. Governor's Office. Bureau of Systems Analysis. (PGV 164/20)

PGV 164/20.1 Biennial Report (1970-?)

Governor. Governor's Office. Youth Advisory Council. (PGV 164/26)

HEALTH (1905- )

PHE 1.1 Annual report of the State Board of Health and Vital Statistics (1885-1904/5) PHE 1.1 Annual report of the Commissioner of Health (1906- 1916) PHE 1.1 Biennial report (1928/1930-1952/1954) PHE 1.1 Annual report of the Dept. of Health (1955-1984/1985) Financial Forecast (1975/76-1979) PHE 1.2/6 AIDS update (Quarterly, 1988-1990) PHE 1.2/6 HIV/AIDS update (Monthly, 1991- ) PHE 1.4 Circular (numbered) PHE 1.5/4 State and Regional Health Agencies Directory (1955- 1965?) PHE 1.5/6 Directory (annual?, 19??- ) PHE 1.7/8 Health Hotlines (newsletter, 1975-1977) [formerly For the Health of It] PHE 1.9/2 Block Grant Applications: ... Federal Fiscal Year (annual, 1982- ) [formerly Block Grant Annual Reports for Federal Fiscal Years; Pennsylvania Health Block Grants PHE 1.9/2ad Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Mental Health Services

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 92 2020

PHE 1.9/2mc Maternal and Child Health Services PHE 1.9/2mca Maternal and Child Health Services annual report PHE 1.9/2mca Maternal and Child Health Services application and annual report (1998- ) ... PHE 1.9/2ph Preventive Health and Health Services PHE 1.9/2su Substance abuse prevention and treatment block grant application (1993-2012) moved to Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (PDA 1.9/2) PHE 1.9/4 Health Reporter (monthly newsletter, 1980- ) PHE 1.9/6 Pennsylvania Highlights: Reporting for the SHCC and SHPDA (monthly, 1980-1982) PHE 1.10/7 Injuries in Pennsylvania, Hospital discharges (Annual) (1994- ) PHE 1.13/6 List of Local Boards and Bureaus of Health in Pennsylvania (1900-1905) PHE 1.15/4 News Releases (1962- ) [Includes all media related releases] PHE 1.17/4 Health Bulletin (monthly, 1909-1922) PHE 1.17/4/7 The Listening Post (1922-1927) Pennsylvania's Health (frequency varies, 1922-1937, 1940-1969, 1969-?) [merged with: Clean Air - PHE 26.4/7; Clean Streams - PHE 242.4/7; Target - PHE 27.21; Spr 1969] PHE 1.17/4/9 Pennsylvania's Public Health Plan PHE 1.17/8 Progress Reports, Public Health Service (1967/68- 1968/69?) PHE 1.19/6/4 Pennsylvania Department of Health Legislative Presentation Request for Appropriation of Federal Funds (1900?-?) PHE 1.19/6/5 Request for Health Resources (1900?-?) PHE 1.19/9 Rules and Regulations of the Department of Health (1907) (published in loose-leaf, 1963- ) PHE 1.20/9 Annual Synar report PHE 1.21/9 Tuberculosis in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1995-) (Annual) PHE 1.26/4 Yearbook (1929-1931)

Health. Division of Health Promotion. (PHE 16/9) [See PHE 94/7)

Health. Bureau of Adult Preventive Health Programs. (PHE 23)

Health. Air Pollution Commission (PHE 26)

PHE 26.4/7 Clean Air (1962?-1968) [merged with Pennsylvania's Health, Spring 1969, see PHE 1.17/4/7]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 93 2020 PHE 26.15/4 News Releases PHE 26.19/9 Rules and Regulations Adopted and Amended to 1967

Health. Division of Air Pollution Control (PHE 26/4)

PHE 26/4.1 Biennial Report (1960/62-?)

Health. Division of Alcoholic Studies. (PHE 27) [name varies]

PHE 27.21/2 Target (June 1955-Dec 1968) [merged with Pennsylvania's Health, Spring 1969, see PHE 1.17/4/7]

Health. Division of Behavioral Problems and Drug Control. (PHE 34) [name varies]

PHE 34.1 Biennial Report (1960/62-?)

Health. Office of Drug and Alcohol Programs. (PHE 34/2) (1981-1997 ) [Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs (1997-2012)] Became Dept. of Drug and Alcohol Programs July 2012

PHE 34/2.1 Pennsylvania state plan for the control, prevention, intervention, treatment, rehabilitation, research, education and training aspects of drug and alcohol abuse and dependence problems (199?-1995) PHE 34/2.1 Annual report for the period ... and the Pennsylvania state plan for the control, prevention, intervention, treatment, rehabilitation, research, education and training aspects of drug and alcohol abuse and dependence problems, state fiscal year (1996-?) PHE 34/2.1 Drug and Alcohol Program Reports (2001/2002-) PHE 34/2.5/8/2 Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Facility/Services Directory (annual, 1978?- ) PHE 34/2.10/7 Inside Dope (discontinued, Mar 1982) [formerly PY D7942.10/7] PHE 34/2.14/2/8 FY 19 ... Management Plan (1983- ) PHE 34/2.17/4 Pennsylvania plan for drug and alcohol abuse prevention and treatment (1982- )

Health. Division of Business Management. (PHE 39)

PHE 39.1 Biennial Report (1960/62- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 94 2020

Health. Division of Cancer Control. (PHE 42)

PHE 42.4/2 Cancer Mortality and Morbidity (annual, 1964-1977)

Health. Cancer Control, Prevention and Research Advisory Board. (PHE 42/7)

PHE 42/7.1 Annual report PHE 42/7.4/2 Cancer incidence & mortality in Pennsylvania (1985- ) PHE 42/7.4/6 Cancer incidence in Pennsylvania counties ( - 1985/1989) PHE 42/7.4/6 An analysis of cancer incidence in Pennsylvania counties (1987/1991- ) PHE 42/7.4/7 Cancer facts and figures Pennsylvania (1997- )

Health. Division of Maternal and Child Health. (PHE 45*) [State Library uses this class, see also PHE 142]

PHE 45.2/2 Abstinence education and related services (Annual, 1997- ) PHE 45.9/4 Health Center Technique[s]

Health. Division of Chronic Disease Intervention. (PHE 46) [name changed to Division of Chronic Diseases ]

PHE 46.1 Biennial Report (1960/62- )

Health. Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement (C.U.R.E.) (program) (PHE 47)

PHE 47.1 Annual report (2001/2002- )

Health. Division of Communicable Diseases. (PHE 48) [Bureau of Communicable Diseases]

PHE 48.1 Biennial Report (1960/62- ) PHE 48.3/9 Bulletin (Oct 1977- Sept 1978) PHE 48.4/9 Current Information, Communicable Diseases (weekly, Apr 1973-Jan 1976) PHE 48.14/8 Weekly Provisional Morbidity Report: Selected Diseases (1960?-1979) PHE 48.14/8a Annual Summary of Notifiable Diseases by County of Usual Residence (1976/1977-1979)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 95 2020 PHE 48.14/8v Provisional Morbidity Report: Vietnamese Refugees at Fort Indiantown Gap (Oct 1975)

Health. Division of Communicable Diseases. Venereal Disease Section. (PHE 48/23)

PHE 48/23.1 Biennial Report (1960/61- )

Health. Division of Communicable Diseases. Veterinary Public Health Section. (PHE 48/24)

PHE 48/23.1 Biennial Report (1960/61-?)

Health. Bureau of Health Communications. (PHE 48/25) [formerly Community Education]

PHE 48/25.3 Consumer Health Guides PHE 48/25.4/8 Communicable Diseases Bulletin (1977)

Health. Office of Comprehensive Health Planning. (PHE 49)

PHE 49.17/4 Perspectives (bimonthly, 1969-1977)

Health. Division of Dental Health. (PHE 54)

PHE 54.1 Biennial Report (1960/62- )

Health. Diabetes Task Force. (PHE 55) [earlier PY D536]

Health. Division of Disaster Medicine. (PHE 56)

PHE 56.1 Biennial Report (1960/62 - )

Health. Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. (PHE 57) [earlier PY D7943]

Health. Drug, Device and Cosmetic Board. (PHE 58) [formerly Drug, Device and Cosmetic Compliance Section]

Health. Drug and Alcohol Programs. Bureau of Community Assistance. (PHE 58/3) [State Library Uses PHE 34/2]

Health. Drug and Alcohol Programs. Office of Policy and Planning. (PHE 58/8) [State Library Uses PHE 34/2]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 96 2020

PHE 58/8.14/2 Management Plan (annual, FY 1986/87?- )

Health. Drug and Alcohol Programs. Bureau of Program Services. (PHE 58/8/8) [State Library Uses PHE 34/2]

Health. Division of Emergency Health Services. (PHE 66) [Bureau of Emergency Medical Services ]

PHE 66.6/7 Emergency Health Services Bulletin (1971?-1974?) PHE 66.17/4 Pennsylvania EMS News (quarterly, 1985- )

Health. Emergency Management Coordinator. (PHE 66/7)

Health. Bureau of Environmental Health. (PHE 67)

Health. Division of Environmental Safety. (PHE 67/8)

PHE 67/8.1 Biennial Report (1960/62-?)

Health. Division of Epidemiological Research. (PHE 68)

Health. Bureau of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention. (PHE 68/3) [includes Bureau of HIV/AIDS]

PHE 68/3.6/6 EPI Investigator (bimonthly, 1984- ) PHE 68/3.10/7 Infectious disease Epidemiology report, Pennsylvania (Annual)

Health. Division of Health Promotion (PHE 68/9)

Health. State Health Data Center (PHE 94) [formerly Health Data Center ( - 1979)]

PHE 94.1 Annual Report of the Health Data Center Advisory Committee [to the Secretary of Health] (1983?- ) PHE 94.2/2 Abortions quarterly facilities report (Quarterly, 1988- ) PHE 94.2/2/8 Annual Abortion Statistics (2007- ) PHE 94.2/9 Autopsies in Pennsylvania (Annual, 1968- ) PHE 94.5/6/5 Directory of Pennsylvania hospitals (Annual, 1990- ) PHE 94.7/2 Family Health Statistics for Pennsylvania and Counties (Annual 2002? - ) PHE 94.8 Guide to Health Data for Pennsylvania (loose-leaf, irregular, 1986- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 97 2020 PHE 94.9/4 Health status indicators for Pennsylvania counties (1992) PHE 94.9/4/8 Health Profiles for Pennsylvania Counties (1976- ) PHE 94.13/8/3 Health Care Resources in Pennsylvania [Long Term Care Facilities: title varies] (irregular, 1983-?) [State Library classes separately under PHE 94.2] PHE 94.14/2 Maternal and Child Health Status Indicators PHE 94.15/9 Nursing Home Directory (annual, 197?- ) [moved from PHE 136.15/9] PHE 94.17/8 Profile of Pennsylvania Hospitals (1980- ) PHE 94.18/4 Drug and Alcohol Treatment Trend Report ... (title varies, irregular, 1983-1994? ) [formerly PY D7942.6/9] [continued by PHE 34/2.1] PHE 94.20/8/7 Statistical News from the Health Data Center (bimonthly, 1980-1993) Statistical news (1993- ) PHE 94.23/6 Vital statistics for Pennsylvania, (1906-) PHE 94.23/7 Vital statistics for Pennsylvania counties

Health. Bureau of Health Financing and Program Development. (PHE 94/4)

Health. Bureau of Health Financing and Program Development. Division of Health Care Plans. (PHE 94/4/5)

PHE 95/4/5.1 Annual Report on Health Maintenance Organizations (1984?- )

Health. Health Risk Reduction Program. (PHE 94/7)

PHE 94/7.9/4 Health risk behaviors of Pennsylvania adults (1989) Behavioral health risks of Pennsylvania adults (1990) Health risks of Pennsylvania adults (1991) Behavioral risk factors for Pennsylvania Adults (1996/2000)

Health. State Board of Housing. (PHE 98)

PHE 98.3 Bulletin (1938-1939)

Health. Bureau of Housing and Environmental Control. (PHE 98/4)

Health. Bureau of Laboratories. (PHE 132)

PHE 132.1 Biennial Report (1960/62-?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 98 2020

PHE 132.1 Annual Report (1969?- 1972?) PHE 132.2/7 Analytical-Biochemical-Biological Laboratories Operating Under Permits Issued by the Department of Health (annual, 1960-1962) PHE 132.15/4 Newsletter (quarterly, 1984- ) PHE 132.16/4 Official List of Laboratories Approved Under the Premarital & Prenatal Laws of Pennsylvania (annual, 1961-1963?)

Health. Division of Licensure and Certification. (PHE 136)

PHE 136.8/4 General and Special Hospitals Directory (title varies, 1973-1975) [Bound with earlier editions published by Dept. of Public Welfare, PPW 98.5/6] PHE 136.13/6 Directory of Licensed/Approved Hospitals in Pennsylvania PHE 136.15/9* Directory of Licensed & Approved Long Term Care Beds in Nursing Homes, General Hospitals & Rehabilitation Facilities (annual, 1975- ) [class corrected, moved to PHE 94.15/9]

Health. Division of Maternal and Child Health. (PHE 142*) [name varies, State Library uses PHE 45]

PHE 142.1 Biennial Report (1960/62- ) PHE 142.8 Directory of Services (1974-1976?, in 3 editions) PHE 142.9/4 Health Center Technique[s] PHE 142.9/8 Health Services for Children (1964, 1969, 1974)

Health. Office of Medicare. (PHE 144)

Health. Office of Medicare. Division of Medical Social Work. (PHE 144/8)

PHE 144/8.13/3 Listing of Facilities and Community Resources in Pennsylvania (1971- )

Health. Division of Nutrition. (PHE 159)

PHE 159.1 Biennial Report (1960/1962?) PHE 159.15/9 Nutrition News (1956-1975) PHE 159.15/9 Nutrition News for Consultant Dieticians (1975-1977?)

Health. Division of Occupational Health. (PHE 163) [formerly Industrial Hygiene]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 99 2020

PHE 163.1 Biennial Report (1960/1962?) PHE 163.10/7 Industrial Progress Through Industrial Health [series cuttered by title] PHE 163.16/3 Occupational Health News and Views (1963-1972?)

Health. Advisory Committee on Organ and Tissue Donation. (PHE 168)

Health. Division of Physical Therapy. (PHE 175)

Health. Bureau of Planning. (PHE 176#)

Health. Bureau of Policy Planning and Evaluation. (PHE 177*) [formerly Bureau of Planning, Evaluation and Research Office of Policy and Planning PHE 177/7*]

PHE 177.2:B651* [class changed, see PHE 1.9/2] PHE 177.3/5* Block grant Application: ... Federal Fiscal Year [classed under PHE 1.9/2] PHE 177.9/9 Human Service , Population Profile with Implications for Health Planning (1968) [in 12 vols.] PHE 177.14/6 Migrant Health Report, Pennsylvania (1964? 1968?) [earlier vols. titled: Health and Medical Services for Agricultural Seasonal Workers]

Health. Division of Professional Education. (PHE 177/4*) [class changed from PHE 177/8]

Health. Bureau of Health Services. (PHE 177/5)

Health. Office of Policy and Planning. (PHE 177/7*) [incorrect class, use PHE 177]

Health. Bureau of Program Evaluation. (PHE 178)

Health. Bureau of Professional Health Services. (PHE 178/4)

Health. Division of Public Health Education. (PHE 179/4)

PHE 179/4.1 Biennial Report (1960/1962?) PHE 179/4.9/4 Health Information Series [U.S. HEW, distributed by Pa. Dept. of Health]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 100 2020

PHE 179/4.15/4 Newsletter (1900?- ) PHE 179/4.17/9 Public Health Highlights (1952-1972?)

Health. Division of Public Health Nursing. (PHE 179/7) [name varies]

PHE 179/7.1 Biennial Report (1960/62?)

Health. Office of Public Health Preparedness (PHE 180)

Health. Office of Quality Assurance. (PHE 189) [Bureau of Quality Assurance]

PHE 189.13/6 Directory of Licensed/Approved Hospitals in Pennsylvania (irregular, 1976- )

Health. Division of Hospitals (PHE 189/5)

Health. Division of Health Services Research. (PHE 194) [formerly Division of Research and Biostatistics]

Health. Division of Sanitary Engineering. (PHE 202)

PHE 202.1 Annual Report (biennial 1962?-1969, 1970- ) PHE 202.3 Bulletin PHE 202.17/9 Publications

Health. Division of Sanitation. (PHE 202/2)

PHE 202/2.1 Biennial Report (1960/62?)

Health. Bureau of Special Services. Division of Social Work. (PHE 207/8)

Health. Division of Health Statistics. (PHE 208) [name varies]

PHE 208.1 Biennial Report (1960/62?) PHE 208.9/5 Health status indicators for PA counties (1993- ) PHE 208.9/6 Health status trends for PA counties (1996- ) PHE 208.10/7 Injury deaths in Pennsylvania ... (1993- ) PHE 208.17/9 Public Health Statistics (monthly -1953, quarterly 1954-1978) PHE 208.17/9/8 Public Health Statistics: Special Reports (1956-1972?) (Title varies)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 101 2020 PHE 208.20/8 Statistical Report; Natality and Mortality (biennial 1951/52, annual 1953-1979) [later PHE 208.20/8/23] PHE 208.20/8/23 Pennsylvania Vital Statistics (annual, 1980- ) [continues Pennsylvania Department of Health. Natality and Mortality Statistics Annual Report and Pennsylvania Marriage and Divorce Statistics]

Health. Statewide Health Coordinating Council. (PHE 208/9) [formerly Pennsylvania Statewide Health Coordinating Council PY H4349]

PHE 208/9.2/7 Annual amendment to the Pennsylvania state health plan (1983- ) PHE 208/9.17/4 Pennsylvania state health plan (1979- )

Health. Division of Tuberculosis Control. (PHE 212)

PHE 212.1 Biennial Report (1960/62?)

Health. Tobacco Control Program (PHE 218) [Division of Tobacco Prevention and Control]

Health. Vietnam Veterans Health Initiative Commission. (PHE 235*) [formerly Vietnam Herbicides Information Commission.] [Class changed from PY V666]

PHE 235.1 Annual Report (1983- )

Health. Bureau of Vital Statistics. (PHE 236)

PHE 236.23/6 Vital Statistics Bulletin (monthly, 1926-1936)

Health. Division of Vital Records (PHE 237)

Health. Sanitary Water Board. (PHE 242)

PHE 242.1 Report (1929) PHE 242.4/7 Clean Streams (1947-1968) [merged with Pennsylvania's Health, Spring 1969, see PHE 1.17/4/7] PHE 242.15/4 News Releases PHE 242.17/8 [Miscellaneous Posters] PHE 242.19/9 Rules and Regulations

Health. Bureau of Food Programs for Women, Infants and Children [WIC].

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 102 2020

(PHE 248)

HIGHWAYS (1903-1970) [later Transportation PTR]

PHI 1.1 Report (annual 1904- , biennial - 1913/14, triennial 1914/17-1970) PHI 1.2/8 [area transportation studies] (Cuttered by city) PHI 1.3 Bulletin PHI 1.4/8 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements Report (numbered) PHI 1.9/6: [highway improvement and progress report maps, later see PTR 1.9/6] A678 - Area Improvements [cuttered for various areas; maps individually numbered] R869 - Route Improvements [cuttered for specific routes; maps individually numbered; series includes leaves -- Interstate 81- Fact Sheet PHI 1.9/6:R869 no. 81-E -- Interstate 84 Fact Sheet PHI 1.9/6:R869 no. 84 PHI 1.9/6/5 Pennsylvania Highway News (1914-1916) Highway News (discontinued, 1959-?) PHI 1.10/7 Inspector Certification Series [publications issued prior to 1971 cuttered by title, later see PTR 1.10/7] PHI 1.11/8 Joint Road Friction Program (1961-1970?) PHI 1.14/2 Manual of Regulations for Official Traffic Signs, Signals, etc. PHI 1.15/4 News Releases (1962?-1970?) PHI 1.16/4 Official Transportation Map of Pennsylvania (annual, 1925-1970) [later see PTR 1.16/4] PHI 1.17/4 Penn Ways (1927-1929, 1938-1939) PHI 1.18/9 Report to Pennsylvania Dept. of Highways ... on Quality Control Engineering (annual, 1959-1960) PHI 1.20/8 Specifications ( -1970?) PHI 1.21/8 Tourist Survey, Out-of-State Motorists (1952, 1954)

Highways. Bridge Division. (PHI 38)

Highways. Bureau of Design. (PHI 54) [later see PTR 54]

Highways. Bureau of Economic Research and Programming. (PHI 63)

Highways. Library. (PHI 136)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 103 2020 PHI 136.4/9 Current Literature (bimonthly, 1960-1969)

Highways. Bureau of Materials, Testing and Research. (PHI 142)

Highways. Bureau of Personnel. (PHI 174)

Highways. Planning and Programming. (PHI 177) [formerly Planning Division]

PHI 177.21/8 [Traffic and parking surveys] (cuttered by name of place)

Highways. Bureau of Right of Way. (PHI 196)

PHI 196.20/4/6 Pennsylvania Severance Study, Interchange Report (numbered) PHI 196.20/4/8 Pennsylvania Severance Study, Remainder Parcel Report (numbered)

Highways. Traffic Division. (PHI 217)

Highways. Bureau of Traffic Engineering. (PHI 218)

PHI 218.21/8 Traffic Accident Statistical Summary

HUMAN SERVICES (2014) [Formerly the Department of Public Welfare] (dated changed November 24, 2014 )

Human Services. Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange (PHS 45/2)

Human Services. eHealth Partnership Program (PHS 65) (2016-) Formerly: Pennsylvania eHealth Partnership Authority (PY E33) (2012-2016)

Human Services. Office of Medical Assistance Programs. (PHS 134/2)

PHS 134/2.14/4 Medical assistance bulletin (2015- )

Human Services. Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. (PHS 145)

Human Services. Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 104 2020

South Mountain Restoration Center. (PHS 145/8/8)

Human Services. Office of Developmental Programs (PHS 146)

Human Services. Office of Developmental Programs. Bureau of Autism Services (PHS 146/2)

Human Services. Statewide Adoption & Permanency Network (PHS 208)

INSURANCE (1873- )

PI 1.1 Report of the Insurance Commissioner (annual, 1874- ) [title varies] PI 1.3/7 Bulletin (Medical Professional Liability Catastrophe Loss Fund) (1976-1995) PI 1.3/9 Insurance Department's Budget Request (1900- ) PI 1.4/8 Consumer News You Can Use (quarterly, 2006-) PI 1.10/7 PA Insurance Insights (monthly 2015- ) PI 1.13/6 List of Persons, Partnerships and Corporations Licensed as Insurance Brokers, etc. (quarterly) PI 1.14/8 Monthly Bulletin (1969-1972?) PI 1.15/4 News Releases/Review PI 1.19/4 Regulations (numbered, 1952- )

Insurance. Administrative Hearings Office (PI 23)

Insurance. Office of Consumer Liaison (PI 48)


The Department of Internal Affairs was abolished by the State Legislature in 1968, and its functions, powers and duties were transferred variously to the Department of Community Affairs, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Justice, the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries, the Attorney General, and the State Planning Board (See the 1969 Audit report, PAU 1.19 I61 1969 for details).

PIA 1.1 Annual Report (1875-1919) Later years in multiple parts. PIA 1.1a Biennial Report PIA 1.10/7 Internal Affairs; Monthly Bulletin PIA 1.14/2/8 Manual for Pennsylvania Tax Collectors (1954-1963?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 105 2020 PIA 1.15/4 News Releases PIA 1.19/2/7 Railroad Map[s] of Pennsylvania (1890?- )

Internal Affairs. Bureau of Land Records. (PIA 132) [moved to Department of Community Affairs PCA 132]

Internal Affairs. Division of Local Government Financial Statistics. (PIA 138) [moved to Department of Community Affairs and renamed Bureau of Research and Information PCA 194]

Internal Affairs. Bureau of Municipal Affairs. (PIA 149)

PIA 149.2/3 Act 481, State-Wide Summary of Taxes Levied and Collected (annual, 1954?-1955?) PIA 149.3/2 Bulletin; CPC 1-19 (1923-1931) [superseded by Pennsylvania Planning and Zoning PIA 149.17/4] PIA 149.4/8 Comparison of Pennsylvania Borough and Township Government (1950?- ) PIA 149.5/6 Directory of Pennsylvania State and Local Government Officials (1957-1964) [title and frequency vary, later see PCA 1.138] PIA 149.13/4 Legislative Bulletin (1963-1965) [later see PCA 194.13/4] PIA 149.16/8 [Organization Charts] – Reclassified PIA 149.11 cutter. PIA 149.17/4 Pennsylvania Planning and Zoning; Monthly Bulletin (1934-1937) PIA 149.17/7 Planning in Pennsylvania (quarterly, 1930- ) PIA 149.19/4 Register for Earned Income and Occupational Privilege Taxes (1968?- ) [supersedes Register for Earned Income Taxes, 1967-1968] PIA 149.21/2 Pennsylvania Local Government Taxes Levied Under Act 481

Internal Affairs. Bureau of Publicity and Information. (PIA 179) [Bureau died with Department in 1970]

PIA 179.15/4 News Releases

Internal Affairs. Bureau of Railways. (PIA 192)

Internal Affairs. Bureau of Standards. (PIA 207) [moved to Department of Justice, 1969]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 106 2020

PIA 207.1 Annual Report (1911-1915) PIA 207.1a Report (annual, 1916?- ) PIA 207.4/8 Conference of Sealers of Weights and Measures in Pennsylvania (1912- )

Internal Affairs. Bureau of Statistics. (PIA 208) [moved to Department of Commerce PCO 208 ( 1970- )]

PIA 208.4/8 [county industrial statistics public information releases] (irregular, 1963?- ) PIA 208.10/6/9 Income and Population Statistics (1960-1966) PIA 208.10/7 Index of Statistical Sources for Pennsylvania (1955- 1961) Title varies PIA 208.14/9 Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities (1957-1958) PIA 208.14/9 Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Directory (1960- 1968) PIA 208.17/7/8 Population Statistics (1959-1960) PIA 208.17/8 Report on Productive Industries, Public Utilities and Miscellaneous Statistics of Pennsylvania PIA 208.17/8/8 Productive industries report. PIA 208.19/4 Report, No. 56-1 - 57-5 PIA 208.20/7/8 Special Releases (1959-1968) PIA 208.20/7/9 Special Research Study

JUSTICE (1923-1980) [later Attorney General PAT 1]

PJ 1.1 Report (irregular) PJ 1.1b Biennial Report (1971/73-1980) PJ 1.15/4 News Releases

Justice. Attorney General. (PJ 28)

PJ 28.1 Official Opinions of the Attorney General (1879-1980) [later PAT 1.1] PJ 28.1i Analytical Index of the Official Opinions ... (1874- 1916) PJ 28.1id Digest of Official Opinions with Statutes Cited (1916/33- ) PJ 28.2/3 The Advocate (quarterly?,1972-1980?) PJ 28.2/8 Attorney General's Bulletin (1967-1969)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 107 2020 PJ 28.4/8 Opinion of the Attorney General in Re-Constitutionality of House Bills ... (nos. 1-5, 1931) PJ 28.5/6 Digest of Informal Opinions (1923-1933)

Justice. Office of Consumer Advocate. (PJ 45)* (1976-1979) (classed incorrectly as an independent agency, PY C7589) [after 1980, PAT 47]

PJ 45.1 Annual Report (1978-1979) PJ 45.4/8 Consumer Account (bimonthly, 1978-1979)

Justice. Office of Civil Law. (PJ 46)

Justice. Bureau of Consumer Protection. (PJ 47) [ -1980] [later PAT 48]

PJ 47.1 Annual Report (1971-1978) [continued by PAT 487/2.1, 1979- ] PJ 47.3/4 Be an Open-Eyed Consumer. Guidelines (irregular, numbered, 1973-1978) PJ 47.4/8 Consumer News and Views (irregular, 1972-1979) PJ 47.15/4 Newsletter PJ 47.15/4/8 News Releases

Justice. Bureau of Correction. [1953-1980] (PJ 48) [later PGV 84/4/8, became Dept. 1984, PCR 1]

PJ 48.1 Bureau of Correction: a Systematic Report of the Correctional Institutions Throughout the Commonwealth PJ 48.1a Biennial Report PJ 48.1b Annual Report (1975-1980) [later PGV 84/4/8.1b] PJ 48.1s Annual Statistical Report (1977-1981) [later PGV 84/4/8.1s] PJ 48.2 O32c Official Calendar (annual, 1971-1980) [class obsolete, later PGV 84/4/8.4/2] [see also PCR 1.4/2] PJ 48.3/2 "Barr-Walker" Cases for Special Sex Offenders in the Bureau of Corrections (annual?) PJ 48.3/2/8 Barr-Walker Population Movements (annual?) PJ 48.4/2 Official Calendar (annual, 1971-1980) [later PGV 84/4/8.4/2] PJ 48.4/4 Census of Pennsylvania Prisoners by County (1957- 1967) [merged with Prisoners in Pennsylvania to form

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 108 2020

Prisoners in Pennsylvania County Prisons and Jails PJ 49.17/8] PJ 48.4/8 Institutional Reports. State Correctional Institutions. (cuttered by name, frequency varies) PJ 48.4/8/5 Corrections Chronicle (bimonthly, 1973-?) PJ 48.10/7 Institutional Staffs within the Bureau of Correction (irregular) PJ 48.11/9 Pennsylvania Judicial Statistics (1955- ) PJ 48.15/4 Correctional Newsfront (1972-1980) [later PGV 84/4/8.4/7] PJ 48.16/4 Bureau of Corrections Calendar [Later PCR 1.4/2] PJ 48.16/8 Operational Manual (numbered) Do not use, reclassified under individual titles. PJ 48.17/8 Populations in the Bureau of Correction (1955-1970) PJ 48.17/8/4 Press Release PJ 48.17/8/7 Prisoners in Pennsylvania (biennial, 1956/57-1967) [merged with Census of Pa. Prisoners by County to form Prisoners in Pennsylvania County Prisons and Jails PJ 49.17/8] PJ 48.20/8 Statistical Report of Pennsylvania Counties Prisons and Jails (annual, 1976/77-?) PJ 48.21/6 Time Served by Commuted Lifers ... (annual?)

Justice. Bureau of Correction. Eastern State Penitentiary. (PJ 48/4)

PJ 48/4.1 Report of the Inspectors (annual, 1830-?) PJ 48/4.4/8 Comprehensive Plan PJ 48/4.6/2 Eastern Echo (quarterly, 195?-?)

Justice. Bureau of Correction. New Western Penitentiary, Rockview. (PJ 48/7)

PJ 48/7.1 Report of the New Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, Rockview, Centre County (1916-?)

Justice. Bureau of Correction. Western State Penitentiary. (PJ 48/8)

PJ 48/8.1 Report of the Western Penitentiary for the year (annual, 1826?-1880) PJ 48/8.1 Biennial report of the inspectors of the State Penitentiary for the Western District of Pennsylvania (biennial, 1881/1882-1921/1922?)

Justice. Bureau of Criminal Justice Statistics. (PJ 49)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 109 2020

PJ 49.4/8 Pennsylvania Criminal Court Dispositions (irregular, 1969-1976) [later PY C9297.4/8/3] PJ 49.11/9 Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Dispositions (1971-1981) [later see PGV 84/11/9.5/7] PJ 49.17/8 Prisoners in Pennsylvania County Prisons and Jails (1968-1980) [combined PJ 48.4/4 and PJ 48.17/8/7] PJ 49.17/8/7 Populations in the Bureau of Correction (1970-1975) PJ 49.20/9 Summary of Pennsylvania Criminal Justice Statistics (1971- )

Justice. Bureau of Investigations. (PJ 107)

Justice. Juvenile Court Judges' Commission. (PJ 120*) [class discontinued and changed to PGV 84/11/9]

PJ 120.11/9 Juvenile Court Directory

Justice. Management Planning Division. (PJ 142)

Justice. Board of Pardons. (PJ 172) [1929?-1980] [later PY P226]

PJ 172.4/2 Calendar of the Board of Pardons [Shelved as PY P226.20/4] PJ 172.19/9 Rules

Justice. Crime Commission. (PJ 483*) [incorrect class, use PY C9292]

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. (PJ 484) [1968-1978] [succeeded by Commission on Crime and Delinquency PY C9297]

PJ 484.1 Annual Report (1972- ) PJ 484.3 Bulletin (irregular, 3 nos.,1978) PJ 484.4/8 The Comprehensive Plan for the Improvement of Criminal Justice in Pennsylvania (1969-1978) PJ 484.4/8/1 The Comprehensive Plan for the Improvement of Criminal Justice in Pennsylvania: A Summary PJ 484.4/8/4 The Criminal Justice System in Pennsylvania (1977-?) PJ 484.10/7 The Impact of the Governor's Justice Commission (Jan/Feb 1970-Dec 1973)

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. Allegheny Regional Advisory Committee. (PJ 484/2*) [class corrected from PY C9292/2]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 110 2020

[formerly Allegheny Regional Planning Council]

PJ 484/2.17/9 Public Hearings PJ 484/2.21/2 Toward a Safer Community (1972- ) PJ 484/2.28 ARAC Newsletter [formerly Governor's Justice Commission ARPC Newsletter]

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. Central Regional Planning Council. (PJ484/3*) [class corrected from PY C9292/3]

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. Northeast Regional Planning Council. (PJ 484/7*) [class corrected from PY C9292/7]

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. Northwestern Regional Planning Unit. (PJ 484/7/5)

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. Philadelphia Regional Planning Council. (PJ 484/8*) [class corrected from PY C9292/8]

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. South Central Regional Planning Council. (PJ 484/8/3*) [class corrected from PY C9292/8/3]

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. Southeast Regional Planning Council. (PJ 484/8/4*) [class corrected from PY C9292/9]

Justice. Governor's Justice Commission. Southwest Regional Planning Council. (PJ 484/9)

Justice. Commission on Crime and Delinquency. (PJ 485*) [incorrect class, use PY C9297]

Justice. Crime Victims Compensation Board. (1976-1980) (PJ 489) [later PGV 84/4/9]

PJ 489.15/4 News Releases (1976?-1980)

JUDICIARY (1664- )

This division was not included in the 1978 Classification Scheme. It is structured for the Unified Judicial System established by the Constitution of 1968. Earlier court materials are classified with their modern counterparts when possible. Separate classes will be added for those historical court items which are discontinued and which have no modern successors. Only courts of record are

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 111 2020 included here. Although they are the official records of the courts, many reports are now published by the West Publishing Company. As such, they may be considered not to be state government publications. The State Library does not class these publications within the state documents collection. Rather they are held in the Law Section of the State Library.

