TURKEY IN STATISTICS 2002 STATE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY State institute of Statistics. Prime Ministry reserves an the rignts OR this publication. Unauthorised duplication or distribution of this publica tion is prohibited under Law No: 5846. ISSN 1300 - 431X Publication Number 2780 ISBN 975 - 19 - 3372 - 2 RELATED DIVISIONS For publication order(*) Revolving Fund + (312) 425 34 23 + (312) 417 58 86 Administration + (312) 417 64 40/319 - 323 For requests of statistical data and information Publications, +(312)418 50 27 +(312) 417 04 32 Communications and + (312) 417 64 40/213 - 244 + (312) 425 68 41 Public Relations Division (*) Domestic General Budgeted State Institutions, National Statistical Institutions and International Organizations should apply officially to Publications. Communications and Public Relations Division to obtain publications without pay ing dissemination and/or production costs. T.C. Başbakanlık E-mail :
[email protected] Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Internet: http://www.die.gov.tr Necatibey Cad. No: 114 06100 ANKARA / TÜRKİYE State Institute of Statistics, Printing Division - Ankara, July 2003 MTB: 2003 - 1019 - 250 Adet FOREWORD In the information age. we are all becoming increasingly dependent on timely, fast, and reliable sources of information. The need for social, economic, and cultural information is constantly increasing, in response to this need, the State Institute of Statistics (SIS) decided to issue an easy-to-use handbook to provide interested readers and researchers with the essential statistics on Turkey "at a glance format in a time perspective. This handbook presents an overview of the physical, social, and cultural characteristics of Turkey. Most of the statistical data in the handbook originate from specialized SIS publications and other public and private sector sources.