Judiciary. (PJU 1) [Include historical materials here. Use ".2" for miscellaneous monographic publications. Otherwise, cutter by title.] PJU 1.11/9 Pennsylvania Judiciary news (1977- ? )

Judiciary. Courts of Common Pleas. (PJU 48)

PJU 48.48 Pennsylvania County Court Reports (1886-1921) PJU 48.56 Pennsylvania District Reports (1892-1921) PJU 48.56/4 Pennsylvania District and County Court Reports(1922-) [in 3 series, 1922-1954, 1955-1977, 1977- . Add series and volume numbers: e.g. PJU 48.56/4:3d/v.1]

Judiciary. Commonwealth Court. (PJU 49) [formerly District Court of Dauphin County]

PJU 49.10 Internal Operating Procedures (1985?- ) PJU 49.15/4 News release (1989?- ) PJU 49.48 Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Reports (1971- 1994) [v. 1-168]

Judiciary. District Justices. (PJU 56)

Judiciary. Court of Judicial Discipline (PJU 119)

Judiciary. Minor Judiciary Education Board. (PJU 146)

Judiciary. Philadelphia Municipal Court. (PJU 175)

Judiciary. Philadelphia Traffic Court. (PJU 175/2)

Judiciary. Pittsburgh Magistrate. (PJU 176)

Judiciary. Superior Court. (PJU 209)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 112 2020

PJU 209.10/7 In the superior court of Pennsylvania Harrisburg district, judgments entered and opinions filed for the following cases (1997?- ) PJU 209.17 Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports (1895-)

Judiciary. Supreme Court. (PJU 210)

PJU 210.10/7 Subject index of published disciplinary opinions in Pennsylvania (1985- ) PJU 210.17 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reports (1754-?) PJU 210.17/8 Pennsylvania State Reports (1870- )

Judiciary. Supreme Court. Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. (PJU 210/2) [formerly Office of the State Court Administrator]

PJU 210/2.1 Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts Report (annual, 1975- ) [formerly Annual Report Judicial Case Volume as Reported by the Courts of Common Pleas ... 1970-1974] PJU 210/2.1a* Report (1975- ) [incorrect class, use PJU 210/2.1] PJU 210/2.2/8 AOPC Connected


PL 1.1 Annual Report (1915-1918) PL 1.1a Biennial Report (1954/56-1968/70?) PL 1.3/9 Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Supplemental Information for the Governor's Executive Budget (1900?- ) PL 1.4/8 Communicator (monthly, 1974-1979) PL 1.5/4 Departmental Bulletins (loose-leaf, 1925-1930) PL 1.5/4/8 Department Directive (1967?- ) PL 1.7/6 Fire Crier (quarterly, 1978-1980) [later see PY E53/4.7/6] PL 1.8/8 Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health Conference (conference program) PL 1.8/8/9 Annual Pennsylvania Governor’s Occupational Safety & Health Conference (pre-conference brochure) PL 1.10/6 Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Conference PL 1.10/7 Proceedings, Pennsylvania Industrial Safety Conference (1924/25?-1953?) PL 1.12/4 The Keystone Labor and Industry (monthly?, 1938- 1939)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 113 2020 PL 1.13 L & I Digest (irregular, 1956?-1958) PL 1.13/2 Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Labor and Industry (monthly, 1914-1922) PL 1.13/2 Labor and Industry (monthly, 1922-1934) PL 1.13/2/5 The Laborgraphic (monthly, May-Dec.1937) PL 1.13/3 Labor & Industry Pride (quarterly, 1998) L & I Pride (bimonthly, 1999-2003) PL 1.13/3 L & I Newsletter (2003- ) PL 1.13/6 Library Bulletin (monthly, 1970- ) PL 1.13/7 The Link: a Newsletter for the Employees of the Dept. of Labor and Industry (monthly, 1985- ) PL 1.14/6 Migrant Labor Camp Permits Issued [later see PER 72.20/4] PL 1.15/4 New Releases (1953-1977?) PL 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Labor and Industry Review (1939-1949, began again 1952 as vol. 1 #1 - 1952/53) PL 1.19/4 Regulations (cuttered by subject) PL 1.20/8 Special Bulletin[s] (1924-1965?) PL 1.24/8 Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation and Occupational Disease Laws (title varies, 1947?-1975)

Labor and Industry. Apprenticeship and Training Council. (PL 28)

Labor and Industry. Governor’s Office of Civilian Service. (PennSERVE) (PL 46/4)

Labor and Industry. Pennsylvania Conservation Corps. (PL 46/4/2) (July 1, 1990- )

PL 46/4/2.1 Annual report (1990-)

Labor and Industry. Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (PL 54) [Office for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired]

PL 54.7/8 From the Director’s Chair

Labor and Industry. Pennsylvania State Employment and Training Council. (PL 62)

PL 62.1 Annual Report to the Governor (1980- )

Labor and Industry. Office of Employment Security. (PL 67) [formerly Bureau of Employment Security (1950?-1984);

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 114 2020

Bureau of Employment and Unemployment Compensation (1936-1950), Bureau of Unemployment Compensation Benefits and Allowances]

PL 67.1 Annual Report (1921) PL 67.1b Biennial Report PL 67.2 Pennsylvania Civilian Labor Force Series [after 1988 see PL 194.4/6/7] PL 67.2/3 Activity Report of Pennsylvania Employment Offices [title varies] (monthly, 1952- ) PL 67.2/3/2 Administrative Research Bulletin (1939- ) PL 67.2/8 Area Manpower Review (1958?-1977?) [cuttered by labor market area, later PL67.13/2/7] PL 67.3 Bureau Bulletin (numbered, 1970?- ) PL 67.3/9 Bureau of Employment Security Commonwealth Telephone Network Directory (1974- ) PL 67.3/9/7 Bureau Library Bulletin (quarterly, 1938- ) [formerly Reference Library Bulletin (-1938)] PL 67.4/6 Pennsylvania Civilian Labor Force Data by City, Borough, Township of Residence PL 67.4/7 Summary of Claims and Benefit Payments, weekly report (1939-1940) PL 67.4/8 Continuous Wage and Benefit History of Workers [more-Covered by the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Law; Report ... (annual, ?-1973?) [reports issued under each of two titles: Taxable Wages and Industry of covered Workers; Benefit Experience and Industry of Claimants] PL 67.4/9 Current Trends in Employment and Wages (quarterly, 1947-1949) PL 67.5/5 Directory of Labor Market Information Reports and Publications ( -1986) [continued by PL 194.5/6] PL 67.5/6 Directory of Offices (irregular, 1967- ) PL 67.6/7 Employment Security Statistics (monthly, 1953-1981) [later see PL 67.6/7/1] PL 67.6/7/1 Unemployment Compensation Statistics: A Monthly Compilation of Key Activities (monthly) [continued Employment Security Statistics PL 67.6/7, discontinued after July 1982?] PL 67.6/7/8 Report of Employment Security Activities (weekly, 1939-1940) PL 67.6/7/9/9 Pennsylvania Employment Trends and Tendencies (1940?-?) PL 67.7/4/6 Annual Planning Information Report ... (formerly named SMSA) [formerly Annual Planning Report]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 115 2020 PL 67.7/6 Weekly Financial Summary (1939-1942) PL 67.9/8 [Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing and Selected Nonmanufacturing Industries] (1960-1973, in 15 parts) PL 67.9/8ab:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Allentown-Bethlehem Labor Market Area (196?- ) PL 67.9/8ab:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Allentown- Bethlehem Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8al:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Altoona Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8al:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Altoona Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8e:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Erie Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8e:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Erie Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8h:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Harrisburg Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8h:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Harrisburg Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8j:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Johnstown Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8j:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Johnstown Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8la:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Lancaster Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8la:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Lancaster Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8no:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing ... Industries: Northeast Labor Market Area (196?) PL 67.9/8no:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Northeast Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8ph:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Philadelphia Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8ph:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Philadelphia Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8pi:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Pittsburgh Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8pi:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Pittsburgh Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8r:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Reading Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8r:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Reading Labor Market Area (1974- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 116 2020

PL 67.9/8s:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Scranton Labor Market Area (1960- ) PL 67.9/8s:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Scranton Labor Market Area (1974- ) PL 67.9/8wb:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Wilkes-Barre Labor Market Area (1960- ) supplemented by: Current Employment Statistics, 1970- 1973 includes supplement for the Northeast Labor Market Area] PL 67.9/8wi:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: Williamsport Labor Market Area (1960-) PL 67.9/8wi:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for Williamsport Labor Market Area (1974-) PL 67.9/8y:yr Hours and Earnings in Manufacturing Industries: York Labor Market Area (1960-) PL 67.9/8y:sup/yr Current Employment Statistics ... for York Labor Market Area (1974-) PL 67.9/8/8 How to Supervise Workers (1952?-?) PL 67.10/3 Pennsylvania Statewide and Major Labor Market Areas, Industrial Trends and Outlook: Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment for ______and Projected 1990. (annual, 1982- ) [formerly Pennsylvania Statewide Industry Trends and Outlook: Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment for 1980 and Projected to 1990] PL 67.10/7 Informational Memorandum (semi-monthly, discontinued with Jan/Feb 1974) (Continued by Response PL 67.19/4/8) PL 67.10/7/9 Pennsylvania's Insured Unemployed (monthly, 1960- ) PL 67.13/2 Labor Market Letter (monthly, 1946- ) [cuttered by labor market area, statistical tables have workletter "s"] PL 67.13/2/6 Labor Market Information for Affirmative Action Programs (annual, 1980- ) [earlier PL 67/8.14, cutter for labor market area and/or year] PL 67.13/2/7 Labor Market Information Review (quarterly, 1977- 1980) [cuttered by labor market area, replaced Area Manpower Review PL 67.2/8] PL 67.13/2/8 Labor Market Job Guide: a Summary of Area Job Prospects (annual, by area, 1978- ) PL 67.13/2/9 Labor Supply Bulletin (monthly, 1980?- ) PL 67.13/6 Library Notes (monthly?, Apr-Nov 1964-?) PL 67.13/8 Pennsylvania Labor Supply and Demand (Cover title Labor Supply and Demand Report, 1980-1982)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 117 2020 PL 67.14/2 Manpower Review (irregular, Dec 1958-July 1970) [later? PL 67.2/8?] PL 67.14/2/2 The Manpower Bulletin (irregular, 1967-July 1971) [later? PL 67.2/8?] PL 67.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1953?-1977?) PL 67.15/8 [Employees in Nonagricultural Industries] PL 67.16/3 Occupational Trends and Outlook for Total Civilian Employment 1980 and Projected 1990 issued 1984) [for Pennsylvania and SMSA's, cuttered by SMSA, supersedes Occupational Trends and Outlook (for) Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment 1976 and Projected 1982 (issued 1980), earlier PL 67.21/7] PL 67.17/4 Pennsylvania Unemployment Fact Sheet (bimonthly, 1967-) PL 67.17/4/2 Pennsylvania Employment, A Monthly Statistical Review of Employment Conditions (July 1940-Dec 1941) PL 67.17/4/3 Pennsylvania employment and Earnings (monthly, 1956- ) PL 67.17/4/4 Pennsylvania Employment Security (quarterly, 1953- ) PL 67.17/4/5 Pennsylvania Farm Placement Program; annual report (1951?-1961) PL 67.17/4/5 Pennsylvania farm labor service report (annual, 1962- 1970) PL 67.17/4/5 Pennsylvania rural manpower services annual report (1971?) PL 67.17/4/6 Annual Planning Information Report (title varies, cuttered by labor market area or SMSA, 1970- ) [formerly Annual Planning Report, 1977-1981?; Pennsylvania Annual Manpower Planning Report, 1970-1976 PL 67.17/4/7 Pennsylvania Labor Market Areas Ranked on Basis of Rate of Unemployment (monthly, 1968- ) PL 67.17/4/36* Annual Planning Report for ... [incorrect class, use PL 67.17/4/6] PL 67.17/7 Pennsylvania Labor Surplus Areas Eligible for Federal Procurement Preference from June 1, through May 31,______(annual, 1979?-) PL 67.17/8 Press Releases PL 67.18/2 Occupational Employment. Selected Manufacturing Industries in Pennsylvania (irregular, 1974-1980) [cuttered by subject] PL 67.19/4 Regulations (1936- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 118 2020

PL 67.19/4/4 Reference Library Bulletin (monthly, Sep. 1938-3d qtr. 1943) PL 67.19/4/8 Response (bi-monthly, 1974-1981, continues Informational Memorandum PL 67.10.7) PL 67.19/9 Annual Rural Manpower Report [formerly Rural Manpower Services Annual Report, 1951-1971](1980-) PL 67.20/8/3 Statistical Data Sheet (irregular, 1943- ) PL 67.20/8/6 Statistical Information Bulletin (irregular, 1940- ) PL 67.20/8/8* Statewide Occupational Employment (staffing patterns) in Wholesale and Retail Trade Industries: Survey Period ... (1981- ) [some items in this series classed separately under PL 67.2 cutter number] PL 67.21/7 Total Civilian Work Force, Unemployment and Employment (annual, 1960?- ) PL 67.21/7/4 Pennsylvania civilian labor force date by city, borough, township of residence. PL 67.21/8 Training Letter (1939-?) PL 67.21/8/1 Training Manual (1938-1940) PL 67.21/8/1b Better Letters; a Series of Training Letters ... (irregular, 1939?-?) PL 67.21/8/4 Trends and Totals (monthly, 1938-1953) PL 67.22 Number of Unemployed and Rate of Unemployment in Pennsylvania and the U.S... . : Pennsylvania Counties Ranked on the Basis of Rate of Unemployment ... (bimonthly?, 1986?- ) PL 67.22/3 UC issues update (quarterly, 1998- ) PL 67.22/7 Biennial Report [on the Unemployment Compensation Law] (1936/38-1976/78?) PL 67.22/7/2 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Law (1942?- ) PL 67.22/7/3 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Rules and Regulations (1937- ) PL 67.23/4 Veteran Placement Activities (Monthly, Nov 1939 Dec 1941)

Labor and Industry. State Employment Commission. (PL 67/3)

Labor and Industry. Pennsylvania Fair Employment Practice Commission. (PL 67/7) (1955-1961) [later Human Relations Commission. (PY H9183) (1961- )]

Labor and Industry. State Employment Service. (PL 67/8)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 119 2020 PL 67/8.14 Manpower Information for Affirmative Action Programs [by labor market area] (1978) [later PL 67.13/2/6]

Labor and Industry. Heritage Committee. (PL 94)

Labor and Industry. Industrial Board. (PL 106)

PL 106.20/2 Safety Standards of the Industrial Board

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Inspection. (PL 107)

PL 107.17/4 Pennsylvania Industrial Accident Survey (annual, 1952/53-1969?)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Job Training Partnership. (PL 118)

PL 118.8/8/3 Governor's Coordination and Special Services for the Job Training and Partnership Act (annual, 1984- )

Labor and Industry. State Job Training Coordinating Council. (PL 118/8)

PL 118/8.1 Annual Report to the Governor (1984- )

Labor and Industry. Labor Relations Board. (PL 132)

PL 132.1 Annual Report (1977-1981) PL 132.14/8 Monthly Statistical Report (Jan 1973-Sep1974?) PL 132.19/9 Rules and Regulations (1966-1973?)

Labor and Industry. Office of Labor-Management Cooperation. (PL 132/7)

PL 132/7.13/2 Labor-Management Relations

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Labor Standards. (PL 132/8)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Labor Law Compliance (PL 132/8)

Labor and Industry. Library. (PL 136)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Mediation. (PL 144)

Labor and Industry. Division of Negro Research and Planning. (PL 154)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 120 2020

PL 154.1 Report of Activities (1939-1940) PL 154.3/8 The Bronzeman (Monthly, 1940-1944?)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety. (PL 160)

Labor and Industry. State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee. (PL 163)

PL 163.4/2 Career connection (1989-) PL 163.4/3 Pennsylvania Career guide (1984-)

Labor and Industry. Advisory Board on Problems of Older Workers. (PL 167)

PL 167.16/7 Proceedings, Conference on the Problems of Older Workers (1952-1959?) PL 167.17/4 Pennsylvania Older Worker (monthly, 1958-1962)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Pennsafe (PL 174)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Rehabilitation. (PL 193)

Labor and Industry. Center for Workforce Information and Analysis. (PL 194) (Aug. 1999-) [Formerly: Bureau of Research and Statistics. (Sept. 1988- July 1999) Division of Research and Statistics.( -Aug. 1988)]

PL 194.2/3 Annual Accident Report (1940-1954) PL 194.2/9 Average Weekly Earnings (1935?-1944?) PL 194.3/9 Building Operations in Pennsylvania Municipalities (numbered, 1934-1969?) PL 194.4/5 Changes in Cost of Living in Pennsylvania (1938?- 1961) PL 194.4/6/7 Pennsylvania Civilian Labor Force Series (1988- ) [formerly PL 67.2] PL 194.4/8 Compensable Work Injuries in Pennsylvania (1955- 1969) [superseded by PL 194.24/8] PL 194.4/8/7 Pennsylvania Consumer Price Index Quarterly (1961- 1971?) PL 194.5/6 Directory of Pennsylvania Labor Market Information and Reports (Biennial; 1988- ) [continues PL 67.5/5] PL 194.6/7 Employment and payrolls in Pennsylvania Industries (1934-1941:July)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 121 2020 PL 194.6/7 Employment Conditions in Pennsylvania Industries (1941:Aug.-1955) PL 194.6/8 Estimated Totals: Employment, Payroll, Man-hours (1935?-1944?) PL 194.10/6 Indices of: Employment, Payroll, Man-hours (1939?- 1944?) PL 194.10/7 Industrial Injuries in Pennsylvania (numbered, 1934?- 1969?) PL 194.16/3 Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in Pennsylvania (1974-1980?) PL 194.16/3/9 Occupational Wage Survey PL 194.17/4 Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Laws; Annual Summary (1933?-1953?) PL 194.24/8 Work Injuries in Pennsylvania (frequency varies, 1972- 1980, quarterly 1981- ) [supersedes Compensable Work Injuries in Pennsylvania PL 194.4/8]

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Social Security for Public Employees. (PL 208)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Agriculture. (PL 209)

PL 209.1 Report (annual, 1872/73-1873/74)[Later moved to PIA 1.1]

Labor and Industry. Team Pennsylvania Career Link (PL 214)

Labor and Industry. State Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation. (PL 226)

PL 226.1 Report (1954)

Labor and Industry. Unemployment Compensation Board of Review. (PL 227)

PL 227.10/7 Information Circular (numbered, 1937?-?) PL 227.19/9 Rules of Procedure (1942?-1951?)

Labor and Industry. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. (PL 238)

PL 238.1 Program report (1998-2000) Annual report (2001- ) PL 238.4/2 Annual Caseload Statistics (1974?-?) PL 238.4/2/4 Annual Report on Cases Closed (1974?-?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 122 2020

PL 238.10/7 Inside BVR; Employee Bulletin (1973-1976?) PL 238.17/8 Progress (1967-?) PL 238.18/9 Quality Matters PL 238.20/8 Annual Statistical report (1987- ) PL 238.20/9 Success (bimonthly, 1952-?)

Labor and Industry. Hiram G. Andrews Center. (PL 238/9) [Johnstown, PA]

PL 238/9.9/6 Hiram G. Andrews Center Catalog

Labor and Industry. Prevailing Wage Division. (PL 242)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Women and Children. (PL 247)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Worker's Compensation. (PL 248) [formerly Workmen's Compensation Bureau]

PL 248.1 Annual Report (1925?-?) PL 248.3 Bulletin PL 248.15/4 Newsletter (1996) PL 248.15/4 News & Notes (1997- ) PL 248.17/4 Pennsylvania Work Injuries and Illness (annual?, 1986- ) {PSU#} PL 248.18/9 Quarterly (1987- ) PL 248.19/9 Rules of Procedure (1942?-1956?) PL 248.20/2 Safe Practice Bulletin (1936?-1945?) PL 248.24/8 Annual Workers’ Compensation Conference Program (annual, 2001?- ) (pre-conference program) PL 248.24/9 Annual Workers’ Compensation Conference (2008-) (conference program)

Labor and Industry. State Workmen's Insurance Fund. (PL 248/6)

PL 248/6.1 Biennial Report (1968/70- )

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Worker and Community Right to Know. (PL 249)

Labor and Industry. Bureau of Workforce Development Partnership (PL 250)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 123 2020 MILITARY AFFAIRS (1793-1995) [later Military and Veterans Affairs (1995-)]

PMA 1.1 Annual Report for Years Ending in Dec. 1864 and Dec. 1865 PMA 1.1a Biennial Report (1966/68- ) PMA 1.3/9 Presentation of the Adjutant General, Department of Military Affairs (1900?- ) PMA 1.15/4/5 News from the Pennsylvania National Guard (irregular) PMA 1.17/4 The Pennsylvania Guardsman (frequency varies, 1897- 1957) PMA 1.20/8 Report of the Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home at Erie.

Military Affairs. Adjutant-General's Office. (PMA 23)

PMA 23.1 Adjutant General's Report (annual, 1961- ) PMA 23.1a Biennial Report (1964/66-1968/70) PMA 23.1 E19I Adjutant General’s Economic Impact Report PMA 23.2/3* [see new class PMA 23.17] PMA 23.3 Bulletin (1921-1939?) PMA 23.4 Circular (1969-1970?) PMA 23.8/4 General Orders (1919-1937?) PMA 23.14/2 Maintenance Bulletin (irregular, 1971-?) PMA 23.14/6 Pennsylvania Military Regulations (irregular, 19??- ) PMA 23.17* The Adjutant General Pamphlet (irregular, numbered) [class changed from PMA 23.2/3] PMA 23.17/8 Press Release (1962?-1973?) PMA 23.20/9 Supply Information Letter (irregular, 1971-?) PMA 23.21/8 Training Circular (irregular, 1964-?)

Military Affairs. Army National Guard (PMA 28)

Military Affairs. Pennsylvania National Guard. (PMA 175)

PMA 175.8/9 Guard in review (annual, 1985?- ) PMA 175.17/4 Penn U.S. National Guard and community (1930?)

Military Affairs. Quartermaster General's Office. (PMA 189)

PMA 189.1 Report (annual, 1861?-1864?)

Military Affairs. Surgeon-General's Office. (PMA 209)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 124 2020

PMA 209.1 Report (1862-?)

Military Affairs. State Veteran's Commission. (PMA 234)

PMA 234.1 Biennial Report (1929/31-1931/33?) PMA 234.17/4 Pennsylvania Vets' Bulletin (irregular, June 1957-Apr 1959)

Military Affairs. Bureau of Veteran Affairs. (PMA 234/5)

MINES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES (1903-1970) [later Environmental Resources PER 146]

PMI 1.1 Reports (cataloged separately from 1896-1968?) PMI 1.1a Biennial Report (1956/58?-1958/60?) PMI 1.1p Preliminary Report of the Dept. of Mines (1919) PMI 1.1s Secretary's Report (monthly, 1966-1971?) PMI 1.2/7 Anthracite Mining Laws of Pennsylvania (1939?- 1962?) PMI 1.3/6 Bituminous Coal Mining Laws of Pennsylvania (1961?- ?) PMI 1.15/4 Pennsylvania Department of Mines and Mineral Industries (1963?-1970?) [news releases]

Mines and Mineral Industries. Anthracite Division. (PMI 27)

PMI 27.2/7 Anthracite Fatal Accident Bulletin (monthly?, 1940- 1941) PMI 27.14/8 Monthly Report (1941-?) PMI 27.17/8 Production Per Fatal Accident, by Operator (1940?- 1941?) PMI 27.20/2 The Safety Sentinel (irregular, 1941-1966) [see also PMI 36.20/2]

Mines and Mineral Industries. Bituminous Division. (PMI 36)

PMI 36.3/6 Bituminous Fatal Accident Bulletin (monthly, 1941-?) PMI 36.14/8 Monthly Report (1940-1941) PMI 36.17/8 Production per Non-Fatal, Lost Time Accident Resulting from Direct Falls of Roof, Coal and Slate ... (quarterly?, 1941)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 125 2020 PMI 36.17/8/2 Production per Non-Fatal Lost Time Accidents Resulting from Direct Falls of Roof, Coal and Slate, by Operator (1941) PMI 36.17/8/3 Production per Fatal Accident by Operator (1940-1941) PMI 36.20/2 The Safety Sentinel (irregular, 1941-1966) [see also PMI 27.20/2]

Mines and Mineral Industries. Coal Research Board. (PMI 48)

PMI 48.14/6 Mine Drainage Abstracts (loose-leaf, 1964-1970?)

Mines and Mineral Industries. Oil and Gas Division. (PMI 166)

PMI 166.14/8 Monthly Report (1957?-?) PMI 166.16/6 Compilation of Oil and Gas Laws Administered by the Department ... (1962?-1966?)


PMV 1.15/4 News release PMV 1.15/4/2 News advisory

Military and Veterans Affairs. Adjutant-General’s Office. (PMV 23)

Military and Veterans Affairs. Air National Guard. (PMV 26)

Military and Veterans Affairs. Army National Guard. (PMV 28)

Military and Veterans Affairs. Pennsylvania National Guard Associations (PMV 152)

PMV 152.17/4 Pennsylvania Guardians (1998-)

Military and Veterans Affairs. Bureau of Veterans Affairs. (PMV 234)

PROPERTY AND SUPPLIES (1929-1975) [later General Services PGS 1]

PP 1.1a Biennial Report (1957/59?-1969/70?) PP 1.15/4 News Releases (1968?-1975?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 126 2020

Property and Supplies. Bureau of Publications. (PP 17)

PP 17.4/2 Capital Telephone Directory (1928- ) [later: Commonwealth Telephone Directory] PP 17.17/4 The Pennsylvania Manual (1867- ) [formerly Smull's Legislative Handbook; continued as PGS 1.17/4] PP 17.17/9 Publications of the Commonwealth Pennsylvania (irregular, 1937-1969) [continued by Directory of State Publications PGS 1.5/8]

Property and Supplies. Procurement Systems and Procedures Division. (PP 178)

Property and Supplies. Bureau of Purchases. (PP 179)

Property and Supplies. Bureau of Space and Facilities Management. (PP 207)

Property and Supplies. Bureau of Standards. (PP 208)

PP 208.20/8 Specifications

PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (1873-1969) [later Education PE ]

PPI 1.1 Annual Report (1835-1919, biennial 1924/26-1964/66) PPI 1.2/7 Annual Report of High School Inspectors Including a List of High Schools (1908-1918?) PPI 1.2/7/5 Application for Appropriation for Teachers' Salaries: Philadelphia (1942/43-1950/51) PPI 1.2/8 Pennsylvania Arbor Day Manual (1913?-1923?, 1934- ?) PPI 1.3 Bulletins (1920-1921) PPI 1.3/4 Bericht (1861?-1866?) PPI 1.3/6 Biennial Report on Higher Education in Pennsylvania (1896/98?-1898/1900?) PPI 1.4/7 Classification of Public Secondary Schools (1908- 1930/31?) PPI 1.4/8 Comments on Education (1956-1957) PPI 1.4/9 Curriculum Continuum Series (numbered, 1963) PPI 1.5 DPI Intercom (1 issue only, May 1960) PPI 1.5/6/8 School laws passed by the … General Assembly and approved by the Governor (1957-1961?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 127 2020 PPI 1.5/6/8 Digest of School Laws Enacted by the ... Session of the General Assembly (1965-1968?) PPI 1.5/8 Common School Laws of Pennsylvania… PPI 1.5/8 School Code of Pennsylvania PPI 1.6/3 Educational Monographs (1926-1930?) PPI 1.6/7 Emergency Education Program; Information Bulletin (1934) PPI 1.7/6 Teachers Guide for the Mathematics Film Series (1962) PPI 1.7/8 ESEA – 1965, Title III Bulletin (1965) PPI 1.8/9 Guidance Series for Teachers (1958-1961) PPI 1.10/7 Insight; a Bibliography on Intergroup Relations for Pennsylvania's Schools (monthly, Oct 1965-Mar 1966) PPI 1.10/7/8 Institutions of Higher Education in Pennsylvania which are Legally Authorized to Grant Degrees (irregular, 1967-1968) PPI 1.11/9 The Junior Historian (frequency varies, 1943-1955) PPI 1.14/2 Mathematics Series (1962-1964) PPI 1.15/4 Newsletter (monthly, 1956-1967) PPI 1.15/4/1 New Releases (1952?-1969) PPI 1.15/5 NDEA Memorandum: Administrative Series (1964-?) PPI 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Public Instruction; Official Bulletin / Public Education Bulletin / Pennsylvania Public Education Bulletin (1933-1943) PPI 1.17/4/2/4 Pennsylvania Basic Education (irregular, 1967-1969) PPI 1.17/4/3 Pennsylvania Curriculum Improvement Series (1961-?) PPI 1.17/4/5 Pennsylvania Higher Education (irregular, 1967-1969) PPI 1.17/4/8 Penn Day (1923-1934?) PPI 1.17/4/9 Pennsylvania School Slate (irregular, 1962- ?) PPI 1.17/8 Preschool and Primary Education Project Annual Progress Report to the Ford Foundation. PPI 1.19/2 Radio Releases (weekly, Jan 1933-Oct 1933) PPI 1.19/4 Report of the Work of the County Supervisors of Special Education (biennial, 1941/43?-1949/51?) PPI 1.19/4/8 Resume; A Series of Occasional Papers Reporting the Pa. Curriculum Improvement Program (numbered, March-May 1962) PPI 1.20/3 School Executive Series (numbered, 1962-1965) PPI 1.20/3/6 Science in Action Series (numbered, 1963-1967) PPI 1.20/8 Statistical Research Studies (numbered, 1933-1936) PPI 1.21/8 Training for Victory (numbered, 1942-1944)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Administrative Leadership Services. (PPI 23)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 128 2020

Public Instruction. Commission for the Study of Educational Problems. (PPI 48)

PPI 48.20/8 State Study Releases (numbered, 1932-1934)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Curriculum Development. (PPI 49) [name varies, later PE 49]

PPI 49.10/7 In-Service Education Reporter (Oct 1966) PPI 49.17/8 Project Summaries

Public Instruction. Division of Elementary Education. (PPI 67)

Public Instruction. Bureau of General and Academic Education. (PPI 84)

Public Instruction. Office of Higher Education. (PPI 96)

PPI 96.4/8 Colleges and Universities in Pennsylvania (1960?- 1967?)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Institutional Studies and Services. (PPI 107)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Professional Licensing. (PPI 178) [later Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs PS 178]

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Board of Examiners of Architects. (PPI 178/2)

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Board of Cosmetology. (PPI 178/3)

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Board of Nurse Examiners. (PPI 178/6)

PPI 178/6.20/3 Schools of Nursing in the Commonwealth Pennsylvania Approved for the Year ... (1948?-1957?)

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Board of Medical Education and Licensure. (PPI 178/7)

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Board of Optometrical Examiners. (PPI 178/8)

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Pharmacy Laboratory.

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 129 2020 (PPI 178/85) [State Board of Pharmacy]

PPI 178/85.1 Annual Report (1938?-1941?)

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Registration Board for Professional Engineers. (PPI 178/88) [later see PS 178/6]

PPI 178/88.1 Biennial Report (1922-1928?)

Public Instruction. Professional Licensing. State Real Estate Commission. (PPI 178/89)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Special Services for Pupils. (PPI 179)

PPI 179.2/7 Alert (10 annually, 1960?-1966?)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Research. (PPI 194)

PPI 194.16/9 Our Schools and Colleges Today (title varies, 1952- 1969?) [later PE 63/8.16/8 and PE 63/8.16/9] PPI 194.20/8 Special Research Series (numbered, 1957-1969?)

Public Instruction. Public School Employes' Retirement Board. [1917-1975] (PPI 203) [later PY R4381]

PPI 203.1 Annual Report (title varies, 1919/20-1938/40?) PPI 203.1 Report of the Pennsylvania Public School Employes' Retirement Board (1956-1968)

Public Instruction. Bureau of School Business Services. (PPI 203/2)

Public Instruction. Bureau of School District Organization. (PPI 203/3)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Statistics. (PPI 208)

PPI 208.20/4 Selected Educational Statistics for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Public Instruction. Bureau of Teacher Education. (PPI 214)

PPI 214.3 Bulletin (numbered, no. 3, 1935-?)

Public Instruction. Bureau of Vocational Education. (PPI 238) [name varies]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 130 2020

PPI 238.1 Annual Report (1914?-?) PPI 238.3 Bulletin (numbered, 1913-?)

PUBLIC WELFARE (1921-2015 )

Earlier known as Board of Public Charities (1876?-1920), formed by merger of Committee on Lunacy, and Prison Labor Commission. Became Department of Public Welfare in 1921, but the name was altered to Department of Welfare in the Administrative Code. Merged with Department of Public Assistance in 1957 to form present Department of Public Welfare. November 24, 2014 the name changed to Department of Human Services.

PPW 1.1 Annual Report (1870-1917) PPW 1.1a Public Report (1958/60-1970/71) [continued by Public Welfare Annual Statistics PPW 1.17/9] PPW 1.1b Biennial Report (1921/22-1946/48) PPW 1.1bs Statistical Supplement to Biennial Report PPW 1.1p Preliminary Report (1917/18) PPW 1.1s Annual Statistical Report (1934-?; 3 pts.) PPW 1.1sr Status Report (November 1982- ) PPW 1.1u Update: a Report of the Activities of the ... for Fiscal Year 1970-71 (1973) PPW 1.2/2 Budget Report for Fiscal Year PPW 1.2/3 Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative Exchange Annual Report (1985- ) PPW 1.2/4 Federal Augmentations (1983/1984) PPW 1.2/5 Administrative Bulletin PPW 1.2/8/5 Department of Public Welfare Appropriation Hearings PPW 1.3 Bulletin [Patient Classification - Monthly Summary, State General Hospitals] (numbered, 1922- ) PPW 1.3/9 The Public Welfare Budget Summary (1975?- ) PPW 1.4/5 The Challenge (bimonthly, 1957-1978?) PPW 1.4/9 Currents (quarterly, 1974-1979) PPW 1.5/3 A Directory of Licensed and Approved Child Day Care Centers (1978?- ) PPW 1.5/6 Directory of Public Welfare Offices PPW 1.7/8 Focus on Mental Health (discontinued, 1977) PPW 1.9/8 The Hospital Plan for Pennsylvania; Revision (1949/50- 1955/56?) PPW 1.10/6/9 Inside Public Welfare (irregular, 1958-1970/71) PPW 1.10/7 Institutional Agriculture Production Report (1965) PPW 1.13/4 Legislative Report (1969?-1977?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 131 2020 PPW 1.13/8 Long Term Care Memorandum (1975?- ) PPW 1.14/2/8 Annual Management Training Needs Survey (1975?- ) PPW 1.14/4 Media Advisory PPW 1.14/8 Monthly Bulletin (May 1932-Apr 1936) PPW 1.15/4 News Releases (1957-1977?) PPW 1.16/4 Official Report of the ... Blossburg State Hospital PPW 1.17/2 Patterns in Living: Pennsylvania Foster Grandparents (irregular, 1970-1979) PPW 1.17/8 Proceedings of the ... convention of the Directors of the Poor, and Board of Public Charities of the State of Pennsylvania. (1876-1878) PPW 1.17/8 Annual convention of the Directors of the Poor and Board of Public Charities of the State of Pennsylvania. (1879) PPW 1.17/8 Annual convention of the Association of the Directors of the Poor of the State of Pennsylvania. (1880-1931) PPW 1.17/9 Public Welfare Annual Statistics (1972-1975?) [earlier see PPW 1.1a] PPW 1.17/9/2 Current living costs as related to standards of public assistance in Pennsylvania. (1938-1955) PPW 1.17/9/2 Public Assistance Allowances Compared with the Cost of Living (annual, 1956-1967) PPW 1.17/9/7 The Public Welfare Newsletter (monthly, 1969-1974) PPW 1.17/9/7/7 Public Welfare News (monthly, 1975- ) PPW 1.19/4 Report; Mothers' Assistance Fund (biennial, 1918/20- 1927/29?) PPW 1.20/4/3 Secretary’s' Directive/Commonwealth (loose-leaf, 1900?- ) PPW 1.24/4 Welfare Reporter (irregular, 1951-1954)

Public Welfare. Office of Administration (PPW 23)

Public Welfare. Office for the Aging. (PPW 25)

PPW 25.1 Annual Report (1977- ) PPW 25.2/5 Aging in Pennsylvania (irregular, Nov 1973- Jun/Jul 1974?) PPW 25.4/8 Commonwealth Aging (bi-monthly, 1978-1980) PPW 25.6/7 The Elderly in Pennsylvania (1973-1977) PPW 25.15/9 Number of Homes and Beds for the Aged, [more- Handicapped and Infirm (annual, 1959?-1965?)] PPW 25.16/4 Of Age … in Pennsylvania PPW 25.20/4 Services for the Aging Series (numbered, 1961-1965)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 132 2020

PPW 25.20/8 State Plan on Aging (1977)

Public Welfare. State Advisory Committee on Aging. (PPW 25/2)

Public Welfare. Alcohol Permit Board. (PPW 27)

PPW 27.1 Report (1927-1929)

Public Welfare. Bureau of Assistance (PPW 27/9)

Public Welfare. Office of Public Assistance. (PPW 28) [before 1958, Department of Public Assistance]

PPW 28.1 Annual Report (1914?-1958?) PPW 28.2: Income Maintenance Bulletin (loose-leaf) PPW 28.4/8 Contact (1943-1945) PPW 28.5/6 Directory of County Offices, Regional Offices ... (irregular) PPW 28.5/6 Directory of DPA Offices (irregular, 1947/-1956?) PPW 28.6/7 Quarterly Report on Employment Activities ... (1963?- 1965?) PPW 28.8/8 Graphic Highlights of Pennsylvania's Public Assistance (1950?-1957?) PPW 28.10/7 Informational Leaflet (numbered, 1945-1966?) PPW 28.10/7/3 Income Maintenance Bulletin (1980- ) PPW 28.10/7/8 Inside DPA (bimonthly, 1949-1958) PPW 28.13/2 Laws Relating to the Department of Public Assistance PPW 28.14/4 Medical Assistance to Persons 65 Years of Age and Older (monthly, 1962-1966) PPW 28.14/4/7 Memorandum/Memo PPW 28.15/4 News Releases/Special Releases PPW 28.15/9 Number of Employable Persons Receiving Public Assistance (semi-annual, 1958-1971) PPW 28.15/9/2 Payments for Nursing Home Care (1959-1961) PPW 28.15/9/2 Monthly Report on Nursing Home Care (1962-1966?) PPW 28.17/2 Monthly Report of Payments for Long-Term Institutional Care (1966-1970?) PPW 28.17/4 Pennsylvania Public Assistance Statistics (monthly, November 1961- ) [title and frequency varies pre 1938- 1961] PPW 28.17/4 sum Pennsylvania Public Assistance Statistics Summary (1932-1940)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 133 2020 PPW 28.17/4/1 Pennsylvania Public Assistance Statistics Monthly Summary of Pa. Public Assistance Statistics (1943- 1945) PPW 28.17/4/2 Pennsylvania Public Assistance County Statistics (monthly, 1957-1962) PPW 28.17/4/8 People in Need (bimonthly, 1947-?) PPW 28.17/5 Public Assistance Trends (1947-1954) PPW 28.17/9 Purchased Hospital Care for Persons Under 65 Years of Age (monthly, 1964-1966) PPW 28.19/4 Requests for Payment for Nursing Home Care for the Disabled (1962) PPW 28.19/4 Public Nursing Home Care for the Disabled (1962- 1963) PPW 28.20/4 Semi-monthly Report on Public Assistance (1960- 1981?) PPW 28.20/7* Special Analysis (numbered, 1941-?) No longer in use reclassified as monographs. PPW 28.20/8 Statistical Report on Public Assistance and Work Relief (Mar 1940-Apr 1941) PPW 28.20/8 Statistical Report on Pennsylvania State Work Relief Programs (1941-1943) PPW 28.20/8 Statistical Report on Relief Work Programs (1943- 1963) PPW 28.20/8 Statistical Report on Community Work and Training Programs (monthly, 1963-1966?) PPW 28.20/8/2 Statistical Report on Federally Aided Types of Assistance (Jul 1937-Oct 1937) PPW 28.20/9/8 Summary of Public Assistance Clients Referred for Vocational Training (1900?- ) PPW 28.21/4 Telephone Directory, DPA State Office (irregular) PPW 28.23/4 Vendor Payments for Medical Assistance ... (monthly, 1966-1970?) PPW 28.24/4 Statistical report for the Week of … (1935-1937) PPW 28.24/4 Statistical Report on General Assistance for the Week of … (1937-1942) PPW 28.24/4 Weekly Report on Public Assistance (1943-1953?)

Public Welfare. Office of Public Assistance. Employment Board. (PPW 28/4)

PPW 28/4.1 Annual Report (1937/38-1942)

Public Welfare. Ashland State General Hospital. (PPW 28/5)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 134 2020

[formerly State Hospital for Injured Persons of the Anthracite of Pennsylvania at Ashland (1882?-192??)]

PPW 28/5.1 Official Reports

Public Welfare. Office for the Blind. (PPW 37)

PPW 37.14/8 Monthly Service Report (1958-1970) PPW 37.17/8 Progress Report (1971-1978)

Public Welfare. Office for the Blind. Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. (PPW 37/5)

PPW 37/5.1 Annual Report of the Managers….

Public Welfare. Office for the Blind. Western Pennsylvania School for the Blind. (PPW 37/6) [Formerly: Western Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind (1887-1922)

PPW 37/6.1 Annual Report (1888-1927?)

Public Welfare. Office for the Blind. Pennsylvania Working Home for Blind Men. (PPW 37/8)

PPW 37/8.1 Report of the Managers (annual, 1875-1920?)

Public Welfare. Office of Children, Youth and Families. (PPW 45) [formerly Office for Children & Youth (1959-19??): Bureau of Children’s' Welfare Services (1951-1958: Name varies): Child and Family Welfare Division (1933-1950: Name varies): Bureau of Children - 1932)]

PPW 45.2/3 Admissions to Pennsylvania Training Schools (1959/60-1965?) PPW 45.3 Children, Youth and Families Bulletin PPW 45.4/5 Children Held in Juvenile Detention (annual, 1959- 1966?) PPW 45.4/5/2 Child Welfare Series (numbered, 1960-1963) PPW 45.4/5/3 Child Abuse Report (annual, 1976- ) [earlier PPW 72.4/5/2] PPW 45.5/6 Directory of Institutions and Group Homes [more-for Dependent Children] PPW 45.6/2 CASSP Training Report (1995-1998 PPW 45.14/6 Migrant Child Care Centers and Services; Report (annual, 1956?-1962?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 135 2020 PPW 45.17/2 PA CASSP Newsletter (1992-2001) PPW 45.17/4 Pennsylvania Fact Book on Children and Youth (annual, 1960-1966?)

Public Welfare. Office of Children and Youth and Families. Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange. (PPW 45/2)

PPW 45/2.1 Annual report (1985-2001)

Public Welfare. Bureau of State Children & Youth Program. (PPW 45/3/8) (1985- )

Public Welfare. Office for Children and Youth and Families. Day Care Division. (PPW 45/4/8)

Public Welfare. Office for Children and Youth. Home for the Training in Speech of Deaf Children. (PPW 45/5)

PPW 45/5.1 Report

Public Welfare. Office for Children and Youth. Industrial School, Huntingdon. (PPW 45/6)

PPW 45/6.1 Report (biennial, 1889/90-1927/28?)

Public Welfare. Office for Children and Youth. Philadelphia House of Refuge. (PPW 45/8)

PPW 45/8.1 Report (annual, 1829-1960/61?)

Public Welfare. Office for Children and Youth. Pittsburgh House of Refuge. (PPW 45/82)

PPW 45/82.1 Report (1864)

Public Welfare. Bureau of Claim Settlement. (PPW 47)

Public Welfare. Bureau of Community Work. (PPW 48)

Public Welfare. Office of Public Education. (PPW 63*) [incorrect class, use PPW 179]

Public Welfare. Office of Family Services. (PPW 72)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 136 2020

[after 1975?, combined with Office of Children, Youth and Families PPW 45]

PPW 72.4/5/2 Cases of Child Abuse Reported (1970?-1975?) [later see PPW 45.4/5/3] PPW 72.16/8 Out-of-State Children Placed in Pennsylvania under the Interstate Child Placement Act (1969?-1975?) PPW 72.17/4 Pennsylvania Fact Book on Children and Youth PPW 72.17/8 Directory, Police Juvenile Unit Personnel (annual?, 1964-1973?) PPW 72.17/8/8 Population of County Institutions for Adults (annual, 1954-1960) PPW 72.18/8 Quarterly Report on Reasons for Opening and Closing Cases (loose-leaf)

Public Welfare. Office of Fiscal Management. (PPW 76)

PPW 76.20/8 Status of Fiscal Activity as of ...(irregular, May 1974?- ?)

Public Welfare. Office of Fraud and Abuse Investigation. (PPW 78) [Moved to Office of State and Inspector General. Office of Welfare Fraud, Investigations and Recovery Management PGV 164/10/24]

PPW 78.7/8 Fraud and Abuse Investigation and Recovery Bulletin

Public Welfare. Office of General and Special Hospitals. (PPW 98)

PPW 98.2/7 Analysis of State General Hospital Services (monthly, 1960-1974?) PPW 98.2/7/3 Analysis of Costs in Pennsylvania Hospitals... (annual, 1960-1967?) PPW 98.5/6 Directory of Hospitals in Pennsylvania (1964-1975?) [Issues for 1973,1975 published by Dept. of Health] PPW 98.16/3 Occupancy Survey; Long Term Care Facilities (1967- 1969?) PPW 98.16/3/7 Occupancy Survey; Nursing Home Facilities (1964- 1966?)

Public Welfare. Coaldale State Hospital (PPW 98/4)

PPW 98/4.1 Biennial report (1912/1914-1914/1916)

Public Welfare. Hazelton State Hospital (PPW 98/9)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 137 2020 PPW 98/9.1 Condensed report 1918/1920, 1922/1924)

Public Welfare. Nanticoke State Hospital (PPW 98/15)

PPW 28/15.1 Report

Public Welfare. Office of General and Special Hospitals. Warren General Hospital (PPW 98/24)

PPW 98/24.1 Annual report, Warren General Hospital

Public Welfare. Office of Income Maintenance. (PPW 107)

PPW 107.1c Community Work Experience Program: annual performance audit PPW 107.2/9 Automation Digest (1989) PPW 107.4/2/8 CAO Newsletter (quarterly, 1981- ) PPW 107.9/4/3 Hearing Digest (loose-leaf, 1970?-1975?) PPW 107.15/4 New Directions Review (quarterly, Summer 1988) PPW 107.17/9 Public Assistance Claims and Collections (monthly, 1976?-1978?) PPW 107.19/2 CWEP PEP Rally (monthly) PPW 107.20/8 Statistical Report (1977?) PPW 107.23/6 Vital Link (1991-1993)

Public Welfare. Juvenile Justice Task Force. (PPW 119)

Public Welfare. Office of the Deputy Secretary of Legislation. (PPW 134)

PPW 134.9/4 Human Services Legislative Report (1975)

Public Welfare. Office of Medical Assistance Programs. (PPW 134/2)

PPW 134/2.14/4 Medical Assistance Bulletin (1985-)

Public Welfare. Office of Medical Services and Facilities. (PPW 144)

PPW 144.15/4 Newsletter PPW 144.16/3 Occupancy Survey; Long-Term Care Facilities (1968/1969) PPW 144.17/4 Pennsylvania State Plan for Hospital and Medical Facilities (annual, 1948-1973?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 138 2020

Public Welfare. Office of Medical Services and Facilities. Pennsylvania Epileptic Hospital and Colony Farm, Oakbourne. (PPW 144/8)

PPW 144/8.1 Report (annual, 1911, 1921)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. (PPW 145) Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (PPW 145)

PPW 145.1 Mental Health Plan and ... Annual Report (annual, 1982/83?- ) [formerly: Pennsylvania Comprehensive State Plan for Mental Health Services?] PPW 145.3 Mental Health Bulletin ( -1998) PPW 145.3 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Bulletin (1998- ) PPW 145.4/8/8 Mental Health Commissioner's Report (1965- ) PPW 145.7/8 Focus on MH News (bimonthly, 1977- ) PPW 145.10/7 Informational Bulletin (1987- ) PPW 145.14/2 The Mandate (monthly, 1973-1975?) PPW 145.14/4 Mental Health News (bimonthly, 1960-1964) PPW 145.14/8 Movement of Patient Population in State-Owned Mental Health Facilities (annual, 1960?-1981?) PPW 145.16/9 Summary Statistics on Outpatient Psychiatric Clinics (annual, 1962/63?-1966/67?) PPW 145.17/4 Pennsylvania Psychiatric Quarterly (1961-1970) PPW 145.17/5 Personnel of State Mental Hospitals (1962-1976?) PPW 145.17/8 Proceedings of the Semi-annual Meeting Association of Trustees and ... PPW 145.18/2/3 Quarterly Admissions/Discharges Report for State- Owned Mental Hospitals (1900?- ) PPW 145.20/7 State Hospital risk management summary report for … (monthly, March 2005- ) PPW 145.20/8 State Mental Hospital Patients (annual, 1922-1958) PPW 145.20/8/9 Quarterly Superintendents Meetings (1960?- ) PPW 145.21/8 Trends in patient population fiscal years … and by month…

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Western State School and Hospital, Greensburg. (PPW 145/2)

PPW 145/2.4/9 Curry Hill Highlights (1974- )

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Allentown State Hospital (PPW 145/2/7)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 139 2020 PPW 145/2/7.1 Annual Report PPW 145/2/7.1b Biennium Report

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Hospital for the Insane, Danville. (PPW 145/3)

PPW 145/3.1 Official Reports of the Trustees and Officers (Annual, 1874-1920?)

Public Welfare. State Hospital for Criminal Insane, Farview. (PPW 145/3/4)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Western Pennsylvania Hospital, for the Insane, Dixmont. (PPW 145/3/6)

PPW 145/3/6.1 Annual Report (1858-1892)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Training School for Feeble Minded Children, Elwyn. (PPW 145/4)

PPW 145/4.1 Report (annual,1853-1924/25?)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. (PPW 145/4/2)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Hospital, Harrisburg. (PPW 145/5)

PPW 145/5.1 Annual Report (1852-1956/58?) PPW 145/5.1b Annual report of the Board of Mangers (1874-1898)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Hospital, Norristown. (PPW 145/7)

PPW 145/7.1 Report (annual, 1880?-1943?)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Hospital, Somerset. (PPW 145/7/2)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Hospital, Mayview. (PPW 145/7/3)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 140 2020

PPW 145/7/3.1 Biennial report of the Mayview State Hospital, Mayview, Pennsylvania (1950-1952)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Pennhurst State School. (PPW 145/8)

PPW 145/8.1 Report (biennial, 1913?-1930?)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Institution for Feeble-Minded, Polk. (PPW 145/8/2)

PPW 145/8/2.1 Report (annual, 1897-1924?)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Pennsylvania Hospital for Insane, Philadelphia. (PPW 145/8/3) [Later Pennsylvania Hospital, Department for Metal and Nervous Diseases, West Philadelphia]

PPW 145/8/3.1 Report (1841-1890?) PPW 145/8/3.1 Annual report Department for Mental and Nervous Diseases (1923-1940) PPW 145/8/3.1b Report of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital to the Contributers… (

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Retreat Mental Hospital. (PPW 145/8/7)

PPW 145/8/7.1 Annual Report

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Asylum for Chronic Insane, South Mountain. (PPW 145/8/8)

PPW 145/8/8.1 Report (annual, 1894-1909?)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Hospital, Warren. (PPW 145/9)

PPW 145/9.1 Report (annual, 1873-1930?)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. State Hospital, Wernersville. (PPW 145/9/2)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Western State Hospital for the Insane, Torrance.(PPW 145/9/4) [Name changed to Torrance State Hospital]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 141 2020

PPW 145/9/4.1 Report (annual 1920- )

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. White Haven State School and Hospital. (PPW 145/9/5)

PPW 145/9/5.4/4 Centerlines (1991-2008) PPW 145/9/5.17/8 PocoNotes (monthly, 1972-1990)

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Woodhaven Center, Philadelphia. (PPW 145/9/8)

PPW 145/9/8.21/8 The Training Quarterly on Mental Retardation (1979- )

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Health. Laurelton State Village. (PPW 145/13) [formerly Pennsylvania Village for Feebleminded Women, Laurelton (1916-1922)]

PPW 145/13.1 Report (annual, 1916- ) PPW 145/13.1s Annual Statement of Receipts

Public Welfare. Office of Mental Retardation. (PPW 146) [Changed to: Office of Developmental Programs (Spring 2007)]

PPW 146.3 Mental Retardation Bulletin PPW 146.6/7 Employer Newsletter (2010- ) PPW 146.14/4 Mentally Retarded Persons Receiving Care at State Expense (1920-1959, annual, 1960-1971?) PPW 146.14/8 Movement of Patient Population in State Schools and Hospitals and the Elwyn Institute (monthly) PPW 146.14/8a Movement of Patient Population in State Schools and Hospitals and the Elwyn Institute (annual) PPW 146.14/8mr Movement of Resident Population in M R Annexes (monthly, 1975-1978) PPW 146.21/8 Transitioning Youth with Disabilities (2001- )

Public Welfare. Office of Developmental Programs. Bureau of Autism Services (PPW 146/2)

Public Welfare. State Mental Health/Mental Retardation Advisory Committee (PPW 147)

Public Welfare. Bureau of Human Resources. (PPW 174)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 142 2020

Public Welfare. Office of Personnel Services. (PPW 174) [formerly Bureau of Personnel]

PPW 174.17/4 Personnel informational memorandum

Public Welfare. Philipsburg State Hospital. (PPW 175)

PPW 175.1 Philipsburg State Hospital (annual)

Public Welfare. Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation. (PPW 178)

PPW 178.5/6 Directions: A Channel of Information on Programs and Activities (irregular, 1982- )

Public Welfare. Office of Public Education. (PPW 179)

PPW 179.5/6/7 Directory of Services : Mental and Mental Retardation (annual, 1978) PPW 179.5/6/8 Directory of Services: Older Persons (annual, 1978) PPW 179.5/6/81 Directory of Services: Poor and Low Income Families (annual, 1978) PPW 179.5/6/9 Directory of Services: Visually Handicapped (annual, 1978) PPW 179.7/9 Funds Received by Counties for DPW Subsidy and Grant Programs. (annual, 1977/78?)

Public Welfare. Division of Research and Statistics. (PPW 194) [formerly Bureau of Research and Statistics; Office of Program Research and Statistics; Office of Planning and Research]

PPW 194.2/3 Administrative Information (irregular, 1938?- ) PPW 194.14/8 Monthly Administrative Report (1937-?) [title varies] PPW 194.16/3 Monthly Occupancy Report for State-Owned Institutions (1960-1975?) PPW 194.20/7* Special Analysis (irregular, 1941?- ) [numbered, formerly under PPW 28.20/7] no longer in use reclassified as monographs. PPW 194.20/8* Incorrect number – use PPW 1.1s Statistical Report of the Department of Welfare (1935-1936) PPW 194.20/8/7 Statistical Report on Medical Assistance (monthly) PPW 194.21/8 End of Month Report of County Board and State Office Employees (1943-1959) PPW 194.21/8 End-of-Month Report on Total Number of Employees of Department ... (1960-1967)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 143 2020

Public Welfare. Bureau of Research and Training-Mental Health. (PPW 194/3)

PPW 194/3.4/8 Contemporary Issues of Mental Health (quarterly, 1975-1976)

Public Welfare. Office of Social Programs. (PPW 203)

PPW 203.3 Social Programs Bulletin PPW 203.20/8 Social Service Bulletin. (1986-)

Public Welfare. Office of Social Services. (PPW 207)

Public Welfare. State and Local Welfare Commission. (PPW 208)

Public Welfare. State and Local Welfare Commission. Southeastern Region. (PPW 208/4)

Public Welfare. State Hospital for Injured Persons of the Trevorton, Shamokin, and Mount Carmel Coal Fields (PPW 208/6)

PPW 208/6.1 Report (1917/1919)

Public Welfare. State Hospital of the Northern Anthracite Coal Region, Scranton, PA. (PPW 208/7)

PPW 208/7.1 Annual Report (1901- )

REVENUE (1927- )

PR 1.1 Biennial Report (1956/58?-1968/70?) PR 1.4/8 Compendium of Revenues Collected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1982- ) [formerly Compendium of Pennsylvania Taxes, 1976-1981] PR 1.15/4 News Releases (1964?-1977?) PR 1.17/4 Pennsylvania Tax Update (quarterly, 1983- ) PR 1.19/4 Revenews (monthly, discontinued, 1975-?) PR 1.19/4/9 Report of Revenues and Receipts (monthly)

Revenue. Office of Chief Counsel. (PR 20)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 144 2020

PR 20.20/2 Sales and use tax credit chart (annual 1988)

Revenue. Bureau of Accounts Settlement. (PR 23)

Revenue. Board of Appeals. (PR 28)

Revenue. Bureau of Audits (PR 29)

Revenue. Bureau of Business Trust Fund Taxes. (PR 39)

PR 39.19/4 Revenue pronouncement PR 39.20/2 Sales Tax Bulletin

Revenue. Bureau of Cigarette and Beverage Taxes. (PR 46*) [class changed from PR 47]

Revenue. Office of Criminal Tax Investigation. (PR 47*)

Revenue. Bureau of Corporation Taxes. (PR 48)

PR 48.4/8 Corporation Tax Bulletin (title varies) PR 48.9/2 Harness Racing Fund Revenues PR 48.21/2 Tax Bulletin (1956-1964?)

Revenue. Bureau of County Collections (PR 49)

Revenue. Office of e-Commerce (PR 63)

Revenue. Bureau of Field Operations. (PR 76)

Revenue. Bureau of Individual Taxes. (PR 105)

PR 105.9/2 Handbook for Electronic Filers of Pennsylvania Individual Income Tax Returns (1997- )

Revenue. Bureau of Inheritance Taxes. (PR 106)

Revenue. Bureau of Institutional Collections. (PR 107)

Revenue. Bureau of Liquid Fuels Tax. (PR 136) [after 1984?, Bureau of Motor License Funds PR 148]

PR 136.13/6a Liquid Fuels Tax, Bulletin PR 136.13/6o Oil Franchise Tax Bulletin

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 145 2020 PR 136.20/3 Schedule of Liquid Fuels Tax-Credit to Counties (1963?-1964?) PR 136.26/4 Yearly Gallonage Report (1975-?)

Revenue. Pennsylvania State Lottery. (PR 138) (Feb. 1984- ) [formerly Bureau of State Lotteries. 1971-1984]

PR 138.1 The Pennsylvania Lottery Annual Report (1978/79- ) PR 138.5/2 The Daily Number Newsletter (monthly, 1977-1978) PR 138.13/8 Lottery Line (monthly, 1972- ) PR 138.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1973?- ) PR 138.20/8 Statement of Income and Expenditures(monthly, 1977-) PR 138.24/6 Winning wire (bimonthly, 1998- ) PR 138.26/4 A year of winning numbers in the Pennsylvania lottery (monthly)

Revenue. Bureau of Motor License Funds. (PR 148) (1984?- ) [earlier Bureau of Liquid Fuel Tax PR 136]

Revenue. Bureau of Motor Vehicles (PR 149)

PR 149.23/4 Vehicle Code

Revenue. Personal Income Tax Bureau. (PR 174)* [Do not use. Use PR 105 instead]

Revenue. Bureau of Personnel. (PR 174/7)

Revenue. Office of Policy, Evaluation, and Analysis. (PR 178) [Bureau of Policy Analysis and Planning]

PR 178.14/8 Monthly revenue report PR 178.14/8g Monthly report of gallons PR 178.20/2 Sales and Use Tax by Standard Classification within Counties (Annual)

Revenue. Office of Public Information. (PR 179)

Revenue. Research and Statistics Division. (PR 194)

PR 194.17/4 Pennsylvania Taxable Income by County, Size and Income Type, and Poverty Income (annual, 1972- ) PR 194.19/4 Research Bulletin (numbered, 1959-?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 146 2020

PR 194.20/8 Statistical Bulletin (fiscal 1957/58) PR 194.20/8/3 Statistical Data Sheet (monthly,1958- )

Revenue. Bureau of Taxes for Education. (PR 202) [formerly Bureau of Sales and Use Tax]

STATE (1790- )

PS 1.1 Biennial Report (1958/60?-1964/66?) PS 1.2/8 Appropriations and Expenditures PS 1.5/4 Departmental Statistics (1924?-1925?) PS 1.15/4 News Releases, Media Advisories, …

State. Athletic Commission. (PS 28)

PS 28.19/6 Ringside report

State. Commission on Charitable Organizations. (PS 45*) [Bureau of Charitable Organizations] [class corrected from PY C4732]

State. Corporation Bureau. (PS 48)

State. Bureau of Elections. (PS 67) State. Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation. (PS 67)

PS 67.4/2 Candidates (1968-1969) PS 67.6/7 Election Guide (1913- ) PS 67.6/7/2 Election Calendar (1929?- ) PS 67.6/7/7 Election News (1981- ) PS 67.8/4 Tabulated Statement of the Votes Cast for the Several Candidates ... (titles varies, 1896?-1962?) Not used items classified in PS 204.21/2 PS 67.15/8 Nomination papers (1998) PS 67.15/8/2 Instructions for filing as a candidate of a minor political party: municipal election. PS 67.15/8/3 Instructions for filing as a political body candidate: municipal election. PS 67.19/4 Registration of Voters in Pennsylvania by Counties (1931?-) PS 67.23/8 Voting machines in Pennsylvania (1963-1964) PS 67.23/8/8 Voting in Pennsylvania

State. Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. (PS 178)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 147 2020

PS 178.15/4 News from the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (197?-1973?)

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Accountancy (PS 178/1)

PS 178/1.13/2 Law and Rules of Professional Conduct Covering Practice as Certified Public Accountant ... (1965- ) PS 178/1.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1997- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Examiners of Architects. (PS 178/2)

PS 178/2.13/2 Law, Regulations and Information Covering Practices of Architecture in Pennsylvania (1964- ) PS 178/2.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1994- ) PS 178/2.19/8 Roster of Architects in Pennsylvania (1969- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Auctioneers. (PS 178/2/9)

PS 178/2/9.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1994- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Barber Examiners. (PS 178/3)

PS 178/3.13/2 Laws Covering Practice of Barbering (1964- ) PS 178/3.15/4 Newsletter (Fall 1995- ) PS 178/3.19/8 Roster of Licensed Barbers ... (1965- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Chiropractic Examiners. (PS 178/4)

PS 178/4.13/2 Law and Rules of Professional Conduct Covering Practice of Chiropractic Medicine in Pennsylvania (1967- ) PS 178/4.15/4 Newsletter (Winter 1997- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Cosmetology. (PS 178/4/8)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 148 2020

PS 178/4/8.3/4 The Beauty Culture Law and Rules and Regulations ... (1965- ) PS 178/4/8.15/4 Newsletter (Fall 1995- ) PS 178/4/8.19/8 Roster of Licensed Cosmetologists ... (1965- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Dental Council and Examining Board. (PS 178/5)

PS 178/5.15/4 Newsletter (Winter 1997- ) PS 178/5.19/8 Roster of Licensed Dentists and Dental Hygienists ..(1965-) PS 178/5.19/9 Regulations for Examination and Registration, Candidates for Dental Hygiene Licensing ... (1965- ) PS 178/5.19/9/2 Regulations for Examination and Registration, Candidates for Dental Licensing ... (1965- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Registration Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists. (PS 178/6)

PS 178/6.15/4 Newsletter (Fall 1995- ) PS 178/6.19/8 Roster of professional engineers and surveyors in Pennsylvania (1965-1969) PS 178/6.19/8 Roster of registered professional engineers and professional land surveyors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1989) PS 178/6.19/8 Roster of professional engineers (1995- ) PS 178/6.19/9 Rules, Regulations and Administrative Procedures (1968- ) PS 178/6.19/10 Roster of professional land surveyors (1997- ) PS 178/6.19/11 Roster of professional geologists (1997- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Funeral Directors. (PS 178/7)

PS 178/7.15/4 Newsletter (Fall 1995- ) PS 178/7.19/8 Roster of Funeral Directors (1965- ) PS 178/7.19/9 Rules and Regulations ... (1967- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Landscape Architects. (PS 178/13)

PS 178/13.15.4 Newsletter (Fall 1998- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 149 2020 State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Medical Education and Licensure. (PS 178/14)

PS 178/14.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1997- ) PS 178/14.19/4 Regulations Covering Practice of Medicine in Pennsylvania (1964?- ) PS 178/14.19/8 Roster of Medical Doctors in Pennsylvania (1966- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Motor Vehicle Salesmen. (PS 178/14/8)

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Navigation Commission for the Bay and River Delaware. (PS 178/14/9)

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Nurse Examiners. (PS 178/15)

PS 178/15.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1995- ) PS 178/15.19/7 Approved certified registered nurse practitioner programs (1997- ) PS 178/15.19/8 Approved practical nursing programs (1997- ) PS 178/15.19/9 Rules and Regulations ... for Programs of Practical Nursing (1967- ) PS 178/15.19/9/2 Rules and Regulations ... for Programs of Professional and Technical Nursing (1970/71- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Nursing Home Administrators. (PS 178/15/5)

PS 178/15/5.15/4 Newsletter (Fall 1999- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Occupational Therapist Examiners. (PS 178/15/9)

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Optometrical Examiners. (PS 178/16)

PS 178/16.15/4 Newsletter (Spring 1999- ) PS 178/16.19/9 Rules and Regulations Covering Practice of Optometry (1965- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners. (PS 178/16/8)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 150 2020

PS 178/16/8.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1997- ) PS 178/16/8.19/9 Rules and Regulations of ... (1965- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Pharmacy Examiners. (PS 178/17*) [class changed from PY P536]

PS 178/17.1 Annual Report: Board of Pharmacy (1919- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Physical Therapist Examiners. (PS 178/17/5)

PS 178/17/5.15/4 Newsletter (Spring 1998-)

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Podiatry Examiners. (PS 178/17/8*) [class changed from PS 178/17]

PS 178/17/8.13/2 Law and Rules of Professional Conduct Concerning Practice as Podiatrist ... (1967- ) PS 178/17/8.15/4 Newsletter (Summer/Fall 1997- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Psychologist Examiners (PS 178/17/8/9)

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Psychology. (PS 178/17/9)

PS 178/17/9.15/4 Newsletter (1993?- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Real Estate Commission. (PS 178/19)

PS 178/19.15/4 Newsletter PS 178/19.19/4 Real Estate Brokers License Act (1964- ) PS 178/19.19/7 Real Estate Licensing Act (1980) PS 178/19.19/8 Roster of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen in Pennsylvania (1965- ) PS 178/19.19/9 Rules and Regulations ... (1964- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers. (PS 178/19/3)

PS 178/19/3.15/4 Newsletter (1990- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 151 2020 State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language and Hearing (178/20)

PS 178/20.15/4 Newsletter

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons (PS 178/22)

PS 178/22.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1999- )

State. Professional and Occupational Affairs. State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. (PS 178/23) State Board of Veterinary Medicine.

PS 178/23.15/4 Newsletter (Summer 1998- )

State. Secretary of the Commonwealth. (PS 204)

PS 204.1 Biennial Report (1892/94?-1922?) PS 204.2:R288c/yr Reapportionment Plan: Pennsylvania Congressional Districts (1972?- ) PS 204.2:ct/yr Pennsylvania House of Representatives Districts PS 204.2:ct/yr Pennsylvania Senatorial Districts PS 204.2:R288l Final Legislative Reapportionment Plan Representatives Districts PS 204.2:R288s Final Legislative Reapportionment Plan [Note: all of above cuttered for Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh or Philadelphia] PS 204.13/6 List of Charters of Corporations Enrolled in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth (biennial, 1899/03?-1919/21?) PS 204.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1968?-1975?) PS 204.15/8 Nominations for the Offices of U.S. Senator, Governor, etc. (1922?-1934?) PS 204.21/2 Tabulated Statement of the Votes Cast for the Several Candidates for the Offices …


PSP 1.1 Report (annual, 1905/06-1917; Biennial, 1918/19- 1968/70?) PSP 1.4/8 The Communicator (monthly, 1963-1972?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 152 2020

PSP 1.15/4 News Releases/Media Advisories/News Advisories… (1962?-1977?)

State Police. Bureau of Community Services. (PSP 47)

State Police. Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information. (PSP 48)

State Police. Bureau of Investigation. (PSP 48/6)

State Police. Bureau of Fire Protection. (PSP 76)

PSP 76.1 Report (annual?, 1913-1931?) PSP 76.4/8 Consolidated Bulletin of Public Safety (monthly, 1920- ?) PSP 76.14/8 Monthly Bulletin ( -1919) (incorporated into: Consolidated Bulletin of Public Safety) PSP 76.19/4 Regulations Governing the Having, Using, Storing, Transportation, Sale & Keeping of Gasoline, Naphtha, Kerosene, etc. (1924?-1965?)

State Police. Bureau of Liquor Control (PSP 78)

State Police. Bureau of Integrity and Professional Standards (PSP 107)

State Police. Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission. (PSP 149)

PSP 149.1 Annual Report PSP 149.14/8 MPOETC Newsletter PSP 149.15/4 News Release

State Police. Bureau of Patrol. (PSP 172)

State Police. Bureau of Research and Development. (PSP 194)

PSP 194.22/7 Uniform Crime Reports (annual, 1973- )

State Police. Bureau of Technical Services. (PSP 214)

State Police. Bureau of Training and Education. (PSP 218)

SURVEYOR GENERAL (PSG) (1781-1873) [incorporated into Internal Affairs by 1873 Constitution]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 153 2020

PSG1.1 Annual Report (1865?-1874?)

TREASURER (1776- )

PT 1.1 Report (title varies, 1818?-1942?) PT 1.1m Report of the State Treasurer (monthly, 1938-1968; quarterly, 1969- ) PT 1.3/9 Treasury Department Budget Request PT 1.10/7 Pennsylvania Treasurer's INVEST program for local governments. (1993 - ) PT 1.15/4 News Releases (1963?-1977?)

Treasurer. Office of Commonwealth Investments. (PT 47)

Treasurer. Bureau of Contract(s) Information (PT 48)

Treasurer. Bureau of Contracts and Public Records (PT 48)

Treasurer. Board of Finance and Revenue. (PT 76)

Treasurer. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. (PT 206)

PT 206.1 Report (report year irregular, 1879?-1918?)

Treasurer. Tuition Account Program (PT 219) [Changed to: nowU 529 College Savings Program (October 2007)]

PT 219.1 Annual Report

Treasurer. Bureau of Unclaimed Property (PT 227)

PT 227.22/7 Unclaimed PA Property

TRANSPORTATION (1970- ) [formerly Highways PHI 1]

PTR 1.1 Annual Report (1979/80- ) PTR 1.3/4 Benchmarking Newsletter (Mar. 2000- ) (Monthly) PTR 1.4/8 Construction Bulletin (1970-1984)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 154 2020

PTR 1.6/8 Estimate of the Cost of Completing the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways in the Commonwealth (1974?-1977?) PTR 1.8 Police Accident Report Manual PTR 1.9/6 Highway Improvements in Pennsylvania (1971- ) [earlier see PHI 1.9/6] PTR 1.10/7 Inspector Certification Series (1971- ) [earlier PHI 1.10/7] PTR 1.10/8 Local route impact statements (individual titles vary) [cutter by county and then route number] PTR 1.14/4/2 Memorandum (198?-1993) PTR 1.15/2 Names, Titles, and Mailing Addresses of Officials within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (annual, six part series covering county and local officials, 1971- ) PTR 1.15/4 News Releases [Dept. and Commonwealth News Bureau] (1970?-) PTR 1.15/4 District 1 News release Engineering District No. 1-0 (1983-) PTR 1.15/4 District 2 News release Engineering District No. 2-0 (1983- ) PTR 1.15/4 District 3 News release Engineering District No. 3-0 (1983- ) PTR 1.15/4 District 4 News release Engineering District No. 4-0 (199?- ) PTR 1.15/4 District 5 News release Engineering District No. 5-0 (1983- ) PTR 1.15/4 District 6 News release Engineering District No. 6-0 (1970- ) PTR 1.15/4 District 9 News release Engineering District No. 9-0 (1983- ) PTR 1.15/4 District 10 News release Engineering District No. 10-0 (199?-) PTR 1.15/4 District 12 News release Engineering District No. 12-0 (1983-) PTR 1.15/42 News advisory (Commonwealth News Bureau, 1990- ) PTR 1.15/43 News advisory (198?- ) PTR 1.16/4 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Official Transportation Map (1925- ) PTR 1.17/3 Pennsylvania Traffic Data (quarterly) PTR 1.17/3/1 Pennsylvania Traffic Data (annual) PTR 1.17/4 Performance Report (quarterly, 1979- ) PTR 1.17/8/7 Price List: Maps and Publications PTR 1.19/4 Official Traffic-Control Devices [67 Pa.C. 211] [Regulations Governing the Design, Location and Operation of all Official Traffic Signs, Signals and Markings ... ] (1938- ) PTR 1.19/8 The Roads Scholar I Program (1989- ) PTR 1.19/8/2 The Roads Scholar II Program (1989- ) PTR 1.20/8 Specifications (1973?- ) PTR 1.21/7 Traffic safety school calendar (Annual) PTR 1.21/8 Traffic Accident Facts and Statistics (annual, 1987?- ) PTR 1.21/8/6/3 TIC additions (1981-1984) PTR 1.21/8/6/3 News/notes and acquisitions (1984-1987)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 155 2020 PTR 1.21/8/6/3 Look it Up, new additions (1988-1990) PTR 1.21/8/6/3 Look it up (1990- ) [includes new book list]

Transportation. Center for Program Development and Management (PTR 23) [formerly Bureau of Strategic Planning, Bureau of Advance Planning]

PTR 23.2 G326hm General Highway Maps (year)(county) PTR 23.19/4 Report of Achievements … PennPlan Moves! (2000- 2005)

Transportation. Bureau of Aviation. (PTR 29) [formerly Aeronautics Commission]

PTR 29.1 Report (annual?, 1943?-1951?) PTR 29.2/7 Aviation News in Pennsylvania (2002-) PTR 29.2/9 Aviation Releases (monthly, 1955-1975) PTR 29.2/9/7 Aviation News (Feb 1975 - Sept 1976) PTR 29.4 Circular (1935?) PTR 29.8/4 Generally Aviation (monthly, 1972-1979?) PTR 29.13/2 Pennsylvania Laws Relating to Aviation (1957?-1967?) PTR 29.13/6c Licensed Airports in Pennsylvania - Commercial (1957- 1961?) PTR 29.13/6p Licensed Airports in Pennsylvania - Personal Use (1956-1961?) PTR 29.17/2 Pennsylvania Airport Guide (1962-1974) PTR 29.17/3 Pennsylvania Aeronautical Chart and Airport Directory (1947?-1979/80?) PTR 29.17/3/6 Airport Directory (1983/84- ) PTR 29.17/4 Pennsylvania Aircraft Accident and Violation Analysis (annual, 1957?-1973) PTR 29.17/4/7 Pennsylvania Air Service Monitor (2005-) PTR 29.19/9 Aviation Rules and Regulations (1928-1968?) PTR 29.20/8 Special Bulletins (1955-1956)

Transportation. Bureau of Bridge and Roadway Technology. (PTR 38)

Transportation. Cartographic Information Division (PTR 42)

Transportation. Bureau of Construction & Materials. (PTR 48) [formerly Bureau of Construction]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 156 2020

PTR 48.2/5 Aggregate producers (annual, 1988- ) PTR 48.2/8 Approved construction materials (annual, 1990- ) PTR 48.17/7 Producers of Bituminous Mixtures (annual, 1990- ) PTR 48.17/8 Project Office Manual (irregular, 1977- ) PTR 48.17/9 Producers of Ready Mixed Concrete (annual, 1988- )

Transportation. Office of Customer Relations. (PTR 49) (1992- ) Transportation. Office of Communications and Customer Relations (PTR 49)

PTR 49.10/7 Inroads (quarterly, 1997-)

Transportation. Bureau of Equal Opportunity (PTR 50)

PTR 50.5/6 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Directory PTR 50.5/7 Pennsylvania unified disadvantaged Business Enterprise Directory (2004- )

Transportation. Bureau of Highway Design. (PTR 54) Transportation. Bureau of Design ; Bureau of Project Delivery.[formerly Public Highways. Bureau of Design PHI 54]

PTR 54.3/9 Byways to the Past Technical Series

Transportation. Bureau of Driver Licensing. (PTR 58) (1984- ) [formerly Bureau of Traffic Safety]

PTR 58.7/2 Fact Sheet (irregular, 1986?- ) PTR 58.17/5 Photo drivers license center (1980- )

Transportation. Commercial Driver Program. (PTR 58/4)

PTR 58/4.4/3 CDL news (1991-1992) PTR 58/4.5/8 Commercial driver's manual (Annual, 1989- )

Transportation. Bureau of Economic Research and Programming. (PTR 63)

Transportation. Engineering District. (PTR 66)

PTR 66.17/8 Post-flood update (#1 (7/22/96)-#32 (10/18/96)

Transportation. Office of Environmental Quality. (PTR 67)

Transportation. Guide Rail Task Force. (PTR 89)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 157 2020

Transportation. Hazardous Substances Transportation Advisory Committee. (PTR 92)

Transportation. State Highway and Bridge Authority. (PTR 96)

Transportation. Bureau of Highway Services. (PTR 97)

Transportation. Bureau of Highway Safety and Traffic Engineering (PTR 98)

Transportation. Bureau of Human Resources (PTR 99) (2002-) [Formerly Bureau of Personnel]

Transportation. Bureau of Landscape Development. (PTR 132)

Transportation. Legal Bureau. (PTR 134)

Transportation. Bureau of Maintenance and Operations. (PTR 140)

Transportation. Bureau of Mass Transit Systems. (PTR 141)

PTR 141.14/2 Pennsylvania Mass Transit Statistical Report (annual, 1973/74-1976/77?)

Transportation. Bureau of Materials, Research and Planning. (PTR 142) [Formerly Bureau of Materials, Testing and Research]

PTR 142.1 Report (annual, 1966?-1976?)

Transportation. Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Licensing. (PTR 148)

PTR 148.1 Report (annual, 1956?-1968?) PTR 148.2/5 Aggregate Report of Financial Responsibility (1937?- 1947?) PTR 148.6/2 Emission Bulletin (monthly, 1984- ) PTR 148.14/8 Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Registrations (1911?- 1971?) PTR 148.14/8/3 Monthly Comparative Statement of Registrations and Receipts (1973- ) PTR 148.15/4 News Releases (1967?-1969?) PTR 148.15/7 Bureau newsletter (bimonthly,1981-1997) PTR 148.15/7 Driver and vehicle services update (bimonthly, 1998- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 158 2020

PTR 148.20/8 Report of Registrations [by Counties, title varies] (annual, -1984; Dept. of Revenue, 1970- )

Transportation. Center for Highway Safety. (PTR 148/9) (1984-1995) [moved to PTR 98]

Transportation. Bureau of Municipal Services. (PTR 149)

Transportation. Multimodal Transportation (PTR 150) (2013- )

PTR 150.14/9 Multimodal Highlights (2014- )

Transportation. Bureau of Office Services. (PTR 167)

Transportation. Bureau of Personnel. (PTR 174) [Became Bureau of Human Resources in 2002]

Transportation. Office of Planning. (PTR 177) Transportation. Bureau of Planning and Research (PTR 177)

PTR 177.1 Annual report (2001- ) PTR 177.9/6 Highway Planning and Research Work Program [HPR] (annual, 1969?-1979?) PTR 177.9/7 Annual report/Pennsylvania Highway statistics (1996-) PTR 177.17/4 PennDOT research (2002- ) PTR 177.21/8 [Traffic Operations Program to Increase Capacity and Safety: TOPICS] (cuttered for various areas)

Transportation. Office of Press and Legislative Affairs. (PTR 178)

Transportation. Office of Public Information. (PTR 179)

Transportation. Bureau of Public Transit and Goods Movement Systems. (PTR 179/9/5)

Transportation. Bureau of Public Transportation. (PTR 180) (1984- )

PTR 180.1 Annual Performance Report (2006/2007- ) PTR 180.17/4 Pennsylvania intercity rail passenger program (1990- 1991) PTR 180.17/4/2 PA intercity bus operating assistance program (1985- 1992 ) PTR 180.17/4/7 Pennsylvania Rural and Small Urban Public Transportation Program statistical report (1994-1995)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 159 2020 PTR 180.17/4/7/7 Pennsylvania public transportation statistical report (2006-) PTR 180.17/4/7/8 Pennsylvania Public Transportation Systems and Services at a Glance (annual 2005/2006-) PTR 180.17/4/8 Pennsylvania Operating Assistance Programs statistical report (1996- 2005) PTR 180.17/4/9 Pennsylvania urban transit statistical report (1995- 2005) PTR 180.20/4 Senior citizen shared-ride program (1994/1995-2005)

Transportation. Bureau of Rail Freight, Ports and Waterways (PTR 192)

Transportation. Office of Research and Special Studies. (PTR 194) ( -1995)

Transportation. Bureau of Right of Way. (PTR 196)

Transportation. Roadside Environmental Division. (PTR 198)

Transportation. Bureau of Safety Programming and Analysis. (PTR 202)

PTR 202.20/2/2 Safety Beat (quarterly 1980, bi-monthly 1981- )

Transportation. Technical Reference Center (PTR 214) Transportation. PennDOT Knowledge Center (PTR 214)

PTR 214.2/9 Audio/visual catalog (annual, 1988, 1990, 1996-1999) [Variant title = Audio/video catalog (1997-1999)] PTR 214.2/9 Multimedia catalog (audio, video and CD-ROM formats) (2001- )

Transportation. Bureau of Traffic Engineering. (PTR 217)

Transportation. Bureau of Traffic Safety. (PTR 218)

PTR 218.2:CT/yr. Pennsylvania Manual for Drivers (Spanish eds. included) PTR 218.14/8 Motor Vehicle Accident Facts (annual, 1950-1955?) PTR 218.14/8/3 Monthly Comparative Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities (annual, 1940?-1952/53) PTR 218.14/8/7 Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents; Routes by Counties (annual, 1940-1945) PTR 218.14/8/8 Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents; State Analysis (annual, 1940-1947)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 160 2020

PTR 218.14/8/9 Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents; Three Highest Accident Frequency Routes (annual, 1941-1945) PTR 218.15/4 News Releases (1962?-1965?) PTR 218.16/4 Official Inspection Station Bulletin PTR 218.20/8 Statistical Summary of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents (annual, 1948-1975) PTR 218.20/9 Summary of Motor Vehicle Accidents - County Breakdown (annual, 1957-1958?) PTR 218.20/9/8 Suspensions and Revocations (annual, 1942-1956) PTR 218.21/8 Traffic Safety Newsletter (monthly?, March 1954-1955)

Transportation. State Transportation Advisory Committee. (PTR 219) (1974/75?- )

Transportation. State Transportation Commission. (PTR 219/3)

Transportation. Transportation University (PTR 220)

PTR 220.21/8 Transportation University news (Fall 1997- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 161 2020

Independent Agencies

Abortion Law Commission. (PY A154)

PY A154.1 Report of the Pennsylvania Abortion Law Commission (1972)

Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission (PY A159) (2009)

State Commission on Academic Facilities. (PY A168)

PY A168.1 Annual Report (1966-1977) PY A168.1b Biennial Report (19??- )

Pennsylvania Council on Aging. (PY A266)

Governor's Transition Task Force on the Department of Aging. (PY A267)

State Agricultural Society. (PY A278)

PY A278.1 Report of the Transactions of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society (annual, 1854-?) PY A278.17/8 List of Premiums of the ... Annual Exhibition (annual, 1891?-?)

Governor's Committee on Agriculture. (PY A278/3)

PY A278/3.1 Report. (1966)

Andersonville Memorial Commission. (PY A552)

Anthracite Mine Drainage Study Commission. (PY A628)

PY A268.1 Report (1956)

State Anthracite Mine Cave Commission. (PY A6282)

PY A6282.1 Report (1913)

Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission. (PY A629)

Governor’s Study Commission on the Apparel Industry (PY A646)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 162 2020

(January - June 1978)

State Art Commission. (PY A784)

PY A784.1 Annual Report (1920-1938) PY A784.3 Bulletin (1920-?)

Governor's Task Force on Arthritis (PY A787)

Council on the Arts. (PY A792)

PY A792.1 Biennial Report (1966/68- ) PY A792.1a Report (annual, 1975/76- ) PY A792.2:D618r Minority Arts Program (annual, 1980- ) PY A792.2/7 Annual Anthology of Artists in the Schools Program ... (dates vary, 1975?- ) PY A792.2/7/7 ALNAH News Bulletin (1990- ) PY A792.2/8 Guide to the Artists in Education Program (annual, 1978/79- ) [formerly Artists-in-School. Program for Elementary & Secondary Schools...] PY A792.3/8 Guide to Broadcast of the Arts (2005/2006- ) PY A792.4/8 Commonwealth (Vol. 1, no. 1 (Summer 1992) (Only one printed) PY A792.5/6 Directory of Pennsylvania artists (Title varies) (1990- 1991- ) PY A792.7/4 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts fellowship recipients (1996- ) PY A792.7/6 Fine Crafts in Pennsylvania: a Sightseers and Shoppers Guide (annual, 1980- ) PY A792.7/8 Folk and Traditional Arts: Fellowship and Apprenticeship Guidelines and Application (200?- ) PY A792.8/2 Governor's awards for the arts, request for nominations (1997- ) PY A792.8/3 Governor's awards for the arts, awards ceremony (1998- ) PY A792.8/3/1 Keynote Address: Governor's awards for the arts, awards ceremony PY A792.8/4 Guide to the Accessibility to the Arts Division (annual?, 1998-1999- ) PY A792.8/9 Guide to Programs (annual, 1975- ) PY A792.8/9/2 Guide to the fellowship programs PY A792.15/4 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Newsletter (quarterly, Spring, 1977- ) PY A792.15/4/2 News releases

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 163 2020 PY A792.16/5 Individual artist track: arts commentary guidelines PY A792.16/8 Organizational application book (1996-1997) Organizational grant application book (1997-1998) Guide to the Arts Organizations and Arts Programs Track (annual, 1998-) PY A792.16/9 Grant applications to the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (1997- ) PY A792.16/10 Entry track guidelines (1999- ) PY A792.16/11 Preserving diverse cultures division, application (1999-) PY A792.16/12 Projects track guidelines (1999-2005) PY A792.16/12 Project Guidelines for: Access to the Arts, Broadcast of the Arts, Local Government (2006- ) PY A792.16/13 Individual Artists Track (2001/2002- ) PY A792.17/4 Roster guidelines (1996?- ) PY A792.17/4/8 Pennsylvania Performing Artists Roster (annual, 1979?- ) PY A792.17/5 Pennsylvania performing arts on tour (PennPAT)(1997-) PY A792.17/8 Press Releases (irregular, 1967?- 1979?) PY A792.17/9/3 The Pennsylvania Writers Collection (1984- ) PY A792.20//8 Spring Arts Conference (2008- )

Committee on Public Assistance and Relief. (PY A848)

PY A848.1:date [four reports] First Preliminary Report of the Pennsylvania Committee on Public Assistance and Relief in Pennsylvania (Apr. 1936?) Second Preliminary Report of the Pennsylvania Committee on Public Assistance and Relief in Pennsylvania (May 1936) A Modern Public Assistance Program for Pennsylvania (December 1936) Supplemental Statement on Estimated costs of Public Assistance (February 1937)

Commission to Codify and Revise the Law Relating to Banks, Private Bankers and Trust Companies. (PY B218)

PY B218.1 [two reports] Preliminary Report of the Commission (1919) Supplemental Report of the Commission (1921)

Banking Law Commission. (PY B218/7)

Commission for Unveiling Groups of Sculpture by George Gray Barnard. (PY B259)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 164 2020

Barrier Pillar Commission (Bituminous District). (PY B275)

PY B275.1 Report to the General Assembly (1926)

Commission Appointed to Make an Investigation of the Battlefields of France and Belgium. (PY B336)

PY B336.1 Report (1923)

Benjamin Franklin Symposium. (PY B468)

Ad Hoc Bicentennial Committee. (PY B583)

PY B583.1 Report (1968)

Bicentennial Commission of Pennsylvania. (PY B5832)

PY B5832.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1970?-1976?) PY B5832.17/4 Pennsylvania Bicentennial News (irregular, 1974-1977)

Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution (PY B5835)

Pennsylvania Biological Survey (PY B615)

Commission on Conditions Relating to Blind Persons. (PY B648)

PY B648.1 Report (1925)

Advisory Committee for the Blind. (PY B6481) (1958- ) [formerly State Council for the Blind (1925-1958)]

Pennsylvania and New York Joint Boundary Commission. (PY B765)

PY B765.1 Report (1878)

State Building Code Commission. (PY B932)

Business Methods Committee. (PY B979)

PY B979.1 Report (1932)

Governor's Council of Business and Industry. (PY B979/6)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 165 2020

PY B979/6.1 More Jobs for Pennsylvanians [Recommendations for Making Pennsylvania More Attractive for Plant Locations, etc.] (1963)

Pennsylvania Business Tax Reform Commission. (PY B9798) [March 2004 – Nov. 2004]

Pennsylvania Cable Network (PY C115)

PY C115.26/4 PCN Yearbook

Cancer Coordinating Committee. (PY C215)

PY C215.1 Report (1954-1966?)

Capitol Building Commission. (PY C244)

PY C244.1 Report (1899)

Capitol Centennial Commission (PY C2441)

Capitol Preservation Committee (PY C2442)

PY C2442.1 Annual report (1992-2002) PY C2442.1 Annual project report (2003- ) PY C2442.15/4 Newsletter

Governor's Study Commission on Capital Punishment. (PY C2443)

PY C2443.1 Report (1973)

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. (PY C353/3/6/8*) [incorrect class, use PY C9297]

State Board of Censors. (PY C396)

PY C396.1 Report (1914-1918)

Board of Centennial Managers. (PY C397)

Commission to Investigate Various Charitable Institutions. (PY C473)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 166 2020

PY C473.1 Report (1907)

Commission on Charitable Organizations. (PY C4732*) [incorrect class, use PS 45]

Governor's Commission Investigating Recent Events in Chester. (PY C5248)

PY C5248.1 Report (1964)

Chestnut Tree Blight Commission. (PY C525)

PY C525.1 Report (1913) PY C525.3 Bulletin

Chickamauga-Chattanooga Battlefields Commission. (PY C532)

Commission to Study and Revise the Statutes Relating to Children. (PY C536)

PY C536.1 Report to the General Assembly (1925-1927)

Governor's Advisory Citizen Committee on the Mid-Century White House Conference on Children and Youth. (PY C536/2)

Governor’s Commission for Children and Families (PY C536/4)

PY C536/4.1 Annual report (1992-)

Governor's Committee on Children and Youth. (PY C536/5)

Children’s Trust Fund. (PY C536/5/6)

Governor’s Advisory Council for Young Children. (PY C536/5/7)

Children’s Cabinet. (PY C536/5/8) (1988- )

Governor's Coordinating Committee for the 1960 White House Conference on Children and Youth. (PY C536/9)

Governor's Coordinating Committee for the 1970 White House Conference on Children and Youth. (PY C536/92)

Commission to Devise a Plan for the Government of Cities. (PY C581)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 167 2020

PY C581.1:yr [two reports] Preliminary Report of the Municipal Commission (1877) Report of the Commission (1878)

Commissioners Appointed to Revise the Civil Code. (PY C582)

PY C582.1 Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Revise the Civil Code of Pennsylvania (1831-1836)

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Pennsylvania State Advisory Committee. (PY C5822)

State Civil Service Commission. (PY C5823)

PY C5823.1 Report. Biennial. (1942/44- ) PY C5823.1a Veteran's Complaint Report (1979-?) PY C5823.4/9 Current Projects: Division of Research and Special Projects (irregular, January, 1973- ) PY C5823.6/7 Employment opportunities for college graduates (198?- ) PY C5823.6/7 Careers for College Graduates (2006/2007?-) PY C5823.6/9 Examples of Past Research Studies and Projects (irregular, September, 1971-?) PY C5823.11/8 Jobs for high school graduates PY C5823.11/8 Public service opportunities for high school graduates PY C5823.15/4 News Release (annual?, 1963-1977) PY C5823.16/2 Observations (bimonthly) PY C5823.17/8 Projections; A Report of Civil Service Employment in Pennsylvania (annual, 1975-1976?) PY C5823.18/9 Queries Series (irregular, 1975?-1980?) PY C5823.20/8 Summary of Civil Service Examinations (monthly) PY C5823.20/9 SWAP, [Sharing With A Purpose] Your Personnel Research Information Exchange Newsletter (irregular, 1972-1979?)

Pennsylvania Civil War 150 (PY C5824) (2011)

Board of Claims (PY C585) (1978- ) [Formerly under Auditor General. Board of Arbitration of Claims (PAU 28)]

PY C585.7/6 Board of Claims Opinions

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 168 2020

Anthracite Coal Industry Commission. (PY C652)

PY C652.1 Report (1937-1938)

Commission to Investigate the Increase in the Cost of Anthracite Coal in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (PYC 653)

PY C653.1 Report (1917?)

Commission to Investigate Waste of Coal Mining. (PY C659)

PY C659.1 Report (1893)

Cold Harbor Battlefield Commission. (PY C688)

College and University Council of Pennsylvania (1895-1920?) (PY C697)

PY C697.14/6 Minutes (1902)

State Temporary Commission on the Conditions of the Urban Colored Population. (PY C719)

PY C719.1 Final Report (1943)

Commonwealth Compensation Commission. (PY C7337)

PY C7337.1 Report (irregular, 1972-1979?) PY C7337.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1977-?)

Commonwealth Priorities Commission. (PY C734)

PY C734.1 Report (1968)

COMPASS [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Application for Social Service] (PY C736)

Commission on Compensation for Occupational Diseases. (PY C737)

PY C737.1 Occupational Disease Compensation - A Report (1933)

Commission to Make a Study and Investigation of Systems of Compulsory Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicle Owners and Drivers. (PY C738)

State Task Force on Competitive Supported Employment. (PY C747)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 169 2020

State Conservation Needs Inventory Committee. (PY C755)

Commission on Constitutional Amendment and Revision. (PY C758)

PY C758.1 Report (1921?) PY C758.11/8 Journal of Proceedings (1920-1921)

Governor's Advisory Committee on Constitutional Revision. (PY C7581)

Constitution Commemoration Committee. (PY C7583)

PY C7583.1 Activities Report (1938)

Governor's Commission on Constitutional Revision. (PY C7585)

PY C7585.1 Report (1964)

Committee for State Constitutional Revision. (PY C7586)

PY C7586.15/4 News Releases (1965-1967)

Commission on Constitutional Revision. (PY C7588)

PY C7588.1 Report (1959)

Office of Consumer Advocate. (PY C7589*) (1976-1979) [Class changed to PJ 45, then after 1980, PAT 47]

A. W. Cook Tract of Land Commission. (PY C771)

PY C771.1 Report (1913)

Governor’s Interdepartmental Task Force on Corrections (PY C824)

Cotton States and International Exposition Commission. (PY C851)

State Employees Credit Union. (PY C912)

PY C912.1 Annual Report (1975- ) PY C912.16/9 Update (? – 2009) PY C912.16/9 Re: Member (2009 - ) PY C912.17/2 PSECU Benefits (quarterly, 1978- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 170 2020

PY C912.17/8 PSECU News (monthly, 1984- )

Crime Commission (1927-1929). (PY C929) [current see PY C9292]

PY C929.1 Pennsylvania Crime Commission Report (1929)

Crime Commission [established 1968 under Justice, restructured 1978]. (PY C9292)

PY C9292.1 Biennial Report (1968- ) PY C9292.3 Bulletin (irregular, July 1969- ) PY C9292.4/8 The Criminal Justice System in Pennsylvania PY C9292.10/7 The Impact of the...Commission

Governor's Justice Commission. Allegheny Regional Advisory Committee. (PY C9292/2*) [class incorrect, use PJ 484/2]

Governor's Justice Commission. Central Regional Planning Council. (PY C9292/3*) [class incorrect, use PJ 484/3]

Governor's Justice Commission. Northeast Regional Council. (PY C9292/7*) [class incorrect, use PJ 484/7]

Governor's Justice Commission. Philadelphia Regional Planning Council (PY C9292/8*) [class incorrect, use PJ 484/8]

Governor's Justice Commission. South Central Regional Planning Council (PY C9292/8/3*) [class incorrect, use PJ 484/8/3]

Governor's Justice Commission. Southeast Regional Planning Council. (PY C9292/9*) [class incorrect, use PJ 484/8/4]

Crime Victims Compensation Board. (PY C9293*) [incorrect class, use PGV 84/4/9, earlier PJ 489]

Governor's Task Force on Criminal Justice Information Systems. (PY C9294) [disbanded, 1979?]

Criminal Justice Planning Board. (PY C9295)

PY C9295.4/8 The Comprehensive Plan for the Improvement of Criminal Justice ...

Committee for Criminal Justice Standards and Goals. (PY C9296)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 171 2020

Commission on Crime and Delinquency. (1978- ) (PY C9297) [succeeded Governor's Justice Commission PY C484]

PY C9297.1 Justice System Improvement: Annual Report of the [Commission] ... (1980- ) [title varies; cuttered by title] PY C9297.1:M273 Report: A Survey of Mandatory Sentencing in the U.S.; A Summary and Brief Analysis of Mandatory Sentencing Practices in the U.S. (1981) [State Library uses PY C9297.2] PY C9297.3 Bulletin (1979-1980) PY C9297.4/8/3 Pennsylvania Criminal Court Dispositions (1977) [formerly issued by Department of Justice PJ 49.4/8] PY C9297.10/7 IP news (quarterly, 1994?) PY C9297.10/7 Intermediate punishment news (quarterly, 1995?- ) PY C9297.10/7 Local community corrections (quarterly, 2000- ) PY C9297.11/9 Justice Analyst (1986- ) PY C9297.11/9/8 A Justice perspective (1994- ) PY C9297.14/4/2 Memorandum (198?-1993) PY C9297.15/4 News releases PY C9297.15/4/2 News advisory (1989- ) PY C9297.17/3 PCCD Quarterly (summer 1986- ) {PSU#} PY C9297.17/4 Pennsylvania progress (quarterly, 1994- ) PY C9297.23/6 Victim/witness Assistance Program annual report (199?- ) PY C9297.26/8 Pennsylvania Youth Survey report

Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Deputy Sheriffs' Education and Training Board (PY C9297/2)

PY C9297/2.1 Deputy Sheriffs' Education and Training Board annual report (annual, 1990- ) PY C9297/2.4/8 Pennsylvania Deputy Sheriffs’ Continuing Education Training Schedule (2007/2009- ) PY C9297/2.5/4 Deputy sheriffs' training bulletin (1990-2014) Sheriff and deputy sheriff training bulleting (2015- )

Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Constables Education and Training Board (PY C9297/4)

PY C9297/4.1 Annual report PY C9297/4.3 Bulletin PY C9297/4.21/8 Training Schedule (2001- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 172 2020

Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Committee (PY C9297/11)

Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Bureau of Victims’ Services. (PY C9297/23)

PY C9297/23.1 Annual report (1997/1998- ) PY C9297/23.17/2 Pathways & Partnerships (1999- )

Culpeper, Virginia, Monument Commission. (PY C968)

PY C968.1 Report (1914)

Commission to Erect Statue of . (PY C978)

Commission to Codify and Revise the Law of Decedents' Estates. (PY D292)

PY D292.1 Report (1917)

State Council of Defense. (PY D313) [1941-1945, preceded State Council of Civil Defense]

PY D313.2/7 Aluminum Campaign News (1941-1945?) PY D313.3 Bulletin (1941-1945?) PY D313.5/4 Pennsylvania Defense Council News (1941-1945?)

State Council of Defense. Advisory Committee on Consumer Interests. (PY D313/4)

State Council of Defense. Victory Garden Committee. (PY D313/23)

State Council of Civil Defense. (PY D3133) [1951-1978, succeeded State Council of Defense, preceded Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency]

PY D3133.1 Report (biennial, 1956/58-1966/68) PY D3133.10/7 Information Circulars (1951-1957) PY D3133.12/4 The Keystone Defender (1952- ) PY D3133.15/4 News Releases (1962-1977?) PY D3133.17/2 Pamphlets (1951-?)

Military and Civil Defense Commission. (PY D3136)

PY D3136.14/4 Memorandum (nos. 1-5, 1951)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 173 2020

Council of National Defense. (PY D3137)

Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin. (PY D343)

PY D343.1 Annual Report (1940-1948)

Compact as to the Water Resources of the Delaware River ... (1925) (PY D343/9)

Delaware River Basin Commission. (PY D3431) [see also YD 3431]

PY D3431.1 Annual Report PY D3431.5/8 DRB currents (1998- ) PY D3431.8* Administrative Manual: (in parts, 1972?- ) [class changed from PY D3431.2 A238m/yr] PY D3431.15/8 [Notices] PY D3431.24/2 Water Resources Program (1964-)

Delaware River Joint Commission of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. (PY D3432) [see also YD 3432]

PY D3432.1 Report (annual, 1931-1951)

Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission. (PY D3433) [see also YD 3433]

PY D3433.1 Annual report (annual 1950-1954) (one report for 1959- 1965)

Delaware River Bridge and Tunnel Commission. (PY D34332)

PY D34332.1 Report (1919)

Delaware River Port Authority. (PY D3434)

PY D3434.1 Report (annual,1952-1970/71?) PY D3434.58 DRPA Log (monthly, January 1966-1971?)

Delaware River Master. (PY D3435)

PY D3435.1 Report (1954?-1960?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 174 2020

Delaware River and Bay Authority. (PY D3436)

PY D3436.3/9 Preliminary Budget of Current Expenses for ... Fiscal Year ... (1970?-?)

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission. (PY D3437) [see also YD 3437]

PY D3437.1 DVRPC Annual Report (1978/79- )

State Dependents' Commission. (PY D419)

PY D419.1 Report and Recommendations (1915)

Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. (PY D489)

PY D489.15/4 News Releases PY D489.17/3 Pennsylvania Directory of Facility/Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (1980- ) PY D489.17/4 Pennsylvania ... State Plan PY D489.17/7 DD Planner (1977-1979, resumed 1983- )

Diabetes Task Force. (PY D536) [later PHE 55]

PY D536.21/8 Topics: A Newsletter for the Pennsylvania Diabetes Community (3-4/yr, Fall 1982-?)

Governor's Committee on Discrimination in Housing (PY D5995)

Governor's Committee for the Investigation of Alleged Disfranchisement of Electors in Philadelphia. (PY D611)

PY D611.1 Report (1938)

Commission on Displaced Persons. (PY D612)

PY D612.1 Annual Report (1949-1951?)

Governor’s Commission to Investigate Disturbances at Camp Hill Correctional Institution. (PY D614)

Commission to Codify Divorce Laws. (PY D618)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 175 2020 PY D618.1 Report (1906)

National Congress on Uniform Divorce Laws. (PY D6187)

PY D6l87.17/8 Proceedings...(1906)

Governor's Task Force on Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Other Controlled Substances [Governor's DUI Task Force]. (PY D782)

PY D782.1 Report (1982)

Drug, Device and Cosmetic Commission. (PY D794)

PY D794.1 Report (1961)

Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. (PY D7942) (1972-1981) [moved to Health. Office of Drug and Alcohol Programs PHE 34/2]

PY D7942.1 Annual Report (discontinued, 1975/76-?) PY D7942.2 Quarterly Executive Trend Report Series (numbered) PY D7942.6/9 Executive Trend Report (quarterly, 1979-1982) [later PHE 94.18/4] PY D7942.10/7 Inside Dope (leaflet, 1972-1981) [later PHE 34/2.10/7] PY D7942.15/4 News Release (1973-1976?) PY D7942.17/4 The Pennsylvania Plan for Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Treatment (1975- ) PY D7942.18/9 Quarterly Report (May 1976- ) PY D7942.19/4 Report Series (numbered, 1974- )

Clearing House for Outreach, Information, Communication and Education [CHOICE]. (PY D7942/2)

PY D7942/2.4/5 CHOICE Bibliographies [cuttered by title]

Governor's Council on Drugs. (PY D7943) [later PHE 57]

Governor's Task Force on Drunk Driving. (PY D897)

Governor’s Task Force on Early Childhood Care and Education (PY E12)

Governor's Economic Advisory Council. (PY E189)

PY E189.3/9 Business and Economic Indicators (1970- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 176 2020

Pennsylvania Economic Development Partnership (PY E1895)

Economy and Efficiency Commission. (PY E19)

PY E19.1 Report (1915 and 1977)

Governor's Committee on Education. (PY E24)

PY E24.1 Final Report (1961) PY E24.6/3 Educational Research Monographs (1960- )

Citizen's Commission on Basic Education. (PY E24/2)

PY E24/2 Report (1973)

Governor's Commission on Higher Education. (PY E24/5)

Governor's Commonwealth Conference on Higher Education. (PY E24/5/3)

PY E24/5/3.1 A Brief Report (1966)

Commission on Industrial Education. (PY E24/6)

PY E24/6.1 Report (1889)

Governor's Committee of One Hundred for Better Education. (PY E24/8)

PY E24/8.1 Report PY E24/8.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1962?- )

Pennsylvania Conference on Education. (PY E24/88)

PY E24/88.1 [Proceedings] (1955) [incorrect class. Changed to PPI 1.2 C748]

Governor's Advisory Committee on Public Education. (PY E24/89)

PY E24/89.1 Report (1958)

Council on Vocation Education. (PY E24/9) [formerly State Advisory Council for Vocational Education-1985]

PY E24/9.1 Annual Report

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 177 2020 PY E24/9.2 PACVE Public Meetings on Vocational Education PY E24/9.21/6 Higher Education Act

State Board of Education. (PY E24/92)

PY E24/92.1 Biennial Report (1967-1977) PY E24/92.2/5 Agenda [of meetings] (no longer available, 1974-1975) PY E24/92.12/7 Annual Report to the Governor and the General Assembly (annual, discontinued, 1980-?) PY E24/92.13/4 Legislative Bulletin (January 1965-March 1965) PY E24/92.14/6 Items of business, journal of meetings, and annual report of the State Council of Education (1926-1963) PY E24/92.14/6 Minutes, Calendar and Action of the State Board of Education and the State Board for Vocational Education (1964-1982) PY E24/92.21/6 Title I-A, Higher Education Act of 1965; Annual Amendment to the Pa. State Plan for Continuing Education Programs and Community Service Programs... (1979-?)

State Board for Vocational Education. (PY E24/93)

PY E24/93.1 Annual Report (1958?-1960?)

Task Force on the Education of Students with Disabilities. (PY E24/95)

Pennsylvania eHealth Partnership Authority (PY E33), created by ACT 121 of 2012; moved to Department of Human Services (PHS 65) with Act 76 of 2016.

PY E33.1 Annual Report (2014-2015)

Task Force on Elderly Crime Prevention. (PY E37)

Commission to Revise Election Laws. (PY E38)

PY E38.1 Reports (1911-1913)

Advisory Commission on Elections and Election Law. (PY E382)

Electoral College. (PY E383)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 178 2020

PY E383.17/8 Proceedings of the Electoral College (1976- ) (quadrennial)

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. (PY E53) [1978 - succeeded State Council of Civil Defense]

PY E53.1 Report (1983/84- ) PY E53.5/6 Disaster Operation Plan, Annex E Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents (update with transmittals, 1981- ) {PSU#} PY E53.11/8 The Journal: a Publication of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency [PEMA Journal] (semi-annual, 1986- ) PY E53.14/4 News advisory PY E53.15/4 Newsletter (Quarterly, 1982?- ) PY E53.15/4/2 News release (Commonwealth News Bureau) (1988- ) PY E53.17/4 PEMA news (1998- ) NewsBrief (2004- ) PY E53.19/3 Recovery times (1 issue)(January 25, 1996)

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Office of Fire Safety Services. (1981-1995) )(PY E53/4) [Office of the State Fire Commissioner (1995- )]

PY E53/4.7/6 Fire Crier (1981- ) [formerly Pa. Dept. of Labor and Industry Fire Crier, PL 1.7/6]

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Office of Plans and Preparedness. (PY E53/7)

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Training Information and Education Office. (PY E53/8)

Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies. (PY E55/7)

Governor's Conference on Employment Skills. (PY E55/8)

Governor's Task Force on Employment Services to Displaced Homemakers. (PY E55/8/3)

Governor's Energy Office (PY E56) (1976?-1987) [formerly Governor's Energy Council 1976?-1981]

PY E56.15/4 News Releases (1976?- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 179 2020 PY E56.17/4 Penn Energy (one issue, 1978) PY E56.17/4/4 Penn Energy (irregular, 1980-1981) PY E56.18 Pennsylvania Energy Profile (irregular, 1982- ) [years 1960-79, 1960-81, 1960-86] {PSU#} PY E56.20/8 State Energy Conservation Base Plan Status Report (1978)

Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PY E561)

Pennsylvania Energy Office. (PY E563) [1987- ]

PY E563.17/4 Pennsylvania Energy (quarterly, 1987- )

Engineers' Commission. (PY E57)

PY E57.1 Report (1916)

21st Century Environment Commission (PY E60) (1997-)

Environmental Education Advisory Council. (PY E61)

PY E61.1 Report (1974)

Environmental Hearing Board. (PY E62)

PY E62.1 Adjudications and opinions (1989- ) PY E62.1/2 Report of the Environmental Hearing Board (1998/1999- ) PY E62.2/3 Adjudications (1972- ) PY E62.16/8/3/4 Opinion and order sur, preliminary objections (1989- )

Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education (PY E63)

PY E63.15/4 Newsletter (1998-1999) EE Connections (1999- )

Governor's Task Force on Equal Rights. (PY E64)

State Ethics Commission. (PY E68) [Board of Ethics]

PY E68.1 Annual Report (1979/80- ) PY E68.2/3 Advice of counsel (1979- ) PY E68.4/8 Consolidated rulings digest (1979-1987)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 180 2020

PY E68.5/6 Dissenting opinion (1979- ) PY E68.7/6 Order of the Commission PY E68.16/8 Opinion of the Commission PY E68.16/8/2 Opinion summary (1988- ) PY E68.16/9/3 Consolidated Order Digest (first edition, 1984- ) PY E68.18/9 Quarterly Rulings Update and Newsletter (1994-1998) Quarterly Newsletter and Rulings Update (1998- ) PY E68.19/4 Reconsideration order of the Commission (1989-) PY E68.19/9 Rulings (CD-ROM) (Includes Advices, Opinions, Orders and Rulings Index) (2002- ) PY E68.168/3 Advisory opinion digest (1979-1982) PY E68.168/3/3 Consolidated Opinion Digest (supersedes: Opinion Digest) (1983- )

Governor’s Export Task Force (PY E96)

State Fair Commission. (PY F163)

Commission on Segregation, Care and Treatment of Feeble-Minded and Epileptic Persons. (PY F295)

PY F295.1 Report (1913)

Citizens' Committee on the Finances of Pennsylvania. (PY F491)

PY F491.1 Report (1923)

Governor's Commission on the Financing of Higher Education. (PY F495)

PY F495.1 Final Report (1985)

Governor's Commission on Fire Prevention and Control. (PY F523)

PY F523.1 Pennsylvania Burning, a report..(1976)

Fish and Boat Commission. (PY F532) (1991- ) [formerly Fish Commission]

PY F532.1 Report (frequency varies 1870-1968) [later see PY F532.17/4] PY F532.3 Bulletin (Department of Fisheries) PY F532.3/1 Bulletin (Fish Commission) (1926-1948?) PY F532.3/8 Boating Regulations (annual) PY F532.3/8/8 Boat Pennsylvania (bimonthly, May/June 1984- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 181 2020 PY F532.4/2 Calendar Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (2005- ) PY F532.7/6 Financial Review for the Fiscal Year ... (1956/57- 1957/58?) PY F532.7/6/7 Summary of Fishing Regulations and Laws (1936?- ) PY F532.7/6/8 Fish Laws (1965/66-1977-78?) PY F532.7/6/20 Fishing Regulations and Special Areas (annual) PY F532.8 Pennsylvania Boating Handbook PY F532.10/7 Innovations for Fish Culturists (1968- ) PY F532.15/4 News for the Pennsylvania Fish Commission (1968?- 1977?) PY F532.17/4 Pennsylvania Angler (monthly, 1931- ) [annual report included in January issue] PY F532.17/7 Play PY F532.17/8 Progress Report, Benner Spring Rsrch. Sta. (1952- 1955) PY F532.20/8 Summary pleasure boating PY F532.20/9 Summary commercial fisheries

Fish Commission. Bureau of Waterways. (PY F532/9)

Interagency Council on Food and Nutrition (PY F686) [Originally formed in 1988 under Governor Casey, reactivated under Governor Rendell in 2004. Included agencies are: Aging, Agriculture, Community and Economic Development, Education, Health, and Public Welfare)

Year of the Forest Committee (PY F716)

Forum Celebration Committee (PY F745)

Free Library Commission. (PY F853)

PY F853.1 Report (1899-1902/03)

Game Commission. (PY G192)

PY G192.1 Report (annual, 1902?-1968/70?) PY G192.3 Bulletin (numbered) PY G192.3/8 Bounties Allowed on Predators (1956?-1966?) PY G192.4/8 Conservation Information Fact Sheet (numbered) PY G192.5/4 Deer and Bear Harvest (1953-1965) PY G192.5/4/1 Deer Harvest (1977?) PY G192.5/4/2 Archery Deer Harvest (1977?) Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 182 2020

PY G192.5/6 Digest of Pennsylvania Hunting Trapping Regulations (annual, 1938/39?-1971/72?) PY G192.6/3 Education Leaflets (numbered, 1931?-1940) PY G192.6/3/8 Educational Pamphlets (numbered, 1940- ) PY G192.7/6 Financial Report(1954/55-1969/70) PY G192.8/2 The Game Law ... (1957/58?-1979) [periodic revisions] PY G192.8/17 Pennsylvania Trapping Manual PY G192.9/9 Hunting Casualties Caused by Sporting Arms (annual, 1954?-1968?) PY G192.9/9/7 Hunting & trapping digest (2007/2008-) PY G192.13/4 Legislative Bulletin (1955, no.7-1961?) PY G192.15/4 News Releases (weekly?, 1967?-1977?) PY G192.16/4 Official ... Game Kill (annual, 1954-1962) PY G192.16/4/8 Official ... Open Season and Bag Limits (1944?-1972) PY G192.16/8 Pennsylvania Open Seasons for Waterfowl ... (annual, 1960?-1972?) PY G192.16/8 Pennsylvania Waterfowl Seasons (1981-?) PY G192.17/3 Pennsylvania Duck Stamp and Print (annual, 1994?- ) PY G192.17/4 Pennsylvania Game News (monthly, 1930?- ) PY G192.17/4/5 Pennsylvania Hunting Facts (1950?-1975?) PY G192.19/4 Research Bulletin[s] (numbered, 1937- ) PY G192.19/4/3 Research Circular[s] (numbered, 1938- ) PY G192.20/9 Summary of the Pennsylvania Game Law (1931- 1935/36) PY G192.24/2 Waterfowl Band Recoveries ... (1956?-1961?) PY G192.24/4 Weekly Newsletter PY G192.24/6 Wildlife Notes (numbered in series)

Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PY G1923)

PY G1923.1 Annual Report (2005- ) PY G1923.8/2 Gaming Diversity Report (2007- )

General State Authority. (PY G326) [later PGS 84]

PY G326.1 Report (semiannual, 1949-1969?) PY G326.1/2 Annual Report (1955-1970?) PY G326.17/8 Press Information (1962?-1975?)

Geographic Board. (PY G3448)

Topographic and Geologic Survey. (PY G345)

PY G345.17/4 Pennsylvania Geology (periodical)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 183 2020 PY G345.17/9 Pennsylvania Geological Publications (1962- )

Geologic Survey, 1st (State Geologist, 1836-1841). (PY G345/1)

PY G345/1.1 Annual Report (1836-1841)

Geologic Survey, 2d (State Geologist, 1874-1890). (PY G345/2)

PY G345/2.1 Annual Report (1847-1890) PY G345/2.19/4 Report of Progress 1874-1890, A-Z (1875-1891)

Topographic and Geological Survey Commission. (PY G345/3) [Third Geologic Survey]

PY G345/3.1 Biennial Report (1899-1912/14) PY G345/3.19/4 Report (No. 1-12, 1910-1919)

Topographic and Geological Survey Commission. (PY G345/4) [Fourth Geologic Survey]

PY G345/4.3 [report series: four series lettered C, G, M and W; cuttered with letter and number of report] [C. Bulletin-PY G345/4.3:C no.] [G. General Geology Report-PY G345/4.3:G no.] [M. Mineral Resources Report-PY G345/4.3:M no.] [W. Water Resources Report-PY G345/4.3:W no.] PY G345/4.6/3 Educational Series (numbered, 1962- ) PY G345/4.6/7 Environmental Geology Reports (numbered, 1972-) PY G345/4.7 Geologic Conditions Affecting Safe Bituminous Coal Mining PY G345/4.7/6 Field Trip Guides (cuttered by place) PY G345/4.8 General Geology Report (numbered) {PSU#} PY G345/4.8/9 Guidebook for Annual Field Conference (1959?- ) PY G345/4.10/7 Information Circular (numbered, 1951- ) PY G345/4.13/6 List of Publications (1928- ) PY G345/4.14/2 Maps (numbered) PY G345/4.14/6 Miscellaneous Papers (numbered, 1920- ) PY G345/4.17/2 Park Guides (numbered, 1969- ) PY G345/4.17/8 Progress Reports (numbered, 1919- ) PY G345/4.17/9 Publications on the (annual?, 1984- ) PY G345/4.19/4 Report of Progress. [Dictionary of Fossils of Pennsylvania, 3 volumes] (A-Z)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 184 2020

PY G345/4.20/8 Special Bulletins (numbered, 1944- ) PY G345/4.21/8 Topographic and Geologic Atlas of Pennsylvania (numbered) PY G345/4.24/4 Well-Sample Records (numbered, 1920?- )

Gettysburg Battlefield Commission. (PY G394)

Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of Commission. (PY G3944)

Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Commission. (PY G3947)

The One Hundredth Anniversary of the and Lincoln's Commission. (PY G3948)

Giant Power Board. (PY G434)

PY G434.1 Report (1927)

Giant Power Survey Board. (PY G4348)

PY G4348.1 Report (1925)

State Government Survey Committee. (PY G721)

PY G721.1 Report (1953) PY G721.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1953?- ) PY G721.21/2 Task Force Report (1952-1953)

Governor's Review of Government Management. (PY G7217)

PY G7217.1 The Governor's Review (annual, 1979- )

Commission on Governmental Reorganization. (PY G7218)

Greater Pennsylvania Council. (PY G786)

PY G786.20/8 Soft Coal Bulletin

Gypsy Moth Task Force. (PY G89)

Office of Human Resources. (PY G918*) [incorrect class, use PGV 164/9]

Governor's Committee for the Handicapped. (PY H236)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 185 2020 PY H236.1 Report (1960?-1962?) PY H236.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1962?- ) PY H236.17/8 Proceedings of ... Conference (1960-1964?)

Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. (PY H2364)

PY H2364.15/4 News Releases (1965?-1969?)

Conference on Handicapped Children. (PY H2365)

Governor's Conference on Handicapped Individuals. (PY H2366)

Governor's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped. (PY H2367)

Governor's Committee for the Physically Handicapped. (PY H2368)

PY H2368.8/8 The Grand Stand (1975-1979?)

State Harness Racing Commission. (PY H289*) [incorrect class, use PA 92]

PY H289.1 Annual Report (1963?-1966?) [see PA 92.1] PY H289.1a Biennial Report (1968) [see PA 92.1b] PY H289.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1969?- ) [see PA 92.15/4]

Pennsylvania Health Council. (PY H434) [Commission to Study the Laws Relating to the Healing Art]

PY H434.1 Pennsylvania Commission to Study the Laws Relating to the Healing Art

Associated Health Authorities and Sanitarians of Pennsylvania. (PY H434/2)

PY H434/2.1 Annual Meeting (1895-1901?)

Pennsylvania Health Council, Inc. (PY H434/5)

PY H434/5.1 Annual Health Conference (title varies) (1952- )

Health Insurance Commission. (PY H434/6)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 186 2020

PY H434/6.1 Report of the Health Insurance Commission of Pennsylvania (1919)

Health Care Cost Containment Council. (PY H4342)

PY H4342.1 Annual report PY H4342.3/9 PHC4 Bulletin PY H4342.4/2 Cardiac Surgery in Pennsylvania (2005- ) PY H4342.4/5 Choosing a Medicare Managed Care Plan (2002-2006) (2002-2004 in three parts) PY H4342.4/5 Choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan (2007- ) PY H4342.4/8 A consumer guide to coronary artery bypass graft surgery (1990- ) PY H4342.5/6 Diabetes Hospitalization Report PY H4342.6/7 Employee information for the PA Health Care Cost Containment Council (2004- ) (Semiannual) PY H4342.7/9 PHC4 fyi (Monthly, Aug. 2001- ) PY H4342.9/8 Hospital effectiveness report (1989-1992) Hospital performance report (1998- ) PY H4342.9/8/4 Hospital financial report (1989- ) Hospital financial analysis PY H4342.14/4 Measuring the quality of Pennsylvania's HMOs (1999- ) (Annual) PY H4342.22/8 Quarterly utilization and financial report (1988- )

Governor's Committee on Health Education. (PY H4344)

Governor's Health Task Force. (PY H4348)

PY H4348.1 Irvis Committee on Sickle Cell Anemia, Interim Report (1973)

Governor's Health Task Force. Committee on Infant Intensive Care. (PY H4348/2)

PY H4348/2.1 Report (1974)

Statewide Health Coordinating Council. [1980] (PY H4349) [formerly State Health Planning and Development Agency later State Health Coordinating Council PHE 208/9]

Pennsylvania Heritage Affairs Commission. (PY H548) (1987- ) [formerly Governor's Heritage Affairs Advisory Commission ( -1986)]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 187 2020 PY H548.4/9/3 Cultural Columns (1981- ) PY H548.5/6/4 Directory of Pennsylvania Folk Arts and Folklife Festivals (July 1983-December 1984) PY H548.5/6/8 Pennsylvania Folklife and Folkarts Directory of Speakers and Consultants (1983- ) PY H548.6/8/3 Ethnic Press Clippings (Aug. 1983- ) PY H548.8/9/4 Guide to Ethnic and Folklife Resources of South Central Pennsylvania (1983- )

High Speed Intercity Rail Passenger Commission. (PY H634)

State System of Higher Education. Board of Governors. (PY H637) (1983- ) [formerly Board of State College and University Directors PE 210]

PY H637.3/5/7 Public Board Meetings (irregular, 1984- ) PY H637.14/4 Meetings [minutes] (1983- )

State System of Higher Education. Commission of Presidents. (PY H637/1) (1983- )

State System of Higher Education. Bloomsburg University. (PY H637/2)

State System of Higher Education. California University. (PY H637/3)

State System of Higher Education. Cheyney University. (PY H637/3/5)

State System of Higher Education. Clarion University. (PY H637/3/7)

State System of Higher Education. East Stroudsburg University. (PY H637/4)

State System of Higher Education. Edinboro University. (PY H637/4/3)

State System of Higher Education. Indiana University of Pennsylvania (PY H637/6)

State System of Higher Education. Kutztown University. (PY H637/6/9)

State System of Higher Education. Lock Haven University. (PY H637/7)

State System of Higher Education. Mansfield University. (PY H637/7/2)

State System of Higher Education. Millersville University. (PY H637/7/6)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 188 2020

State System of Higher Education. Pennsylvania State College (PY H637/7/8)

PY H637/7/8.1 Annual report (1876-1889)

State System of Higher Education. Shippensburg University. (PY H637/8)

State System of Higher Education. Slippery Rock University. (PY H637/8/7)

State System of Higher Education. West Chester University. (PY H637/9)

State System of Higher Education. Faculty Professional Development Council (PY H637/10)

PY H637/10.7/8 Focus (irregular, 1986- )

Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). (PY H638)

PY H638.1 Report (1964/65-1971/72?) PY H638.7/2 FAFSA Reference Guide (annual) PY H638.8/8 Going places: a newsletter for parents PY H638.8/9 Guarantee Loan Report (1965- ) PY H638.13/6 A List of Banks Participating in the Guaranty Loan Plan (annual?, 1964?-1966?) PY H638.13/6/4 A List of Federal and State Savings and Loan Associations ... (annual?, 1966) PY H638.14/9 MyMentor magazine PY H638.15/2/8 NASSGP Annual Survey ______Academic Year (annual, 1969/70- ) PY H638.15/4 News Information for Immediate Release (irregular, 1966?-1976?) PY H638.17/4 Pennsylvania’s Guide to Student Aid (annual) PY H638.17/5 PHEAA brings you one application for Student Financial Aid Programs in Pennsylvania (1981?- ) PY H638.17/5/2 Application for Pennsylvania State Grant and Federal Student Aid (1982?- ) PY H638.20/3 Scholarship Report (annual, 1967- ) PY H638.20/8 Speaking for PHEAA (irregular,1967- ) PY H638.20/9 State Higher Education Grant Summary Statistics by Gross Income Levels and Type of Institution [title varies (annual, 1968/69?- ) PY H638.26/4 Year by Year Summary Statistics of State Higher Education Assistance Grant Program and State Student Loan Guarantee Program (1976)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 189 2020 Higher Educational Facilities Authority. (PY H638/7)

PY H638/7.1 Annual Report (1970- ) PY H638/7.15/4 Press Release (irregular, 1973?-1977?)

Board of Governors of the State System of Higher Education. (PY H638/9) [class changed to PY H637]

Governor's Highway Safety Advisory Committee. (PY H6382)

PY H6382.3 Bulletin (numbered, 1949?- )

Governor's Highway Safety Council. (PY H6383)

PY H6383.9/6 Pennsylvania Highway Safety Program (1968?-1969?)

Governor's Interagency Task Force on Highway Safety for Children. (PY H6383/4)

Highway Planning Commission. (PY H6384)

State Highway and Bridge Authority. (PY H6385)

PY H6385.1 Semi-Annual Report (1949/50- ) PY H6385.1/2 Annual Report (1967?-1968?) PY H6385.17/8 Press Information (1968?-1967?)

Historical and Museum Commission. (PY H673) [formerly Historical Commission]

PY H673.1 Report of the Historical Commission of Pennsylvania (1914/15) PY H673.1 Report of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (1918- ? ) PY H673.1 Annual report (1988- ) PY H673.1a Biennial Report (1956/58-1962/70) [now part of Report PY H673.1] PY H673.2/7 [Anthropological Series] (numbered) PY H673.2/8 Appropriations Request (1900?- ) PY H673.2/9 At the Museum (2002- ) (Quarterly) PY H673.3 Bulletin (1932- ) PY H673.3/6 Pennsylvania Historical Bibliography (1979- ) PY H673.4/2 Calendar

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 190 2020

PY H673.4/8 Commission clippings (1992?- ) PY H673.6/9 Events calendar (1993/94-1997) PY H673.7/8 Friendscript: Newsletter of the Friends of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (1984-1996) PY H673.7/9 Pennsylvania Heritage Society Quarterly Newsletter (1997-) PY H673.8 Art of the State … (1996?- ) PY H673.9/6 Historic Pennsylvania Leaflets (numbered, 1958- ) PY H673.12/4 Keystone bulletin (1937-?) PY H673.12/4/8 Preservation Quarterly PY H673.13/4 Commonwealth Lecture Series. PY H673.13/6 A List of Pennsylvania Historical Organizations (1960-) PY H673.13/6/8 Publications (1992/1993- ) [Formerly: Book and Publications List (1976-?), List of Publications (1964- 1975)] PY H673.13/6/8 (2007- ) PY H673.15/2 Natural History Notes of the State Museum of Pennsylvania (Each title cataloged separately, No. 1 (Feb. 1996- ) PY H673.15/4 News clippings PY H673.15/4/2 News release (1990?- ) PY H673.15/42 News advisory (1980?- ) PY H673.17/4 Pennsylvania; a Survey (1947-1948) PY H673.17/8 Press Release (irregular) PY H673.17/9 Publications (1930-?) PY H673.17/42 Pennsylvania Applied History Newsletter (1984- ) PY H673.17/44 Pennsylvania Heritage (quarterly, Sum. 1967- Dec 1972, Dec 1974- ) PY H673.17/44/8 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, William Penn Memorial Museum Newsletter (19??- ) PY H673.17/45 Pennsylvania Historical Reprints (cuttered by title) PY H673.17/45/6 Pennsylvania Historic Properties Administered by the ... Commission (cuttered by name) PY H673.17/47 Pennsylvania Notes (1937-1939) PY H673.17/48 Pennsylvania Oral History Newsletter (irregular, Dec 1975 -May 1978) [continued by: Pennsylvania Reel to Reel] PY H673.17/48 Pennsylvania Reel to Reel (irregular, 1979- ) PY H673.17/48/8 Pennsylvania Preservation (quarterly, 1979-Fall 1985) PY H673.19/2 Reprints in Anthropology PY H673.19/3 Reprints from Pennsylvania Archaeologist [cuttered by title] PY H673.19/5 Reprints from Pennsylvania History (cuttered by title)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 191 2020 PY H673.24/4 Weekend Calendar of Events, William Penn Memorial Museum (weekly) PY H673.24/4 Calendar (198?- ) PY H673.24/4/7 Welcome : newsletter of the Friends of the State Museum, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (1986-1999)

Historical and Museum Commission. Bureau of Archives and History. (PY H673/2)

Historical and Museum Commission. Ephrata Cloisters (PY H673/6)

PY H673/6.3/5 Building History Making & Saving Historic Architecture (Ephrata Cloister) (2007- ) PY H673.4/5 Christmas at the Cloisters (1992- ) PY H673.6/8 Ephrata Cloister Calendar of Events (1999- )

Historical and Museum Commission. Bureau of Historic Preservation. (PY H673/9)

PY H673/9.9 HARBulletin PY H673/9.17/4 Penndustry: newsletter of the Industrial Survey of Pennsylvania

Historical and Museum Commission. Bureau of Historic Sites & Museums. (PY H673/10)

PY H673/10.15/4 New Grapevine

Historical and Museum Commission. Division of Land Records. (PY H673/17) [formerly Division of Public Records]

PY H673/17.10/7 Information Leaflets (numbered, 1960?- )

Historical and Museum Commission. Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania (PY H673/19)

Federation of Historical Societies. (PY H6738)

PY H6738.1 Annual meeting: minutes PY H6738.17/4 Pennsylvania Bibliographies (1909- ) PY H6738.10/7 Information bulletin PY H6738.26/4 Yearbook, the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies...(1906- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 192 2020

State Horse Racing Commission. (1967-1981) (PY H817*) [later PA 98]

PY H817.1 Annual Report (1968- ) PY H817.6 Rules of Racing [class changed from PY H817.2:P935/yr] PY H817.17/8 Press Release (irregular)

Governor's Hospital Study Commission. (PY H828)

Governor's Citizens' Committee on Housing. (PY H842)

Governor's Housing Task Force. (PY H8421)

Housing Finance Agency. (PY H8422)

PY H8422.1 Annual Report (1975?- ) PY H8422.5/4 PHFA Developments (monthly, 2005-) PY H8422.9/8 Housing in Pennsylvania (irregular, 1986?- ) PY H8422.15/4 News Releases (irregular) PY H8422.17/4 PHFA Possibilities (quarterly, 1997-2003)

Governor's Task Force on Housing. (1982) (PY H8423)

Governor's Council for Human Services. (PY H918)

PY H918.15/4 News Releases PY H918.17/8 Annual Progress Report to the Ford Foundation on the Pre-school and Primary Education Project (1963/64- 1967/68?)

Human Relations Commission. (PY H9183) (1961- ) [formerly Pennsylvania Fair Employment Practice Commission, Department of Labor and Industry (PL 67/7)]

PY H9183.1 Report (irregular, 1956/57- ) PY H9183.9/9 Pennsylvania Human Relations Report(1962-) PY H9183.10/7 Investigatory Hearings (cuttered by location) PY H9183.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1959- ) PY H9183.17/8 Posters and pamphlets catalog. PY H9183.19/4 Regulations of the...Commission (1956-1971?) PY H9183.20/9 Survey of Non-White Employees in State Government in Pennsylvania (irregular, 1963-1969)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 193 2020 Human Relations Commission. Division of Community Services. (PY H9183/3)

PY H9183/3.9 Directory of Human Relations Organizations and Human Rights Groups in Pennsylvania (197?- )

Human Relation Human Relations Commission. Division of Research. (PY H9183/8)

Governor's Task Force on Hypertension. (PY H998)

Indian Forts Commission. (PY I39)

PY I39.1 Report (1916)

Industrial Accidents Commission. (PY I422)

PY I422.1 Reports (1912 & 1915)

Governor's Conference for Industrial Development. (PY I423)

PY I423.1 Report (1912 and 1915)

Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority. [PENNVEST] (March 1988- ) (PY I43)

PY I43.1 Annual Report PY I43.13/2 Liquid Assets (1994-)

Commission to Examine into the Present System for the Care of the Insane. (PY I59)

PY I59.1 Report (1883)

Commission to Investigate the Condition of Insane within Hospitals. (PY I591)

PY I591.1 Report (1902)

Commission on Interstate Cooperation. (PY I61)

PY I61.1 Report (biennial, 1949/50-1977/78)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 194 2020

Intergovernmental Council. (PY I613)

PY I613.1 Annual Report PY I613.18/9 Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Quarterly (1982- )

Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. (PY I615)

PY I615.1 Report (1955)

Jamestown Exposition Commission. (PY J31)

James A. Finnegan Fellowship Foundation. (PY J315)

PY J315.15/4 News Releases (irregular)

Job Mobilization Committee. (PY J62)

PY J62.1 Report (November 1939-May 1940) PY J62.20/8 Statistical Report (1939-?)

Job Link : Job Management Committee (1991- ) (PY J627)

Governor’s Job Training Task Force (PY J628)

Johnstown Flood Relief Commission. (PY J73)

Judicial Reform Commission. (PY J92)

Judicial Conduct Board (PY J923)

PY J923.1 Annual report (1994- )

Keystone Committee (PY K44)

Governor's Commission on Labor Legislation. (PY L123)

Eastern Inter-State Conference on Labor Legislation. (PY L123/4)

Lake Erie and Ohio River Canal Board. (PY L192)

PY L192.1 Report (1917)

Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (PY L425)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 195 2020 PY L425.1 Report (1907-1919?)

State Board of Law Examiners. (PY L4252)

PY L4252.4/6 Circular of Information for Applicants for Admission to the Bar ... (1952?-1966?)

Pennsylvania Office of Administrative Law Judge. (PY L4254) (1987- )

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (PY L4257)

Legislative Data Processing Center. (PY L514) [class changed to PGA 133]

Commission for Legislative Modernization. (PY L5143)

PY L5143.1 Toward Tomorrow's Legislation. Report ... (1969)

Governor's Conference of Public Library Trustees. (PY L697)

Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services. (PY L6972)

Liquor Control Board. (PY L767)

PY L767.1 Biennial Report (1956/58?-1968/70?) PY L767.3 Bulletin (1977- ) PY L767.4 Circular (1956- ) PY L767.4/5 Change of notice for PLCB compilation of liquor code and related laws, and Title 40 PY L767.7/6 Financial Statements (annual, 1934- ) PY L767.10/7 Information Booklet (numbered) PY L767.10/7/8 In the public interest (1991-) PY L767.13/6 Licenses Issued...(1935?- ) PY L767.13/6/3 License Business Quarterly (1991- ) PY L767.13/6r Retail Liquor Licenses Issued...(1940?- ) [divided into districts] PY L767.13/6rm Retail and Distribution Malt Beverage Licenses Issued ... (1940?-) [divided into districts] PY L767.13/6rs Supplementary List of Retail Liquor and Retail and Distributor of Malt Beverage Licenses Issued ... (1940?-) [divided into districts] PY L767.13/7 Lists of Miscellaneous Publications ... (1967?- ) PY L767.14/2 Management Bulletin (numbered) PY L767.15/4 News Release (1968?-1977?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 196 2020

PY L767.17/1 PLCB Spirits (irregular, 1970- ) PY L767.17/4 Pennsylvania's official wine and liquor quarterly (? – 2000) PY L767.17/4 Pennsylvania's official wine spirits quarterly.(2001- 2011) PY L767.17/4 Taste (2011- ) PY L767.17/8 State Store Price List (numbered) PY L767.19/4 Regulations (loose-leaf, 1942- )

Liquor Control Board. Administrative Law Judge. (PY L767/3) (1987- )

PY L767/3.13/4 Legal opinions issued pursuant to Act 61 of 1993 (1993-?)

Liquor Control Board. Office of Comptroller. (PY L767/4)

PY L767/4.5/8 Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board contributions to State Treasury and local municipalities (1996- ) PY L767/4.20/8 Store Sales Analysis (biennial, FY 1972/73- ) PY L767/4.23/4 Vendor's Listings Revised to ... Alphabetical Index, Stock Vendors (1980- )

Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Alcohol Education. (PY L767/5)

Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Enforcement. (PY L767/6)

PY L767/6.1 Annual Report (1969?- )

Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Licensing. (PY L767/13)

PY L767/13.1 Annual Report (1969?- )

Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Personnel. (PY L767/17)

Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Support Services. (PY L767/20)

Governor's Liquor Code Advisory Committee. (PY L7672)

PY L7672.1 The Liquor Control System of the Commonwealth Report to the Governor (1968)

State Live Stock Sanitary Board. (PY L784)

PY L784.4 Circular (numbered)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 197 2020

Local Government Commission. (PY L811*) [class changed to PGA 138]

PY L811.1 First Report (1937) [reports in 1941, 1967]

Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission. (PY L888)

PY L888.1 Report (1905)

Governor's Manpower Task Force. (PY M285)

Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission (PY M314)

Governor’s Market Development Task Force. (PY M345)

Governor’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Celebration. (PY M381)

Meade Memorial Commission. (PY M481)

Medical Council of Pennsylvania. (PY M489)

PY M489.1 Report (1894-1898, 1900-1902)

Governor's Advisory Committee for Comprehensive Mental Health Planning. (PY M549/5)

PY M549/5.17/8 Progress (monthly?, 1965-?)

Governor's Board for Study of Pennsylvania Mental Hospitals. (PY M549/6)

PY M549/6.1 Report (1944)

Governor's Advisory Committee for Comprehensive Mental Retardation Planning. (PY M549/8)

Governor's Task Force on the Mental Health of Juvenile Offenders. (PY M5497)

PY M5497.1 Report and Recommendations (1978)

Pennsylvania Task Force for Mental Health : Women. (PY M5498)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 198 2020

Governor's Committee on Merger of the Departments of Welfare and Public Assistance. (PY M559)

PY M559.1 Report (1959)

Governor's Committee on Migratory Labor. (PY M636)

PY M636.1 Annual Report (1963?-1968?)

Governor's Milk Control Inquiry Committee. (PY M644)

PY M644.1 Report (1933)

Milk Marketing Board. (PY M6443) (1967- ) [formerly Milk Control Commission ( -1968)]

PY M6443.1 Biennium Report (biennial, 1956/58?-1968/70?) PY M6443.1 Fiscal Year Report (Biennial) PY M6443.2/3 Acts Administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board PY M6443.3 Bulletin (irregular) PY M6443.4/6/3 Citation Disposition Report (monthly) PY M6443.10/7 Information Bulletin (irregular, 1964- ) PY M6443.13/4 Legal Action by the...Board (irregular, 1964-1981) PY M6443.14/6 Minimum Prices to be Paid Producers for 100 Pounds of 3.5 Milk (monthly, 1964?- ) PY M6443.14/6/8 Milk Producers' Security Fund (monthly, 1982- ) PY M6443.14/6/9 The Milk Story: Newsletter (bimonthly, May/June 1984- ) PY M6443.14/8 Monthly Activities Report (1972?-1976?) PY M6443.14/8/7 Monthly Retail Price Report (199?-) PY M6443.15/4 News and Views (monthly, 1977-1978) PY M6443.15/4/1 News Releases (1962?-1975?) PY M6443.16/4 Official General Orders (irregular) PY M6443.17/2 Packaged Milk and Cream Sales (irregular, ?-1975?) PY M6443.19/4 [Minimum Price Schedules: by areas] Minimum Retail Home Delivered Price (Schedule I) Minimum Retail Out-of-Store (Cash and Carry) (Schedule II) Minimum Wholesale Prices (Schedule III) Minimum Wholesale Bulk Prices (Schedule IV) Minimum School Milk Prices (Schedule V) PY M6443.19/9 Rulings (irregular, 1966?-1971?) PY M6443.20/9 Summary of Financial Statements of Licenses (annual, 1965-1972/72)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 199 2020

Milrite Council. (PY M661)

Mineral and Forest Land Taxation Commission. (PY M664)

Governor's Commission for Modern State Government. "Little Hoover Committee". (PY M689)

PY M689.1 Reports (Mar 1969-Jan 1970)

Governor's Commission on Mortgage and Interest Rates. (PY M887)

PY M887.1 Report (1973)

Mothers' Assistance Fund (PY M918)

Commission on Municipal Consolidation in Counties of the Second Class. (PY M966)

PY M966.1 Report (1927)

Municipal Retirement Board. (PY M9661)

Governor's Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Beauty. (PY N285)

Navigation Commission for the Delaware River and its Navigable Tributaries. (PY N325)

PY N325.1 Annual Report (1976/77- ) PY N325.14/6 Minutes (annual, 1977- )

Ohio River Basin Commission (PY O37)

PY O37.17/8 Priorities Report (1976,1979)

Old Age Assistance Commission. (PY O44)

PY O44.1 Report (1925?- )

Old Age Pensions Commission. (PY O44/8)

PY O44/8.1 Report (1919?-1927?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 200 2020

Governor's Committee of the 100,000 Pennsylvanians for the Promotion of Economic Growth. (PY O58)

PY O58.1 Progress Report (1964) PY O58.15/4 News Releases (1964-1966) PY O58.17/4 Pennsylvania Ambassador (irregular, 1964-1966)

Commission on Amended Orthography. (PY O77)

PY O77.1 Report (1889)

Professional Standards and Practice Commission. (PY P178)

PY P178.1 Annual Report to the Governor and the General Assembly (1979- )

Public School Employes' Retirement System. (PY P179) [moved to PY R4381]

Board of Pardons. (PY P226) (1980?- ) [earlier PJ 172: class corrected from PGV 164/13/6]

PY P226.19/9 Rules of the Board of Pardons (irregular, 1935- ) PY P226.20/4 Board of Pardons: Sessions (1983- ) [formerly Calendar of the Board of Pardons PJ 172.4/2]

Board of Probation and Parole. (PY P257) [formerly Board of Parole]

PY P257.1 Report (annual, 1944- ) PY P257.1a Report to the Governor (biennial, 1956/58-1962/64) PY P257.4/4 County adult probation and parole statistical report (1995-) PY P257.4/8 County Probation Statistics (discontinued 1974?) PY P257.8/4 Green sheet (2009 - ) PY P257.8/8 Quarterly Statistical Report (19?? - 1995) PY P257.14/8 Monthly Statistical Report (1957?-2002 ) PY P257.14/8 Monthly Program Reports [electronic document] PY P257.17/7 Policies and procedures for improvement grants PY P257.17/8 Press Release (1963?-1977?) PY P257.17/9 Probation and Parole Condition PY P257.18 Quarterly Summary Statistics (discontinued?) PY P257.20/6 Significant Facts ... (1966?-1971?) PY P257.20/8 Statistical Report (14th, 1956/57-1973/74?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 201 2020 PY P257.20/8/8 Statistics on the Activities of Agents ... (1957-1972?)

Parole Commission. (PY P257/3)

PY P257/3.1 Report (1927)

County Probation and Parole Officers' Firearm Education and Training Commission (PY P257/4)

PY P257/4.1 Annual report (1997/1998- ) (Annual) PY P257/4.15/4 Newsletter (Dec. 2001-April 2007 ) (Quarterly) PY P257/4.15/4 On Target (July 2007- )

Board of Probation and Parole. Victim Input Program. (PY P257/8) [Office of the Victim Advocate]

PY P257/8.15/4 OVA: Office of the Victim Advocate (1977-)

Penal Commission. (PY P397)

PY P397.1 Report (1915)

Commission on Revised Penal Code. (PY P397/3)

PY P397/3.1 Reports (1860, 1921-1922, 1924)

Governor's Commission on Penal and Correctional Affairs. (PY P397/5)

Commission on Penal Institutions. (PY P397/6)

PY P397/6.1 Report (1931)

Commission to Investigate Penal Systems. (PY P397/8)

PY P397/8.1 Report (1919)

Committee to Survey the Penal and Correctional System. (PY P3972)

Pennsylvania State Data Center. (PY P41)

PY P41.2/4 Affiliate directory (1989- ) PY P41.10/8 ISRA research reports (1991?- ) PY P41.14/2 Map of the Month (online)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 202 2020

PY P41.15/4 News (Press Releases) (1987- ) PY P41.17/4 Pennsylvania facts (online) PY P41.17/7 PL94-171 report, Pennsylvania (1991?- ) PY P41.17/8 Newsletter (1982-1984) PY P41.17/8 PSDC news (1984- ) PY P41.17/8/8 Products and Services Announcement (1994-) PY P41.19/4 Research brief (1995- ) (online) PY P41.20/8 State and county detailed population estimates (online)

Penn Landing Commission. (PY P4123)

PY P4123.1 Report (1931)

Bipartisan Commission on Pennsylvania Public Pension Fund Investments (PY P415) (1989-1992)

Pennypacker Memorial Commission. (PY P416)

Committee to Investigate the Peno-Correctional System. (PY P417)

PY P417.1 Report (1953)

Boise Penrose Memorial Committee. (PY P4172)

State Pharmaceutical Examining Board. (PY P536*) [class changed, see Board of Pharmacy Examiners PS 178/17]

Philadelphia Mental Health Survey Committee. (PY P544)

PY P544.1 Reports (1952-1954)

Governor's Committee to Investigate the Affairs of the Philadelphia Registration Commission. (PY P5443)

PY P5443.1 Report (1941)

Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. (PY P578)

PY P578.9/4 Health and Fitness Newsletter (quarterly, 1979- )

State Planning Board. (PY P712) (1934-1978) [see also Office of Policy Development PGV 164/17/2]

PY P712.1 Report (biennial, 1958/60?-1966/68?)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 203 2020 PY P712.1a Annual Report (195u?- ) PY P712.1p Preliminary report (1932?- ) [Bound as PY P712.17/9 Publication no. 1] PY P712.2/7 Annual Population Estimates (1964- ) PY P712.4/2 Capital Program, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1965-1974?) [formerly Capital Budget (1959-1965)] PY P712.6/3 Economic Indicators (1977) PY P712.6/3 Pennsylvania Economic Indicators Quarterly (resumed, 1978-1981) PY P712.12/7 Know Your State; Weekly Series Release (1936-1954) PY P712.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1962?- ) PY P712.17/4 Pennsylvania Planning (monthly, 1937-? ) PY P712.17/4/3 Economic Development Program (annual, 1978-1979) PY P712.17/4/5 Pennsylvania Handicrafts (1943-1948) PY P712.17/4/8 Pennsylvania Plans; Local Planning and Zoning Newsletter (1951-1954) PY P712.17/7 PLAN: the Newsletter of ... (semi-monthly, 1974- ) PY P712.17/8 Pennsylvania Projection Series PY P712.17/9 Publications (numbered) PY P712.19/4 Regional Development Survey (cuttered by county) PY P712.20/8/8 State Planning Program (1900?- )

State Planning Board. Committee on State Statistics. (PY P712/8)

Post-War Planning Commission. (PY P7123)*[Changed to PY P857]

Governor's Conference on Pneumoconiosis. (PY P738)

Poor Law Commission. (PY P823)

PY P823.1 Report (1889 & 1925)

Commission to Investigate Certain Poor Houses. (PY P8235)

PY P8235.1 Report (1911)

Post-War Planning Commission PY P857)

PY P857.17/9 Publications, also called Reports (numbered, 1-7, 1945)

Interstate Commission on the Basin. (PY P864) [see also YP 864]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 204 2020

PY P864.10 ICPRB Potomac Publications (list, annual?, 1987?- ) PY P864.17 Potomac River Basin Reporter (10 issues/yr?, 1945- )

Pennsylvania Committee on Preparation for Public Social Welfare. (PY P927)

Governor's Committee for the Preservation of Agricultural Land. (PY P933)

PY P933.1 Report (1969)

Governor's Private Sector Initiatives Task Force (PY P961)

Committee on Probation. (PY P962)

Governor's Task Force on Maximum Security Psychiatric Care. (PY P974)

Public Employee Retirement Study Commission. (PY P976) [Public Employee Retirement Commission] (Disbanded in 2016)

PY P976.1 Annual report (1983- ) PY P976.20/8 Status report on local government pension plans (1987- ) (Biennial)

Governor’s Study Commission on Public Employee Relations (PY P9763)

PY P9763.1 Report (1978)

Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. (PY P9767)

PY P9767.1 Annual Report (1878-1918)

Committee of Public Safety. (PY P97678*) [class changed from PY P976 to PY S128]*

State Railroad Commission (PY P9768)

PY P9768.1 Report (1908-1912)

Public Service Commission. (PY P9768) [1913-1936] Public Utility Commission. (PY P9768) [1936- ]

PY P9768.1 Annual Report (annual, 1913/14-1935) PY P9768.1 Report of Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (biennial, 1936/38-1956)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 205 2020 PY P9768.1 Report to the Governor (1956/58-1968/70) PY P9768.1 Annual report (1972- ) PY P9768.2/3 Accidents on Steam Railroads in Pennsylvania (annual, 1930-1935) PY P9768.2/3/8 Accidents on Street Railways in Pennsylvania (annual, 1930-1935) PY P9768.2/4 Administrative Rulings (numbered, 1914-1917) PY P9768.3 Bulletin (1915-?) PY P9768.4 Circular (1913-1934) PY P9768.4/8 Comparative Statement of Casualty Accidents ...(annual, 1931?-1935) PY P9768.4/8/2 Consumer Services Activity Report, Telephone Utilities ; Utility Consumer Activities Report and Evaluation, Telephone Utilities (1988-1996) PY P9768.4/8/2e Consumer Services Activity Report, Electric, Gas and Water utilities ; Utility Consumer Activities Report and Evaluation, Electric, Gas and Water Utilities (1989-1996) PY P9768.4/8/2et Utility Consumer Activities Report and Evaluation, Electric, Gas, Water and Telephone Utilities (1997-) PY P9768.6/9 Executive Rulings (1925-1927) PY P9768.8/4 General Orders (numbered, 1913?-1935) PY P9768.8/8 Grade Crossing Accidents of Steam Railroads (annual, 1930-1935) PY P9768.10/7 Biennial Report Implementation of Chapter 14 (2006- ) PY P9768.12/4 Keystone Competition (2003-2005) PY P9768.12/4 Keystone Connection (2005- ) PY P9768.15/4 News Releases (1964?-1977?) PY P9768.17/9 Public Utility Law PY P9768.19/4 Record of Accidents Involving the Facilities or Operations of Transportation and Service Utilities and Contract Carriers (annual, 1939?-1981) PY P9768.19/9 Rules and Regulations (Loose-leaf) Individual regulations are cuttered by subject. PY P9768.21/2 Tariff Circulars (numbered, 1914-1918)

Public Utility Commission. Bureau of Conservation, Economics & Energy Planning (PY P9768/3)

PY P9768/3.1 Annual report on alternate energy activity in Pennsylvania (199u- ) PY P9768/3.4/8 Conservation activities (198u- ) PY P9768/3.6/7 Electric utility operational report (1989- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 206 2020

PY P9768/3.6/72 Electric power outlook for Pennsylvania (198u- ) PY P9768/3.15/2 Natural gas utility update (1992- ) PY P9768/3.17/4 Pennsylvania energy consumption estimates (198u- ) PY P9768/3.17/4/2 Pennsylvania base-load generation outage report (1986-1994) PY P9768/3.17/5 Pennsylvania nuclear outage report (198u?-1988)

Public Utility Commission. Bureau of Consumer Education. (PY P9768/3/8) Public Utility Commission. Bureau of Consumer Services. (PY P9768/3/8)

PY P9768/3/8.4/7 PUC consumer line (1989) PY P9768/3/8.4/7 Utility consumer line (1990- )

Public Utility Commission. Bureau of Engineering. (PY P9768/4)

PY P9768/4.1 Annual Report (1915- ) PY P9768/4.20/8 Statistics of Natural Gas Utilities (annual, 1937?- 1949?)

Public Utility Commission. Bureau of Rates and Research. (PY P9768/8)

Public Utility Commission. Office of Special Assistants. (PY P9768/9)

PY P9768/9.19/2 Rate case listing

State Publicity Commission. (PY P9769)

State Board of Public Welfare. (PY P977) [formerly State Board of Public Assistance ( -1958?)]

Quarantine Board. (PY Q1)

PY Q1.1 Annual Report (1894-1903)

Governor's Commission on Industrial Race Relations. (PY R118)

Commission to Examine Laws Relating to Recording of Deeds and Mortgages. (PY R311)

PY R311.1 Reports (1913, 1915)

Independent Regulatory Review Commission. (PY R319)

PY R319.1 Annual Report (1983- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 207 2020

Governor's Task Force on Rehabilitation. (PY R345)

PY R345.1 Report (1973)

State Emergency Relief Board. (PY R382)

PY R382.1 Annual Report (1933-1936?) PY R382.14/6 Minutes (irregular, 19??- ) PY R382.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 1936- )

State Emergency Relief Board. Allegheny County. (PY R382/2)

State Emergency Relief Board. Distribution Department. (PY R382/5)

PY R382/5.1 Report (Jun 1935-Jul 1937)

State Emergency Relief Board. Dept. of Methods and Systems. (PY R382/14)

State Emergency Relief Board. Division of Research and Statistics. (PY R382/19) [formerly the Department of Research and Statistics]

PY R382/19.2/9 Average weekly expenditures per person and per case PY R382/19.2/9 Average weekly expenditures per case for cash and single grant items PY R382/19.3 Bulletin (1934-1935) PY R382/19.13/6 Library List of New Acquisitions (1934-1935) PY R382/19.17/7 Pennsylvania Monthly Relief Bulletin (1934-1936?) PY R382/19.19/9 Review of Work Relief Activities in Pennsylvania (1935) PY R382/19.22/7 The Unemployment Relief Digest (monthly, 1934- 1935)

Governor's Relief Survey Committee. (PY R3824)

Governor's Reorganization and Classification Committee. (PY R424)

PY R424.1 Reports (1944 & 1946)

Commission for Reorganization of the State Government. (PY R4242)

Legislative-Executive Task Force on Reorganization Corrections. (PY R4243/4)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 208 2020

PY R4243/4.1 Toward Reducing , A Report (1970)

State Employes' Retirement Board and System. (PY R438) (1974-)

PY R438.1 Annual Report (1981- ) PY R438.2/3 Active Voice (1992-1994) PY R438.2/4 Advantage (1994) PY R438.5/3 Actuarial report (Annual, 1996- ) PY R438.5/6 SERS Dispatch: a Newsletter for the Members of the State Employes' Retirement System (quarterly, 1984- 1991) PY R438.5/6 SERS News : a Newsletter for the Members of the State Employes' Retirement System (1992?- ) PY R438.7/6 Financial Statement (Annual, 1929?-1962?) PY R438.10/7 Investments (1957?-1962?)

Public School Employes' Retirement Board and System. (PY R4381) (1975- ) [earlier PPI 203]

PY R4381.1 Annual Report PY R4381.3 Benefits Bulletin: Member Newsletter (irregular(1981-) PY R4381.3/1 Bulletin [to Reporting Units] (irregular, 1981- ) PY R4381.3/9 Bulletin Board (irregular to annuitants, 1979-1984) PY R4381.3/9 Benefits Hotline: Retired Member Newsletter (1983?- 2008) PY R4381.3/9 PSERS retired member newsletter (2008-) PY R4381.6/7 PSERS Employer Bulletin (2011-) PY R4381.8 Member Handbook PY R4381.10/7 Investment portfolio as of ... (1990-1994) PY R4381.10/7/2 Information Bulletin (1988- ) PY R4381.13/3 Ledger (irregular to school districts, 1980?-1981) PY R4381.13/5 Legisletter (irregular to legislators, 1980- ) PY R4381.17/8 Press/News Releases PY R4381.17/8/2 PSERS Update ( -2010) PY R4381.17/8/2 PSERS Member Update (2011-2012) PY R4381.17/8/2 PSERS Active & Retired Member Update (2013- ) PY R4381.19/7 Retirement News PY R4381.19/7 Retirement Chalkboard (irregular, 1983- ) PY R4381.19/7 PSERS active member newsletter (2008- )

Revenue Commission. (PY R451)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 209 2020 PY R451.1 Reports (1845, 1857, 1889) PY R451.11/8 Journal of the Board of Revenue Commissioners ... (1857-1860)

Joseph T. Rothrock Memorial Commission. (PY R846)

PY R846.1 Report (1924)

Pennsylvania Rural Development Council (PY R947)

PY R947.22/8 PRDC Update (April 2002- )

Governor's Task Force on Rural Transportation. (PY R948)

PY R948.1 Report (1974)

Panel on Rural Poverty. (PY R9482)

Rural Technical Assistance Program. [PTAP, RTAP, LTAP] (PY R9483)

PY R9483.4/2 Catalog of publications PY R9483.14/8 Moving Forward (1990- ) PY R9483.21 LTAP Technical Information Sheets (Series, cutter by Title)

Pennsylvania. Committee of Public Safety (PY S128) [relocated from PY P976]

Salary Survey Commission. (PY S161)

PY S161.1 Report (1929)

Salisbury Memorial Commission. (PY S167)

Board of State College and University Directors. (PY S218)

PY S218.146 Board of State College and University Directors Minutes (1976)

School Commission. (PY S372)

PY S372.1 Report (1945-1947)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 210 2020

Governor's Advisory Committee on School Building Standards. (PY S372/2)

PY S372/2.1 Report (1970)

Commission to Study the Present Plan of Financing the Public Schools and Related Matters. (PY S372/4)

PY S372/4.1 Report (1929) PY S372/4.14/7 Minutes of Meetings

Governor's School Finance Survey Committee. (PY S372/4/6)

PY S372/4/6.1 Report (1965)

Commission to Study the Distribution of State Subsidies to School Districts. (PY S372/8)

PY S372/8.1 Report (1927) PY S372/8.14/7 Minutes of Meetings of the State Subsidies Commission (1927-1928)

State Public School Building Authority. (PY S3723)

PY S3723.1 Annual Report (1956-1979?) PY S3723.1/1 Biennial Report (1968/70?-?) PY S3723.16/4 Official Statement (1960- ) PY S3723.17/8 Press Releases (1962?-1977?) PY S3723.20/3 The School Builder (quarterly, 1962-1970) [formerly SPSBA News]

Pennsylvania School Cooperative Committee (PY S3724)

Governor's Council of Science and Technology. (PY S416)

PY S416.1 Report (1964)

Governor's Science Advisory Committee. (PY S416/2)

PY S416/2.1 Annual Report (1966-?)

Securities Commission. (PY S446) Combined with Dept. of Banking to form Dept. of Banking and Securities October 2012

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 211 2020 PY S446.1 Annual Report (1924- ) PY S446.3 Bulletin (bi-monthly, 1940?-?) PY S446.8/4 General Order (rules & regulations, 1962?-1970?) PY S446.19/4 Regulatory actions

U.S. Selective Service System. Pennsylvania. (PY S464)

PY S464.1 Report (1941) PY S464.15/4 News Release (1962?- )

Commission on Sentencing. (PY S478)

PY S478.1 Annual Report (1985- ) Beginning with 2008, online only. PY S478.14/8 Monitor (1983- ) PY S478.19/4 Recidivism Risk Reduction Incentive Program (2010- ) PY S478.20/2 State Intermediate Punishment Program (2006- )

Sesqui-centennial Commission. (PY S493)

PY S493.1 Report (1927)

Commission of Seventy-Six. (PY S497)

PY S497.1 Report (1926)

Committee of Seventy. (PY S4972)

PY S4972.1 Reports (1910 & 1912)

Council for Sexual Minorities. (PY S518)

PY S518.1 Report (annual, discontinued, 1977-?) PY S518.15/4 News Release (irregular)

Shiloh Battlefield Commission. (PY S556)

Governor's Fact Finding Committee to Investigate Alleged Health Effects of Shippingport Nuclear Power Station. (PY S557)

PY S557.1 Report (1974)

Governor's Small Business Council. (PY S635)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 212 2020

Committee on Smoking and the Health of Youth. (PY S666)

PY S666.17/8 Proceedings, Pennsylvania Conference on Smoking and Health (1962, 1965)

State Conservation Commission. (PY S683) (1973- ) [State Soil Conservation Board (1937-1945)] [State Soil Conservation Commission (under Dept. of Agriculture) (1945-1963)] [State Soil and Water Conservation Commission (under Dept. of Environmental Resources (1963- 1995)(1963-1973)] [under Dept. of Environmental Protection (1995- ) ]

PY S683.1 Biennial Report (1968?- ) PY S683.21/4 Teamwork (irregular, 1956-1985)

Commission on Soldiers' Orphan Schools. (PY S684)

PY S684.1 Annual report (1867?-1918?) PY S684.13/6 List of Soldiers; Orphans Leaving School in …( ? – 1896?) PY S684.13/6 List of Soldiers' Orphans to be Discharged ... (1897?-1907) PY S684.13/6 List of Pupils Arriving at the Ages of 16, 17 and 18 Years ... (1908, 1909)

Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Erie. (PY S6844)

PY S6844.1 Report (1886-1913/14?)

Governor's Conference on Solid Waste Management. (PY S686)

Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority. (PY S727)

Governor’s Sports and Exposition Facilities Task Force (PY S764)

Governor's Advisory Council on Statistical Information. (PY S797)

Interstate Advisory Committee on the Basin. (PY S964)

PY S964.14/6 Minutes of Meetings (1962-1968?) PY S964.15/4 News Release (1963?-1968?)

Susquehanna River Basin Commission. (PY S9642) [see also YS 964]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 213 2020 PY S9642.1 Annual Report (1972- ) PY S9642.2 W324q Water quality of interstate streams in the Susquehanna River Basin (1986/1987- ) PY S9642.14/6 Minutes (1990? - )` PY S9642.15/4 News release (198?- ) PY S9642.20/9 Susquehanna guardian (1992- )

Tank Collapse Task Force (PY T165)

Tax Commission. (PY T235)

PY T235.1 Report (1925-1927)

Governor's Committee on Tax Administration. (PY T235/2)

PY T235/2.1 Improving the Business Climate in Pennsylvania: Report (1965)

Tax Advisory Committee. (PY T2352)

PY T2352.1 Report (1959)

Emergency Tax and Revenue Fact-Finding Committee. (PY T2353)

PY T2353.1 Report (1951)

State Tax Equalization Board. (PY T2354)

PY T2354.1 Report (biennial, 1956/58?-1968/70?) PY T2354.4/4 Annual Certification, Market Values of Taxed Property (1949- ) PY T2354.4/4/7 Annual Certification of the Pennsylvania Tax Equalization Board ... Market Values by School Districts by Municipalities (1980- ) PY T2354.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1940?- )

Governor's Tax Study and Revision Commission. (PY T2355)

PY T2355.1 Report (1968)

Governor's Tax Reform Committee. (PY T2356)

Tax Law Revision Commission. (PY T2357)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 214 2020

PY T2357.1 Report (1921)

Tax Policy Advisory Committee. (PY T23578)

PY T23578.1 Report (1956)

Tax Study Committee. (PY T2358)

PY T2358.1 Reports (1953, 1955)

Telecommunications Education Fund (PY T268)

Governor's Committee on Educational Television for Pennsylvania. (PY T269)

Public Television Network Commission. (PY T269/7)

PY T269/7.1 Annual Report (1969- ) PY T269/7.15/4 News Releases (irregular, 19??- ) PY T269/7.17 PPTN Highlights PY T269/7.17/4 The People's Business: A Memo from PPTN (monthly?, 1975- ) PY T269/7.17/8 PPTN (monthly?, 1969-1979) PY T269/7.17/8/3 The Pennsylvania Connection (monthly, 1979- ) PY T269/7.17/8/6 Profiles in Excellence: The Governor's Awards for Excellence in the Arts

Governor's Committee on Public Television. (PY T269/8)

PY T269/8.1 Report (1968)

Joint Committee on Educational Television for Pennsylvania. (PY T2692)

PY T2692.1 Report (1952)

Committee of Ten. (PY T289)

Governor's Textile Study Committee. (PY T355)

300th Anniversary Commission. (PY T531)

Commission to Study & Evaluate the Consequences of the Incident at Three Mile Island. (PY T5312) [disbanded 1981]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 215 2020

PY T5312.14/6 Minutes (irregular, 1979 - 1981) PY T5312.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1979 - 1981)

Pennsylvania Interagency Council on Tobacco and Health. (PY T627)

Toll Road Commission. (PY T651)

PY T651.1 Report (1911)

State Transportation Advisory Committee. (PY T7122*) [Do not use - see PTR 219]

Township Law Revision Commission. (PY T754)

PY T754.1 Report (1931)

Governor's Traffic Safety Council. (PY T764)

PY T764.8/8 Governor's Conference on Traffic Safety (proceedings, 1969- )

Governor's Committee for Transportation. (PY T772)

Transportation Assistance Authority. (PY T7721)

PY T7721.17/8 Press Information (1968?-1975?)

Pennsylvania Association of Councils of Trustees. (PY T873)

PY T873.17/2 PACT Newsletter - PACT Perspectives

Turnpike Commission. (PY T956)

PY T956.1 Annual Report (1955-1965; semi-annual, 1966- ) PY T956.1c Consulting Engineer's Report Covering the Maintenance and Operation of the Pennsylvania Turnpike System (annual?, 1940-?) PY T956.7/6 Financial Statement (monthly, 1965- ) PY T956.10/7 Interchange topic update (200? - ) PY T956.14/7 Mon Valley/Fayette Expressway News (1988-1991) PY T956.14/8 Mon/Fayette transportation project (1991-1996)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 216 2020

PY T956.14/9 Mon/Fayette Expressway & Southern Beltway newsletter (1997-1998) PY T956.15/4 News Release (irregular, 1952-1976?) PY T956.17/4 Pennsylvania Turnpike Traveler (1981- ) PY T956.21/4 The Pennsylvania Turnpike: 10-5 (includes Pennsylvania Turnpike Traveler, 1970-1981) PY T956.21/9 Turnpike News (monthly, Jan-Oct 1939)

Turnpike Joint Safety Research Group. (PY T956/8)

Committee on Unemployment. (PY U56)

Governor's Committee on Unemployment Compensation. (PY U56/3)

PY U56/3.1 Report (1959)

Governor's Conference on Unemployment. (PY U565)

State Committee on Unemployment Reserves. (PY U568)

PY U568.1 Report (1933)

Governor's Committee for the Study of the Problem of Uninsured Motorists. (PY U58)

PY U58.1 Report (1956)

Vaccination Commission. (PY V116)

PY V116.1 Report (1913)

Commission on Condition of Disabled World War Veterans of Pennsylvania. (PY V586)

PY V586.1 Report (1925)

Vietnam Herbicide Information Commission. (PY V666*) [class changed to PHE 235]

War History Commission. (PY W253)

State Commission for the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington. (PY W318)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 217 2020 Washington Crossing Park Commission. (PY W319)

PY W319.1 Biennial Report (1956/60- )

Water Development Coordinating Committee for Appalachia. (PY W3243)

Water Resources Coordinating Committee. (PY W3245)

PY W3245.1 Annual Report (1966/67-1972/73?)

Water Resources Committee. (PY W3247)

PY W3247.1 Report (1953)

Water Supply Commission. (PY W3248*) [class changed from PY W324/8]

PY W3248.1 Report (1905/06-1921/22) PY W3248.24/2 Water Resources Inventory Report (1916-1921)

Governor's Advisory Committee on Water Vehicle Safety. (PY W3249)

PY W3249.1 Report (1959)

Wayne Monument Commission. (PY W359)

Governor’s Task Force to Reduce Welfare Dependency (PY W445) (November 1992 – December 1993)

Governor's White House Conference on Aging. (PY W593/2)

PY W593/2.5/8 Documents (numbered, 1960-?) PY W593/2.20/9 Subcommittee Report (1960)

Wild Resource Conservation Fund. (PY W668)

PY W668.12/4 Keystone Wild Notes (quarterly?, 1983?- ) PY W668.17/4 Pennsylvania Wildlife (series, catalog each separately, cutter by no.)

Governor’s Task Force on the Pennsylvania Wilds (PY W674) (2003- )

Commission on the Status of Women. (PY W872)* [Do not use. Use PY W8722]

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 218 2020

Commission for Women. (PY W8722) [formerly Commission on the Status of Women]

PY W8722.1 CSW Report Report (1973- ) Annual Report (1976-1985?) PY W8722.4/8 Commonwealth of Women (quarterly, 1998- ) PY W8722.15/4 CSW News (1972?-1974) News (monthly, 1975-1977) [superseded by Womenews] PY W8722.15/4/2 Womenews (bimonthly, May 1977- ) PY W8722.15/4/9 News Releases (irregular) PY W8722.24/8 The Woman's Report: Bi-weekly Column from the Pennsylvania Commission for Women (1979- )

World War II Commemoration Committee (PY W8723) (1995)

Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board (PY W926)

PY W926.1 Annual Report to the Secretary of Labor (2001)

Board of World's Fair Managers. (PY W927)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 219 2020 Interstate Agencies

"In order to promote shared interests and encourage mutual cooperation with other states, Pennsylvania has entered into a number of interstate compacts and agreements. Such agreements serve to foster the continued planning and protection of joint resources and to discourage the fragmentation and duplication of the respective states' programs." [Pennsylvania Manual, vol. 115, 2001-02, p.4-131]

Appalachian Regional Commission. (YA 646)

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact. (YA 881)

YA 881.1 Annual Report (1941?- )

Brandywine River Valley Compact. (YB 817)

Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact. (YC 582)

Interstate Corrections Compact. (YC 824)

Delaware River Basin Commission. (YD 3431) [Delaware River Basin Compact]

YD 3431.1 Annual Report

Delaware River Joint Commission of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. (YD 3432) [Delaware River Joint Commission]

Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission. (YD 3433)

Delaware River Port Authority. (YD 3434)

YD 3434.1 Annual Report (1952- )

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission. (YD 3437) [Delaware Valley Urban Area Compact]

YD 3437.1 Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Annual Report

Interstate Compact for Education. (YE 25) [Education Commission of the States] Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 220 2020

YE 25.4/2 Catalog of Publications (annual?, 1987?- ) YE 25.20 State Education Leader (quarterly, 1982?- )

Great Lakes Basin Compact. (YG 787)

YG 787.8 Great Lakes Basin Compact YG 787.3/9 Bylaws YG 787.4/5 Great Lakes Research Checklist (numbered, dates) YG 787.14 Minutes (dated) YG 787.19/7 Sport Fishing Regulations for the Great Lakes (annual)

Interstate High Speed Inter-City Rail Passenger Network Compact. (YH 638)

Interstate Mining Compact Commission. (YM 66)

YM 66.1 Annual Report (1985?- ) YM 66.4/8 The Compact (quarterly, 1983?- ) YM 66.5 Directory YM 66.10 Interstate Mining Compact Commissions [Compact and Bylaws]

Ohio River Valley Sanitation Commission. (YO 36)

YO 36.17 Publications List

Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. (YO 39)

YO 39.48/4 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission Bulletin (semi-annual, June 1987- )

Interstate Compact for Supervision of Parolees and Probationers. (YP 257)

Pennsylvania State Data Center. (YP 41)

Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin. (YP 864)

YP 864.10 ICPRB Potomac Publications (list, annual, 1987?) YP 864.17 Potomac Basin Reporter (10 issues/yr., 1945?- )

Susquehanna River Basin Commission. (YS 9642) [State Library does not use this number. See PY S9642]

YS 9642.1 Annual Report (1972- )

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 221 2020 YS 9642.17 Publications and Staff Reports

Wheeling Creek Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention District Compact. (YW 561)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 222 2020

Index of Agencies


A. W. Cook Tract of Land Committee (PY C771) Abandoned Mine Reclamation Bureau (PER 22) Abortion Law Commission(PY A154) Bicentennial Commission (PY A159) Academic Programs Bureau (PE 22) Accounts Bureau (PGV 164/2) Accounts Settlement Bureau (PR 23) Ad Hoc Bicentennial Committee(PY B583) Adjutant-General's Office (PMV 23) (PMA 23) Administrative Leadership Services Bureau (PE 23) (PPI 23) Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (PJU 210/2) Administrative Services Bureau (PA 23) Administrative Services Bureau (PCA 23) Adult and Community Education Division (PE 23/2) Adult Basic and Literacy Education Interagency Coordinating Council (PE 32/2/10) Adult Basic Education Division (PE 23/2) Adult Preventive Health Programs Bureau (PHE 23) Advance Planning Bureau (PTR 23) Advanced Technical Center of Central and Northern Pennsylvania, Inc. (PCO 214/4) Advisory Board on Problems of Older Workers (PL 167) Advisory Commission on Elections and Election Law (PY E382) Advisory Committee on Organ and Tissue Donation (PHE 168) Advisory Committee on the Blind (PY B6481) Advisory Council on Educational Computing Activities (PE 63/3) Advisory Council on Library Development (PE 136/2) Advisory Panel for Special Education (PE 208/2) Advocacy Bureau (PAG 23) Affirmative Action Office (PAG 24) Aging (PAG) Aging Office (PPW 25) Agricultural Development Office (PA 25) Agricultural Statistical Service (PA 48) Agricultural Society (PY A278) Agriculture (PA) Aid to Non-Public Education Office (PE 26) Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 223 2020 Air National Guard. (PMV 26) Air Pollution Commission (PHE 26) Air Pollution Control Division(PHE 26/4) Air Quality Control Bureau (PER 26) Alcohol Permit Board (PPW 27) Alcoholic Studies Division (PHE 27) Allentown State Hospital (PPW 145/2/7) Amusement Rides Bureau (PA 26) (PA 244) Andersonville Memorial Commission (PY A552) Animal Industry Bureau (PA 27) Anthracite Coal Industry Commission (PY C652) Anthracite Division (PMI 27) Anthracite Mine Care Commission (PY A6282) Anthracite Mine Drainage Study Commission (PY A628) Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission (PY A629) Appalachian Development Bureau (PCO 28) Appalachian Regional Commission (YA 646) Apprenticeship and Training Council (PL 28) Arbitration Panels for Health Care (PGV 84/2/8 Archives and History Bureau (PY H673/2) Army National Guard. (PMV 28) Art Commission (PGS 28) (PY A784) Assistance Bureau (PPW 27/9) Arts, Council on (PY A792) Ashland State General Hospital (PPW 28/5) Associated Health Authorities and Sanitarians of Pa. (PY H434/2) Athletic Commission (PS 28) Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (YA 881) Attorney General (PAT) (PJ 28) Attorney General's Family Violence Task Force (PAT 72) Auditor General's Office (PAU) Aviation Bureau (PTR 29)


Banking (PB) Banking Law Commission (PY B218/7) Barrier Pillar Commission Bituminous District (PY B275) Basic Education Fiscal Administration Bureau (PE 32/4) Basic Education Office (PE 32) Basic Education Support Services Bureau (PE 32/8) Behavioral Problems and Drug Control Division (PHE 34)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 224 2020

Ben Franklin Partnership Challenge (PCO 214) Benjamin Franklin Symposium (PY B468) Bicentennial Commission of Pennsylvania (PY B5832) Bipartisan Commission on Pennsylvania Public Pension Fund Investments (PY P415) Bituminous Division (PMI 36) Blind, Office for the (PPW 37) Bloomsburg University (PY H637/2) (PE 210/2) Board of Centennial Managers (PY C397) Board of Claims (PY C585) Board of Education, State (PY E24/92) Board of Governors of State System of Higher Education (PY H637) Board of Pardons (PY P226) (PJ 172) Board of Public Buildings and Grounds (PY P9765) Board of State College and University Directors (PY S218) Board of World's Fair Managers (PY W927) Boise Penrose Memorial Committee (PY P4172) Bonds Office (Community and Economic Development)(PCE 38) Brandywine River Valley Compact (YB 817) Bridge Division (PHI 38) Budget Administration Office (PGV 164/3) Budget and Management Bureau (PE 39) Bureau [see also other part of name] Bureau of Accounts (PGV 164/2) Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation. (PEP 146) Bureau of Air, Recycling and Radiation Protection (PEP 22) Bureau of Air Quality. (PEP 26) Bureau of Assistance (PPW 27/9) Bureau of Autism Services (PPW 146/2) Bureau of Automated Technology Management. (PGV 164/4) Bureau of Aviation (PTR 29) Bureau of Community Planning. (PCA 177) Bureau of Construction (PTR 48) Bureau of Correction (PJ 48) Bureau of Corrections (PGV 84/4/8) Bureau of Deep Mine Safety. (PEP 147) Bureau of Design (PHI 54) Bureau of Design (PTR 54) Bureau of Elections (PS 67) Bureau of Engineering and Architecture (PGS 67) Bureau of Financial Management (PGV 164/7) Bureau of Forestry (PCN 78) (PER 78/3) (PFW 78/3) Bureau of HIV/AIDS (PHE 68/3) Bureau of Inspection (PL 107) Bureau of Investigation (PAU 107)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 225 2020 Bureau of Investigations (PJ 107) Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management. (PEP 132) Bureau of Maintenance (PTR 140) Bureau of Markets (PA 142) Bureau of Mediation (PL 144) Bureau of Mining and Reclamation. (PEP 145) Bureau of Minority and Women Business Opportunities (PGS 146) Bureau of Motor Vehicles (PR 149) Bureau of Oil and Gas Management. (PEP 148) Bureau of Parks (PCN 208) (PFW 172) Bureau of Personnel (PE 174) Bureau of Personnel (PGV 164/17) Bureau of Personnel (PHI 174) Bureau of Personnel (PR 174/7) Bureau of Planning (PCA 177) Bureau of Preventive Health Programs (PHE 68) Bureau of Publications (PP 17) Bureau of Purchases (PP 179) Bureau of Radiation Protection. (PEP 192) Bureau of Rail Freight, Ports and Waterways (PTR 192) Bureau of Railways (PIA 192) Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. (PCN 193) (PCA 193) Bureau of Rehabilitation (PL 193) Bureau of Research (PCA 194) Bureau of Research (PPI 194) Bureau of Ride and Measurement Standards (PA 196) Bureau of Right of Way (PTR 196) Bureau of Standards (PIA 207) Bureau of Standards (PP 208) Bureau of Statistics (PCO 208) Bureau of Statistics (PIA 208) Bureau of Statistics (PPI 208) Bureau of Veterans Affairs. (PMV 234) Bureau of Water Quality Protection. (PEP 242) Bureau of Water Supply Management. (PEP 244) Bureau of Water Supply and Community Health (PEP 244) Bureau of Watershed Conservation. (PEP 246) Bureau of Watershed Management (PEP 246) Bureau of Waterways (PY F532/9) Bureau of Waterways Engineering. (PEP 248) Business Assistance [Center for Business Financing(PCE 39) Business Management Division (PHE 39) Business Methods Committee (PY B979)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 226 2020

Business Services Bureau (PCO 39)


Cable Network (PY C115) California University (PY H637/3) (PE 210/3) Cancer Control Division (PHE 42) Cancer Control, Prevention and Research Advisory Board (PHE 42/7) Cancer Coordinating Committee (PY C215) Capitol Building Commission (PY C244) Capitol Centenniel Celebration Commission (PY C2441) Capitol Police (PGS 178) Capitol Preservation Committee (PY C2442) Career Development Office (PE 42) Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of Birth of George Washington (PY W318) Center for Local Government Services. (PCE 138) Center for Workforce Information and Analysis. (PL 194) Central Management Information Center (PGV 164/3/2) Charitable Trusts and Organizations Section (Attorney General) (PAT 45) Chestnut Tree Blight Commission (PY C525) Chesapeake Bay Program (PER 45) Cheyney University (PY H637/3/5) (PE 210/3/5) Chickamauga-Chattanooga Battlefields Commission (PY C532) Child Nutrition Division (PE 78) Children, Youth and Families Office (PPW 45) CHOICE (PY D7942/2) Chronic Diseases Division (PHE 46) Cigarette and Beverage Taxes Bureau (PR 46) Citizen's Commission on Basic Education (PY E24/2) Citizens Advisory Council (PEP 46) (PER 46) Citizens' Committee on the Finances of Pennsylvania (PY F491) Civil Law Office (PJ 46) Civil Rights Enforcement Section (PAT 46) Claim Settlement Bureau (PPW 47) Clarion University (PY H637/3/7) (PE 210/3/7) Clearinghouse for Outreach, Information, Communication and Education (PY D7942/2) Coal Research Board (PMI 48) Cold Harbor Battlefield Commission (PY C688) Commerce (PCO) Commission Appointed to Make an Investigation on the Battlefields of France and Belgium (PY B336)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 227 2020 Commission for Legislative Modernization (PY L5143) Commission for Reorganization of the State Government (PY R4242) Commission for the Study of Educational Problems (PPI 48) Commission for Unveiling Groups of Sculpture by George Gray Barnard (PY B259) Commission for Women (PY W8722) Commission of Presidents (PY H637/1) Commission of Seventy-Six (PY S497) Commission on Amended Orthography (PY O 77) Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution (PY B5835) Commission on Charitable Organizations (PS 45) Commission on Compensation for Occupational Diseases (PY C737) Commission on Condition of Disabled World War Veterans of Pa. (PY V586) Commission on Conditions Relating to Blind Persons (PY B648) Commission on Constitutional Amendment and Revision (PY C758) Commission on Constitutional Revision (PY C7588) Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PY C9297) (PJ 483) Commission on Displaced Persons (PY D612) Commission on Governmental Reorganization (PY G7218) Commission on Industrial Education (PY E24/6) Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (PY I615) Commission on Interstate Cooperation (PY I61) Commission on Municipal Consolidation in Counties of the Second Class (PY M966) Commission on Penal Institutions (PY P397/6) Commission on Segregation, Care and Treatment of Feeble-Minded and Epileptic Persons (PY F295) Commission on Sentencing (PY S478) Commission on Soldiers' Orphan Schools (PY S684) Commission on the Status of Women (PY W872) Commission to Codify & Revise the Law of Decedent's Estates (PY D292) Commission to Codify and Revise the Law Relating to Banks, Private Bankers and Trust Companies (PY B218) Commission to Codify Divorce Laws (PY D618) Commission to Devise a Plan for the Government of Cities (PY C581) Commission to Erect Statue of Andrew Gregg Curtin (PY C978) Commission to Examine into the Present System for the Insane (PY I59) Commission to Examine Laws Relating to Recording of Deeds and Mortgages (PY R311) Commission to Investigate Certain Poor Houses (PY P8235) Commission to Investigate Condition of Insane in Hospitals (PY I591) Commission to Investigate Penal Systems (PY P397/8)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 228 2020

Commission to Investigate the Increase in the Cost of Anthracite Coal etc. (PY C6523) Commission to Investigate Various Charitable Institutions (PY C473) Commission to Investigate Waste of Coal Mining (PY C6529) Commission to Make a Study and Investigation of Systems of Compulsory Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicle Owners and Drivers (PY C738) Commission to Revise Election Laws (PY E38) Commission to Study and Evaluate the Consequences of Three Mile Island (PY T5312) Commission to Study and Revise Statutes Relating to Children (PY C536) Commission to Study the Distribution of State Subsidies to School Districts (PY S5372/8) Commission to Study the Present Plan of Financing the Public Schools and Related Matters (PY S372/4) Commissioners Appointed to Revise Civil Code (PY C582) Commissioners of the Sinking Fund (PT 206) Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (PY L425) Committee for Criminal Justice Standards and Goals (PY C9296) Committee for State Constitutional Revision (PY C7586) Committee of Public Safety (PY S128) Committee of Seventy (PY S4972) Committee of Ten (PY T289) Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals (PY C9296) Committee on Infant Intensive Care (PY H4348/2) Committee on Preparation for Public Social Welfare (PY P927) Committee on Probation (PY P962) Committee on Smoking and the Health of Youth (PY S666) Committee on State Statistics (PY P712/8) Committee on Unemployment (PY U56) Committee to Survey the Penal and Correctional System (PY P3972) Committee to Investigate the Peno-Correctional System (PY P417) Commonwealth Child Development Committee (PGV 164/8) Commonwealth Compensation Commission (PY C7337) Commonwealth Media Services (PGS 144) Commonwealth Court (PJU 49) Commonwealth Priorities Commission (PY C734) Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement (C.U.R.E.) (PHE 47) Communicable Diseases Division. Venereal Disease Section (PHE 48/23/4) Communicable Diseases Division. Veterinary Public Health (PHE 48/23/8) Communicable Diseases Division (PHE 48) Community and Economic Development (PCE) Community Affairs (PCA) Community Affairs Library (PCA 136) Community Colleges Bureau (PE 48)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 229 2020 Community Development and Housing Office (PCE 48) Community Development Bureau (PCO 48) Community Empowerment Office. (PCE 49) Community Energy Office (PCA 67) Community Environmental Control Bureau (PER 48) Community Planning Bureau (PCA 177) Community Programs Bureau (PCA 48) Community Service Centers [CSC] (PCR 48/3) CSC Harrisburg Region (PCR 48/3/5) CSC Philadelphia Region (PCR 48/3/8) CSC Pittsburgh Region (PCR 48/3/9) Community Service Division (PCR 48) Community Services Bureau (PSP 47) Community Work Bureau (PPW 48) Compact as to the Water Resources of the Delaware River (PYD343/9) COMPASS [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Application for Social Service] (PY C736) Compensatory Programs Division (PE 48/5) Comprehensive Health Planning Office (PHE 49) Comptroller's Office (PE 48/8) Conference on Handicapped Children (PY H2365) Conservation and Natural Resources (PCN) Conservation Corps (PER 49) Conservation, Economics, and Energy Planning Bureau (PY P9768/3) Constitution (PC) Constitution Commemoration Committee (PY C7583) Constitutional Conventions (PC 48) Construction Bureau (PTR 48) Consumer Advocate Office (PAT 487/2) (PY C7589) Contract Information Bureau (PT 48) Consumer Protection Bureau (PAT 48) (PJ 47) Convention on Repeal of the 18th Article to Amend the Constitution of the United States (PY E34) Coordination and Field Liaison Bureau (PE 48/9) Corporation Bureau (PS 48) Corporation Taxes Bureau (PR 48) Corrections (PCR) Corrections Bureau (PGV 84/4/8)(PJ 48) Cotton States and International Exposition Commission (PY C851) Council for Sexual Minorities (PY S518) Council of National Defense (PY D3137) Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse (PHE 57) (PY D7943) Council on the Aging (PAG 25) (PY A266)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 230 2020

Council on the Arts (PY A792) Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PY P578) Council on Vocation Education (PY E24/9) County Probation and Parole Officers' Firearm Education and Training Commission (PY P257/4) Courts of Common Pleas (PJU 48) Crime Commission (PY C9292) (PY C929) Crime Victims Compensation Board (PGV 84/4/9) (PJ 489) Criminal Identification and Information Bureau (PSP 48) Criminal Investigation Bureau (PSP 48/6) Criminal Justice Planning Board (PY C9295) Criminal Justice Statistics Bureau (PJ 49) Criminal Law Division (PAT 49) Criminal Tax Investigation Office (PR 47) Crop Reporting Service (PA 48) Culpeper, Virginia, Monument Commission (PY C968) Cultural Advisor to the Governor (PGV 164/8/4) Curriculum and Instruction Bureau (PE 49) Curriculum Development Bureau (PPI 49) Curriculum Planning Bureau (PE 49/8*) Curriculum Services Bureau (PE 49)


Dairy and Food Division (PA 52) Dams and Waterway Management Bureau (PER 52) Data Services Division (PE 63/8) Day Care Division (PPW 45/4/8) Deep Mine Safety Bureau (PE 54) Delaware River and Bay Authority (PY D3436) Delaware River Basin Commission (YD 3431) (PY D3431) Delaware River Bridge and Tunnel Commission (PY D34332) Delaware River Joint Commission of Pennsylvania and New Jersey (YD 3432) (PY D3432) Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (YD 3433) (PY D3433) Delaware River Master (PY D3435) Delaware River Port Authority (PY D3434) (YD 3434) Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (YD 3437) (PY D3437) Dental Health Division (PHE 54) Deputy Secretary of Legislation Office (PPW 134) Design Bureau (PTR 54) (PHI 54) Development Disabilities Planning Council (PY D489) Diabetes Task Force (PHE 55)(PY D536)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 231 2020 Disaster Medicine Division (PHE 56) District Mining Operations. (PEP 149) Division [see also other part of name] Division of Hospitals (PHE 189/5) Division of Minerals (PFW 146) Division of Mines (PER 146) Division of Nutrition (PHE 159) Division of Sanitation (PHE 202/2) Dog Law Enforcement Bureau (PA 58) Domestic and International Commerce Bureau (PCO 107/8) Driver Licensing Bureau (PTR 58) Driving Under the Influence Task Force, Governor's (PY D782) Drug and Alcohol Programs (PD) Drug and Alcohol Programs (PHE 58) (PHE 34/2) Drug and Alcohol Programs Bureau of Community Assistance (PHE 58/3) Drug and Alcohol Programs Bureau of Program Services (PHE 58/8/8) Drug and Alcohol Programs Office of Policy and Planning (PHE 58/8) Drug, Device and Cosmetic Commission (PY D794) Drug, Device and Cosmetic Board (PHE 58)


East Stroudsburg University (PY H637/4) (PE 210/4) Eastern Inter-State Conference on Labor Legislation (PY L123/4) Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (PPW 145/4/2) Eastern State Penitentiary (PJ 48/4) Economic Development Bureau(PCO 62) Economic Opportunity Bureau (PCA 63) Economic Research and Programming Bureau (PHI 63) Economic Zoology Bureau (PA 278) Economic Research and Programming Bureau (PTR 63) Economy and Efficiency Commission (PY E19) Edinboro University (PY H637/4/3) (PE 210/4/3) Education (PE) Education of Students with Disabilities Task Force (PY E24/95) Education Commission of the States (YE 25) Educational Costs Survey Commission (PGA 63) Educational Quality Assessment Bureau (PE 63/7) Educational Planning and Testing Bureau (PE 63/6) Educational Research Bureau (PE 63) Educational Statistics Bureau (PE 63/8) eHealth Partnership Authority (PY E33)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 232 2020 eHealth Partnership Program (PHS 65) Elections Bureau (PS 67) Electoral College (PY E383) Elementary Education Division (PPI 67) Emergency Health Services Division (PHE 66) Emergency Management Agency(PY E53) Emergency Management Coordinator (PHE 66/7) Emergency Tax and Revenue Fact-Finding Committee (PY T2353) Employment Board (PPW 28/4) Employment Security Office (PL 67) Energy Development Agency (PCO 67) Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PY E561) Energy Office, Pennsylvania (PY E563) Engineering and Construction Office (PER 67) Engineers' Commission (PY E57) Environmental Assistance Network (PEP 28) Environmental Education Advisory Council (PY E61) Environmental Health Bureau (PHE 67) Environmental Master Planning Bureau (PER 67/9) Environmental Protection Office (PER 67/9/8) Environmental Quality Board (PER 67/7) Environmental Quality Office (PTR 67) Environmental Radiation Division (PER 67/8) Environmental Resources (PER) (PCN) (PEP) Environmental Safety Division (PHE 67/8) Ephrata Cloisters (PY H673/6) Epidemiological and Disease Prevention Bureau (PHE 68/3) Epidemiological Research and Division (PHE 68) Equal Educational Opportunity Bureau (PE 68) Ethics Commission (PY E68) Executive Academy (PE 69) Executive Board (PGV 69)


Facilities Sanitation Division (PER 72) Factory Inspector (PF) Faculty Professional Development Council (PY H637/10) Family Services Office (PPW 45) (PPW 72) Farm Producers Show Commission (PA 208/4) Farm Show Bureau (PA 72) (PA 298/4*) Federal Programs Division (PE 74) Federation of Historical Societies (PY H6738)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 233 2020 Field Operations Office (PR 76) Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg Commission (PY G3944) Finance Planning and Research Division (PCR 76) Finance Revenue Board (PT 76) Financial Management Bureau (PGV 164/7) Financial Management Office (PCO 76/7) Fire Protection Bureau (PSP 76) Fire Safety Services Office (PY E53/4) Fiscal Management Bureau (PCO 76) Fiscal Management Office (PPW 76) Fish Commission (PY F532) Fish Commission Waterways Bureau (PY F532/9) Flood Control Division (PFW 77) Food and Chemistry Bureau (PA 77) Food Marketing Advisory Council (PA 142/7) Food Programs for Women, Infants and Children Bureau [WIC](PHE 248) Food Protection Division (PER 77/9) Forest Advisory Services Division (PFW 78) Forest Advisory Services (PER 78) Forest Protection Division (PFW 78/8) Forestry Bureau (PER 78/3) (PFW 78/3) Forestry Division (PA 78) Forests and Waters (PFW) Forum Celebration Committee (PY F745) Free Library Commission (PY F853)


Game Commission (PY G192) General and Academic Education Bureau (PE 84) (PPI 84) General and Special Hospitals Office (PPW 98) General Assembly (PGA) General Publications (P) General Services (PGS) General State Authority (PGS 84) (PY G326) Geographic Board (PY G3448) Geologic Survey, (PY G345/1), 1st (PY G345/2), 2nd (PY G345/3), 3rd (PY G345/4), 4th see also Topographic and Geologic Survey

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 234 2020

Gettysburg Battlefield Commission (PY G394) Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Commission (PY G3947) Gettysburg, Commission on the 100th Anniversary of the Battle and Lincoln's Address (PY G3948) Gettysburg, Commission on 50th Anniversary of the Battle (PY G3944) Giant Power Board (PY G434) Giant Power Survey Board (PY G4348) Government Donated Food Bureau (PA 88) Governor (PGV) Governor. Office of the First Lady. (PGV 76) Governor's Action Center (PGV 164/2/8) Governor's Advisory Citizen Committee on the Mid-Century White House Conference on Children and Youth (PY C536/2) Governor's Advisory Committee for Comprehensive Mental Health Planning (PY M549/5) Governor's Advisory Committee for Comprehensive Mental Retardation Planning (PY M549/8) Governor's Advisory Committee on Constitutional Revision (PY C7581) Governor's Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Beauty (PY N285) Governor's Advisory Committee on Public Education (PY E24/89) Governor's Advisory Committee on School Building Standards (PY S372/2) Governor's Advisory Committee on Water Vehicle Safety (PY W3249) Governor's Advisory Council on Statistical Information (PY S797) Governor's Board for Study Pennsylvania Mental Hospitals (PY M549/6) Governor’s Center for Local Government Services (PCE 138) Governor's Citizens' Committee on Housing (PY H842) Governor’s Commission for Children and Families (PY C536/4) Governor's Commission for Modern State Government "Little Hoover Committee" (PY M689) Governor's Commission on Constitutional Revision (PY C7585) Governor's Commission on Fire Prevention and Control (PY F523) Governor's Commission on Higher Education (PY E24/5) Governor's Commission on Industrial Race Relations (PY R118) Governor's Commission on Investigating Recent Events in Chester (PY C5248) Governor's Commission on Labor Legislation (PY L123) Governor's Commission on Mortgage and Interest Rates (PY M887) Governor's Commission on Penal and Correctional Affairs (PY P397/5) Governor's Commission on Revised Penal Code (PY P397/3) Governor's Committee for the Handicapped (PY H236) Governor's Committee for the Physically Handicapped (PY H2368) Governor's Committee for the Preservation of Agricultural Land (PY P933) Governor's Committee for the Study of the Problem of Uninsured Motorists (PY U58) Governor's Committee for Transportation (PY T772)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 235 2020 Governor's Committee of One Hundred for Better Education (PY E24/8) Governor's Committee of 100,000 Pennsylvanians for the Promotion of Economic Growth (PY O 58) Governor's Committee on Health Education (PY H4344) Governor's Committee on Agriculture (PY A278/3) Governor's Committee on Children and Youth (PY C536/5) Governor's Committee on Discrimination in Housing (PY D5995) Governor's Committee on Education (PY E24) Governor's Committee on Educational Television for Pennsylvania (PY T269) Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped (PY H2364) Governor's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped (PY H2367) Governor's Committee on Merger of the Department of Welfare and Public Assistance (PY M559) Governor's Committee on Migratory Labor (PY M636) Governor's Committee on Public Television (PY T269/8) Governor's Committee on Tax Administration (PY T235/2) Governor's Committee on Unemployment Compensation (PY U56/3) Governor's Committee to Investigate the Affairs of the Philadelphia Registration Commission (PY P5443) Governor's Commonwealth Conference on Higher Education (PY E24/5/3) Governor's Conference for Industrial Development (PY I423) Governor's Conference of Public Library Trustees (PY L697) Governor's Conference on Employment Skills (PY E55/8) Governor's Conference on Handicapped Individuals (PY H2366) Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services (PY L6972) Governor's Conference on Pneumoconiosis (PY P738) Governor's Conference on Solid Waste Management (PY S686) Governor's Conference on Unemployment (PY U565) Governor's Coordinating Committee for the 1960 White House Conference on Children and Youth (PY C536/9) Governor's Coordinating Committee for the 1970 White House Conference on Children and Youth (PY C536/92) Governor's Council for Human Services (PY H918) Governor's Council of Business and Industry (PY B979/6) Governor's Council of Science and Technology (PY S416) Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse (PY D7942) Governor's Council on Drugs (PHE 57) (PY D7943) Governor's Council on the Hispanic Community (PGV 164/9/7) Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PY P578) Governor's Council on Pneumoconiosis (PY P738) Governor's DUI Task Force (PY D782) Governor's Economic Advisory Council (PY E189)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 236 2020

Governor's Energy Council (PY E56) Governor's Energy Office (PY E56) Governor’s Export Task Force (PY E96) Governor's Fact Finding Committee to Investigate Alleged Health Effects of the Shippingport Nuclear Power Station (PY S557) Governor’s Green Government Council (PEP 86) Governor's Health Task Force (PY H4348) Governor's Heritage Affairs Advisory Commission (PY H548) Governor's Highway Safety Advisory Committee (PY 6382) Governor's Highway Safety Council (PY H6383) Governor's Hospital Study Commission (PY H828) Governor's Housing Task Force (PY H8421) Governor’s Innovation Office (PGV 164/11/7) Governor's Interagency Task Force on Highway Safety for Children (PY H6383/4) Governor’s Job Training Task Force (PY J628) Governor's Justice Commission (PJ 484) Governor's Justice Commission. Allegheny Regional Advisory Committee (PJ 484/2) Governor's Justice Commission. Central Regional Planning Council (PJ 484/3) Governor's Justice Commission. Northeast Regional Planning Council (PJ 484/7) Governor's Justice Commission. Northwestern Regional Planning Unit (PJ 484/7/5) Governor's Justice Commission. Philadelphia Regional Planning Council (PJ 484/8) Governor's Justice Commission. South Central Regional Planning Council (PJ 484/8/3) Governor's Justice Commission. Southeast Regional Planning Council (PJ 484/8/4) Governor's Justice Commission. Southwest Regional Planning Council (PJ 484/9) Governor's Liquor Code Advisory Committee (PY L7672) Governor's Manpower Task Force (PY M285) Governor's Milk Control Inquiry Committee (PY M644) Governor's Office for Human Resources (PGV 164/9) Governor's Office of Administration (PGV 164) Governor's Office of Policy and Planning (PY P712) Governor's Office of State Planning and Development (PY P712) Governor's Private Sector Initiatives Task Force (PY P961) Governor's Reorganization and Classification Committee (PY R424) Governor's Review of Government Management (PY G7217) Governor's School Finance Survey Committee (PY S372/4/6) Governor's Science Advisory Committee (PY S416/2) Governor's Small Business Council (PY S635) Governor’s Sports and Exposition Facilities Task Force (PY S764)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 237 2020 Governor's Study Commission on Public Employee Relations (PY P9763) Governor's Study Commission on Capital Punishment (PY C2443) Governor’s Study Commission on the Apparel Industry (PY A646) Governor's Task Force on Arthritis (PY A787) Governor's Task Force on Drunk Driving (PY D897) Governor’s Task Force on Early Childhood Care and Education (PY E12) Governor's Task Force on Employment Services to Displaced Homemakers (PY E55/8/3) Governor's Task Force on Housing [1982] (PY H8423) Governor's Task Force on Criminal Justice Information Systems (PY C9294) Governor's Task Force on Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and other Controlled Substances (PY D782) Governor's Task Force on Equal Rights (PY E64) Governor's Task Force on Mental Health of Juvenile Offenders (PY M5497) Governor's Task Force on Hypertension (PY H998) Governor's Task Force on Maximum Security Psychiatric Care(PY P974) Governor's Task Force on Rehabilitation (PY R345) Governor's Task Force on Rural Transportation (PY R948) Governor's Task Force on Stadiums (PY S776) Governor’s Task Force to Reduce Welfare Dependency (PY W445) Governor’s Task Force on the Pennsylvania Wilds (PY W674) (2003- ) Governor's Tax Reform Committee (PY T2356) Governor's Tax Study and Revision Commission (PY T2355) Governor's Textile Study Committee (PY T355) Governor's Traffic Safety Council (PY T764) Governor's Trans Task Force on the Department of Aging (PY A267) Governor's White House Conference on Aging (PY W593/2) Great Lakes Basin Compact[Great Lakes Commission](YG 787) Greater Pennsylvania Council (PY G786) Greensburg, Western State School and Hospital (PPW 145/2) Greenways Partnership Commission (PCN 195) (1998- ) Greenways Partnership Advisory Committee (PCN 195) Guide Rail Task Force (PTR 89) Gypsy Moth Task Force (PY G89)


Hazardous Substances Transportation Advisory Committee (PTR 92) Health (PHE) Health and Consumer Education (PAG 94) Health Care Plans Division(PHE 94/4/5) Health Care Section (PAT 93)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 238 2020

Health Communications Bureau (PHE 48/25) Health Data Center (PHE 94) Health Facility Hearing Board (PGV 94) Health Financing and Program Development Bureau (PHE 94/4) Health Insurance Commission (PY H434/6) Health Risk Reduction Program(PHE 94/7) Health Services Bureau (PHE 177/5) Health Services Research Division (PHE 194) Health Statistics Division (PHE 208) High Speed Intercity Rail Passenger Commission (PY H634) Higher Education Assistance Agency (PY H638) Higher Education Financing Office (PE 96/4) Higher Education Office (PE 96) (PPI 96) Higher Education Planning and Research Bureau (PE 96/8) Higher Educational Facilities Authority (PY H638/7) Highway Design Bureau (PT 54) Highway Planning Commission (PY H6384) Highway Services Bureau (PT 97) Highways (PHI) Highways Library (PHI 136) Historical and Museum Commission (PY H673) Home for the Training in Speech of Deaf Children (PPW 45/5) Hospitals Division (PHE 189/5) House of Representative (PG 98) House of Representatives. Democratic Caucus (PGA 98/5) Housing and Development Bureau (PCA 98) Housing and Environmental Control Bureau (PHE 98/4) Housing Finance Agency (PY H8422) Human Relations Commission (PY H9183) Human Relations Commission Community Services Division (PY H9183/3) Human Relations Commission Research Division (PY H9183/8) Human Resources Bureau (PCA 99) Human Resources Office (PGV 164/9) Huntingdon Industrial School (PPW 45/6)


Income Maintenance Office (PPW 107) Independent Regulatory Review Commission (PY R319) Indian Forts Commission (PY I39) Indiana University of Pennsylvania (PY H637/6) (PE 210/6) Industrial Accidents Commission (PY I422) Industrial Board (PL 106)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 239 2020 Pennsylvania Joint Council on the Criminal Justice System, see: Committee for Criminal Justice Standards and Goals Industrial Development Bureau (PCO 107) Industries Division (PCR 107) Information and Publications Bureau (PE 105) Information Services Center (PCA 107) Information Systems Bureau (PE 106) Inheritance Taxes Bureau (PR 106) Inspection Bureau (PL 107) Inspector General Office (PGV 164/10) Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, Philadelphia (PE 211/32) Institutional Collections Bureau (PR 107) Institutional Studies and Services Bureau (PPI 107) Instructional Media Services Bureau (PE 107) Insurance (PI) Interagency Council on Food and Nutrition (PY F686) Intergovernmental Council (PY I613) Internal Affairs (PIA) International Commerce Bureau(PCO 107/8) Interstate Advisory Committee on the Susquehanna River Basin (PY S964) Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact (YC 582) Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin (PY D343) Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (YP 864) (PY P864) Interstate Compact for Education(YE 25) Interstate Compact for Supervision of Parolees and Probationers (YP 257) Interstate Corrections Compact (YC 824) Interstate High Speed Inter-City Rail Passenger Network Compact (YH 638) Interstate Mining Compact Commission (YM 66) Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (YO 39) Interstate Conference on Employment Security Agencies (PY E55/7) Intra-Governmental Council on Long Term Care (PAG 139) Investigation Bureau (PAU 107) Investigations Bureau (PJ 107) Investigation of Alleged Disfranchisement of Electors in Philadelphia (PYD 611)


James A. Finnegan Fellowship Foundation (PY J315) Jamestown Exposition Commission (PY J31) Job Mobilization Committee (PY J62) Job Training Partnership Bureau (PL 118) Johnstown Flood Relief Commission (PY J73)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 240 2020

Joint Commission on Administration of Criminal Justice (PGA 48) Joint Committee on Documents (PGS 48) Joint Committee on Educational Television for Pennsylvania (PY T2692) Joint State Government Commission (PGA 88) [Various Committees, PGA 88/#] Joint State Government Commission Advisory Panel (PGA 88/23) Joseph T. Rothrock Memorial Commission (PY R846) Judicial Reform Commission (PY J92) Judiciary (PJU) Justice (PJ) Juvenile Court Judges' Commission (PGV 84/11/9) (PJ 120)


Kutztown University (PY H637/6/9) (PE 210/6/9)


Labor and Industry (PL) Labor and Industry Library (PL 136) Labor Relations Board (PL 132) Labor Relations Bureau (PGV 164/13) Labor Standards Bureau (PL 132/8) Labor Statistics and Agriculture Bureau (PL 209) Laboratories Bureau (PER 137) Laboratories Bureau (PHE 132) Lake Erie and Ohio River Canal Board (PY L192) Land Protection and Reclamation Bureau (PER 138) Land Records Bureau (PCA 132) (PIA 132) Landscape Development Bureau (PTR 132) Laurelton State Village (PPW 145/13) Law Library Bureau [Law Section] (PE 136/4) Legal Bureau (PTR 134) Legislative Budget and Finance Committee (PGA 1.27:CT B927) Legislative Data Processing Center (PGA 133) Legislative Office for Research Liaison [LORL] (PGA 135) Legislative Reference Bureau (PGA 134) Legislative Services Office (PE 134) Legislative-Executive Task Force on Reorganization Corrections (PY R4243/4) Library Development Bureau (PE 136/5) Library Development Division (PE 136/5) Library Services Division (PE 136/8) Licensure and Certification Division (PHE 136)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 241 2020 Liquid Fuel Tax Bureau (PR 136) Liquor Control Board (PY L767) Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Enforcement (PY L767/6) Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Licensing (PY L767/13) Liquor Control Board. Bureau of Personnel (PY L767/17) Liquor Control Board. Office of Comptroller (PY L767/4) Local Government Commission(PGA 138) Local Government Financial Statistics Division (PIA 138) Local Government Services Bureau (PCA 138) Lock Haven University (PY H637/7) (PE 210/7) LORL [Legislative Office for Research Liaison] (PGA 135) Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission (PY L888) LTAP (PY R9483.21)


Maintenance Bureau (PTR 140) Management and Administration Bureau (PCO 142) Management Information Systems Bureau (PGV 164/14) Management Planning Division (PJ 142) Management Services Bureau (PCA 142) Management Services Bureau (PE 142) Management Services Bureau (PGV 164/15) Manpower Coordination Office (PGV 164/14/4) Manpower Office (PGV 164/14/2) Mansfield University (PY H637/7/2) (PE 210/7/2) Marketing Bureau (PA 142) Mass Transit Systems Bureau (PTR 141) Materials, Research and Planning Bureau (PTR 142) Materials, Testing and Research Bureau (PHI 142) Maternal and Child Health Division (PHE 142*) Meade Memorial Commission (PY M481) Mediation Bureau (PL 144) Medical Assistance Office (PPW 134/2) Medical Council of Pennsylvania (PY M489) Medical Services and Facilities Office (PPW 144) Medicare Office (PHE 144) Mental Health Laws Task Force (PGA 88/145) Mental Health Office (PPW 145) Mental Health/Mental Retardation Advisory Committee, State (PPW 147) Mental Retardation Office (PPW 1457) Methods Systems Department (PY R382/14)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 242 2020

Military Affairs (PMA) Military and Civil Defense Committee (PY D3136) Military and Veterans Affairs (PMV) Milk Marketing Board (PY M6443) Millersville University(PY H637/7/6) (PE 210/7/6) Milrite Council (PY M661) Mineral and Forest Land Taxation Commission (PY M664) Minerals Division (PFW 146) Mines and Mineral Industries (PMI) Mines Division (PER 146) Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board (PEP 140) Mining and Reclamation Bureau (PER 146) Minor Judiciary Education Board (PJU 146) Minority Business Development Authority (PCE 146) (PCO 146/3/2) Minority Business Development Office (PCO 146/3) Minority Business Enterprise Office (PCO 146/4) Model and Partner Cities Office (PCA 148) Motor License Funds Bureau (PR 48) Motor Vehicles and Licensing Bureau (PTR 148) Multimodal Transportation (PTR 150) Municipal Affairs Bureau (PIA 149) Municipal Information Center (PCA 149) Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission (PSP 149) Municipal Retirement Board (PY M9661) Municipal Services Bureau (PTR 149)


Nanticoke State General Hospital (PPW 98/15) Narcotics Investigations Bureau (PAT 152) National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (PY L4257) National Conference on Uniform Divorce Laws (PY D6187) Navigation Commission for the Delaware River and its Tributaries (PY N325) Negro Research and Planning Division (PL 154) New Western Penitentiary, Rockview (PJ 48/7) Norristown State Hospital (PPW 145/7) Nonpublic and Private School Services Division (PE 158) Nursing Home Loan Agency (PCO 159) Nutrition Division (PHE 159)


Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 243 2020 Oakbourne Epileptic Hospital and Colony Farm (PPW 144/8) Occupational Health Division (PER 163) Occupational Health Division (PHE 163) Office for the Aging (PPW 25) Office for the Blind (PPW 37) Office of Child Development and Early Learning (PE 45) Office of Consumer Advocate (PY C7589) Office of Consumer Liaison (PI 48) Office of Financial Education (PB 76) Office of Health Care Reform (PGV 92) Office for Information Technology. (PGV 164/11) Office of International Business Development (PCE 107) Office of Manpower (PGV 164/14/2) Office of Medicare (PHE 144) Office of Planning (PTR 177) Office of Policy and Communications (Environmental Protection) (PEP 176) Office of Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance. (PEP 178) Office of Public Health Preparedness (PHE 180) Office Services Bureau (PTR 167) Office of the Environmental Advocate (PEP 27) Office of the State Fire Commissioner (PY E53/4) Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (PAG 138) Office of Travel, Tourism and Film Promotion (PCE 218) Office of Wild Resource Conservation (PCN 246) Ohio River Basin Commission (PY O37) Ohio River Valley Sanitation Commission (YO 36) Oil and Gas Division (PMI 166) Oil and Gas Management Bureau (PER 1637) Old Age Assistance Commission (PY O 44) Old Age Pensions Commission (PY O 44/8) One Hundredth Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Commission (PY G3948) Operations Division (PCR 168)


Panel on Rural Poverty (PY R9482) Parks Bureau (PFW 172) Parole Board (PY P257) Parole Commission (PY P257/3) Patrol Bureau (PSP 172) PDE Resource Center (PE 136/6)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 244 2020

Penal Commission (PY P397) Penn Landing Commission (PY P4123) Pennhurst State School (PPW 145/8) Pennsylvania Adult Basic and Literacy Education Interagency Coordinating Council (PE 32/2/10) Pennsylvania Agricultural Statistics Service [PASS] (PA 48.3/1) Pennsylvania Association of Councils of Trustees (PY T873) Pennsylvania and New York Joint Boundary Commission (PY B765) Pennsylvania Business Tax Reform Commission (PY B9798) Pennsylvania Capitol Police (PGS 178) Pennsylvania Civil War 150 (PY C5824) Pennsylvania Commission on Charitable Organizations (PS 45) (PY C4732) Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PY C9297) Pennsylvania Conference on Education (PY E24/88) Pennsylvania Conservation Corps (PER 49) Pennsylvania Crime Victims Compensation Board (PGV 84/4/9) Pennsylvania Economic Development Partnerships (PY E1895) Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PY E53) Pennsylvania Energy Development Agency [Authority] (PCO 67) Pennsylvania Energy Office (PY E563) Pennsylvania Environmental Assistance Network (PEP 28) Pennsylvania Film Bureau (PCO 75) Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Commission (PCN 195) (1998- ) Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Advisory Committee (PCN 195) Pennsylvania Health Council, Inc. (PY H434/5) Pennsylvania Health Council (PY H434) Pennsylvania Heritage Affairs Commission (PY H548) Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, Philadelphia (PPW 145/83) Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PCO 107/2, PCE 107/2) Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. (PPW 37/5) Pennsylvania Justice Network (PGV 164/11/9) Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority (PCO 146/3/2) Pennsylvania National Guard Associations (PMV 152) Pennsylvania Nursing Home Loan Agency (PCO 159) Pennsylvania Public Service Commission. (PY P9768) Pennsylvania Rural Development Council (PY R947) Pennsylvania Senior Environment Corps (PEP 204) Pennsylvania State Data Center (PY P41) (YP 41) Pennsylvania State Council on Year-Round Education (PE 263) Pennsylvania State Employment and Training Council (PL 62) Pennsylvania State Railroad Commission (PY P9768) Pennsylvania Statewide Health Coordinating Council (PHE 208/9) Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PCO 174) Pennsylvania Trails Program (PER 219)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 245 2020 Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board (PY W926) Pennsylvania Working Home for Blind Men (PPW 37/8) PENNTAP (PCO 174) Pennypacker Memorial Commission (PY P416) Personal Income Tax Bureau (PR 174) Personnel Bureau (PE 174) Personnel Bureau (PGV 164) Personnel Bureau (PHE 174) Personnel Bureau (PR 174/7) Personnel Management and Staff Division (PCR 174) Personnel Services Office(PPW 174) Pharmaceutical Assistance Bureau (PAG 175) Philadelphia House of Refuge (PPW 45/8) Philadelphia Mental Health Survey Committee (PY P544) Philadelphia Municipal Court (PJU 175) Philipsburg State Hospital (PPW 175) Physical Plant and Construction Division (PE 175) Physical Therapy Division (PHE 175) Pittsburgh House of Refuge (PPW 45/82) Planning and Education Statistics Bureau (PE 177/8) Planning and Evaluation Bureau (PE 177) Planning and Research Office (PER 177) Planning and Research Office (PA 176) Planning Bureau (PCA 177) Planning Bureau (PHE 176) Planning Division (PHI 177) Planning Office (PTR 177) Plans and Preparedness Office (PY E53/7) Plant Industry Bureau (PA 177) Police and Fire Audits Bureau (PAU 77) Policy and Planning Office (PHE 177) Policy and Planning Secretariat (PGV 164/17/2) Policy Development Office (PCA 178/3) Policy Development Office (PGV 164/17/2) Policy, Evaluation, and Analysis Office (PR 178) Policy Planning and Evaluation Bureau (PHE 177) Policy Planning and Evaluation Office (PPW 178/8) Policy Planning and Information Bureau (PCA 178) Policy, Planning and Monitoring Bureau (PAG 178) Poor Law Commission (PY P823) Post-War Planning Commission (PY P7123) PPBS Project Office (PGV 164/16) Press and Communications Office (PE 177/8/4)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 246 2020

Press and Legislative Affairs Office (PTR 178) Prevailing Wage Division (PL 242) Private Schools and Veterans Education Bureau (PE 178) Probation and Parole Board (PY P257) Procurement Systems and Procedures Division (PP 178) Professional and Occupational Affairs Bureau (PS 178) Professional Education Division (PHE 177/8) Professional Licensing Bureau (PPI 178) Professional Standards and Practice Commission (PY P178) Program and Management Bureau (PGV 164/17/3) Program Division (PCR 178) Program Evaluation Bureau (PHE 178) Program Planning and Development Office (PCO 178) Program Planning and Development Office (PER 178) Programs to Advance Veterans Education/PAVE (PE 178/9) Property and Supplies (PP) Public Assistance and Relief (PY A848) Public Assistance Office (PPW 28) Public Education Office (PPW 179) Public Employee Retirement Study Commission (PY P976) Public Health Education Division (PHE 179/4) Public Health Nursing Division (PHE 179/7) Public Information Division (PA 179) Public Information Office (PER 179) Public Information Office (PR 179) Public Information Office (PTR 179) Public Instruction (PPI) Public Liaison Office (PER 179) Public Records Division (PY H673/17) Public School Employees' Retirement Board and System (PY R4381) (PPI 203) Public School Employees' Retirement System (PY P179) Public Service Commission. (PY P9768) Public Service Institute (PE 179/6) Public Television Network Commission (PY T269/7) Public Transit and Goods Movement Systems Bureau (PTR 179/9/5) Public Utility Commission (PY P9768) Public Utility Commission. Bureau of Engineering (PY P9768/4) Public Utility Commission. Bureau of Rates and Research (PY P9768/8) Public Welfare (PPW) Publications Bureau (PP 17) Publications and Paper Work Management Bureau (PGS 179) Publicity and Information Bureau (PIA 179) Pupil Personnel Services Bureau (PE 179) Purchases Bureau (PP 179)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 247 2020


Quality Assurance Office (PHE 189) Quarantine Board (PY Q1) Quartermaster General's Office (PMA 189)


Radiation Protection Bureau (PER 192) Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania (PY H673//19) Railways Bureau (PIA 192) Recreation and Conservation Bureau (PCA 193) Rehabilitation Bureau (PL 93) Retreat Mental Hospital (PPW 145/87) Research and Development Bureau (PSP 194) Research and Statistics Bureau (PL 194) Research and Statistics Division (PPW 194) Research and Statistics Division (PR 194) Research and Training-Mental Health Bureau (PPW 1943) Research Bureau (PCA 194) Research Bureau (PPI 194) Resources Management Office (PER 194) Revenue (PR) Revenue Commission (PY R451) Right of Way Bureau (PTR 196)(PHI 196) Roadside Environmental Division (PTR 198) Rural Affairs and Marketing Services Bureau (PA 199)


Safety Programming and Analysis Bureau (PTR 202) Salary Survey Commission (PY S161) Salisbury Memorial Commission (PY S167) Sanitary Engineering Bureau (PER 202) Sanitary Engineering Division (PHE 202) Sanitary Water Board (PHE 242) Sanitation Division (PHE 202/2) School Administrative Services Bureau (PE 203/2) School Business Services Bureau (PPI 203/2)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 248 2020

School Equity Division (PE 68) School Commission (PY S372) School Construction Bureau (PE 203/3) School District Organizations Bureau (PPI 203/3) School for Veterans' Children, Scotland (PE 211/8) School Improvement Bureau (PE 203/6) School Library Media Services Division (PE 136/6) School Libraries Division (PE 84/7) Scenic Rivers Division (PER 203) Science and Technology Office (PCO 203) Secretary of the Commonwealth (PS 204) Securities Commission (PY S446) Senate (PGA 204) Senate Library (PGA 204/7) SERS (PY R438) Sesqui-centennial Commission (PY S493) Shiloh Battlefield Commission (PY S556) Shippensburg University (PY H637/8) (PE 210/8) Slippery Rock University (PY H637/8/7) (PE 210/8/7) Small Business Actions Center (PCO 206/9) Snowmobile Unit (PER 207) Social Programs Office (PPW 203) Social Security for Public Employees Bureau (PL 208) Social Services Office (PPW 207/8) Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (PER 207/8) Soldiers Orphan Schools (PY S684) Soldiers and Sailors Home, Erie (PY S6844) Solid Waste Management Bureau (PER 207/9) Solid Waste Management Division, Land Protection and Reclamation Bureau (PER 138/20) Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (PY S727) Space and Facilities Management Bureau (PP 207) Special Education Bureau (PE 208) Special Services Division (PCR 207) Special Services for Pupils Bureau (PPI 179) Special Services Division of Social Work (PHE 207/8) Special Urban and Rural Programs (PCA 228) Staff Services Bureau (PE 209) Standard Weights and Measures Bureau (PA 244) Standards Bureau (PIA 207) Standards Bureau (PP 208) State (PS) State Advisory Committee on Aging (PPW 25/2) State Advisory Council for Vocational Educational (PY E24/9)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 249 2020 State Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation (PL 266) State and Federal Economic Aid Bureau (PCO 207) State and Federal Programs Bureau (PE 74) State and Federal Relations Office (PE 74/8) State and Local Welfare Commission (PPW 208) State and Local Welfare Commission. Southeastern Region (PPW 208/4) State Asylum for Chronic Insane, South Mountain (PPW 145/88) State Board for Vocational Education (PY E24/93) State Board of Accountancy (PS 178/1) State Board of Examiners of Architects. (PS 178/2) State Board of Auctioneers (PS 178/2/9) State Board of Barber Examiners (PS 178/3) State Board of Censors (PY C396) State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (PS 178/4) State Board of Cosmetology (PS 178/4/8) (PPI 178/3) State Board of Education (PY E24/92) State Board of Examiners of Architects (PS 178/2) State Board of Examiners of Public Accountants (PS 178/17/9) State Board of Examiners of Architects (PPI 178/2) State Board of Funeral Directors (PS 178/7) State Board of Housing (PHE 98) State Board of Landscape Architects (PS 178/13) State Board of Law Examiners (PY L4252) State Board of Medical Education and Licensure (PS 178/14) (PPI 178/7) State Board of Motor Vehicle Salesmen (PS 178/14/8) State Board of Nurse Examiners (PS 178/15) (PPI 178/6) State Board of Nursing Home Administrators (PS 178/15/5) State Board of Occupational Therapist Examiners (PS 178/15/9) State Board of Optometrical Examiners (PS 178/16) (PPI 178/8) State Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (PS 178/16/80) State Board of Pharmacy Examiners (PS 178/17) State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners (PS 178/17/5) State Board of Podiatry Examiners (PS 178/17/8) State Board of Private Correspondence Schools (PE 178/3) State Board of Private Schools (PE 178/2) State Board of Private Licensed Schools (PE 178/2) State Board of Private Trade Schools (PE 178/8) State Board of Psychologist Examiners (PS 178/17/8/9) State Board of Public Welfare (PY P977) State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons (PS 178/22) State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (PS 178/23) State Building Code Commission(PY B932) State Civil Service Commission (PY C5823)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 250 2020

State College and University Directors (PE 210) State Commission on Academic Facilities (PY A168) State Committee on Unemployment Reserves (PY U568) State Conservation Commission [Conservation Corps] (PER 49) State Conservation Commission. (PY S683) State Conservation Needs Inventory Committee (PY C755) State Correctional Institutions [SCI] (PCR 208) SCI Camp Hill (PCR 208/3) SCI Dallas (PCR 208/3/2) SCI Graterford (PCR 208/5) SCI Huntingdon (PCR 208/5/9) SCI Muncy (PCR 208/7) SCI Pittsburgh (PCR 208/8) SCI Rockview (PCR 208/8/8) SCI Waynesburg (PCR 208/9) State Council of Civil Defense (PY D3133) State Council of Defense (PY D313) State Council of Defense Advisory Committee on Consumer Interest (PY D313/4) State Data Center (PY P41) (YP 41) State Dental Council and Examining Board (PS 178/5) State Dependents' Commission (PY D419) State Emergency Relief Board (PY R382) State Emergency Relief Board. Allegheny County (PY R382/2) State Emergency Relief Board. Distribution Department (PY R382/5) State Emergency Relief Board. Division of Research and Statistics (PY R382/19) State Employees Credit Union (PY C912) State Employees' Retirement Board (PY R438) State Employees' Retirement System (PY R438) State Employment Commission (PL 67/3) State Employment Service (PL 67/8) State Ethics Commission (PY E68) State Fair Commission (PY F163) State Farm Products Show Commission (PA 208/4) State Forest Management Division (PFW 208) State Government Survey Committee (PY G721) State Harness Racing Commission (PA 92) State Health Coordinating Council (PHE 208/9) State Health Data Center (PHE 94) State Health Facility Hearing Board (PGV 94) State Health Planning and Development Agency (PY H4349) State Highway and Bridge Authority (PTR 96) (PY H6385) State Horse Racing Commission (PA 98) (PY H817) State Hospital, Ashland (PPW 28/5) State Hospital, Harrisburg (PPW 145/5)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 251 2020 State Hospital, Norristown (PPW 145/7) State Hospital, Philipsburg (PPW 175) State Hospital, Warren (PPW 145/9) State Hospital, Wernersville (PPW 145/92) State Hospital for the Insane, Danville(PPW145/3) State Hospital for Northern Anthracite Coal Region, Scranton, PA (PPW 208/7) State Institution for the Feeble Minded Children (PPW 145/82) State Job Training Coordinating Council (PL 118/8) State Library (PE 136) State Library. Division of School Library Media Services (PE 136/6) State Library. Division of Library Services (PE 136/8) State Library. General Library Bureau (PE 136/8) State Library. Law Section (PE 136/4) State Library. Newspaper Section (PE 136/7) State Library. Visual Aids Section (PE 136/9) State Live Stock Sanitary Board (PY L784) State Lotteries Bureau (PR 138) State Mental Health/Mental Retardation Advisory Committee (PPW 147) State Navigation Commission for the Bay and River Delaware (PS 178/14/9) State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (PL 163) State Oral School for the Deaf, Scranton (PE 211/33) State Park and Harbor Commission at Erie (PFW 174) State Parks Bureau (PER 208) (PFW 172/3) State Pharmaceutical Examining Board (PS 178/17) (PY P536) State Pharmacy Laboratory (PPI 178/85) State Planning and Development Office: see Policy and Planning Secretariat State Planning Board (PY P712) State Police (PSP) State Public School Building Authority (PY S3723) State Publicity Commission (PY P9769) State Railroad Commission (PY P9768) State Real Estate Commission (PS 178/19) (PPI 178/89) State Registration Board for Professional Engineers (PPI 178/88) State Registration Board of Professional Engineers (PS 178/6) State Regional Correctional Facilities [SRCF] (PCR 209) SRCF Greensburg (PCR 209/5) SRCF Mercer (PCR 209/7) State School for the Deaf, Scranton (PE 211/33) State Soil and Water Conservation Commission (PY S683) State Soil Conservation Board (PY S683) State Soil Conservation Commission (PY S683) State System of Higher Education (PY H637) State Tax Equalization Board (PY T2354)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 252 2020

State Temporary Commission on the Conditions of the Urban Colored Population (PY C719) State Transportation Advisory Committee (PTR 219) State Transportation Advisory Committee (PY T7122) State Transportation Commission (PTR 219/3) State Veteran's Commission (PMA 234) State Workmen's Insurance Fund (PL248/6) State-owned Schools (PE 211) Statewide Health Coordinating Council (PY H4349) Statistics Bureau (PIA 208) Statistics Bureau (PPI 208) Statistics Research and Planning Bureau (PCO 208) Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding (PY P9767) Superior Court (PJU 209) Supreme Court (PJU 210) Surgeon-General's Office (PMA 209) Susquehanna River Basin Commission (YS 9642) (PY S9642) Systems Analysis Bureau (PGV 164/20)


Tank Collapse Task Force (PY T165) Task Force on Elderly Crime Prevention (PY E37) Tax Advisory Committee (PY T2352) Tax Commission (PY T235) Tax Law Revision Commission (PY T2357) Tax Policy Advisory Committee (PY T23578) Tax Study Committee (PY T2358) Taxes for Education Bureau (PR 202) Taxpayer Information Program [TIP] (PAU 212) Teacher Education Bureau (PE 214) Teacher Education Bureau (PPI 214) Teacher Preparation and Certification Bureau (PE 213) Team Pennsylvania Career Link (PL 214) Technical Reference Center (PTR 214) Technical Services Bureau (PSP 214) Technological Development Bureau (PCO 214) Temporary Commission on the Conditions of the Urban Colored Population (PY C719) Thaddeus Stevens School of Technology (PE 211/9 & PE 211/9/8) TIP [Taxpayer Information Program] (PAU 212) Three-hundredth Anniversary Commission (PY T531) Toll Road Commission (PY T651)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 253 2020 Topographic and Geologic Survey (PER 218) (PY G345) Topographic and Geological Survey Commission, 3rd (PY G345/3) Topographic and Geological Survey Commission, 4th (PY G345/4) Township Law Revision Commission (PY T754) Traffic Division (PHI 217) Traffic Engineering Bureau (PTR 217) (PHI 218) Traffic Safety Bureau (PTR 218) Training and Education Bureau (PSP 218) Training Information and Education Office (PY E53/8) Training School for Feeble Minded, Elwyn (PPW 145/4) Transportation (PTR) Transportation Assistance Authority (PY T7721) Travel Development Bureau (PCO 218) Travel Marketing Division (PCO 218) Treasurer (PT) Tuberculosis Control Division (PHE 212) Tuition Account Program (PT 219) Turnpike Commission (PY T956) Turnpike Joint Safety Research Group (PY T956/8)


U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Pa. State Advisory Committee (PY C5822) U.S. Selective Service System. Pennsylvania (PY S464) Unemployment Compensation Board of Review (PL 227)


Vaccination Commission (PY V116) Valley Forge Park Commission(PFW 232) Veteran Education Division (PE 178) Victory Garden Committee (PY D313/23) Vietnam Herbicides Information Commission (PHE 235) Vital Statistics Bureau (PHE 236) Vocational Education Bureau (PE 238) (PPI 238) Vocational Rehabilitation Office (PL 238) Vocational, Technical and Continuing Education Bureau (PE 238)


Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 254 2020

War History Commission (PY W253) Warren General Hospital (PPW 98/9) Warren State Hospital (PPW 145/9) Washington Crossing Park Commission (PY W319) Waste Management Bureau (PER 241) Water and Power Resources Board (PFW 242) Water Development Coordinating Committee for Appalachia (PY W3243) Water Quality Management Bureau (PER 242) Water Projects Bureau (PER 2428) Water Resources Committee (PY W3247) Water Resources Coordinating Committee (PY W3245) Water Resources Management Bureau (PER 2429) Water Supply Commission (PY W3248) Waterways Bureau (PY F532/9) Wayne Monument Commission (PY W359) Weather Modification Board (PA 243) Wernersville State Hospital (PPW 145/92) West Chester University (PY H637/9) (PE 210/9) Western Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, Dixmont (PPW 145/3/6) Western Pennsylvania School for the Blind (PPW 37/6) Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (PE 211/3) Western State Penitentiary (PJ 48/8) Western State School and Hospital, Greensburg (PPW 145/2) Wheeling Creek Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention District Compact (YW 561) White Haven State School and Hospital (PPW 145/95) WIC [Food Programs for Women, Infants and Children Bureau] (PHE 248) Wild Resource Conservation Fund (PY W668) Women and Children Bureau (PL 247) Woodhaven Center, Philadelphia (PPW 145/98) Workers' Compensation Bureau (PL 248)


Year of the Forest Committee (PY F716) Youth Advisory Council (PGV 164/26)

Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 255 2020 Corrections Form

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Revised Classification Scheme for Pennsylvania Documents 256 2020